sistema universitario ana g 410 dlp... · fernando wilches, ms ... en los dos idiomas, el...

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, Inc. School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, and Universidad del Turabo OTEM 410 FINAL PROJECT (Web Design) PROYECTO FINAL (Diseño de Páginas Web) © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, Inc. 2013 Derechos Reservados © Ana G. Méndez University System, Inc. 2013 All rights reserved February, 2013.

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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mndez, Inc.

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, and Universidad del Turabo

OTEM 410


PROYECTO FINAL (Diseo de Pginas Web)

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mndez, Inc. 2013

Derechos Reservados

Ana G. Mndez University System, Inc. 2013

All rights reserved

February, 2013.

Final Project 2

Updated 02/26/2013

Please include all applicable information below:

Prepared based on the course syllabus (2004) of the School of Professional Studies, with

the collaboration of:

Fernando Wilches, MS - Module Development Specialist

Loydaliz Calvo, MS Content Evaluator

Fidel Tvara, English Language Specialist

Brbaro Forteza Cceres, Spanish Language Specialist, Ms.

Diane Durn-Scollo, Curriculum and Instructional Designer

Final Project 3

Updated 02/26/2013



GUA DE ESTUDIO..................................................................................................................... 4

STUDY GUIDE ........................................................................................................................... 16

TALLER UNO ............................................................................................................................ 27

WORKSHOP TWO .................................................................................................................... 33

TALLER TRES ........................................................................................................................... 39

WORKSHOP FOUR .................................................................................................................. 45

TALLER CINCO/WORKSHOP FIVE .................................................................................... 51


RUBRICS ............................................................................................................................... 59

ANEJO B/APPENDIX B 6-TRAITS WRITING RUBRIC .................................................... 64



PRESENTACIONES ORALES ................................................................................................ 72


ESCRITO DEL PROYECTO COLABORATIVO ................................................................. 73

Final Project 4

Updated 02/26/2013


Ttulo del Curso: Proyecto Final (Diseo de Pginas Web)

Codificacin: OTEM 410

Crditos: Tres

Duracin: 5 Semanas

Prerrequisito: Ninguno


El curso provee a los estudiantes un escenario simulado de trabajo donde realizarn las

tareas propias de un empleado que disee documentos para publicarlos en la Internet.

Aplicarn las tcnicas y principios adquiridos en cursos previos. Se trabajarn proyectos

y casos individualmente y en un ambiente colaborativo.

Objetivos de Contenido Generales

Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante sear capaz de:

1. Preparar proyectos que requieran aplicar las destrezas de pensamiento crtico

reforzando los conceptos y destrezas aprendidas.

2. Presentar los proyectos colaborativos.

3. Aplicar una variedad de tcnicas y destrezas en la produccin de pginas para ser

publicadas en la Internet.

4. Establecer prioridades, planificar el trabajo, analizar y resolver situaciones, tan

necesarias para el mercado de empleo en reas de desarrollo de pginas Web.

5. Aplicar las tcnicas esenciales de diseo al planear, crear, publicar y mantener los

sitios con contenido textual, grfico o auditivo, con enlace a otras pginas en la


Final Project 5

Updated 02/26/2013

Objetivos de Lenguaje Generales

Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante ser capaz de:

a. Escuchar: Escucharn atentamente lo que el facilitador y compaeros presenten,

discutan o lean; comprendiendo y recordando lo ms significativo.

b. Hablar: Expresarn oralmente su opinin, dudas, presentaciones o comentarios

de forma clara y con seguridad.

c. Leer: Leern cuidadosamente material escrito, en voz alta o en silencio,

interpretando su significado con exactitud.

d. Escribir: Escribirn sin errores gramaticales, ensayos, frases, oraciones, y otros

documentos en MS Word, Power Point y otras herramientas para crear pginas

que seran publicadas en la Internet.

Final Project 6

Updated 02/26/2013

Descripcin del Proceso de Evaluacin:

Trabajos Individuales y Presentaciones Orales 100 puntos

Proyecto Grupal 100 puntos

Proyecto Individual 100 puntos

Materiales Educativos y Aportaciones Tecnolgicas

(Blackboard, Wimba, Prezi, etc.) y Portafolio

100 puntos

Participacin y Asistencia (5) 20 puntos (c/u) 100 puntos

Total Puntuacin 500 puntos

Requisitos del Laboratorio de Lenguaje o Laboratorio Electrnico:

(Tell Me More, Net Tutor, Wimba Voice, Biblioteca Virtual, y Voice E-mail)

Los estudiantes deben demostrar que ellos han cumplido con 10 horas de uso en el

laboratorio de lenguaje (ingls y espaol) por curso. Esto iguala al uso del laboratorio de

lenguaje por dos horas semanales para cada lenguaje por curso. El facilitador podra

requerir ms horas de prctica basada en las necesidades para las destrezas auditivas,

orales, de lectura y escritura en cualquiera de los lenguajes mencionados.

Las rbricas del lenguaje para escuchar, hablar, leer, y escribir se integran en el avalo de

los estudiantes. Ver Apndice A para las rbricas a usarse. Para evaluar trabajos escritos

en los dos idiomas, el facilitador deber usar el Writing Process: Six Writing Traits

Rubrics que aparecen en el Apndice B.

Final Project 7

Updated 02/26/2013


El Digital Performance Portfolio Assessment debe ser uno de los instrumentos para

evaluar el progreso lingstico y acadmico de los estudiantes. Debido a la naturaleza del

modelo bilinge instruccional, el facilitador debe documentar que el estudiante est

progresando hacia la meta de dominar dos idiomas acadmicamente. El portafolio debe

cumplir con los estndares establecidos. Los estudiantes debern descargar el Digital

Performance Portfolio Assessment Manual de la pgina electrnica del


Curva de Evaluacin

100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-00 F


Shelly, Gary B.; Cashman, Thomas J.; Kosteba, Linda A. 2006. Web Design:

Introductory Concepts and Techniques. Boston, MA: Thomson Course


Michael, A., & Salter, B. (2008). Marketing Through Search Optimization : How People

Search and How to Be Found on the Web. Taylor & Francis Routledge.

Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Estudiantes accedan por Biblioteca Virtual y llegan

a la pgina de Libros Electrnicos

Eccher, C. (2008). Professional web design: Techniques and templates (CSS &

XHTML). Boston, MA: Course Technology. (Disponible en Reserva LRC)

Final Project 8

Updated 02/26/2013

Libro(s) Electrnico(s)

Bojack, H. (2011). New perspectives on Microsoft Expression Web 3.0: Introductory.

Boston, Mass: Course Technology. Retrieved from:



Descripcin de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el modelo Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion

Model del Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mndez, Inc. el cual est diseado

para promover el desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilinge.

Cada taller ser facilitado en ingls y espaol, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto

significa que cada taller deber ser conducido enteramente en el lenguaje

especificado. Los lenguajes sern alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el

curso se ofrezca 50% en ingls y 50% en espaol. Para mantener un balance, el

mdulo debe especificar que se utilizarn ambos idiomas en el quinto taller,

dividiendo el tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Las

primeras dos horas son estrictamente en espaol y las ltimas dos en ingls.

Los cursos de idiomas deben ser desarrollados en el idioma correspondiente, en

ingls o en espaol, segn aplique.

