sis bulletin index issues 1 to 80

Scientific Instrument Society Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Index No 1 to No 80

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Page 1: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Scientific Instrument Society

Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society

Index No 1 to No 80

Page 2: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Scientific Instrument Society

Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Index No 1 to No 80



Index of Topics 3

Index of Articles 37

Index of Book Reviews 51

The Scientific Instrument Society 61

Documents Associated with the Index 61

Page 3: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80
Page 4: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80


Development of the Index of the Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society

The first 40 issues of the Bulletin were indexed successively, ten issues at a time. With the advent of No 50 it was decided to amalgamate the earlier work and create a single index for all 50 issues. The work involved was a vast undertaking requiring the use of optical character recognition and other computer techniques on the earlier work, and a good deal of careful proof reading. The final product was handsomely produced in A4 size uniform with the Bulletin, running to 64 index pages.

Having reached 80 issues, a similar combining exercise has been done, but with fewer categories within the Index. However, whilst the main index of individual topics remains as comprehensive as previously it is presented in a smaller typeface and makes use of more columns.

At the time of printing, consideration is being given to the use of this new Index as a facility on the Society's website and also in connection with CDROMs of the Bulletin.

Notes for using the 3 sections of the Bulletin Index, Issue No 1 to Issue No 80

Index of Topics

Topics are arranged alphabetically by subject. References are shown as 'Issue No : Page No' eg 2:15 or 45:7-11

Index of Articles

Authors of articles are listed alphabetically with the titles of their articles following in issue order. The issue in which an article may be found is referenced in italic bold, eg 76

Index of Book Reviews

Authors of books, etc, reviewed are listed alphabetically with the titles of their publications listed in issue order. The reviewer's name in shown in parentheses after each title and is followed by a similar 'Issue No : Page No' reference to that used in the Index of Topics.

Geoffrey Bennett Stanford in the Vale May 2004

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Index of Topics

Abbas b Fim~s 35:18 Abbe, Ernst 36:16 Abbott. Richard. London 9:4 Aberdeen. Copeland Collection 10:5-6 Abraham & Co, Liverpool, trade card 13:8 Abraham & Dancer

Manchester 29:4 microscope 27:34

Abraham. Abraham 33:18 Absorptiometer

Hilger 15:7-10 Hilger photoelectric 18:8

Academia das Ci~ncias. Lisbon 62:27 Academia del Cimento 75:1 Academic courses re instruments 17:1-2 Academy of Science, Lisbon 55:28 Accuracies, standard 27:3-8 Achromatic glasses by Tecnomasio of

Milan 53:26 Achromatic lens

invention of 9:16 performance 8:21

Acoustic toroid. Watkins & Hill 12:11 Acoustical apparatus

Marloye 44:13 Marlye et Cie 29:16

Actinometer 9:12.21:18, 22:18 Adam, Robert, fireplace 30:24 Adams, C H, lecturer 25:20 Adams. Dudley 21:5, 22:12

billhead 29:30 comments 20:26 dates 19:19 'electrical medicine' 65:33 globes 7:7.7:12, 7:14, 8:27 spectacles 18:21-22 supplier to Office of Ordnance 21:6

Adams. George 2:8.3:20, 5:16, 6:18, 6:26.7:6.7:9, 7:12, 7:14, 7:18, 8:23, 9:17-18.9:20, 10:4, 10:26, 22:12, 34:9, 35:24, 38:23.39:23, 52:10

Cuff-type microscope 19:21 Culpeper-type microscope 17:25 Guild 21:4 instrument maker to Office of

Ordnance 21:5 inventory. Duke of Argyll 21:5 magnetic recreation device 24:7 model of eye 24:8 octant 15:10 parallel ruler 28:16 quil cutter 50:35 steering compass 12:28 sundial 17:25 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5 Watt's perspective device pirated 17:4 Zograscope 28:18

Adams. George. Senior 73:4 artificial horizons 73:37

Adams. Hannah 9:8-9 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5

Adams, John Couch 52:17 Adams, London family 9:8-9 Adams. Nathaniel 36:6 Adams

globes 29:20-21 orrery 27:28 planetarium 29:20 reflecting telescope 12:26

Adams & Dixey, microscope 11:12, 11:27, 14:20

Adelaide Gallery, London 25:19, 58:1 Adie 31:13, 33:18

anemometer 30:13, 30:15 Edinburgh, theodolite 10:27 garden sundial 24:10 polarizing microscope 30:13, 30:15

Adie, Alexander 41:9 Adies of Edinburgh 10:5, 10:7 Adler Planetarium 64:20

Anton Mensing instruments 79:28-32 Chicago 14:4, 28:14 pocket sundials 54:3

Admiral. Little, with 'cross staff' 24:13-14, 30:25

Admiralty Research Laboratory 34:23 Advertising of instruments, 16th - 19th

century 61:4-10 Advertising of optical instruments in

1707 77:14-21 Aeroclinoscope 6:8 Aerometrical beads, patent 28:11 Agnew of Manchester 3:14 Agricola, Georgius 39:33,40:13 Ahaz dial

biblical references and assessment 61:11-14

Harvard University 61:13 Museo de Santa Cruz 61:13

Ahrens, C D, prism 10:15 Air pressure, demonstration devices 24:7 Air pump 33:28

double barrel, Musschenbroek 58:36 Ducretet 16:22 Magdeburg hemishperes 72:16 Studer 28:20-21 Van Musschenbroek 29:23

Air resistance, demonstration device 24:7

Airy, George Biddell 33:19, 38:7.39:9, 45:28

Aitchison, James 9:16 Aked, Charles 39:3 al-Battani 35:18 al-Ibrfihim, Ibn Said 53:30 Albion

by Richard of Wallingford 53:30 medieval 4:18

Algascope 54:33 Allard. Karel, & Abraham, globes 7:11 Allegorical painting by Brueghel


Allen. Elias 6:18, 47:30. 49:28, 53:19 compendium 28:25-26, 68:39 dominant in London instrument trade

56:10 guild membership 13:4 instruments at Museum of the History

of Science 55:16 pocket compendium 72:35 pocket sundial 56:9 portrait 78:35 six-foot radius quadrant 56:9-10 with products 56:7

Almanac for 30 years (paper) 55:7 Almanac, perpetual (paper) 55:7 Alpha particles, detecting and counting

63:3 Alphabets of Freedoms (City of London)

13:4 Alteneck, Von Hefner 37:12 Altimeter, Beatson 36:30 Amateur experimentation 74:41,

75:34-36 Amelin, Olov 31:17, 37:15.38:16 American Industrial Revolution, new

gallery at Smithsonian 12:23, 13:19. 14:15

American Scene 23:19-20. 25:26, 26:16-18

Amici, Giovanni 39:12.51:9 microscope 26:17 theodolite conceived by 16:7-9

Ampere commutator 2:15 table 6:6

Amsler, Jakob. mathematician 75:12 Amsterdam. instrument dealers in 28:26 Anaethetic apparatus, Squire 78:13 Analemma, paper [planisphere] 55:7 Analysis of experimentation by Jean Paul

Marat 74:8-15 Anatomy theatre reconstruction 29:10 Anaximander of Miletus 33:2 Andersen, S6ren. copies of R0mer's

instruments 25:13-14 Andrewes, Thomas, carbon dioxide

apparatus 26:13 Anemograph, Foster 40:9 Anemometer

Adie 30:13.30:15 Dutch 6:8 Foster 40:8 Josi Grasselli 42:7 Kingston 40:8 Robinson, [Yeates & Son?] 45:2 Salrnoiraghi of Milan. portable 53:25

Anemovane, Patterson 40:8 Aneroid barometer 61:24-26

miniature 61:25 tested in Australia 61:25

Angelini. A 31:18 Angle measurer, Butterfield 9:6


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.~mgstrrm, spectrometer 4:6 Anorthoscope, Plateau 53:11 Anschiitz, Ottomar, moving picture

machine 'Electrical Wonder' 56:26 projecting electrotachyscope 56:26

Anti-ferromagnetism 57:16 Antibes. dealers in 21:24 Antikythera Mechanism 77:36, 80:2~11 Antipodean update 18:7-8 Antique Market, Portobello Road

[London] 56:34 Apograph 10:7 Applied science, contribution of the Arabs

6:5 Appointments. Lord Chamberlain's

records of 21:5 Apprentices. tax on 21:3 Apps, Alfred 36:14 Aquilius. Joan. engraver 7:13 Arab contribution to applied science 6:5 Arago. Francois 33:8, 38:11, 53:2 Arc-lights, Duboscq 51:12 Archimedes 35:11 Architectonic sector. [Culpeper?] 3:2 Argos Flight, pioneering navigation

62:17-18 Argyll, Duke of. collection 21:5 Aristotle 33:2 Arithmaurel [arithmometer]. Maurel and

Jayet 52:15 Arithmetical table, Trocet 60:28 Arithmometer 52:12

Thomas de Colmar 11:12, 55:34, 60:16-23

Annillary sphere 3:19, 35:18 Adams 32:26 Beijing Palace 10:8 de la Garde 53:5 Florentine 16th century [?] 42:9 Fobis 25:3 Habermel 75:22 Henze Collection 28:15 Hermes 52:3 in pocket globe 7:14 Italian [?] 20:31 Lusverg 31:15 Lynch 26:5 Lynch and Son 44:26 mechanical, on table clock 53:7-8 Mercator 55:34 Mirandulanus 80:24 Newman 26:19 several for naked eye planets 53:29 stolen from Rome museum 9:6 Sultan Murad III. Mercator [?] 51:37 Volpaia [?] 22:19-20 Vopel 50:31 wood and paper 54:21

Armoury. Moscow 64:22 Armstrong & Bro, Thomas 51:29, 52:5 Armstrong. Joseph 52:5

Thomas 52:5 Amaboldi. Jarvis. New York 7:19 Arnold & Son. regulator clock 26:7 Arnold. John. chronometer 26:19 Arrowsmith map with metric scale 66:26 Arsenius. astrolabe 18:21.18:24. 42:11,


scaphe dial with astrolabe top 66:9-14, 67:2

Arsenius. Gualterus Regnerus 66:9 Arstall, George, scale beam maker 28:9 Artefacts of time measurement 75:2-5 Asdic 7:3-4 Ash, C & Sons, London, query 4:17 Aspinwall, Thomas 33:17 Astarium, de Dondi 53:6 Aston & Mander. slide rule 16:22~24 Aston, T. Birmingham 3:14, 4:17 Astro compass 33:13 Astro-photometer, Zrllner, replica 58:33 Astrolabe 33:16, 34:17, 36:17, 36:23 Astrolabe book, Strffier 55:2 Astrolabe, al-Khamaitri 36:17

al-Khujandi 44:5 and the imagination 64:3-6 Arsenius 4:11, 18:21, 18:24, 33:26,

42:11, 42:13, 64:22, 64:36 as top to scaphe dial, Arsenius 66:1 I,

67:2 Becker 21:31 Champlain [?] 51:19 Cole 35:29, 78:16 Danti 31:14 de Champlain 26:19 de la Garde 28:35, 30:20, 30:22,

30:36 De Rojas projection 69:11-12 Descrolihres 17:19-20 Dorn 38:24 electrotyping 46:19-21 engraved plate 42:10 Gordon 10:6 Great, by Cole 57:32 Habermel 26:5-6,46:37,47:28-29 Hartmann 29:23-25, 64:36 Ibn Said al-Ibrg~ahim 53:30 Indian fakes 44:11 Indo-Mughal 19:21 inscriptions and engraving 51:3 Islamic Gallery, British Museum

21:22 Judaeo-Arabic 17:26 Kronborg 38:28 lecture by R Lorch 11:13 mariner's 2:4-5, 2:4-5, 11:12 mariner's, Allen 49:28 mariner's, fake signed Gourdin 21:11 mariner's, from Spanish galleons

17:21 mariner's, from wrecks off Australia

18:8 mariner's. Juan Dias 8:3 mariner's, miniature pendant 30:32 mariner's, Portugese 26:19 medieval European 9:26, 10:20, 43:31 Mercator 43:16N21 Muhammad ben as-Saffar 30:13-14,

36:22 multiple type 62:33 on banknotes 16:12 Ottoman 34:22 Patenal 40:18 Persian 79:7 Persian. at Time Museum 14:11 Picard 44:8-9

planispheric Hispano-Moorish 78:5 Pregel 25:3 quadrant with perpetual calendar by

Sutton 64:8 Rapozo 40:18 Safavid Persian 75:2 Schissler 38:18 Shah Abbas 40:28 Sir Francis Drake 72:13 spherical 71:35 stereographic projection 69:11 stolen from Rome museum 9:6 symbolic value 64:3 Time Museum 16:22. 16:24 Tobias Volckmer 74:31 Toledo 72:36 unusual, lecture 10:21 use by lady 51:2, 55:3 Valerius 5:28 von Mandem 38:28 with clock, Bommel 50:15

Astronomical allegory in tiles, Lisbon 55:28

Astronomical and surveying instruments in Hungary 19:8-12

Astronomical calendar (paper) 55:8 Astronomical camera by De la Rue 53:3 Astronomical camera with flap shutter

53:3 Astronomical clock

Copland 24:6 David 25:3 Dent 26:7 Dupuis 26:19 Earnshaw 26:4 Fertbauer 25:3 Graham 26:19 Imsser &von Rainem 25:3 Leicester University 22:13 Metzker 25:3 Nugent 29:3 Plank 25:3 Schlottheim [fake] 28:15

Astronomical instruments Brunner 49:3-5 China 23:22 Gautier 49:5-7 Hooke 27:5-6 Lalande, prices of 21:9-10 medieval 31:3 Tycho Brahe 22:2-4

Astronomical models 34:7 Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon

55:27 Astronomical Pantoscope. US patent

model 26:29, 28:32 Astronomical slides. Newton & Co

26:19 Astronomical timepiece, pair by Janvier

64:38 Astronomical tower of Eger, Hungary

19:10 Astronomy, in writings by Chaucer 64:4 Astrophysical Observatory, Hungary 19:10 Astroscope by James Mann 75:6-8 Atlas, 16th century 42:9 Atmospheric electricity, instruments for



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Atomic clock 63:18 Atwood

fall machine 62:27 fall machine by Laun 67:3 machine 38:27, 39:26.40:3 Newman 50: I 1

Audiophone 47:23-24 Aurora tube. de La Rive 48:29-30,

49:33 Australian exploration 61:24 Australian optical equipment, query

8:23~24 Australian scientific research 10:15-16 Australian surveying instruments, early

22:5-6 Automation in the laboratory 8:21-22 Automaton. Adams 40:20 Avometer 37:23, 39:41 Ayres, Benjamin, surveyor's kit 29:17 Ayscough. James 35:12 Azimuth mirror 40:37 Babbage. Charles 28:22-23.52:12

difference engine 47:28 Babinet. Jacques 25:21, 33:8 Bache. Alexander. of Philadelphia 25:22 Bachelder steam engine indicator 67:16 Backstaff

Blou 26:19 Deane 40:24 early American. by Benjamin King

60:38 Garner. in Musre de la Marine. Paris

57:19 Gilbert 38:28 Holbeche 30:29 Stephens 19:21

Bacon, Roger 37:7 Baekeland, Leo. inventor of Bakelite

71:33 Baghdad battery [?] 68:35 Bailey. William 34:13 Baillou. Franqois 40:16

telescope 29:9 Baines' Lancashire Directory 13:2, 13:5 Baird & Tatlock 28:24-25

factory 28:10 history of 27:33

Bakelite instruments 71:33 Baker. Edward

drawing instrument maker 21:5 Gunter's chain 24:15

Bakken Library, museum report 8:16-19 Balance

chemical, John Whitehurst 43:9 coin 7:18 Deleuil 47:5-6 gun. Bernisches Historisches Museum