Final Project 9

Updated 02/26/2013

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado y bilinge, esto requiere que los

estudiantes sean sumamente organizados, enfocados y que se preparen antes de

cada taller de acuerdo al mdulo. El estudiante debe hacer todo esfuerzo para

desarrollar las destrezas en los dos idiomas usando los recursos de lenguaje

disponibles dentro y fuera de la institucin. El convertirse en un profesional

bilinge es un proceso complejo y exigente. Cada taller requiere un promedio de

diez (10) horas de preparacin y en ocasiones requiere ms para poder tener xito

lingstico y acadmico.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al

taller deber presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador evaluar

si la ausencia es justificada y decidir como el estudiante repondr el trabajo

perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador puede elegir una de estas dos alternativas:

(a) permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o (b) asignarle trabajo adicional

adems del trabajo que el estudiante tenga que reponer.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes del taller deber ser entregada en la fecha

asignada. El facilitador ajustar la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a ms de un taller el facilitador tendr las

siguientes opciones:

a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducir la nota existente en un


b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducir la

nota existente en dos grados.

Final Project 10

Updated 02/26/2013

5. La asistencia y participacin en actividades de la clase y en presentaciones orales

es extremadamente importante pues stas no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante

provee una excusa vlida y verificable, el facilitador determinar una actividad

equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deber incluir el

mismo contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentacin oral o

actividad que requiera repuesta.

6. En actividades grupales, el grupo ser evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin embargo,

cada miembro de grupo deber participar y cooperar para lograr un trabajo de

excelencia. Los estudiantes tambin recibirn una calificacin individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autora de cada estudiante y no

plagiado. Se requiere que todo trabajo sometido al facilitador cumpla con las

reglas para citar apropiadamente o que est parafraseado y citado dando crdito al

autor. Todo estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que

sea plagiado, copiado o presente trazos del trabajo de otro estudiante o autor ser

calificado con cero. El servicio de SafeAssign TM

de Blackboard ser utilizado

por los facilitadores para verificar la autora de los trabajos escritos de los

estudiantes. Es responsabilidad del estudiante de leer la poltica de plagio de su

universidad. Si usted es estudiante de UT, deber leer la Seccin 11.1 del Manual

del Estudiante. Si es estudiante de UMET y UT, refirase al Captulo 13,

secciones 36 y 36.1 de los respectivos manuales.

Final Project 11

Updated 02/26/2013

Se espera un comportamiento tico en todas las actividades del curso. Esto

implica que TODOS los trabajos tienen que ser originales y que para toda

referencia utilizada deber indicarse la fuente, bien sea mediante citas o

bibliografa utilizando el estilo APA, versin 6. No se tolerar el plagio y, en caso

de que se detecte casos del mismo, el estudiante se expone a recibir cero en el

trabajo y a ser referido al Comit de Disciplina de la institucin. Los estudiantes

deben observar aquellas prcticas dirigidas para evitar incurrir en el plagio de

documentos y trabajos pues va en contra de la tica profesional.

8. Para el facilitador poder hacer cambios a las actividades del mdulo o gua de

estudio, deber ser aprobado por el Director de Facultad y Currculo antes de la

primera clase. Es requisito que el facilitador discuta y entregue una copia de los

cambios a los estudiantes al principio del primer taller.

9. El facilitador establecer los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo

su correo electrnico de SUAGM, telfonos, da y horario disponibles.

10. El uso de celulares est prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una

necesidad, deber permanecer en vibracin o en silencio.

11. La visita de nios y parientes no registrados en el curso no est permitida en el

saln de clases.

12. Todo estudiante est sujeto a las polticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen al SUAGM, al curso y a un adulto profesional.

Final Project 12

Updated 02/26/2013

Nota: Si por alguna razn no puede acceder las direcciones electrnicas ofrecidas en el

mdulo, notifique al facilitador pero no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de

bsqueda y sitios Web que podr utilizar para la bsqueda de la informacin deseada.

Algunas de stos son:

Para comprar o alquilar libros de texto o referencias nuevas o usadas puede visitar: (alquiler) (alquiler) (compra) (compra)

stos son slo algunas de las muchas compaas donde puede comprar o alquilar libros.

El facilitador puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrnicas y/o aadir otras de

ndole profesional y que contengan las investigaciones ms recientes del tpico del

mdulo, de ser necesario.

Final Project 13

Updated 02/26/2013


Si el facilitador o el estudiante requiriera o deseara llevar a cabo una investigacin

o la administracin de cuestionarios o entrevistas, stos debern referirse a las

normas y procedimientos de la Oficina de Cumplimiento y solicitar su autorizacin.

Para acceder a los formularios de la Oficina de Cumplimiento pueden visitar este

enlace: y seleccionar los formularios

que necesite. Adems de los formularios el estudiante/facilitador puede encontrar

las instrucciones para la certificacin de investigacin en lnea. Estas certificaciones

incluyen: Institutional Review Board (IRB), Health Information Portability and

Accountability Act (HIPAA), y Responsibility Conduct for Research Act (RCR).

De tener alguna duda, favor de comunicarse con las Coordinadoras Institucionales o a la

Oficina de Cumplimiento a los siguientes telfonos:

Sra. Evelyn Rivera Sobrado, Directora Oficina de Cumplimiento

Tel. (787) 751-0178 Ext. 7196

Srta. Carmen Crespo, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento UMET

Tel. (787) 766-1717 Ext. 6366

Sra. Josefina Melgar, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento Turabo

Tel. (787) 743-7979 Ext.4126

Dra. Rebecca Cherry, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento - UNE

Tel. (787) 257-7373 Ext. 3936

Final Project 14

Updated 02/26/2013

Filosofa y Metodologa Educativa

Este curso est basado en la filosofa educativa del Constructivismo. El Constructivismo

es una filosofa de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que, reflexionando a

travs de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio entendimiento sobre el

mundo en el que vivimos.

Cada uno de nosotros genera sus propias reglas y modelos mentales que utilizamos

para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es simplemente el

proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder entender nuevas experiencias.

Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el de mantener una conexin entre los hechos con

las experiencias y fomentar un nuevo entendimiento en los estudiantes. Tambin,

intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseanza a las respuestas de nuestros

estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar, predecir informacin y

aplicarla a la vida diaria.

Final Project 15

Updated 02/26/2013


1. El aprendizaje es una bsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe

comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estn buscando activamente

construir un significado.

2. Para construir un significado se requiere comprender todas las partes: globales y

especficas (from whole to parts). Ambas partes deben entenderse en el contexto

del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los conceptos primarios

en contexto y no en hechos aislados.

3. Para ensear bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes

utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar dichos


4. El propsito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio significado,

y no slo el de memorizar las respuestas correctas y repetir el significado de otra

persona. Como la educacin es intrnsecamente interdisciplinaria, la nica forma

vlida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer de la evaluacin parte esencial de dicho

proceso, asegurando que el mismo provea a los estudiantes con la informacin sobre

la calidad de su aprendizaje.

5. La evaluacin debe servir como una herramienta de auto-anlisis.

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las

mltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

Final Project 16

Updated 02/26/2013


Course Title: Final Project (Web Design)

Code: OTEM 410

Credits: Three

Time Length: 5 Weeks

Pre-requisite: None


The course provides students with a simulated scenario where they will work out the

tasks of an employee to design documents for publishing on the Internet. The students

apply principles and techniques acquired in previous courses. They will work on projects

and case studies individually and in a collaborative environment.

General Content Objectives

The student will be able to:

1. Prepare projects that require the application of critical thinking skills by reinforcing

the concepts and skills learned.

2. Present collaborative projects.

3. Apply a variety of techniques and skills in the production of web pages to be

published on the Internet.

4. Set priorities, plan work, analyze, and resolve situations so essential to the job market

in these areas.