42:14 Leiden 29:12 Oertling 4:17.41:35-36 Oertling. assay 10:7 prescription box 60:33-34 Roberval structure 60:33 Robinson and Barrow 9:12 Scale Collectors. International Society

of 10:18 scalemakers 2:3 short-beam analytical 6:8

Baldewein, Eberhard. globe 15:3 Baldwin solar chart 33:12 Baleato. Josef. mariner's compass 30:20 Ballestilla 42:8 Balls, beads, bubbles, hydrostatical

26:12 Bamberg, Carl, signalling lamp 29:17 Banks

drawing instruments 17:26 telescope 10:15

Baracca, A 31:17 Baradelle, ring dial 13:17 Barbay, Ursin 47:9-11 Bardin

Elizabeth Marriott, globemaker 28:8 Thomas Marriott, globemaker 21:4 W & T M 36:20 W & T M, globe 10:26

Barling, London. slide rule 3:7 Barlow

globe 8:5 Peter, meets Joseph Henry 25:20

Barnard. Edward, observatory 13:14 Bamard, I 1:7 Barograph

King 33:16 Peravia 75:35

Barometer 36:22, 38:18 Adie 33:19 aneroid 48:10~11.61:24-26 Bird 5:11 Casella 38:7 Dalton 72:15 Dent 38:20 display in City of Gloucester Museum

58:25-26 Elliott 36:8 Fortin type in Rome 53:25 French 79:6 James Green 66:27 James Watt workshop 57:28 James Watt, by Gardner 60:9 Jordan's glycerine 10:7 Knie 26:33 liquid other than mercury 30:5-9 manufacture by James Watt 60:5-10 mercury, by James Watt in National

Museum of Scotland 60:7 mercury, early development 60:5 miniature aneroid 61:25 Morland's angle 18:25 Museum, Dorpsweg 10:22, 16:14-15 Museum. Maartensdijk 29:27 Negretti & Zambra 5:8, 40:7 Newman 50:12 oil, 40-foot 30:5-9, 31:1 Patrick 80:16 Patterson 40:8 Quare 10:7 Rabalio 40:12 Ramsden 5:14 Ridier. tower 28:12-13 Ronchetti 33:21 Royal Society 51:22 Secretan 38:21 short diagonal, Knie 26:33 siphon 6:7 tower. Ridier 28:12-13

trade literature 80:12-17 turret, at Dalston 25:9-11 Vidie 38:20 water 16:14, 29:27 Watt 30:13, 30:17

Barometric fluids, table of 30:9 Baroque observatory in southern

Germany 15:4-6 Barrow, Henry 2:12, 9:11-12 Barry, Cork, query 1:7 Barry. Joseph, Cork, watchmaker 13:11 Barton, John 47:17 Basements. about 10:9-10 Bashforth chronograph 42:22-24 Basso-Ricci, M 31:14 Bate, Robert Brettell 39:1

hydrometer maker 28:9 lecture by A McConnell 24:21, 25:29 microscope 21:24

Bateman. Thomas 35:5 apprenticed to Hill 20:3

Battery. Baghdad [?] 68:35 Bavarian history and instruments

48:25-27 Baynes-Cope, DrAD 68:1 Becher. A B 37:14 Beck, R & J 3:14, 4:16, 10:14

polarizing microscope 30:13.30:16 spinthariscope 24:18

Becker, Andreas, astrolabe 21:31 Becker, F E, of Birmingham, Dublin

branch 26:14 Bedford, Hilkiah 9:3-5.79:19

guild membership 13:4 Bedini, Silvio A 37:5

SIS Honorary Member 9:3, 15:2 Beijing National Palace 10:8.13:10 Belfast, Queen's College 26:13 Belgian National Inventory 4:9. 4:12 Belgium and its instruments 18:13-14 Bellanca aeroplane 74:21 Bench. Melloni 41:4 Bermett, J 31:12, 37:15 Bennet John 40:24

trade card 28:6 Bennett, Professor John Hughes

65:14-18 Bentwicke, James, London 9:4 Bergauer, Michael. dial 25:4 Berge, John & Matthew confused 13:6 Berge, orrery 7:18 Berkeley Castle stained glass sundial

58:26 Bernaert, Jacques 53:9-10 Berni~res, liquid burning lens 4:7-8.

5:23 Bernoulli, Johann 38:23 Berry, Miles 36:12

parmer of Newton & Son 20:4 Berthoud, Ferdinand. chronometer 18:21 Bertram's inclined plane 34:21 Bertrand, heliotrope 29:17 Berzelius, Jrns Jacob. chemist 70:2 Bessel, S 31:17 Bevan, Benjamin 3:5, 3:9 Bevel, as clinometer and water-level

68:21 Bevis, John 35:23

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BeyerPeacock Co 51:27 Bidstrup, Jesper 38:28.49:26 Bills

for Ordnance, William Deane 45:12-18

shop, Martin 21:5 shop, Morgan 21:4 shop, use of 21:5

Binnacles 6:15 Binoculars. Admiralty and Air Ministry

patterns 70:20-27 Admiralty patterns 54:15-20 British army pattern 26:23 holder 70:22 illusion of the moon 55:36 in aviation 70:19-27 Leitz 37:18 prismatic 37:16 product codes 54:17 Zeiss 37:16

Biolistic particle delivery systems 63:21 Bion, Nicholas

geographer 7:10 plane table 18:21

Bioscope. stereoscopic, by Duboscq 73:30-31

Bird. John 5:3-4, 5:7.5:14, 31:12. 40:25 astronomical instruments 21:9, 27:5~7 ghost scales 8:8-11.9:19 quadrant 29:23~24 reflecting telescope 22:27

Bischoffheim Dome. Nice Observatory 52:22

Bissett Street workshop 51:4 Black. Joseph, chemist 10:7 Bleau

astronomical quadrant 29:11 family, globes 7:6, 7:9-10 tellurium 29:20

Blondel, dial 26:19 Blou. E, backstaff 26:19 Bloud, dial 20:23 Blunt. Thomas 2:14.4:17

orrery 27:30 Boerhaave, Hermann, letters to 16:4-5 Boissardus. J J 37:28 Bolle, Bert. and Ethne, house as

Barometer Museum 16:14-15, 29:27

Bolter. Hugh. freedom dates 13:7 Bond, G P 38:6 Bonijol. Louis 17:14 Bookplates 34:6 Books

effects of humidity and temperature 68:9 scientific, values of 25:25

Boosman. Willem 6:12, 6:15 Borer, increment 37:22, 38:14 Borghardt. E 1:7,2:14 Bos, Nicolas. Rotterdam 7:11-12 Boschi. E 31:15 Botjes. Wildrik B. orrery 21:14 Boudan. A, publisher 7:10 Boulenge, Paul Emile, 'telemeter' 25:24,

26:23 Boulengier. Louis. globe 7:8 Boulengr, P Le 64:33 Boulton & Watt, beam engine 10:15

Boulton and Watt, origin of steam indicator 67:9

Boulton, Matthew facilities at Soho 57:5 Soho House, Birmingham 55:1

Bourdon manometric tube patents 28:13 tube 48:10-11

Bourne, William 37:2, 37:4. 37:8 Bowden. Alan 33:15 Boyle, Robert 31:13

water barometer 30:5 Boys, Sir Charles Vernon 23:2-6, 37:6,

70:14-18 determination of gravitational constant

54:12 gas calorimeter 55:35

Brachi. Rome. graphometer 28:17 Bradley, James, Astronomer Royal

8:12-13, 27:6-7 Bragg, William & Lawrence, lives of 1:5 Brahe, Tycho 20:18, 31:12, 35:9, 35:18,

37:2, 37:5, 38:28, 40:30 instrument designs 22:2-4. 23:22,

25:26 model of observatory 17:7 portrait 14:13

Bramah, Joseph 41:4 Brander, G F

barometer & thermometer 28:20 connection with Micheli du Crest

72:22-23 correspondence 64:21 equatorial dial 22:19~20 graphometer 25:3 instruments in Zallinger Collection,

sale 9:20-21 micrometers 23:13 ruling engine 47:18 techniques 19:14 universal thermometer 5:15~ 16 work of, catalogue review 3:16, 3:17

Brandreth, Timothy 35:11 advertising in 1707 77:14-21

Brass alloy 39:32 Brass tubing, precision 27:10-15 Brassart, Ermanno 37:19 Braun, Antonius, calculating machine

25:4 Breguet, Abraham Louis 50:19 Breguet, Antoine Louis 50:19-24 Breguet, electric tuning fork 11:4, 18:18 Bregnet, Louis Clement Franqois

50:19-24 Breithaupt & Son GmbH & Co, Kassel

54:26-27 Brendel, R, botanical model maker

71:41, 72:1 Brenni, Paolo 65:1

electrical demonstration 65:23 BreraObservatory 31:14.65:20 Brera Observatory correspondence

1726-1799 12:19 Brewster, Sir David 8:15-16. 10:7, 33:8,

37:21, 41:18 Bridge, John 35:26 Bridge, model showing deflection of


Brieux microscope, d'Amici 14:14. 17:14

Brieux, Alain, exposes forgeries 21:12 Briggs, William, globemaker 21:4 Brisbane Compass 20:26 British archives for the history of

instruments 21:3-7, 22:12 British instrument makers listed in

Mariners' Museum 48:19-22 British Meteorological Society 38:21 British National Inventory 4:9-11 British Sundial Society. formation of

22:1 British Vintage Wireless Society 45:3 Broadhurst. Clarkson & Fuller Ltd. tube

drawing technique 27:10-15 Broadsheet, barometer, by Newcomb

80:14 Brookman & Langdon, pencils 22:5 Brown, John, London 2:12 Browne, W A F 34:10 Browning & Crookes 1:9 Browning John

micrometer for spectroscope 15:11 miniature microscope 69:57 spectroscope 4:3-6, 27:28

Brueghel's Allegories of the Senses 23:9-10

BrumeU, G T, slide rule 3:10 Brunel Collection 75:25 Brunel, CE 52:17 Brunel, Marc Isambard, writing machine

9:17 Brunner, Johann Josef [Jean] 49:3-5 Brunner, Lron 49:3~5 Brunner, I~mile 49:3-5 Bruns, Christian, apprentice of Steinheil

12:5-6 Brush & MacDonald, instrument

suppliers in Sydney 61:24 Bryce. Alexander, and Scottish measures

30:3-4 Bryden Jack Observatory, New

Brunswick 26:19 Bubble chamber particle detector 63:27 Budapest. conference at 9:23 Buffon, burning glass 4:8.5:23 Bugge, Thomas 38:28, 39:10 Buhl, Hans 38:16 Bunge, Paul, Prize. founder 53:36 Bunsen & Kirchhoff, early spectroscopy

4:3-5 Burghley [Burleigh], Lord 37:2.37:4 Burgi, Jost 31:12 Burgst, C J W Nahuys van, cast-iron

monument 69:3-4 Burlini. Biagio, optical instrument maker

76:35-37 Burning glass 4:7-8, 5:23, 58:28-32

Bemiere 58:29, 58:32 Fresnel 58:32 historical 58:30 Kirwin 26:3, 26:11 Newton multiple reflectors 58:30 Parker double lens 58:30. 58:32 table of properties 58:31 Tschimhaus large mirror 58:30 Villette mirror 58:30

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Bums, Robert 38:5 Burrell, Sir William, collection, Glasgow

78:17 Burstow, Edward. ellipsograph designer

17:6 Burt, patent slide rule 3:10 Bute, Earl of. collection 21:5 Butterfield

dial 24:17 signature 21:10

Buys-Ballot. Prof C H D 6:7 Buzengeiger. Johann 39:25 Byerley, Richard. Martin's employee

21:5 Bylica. Martin 38:25 Bywater. John & Co. directory entries

13:2.13:5 Biirgi. Jost 53:7

portrait 53:8 Cabinet, College de la Sacre Coeur

52:23 Caecilia Hospital. Leiden 29:15-16 Calculating machine

Braun 25:4 electronic, collection, Whipple

Museum 19:22 Fowler 67:28 Hahn 27:25 Pascal 10:8.72:14 Schickard 38:17 Schuster 36:27, 37:40

Calculator circular 53:17 long scale and specialised, Fowler

53:17 mariner's 61:29 mechanical 63:35 pocket 63:36

Calculus model 40:37, 41:31 Calendar. Rev Turner 30:20 Calendar

data for ancient and modem 62:14 dates changed to new style 61:22 dates for Saints Days and Events

61:22 devices used 64:7-12 forms of square 64:12 Gregorian 53:29. 61:21 in silver with sundial 64:7 Julian 61:21 perpetual 29:12, 61:20-23 systems 61:20-23, 62:35 tobacco-boxes 36:18

Calendrical instrument. Du Jardin 42:10

Callipers 34:10, 36:11 English. by Richard Whitehead 68:3 French. with 6 points 16:22, 16:24 use for artillery calculations 68:2

Callan. Prof Nicholas 44:26 induction coil inventor 56:4 instruments 26:7

Calombo, Leonide. New York 7:19 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co

38:15 serial numbers 18:8

Cambridge. academic courses re instruments 17:12

Camera 33:21 astronomical, by De la Rue 53:3 astronomical, transportable 53:27 astronomical,with flap shutter 53:3 lucida 51:22 lucida, directions 53:14 meteor, at Ondrejov 25:5 obscura 42:18 obscura, Bristol 75:25-26 obscura, Greenwich 51:4 obscura, Japanese 76:29 obscura, portable 72:2 obscura, Soliel [grand-p~re] 51:8 obscura, various locations 17:6 stereoscopic 48:12

Caminada Bros, Rotterdam 6:18 Canada, instrument scene 26:18~19 Canadian Conservation Institute 66:27 Canadian instrument makers 33:23 Canadian Meteorological Service 40:7 Canes & quadrants, Adams, query 9:18 Canivet. prices of instruments 21:9-10 Canzins, J H Onderdewijngaart 38:27,

49:22-23 Cape Breton, officials of 12:12 Capital gains tax 22:14 Capriani, Francesco, medal 17:21 Capron. J Rand 1:11 Capstan Block and Tripod apparatus

52:7 Carbon dioxide apparatus, Cunfine 26:13 Cardan 37:5 Carpenter, George Washington

chemical warehouse 61:9-10 medicines and instruments 61:9

Carpenter, Gould type microscope 59:30 Carpenter. Philip, drawings of shop

23:21 Carpenter, W B 40:25 Carpenter's rule, Corson 16:16, 17:13 Carpentier, Jules 43:12-15 Carrett, improved slide rule 3:10 Carrington Circle. Troughton & Simms

5:5, 5:7 Cartesian diver, Magiotti 54:2 Cartography and geographical

information institute, Lisbon 62:26 Cartography, History of, conference 1:6 Cary family

globes 7:6, 7:12, 7:15.46:36 sextant 5:27, 10:7 slide rule 3:9 theodolite 9:11

Cary, William globe 26:7, 26:17 Newtonian telescope 25:11-12 sextant-protractor 24:16 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5 telescope catalogue page 25:12

Carys, Strand, Henry's visit to 25:20 Casartelli 33:20

instrument sales 53:18, 53:21 Joseph 51:27 Lewis, directory entries 13:2, 13:5

Casella and Co Ltd 55:23 Caselli pantelegraph 45:21 Casey, Prof Michael. an appreciation


Casi, Fausto 37:19 Cassini family, astronomers 8:3.31:11 Catacomb surveying 37:19 Catalogue

astrolabes at the Smithsonian Institution 12:18-19

caveat cataloguers 14:1 Clarendon Laboratory archive 54:11 Ducretet 11:11, 12:16 electrical instruments 11:7 Fraser 12:16 Gertrude Hamilton 73:23 medieval instruments 31:3 Moxom 64:14 Musschenbroek 70:10-13 need for 19:3-4 paper instruments by Philip Lea 1699

55:3 Philip Lea 66:6 physics apparatus at Vanderbilt

University 13:13-15 problems and pitfalls 11:7, 14:1,

15:14-15 scales 11:7-8 Special Loan of Scientific Apparatus,

South Kensington, 1876 74:16-17 Ulrich Schenk 78:23

Cathedral, Ferrara 31:14 Cathedral, San Petronio 31:11 Cathetometer, Gambey 38:11 Cathode ray tube. J J Thomson 63:29 Cattle gauge 3:4, 3:7-8 Cavendish Laboratory 31:15 Cellophane 33:10 Celsius temperature scale, derivation

56:21 Celsius, Anders

determination of two fixed temperature points 56:17

work on earth's magnetic field 61:15 work on thermometers 56:17-23.