5. Apply the essential designtechniq ues to plan, create, publish, and maintain sites with

textual content, graphic or auditory, with hyperlinks to other web pages.

Final Project 17

Updated 02/26/2013

General Language Objectives

The student will be able to:

1. Listening: Analyze course related information in formal discussions and take notes of

the most significant ideas.

2. Speaking: React to the presentation delivered by their peers.

3. Reading: Read a written text and material aloud or silently, interpret its meaning

accurately, assigned in class or before each workshop.

4. Writing: Write essays, phrases, sentences, and other documents in Word, PowerPoint,

and other tools to display on web pages to be published on the Internet.

Description of the Evaluation Process

Individual Works and Oral Presentations 100 points

Group Projects 100 points

Individual project 100 points

Instructional Materials and Technology Contribution

(Blackboard, Wimba, Prezi, etc.) and Porfolio

100 points

Participation and Attendance (5) 20 points (each one) 100 points

Total Points 500 points


100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-00 F

Final Project 18

Updated 02/26/2013

Rubrics are located in the section of appendixes of this module. Use the rubrics as a guide

to prepare your assignments. The facilitator and students may modify, add, and/or delete

some criteria.

E-Lab (Language Lab) Requirements (Tell Me More, Net Tutor, Wimba Voice,

Virtual Library, & Voice E-Mail.)

Students must demonstrate that they have complied with 10 hours of language lab or e-

lab usage for each language (English and Spanish) per course. This equates to the use of

the language lab or e-lab for two hours weekly for each language per course. The

facilitator may require a higher number of hours for language lab practice based on the

language needs for listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in either or both

languages. The total amount of language lab or e-lab hours is integrated in the

activities for each workshop in the module.


Each student must prepare a digital portfolio. Prior to the first workshop, the facilitator

should place the last edition of the official Digital Performance Portfolio Assessment

Manual. During the first workshop, the facilitator must discuss in detail the process and

expectations of the use of the digital portfolio to demonstrate linguistic and academic

progress to achieve the goal of becoming a dual language professional. Students will

download their own copy of the Digital Performance Portfolio Assessment Manual from

the webpage of SUAGM/Orlando.

Final Project 19

Updated 02/26/2013


Shelly, Gary B.; Cashman, Thomas J.; Kosteba, Linda A. 2006. Web Design:

Introductory Concepts and Techniques. Boston, MA: Thomson Course


Michael, A., & Salter, B. (2008). Marketing Through Search Optimization : How People

Search and How to Be Found on the Web. Taylor & Francis Routledge.

Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Estudiantes accedan por Biblioteca Virtual y llegan

a la pgina de Libros Electrnicos

Eccher, C. (2008). Professional web design: Techniques and templates (CSS &

XHTML). Boston, MA: Course Technology. (Disponible en Reserva LRC)

E-Book (s)

Bojack, H. (2011). New perspectives on Microsoft Expression Web 3.0: Introductory.

Boston, Mass: Course Technology. Retrieved from:



Walkenbach, J., Tyson, H., & Wempen, F. (2007). Office 2007 Bible. Hoboken: John

Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from: Biblioteca Virtual or

Final Project 20

Updated 02/26/2013

Description of Course Policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mndez, Inc. Discipline-

Based Dual Language Immersion Model designed to promote each students

development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in

either English or Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each

workshop will be conducted entirely in the language specified for the workshop. The

language used in each workshop needs to be alternated to insure that 50% of the

course is conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the

course module will indicate that both languages must be used during the fifth

workshop, dividing the workshop activities between the two languages. The first two

hours will be in Spanish and the last two hours in English. The 50/50 model does

not apply to language courses where the delivery of instruction must be conducted in

the language taught (Spanish or English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated and dual language format. This requires

that students prepare in advance for each workshop according to the course module.

Students must be structured, organized, committed, and focused to ensure linguistic

and academic success. In order to achieve proficiency expectations in English and in

Spanish, the student must strive to take advantage of all language resources in the

university and in their community since becoming a dual language professional is a

complex and challenging task. Each workshop requires an average of ten hours of

preparation, but could require more.

3. Attendance to all class sessions is mandatory. A student who is absent to a workshop

must present a reasonable excuse to the facilitator who in turn will evaluate the reason

Final Project 21

Updated 02/26/2013

for the absence. If it is justified, the facilitator will decide how the student will make

up the missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following: allow

the student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the work and assign

extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the

assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late

assignments and/or make-up work.

4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop, the facilitator will have the

following options:

a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade

level based on the students existing grade.

b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two

grade levels based on the students existing grade.

5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class activities

are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be made up. If the

student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may determine a

substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands that an equivalent activity is

possible. This activity must include the same content and language components as the

oral presentation or special activity that was missed.

6. In cooperative learning activities, the group will be assessed for their final work as a

group. However, each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the

group. Students will also receive an individual grade for their work.

Final Project 22

Updated 02/26/2013

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be

plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted

or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or

publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and

students should not risk losing credit for material that is clearly not their own.


, a Blackboard plagiarism deterrent service, will be used by the

facilitators to verify students ownership of written assignments. It is the

students responsibility to read the universitys plagiarism policy. If you are a UT

student, read Section 11.1 of the Student Manual, and if you belong to UMET or

UNE, refer to Chapter 13, Sections 36 and 36.1 of the respective manuals.

Ethical behavior is expected from the students in all course related activities. This

means that ALL papers submitted by the student must be original work, and that all

references used will be properly cited or mentioned in the bibliography. Plagiarism

will not be tolerated and, in case of detecting an incidence, the student will obtain a

zero in the assignment or activity and could be referred to the Discipline Committee.

8. In order for the Facilitator to make changes to activities and the study guide, the

Faculty and Curriculum Director must approve such changes before the first day of

class. The Facilitator must discuss the approved changes with students in the first

class workshop. A written copy of the changes must also be provided to students at

the beginning of the first workshop.

9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing the SUAGM

e-mail address, phone number, hours to be contacted, and days available.

Final Project 23

Updated 02/26/2013

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have one,

it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to

the classrooms.

12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior at the university

community established by the institution, and in this course.

Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URLs presented in the module, notify the

facilitator immediately but do not stop your investigation. There are many search engines

and other links you can use to search for information. These are some examples:

To buy or rent new or used textbooks or references you can visit: (rent) (rent) (buy) (buy)

Final Project 24

Updated 02/26/2013

The facilitator may make changes or add additional challenging, research-based, and

professional educational Web Resources, if deemed necessary to reflect current trends in

the course topics.


If the facilitator or the student is required, or wants to perform a research, or needs

to administer a questionnaire or an interview to individuals, he/she must comply

with the norms and procedures of the Institutional Review Board Office (IRB) and

ask for authorization. To access the forms from the IRB Office or for additional

information, visit the following link: and select the forms needed.

Furthermore, in this Web site the student/facilitator will find instructions for

several online certifications related to IRB processes. These certifications include:

IRB Institutional Review Board, Health Information Portability and Accountability

Act (HIPAA), and the Responsibility Conduct for Research Act (RCR).

If you have any questions, please contact the following institutional coordinators:

Mrs. Evelyn Rivera Sobrado, Director of IRB Office (PR)

Tel. (787) 751-0178 Ext. 7196

Miss. Carmen Crespo, IRB Institutional Coordinator UMET

Tel. (787) 766-1717 Ext. 6366

Sra. Josefina Melgar, IRB Institutional Coordinator Turabo

Tel. (787) 743-7979 Ext.4126

Rebecca Cherry, Ph.D., IRB Institutional Coordinator - UNE

Tel. (787) 257-7373 Ext. 3936

Final Project 25

Updated 02/26/2013

Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

The activities for the course reflect the educational philosophy of Constructivism.