57:20 Celsius, thermometer at Upsala

University 56:19 Central forces machine, Musschenbroek

58:36 Centre National de Reserche Scientifique,

Paris 57:15 Centrolinead, Clarkson 35:27 Cerquero, Sanchez 36:22 Chadburn and Wright, optical goods

53:22 Chadbum, C H 33:18 Champion, William 39:35 Chang Heng 35:18 Chapeaurouge, N 31:15 Chapman, Allan 37:6

at 5th Annual Invitation Lecture 56:1 Chapman, octant 19:22 Chapotot, surveyor's cross 16:23 Chappe. Claude, optical telegraph

monument 69:3 Charles University. Prague, instruments at

25:6-8 Charles, Jacques Alexandre 51:8 Charlotte, Queen 35:23 Chamock, John 39:9 Charpentier, P, Paris, globe 7:9, 7:13

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Chaucer, Geoffrey 37:4 association with instruments 64:4 astronomical expertise 64:6 the Squire's Tale and astronomy 64:4

Chaulnes, duc de, Michel-Ferdinand d'Albert d'Ailly 62:1-2

Chemical apparatus collection 55:27 Hauch Cabinet 60:11-15 in Ireland 26:11~15 instrumentation history 10:19 pneumatic 49:14N16

Chemical Revolution 49:14-16 Chemistry, Dept of. University of

Connecticut 8:22 Chemikov, Iakov 39:22 Chesterman. patent cattle gauge 3:8 Chevalier. Charles, Parisian optician

65:14 Chevalier, family 39:11 Chevalier, Vincent 49:3 Chevallier. Jean Gabriel Augustin 43:2

69:31.70:18 Child, Francis 35:5 Child. Henry William Grace, patent

textile measure 3:21, 5:17.6:19 Childe & Doubell, London, query 2:14 Chiltern, James R. of Philadelphia 25:22 China, Tycho Brahe-type instruments in

23:22 Chladni

figures 1:7.2:12 plates 34:22

Choux. perspective device 17:5 Christensen. Dan 38:16 Christie's

London 17:19 changes in 30:19-20 Nicholas Webster Collection sale

29:32.29:32 Christ's Hospital. ledgers etc 21:5 Chronograph

Bashforth 42:22-24 Bouleng6 64:33 Breguet 50:19-20 Grubb 26:7 tram 23:16-18

Chronometer 33:16, 33:19 Arnold 26:19 Berthoud 18:21 Dutch 19th cent 6:11, 6:13 Marsters 12:13 Richard Hornby 41:41 Schubart 53:12

Chronoscopes, graphs 11:4-5 Churches as scientific instruments

48:4-9 Circle, altazimuth

by Reichenbach 65:20 Reichenbach-Liebherr 57:19

Circle azimuth repeating, Brunner 49:4 Bidstrup 38:28 Butterfield 40:24 Carrington 5:5.5:7 meridian, Ertel of Munich 53:26 meridian, Salmoiraghi of Milan 53:27 miniature reflecting. Baradelle 58:41

of proportion & planisphere 12:26. 14:13

of proportion (paper) 55:8 prism. Ertel after Steinheil 12:3 reflecting, Lenoir 29:17 reflecting, Troughton 47:29-30 reflecting, Wenckebach 29:17 repeating, by Reichenbach & Ertel

74:24 repeating, by William Simms 67:34 Troughton & Simms [meridian] 36:22

Circumferentor Australia 22:5-6 Collier 21:24 Giusti 38:18 Heam 33:23 Kleman & Zoon 5:27 Lewis 26:7-8, 56:5 Odelem 26:5 Potter 26:19 Spear 26:5

Clair, A 31:18 Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford 54:10,

67:24 archive catalogue 54:11 records 54:13 staff remininiscences 54:13

Clark, Alvan 38:6 Clark, Alvan & Sons, spectroscope 4:6 Clark, refractor telescope 26:19 Clarke, Edward Marmaduke 26:13

at Royal Panopticon of Science and Art 59:6-13

electrical workshop etc 25:19 instrument maker and publicist 58:16 inventions and technical development

59:12 large electrical machine 59:8 magnetoelectric machine 25:23, 59:8 stereoscope 59:8 telescope 24:16

Clarke. Rev William Branwhite, boiling point apparatus 61:24

Clansius, Rudolf Immanuel, physicist 60:16

Cleaning & re-lacquering of brass instruments 10:2N3

Cleaning instruments 12:18, 12:20 Clepsydra 33:27

from Karnak 66:18-20 stolen from Rome museum 9:7 theory of operation 66:18

Clinton, R B, Professor at Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford 54:10

Clock astronomical 50:16 automaton 35:31 automaton at Leicester 64:27 Bommel, astrolabe 50:15 Bourges Cathedral, astronomical

44:19-20 Breguet, electric 50:21 centrifugal, Thomson (Lord Kelvin)

41:21-22 clepsydra application 66:18-20 Coster 29:11 crystal 53:7 development 50:16-17

Dupuis 38:7 early pendulum. [Vancall ?] 22:8-11 Famese, astronomical 53:28 free pendulum, first 41:20-23 Handsford 40:12 Japanese 26:5-6 Klein 35:8 Knibb 35:29 Koenig, tuning fork 44:15 Kossek 25:5 'Little Admiral'. York 24:13-14,

30:25 Magellan 39:15, 40:19 makers in Oxfordshire 25:27-28 making and scientific community

50:17 mean and solar, Quare 25:5 Metzker astronomical, electrotype

46:21 Philip II 42:8 planet type 53:6 radioactivity danger 17:2-3 regulator, Arnold & Son 26:7 regulator, prices 1791 21:10 regulator, Riefler and Leroy 65:27 Riefler 46:30 Shelton 39:8 Shelton, journeyman type 5:5-6 Shortt free pendulum 26:7 spherical 53:5 Strasbourg Minster 53:6 Swoboda, orrery 25:5 table, with armil/ary sphere 53:7-8 Tompion 40:29, 51:5 water driven 39:3 water. Ibn al-Jazari [reconstruction]

29:3 Wyke 33:18

Cloud chamber 13:16, 14:9 Clunies-Ross, Sir Ian, portrait on

banknote 16:11 Cock, Christopher 37:5 Coelostat

Grubb 26:7 Ottway 26:7

Coggeshall, Henry, slide rules 3:5.3:10 Coggs, John

duplication of name 13:4 Guild 21:4

Cogswell, Robert H . of Nova Scotia 12:14

Coherer 71:24 detector, microphone 71:23 use in lighming recorder 66:29

Coignet family, instrument makers from Antwerp 59:33

Coignet, Michael dial-noctumal 20:31 sundial 10:20

Coimbra Physical Cabinet, exhibit in Belgium 29:32

Coin and banknotes, scientific instruments on 16:9-14

Coin weighing machine 47:5 Cole, Benjamin 7:6, 9:9

Guild 21:4 theodolite [Duke of Cumberland's]


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Cole, Humphrey 2:5, 6:18 achievements 57:2 compendium 24:24 Great Astrolabe 57:32 signed instruments at British Museum

57:2 Cole, James Ferguson 34:26, 35:21 Colegio Imperial, Madrid, instruments

from 62:8 Colladon. Jean-Daniel 47:23-24 Collecting and collectors 19:1-2 Collecting, variety of interests 65: I Collections. dispersal of 9:1-2 Collier. William

circumferentor 21:24 rectangular protractor 21:24

Collins Gallery. University of Strathclyde 78:18

Collins, Charles Wilkins 2:14 query 1:7

Collins. Jeremy 69:33 Collodion process 53:2 Cologne. dealers 22:19-21 Colophons 37:28 Colorimeter. Duboscq 51:12 Colour blindness tester 23:10, 24:15 Columbus 33:2, 33:30 Combustion chamber from Hauch

Cabinet 60:13 Combustion pump 77:1.77:24 Comet, Halley 6:2. 6:23 Cometarium. Miller 10:7 Common.AA. telescopes 10:19 Comparator, Brenner 49:4 Compass

azimuth, Adams 62:8 card, Smith and Ramage 38:28 Culpeper 64:22 exhibition report 10:17-18 Hughes pattern 62:17 magnetic 6:12.6:15-16, 7:4, 7:18,

9:22.10:17-18 magnetic, Baleato 30:20 magnetic. Brunner 49:5 magnetic, Dent 11:12 magnetic, development 7:4 magnetic, Flavelle, Roberts & Sankey

20:26 magnetic, John Harrison 78:26 magnetic. Linnich 11:12 magnetic, Nugent's patent 12:12 mariner's (paper) 55:11 mariner's. Crow 58:23 miner's, from Schwaz 25:4 mining. Hildebrand 58:20 scale of 400 divisions 48:32,

49:32~33 Schniep 25:3 surveying. Canzius 49:23 symbolic use 74:6 with spare head. from James Watt

workshop 57:28 with telescope 54:24

Compasses Gambey 38:13 proportional. Lunan 24:8 Schissler 47:29 Speyer 40:24

stolen from Rome museum 9:7 Whitwell 38:28

Compendium Allen 6:18, 28:25-26 astrolabe and scaphe dial by Arsenius

65:40 astronomtcal 27:30, 29:23-24 astronomical, Allen 79:7 astronomical, book 50:33 astronomical. Budapest 19:10 astronormcal, Charles Whitwell 42:28 astronomical. Habermel 14:17, 15:10 Cary & Gilbert 10:27 Cole 24:24 Elias Allen 68:39 Fieri 25:3-4 graphometer 80:24 pocket by Elias Alien 72:35 pocket, with nocturnal 59:38 Schissler 25:3, 64:36 Schmidt 25:3-4

Computer, Elizabethan, lecture by G L'E Turner 10:21

Computer, impact on collecting 64:1 Condenser, separate, Watt 58:9 Condenser, wireless

'billi' 65:31 variable capacity by Marconi 65:31

Conductance apparatus, Boys & Guthrie 23:2

Conductivity in copper wire 74:34-35 Conservation Internship 32:1 Conservation Training Scheme 7:5-6 Conservatoire des arts et m~tiers, Paris

68:32-34 'Consilience', by William Whewell

[logical term] 59:1 Cook, Captain 39:8

voyages 7:5 Cooke & Wheatstone, lives of 14:15 Cooke, T & Sons

equatorial refractor 13:14 Thomas 5:18 slide roles 26:21

Cookson, William 41:16-19 Cooper, Edward Joshua, telescope 9:19 Cooper, W C, cylindrical electrostatic

machine 59:34 Copeland Collection, Aberdeen 10:5-6 Copernicus 35:18, 38:24

armillary spheres, at Beijing Palace 10:8

Copies of instruments, Special Loan Collection, South Kensington Museum, 1876 76:13-14.77:24

Copland, Professor 24:2-8 Copper, limitations for conduction of

electricity 74:34 Copying machine, Jefferson 9:15 Coronelli 45:33 Coronelli Globe Society 59:31

prize for globe research 21:21 Symposium, Nuremburg, September

2002 75:5 Coronelli. portrait 12:8 Corson, R, mle 16:16. 17:13 Cosens, Nicholas, hourglass maker


Coster, Salomon, pendulum clock 29:11 Cotter, Charles 39:7 Cottier, Louis. master clockmaker 51:7 Course corrector 35:27 Court &von Rohr, Spectaclemakers Co

records 13:6-8 Courtney. Sir William. glass globe for

14:13, 15:14 Covens, Cornelius, globes 7:11 Cowham, M J, perpetual calendar

61:23 Cowley, John. engraver of glass globe

14:13, 15:14 Cowling, Rev William & Nugent's patent

12:12-13 Cox, globes 7:7 Cox, William 19:20

slide role 19:20 Craik. Kenneth, Scottish psychologist

65:7 Craniometer 47:31 Crawford, Earl of, Library exhibition

43:29 Crawford, William S, Nova Scotia

12:13-14 Crest, J N Micheli du, thermometer

development 72:20 Crichton, octant 12:14 Critchley & Mather, directory entries

13:2, 13:5 Crommelin, C A, of Leiden 29:16 Crone Collection, The 29:20-21 Crookes, Sir William 31:8.46:24,

50:40-42, 63:31 spectroscope 4:3.4:5 spinthariscope 12:10

Crosby steam engine indicator 67:17 Cross hairs 36:24 Cross staff 25:15, 25:16-17

17thcentury 27:8-9.28:24 Arsenius 51:35 dimension calculations 48:15-18 Dutch 2:12 eye error 48:15-18 Hamon 48:17 Holland 29:20 making 24:11-13 misused, 'Little Admiral' clock

24:13-14, 30:25 modem 25:16-17 replica of Dutch 22:23, 25:35 replica, construction of 24:11-12 Stifling Castle 3:2 Tuttell 48:17 'radius astronomicus' 48:17-18 recent examples 1994-2004 80:18-23 van Keulen 80:22

Crossbow. for fine thread production 23:3

Crow, Francis of Faversham 58:22 Crow, Thomas, of Wateringbury 58:22 Crow, William 58:23 Cmikshanks galvanic trough. Newman

50:12 Cryogenic equipment at Kingston,

Ontario 26:19 Cryptographic apparatus, temp K Charles

II 30:21-22

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Cuff, John 3:14. 39:29 in Zoffany painting [?] 70:6 microscope compendium 17:24 premises 21:4

Culham & Rutherford Appleton Laboratories 13:9~10

visit 11:13.13:9-10 Culpeper. Edmund & Edward confused

13:6 Culpeper. Edmund 52:10

quadrant 19:13 trade card 61:6

Cumberland. Dukes of 28:3-7 Cumine. J A. Belfast, carbon dioxide

apparatus 26:13 Cupping pump set, Tiemann 26:18 Current balance

James White 54:12 Kelvin 54:12

Current meters, oceanographic 17:18 Cushee family, globes 7:7, 7:11, 7:14, 8:231 Cussons & Company, G 52:5 Cussons. George 51:28, 52:6

George Wilfred 52:7 Cuthbert. John F. microscope 3:22 Cuthbertson, John, electrostatic machine

29:19.29:21.29:26 Cybernetics 65:7 Cycloidotrope 15:11 Cycometer [wavemeter] by Marconi

53:26 Czechoslovakian National Inventory

4:12 D'Agostino. S 31:15 Daguerre, LJ M 39:12 Daguerreotype

Dancer 29:6 of sun and moon 53:2 of three scientists 20:22 stereoscopic of Wheatstone 50:13