Constructivism is an educational philosophy founded on the premise that, by reflecting

on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world in which we live.

Each of us generates our own rules and mental models, which we use to make sense

of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental

models to accommodate new experiences.

One of the main goals facilitators have is assisting students in making connections

between their prior knowledge of facts, and fostering new understanding that is relevant

to real live experiences. We will also attempt to tailor our teaching strategies to student

responses and encourage students to analyze, interpret, and predict information.


1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues

around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. The parts must be

understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses on

primary concepts, not isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to

perceive the world, and the assumptions they make to support those models.

4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not

just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning. Since

Final Project 26

Updated 02/26/2013

education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure learning is

to make assessment part of the learning process, thus ensuring that it provides

students with information on the quality of their learning.

5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple perspectives

of the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

Final Project 27

Updated 02/26/2013


Objetivos especficos de contenido

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Describir el vocabulario bsico relacionado con la publicacin de pginas (Web

Page, Website, pgina hogar o Home Page).

2. Analizar la importancia de la planificacin al crear pginas en la Internet.

3. Identificar las herramientas y asuntos relacionados con el diseo de pginas en la

Internet (Web Pages).

4. Enumerar las fases en el desarrollo de pginas a publicarse en la Internet.

Objetivos especficos de lenguaje

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Escuchar: Escuchar cuidadosamente el material discutido por el facilitador y sus

compaeros, y reaccionar al mismo de forma verbal o escrita de acuerdo a las

instrucciones del facilitador.

2. Hablar: Expresarse verbalmente utilizando el vocabulario tcnico

correspondiente a cada actividad del taller.

3. Leer: Leer cuidadosamente el material necesario para adelantar las asignaciones

antes del taller.

4. Escribir: Escribir un ensayo expositivo de una pgina (300 palabras) donde

explicar la importancia que en la actualidad se le da al Diseo de pginas Web.

Final Project 28

Updated 02/26/2013

Enlaces electrnicos:

Biblioteca Virtual

Ensayo Expositivo

Qu es una pgina hogar?

Consideraciones a tener en cuenta a la hora de disear una pgina Web.

Introduccin al diseo Web.

Caractersticas especiales de la publicacin Web.

Principios bsicos para el diseo de pginas Web.

Diseo Web. Problemas generales.

Herramientas para profesionales del diseo Web


Web Style Guide

Web Design Workflow and Process Comparison

Final Project 29

Updated 02/26/2013

Asignaciones antes del taller:

1. Lea el mdulo con detenimiento. Familiarcese con la descripcin del curso, los

objetivos generales y las reglas del saln de clases.

2. Revise las matrices de valoracin que encontrar en la seccin de Apndices. Esto le

permitir tener una mejor una idea de cmo ser evaluado durante el curso.

3. Lea la informacin que aparece en los enlaces sugeridos arriba. En su libreta, anote

la informacin que encuentre sobre los siguientes conceptos: Web Page, Web Site,

Home Page, diseo de pginas en la Internet y cualquier otro trmino que a base de

las lecturas realizadas quiera discutir en clases.

4. Realice una bsqueda en la Internet sobre plantillas gratis disponibles para crear

pginas en la Internet (los usar en todo el curso). Prepare una lista con los enlaces y

entrguela a su facilitador/a. Si es posible, saque copias para compartirla con sus

compaeros/as y venga preparado/a a compartir sus hallazgos.

5. Busque informacin sobre la planificacin de la pgina Web, lala y escriba un

ensayo expositivo de una pgina (300 palabras) donde explique la importancia del

Diseo de pginas Web en la actualidad

6. Piense en algn inters personal que le gustara desarrollar como pgina en la

Internet. Puede ser su entretenimiento favorito (hobby), msica, deportes, carros, u

otros. Prepare, preferiblemente en papel y con lpiz, un esquema o bosquejo

preliminar de lo que le gustara incluir en su pgina personal. Trigalo a la clase y

venga preparado/a para realizarle cambios, segn sea necesario y de acuerdo con la

discusin del grupo.

Vocabulario clave de la leccin:)

1. Pgina Web 2. Sitio Web 3. Plantillas 4. Pgina de Inicio

Lista de materiales suplementarios para el taller:

1. La Internet - Blackboard 2. Biblioteca Virtual 3. Word

Final Project 30

Updated 02/26/2013

Final Project 31

Updated 02/26/2013

Actividades integradas:

1. El facilitador realizar una actividad rompe hielo y discutir los objetivos del

curso, matrices valorativas y criterios de evaluacin.

2. El facilitador se asegurar que los estudiantes estn registrados en el curso y que

tienen acceso a Blackboard, al correo electrnico y al E-lab.

3. Los estudiantes se reunirn en grupos de acuerdo al tamao de la clase. Los

mismos discutirn las asignaciones antes del taller. Un miembro del grupo tomar

notas de lo ms importante relacionado al tema para luego compartirlas con la


4. Entre todos/as, se presentarn las definiciones del vocabulario bsico y cualquier

vocabulario que se quiera definir luego de haber ledo el material para la clase.

5. Cada estudiante compartir la informacin que encontr en los enlaces para

templates gratis, disponibles para crear pginas en la Internet.

6. Divididos en grupos, compartirn sus intereses personales. Cada estudiante

presentar su esquema a los integrantes del grupo. Entre todos/as, se harn

sugerencias unos a otros de los elementos que se pueden incluir en lo que ser el

primer proyecto (pgina personal) para publicar en la Internet.

7. Divididos en grupos, compartirn sus hallazgos sobre la importancia de la

planificacin de la pgina Web, antes de empezar a crearla. Redactarn un

ensayo sobre los aspectos ms importantes. Luego se leer el resumen al resto del

grupo. Los dems grupos marcarn aquellos puntos que tengan en su resumen, y

cuando les toque su turno de leer, solo leern aquellos aspectos que el grupo

anterior no mencion.

8. En grupos y a base de las lecturas realizadas, compartirn sus hallazgos sobre qu

herramientas son necesarias para disear pginas en la Internet (Web Pages).

9. En grupos, resumirn las etapas en el desarrollo de pginas a publicarse en la

Internet. Cada grupo presentar los puntos ms importantes de cada etapa.

Final Project 32

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10. Como parte del laboratorio, cada estudiante visitar los enlaces encontrados, los

estudiar y evaluar. Deber entrarlos como lugares favoritos para referencia

futura. Estdielos y seleccione aquellos que ms le gusten. Aproveche y

gurdelos. Es posible que los use durante todo el curso.

11. El facilitador contestar preguntas sobre las asignaciones para el prximo taller.

12. El facilitador hablar sobre el portafolio (refirase a Digital Performance

Portfolio Assessment Manual) y aclarar las dudas que los estudiantes puedan

tener al respecto.


1. Individual: Ensayo de 300 palabras. Utilizar Apndice B Six Writing Tratis

para evaluacin.

2. Grupal: En grupos, resumirn las etapas en el desarrollo de pginas a publicarse

en la Internet. Apndice A - : Can do Writing.

3. Escrito: Llene su diario reflexivo e imprmalo.

4. Oral/Auditivo: El facilitador usar la matriz de Valoracin (Apndice A

Listening, Speaking) para evaluar la presentacin del ensayo de los grupos.