Dahl, Per 37:15 Dall. Horace. archive of 14:13 Dallmeyer. Johann Heinrich 56:24-26

notepaper with awards 56:25 three early lenses 56:24 trade catalogue 56:25

Dallmeyer, 'J H' and 'H' the same person 56:24

Dalston. London, turret barometer at 25:9-11

Dalton. John 33:20 apparatus for 'Law' 72:15

Dancer, John Benjamin 29:4-8, 33:18, 41:9, 51:27

Danfrie. Philipe 38:18 trigonometer 7:18, 25:3

Daniell. battery and laboratory 25:20 Danjon. Andre 31:13 Dante, Vincenzo 36:17 Danti, Egnatio 31:14, 35:18, 43:20. 51:3 Darius. Jon 33:17, 38:24.40:1

introduction of memorial lecture 44:3 Darwin 37:9 Davenport. Robert 2:4, 53:19

circular slide rule 30:13, 30:15 David. Frater. astronomical clock 25:3 da Vinci, Leonardo 37:6.37:8

exhibition 13:18.14:15

Davis, A 31:14 Davis, A B 31:15 Davy, Sir Humphrey, and the Royal

Institution 28:27 Dawes, W R

micrometer 23:12 solar eyepiece 14:2-3, 16:18

Day, miniature sextant 24:16 De Carvalho, Romulo 39:15.40:20 De Casseres, Abraham 6:12 De Champlain, Samuel, astrolabe 26:19 De Chaulnes, Duc, screwcutting ability

22:8 De Cohnar. Thomas, arithmometer 9:21

11:12 De Dondi, Giovanni, Astrarium 53:6 De Fobis, Pierre. armillary sphere 25:3 De Fontainemoreau, Pierre 38:20 De Grave & Son, dates 13:6. 14:9, 16:18 De Grave, Mrs Mary, scalemaker 28:8-9 De Grillo, Clelia 40:16 De Koningh, Pieter 6:18 De la Garde, Jacques, astrolabe 28:35,

30:20, 30:22, 30:36 De la Ramre, Gilles, globe 7:9-10, 7:13 De la Rue, Warren, lunar photography

53:2 De Mongenet, Franqois, globe 7:8 De Pombal, Marquis 39:15 De Rossi. Michele 37:19 De Saussure, Horace-Benedict 31:15 Dealers, American, directory of

26:16-18 Deane, William 45:12-18

binding date 13:6 Office of Ordnance 21:6 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5

Dearden, Paul 33:15 Debarbat, Suzanne 31:13.31:16 Deckel, Friedrich, apprentice of Steinheil

12:5-6 Decoration, 'running oak leaf' 21:24,

27:33~34 Dee. John 2:5, 37:4 Deens, Jodocus, equinoctial ring dial

25:3 Delamarche, globes 7:9 Deleuil, Jean Adrien 47:4--7 Deleuil, Louis Joseph 47:4-7 Deleuil, Paris, physical apparatus 13:14 Delft Technical University 29:17 Delhi, Jai Singh Observatory instruments

15:3 Della Porta 37:5 Della Torte, Halifax & St John 12:14 Denegan, Joseph, Philadelphia 7:18 Denmark, instrument collections in

26:24 Dennis, J C, optician 28:5 Dennison, Edmund 38:6 Dent & Co, astronomical clock 26:7 Dent, compass 11:12 Dent, Edward 39:24, 40:5 Dent, John Edward, patent dipleidoscope

72:26 Dentist's drill, Harrington type 18:21 Desaguliers, funeral card 41:34 Desmiani, John 37:10

Destombes, Marcel 36:17 collection 19:23, 29:26

Detonator punch. Breguet 50:20 Deur, Joannes, Amsterdam, globes 7:11 Devioscope 2:16, 3:13 Devfine, clockmaker 52:13 Dewar, James 36:13 Diaconescu, Nicolae 31:18 Dial

Ahaz, biblical references and assessment 61:11-14

bronze Scaphe by Hartmann 59:40 concave (paper) 55:9 diptych 65:19 diptych, 17th century Italian 61:29 double horizontal (paper) 55:9 elliptical (paper) 55:10 horizontal, Crow T58:22 inclining 61:35 inclining, Glynne 78:28 instructions for use of equatorial ring

61:6 ivory dyptych, Bloud 79:6 magnetic azimuth (paper) 55:11 mechanical ring by Glynne 64:37 pillar type mounted on walking cane

55:34 polyhedral, Aggerius 64:37 polyhedral, Erasmus Habermel 69:35 polyhedral, standing by Danfrie 55:34 scaphe, from Hemish workshop 66:13 standing ring 67:33 universal equinoctial, Louvain school

61:29 universal equinoctial, Allen 79:39 universal equinoctial, by Godfrid Weys

77:56 universal equinoctial, instructions for

use 79:18-22 universal equinoctial, Thompson

79:20 Dialling pamphlet, Lankford 13:15 Diamond

in instrument making 47:17-22 polishing 31:12

Diaphragm 40:25 Brown 40:26 Collins 40:26 Webster 40:26

Dicas, Mary & Ann, hydrometer makers 28:9

Diderot and d'Alembert 39:33.40:13 Dien, Charles, globe and planetarium

19:21 Difference engine

Babbage 47:28 Scheutz 52:16 Scheutz, by Bryan Donkin & Co

52:18 Diffraction grating, echelon 59:16 Diffraction patterns and classical theory

of light 59:17 Digges, Leonard 35:2, 37:2.37:8 Dilatometer, Rostriaga 62:9 Dilettante, instrumental 20:1-2 Diligentia Socie~ 67:3-8 Dip circle 35:32

Gambey 26:10

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Gambey pattern 75:27 Gauss design 75:28 Kew 75:27-28

Dipleidoscope 10:7.72:26-34,74:41 comparison Dent and Secretan 72:29

Diptych dims, Harvard 31:12 Directories. errors in 13:2.13:5 Discovery. Royal Research Ship at

Dundee 78:19 Distance meter. Tavemier-Gravet 14:14

15:15 Distillery instruments at Seagram's

Museum 26:19 Distilling apparatus. Savale 40:18 Dividers

Habermel 74:30 large, Destombs collection 29:26 protracting. Habermel 25:3 reflecting. Lipkens 29:17 Rothschild Collection 62:29 Schissler 38:25 Sisson 29:21 wing, property Sir Christopher Wren

55:16 Dividing device 30:26-27 Dividing device for gear cutting,

reconstruction 77:38 Dividing engine

Breithaupt 54:26 circular, Reichenbach 56:27 Froment 62:25 Gambey 38:11 Secretan 40:4 Yeates & Son 26:7-8

Diving bell. demonstration device, Copland 24:7

Divini. Eustachio, micrometers 23:12 Dixey. C W

billhead 28:2 microscope 8:28 name on Adams-type microscope

11:12. 11:27.14:20 Dixey, Norwich. trade card 28:3, 28:6 Dixey, Richard, Dr, seminar 22:22 Dixey. William, optician 28:8 DNA molecule model by Crick 63:25 Dobson. John. telescope designer 63:20 Dollond

achromatic telescope, at Armagh 26:4 dynameter 26:7 family, London 5:5.5:11, 7:5.7:18,

7:26.9:15-16, 10:5 glass connection with Fraunhofer

79:2-5.80:37 reflecting telescope 19:9 refracting telecopes 19:8. 19:9.27:28 refractor at Kingston. Ontario 26:19 screw threads 22:11 telescope prices, 1791 21:9 telescope, Prof Copland 24:7

Dollond. George ellipsograph 17:5 solar eyepiece 14:2-3

Dollond. Peter 31:12.31:13.40:25 Dollond & Sisson, mural quadrant 19:9 Doncker. H. cross staff 28:24 Donkin, Bryan 39:24 Doppelmeir. globes 20:32.21:32

Doppler, Christian. at Prague 25:6 Dorn, Hans 19:8,36:17 Dotti, CaroloFrancisco 31:16 Double windmills 76:21-22

James Ferguson 77:22-24 Doublet. T & H, comparative rule 20:8 Douglass, Sir Howard, navigational

instrument 7:18 Dovaston, John Freeman 65:10 Dowsing 44:33

16th century, illustration 41:1 rod 41:24-27 rod mechanisims 41:26

Drago, A 31:17 Dragon's blood 12:20, 13:11 Drawing instruments

A G Thornton Ltd 54:6-7 Banks 17:26 Elliott and Sons 61:30 Facini 14:5 Glynne 12:21 Gourdin 40:23 Heath 12:21, 42:28, 54:32 Joseph Halden 54:6 machine made 54:7 Marcus 25:3 materials 54:7 Newsam 34:19 Office of Ordnance 45:15 Ordnance quantities 21:6 Wright 6:18

Drawings by George Scharf 23:21-22 Drawn tubing, manufacture of 27:10-15 Dresden collection 31:14 Drift sight, Bellanca aeroplane 74:21 Dring & Fage

hydrometer makers 28:9 slide rule 3:7

Drinkwater. J E 37:3 Dry gas meter 63:4 Dry Pile. Oxford 54: I I Du Jardin calendrical instrument 42:10 du Rochon, Alexis Marie 51:8 Dublin. SIS visit to 22:23, 23:23, 26:3-10 Duboscq and Soliel. family tree 51:7 Duboseq, Jules 51:11, 76:26

optical siren 5:2 polariscope 24:16 prism train 4:3 stereoscopic bioscope 73:30-31

Duchenne, Dr, Paris, induction coil 8:18 Ducretet, Eughne 46:12-17

air-pump 16:22 catalogues 11:11.12:16

Ducretet & Lejeune, Faraday's wheel 25:6-7

Dudley. Sir Robert, and his Instruments 9:23, 10:21

Dulong, Pierre 38:11 Dumotiez Fr~res. Paris. electric generator

8:18, 38:27 Dunn, J, graphometer 10:7 Dunn, Thomas, slide rules 3:5, 3:9 Dunsink and Annagh Observatories,

Early Instruments at. lecture 26:4 Dunsink Observatory 26:7-9, 39:9 Dupuis, Nathan Fellowes 38:5

astronomical clocks 26:19

Durable ephemera 16:1-2 Diirer, Albrecht 37:28

perspective 17:4 Dutch Connection 6:18 Dutch meteorological instruments. 19th

century 6:7-8 Dutch scientific instruments 5:17 Dutour, I~tienne-Franqois 57:21-22 Dynameter, Dollond 26:7 Dynameter, for telescope 77:9-9 Dynamical top. Smith & Ramage

30:13-14 Dynamics demonstration device. Prof

Copland 24:6 Dynamo

Breguet 50:22-23 Gramme by Breguet 41:35-36

Eamshaw, observatory clocks 26:4 Earth and Time. innovatory exhibition at

Sisteron. France 65:2 Earth inductor

Palmieri 76:30 Queen 76:30 Weber 76:31-32 with acoustic attachment 76:31

East India Company ship [replica] 29:22 Easter date, finding 62:11-13 Easton, J B 37:9 Eckhard. patent rolling ruler 18:5 Eclipsareon, ROmer [copy] 25:13 Ecology of scientific instruments 6:6 Edgeworth, Henry

instrument maker 61:18-19 trade card 61:19

Edinburgh and Leith Glasshouse 31:12 Edkins. S S 36:20 Educational drawing models 52:7 Edwards, John, mirror polishing

technique 69:29 Eelsalu. H 31:16 Eger Observatory, Hungary, old

instruments at 19:9 Egestorff Collection and National

Museum 26:5-6, 44:26 Eichens. William 40:4 Eichner, Lauritz Christian 31:14 Eiffel, Gustav 52:22 Einthoven, Willem. of Leiden 29:12 Ekstrrm, Daniel 31:17 Elecrostaic generator. Kelvin water

dropper 76:5 Electric lighting, Deleuil 47:4-5 Electric motor, Froment 45:19-20 Electrical apparatus

Duboscq 51:13 L'Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 57:14

Electrical demonstration in Amsterdam portrait 67:1

Electrical demonstrations, value in 19th century 59:1

Electrical experiments at the Royal Institution 28:27-28

Electrical instruments cataloguing 11:7 marketed for medical use 45:1.45:5 measuring, first mass-production

43:13 Electrical Laboratory. Oxford 54:10

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Electrical machine large. Clarke 59:8 Van Marum 53:10

Electrical resistance, measurement of 74:35.75:34

Electrical test equipment, large scale production of 71:18-20

Electrical wires, early insulation techniques 74:34

Electricity. generators of 8:16, 8:18 Electriv arc light. Bemaert 53:10 Electro-dynamometer. Siemens 54:12 Electrocardiograph. Hindle 8:19 Electrodynamometer, Pellat 43:13 Electroforming tecnique, uses 64:30 Electromagnet

Centre National de Reserche Scientffique. Paris 57:15-16

Ruhmkorff 41:5 Electromagnetic apparatus, Prof Callan

26:7 Electromagnetic box. Nobili 8:5-6 Electromagnetic distance meter 63:4 Electromagnetic waves

early detectors 71:21-27 Hertz experiments 71:22

Electrometer Kelvin quadrant 65:36 Lindemann-Keeley 54:12 quadrant 54:10 Righi [electrostatic generator] 63:7 use with submarine cables 64:29 with water pump 67:4

Electropoise 45:5 Electroscope

Bohenberger 65:35 Zamboni type 65:22

Electrostatic apparatus collection 26:5 Cuthbertson 29:19, 29:21, 29:26 cylindrical, by Cooper 59:34 demonstration device for 'head of

despair' 24:7 globe 65:35 Leiden 29:12 machine 38:27 machine, Ramsden 40:19 Naime 28:20-21 Nairne-type 30:20 Newman 50:11

Electrostatic generator charge-changing and tandem principle

63:10 early development 63:6 endless band by Rouland 63:7 Pauthenier-Moreau-Hanot 63:11 Pelletron chain 63:10 popular appeal and demonstrations

63:12 Righi's 'electrometer' 63:7 tandem 63:11 use in atomic research 63:7 Van der Graaff 63:6

Electrostatic machine, plate 65:37 Electrotachyscope, Anschiitz 56:26 Electrotype

astrolabe 46:19-21 astronomical clock 46:21

copies of metal artefacts 64:30-31 lunar crater 46:22 process 46:18-21.64:30 trademark 46:22

Electrum & other metal alloys 3:14, 5:19 Elizabethan computers 9:23 Elizabethan instrument makers 20:18 Elliott Brothers 35:26, 36:2, 36:8, 36:13

38:15, 39:26, 64:28 magnetometer 20:20 manufacture of arithmometers 52:18 tram chronograph 23:18

Elliott. Ernest J, telescope restored by 25:11-12

Elliott, heliochronometer 30:19 Ellipsograph

Boys 23:6 by John Farey 78:12 various makes 17:5.18:19

Elphinstone, Keith 36:11 Elton, John, warrant for quadrant patent

18:3-4 EMI 34:24 Emmanuel, Charles, patent model

pantoscope 26:29 EngeU demonstration microscope

10:12~14, 21:19 Engisberti, Petrus 35:18 England, John, bound to Robert Jole

13:6-7 English Mechanic, The 10:11-12 Engraving

demonstration of 41:2 Mercator 51:3 techniques and analysis 51:3

ENIAC computer 63:15 Enigma enciphering machine 50:32 Enlightenment, aspects of visual culture

69:2 EPACT [virtual resource for pre-1600

instruments] 61:3 Epact

table on sundial 62: I 1 table to find 62:13

Ephemera in academic research 60:28 Ephemera

early printed instruction and broadsheets 79:18-22

instructions and broadsheets of London instrument makers 80:12-17

London instrument makers 64:13-16 65:4-6, 66:6-8

Scientific Instrument, lecture by P Delehar 24:21

societies 60:32 Society, presentation of medal by 10:21

Epkens, G 6:13 Equatorial mount for telescope

at Armagh, Troughton 26:4 Sisson & Ramsden 24:6

Equatorium 33:16 Eratosthenes 33:3 Ertel & Sohn GmbH, T, 1802-1984

56:27-28 Ertel & Sohn. meridian circle 13:14 Ertel

instruments dating 56:28 prism circle 12:3

telescope 9:19 theodolite 42:6 Traugott Leberecht, German instrument

maker 56:27 Escola Politrcnica. Lisbon 55:27 Estreicher, Karol 38:24 Eudiometer from Hauch Cabinet 60:15 Euparal [microscope mounting medium]

53:15 European Instruments, 16th century

20:18 Evans, John. directory entries 13:2 Evans. Lewis, display case 42:21 Evans, R B 31:15 Evans. William, directory entries 13:2 Everard, Thomas. slide rule 3:3.3:6 Everest, Capt George, surveyor 9:11.