Cierre del taller:

1. Individual: Los estudiantes tendrn un minuto para escribir lo que entienden

sobre lo ms importante que aprendieron durante el taller.

2. Grupal: La clase se dividir en grupos El facilitador entregar tarjetas ndices a

cada grupo. Cada grupo escribir en la tarjeta los pasos para disear una pgina

web y compartirn con el resto de la clase su resumen que puede ser un mapa


Final Project 33

Updated 02/26/2013


Specific Content Objectives

The student will be able to:

1. Brainstorm on how to create and publish web pages on the Internet.

2. List and explain the advantages of publishing pages on the Internet.

3. Use basic design principles for creating successful sites on the Internet and the

effects of balance in the elements of the page.

4. Describe the importance of contrast and focus on the page, the use of animation

and photos, apply attributes (paragraph formatting, color, etc.), and other

components of the page.

5. Describe the characteristics of the web pages to make them easier to read and

work with them

Specific Language Objectives

The student will be able to:

1. Listening: Students will carefully analyze the advantages of publishing pages.

2. Speaking: Student will effectively discuss the workshops material according to

the facilitator activities.

3. Reading: Students will summarize course related material.

4. Writing: Students will compose the draft of their individual projects using

technical vocabulary without grammatical or syntax errors.

Final Project 34

Updated 02/26/2013

Electronic Links (URLs) :.)

Biblioteca Virtual

Web Design Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and Techniques

Kaiser, Shirley. Deliver First class Web Sites: 101 Essential Checklists

Principios bsicos en el diseo de pginas Web

Principios bsicos de diseo para Web

Principios bsicos para el diseo de pginas Web

Atributos de las imgenes

Final Project 35

Updated 02/26/2013

Assignments before the Workshop:

1. Read the information on electronic address recommended above. Prepare a list of

benefits of publishing web pages and give suggestions for creating them.

2. Based on what you read, select two or three directions of web pages and write them

down in your notebook. In class and in pairs, visit these sites and analyze for the

purpose of sharing the findings.

3. Be ready to work on the individual project. Think of a topic that entices you:

a. Select your topic.

b. Find information on the subject in order to document and learn more about it.

c. Ask yourself if the subject is exciting and interesting. That is the key to have a

project full of enthusiasm.

d. Identify the elements that include (titles, links, etc.).

e. Identify resources (links to other pages) for different topics or subtopics of your


f. Sketch preliminary planning and bring it to a class.

4. Work on the individual Project that will be presented in Workshop Three. This is a

good opportunity to plan and organize your idea so you can work with it. Have an

opportunity to receive suggestions from your peers.

5. Continue working with your portfolio (see the Digital Performance Portfolio

Assessment Manual).

Key Core Vocabulary:

1. Links 2. Project 3. Draft 4. Design 5. Publishing 6. Electronic address 7. Web Pages

List of Supplementary Materials for the Workshop:

1. The Internet, Blackboard 2. Portfolio

Final Project 36

Updated 02/26/2013

Final Project 37

Updated 02/26/2013

Integrated Activities:

1. The facilitator will start the class with a short review of the last workshop.

2. Students will meet in groups to explain and prepare a list of benefits of publishing

web pages, and suggestions how to create them.

3. Students will analyze the basic design principles, then in pairs and in front of the

computer, they will visit several web pages published with the purpose of

analyzing their design and to understand what design elements make these sites

succesful. Each couple will visit at least two pages of businesses that are

considered successful. It will analyze the contrast; focus on the page, and use of

animation, photos, and other components of the page. You will pay attention to

elements and attributes, and other features that make the pages easier to read and

work with them.

4. Each pair of students will choose one of the pages visited and share with the rest

of the group their analysis and findings and the relation with the topics presented

before about the principles of design, focus on the page, animation use, and

others. The facilitator will use the speaking rubric (See Appendix A) to assess

each student speaking skills.

5. A session of questions and answers will follow each presentation.

Final Project 38

Updated 02/26/2013

6. Lab time to work on individual Project will be provided. The entire classroom

may share knowledge, ideas, and information to develop the personal page with

the suggestions how to create successful sites. It will develop and save in the

program that the student chooses in web page format (Word, Publisher, etc.). The

project will be submitted in the next workshop; however, this is a good

opportunity to work on the project, hear suggestions, and answer questions.

7. Students will continue working on the reflective journal (E-Portfolio Handbook).

8. Students will continue using the e-lab. They must accumulate at least 20 hours of

e-lab usage in this course.

9. The facilitator will discuss the assignments for the next workshop.

Assessment: Individual: Students will complete their Reflective Journal (E-Portfolio


1. Group: Students will perform peer evaluations.

2. Written: Students will perform a writtten evaluation (Appendix A).

3. Oral: Students will discuss the features of different web pages. The facilitator

will use the speaking rubric to assess students presentations.

Lesson Wrap-Up:

1. Individual: The facilitator will ask random questions related to the material to

individual students.

2. Group: Students will use the talk aloud technique to explain what they have

learned during the workshop.

Final Project 39

Updated 02/26/2013


Objetivos especficos de contenido

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Disear un plan para crear la pgina a publicar.

2. Definir el propsito de la pgina: metas y objetivos.

3. Identificar la audiencia para cual est dedicada la pgina Web.

4. Planificar el contenido de la pgina Web.

5. Planificar la navegacin por la pgina Web.

6. Identificar recursos para multimedia (sonido, videos) en la pgina, as como

ventajas y desventajas de bajarlos por la Internet

Objetivos especficos de lenguaje

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Escuchar: El estudiante escuchar cuidadosamente el material discutido por el

facilitador y sus compaeros sobre los pasos para el Diseo de pgina Web,

reaccionar al mismo de forma verbal o escrita de acuerdo a las instrucciones del


2. Hablar: El estudiante se expresar verbalmente utilizando el vocabulario tcnico

relacionado con los conceptos y etapas del diseo de un plan para crear una

pagina Web.

3. Leer: El estudiante leer cuidadosamente el material disponible en la seccin de

apndices para adelantar las asignaciones antes del taller.

4. Escribir: El estudiante escribir un ensayo expositivo de 600 palabras donde

explicar la importancia de realizar un plan a la hora de disear una pgina Web.

Final Project 40

Updated 02/26/2013

Enlaces electrnicos:.)

Biblioteca Virtual

Ensayo Expositivo

Planificacin del diseo y disposicin de una pgina

Planificacin de un sitio Web

Asignaciones antes del taller:

1. Recuerde preparar su anlisis del artculo. Debe entregarlo en este taller.

2. Asegrese de tener listo su Proyecto Individual. Debe entregarlo y presentarlo

oralmente en este taller. Refirase al Apndice D para asegurarse de cumplir con

los criterios de evaluacin de la presentacin oral del proyecto, as como el Anejo

E para los criterios de evaluacin del proyecto.

3. Venga preparado para trabajar en el Proyecto de grupo, que se entregar en el

Taller Cuatro. Piense en algn tema para este Proyecto y traiga sus sugerencias al

grupo, ya que ser un proyecto colaborativo. Recuerde que ser sobre la

promocin de una organizacin o tema de inters social para publicar en la


4. Luego de leer los artculos sugeridos en la seccin de Direcciones Electrnicas,

preprese para compartir los aspectos ms significativos sobre los pasos para

disear un plan, el propsito de la pgina, la identificacin de la audiencia, la

planificacin del contenido y la navegacin y los recursos multimedia disponibles

(sonido, videos). Recuerde preparar un resumen por escrito. Es parte de las

asignaciones a entregar

Final Project 41

Updated 02/26/2013

5. Entre a Blackboard y busque la herramienta e-lab. Contine con sus cuatro horas

mnimas de prctica con los recursos del e-lab o el laboratorio de lenguaje.

Vocabulario clave de la leccin:

1. Recursos Multimedia

2. Plan de diseo

3. Navegacin

4. Recursos Web

Lista de materiales suplementarios para el taller:

1. La Internet - Blackboard

2. Biblioteca Virtual

3. Tell Me morel

Final Project 42

Updated 02/26/2013

Componentes de SIOP (Sheltered-Instruction Observation Protocol): Coloque

una marca de cotejo () en la (__) en todas las estrategias por componente que se

usarn en el taller.

Final Project 43

Updated 02/26/2013

Actividades integradas:

1. El facilitador realizar un breve resumen del taller anterior. Cada estudiante

escribir en la pizarra o comentar sobre algo aprendido en el taller anterior.

2. Los estudiantes se reunirn en grupos para presentar los hallazgos sobre la

importancia de la planificacin. Se preparar un ensayo expositivo (600 palabras)

donde brindar recomendaciones que servirn de gua en el momento de

planificar el prximo proyecto, el cual ser colaborativo.

3. Cada estudiante tendr la oportunidad de compartir brevemente sobre lo qu

trataba su artculo, y su anlisis personal.

4. Los estudiantes tendrn la oportunidad de presentar oralmente sus proyectos

individuales. Los dems comentarn lo presentado.

5. Luego de haber presentado su proyecto individual, se formarn los grupos para

preparar el proyecto en grupo. Se leer la informacin general e instrucciones

para aclarar dudas. Preste mucha atencin a esa informacin, en ella se describen

responsabilidades y el contenido del proyecto que deber entregar al facilitador o

facilitadora. El Proyecto en grupo ser la creacin de una pgina de promocin

de una organizacin o tema de inters social para publicar en la Internet. Entre

todos, luego de compartir las sugerencias asignadas tradas al saln de clases,

decidirn el tema a presentar, prepararn la planificacin (en papel, tal como hizo

para el Proyecto Individual) y tendrn tiempo para comenzar a preparar la pgina.

Si el tiempo no fuera suficiente en el saln, debern comunicarse fuera de clase

para culminar el proyecto. Este proyecto se presentar y entregar en el prximo

taller. Algunas sugerencias para este proyecto son:

a. Crear una pgina que motive a las personas a apoyar una causa o a hacerse

miembro de alguna organizacin sin fines de lucro (Cruz Roja, Iglesia,

Sociedad Protectora de Animales y otras).

b. Crear una pgina que alerte sobre asuntos relacionados con la salud,

especies en peligro de extincin, apoyo financiero a alguna escuela, otros.

6. Sesin de preguntas y respuestas.

7. El facilitador contestar preguntas sobre las asignaciones para el prximo taller.

Final Project 44

Updated 02/26/2013


1. Individual: Resumen analtico (usar apndice B).

2. Grupal: El facilitador asignar una actividad a desarrollar por grupos a ser

evaluada usando el Apndice D.

3. Escrito: Ensayo elaborado en grupo. (Ver apndice C). Resumen analtico y los

estudiantes realizarn una evaluacin escrita de la presentacin oral de los

proyectos de sus compaeros (apndice D).

4. Oral/Auditivo: El facilitador pedir a los estudiantes una descripcin oral breve

destacando los aspectos ms relevantes del taller (apndice D).

Cierre del taller:

1. Individual: Cada estudiante expresar lo aprendido durante el taller, llenando su

diario reflexivo.

2. Grupal: Por grupos presentarn una actividad breve destacando algunos puntos

relevantes del taller.

Final Project 45

Updated 02/26/2013


Specific Content Objectives:

The student will be able to:

1. Analyze legal and ethical issues in the development of web pages, such as

academic dishonesty, Social Networking, altered photos, plagiarism, monitoring

e-mail of employees by supervisors, use of email as an expression of feelings,

electronic forgery, responsibility for waste computers and the environment,

violence in the Internet, education through the Internet, privacy, use in the

classroom, theft of wireless signals to connect to the Internet, and others.

2. Use marketing and its usefulness on the Internet.

3. Brainstorm strategies to market products through the business pages published on

the Internet

Specific Language Objectives

The student will be able to:

1. Listening: analyze their classmates project presentations and follow the

facilitators instructions.

2. Speaking: discuss and present the workshops material according to the facilitator


3. Reading: summarize course related readings using technical vocabulary.

4. Writing: elaborate their group project documents using technical vocabulary

without grammatical or syntax errors.

Final Project 46

Updated 02/26/2013

Electronic Links (URLs):)

Biblioteca Virtual

tica y Controversias en Informtica

Internet Marketing Strategy: Developing a Website Marketing Plan.

Final Project 47

Updated 02/26/2013

Assignments before the Workshop:

1. Finish your group Project. You should deliver it and present it orally in the


2. Come prepared to work on next Project; it will be presented in Workshop Five.

3. Read the articles suggested at the URL. Prepare a list of legal and ethical issues in

the development of web sites and describe the questions that arise in every aspect.

Locate additional information to propose possible solutions to every aspect.

4. Read about Internet marketing. Prepare a list of suggestions to market products

and services, either on the Internet or any business.

5. Continue with your required e-lab hours.

6. Continue working with your portfolio (see the Digital Performance Portfolio

Assessment Manual).

Key Core Vocabulary:

1. URL

2. Internet marketing

3. Websites

List of Supplementary Materials for the Workshop:

1. The internet Blackboard

2. Virtual bibliotheca

3. Tell Me More

Final Project 48

Updated 02/26/2013

Final Project 49

Updated 02/26/2013

Integrated Activities:

1. The facilitator will engage students in a whole class review activity. Each student

will be given a piece of paper to write one question based on the previous

workshops material. Once finished writing, students will hand in the questions to

other classmates. The classmates will read and answer the question. A class

discussion will follow.

2. The facilitator will divide students into groups and assign each group different

ethical issues. Each group will report their findings on the ethical issue assigned

and a list of possible suggestions to ensure the development of a legal and ethical

conduct acceptable to publish pages on the Internet.

3. After completing the previous activity, the entire classroom will develop a code

of ethics to create and use websites.

4. In groups, students will share the information found on marketing and present a

list of suggestions on how to market products and services. Students will pay

special attention to the suggestions that apply to marketing through the Internet.

5. Each group will have the opportunity to present their group projects orally. Other

students will have the opportunity to comment the material presented.

6. After students have prepared their projects in groups, they must prepare the next

collaborative Project. Students will review general information and instructions

for clarification of their responsibilities and project content to be delivered to


7. The next group project will be the creation of a commercial website for

publishing on the Internet. The class will decide the topic, will start with the plan

(on paper, as it has been done for previous projects), and have time to start

preparing the site. If there is not enough time in the classroom, they must

communicate to complete the project. This project will be presented and delivered

at the next workshop. Some suggestions are:

a. "Start or expand" your business through the Internet.

b. Sell a service such as: tutoring, computer work, and training, home

maintenance, etc.

c. Sell a product: Select the product and talk about your benefits.

Final Project 50

Updated 02/26/2013

8. The facilitator will discuss the assignments for the next workshop and will clarify

doubts about the portfolio (see the Digital Performance Portfolio Assessment


9. Students will continue using the e-lab. They must accumulate at least 20 hours of

e-lab usage in this course.


1. Individual: Each student will write a question that will be answered randomly

by a fellow student

2. Group: In small groups, students will make an oral presentation about the most

important aspects of the use of marketing on the Internet (Appendix A).