20:22, 31:33, 43:22-23 Evidence from wrecks 8:3-4 Ewart. John 3:4 Exeter Change [Royal Menagerie in

London] 58:11 Exhibition, Mecanismes du Genie 1991,

report 32:24 Exhibitions and galleries in Britain. early

58:11 Experimentation techniques 78:35-37 Exploration of Space, new gallery at

Science Museum 10:21 Eye Hospital, Royal, Manchester 51:29,

52:5 Eye, human

18C anatomical model 54:23 model of 7:18 model of defects in 26:7-8 model of long-sighted 24:8

Eyeglasses, miniature, Hungarian 19:10 Eyesight, measurement of characteristics

65:7 Fabre, Jean-Henri, portrait on medal

16:13 Fabric measurer 22:19, 23:10 Fabrication of Fiducial Lines for 17th-

19th Century micrometers 23:11-14

Facsimile receiver (Fultograph) 13:9 Facsimiles

benefits & worries 25:1 by Pearson Page 3:10-11.5:20-21 of signatures 22:18

Faenza, oil barometer at 30:6-7 Fahrenheit thermometers & letters

16:3-6 Fakes

and Facsimiles, lecture 1:3 and forgeries 21:10-12, 22:18 exhibition at British Museum 28:1 medieval 44:11 Mensing and Henze Collections

28:14~18 recognition 54:9 sandglass [?] 21:24

Fall, Philip 39:23 Fantascope, Bury & Ackermann 15:10 Faraday, Michael 37:5

appointment 50:11-12 correspondence 16:16 laboratory at the Royal Institution 28:27

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Museum 77:3 on aplaquette 16:13 puzzle pictures 28:23 wheel, Ducretet & Lejeune 25:6-7

Farey, John 3:4 ellipsograph 17:5 on origins of 'Soho' slide rule 57:5-6

Farmer. John 5:18 duplication of name 13:4

Fellowship of Makers and Restorers of Musical Instruments 29:1

Fellweck of Wiirzburg. quadrant 25:5 Felton Grimwade Scientific Instrument

Co. Australia 60:33 Fennel, Otto

gun telescope 55:18 of Kassel 55:18

Fenwick. Valerie 33:31 Ferguson, James 34:7, 38:5, 39:16,

77:22-24 astronomical clock design 24:6 globes 7:7, 7:12, 7:14 mechanical apparatus, by W & S Jone,

30:13 MSS 21:3 orrery instructions in manuscript

54:28 pocket globe 20:24

Fermi, Enrico 53:28-29 Ferranti 51:22 Ferrari, G 31:15 Fertbauer, Phillip. astronomical clock

25:3 Fey, Luigi 31:15 Fiducial lines for micrometers, fabrication

of 23:11-14 Field glasses for use in aeroplanes, report

of 1914 70:20 Field. Robert. Birmingham 10:7 Fieri. compendium 25:3-4 Fifty years of Hilger Spekker 15:7-9 Finney, James, ellipsograph designer

17:5 Fire and steam pump, Nollet, Jean-

Antoine, Abb6 57:21,57:24 Fire syringe, Yeates & Son 26:9 Fireplace with instruments, Robert Adam

30:24 Firlots [grain measures], standard 30:4 First free pendulum clock 41:20-23 Fischer, Karl 31:16 FitzRoy. Admiral 38:21 Flamsteed House. Greenwich 51:4 Flamsteed, Rev John 40:29

and instruments for new Royal Observatory 56:11

Flash-point apparatus. Pensky Martin 75:35

Flatters and Gamett 51:28.53:15 Flatters. Abraham 53:15 Flavelle & Roberts, Hedley

circumferentor 22:6 Flavelle Brothers. instrument supplies in

Sydney 61:24 Flavelle Roberts & Sankey, compass

20:26 Fleet Street in the mid-18th cent [map]


Fleming. Alexander, medal 16:14 Foot, wax model of 20:24 Foote, PG 33:12 Foppes, Wytze 47:14-16 Forbes, Eric 40:27 Forced centering 58:20 Fortin, Nicholas 31:13, 38:12 Foster. James 40:8 Foucault, L~on 40:4

apparatus for eddy current heating 41:7

breaker for induction coil 41:6 heliostat 51:12 pendulum 26:15-16, 29:3.42:6 pendulum, Froment 45:20 rotating mirror for speed of light

57:19 Fowler & Company 51:22, 51:28, 53:16 Fowler, Harold 53:17 Fowler, John 5:18 Fowler. L N, ceramic phrenology head

13:21 Fowler. Thomas, mathematician and

inventor 67:28 Fowler, William Henry 53:16 Fracastoro, Girolamo 37:6 Franchini, L 31:18 Frank, Arthur, Collection 9:1-2, 9:20 Franklin, Benjamin, glass harmonica

8:18 Franks, A & B, Ltd 51:22, 51:28 Franks, Augustus Robinson, Keeper of

British Museum 61:3 Franks, J microscope 27:34 Fraser. London, catalogues of instruments

12:16, 14:14 Fraunhofer, glass connection with

Dollond 79:2-5, 80:37 Freedom of London, Alphabets of 13:4 French measures and prices, 1791

21:9-10 French National Inventory 4:9, 4:12 Fresnel lens 41:16-19 Fresnel lenses, Soliel [grand-pbre] 51:7 Fresnel, Jean Augustin 51:8 Friction wheels demonstration device.

Prof Copland 24:7 Friedrich August III, Elector 31:14 Friel. Ian 33:30 Friez, Julien 40:9 Frisius, Gemma, mathematician 66:9 Froment, Paul Gustave 31:13, 44:29,

45:19-24 Froude, William 52:17 Fultograph (facsimile receiver) 13:9 Fused silica fibre 70:14-18 Fusoris, Jean 44:18-19 Galileo 31:14, 37:5, 37:8

mathematical instruments and orthographic projection 69:10-20, 70:2

photograph of instruments 76:10 Galleons, Spanish, treasures from 17:21 Galluchat, Jean Claude 52:10 Galvanometer

astatic signed by Schubart [EUiott ?] 53:11

astatic, Nobili 8:4-5

Breguet 34:21 Ducretet 67:34 Elliot 36:9, 64:28 Nobili type by Bregeut 76:25 tangent with tilting coil 54:12 unipivot by R W Paul 71:17-20 Weber type 41:7

Gambey, H P 38:11 dip circle 26:10

Gambey, Henri Prudence 51:8 Gammage, Benjamin, hydrometer maker

28:9 Gardner, Mrs Margaret, Glasgow 28:11 Garnett, Charles 53:15 Gas bell 27:29, 30:27 Gas calorimeters 23:4-5 Gas discharge tubes 27:18-19 Gas timer 49:33, 50:36-37 Gascoigne, William, astronomical

micrometers 23:11 Gasometer 49:14-15 Gasometers from Hauch Cabinet

60:14 Gassendi, Pierre 52:23 Gassiot. J P 4:3, 4:6 Gatty, Joseph, New York & Philadelphia

7:18 Gauging 33:15

dry measure, Airy 45:28-29 small arms calibre. Deane 45:13-14 small arms shot. Deane 45:13-14

Gauss 31:14 dip circle design 75:28 heliotrope 29:17

Gautier, Paul 6:10, 49:5-7 Gavard, perspective device 17:5, 18:19 Gay, Thomas 35:12 Gear, worm

characteristics 79:33-36 in Morgan gear box 80:2

Gears, making in ancient Greece 77:36-38, 79:27

Gebhart, Johan, diptych dial 21:24--25 Geiger counter, Chadwick 33:17 Geiger, Hans 63:3 Geissler pattern multi-twist and bulb tube

55:41 Geissler, Heinrich 27:17-19, 31:8 Gelsinger. B E 33:12 Gemini, Thomas 2:5, 43:20 Geminos 35:18 Gene gun [biolistic particle delivery]

63:21 Geodesy, history of 7:16-17 Geodetic instruments

Brunner 49:3-5 Foppes 47:14-16

Geodimeter 72:6 Geographical distribution of instruments

18:1 Geography of the trade in scientific

Instruments 26:3-4 Geomagnetism, contibution of Gresham

College professors 56:7 Geometrical walking cane. Adams. query

9:18 Geoptosimetre 35:21 George III Collection 13:18

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German dealers in instruments 22:19-21, 24:18

Ghilardi. A J P 31:17 Gilbert. L W 39:24 Gilbert. octant 8:23 Gill, David 37:9 Gillett, W S 40:25 Gills. Solomon, instrument maker [?]

68:28 Giltay, Jan Willem 70:28-32 Giroux. Alphonse 39:12 Giusti. Giovan Battista 31:14, 51:3 Glaisher. James 5:8.43:2 Glass globes 47:8-11 Glass making 79:2 Glass. comparison of Dollond and

Fraunhofer types 79:2~5.80:37 Glass. instruments for compressing and

bending 25:22 Glassmakers Index. 1600-1900 73:1 Global Positioning System 63:20 Global Reunion 12:7-9 Globe, Adams 7:7, 7:15.8:27, 29:20-21

Adams. G 7:7.7:10, 7:15.10:26 advertisement of Senex and Price

77:21 Akerman 38:27 Allard. Abraham 7:11 Allard. Karel 7:11 Ambassadors 68,07 Atlas supporting, in Meissen porcelain

59:32 Barbay 47:9-11 Bardin 10:26.33:6, 36:20, 38:27,

39:16 Behaim 33:4, 36:17,41:1 Blaeu 7:6, 7:9-10, 22:19, 38:28,

39:15, 40:19, 51:20 Boulengier 7:8 British checklist (Dunn & Wallis) 60:1 B~Jrgi, in crystal clock 53:7 Cary 7:6.7:12, 7:15.26:7, 26:17,

46:36 Cary 21 inch pair 67:33 celestial, Burgi, Rothschild Collection

62:31 by Dovaston 65:10 celestial, glass. Heath & Cowley

14:13, 15:14 celestial, Homann. Rothschild

Collection 62:29 celestial, Indian 79:7 celestial, Indo-Persian 78:4 celestial. Nollet 77:41 celestial, with clockwork mechanism

79:1 Charpentier 7:9, 7:13 clock and sundial, Ulrich Schniep

42: I conservation 33:4 construction of mechanical 53:5 construction of paper 68:6-8 copper. 72 cm 53:6 Coronelli 8:3.31:12, 40:19, 45:32-33 Covens 7:11 Cox 7:7 Cushee 38:31.40:24 De la Ramie 7:9-10, 7:13

De Mongenet 7:8 Delamarche 7:9 desk-top pair 16:26 Deur 7:11 Dien 19:21 Doppelmeir 20:32,21:32.22:28,

23:28 Dom 38:24 double, Rothschild Collection 62:31 early construction methods 68:6 Edkins 36:20 epicyclic gearing 53:6 Ferguson 7:7, 7:12.7:14, 20:24, 40:24 four groups of mechanical 53:5 Frisius 25:3, 33:4. 37:29 Gessner, 'Globuspokal' 75:22~23 glass 14:13, 15:14,47:8-11 Gobille 7:9 Gottorp 64:23 Great Academic 36:15, 64:23 Greuter 38:18 Habrecht 7:18 Harris 40:24 Heyden 53:6 Hill 7:7, 7:11-12, 7:14 Holbrook 9:20 Homann 7:11, 7:14 Hondius 7:9, 38:18 in History, lectures 22:22, 23:23 Italian, 17th century 31:12 Jagiellonian 38:25 Jones 36:20 Klinger 13:22 Lane 7:7, 7:11-12, 7:15 lecture by A Middleton 30:1 Lenox 5:22 lunar 18:6, 42:6-7 making in London as a trade 64:15 manuscript pair by John Dovaston

68:7, 69:1 mechanical celestial, Biirgi 53:7 mechanical celestial, Reinhold and

Roll 53:6 mechanical, Baldewein 15:3 mechanical, Schissler 30:21, 75:22 mechanical c a 1500-1650 53:5.54:2 Mercator 29:20 Miller 7:7, 7:12, 10:5.10:7 Moll 6:18 Morden & Berry 12:21 Moxon 7:6-8, 7:10 Murad III 32:19 Museum, Vienna 12:9, 12:9 Neale 38:27, 38:31 Newton 7:7, 7:12, 7:14, 36:13, 37:33,

40:23 pairs, Bleau 53:28 pairs, Greuter 53:28 Palmer & Newton 7:7, 7:12 Passemant 8:3 patent concentric celestial and

terrestrial 54:21 Pfluger 35:9 Plancius 9:21 pocket 7:6-8, 7:8-15 pocket [numerous makers] 7:6-15,

8:23 pocket, American 9:20

pocket, Moxon 51:38, 55:34 Price 7:7, 7:10, 7:13 prices, 18th-19th cent 23:20-21 printed. Waldseemiiller 51:4 prize for research 19:23, 20:25 restoration of, lecture 30: I

Schoner 7:8 Senex 7:6, 7:10, 7:13-14 Seutter 28:16 small silver, Emmoser 53:6 stolen from Rome 9:6-7 terrestrial, at Milies (Voles) Museum

59:4 terrestrial, Dovaston 65:10 terrestrial. Hill 14:13 Valk 7:7.7:11, 7:14, 27:30, 28:30 Van den Keere 7:9 various in Rome 53:30 Vaugondy, prices of 1791 21:10 Vincenzo Coronelli 74:38 vitreous 47:8-11 Vopel 7:8 Waldseemuller 7:8 West 40:24 Wright 39:16

Gloves, pros and cons 14:8 Glycerine barometers 30:5 Glynne, Richard 9:9.9:21, 10:8

drawing instruments 12:21 universal dial 14:5

Glyphoscope 48:12-13 Goater, octant 17:25 Gobille, Grdron, Paris, globe 7:9 Godin, Louis 36:22 Goethe 31:16 Golden Number 62:11 Goniometer

Oertling 25:31 Powell & Lealand 30:13

Good, Richard 15:3 Goodman, Thomas, dates 13:7 Gordon, Robert, of Straloch. astrolabe

10:6 Gorlitz, von Gersdorf Collection at

28:20-21 Gould and Proctor 36:16 Gourdin. E, fake signature 21:11 Gourdon, theodolite 18:21-22 Gozzi, Angelo 47:1 Graeme-Thom, Major 17:14 Graham, George 9:9, 31:12, 31:17

astronomical clock 26:19 magnetic declinometer 61:15 standard accuracies in instrumentation