3. Written: Students will complete their Reflective Journal. Refere to the

E-Portfolio Handbook.

4. Oral: The facilitator asks students to deliver a brief oral description highlighting

the most important aspects of their written report.

Lesson Wrap-Up:

1. Individual: Each student will express verbally the most important point learned

in the workshop.

2. Group: Student will meet in groups of three. Each group will ask class related

questions to the other groups.

Final Project 51

Updated 02/26/2013

Taller Cinco/Workshop Five

NOTA: Este taller es bilinge. Tanto, el

Facilitador como los estudiantes, debern

utilizar el idioma asignado para cada tarea

y actividad. No mezcle los dos idiomas!


LENGUAJE A LA VEZ! Las primeras

dos horas sern en espaol. Las ltimas

dos horas sern en ingls.

NOTE: This is a bilingual workshop. Both

the facilitator and the student must use the

language assigned for each homework and

activity. Do not mix both languages! USE



first two hours must be in Spanish. The

last two hours must be in English.

Objetivos especficos de contenido

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Describir elementos que aadirn interactividad a las pginas.

2. Enumerar los beneficios de las pginas interactivas.

3. Identificar los pasos envueltos para obtener un nombre de dominio (domain name).

4. Identificar los aspectos para mantener y actualizar efectivamente una pgina.

5. Describir los pasos a dar para publicar la pgina.

Objetivos especficos de lenguaje

El estudiante ser capaz de:

1. Escuchar: escuchar atentamente la presentacin de sus compaeros y del facilitador

y aportar a la discusin.

2. Hablar: expresarse verbalmente utilizando el vocabulario tcnico en las

correspondientes actividades del taller, o respondiendo preguntas al facilitador.

3. Leer: leer cuidadosamente el material.

4. Escribir: escribir las respuestas a las preguntas de las asignaciones antes del taller sin

cometer errores ortogrficos..

Final Project 52

Updated 02/26/2013

Enlaces electrnicos:)

Biblioteca Virtual

Interactividad en la Web.

Beneficios de una Pgina Web.

Por qu razn conviene tener una pgina Web?

Domain names.

Low cost domain names, domain transfers, web hosting, email accounts and more. It all starts with a great domain!

What is a Domain? A definition from what,,sid26_gci211987,00.html

Publishing Web Pages.

Algunos lugares para crear o publicar pginas gratis:

Google Page Creator (

Geocities (Yahoo),,sid26_gci211987,00.html

Final Project 53

Updated 02/26/2013

Asignaciones antes del taller

Asignaciones a discutirse durante las primeras dos horas de instruccin (2).

1. Termine su portafolio para ser entregado durante el taller.

En el portafolio debe recopilar e integrar lo siguiente:

Documentos entregados por el facilitador; diario reflexivos (en ingls y espaol);

bosquejos, resmenes, borradores (en ingls y espaol); hojas sueltas de

presentaciones; otros (en ingls y espaol) Ver apndices.

2. Recuerde tener listo su proyecto. Debe entregarlo y presentarlo oralmente en este


3. Defina interactividad y mencione en qu consiste.

4. Prepare una lista de los beneficios de tener pginas publicadas en la Internet.

Assignments to be discussed during the last two hours of instruction (2).

5. Find information about the domain in the URL of this workshop and define what

it is a domain and how you can get one for your Web page.

6. Find information on how you can publish your website for free. You can refer to

the pages of Google Page Creator and Geocities (Yahoo) and others that are

suggested in the URLs. You can find information to post on other sites. Bring that

information to share in class.

7. List the steps, and present the advantages and disadvantages of posting webs for


Final Project 54

Updated 02/26/2013

Vocabulario acadmico clave

(Debe reflejar los objetivos y conceptos

claves del taller.) Verifique que el

estudiante domine el vocabulario clave

en los dos idiomas.

1. Pagina web

2. Dominio

3. Sitio Web

Academic Core Vocabulary (Must

reflect objectives and important concepts

of the workshop.) Verify that the student

masters the core vocabulary in both


1. Web page

2. Domain

3. Web site

List of Supplementary Materials for the Workshop:

1. La Internet - Blackboard

2. Biblioteca Virtual

3. Tell Me More

Final Project 55

Updated 02/26/2013]

Componentes de SIOP (Sheltered-Instruction Observation Protocol): Coloque

una marca de cotejo () en la (__) en todas las estrategias por componente que se

usarn en el taller.

Final Project 56

Updated 02/26/2013]

Actividades integradas de contenido y lenguaje para lograr los objetivos del taller:

Actividades en espaol para las primeras dos horas del taller:

1. El facilitador comenzar la clase con un breve repaso. Todos los estudiantes aportarn

a la discusin.

2. Los estudiantes en grupos definirn interactividad y en qu consiste. El facilitador

solicitar a los grupos que localicen en la Internet alguna pgina interactiva y

compartan con sus compaeros la direccin (URL) para que todos puedan verla (si es

posible, se puede proyectar).

3. Los estudiantes en grupos discutirn y analizarn sus hallazgos sobre los beneficios

de publicar pginas en la Internet.

4. Entre todos definirn lo que es un dominio y se explicar cmo conseguir uno para

su pgina.

Integrated content and language activities aligned to achieve workshop objectives:

Activities in English for the last two hours of the workshop:

1. Students will discuss the steps to publish pages created on the Internet for free. They

can use Google, Yahoo, and any other web sites that students have found for that

purpose. Students will select any of the projects to be published.

2. Each group will present their projects orally. Other students will have the opportunity

to comment on their peers presentations.

3. The students will complete the end of course evaluation (Spanish or English)

Final Project 57

Updated 02/26/2013]


1. Individual: Students will complete their Reflective Journal.

2. Group: Students will perform peer evaluations using the Appendix A.

3. Written: The facilitator will use the Appendix B The Writing Process

4. Oral: Students will verbally discuss the main topics learned during this class. The

facilitator will use Appendix A.

Lesson Wrap-Up:

1. Individual: Students will write a three paragraphs summary of the most

important aspects of the course.

2. Group: Students will meet in groups of three to share their individual summaries.

They will prepare a group summary of what they learned in class (see Appendices

A, B).

Final Project 58

Updated 02/26/2013]


Final Project 59

Updated 02/26/2013]

Anejo A/Appendix A


Retrieved from: WIDA Consortium

Final Project 60

Updated 02/26/2013]

Can Do Listening Rubric

National Proficiency Levels Criteria


Identifies objects

Names concrete objects

Points to picture/object of the word heard

Follows simple commands

Repeats words or simple phrases

Understands simple messages gestures, pointing


Draws a picture

Requires continuous repetition

Follows verbal dictations

Checks-off words that were heard

Repeats information heard to determine comprehension

Understands slow speech and multiple repetitions

Developing Understands more details of spoken language Needs limited or no repetition and slow speech

Understands basic academic vocabulary which is frequently used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with some difficulty

Understands most of what was said

Expanding Needs limited or no repetition at normal speed speech Understands academic vocabulary used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with little difficulty

Understands nearly everything said

Bridging Needs no repetition at normal speed speech Understands elaborate academic vocabulary used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with no difficulty

Demonstrates a native-like English speakers understanding of what is said

Final Project 61

Updated 02/26/2013]

Can Do Speaking Rubric

National Proficiency



Starting Names concrete objects Responds a simple yes or no to questions

Repeats words or simple phrases

Uses one word commands

Mispronounces words making it difficult to be understood

Breaks speech into parts making comprehension difficult

Uses limited or no vocabulary to support message

Emerging Uses a few more words to respond to questions although grammatically incorrect Uses one-, two-, and multiple-word commands

Uses verb tenses interchangeably

Misuses words in daily speech

Repeats spoken words or phrases to improve understanding due to pronunciation flaws

Uses grammar and word order incorrectly

Uses vocabulary (emerging stage) to support oral messages

Developing Responds using longer phrases/sentences Initiates and carries out conversations; however, there may be interruptions due to thinking of the

correct words to say

Applies grammar and word order correctly most of the time

Demonstrates correct use of basic academic vocabulary which is frequently used in class discussions and/or oral assignments.