27:3-8 Gramme, ring armature 37:11 Gramme, Throphile, dynamo monument

69:3 Gramme, Zenobe 37:11 Gramophone Company 36:12 Grandi, Maura 31:18 Graphometer 35:34

Blondeau 40:23 Brachi 28:17 Brander 25:3 Langlois and Lenoir 51:5 Lenoir 24:17 Macquart 36:23

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Grasselli, Josr. anemometer 42:7 Grasshopper Morse key replica 52:2 Grating and lining apparatus 47:20-21 Gravitation

instruments for study of 66:24 machines by Poleni 66:23-25

Gravitational acceleration, Boy's apparrus 70:16

Gravitational constant, determination 23:3-4. 54:12

Gravity. centre of. demonstration device 23:6

Gray.Asa. visits London 25:21-22 Gray, James. and Scottish measures 30:4 Grayson, H J. micro-rulings 8:23-4 Greatorex. Ralph, ring dial 13:17 Greek-Balkan experimentation. 18th and

19th centuries 59:3 Green. James. of Baltimore 66:27 Greenwich List of Observatories

21:15-16 Greenwich Observatory 40:27, 40:29 Gregorian Calendar 53:29. 61:21 Gregory, James 31:12, 37:5 Gresham College

Astronomy and Geometry professors 56:7

founding of Royal Society at 56:6 impact on science in England 56:6-12 medieval oriental studies 56:9

Gresham. Sir Thomas 56:6 Grice, William Hawks. thermometer

7:18 Griffin & Tatlock, origins of 27:33 Griffiths, John 33:17 Grigg, William 34:21 Gfillot. S 31:13 Grirnwood. Peter. construction of 'Tycho

Brahe' planetarium 59:27 Grinding and polishing techniques

69:27-30 Grose, S J 36:12 Grubb 26:2.31:13,47:1

balance 26:11 chronograph 26:7 coelostat 26:7 solar eyepiece 14:3.16:18 spectroscope 26:11 telescope 26:4. 26:7.26:9, 42:6

Guilds London instrument makers 10:5,

21:3-4 records as primary sources 13:3-4

Gun telescope by Fennel 55:18 Gtmdelach tube 65:36 Gunneo' Pocket Book 54:15 Gunnery instruments 32:3, 45:13

perpendicular [level]. Adams 21:6 quadrant, Habermel 25:5 quantities 21:6

Gunsights, First World War 52:6 Gunter rules, sliding and non-sliding 57:6 Gunter scale by H Sutton 59:30 Gunter. chain. Baker 18:20, 24:15 Gunter. Edward, titlepage of Workes

56:8 Gunter. rule (paper) 55:4.55:11 Gunter, rule. Lock 40:23

Gunther, R T 37:3 Gurjewitsch, Aaron 37:8 Gutenberg. Johannes 31:12 Guthrie, Frederick, influence on C V

Boys 23:2 Gyllenborg, Carl. of Lund 17:8 Gyroscope

Bohnenburger 38:28, 39:25 Froment 45:20 Houdek & Praze 25:6-7 in lead sphere 25:6, 25:8 Jones 39:23 set of four 25:6-7 suspended type 25:6, 25:8

Haas, Jacob 39:15 Habermel, Erasmus 31:12,47:28-29

astrolabe 26:5-6 astronomical compendium 14:17,

15:10, 16:17 dial 26:31.27:30 'dial' [fake] 28:14-15 instruments 25:3-5 planispheric astrolabe 46:37

Habrecht, Isaac III of Strasbourg 53:6 Habrecht, Isaac, globe 7:18 Habsburgs, treasures of 25:3-5 Hadley quadrant, back observation 2:8 Hadley, George, tercentenary of birth

5:22 Hadley, John 37:5 Haering, instrument maker 51:8 Hahn, A& R, of Munich 12:6 Hahn, Philipp M, Stuttgart exhibition,

report 27:25.27:25, 28:28 Haidinger, W 33:12 Halden, Joseph 51:28 Halden, Joseph, & Co 54:6 Hales, Stephen. botanist, work on

temperature scales 56:20 Hall, Robert 40:30 Halley, Edmond, lecture 6:2 Halley, Graham's instruments for 27:3-8 Halse, WH 5:24 Hamilton, Gertrude, instrument dealer in

Paris 73:23-26 Handsford, John 40:11 Hannyngton, Maj-Gen, slide rule

16:22-24 Harling, W H, instrument maker 54:6 Harmonic analyser 78:8 Harmonica, glass, Franklin 8:18 Harmonograph, universal 75:9-10 Harp, Marloye 44:14 Harrington, dentist's drill patent 18:21 Harriot, Thomas 37:4 Harris & Co 36:16 Harris, John 40:37

optician, advertising cart 23:21 Philip & Co 26:14 Sir William Snow 77:27 Thomas 4:17 William & Co, London 2:3, 13:2

Harrison, Anthony, octant 30:29 Harrison, Charles, of Limerick, sundials

30:29 Harrison, John, magnetic compass 78:26 Hartl disk for optical demonstration

55:29, 57:36

Hartmann, Georg 39:35 astrolabe 29:23-25 dial 20:31 dial. bronze Scaphe 59:40 instrument maker 55:2 techniques 19:13

Hartmann, Jiirgen. pupil of Steinheil 12:6 Hartnack, E, Paris & Potsdam 10:13 Hartnup, John 33:19 Harvard collection 30:1-2, 31:12 Harvard Observatory 38:6 Harvard University 27:26-27.30:1 Harvey, William. portrait 14:13 Hauch Cabinet of chemical apparatus

60:11-15 Hauch, Adam Wilhelm 17:6. 38:27 Hauksbee, Francis. temperature scale

56:21 Hawes, John. confusion of dates 13:7 Hawkins. John Isaac, mechanic 9:15 Hawksley, ophthalmoscope 16:22, 16:24 Hawthorn, Robert, slide rule 3:5, 3:10 Hawting, John, clock 5:7 Hay, Commander, navigational instrument

5:19 Hayes, Walter

horary quadrant 19:13 signature on fake quadrant 21:11

Heading corrector, used in air navigation 62:18

Hearne, George, reflecting telescope 19:8

Heat capacity of different materials 58:7 Heath & Cowley, glass globe 14:13.

15:14 Heath, Thomas 39:15, 44:26, 50:25, 73:4

biographical data 26:25 dial on stand 20:28 drawing instruments 12:21 standing ring dials 10:20, 21:24-26,

24:25, 25:33 telescopic surveying instrument 56:5 theodolite 26:7, 44:40

Hebermel, Erasmus, polyhdral dial 69:35

Hedley, circumferentor 22:6 Heemskerck, Maarten van 74:1 Heilbronner, Raoul

early mathematical instruments 64:17-19

inventory of stock 64:19 Hein, Piet 32:7 Heffand, William H. and ephemera of

medical history 10:21 Heliochronometer, Elliott 30:19 Heliometer

G & A Repsold 5:6 San Petronio 48:4-9

Helioscope, use by Jean Paul Marat 74:9, 75:34

Heliostat Duboscq 53:26 Foucalt, by Duboscq 51:12 Foucalt, by Secretan 53:26 Gambey 38:12 Prazmowski 80:24 's Gravesande 29:12 Silberman 26:19

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Heliotrope, Gauss & Bertrand 29:17 Hellenic Research Foundation 59:3 Helmholtz

resonator 33:17.54:11 resonator. Krnig 25:5 synthesiser, Khol 26:18

Hemsley. Henry, optician 21:4 Henderson. Ebenezer 33:18 Hennell. Robert. silver cup 21:24 Henri brothers 40:5 Henry the Navigator 33:30 Henry, Joseph. trade in London and Paris

25:19-24 Henshaw. Walter. triple guild membership

13:4 Henze Collection of European scientific

instruments 28:14-18, 28:14-18 Heraldry, royal arms and symbols

28:2-7 Herlufsholm collection 38:28 Hermitage Museum. St Petersburg 64:23 Herschel family cabinet 68:22-27 Herschel. Alexander Stewart 68:24 Herschel, John 35:26. 53:32 Herschel. John Frederick 68:23.68:30 Herschel, William 53:32

mirror test 6:5 remarks on micrometers 23:11 telescope 29:22 telescope prices 1791 21:10 '7-foot' telescopes 42:6-7

Hertel, Wilhelm, apprentice of Steinheil 12:5

Hertz, Heinrich 41:6 experimental achievements 46:6-7 experiments - a centenary 17:10~12,

18:17-18 wave experiments, apparatus for 46:2 wave instruments 47:25

Hertzian apparatus 17:11~12 Hertzian wave detectors 71:21-27 Heurteloup mechanical leech 34:26 Hevelius, Catherina Elisabetha,

astronomer 51:2 Hevelius, Johannes 33:15, 35:11, 47:3 Hewimg patent land surveyor 9:17 Hidemark. Elizabeth 37:15 Higginbotham, John and Daniel. angling

and instrument supplies 60:3, 61:2, 62:35

Highway rule 50:36~37 Hildebrand works, Frieberg 58:21 Hilderbrand. Max Rudolf, instrument

maker 58:20 Hilger Spekker. instruments for

olorimetric absorptiometry 15:7~10 Hilger, Adam 36:13

spectrometer 26:12 Hill, Nathaniel

globemaker & engraver 20:3 globes 7:7, 7:11-12.7:14 terrestrial globe 14:13

Hill, William 36:6 HiUum. Mrs Sarah 28:8 Hindle, electrocardiograph 8:19 Hindley, Henry, clockmaker 53:21 Hipp 18:18-19

chronoscope 11:4-5

Him stroboscopic steam engine indicator 67:14

Him, G-A. civil engineer 52:16 Hispanic makers 12:20 Hispanic Society of America 7:11 Historical instruments, South Kensington

Museum, 1876 73:2-7 Historical instruments: manufacture,

usage, preservation 8:20-22 Historical Museum, Moscow 64:22 Historical patents and the instrument

collector 18:3-7 History of Science, current state of 10:1 Hodgkinson, G C 38:21 Hodgson, James 40:29 Hodometer 38:28 Hohwii, Andreas 6:11, 6:13 Holbeche, John, backstaff 30:29 Holbrook, Josiah 9:20 Holkham Hall 40:29 Holland, John, father and son 41:9 Holland, Julian 17:14 Holmes, Mrs Mary Ann. spectacle maker

28:8 Holt, J & W, scalemakers 13:6~7 Holtz electrostatic generator, Schubart

53:13 Holtz-Toepler electric generator 8:18 Holtzapffel & Co, London, slide rule 3:8 Homann, Johann Baptist, Nuremberg,

globes 7:11, 7:14 Hondius, globe 7:9 Hone, Joseph, supplier to Board of

Ordnance 68:2~5 Hooke, Robert

astronomical instruments 27:5-6 influence at Gresham College 56:11 screw-edge quadrant 56:10-12

Hookham Collection of electronic calculators 19:22

Hope, Peter 2:14 slide rule 3:9

Hopkinson steam engine indicator 67:12 Horary and geometrical quadrant by

Tobias Volkmer 60:40 Horizon. Becher 37:14 Home & Thomthwaite. dates 13:8 Homsby, Thomas, Prof of Astronomy

5:3-4, 5:6, 5:11, 5:14 Horology

precision technology and the Scientific Revolution 50:15-18

traineeship 19:19 Horrocks, Jeremiah 33:15 Hrschel, Christian Kaspar 3:16-17 Houdek & Praze, gyroscope 25:6-7 Howard Dittrick Museum of Historical

Medicine 12:20 Howard. Luke, meteorologist 30:5 Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel 44:25 Howe, Joseph

dual guild membership 13:4 telescope 29:21

Howse, Derek 58:3 Huggins. William, spectroscope 4:4, 4:6 Hughes and Son 39:7 Hughes, David 46:8 Humboldt, sextant owned by 22:19~20

Hunt, W D, retailer 10:7 Hunterian Museum, Glasgow 78:17 Hurlimann, sextant 19:21 Husbands. Bristol

microscope 27:28 theodolite 27:28

Hux, Elizabeth. London 2:3 Huygens, Christiaan 31 : 12.37:5

Christiaan objectives 7:16 Hydrometer

balls, beads, bubbles 26:12 Casartelli 33:21 Dancer 33:21 Dicas 78:38 Dicas and Sikes 28:9 Miller & Adie 30:13, 30:16 Revenue competition for 26:12

Hygrometer 38:18 brass, Jones 59:29 Newman 30:19, 50:12

Hypsometer, Newman 50:12 Hysom, Jim 37:6 Ibn an-Nadim 35:18 Ibn Khalid al-Marwarrudhi 35:18 Icnographic and orthographic machine

37:19 Images of Time, Amsterdam, report

29:2-3 Imsser, Philipp, &von Rainem. Gebhard.

astronomical clock 25:3 Increment borer 38:14 Index of Scientific Instrument Makers

(Project SIMON) 3:15 India, survey of 9:11 Indicator diagram

evaluation 75:11-17 steam engine 67:10

Indiction [Roman calendar period] 62:13 Induction apparatus, Faraday 72:15 Induction coil interruptor, Schubart

53:12 Induction coil

applications 41:6 Callan 44:26 Carpentier 43:13 Duchenne 8:18 Ducretet 36:28 English [?] 25:6, 25:8 Foucault contact breaker 41:5-6,

51:31 inventor 56:4 large, by Callan 56:5 Prof Callan 26:7 Ruhmkorff 41:5, 47:25

Induction with earth magnetism 76:30-33

Inflation, effects of 21:7-8 Infra-red viewer 34:23 Inheritance tax 22:14 Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon 62:24 Instrument collection of the Diligentia

Socie~ 67:3-8 Instrument futures 21:1-2 Instrument makers

British, listed in Mariners' Museum 48:19-22

Elizabethan 20:18 English Midlands, early 19th century

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41:9-15, 42:17-21 Fleet Street 9:8-10 Liverpool 53:20-21 Manchester 1870-1940 51:26 military 68:2-5 Nova Scotia 12:12-15 Royal Arms 28:2-7 Royal Institution 51:25

Instrument manufacture in Scotland 78:6 Instrument manufacture in Spain

62:7-10 Instrument trade

1800 57:31 before the Industrial Revolution 53:19 Bristol 53:19 Liverpool 53:20 Manchester, 1870-1940 54:6-8 North America 61:9 Sheffield 53:22 with Portugal 64:28 York 53:21

Instruments activities in Germany 41:32-33 advice on copies or fakes 61:27 antique, techniques in studying 41:2 applied to problem solving 68:6-9 astronomical 23:22 astronomical, prices of Lalande

21:9-10 astronomical, Tycho Brahe 22:2-4 Bakelite 71:33 British Museum 'hands on' scheme

79:17 British Musueum 61:3 changing character of 63:1 choice of ten for 20th century 63:2.

63:6, 63:14, 63:23 conservation 2:7.7:19, 9:19-20,

53:37, 54:34, 55:36 customers supplied in Manchester

51:29 depicted in painting by Brueghel

23:9-10 education 17:1 family f'trms in Manchester 51:29 historical records and diversity 63:5 importance in applied science 63:3-5 in 17th century art 74:4-7 Islamic 44:6-8 lacquers 52:36 legal aspects of reproduction 61:27 marketed for medical use, electrical

45:1, 45:5 marketing in Manchester 51:28 medieval European 44:8-11 models, and philosophy of science

6:8-9 Office of Ordnance 21:5-6 on postcards 70:4 on title pages, interpretation 69:2 production in Manchester 51:29 punch marking 73:27-30 purchasing trip of Ira and Charles

Young 76:23-27 recognition of reproduction or fake

54:9 Rome 53:25-30 RCmer [copies] 25:13-14

Scotland 78:4-11 Scottish Universities 24:2-8 surveying 72:2-10 surveying, in early 19th cent Australia

22:5-6 teaching by Galileo 69:14 Victoria and Albert Museum 79:6-14 Volkmayer 25:3 weighing, lecture 21:21 Zinner. listing, disposal and location

50:6-10 Insurance records 21:4 Integrator 35:31 Intermittent fountain. Nollet. Jean-

Antoine. Abb6 57:21 Internet. buying and selling instruments

on the 57:34-36 Invalid cup, silver, R Hend 21:24 Inventories. national, the British

contribution 4:9-11 Ireland report 32:23 Ireland, SIS visit to 26:3-10 Irish instrument makers and chemical

instrumentation 26:11-15 Irish instrument trade 26:3 Irish makers 13:11, 16:16 Iron dials, use in mining 58:19 Islamic Newsletter. British Museum

55:1 Italian instrument makers in America

7:18-19 Italian National Inventory 4:9, 4:12 Jackson, Nicholas, filesmith 41:12 Jacobi of Heyden, planisphere 25:4 Jacomy, B 31:13 Jaecks. Duane, achromatic telescope

project 11:8 Jagiellonian University, Cracow 7:11,

38:24 Jallabert, Jean 57:21-22 Jamal ad-Din 35:18 Jamin. M 37:11 Janssen 37:3 Jansson, Joannes 37:29 Jeffery, A, Casborne, Lean dial 4:13 Jellett, John Hewitt, saccharimeters

26:12-13 Jelly tester. Wirz 11:12 Jenemann-Mettler Foundation 29:1 Jervis-Smith, Frederick J, tram

chronograph 23:16-18 JET (Joint European Torus) 11:13,

13:9-10 Jewel lenses 57:31 Joanne David, P 37:8 Jobin, Am6d6 51:10 Jobson, Benjamin 1:8 Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope 63:34 Johnson, drawing instrument 7:18 Johnson, Francis 37:3 Johnson, John Henry, recording

barometer patent 25:10 Johnson. Manuel, Radcliffe Observer

5:12 Johnson, Samuel 40:16 Jole. Robert, London 9:4 Jones, David, apprenticed to B Martin


Jones, Mrs Mary, optician 28:8 Jones. Thomas 5:5, 5:7.5:24

surveying instruments 22:5-6 Jones, W & S 2:3, 7:18.9:17, 35:12.

39:23 Ferguson's apparatus 30:13 Gregorian telescope 26:19 orrery 26:7-8, 27:28 planetarium, Martin pattern 44:39 pyrometer 15:10-11 theodolite 20:24

Jordon. James, glycerine barometer 10:7, 30:5-6

Joule, James Prescott 33:20 travelling microscope for 29:5-6

Jovilabe, Romer [copy] 25:13-14. 27:33 Juan, Jorge 36:22 Julian Calendar 61:21 Julian period in calendar calculations

62:13 Junger of Copenhagen 38:28 Junghans. radioactive clocks 17:2 Kaiser, D r P J 6:15-16 Kaiser, Prof Frederick 6:12.29:11 Kaleidograph, Vickery [Harmonograph?]

3:15 Kaleidoscope

19th century 42:35 Leigh-Newton 13:17 Newton 10:24

Karpen, Vasilescu 31:18 Katzir-Katchalsky, ProfA, portrait on

banknote 16:11 Kaye and Laby, Tables 55:20 Kaye, G W C, FRS 55:22 Kearn & Cie. theodolite 52:34 Keizerspanorama at Antwerp 18:13 Kelvin measurement of resistance 75:34 Kelvin water dropper generator 76:5 Kelvin. Lord 31:15, 40:37, 41:20

inventions 10:6 wave model 34:15

Kemp & Co, Edinburgh 8:21-22, 10:7 Kenrick, Archibald etc, dates 13:8 Kenyon steam engine indicator 67:15 Kepler, Johannes 33:15, 37:5, 48:23-24,

53:8 Kern & Co, plane table alidade

18:21-22 Kew Observatory 39:8 Khunrath. H Ampitheatrum Sapientiae

aeternae 31:12 Kibble, John, directory entries 13:2, 13:5 Kimbell, John & Isaac confused 13:7 Kinetoscope, Edison 35:35 King, John, assistant to Prof Copland

10:6, 24:3, 24:6 King, Thomas, confusion on dates 13:7 Kingston, George 40:8 Kipp and Zonen 39:7 Kirby. Joshua 35:23 Kircher. Athanasius 42:2

burning glass 4:7-8.5:23 Kirwin [Kirwan], Richard, burning glass

26:3.26:11 Klein. Johannes, quadrant 25:5 Kleman, J M & Zoon 5:27, 6:14, 6:18

sextant 29:20

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Kleman, Jan Martin 6:12 Kley, Jacobus. elliptical trammel 17:5 Klinger. Johannes, globe 13:22 Klystron 54:13-14 Knebels, Messrs 6:11 Knie, Balthazar. diagonal barometer

26:33 Knipnis, N 31:15 Knox-Shaw. H 5:12 Koenig. Karl Rudolph 44:14-16, 76:23

apparatus at Toronto 26:19 electric tuning fork 18:18-19 Helmholtz resonator 25:5 manometric flame apparatus 26:I0 sound analyzer 68:16-21 tuning fork tonometer 79:23-26 wave machine 27:28

Kohl. Max. Chemnitz, synthesizer 26:18 Kossek. Joseph, regulator clock 25:5 Kreke. F W C 6:7 Krunitz, Johann 37:8 Kunskapstivoli and the Triewald

Collection 17:7-8 Kunstkamera, St Petersburg 64:23 Kynvyn, James, rule 19:13 La Marche, Pads. globe supplier 21:10 Labels, sticky, dangers of 14:9 Laboratory instruments. Rome 53:25-30 Laboratory, alchemist [reconstruction]

42:8 Labour costs, historical 21:7-8 Laby, T H, FRS 55:22 Lacquering 21:22-23 Lacquers 52:36

renewal of 10:2-3 Laing, Ontario, orrery 26:19 Lalande astronomical instruments, prices

of 21:9N10 Lambrecht, Thomas, copper plate

engraver [Gemini] 61:4 Laminar systems, frames for study of

53:10 Lamp

signalling. Bamberg 29:17 spiral argand and candle. Proctor

42:18 Lancashire Directory 1824. instrument

makers in 13:5 Land, Michael 37:10 Landau Collection in the Louvre 57:18 Landau Collection. Pads 8:3 Lane, N, globes 7:7, 7:11-12, 7:15 Langenbrugge. exhibition at 21:10 Lank[g]ford. dialling pamphlet 13:15 Lanter. Duboscq 51:12 Lanterns, magic, improved by Dancer

29:6 Lanzarini. V 31:16 Laporte, F L, surveying instrument

29:17 Lassell, William 33:15

polishing machine 53:2 Latent heat investigation by Watt 58:8 Lathes, use in screwcutting 22:7~11 Latitude in sundial hour lines 10:10-11 Lattr6. widow, Paris, globe supplier 21:10 Laurent. Leon 51:10 Lavoisier.A 31:13, 49:14-15

Le Baillff, Alexandre 39:11 Le Guin, dividers invented by 29:20 Le Paute. regulator prices 1791 21:10 Le Roy. Julien, sundial 3:20 Lea, Philip, map seller and instrument

retailer 66:6 Leadbetter, Charles 33:15

slide rules 3:4, 3:7, 5:18, 26:21 Lean dials 4:12-13 L't~cole Polytechnique, Paris 57:14

four sundials 57:15 Lee, John, of Hartwell 14:2-3 Leech, mechanical 33:24.34:26 Leibnitz

Fahrenheit letter 16:4 medal designed by 16:13

Leiden jars 29:12, 31:8 Leiden Sphere 29:10-11 Leigh-Newton, kaleidoscope 13:17 Leith Nautical College 14:13 Leithead, William, manufacturing chemist

25:19-20 Leitz, microscope 14:12 Lemper. Dr E H, Curator of von Gersdorf

Collection 28:20-21 Lennie, Mrs Eliza, optician 28:10-11 Lenoir, Etienne 38:11

graphometer 24:17 reflecting circle 29:17 theodolite 18:21

Lens achromatic, Dollond 50:27-29 achromatic Ramsden 50:27-29 ancient 60:24-26 Coddington 56:30 comparison for spectacle and telescope

68:10 convex, as burning glass 58:28 Dallmeyer 'baby' 56:24 examples of ancient 59:22 F-number 58:28 Fresnel 41:16-19, 51:7 from animal eyes 59:22 Great Pads exhibition telescope

74:22~23 grinding and polishing techniques

68:10-15 in medieval times 59:22 jewel 57:31 lighthouse 6chelon 51:8 'loupe' 56:29 mirror, grinding and polishing

techniques 69:27-30 mirror, testing 69:30 multiple, as magnifiers 56:29 Petzval 44:33 Petzval, Dallmeyer 56:24 properties of ancient 59:24 reading glass 54:29, 55:36 rectilinear objective, Dallmeyer 56:24 rock crystal in Visby Museum

60:24-26 spherical, for simple microscope

57:30 Stanhoscope 56:30-31 Wollaston doublet 56:30

Leoham apparatus [T-square adjustment] 54:7

Leonardi da Vinci Museum, Milan 65:20

Lerebours, Nicolas 40:4 Lerebours, Noel Jean 40:3 Lerebours, Paris 21:9 Level

Brander and Hoschel 36:27 Canivet 36:23 Dancer 33:21 geodetic 72:5 Nairne 39:10 railway surveyor, depicted at Liverpool

St Station, London 71:41 Sisson 39:10

Levelling instrument Breithaupt 54:27 Hildebrand 58:20 universal 52:31

Lever, multiplication apparatus 77:40 Leviathan of Parsonstown. background

and restoration 53:31-36 Lewis, Johannes, circumferentor

26:7-8 Leyden battery, Clarke 59:8 Leyden jar 65:30 Leyden Jar, early 57:3 Licences for non-freemen 21:5 Liceo Volta at Como 65:23 Lichtenberg figures 28:20-21 Light, polarization 33:8 Light, speed oL measuring instrument,

Froment 45:21 Lighthouse

lenses development by Fresnel 51:8 use of Fresnel lens in 41:16-19

Lightning recorder, coherer type, Johannesburg 66:28-30

Limerick, sundials for 30:29 Linctus dropper 36:28 Lind, Dr James 55:1 Lindquist, Svante 38:16 Lindsay, George, microscope 18:6 Linear accelerator, Walton 1932 45:2 Linear measurement, origins 68:6 Linear measures, historical 20:7-17 Lingke & Co GmbH 58:19 Lingke theodolite 58:19 Lingke, August Friedrich 58:19 Linnaeus, Carl, and the Celsius

temperature scale 56:17-23 Linnich, Niclaes, compass 11:12 Lipkins, Antoine, reflecting dividers

29:17 Liquefaction of gases. Omnes 29:11,

29:13 Lisbon Geographical Society 39:15 Lissajous figures 44:15, 54:11 Lister. Joseph, seminar on 22:22 Lithotrite 21:24 Liverpool SIS visit 33:15 Livery lists, London 13:4 Lloyd, H A 39:3 Lloyd, Humphrey, magnetic observatories

26:12 Lloyd, R E, itinerant lecturer 10:6 Lloyd, Stephen 31:12 Lockner, Hermann P, exposes weight

forgeries 21:12

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Lockyer. Norman 1 l-prism spectroscope 14:20 apparatus sold by Christies 15:10 observatory 4:11, 10:19

Locomotive model, solid brass boiler, by Watkins and Hill 60:2

Lodestone at Trinity College, Dublin 26:9 brass-bound 17:26 large 55:33 Russian 16:22

Lodge, Oliver 33:16, 46:9 Loft. Matthew. microscope 27:29.

28:16-17 Logarithms, invention of and importance

for instruments 56:8 Loggan. David, engraver 51:2 Lomonosov Museum. St Petersburg

64:23 Long, Joseph, slide rule 26:21 Longitude, Board of 8:12-13 Longleat House, instrument collection

54:31 Lookatmeter 38:38 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, Curator of

Teyler's Physics Laboratory 59:14,-21 Loupes [lenses]. outlines of various forms

56:29 Louvain instrument making 66:9 Louwman, Peter J K. collection 29:11 Love. John. Geoaesia, first textbook on

surveying 66:2 Lovell Radio Telescope, Jodrell Bank

63:34 Lovi, Mrs Isabella, patent aerometrical

beads 28:11 Low temperature physics development

54:12 • Lowdon, George 10:7,41:9

Lowe, Mrs Ellen, optician 28:8 Loxocosme, Flecheux 40:24 Lucca: Gabinetto di Fisica del Liceo

Machiavelli 25:18 Luminous paint, dangers of 12:9-10 Lumibre, Louis 43:14 Lunan. Charles, proportional compasses

24:8 Lunar photography 53:2 Lunarium 34:7 Lund and Blockley 39:6 Lundegardh apparatus for soil analysis

63:24 Lusverg mural semicircle 31:16 Lynch. John. Dublin, armillary sphere

26:5 Lyons, instrument dealers in 28:26 Ltser of Castle Reinharz 52:10 Macadie. Donald 37:23 Mackenzie. Alexander, telescope 18:21 Mackleay Museum. Sydney 18:8 MacPherson Collection, McGill

University 26:19 Macrometer 63:20 Maddison, Francis 43:1 Madrid. scientific instruments in

42:6-12 Magdeburg hemispheres 67:3, 72:17,


Magdeburg hemispheres illustrated in tiles, Lisbon 55:28

Magellan, J H 36:22 Magic lantern

development 69:2 Musschenbroek, Jan van 43:10 's Gravesande, WJ 43:10 slides 42:18 triple 71:35

Magiotti, Raffaello 54:2 Magnet, sparking 8:4-5 Magnetic apparatus, L'l~cole

Polytechnique, Paris 57:14 Magnetic declination, connection with

solar disturbances 61:16N17 Magnetic declinometer

Ekstrtm 61:15 Graham 61:15

Magnetic dip demonstration device, Sisson 24:7

Magnetic instruments & surveys 6:4 Magnetic observatories 26:12 Magnetic recreation, box of hearts 24:7 Magnetic resonance 63:14

in condensed matter 63:16 imaging 63:26

Magnetic resonsance, Purcell's cavity 63:17 Magnetic wave detector

Italian Navy 71:25 Rutherford 71:22 Wilson 71:23

Magnetism, terrestrial, measurement of 6:16

Magnetite seal 8:17 Magneto-electric generator, Pixii, L'l~cole

Polytechnique, Paris 57:14 Magneto-electric machine 51:23

Clarke 25:23, 59:8 Magnetometer 54:12

Elliott Brothers 29:20 WGPye & Co 65:13

Magnetron 54:13-14 Magnifying glasses

recommeded use 55:32 theory 55:30

Magny, Alex, Paris 9:20N21 Maiben, Joseph M, Dublin, catalogue

26:14 Maison d' Ampere et Muste de

l'Electricit& Poleymieux 2:15 Makers and dates 13:2-8, 14:9 Malassis Collection of mathematical

instruments 10:19 Malt Gauger's slide rule 26:20---22 Malus 33:8 Manchester instrument makers