Speaks with some hesitation

Uses vocabulary to support oral messages

Speaks with less difficulty, but listener must pay close attention to pronunciation.

Expanding Responds using elaborate phrases/sentences Uses and interprets idiomatic expressions

Converses more fluently in social settings

Uses academic vocabulary frequently in class discussions

Participates in class discussions using academic content with slight hesitation

Misuse of grammar and word order seldom occurs and does not interrupt meaning

Pronounces most words accurately and clearly

Bridging Speaks fluently Uses elaborate academic vocabulary in all class discussions correctly

Participates in class discussion using academic content without hesitation

Uses appropriate vocabulary to support oral messages at all times

Uses correct grammar and word all the time

Speaks with native-like pronunciation and intonation

Final Project 62

Updated 02/26/2013]

Can Do Reading Rubric

National Proficiency



Starting Lacks comprehension of a wide array of written material (not developed)

Lacks ability to interpret graphs, charts, tables, and forms in textbooks (not developed)

Struggles with use of pre-reading and reading skills (not developed)

Lacks ability to apply reading strategies in order to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (not developed)

Struggles with use of strategic reading skills (in order to plan his/her reading assignments, diagnose deficiencies, resolve deficiencies independently or with the help of others, etc.) (not developed)

Emerging Improving comprehension (slowly emerging) of a wide array of written material (e.g., fictional and non-fictional texts that bridge personal, professional and academic themes, news articles, short stories, short novels, etc.)

Demonstrates correct interpretation of basic graphs, charts, tables and forms in textbooks

Applies limited pre-reading (e.g., activation of prior knowledge, semantic maps, etc.) and reading skills (e.g., skimming, scanning, inferences, paragraph frames, DRA, SQ4R, etc.) (slowly emerging)

Struggles with ability to use limited reading strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (e.g., definition, restatement, examples, surrounding words, etc.) is

Strives to understand (even when not successful) the relationship between ideas (e.g., time, logical order, comparison/contrast, cause/effect), and reading patterns in order to identify literary genres (as listed above)

Applying successful reading skills (as listed above) are still emerging

Developing Comprehends a wide array of written material (as listed above)

Interprets basic graphs, charts, tables and forms

Applies correctly pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above)

Applies correct use of reading strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (as listed above)-evidence of emerging.

Understands the relationship between ideas (as listed above)-evidence of emerging..

Uses strategic reading skills (as listed above) that are evident.

Expanding Comprehends a wide array of level-appropriate written materials (as listed above) with mature accuracy

Interprets increasingly complex graphs, charts, tables, and forms accurately

Applies pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above) very strongly

Applies strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (as listed above) which is clearly evident

Identifies signal words to understand the relationship between ideas (as listed above), and reading patterns to identify literary genres (as listed above)- emerging strongly

Understands the relationship between ideas (as listed above)-strongly evident.

Uses strategic reading skills (as listed above) with mature accuracy

Bridging Comprehends various types and lengths of level appropriate written materials (as listed above)-fully developed

Interprets complex graphs, charts, tables, and forms accurately

Applies pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above)-fully developed

Applies reading strategies to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in a text (as listed above) with accuracy

Understands the relationship between ideas (time, logical order, comparison/contrast, cause/effect) Demonstrates fully developed strategic reading skills (as listed above)

Final Project 63

Updated 02/26/2013]

Can Do Writing Rubric

National Proficiency

Levels Criteria

Starting Lacks clear writing and focus.. Details are limited or unclear. Theres no clear distinction to what is important and what is supported.

Lacks engaging and drawing a conclusion. Paper simply starts and ends. Lack of transitions make it difficult to understand the paper.

Writes with limited use of vocabulary or specific words to transmit meaning of the essay. Misuse of parts of speech makes it difficult to understand the writing.

Rambles- use of incomplete sentences that are too long to understand. Sentences follow a simple structure and or style.

Struggles with spelling, punctuation capitalization and other writing conventions. This makes it very difficult to understand the writing.

Lacks strategic writing skills (e. g., knowledge of the writing process; declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge; and strategies for inquiry, for drafting [such as investigating genre, considering audience, and responding to purpose], and for product revision) that are clearly not developed.

Emerging Writes sentences that are still unclear there seems to be a guide to a focused topic; however, it may drift at times. There is an attempt in details to support main idea. Reader can still feel confused.

Attempts to write an introduction and or conclusion. Use of transitions helps, but paper is in need of more details.

Struggles with some vocabulary terms that are used inappropriately. Greater command of the parts of speech is developing,. but many words are still used incorrectly.

Attempts to create a style of sentence structure here and there; although, for the most part it sticks to one style.

Shows need of improving spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. It is still difficult to read the writing; but there are signs of improvement.

Demonstrates emerging strategic writing skills.

Developing Writes with an unclear focus. Writing appears to be on one topic, but shifts to another topic at times. Support of main idea is lacking. Reader is left with unanswered questions.

Attempts to write a proper introduction and conclusion however, both are dull or unclear. Transitions help connect ideas although at times they distract the flow.

Selects and uses words appropriately; however, they are not higher level and need more vigor.

Formulates well-written sentences; however, style and structure of sentences are repetitious.

Demonstrates control of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. However, the writing could read and sound better by improving conventions.

Utilizes strategic writing skills properly (now evident).

Expanding Writes with a focus in mind; however, there is room for improvement. Needs more relevant details to support the main idea. Some readers questions can be answered, while others are left with doubt.

Uses a proper introduction and conclusion, however, some improvement is needed. Needs to continue using transitional words are properly in order to allow the proper flow of ideas.

Selects and uses vocabulary words that are much more livelier and appropriate. Some common wording can be improved.

Writes with a definite style, and sentence structure is catchy with few mistakes.

Demonstrates good control of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. Mistakes are few and nothing distracts from the writing.

Applies mature strategic writing skills.

Bridging Writing is clear and focused on a narrowed topic. Details are relevant and accurate, and they support the main ideas. Readers questions are answered Writing has a clear introduction thats hooks the reader and conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. Use of transitions helps the reader to connect

ideas. Reading flows and not dull.

Words used in the writing are specific and accurate. Vivid verbs and modifying words are present. Words used enhance the meaning of the writing. There is a variety in length and structure of the sentences. The style of sentences varies on how they begin. Sentences create fluency and rhythm. Excellent control of spelling, punctuation capitalization and other writing conventions. Strategic writing skills are fully developed.

Final Project 64

Updated 02/26/2013]

Anejo B/Appendix B



Students Name:______________________________________


Facilitator: ______________________

Course: ____________Assignment:_________________

Instructions: This rubric will be used to evaluate all written work done by the

student in both English and Spanish. Please refer to the trait that you are evaluating

(i.e., Ideas and Content) and write the score in the appropriate box. Select the

criteria per level (6= highest, 1=lowest) that best reflects the students writing


Refer to all the Appendix (D) sheets that describe, in detail, all the writing traits that

you are e