17th century 31:13 19th century 29:4-8 research on 20:26

Manchester Microscopical Society 53:15-16

Manchester Ship Canal 51:27 Mann, James 35:12, 40:16

trepanning set 52:33 Mannheim, Am~d~e, slide rule 3:5, 3:9 Manometric flame apparatus

jet, Weinhold 25:6-7 Koenig 26:10, 44:14--15

Manor House Museum, Bury St Edmunds 68:29

Map first [?] English with metric scale, by

Arrowsmith 66:27 shape of California 76:5.77:1 shrinkage 68:6 'Vinland', detection of faking 68:8

Marat, Jean Paul, physician and politician 74:8-15

Marchi. Fabio 31:17 Marconi, Guglielmo 31:18,46:2-3,

46:10-11, 46:27~28.65:29 early shipping receiver 65:29 instruments 46:32, 47:25-27 Marconi-Fleming valve receiver 65:31 three-dot message 71:26 tuner 44:1 wavemeter 53:26

Marcus, Siegfried, drawing instruments 25:3

Marey, l~tienne-Jules chronograph 11:5 physiological apparatus 8:19 portrait on a medal 16:13

Marggraf 39:34 Mariners' Museum, Virginia 80:3 Mariner's calculator 61:29 Mariotta, G L, Rome. dial [fake] 28:15 Marischal Museum, Aberdeen 78:20 Maritime Museum. Aberdeen 78:20 Markree Castle Observatory 9:19 Marks, doodles and scratchings

19:13-15 Marling Collection. Gloucester 58:26 Marloye, Albert 44:13-14

acoustical instrument maker 76:25 Marly Collection of spectacles etc 21:17 Marlye et Cie, Paris, acoustical apparatus

29:16 Marriott, journeyman clock 10:5 Marshall, John 35:11

advertising in 1707 77:14-21 microscope 7:24, 16:25, 29:24

Marsters, Richard Upham, watchmaker 12:13

Martin, A R 36:12 Martin, Benjamin 7:18, 36:20, 39:23,

52:10 bills 21:5-6 drama event, Science Museum 21:21 Guild 21:3-4 instruments at Harvard 30:1 master of David Jones 13:3 microscope 21:6 orrery 26:19, 27:30, 53:27 tradecard variant 16:19

Martin, Johann, sundial 3:19 Martin, Joshua Lover, patent octant 18:5 Maskelyne, Nevil, lecture 4:19

Thereza and Nevil Storey, lecture 14:15, 15:t6

Mason family 39:26 Mason, T, Dublin, equinoctial dial 26:5 MAST [Rio de Janeiro museum]

65:25 Mathematical allegory in tiles. Lisbon


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Mathematical instruments Adams 78:29 advertising in London 61:4 early 64:17 in 1700 10:4 Malassis Collection 10:19 Seller 65:5

Mathematics importance in Jacobean England 56:7 in the Renaissance 66:9 teaching in Florence 69:13 use of new techniques at Gresham

College 56:8 Maurolico 37:5 Maury, Matthew Fontaine 6:13 Mayer, Jacob, pedometer 28:17 Mayer. Joseph 33:16 Maynooth Collection 26:7~9, 44:26 McCormick, J & S 14:5 McCrea. William 40:27 McCulloch, Kenneth. trade card 28:5 Mclntosh. Thomas 35:12 McLennan, John 40:7 McNaught steam engine indicator 67: I 1 Meadows, Jack 40:27 Mears, Jno, London, query 1:7 Measurer. fabric 22:19, 23:10 Measurers, The [painting of Flemish

instruments] 47:22 Measures 21:19-20

foot, Steitz 29:17-18 historical 20:7-17 Scottish 30:3-4 standard, at Delft 29:17-18 standards, Deleuil 47:5-6 tables of comparative 20:11-17

Meath, Earl of 39:3 Mechanical calculators 63:35 Mechanical demonstration apparatus,

Triewald Collection 17:9 Mechanics' Institute, London 58:12 Medical archives, Halifax. Nova Scotia

26:18 Medical instruments, Stdheli Collection

41:34 Medical shock machine, Halse 5:24 Melbourne Reflector and Vienna

Refractor. Grubb 26:4 Mellon Foundation 39:9 Melloni apparatus, Salleron 52:23 Melloni, Macedonio 8:4.8:15

bench, Ruhmkorff 41:4 M61ographe 43:14 M61otrope 43:14 Melville, Richard, Glasgow 10:7 Mendeleev Museum St Petersburg 64:24 Mendeleev periodic classification of

elements 64:24 Mendelssohn. Karl Theodor Nathan, his

career 18:9 Menl6s, Daniel. lecturer at Lund 17:8-9 Mensing Collection 43:1 Mensing. Antonius Wilhelmus Marl

79:28-32 Mercator projection 51:4 Mercator. Gerard 37:28.43:16, 51:3,

66:9 influence on engraving 66:14

Meridian 31:11 circle, Repsold 55:27 circle, Thomas Jones 5:7 line 42:8 meridiana 48:4-9 meridiana, Santa Mafia degli Angeli

48:8 meridiana, Santa Mafia del Fiore

48:8 Merseyside Maritime Museum 14:15 Mersol [microscope immersion oil]

53:15 Mertz & Sohne microscope, student type

52:34 Merz, Georg

Fraunhofer's successor 12:3-4 optician 76:25

Merz, refractor telescope 26:19 Merzbach, UC 31:15 Messier, Charles 53:34 Metallocromia, metal-colouring process

8:5-6 Meteorograph

Brassart 53:27 Marvin 40:10 Patterson 40:7 Secchi 34:12

Meteorological instruments on website 77:24

Meteorological instruments, Dutch self- recording 6:7-8

Meteorological observations at the Radcliffe Observatory 5: I IN 13

Meteorological records 53:25 Meteorological station

Oldham 52:5 Salford 52:5

Mefford, W E, references to 29:30 Metrology Museum

Lisbon 62:28 St Petersburg 64:24

Metzker, Jeremiah, astronomical clock 25:3

Mexico, solar eclipse at 1991 28:25 Meyer sound analyzer 68:18 Michel, Henri 45:31

desk 41:30 National Inventories 4:9

Micro-rulings 8:23~24 Microcosm, Carpenter 23:21, 24:18 Micromanipulator 34:1 Micrometer

Brander 3:16 Cappel, stolen from Rome 9:7 fabrication of fiducial lines for

23:11-14 for spectroscope, by Browning 15:11 for telescope 9:14, 10:5 Froment 44:29 Gautier, 'impersonal' 49:6 Gautier, 'macro' 49:6 glass 47:18~19 readout, theodolite with 11:2-3, 13:11 Richard 33:16 screw addition to Graham's quadrant

27:5 screw, characteristics of 22:7-11 telescope eyepiece 26:7, 26:9

Microphotographs Dancer 29:20. 29:22 Dagron 51:11 in lenses 56:30-31

Microprojector industrial [Mikrops] 53:16 precision, by Garnett 53:16

Microscope 33:21 Abraham & Dancer 27:34 accessories 53:15 achromatic, Moscow 64:21 achromatic, Ross 49:17-21 Adams 9:20, 17:25 Adie 30:13, 30:15 adjustment methods 76:28 Alexis Magny 52:9 Amici 26:17.31:15, 39:12 antique accessories 57:1 ball and socket 49:17-20 Banks 22:19 Bate 21:24 Beck 30:13, 30:16 Beck, R & J 3:14 Campani 38:18, 55:35 Canzius 49:23 Cary 38:18 catalogue of, Tesseract 18:22 Chevalier 39:11, 57:15, 65:14--18 collection of Dr Ritter 22:17 compendium, by Van Musschenbroek

19:25 compound by Jansen 72:13 compound monocular 61:35 compound monocular. Le Canu 54:41 compound, Baillou 46:36 compound, Glaisha 43:2 compound, Gozzi of Parma 47:1 compound, John Cuff 63:5 compound, Marshall 46:36 Cuff 10:20, 17:24, 39:30 Cuff-type, by Adams 19:21 Culpeper pyramidical, Proctor and

Beilby 41:10 Culpeper-type 6:18, 24:16-17, 27:28 Cuthbert 3:22 Dancer 29:5, 33:16, 33:21 de Chaulnes 39:29 Delebarre-type 28:16 Dixey 8:28 Dixey (Adams) 11:12. 11:27.14:20 drum-type, stolen & recovered 27:34.

28:24 Duc de Chaulnes 62:2, 62:31 early development 49:17 electron, RCA 26:19 Engell demonstration 10:12-14. 13:11 Engell demonstration patent 21:19 Field 10:7 Fischer 15:10 Franks 27:34 Galileo 72:13 Gould type, by Carpenter 59:30 Harvard 30:1 Husbands 27:28 industry, beginnings of German

18:9-12 John Yarwell 76:38 Leeuwenhoek 1:5, 1:14-15, 29:9, 29:12

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Leitz 14:12 Lerebours 40:3 Lindsay 18:5-6 Loft 27:29.28:16-17 Loft(?) 52:9 logo. Brieux 14:14. 17:14 Lowdon 10:7 Magny 9:20-21.57:14 Mareschal 17:8 Marshall 7:24. 16:25.17:20. 18:13.

29:24.40:2.42:33.67:32 Martin 21:6.32:14 Martin compendium 51:33 medical use 65:14 Merz 22:19 miniature by John Browning 69:57 Nachet 17:20 Naime 37:28 on stamps 30:10-12 Patroni 47:12-13 Pistor 18:10 Plrssl 25:3 pocket. Lindsay 78:39 portable 73:16 Pouilly 50:32 Powell 32:21.42:28 Powell & Lealand 13:14-15.23:7.

33:26.35:35.37:28.48:31 projection. Wright & Newton 47:35 radial by Ross 61:30 reflecting. Cuthbert 3:22 Ross 6:24. 7:23.24:16.33:16 Ross-Wenham binocular 48:31 sale advert 1919 22:12 Schieck 18:11-12 Selva catadioptric 77:I0 single-lens 57:30 Smith 3:14. 4:16 Smith & Beck 3:14. 4:12. 4:16. 37:28 Smith and Beck. used by William

Aitken 67:22 solar 74:9 solar, stolen from Rome 9:7 Spencer & Son 10:7 student-type. Mertz & Sohne 52:34 test rulings. Grayson. Sheppard. query

8:23-24 triple eyepiece, by Nachet 55:27 use in Edinburgh Medical School

65:15 use in metallurgy 63:25 Washbourn lucernal 27:28 Watson 26:5 Wilson-type. on scroll strand 3:14 Wilson-type. Scarlett 4:20 Yarwell 78:30 Ypelaar 29:12 Zeiss 14:12 Zeiss Opton Model W 75:29-31 'zig-zag' 76:28-29. 77:1

Microtome bench 66:21 early development [?] 80:2 hand-held 66:21

Middleton. W E K 40:7 Midwest. Spring Conference in 14:4-5 Military achromatic telescope 41:12 Military instrument makers 68:2-5

Military scientific instruments in Germany. 1802-1984 56:27-28

Miller & Adie. hydrometer 30:13.30:16 Miller. John. Edinburgh 2:4. 7:7.7:12.

10:5.10:7 Miller. John. Snr [turner]. constructed

wooden grain measures 30:4 Miller. John. vertical orrery c a 1780 30:13 Miller. of Innsbruck. catalogue sought

13:15 Miller. W H 2:6.2:12 Miller's catalogue of instruments 13:15 Millivoltmeter. first portable 53:28 Mills. Allan A. astronomical clock 22:13 Mine surveying instrument. German

30:13.30:17 Minerva Works. A G Thornton Ltd 54:7 Miner's lamp 54:10 Mining compass. Hildebrand 58:20 Mining dial

Abraham 33:16 Casartelli 33:21

Mining instruments 58:16 Mirror

concave. German [?] 25:6.25:8 grinding 53:33 manufacture 53:32~33 marine azimuth 39:18.40:37 optical experiments. 1 lth-century.

lecture 10:21 optical glass flat for Paris siderostat

57:19 polishing technique by John Edwards

69:29 set 25:6.25:8 test. Herschel 6:5 testing 69:30

Mladjenovic. M 31:17 Models. and the Philosophy of Science

6:8-9 Models. geometrical and mathematical

38:6.42:27 Modern instruments, arguments for

collecting 15:1-2.16:19 Mole. William. London 1:7.1:8.5:18 Molecular biology 34:1 Moll. Herman 6:18.7:8.7:10 Monetary values, past and present

21:7-8 Monochord. at Princeton 25:22 Mont Blanc. model of 28:20-21 Monte Mario Observatory. thefts from

4:18.9:5-7 Montojo. Satumino 36:22 Monumental dials 15:3 Moon mapping and photographs in 19C

53:3 Moone. Thomas 53:19 Moore. Jonas 40:29 Moore. Patrick 37:3.37:6 Morden. R. & Berry. W. globe 12:21 Morgan. Francis 35:12

Guild and bill 21:4, 21:6 Morgan. John 2:4 Morin. Henri 39:20. 40:3 Morland. angle barometer 18:25 Morris. Gerald. demonstrates manu-

facture of drawn robing 27:11-15

Morse key replica. Grasshopper 52:2 Moseley. H G J. atomic number and X-

ray frequency 54:10 Mott. Nevill 40:27 Moxom. Joseph 51:2.64:13-15 Moxon. Joseph. globemaker 7:6-8.7:10 Muffle oven from Hauch Cabinet 60:11 M~iller. Joseph. optical demonstration

apparatus 18:22 Miiller. Leonhart. diptych dial 27:24 Muller. John. of Royal Military Academy

21:6 Multimeter. Siems and Halske 54:12 Mural circle. Thomas Jones 36:22 Mural quadrant. Graham 27:4 Murrayite [microscope sealing

compound] 53:15 Museu da Farmficia. Lisbon 62:23 Museu da Mafinha. Lisbon 62:23 Museu de Ci~ncia. Lisbon 62:28 Museu de Fisica. Coimbra 62:25 Museum at Mystic Seaport [SE

Connecticut. USA] 56:14-16 Museum Boerhaave. Anton Mensing

instruments 79:28-32 Museum for the History of Sciences.

Ghent 79:16 Museum Oceanographic. Monaco 52:23 Museum of London 70:36 Museum of Submarine Telegraphy.

Porthcurno 66:31-32 Museum of the Faculty of Physics.

Moscow 64:22 Museum of the History of Science.

Oxford 69:1.71:35 Museum. Digne 52:23 Museums. People & 40:15 Musical instruments, restoration of 29:1 Musical machine advertisement 29:28 Musschenbroek

trade catalogue 70:10-13 workshop and telescopes 66:15

Mussolini 31:18 Musre de la Marine. Paris 57:19

early navigation instruments 68:34 Musre National des Arts et M&iers

57:16 Musre Scientifique du Lycre Louis le

Grand. Paris 57:14 Myers. George. hydrostatical glass beads

26:12 Mynde. J. engraver 7:12 Mysterium Cosmographicum 48:24 Mystery object

Nol 1:7 No 2. Devioscope 2:16.3:13 No 3 3:21 No 5. Platometer 5:21.6:19 No 11. Spouting Fluid Apparatus

11:11.14:14 No 13. Cloud Chamber 13:16. 14:9 No 14 14:14 No 16. Needlework Clamps 16:16.

17:13 No 17 17:14 No 18. Gunter's Chain 18:20. 24:15 No 19 19:20 No 20. Everest Theodolite 20:22. 31:33

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No 21. Actinometer (Pyrheliometer) 21:18, 22:18

No 22, Fabric Measurer 22:19, 23:10 No 23. Colour Blindness Tester 23:10,

24:15 No 24 24:15 No 25, Telemeter 25:24, 26:23 No 26 26:23 No 27. Gas-bell 27:29, 30:27 No 28 28:23 No 29 29:28 No 30 30:26-27 No 31. Telescope [?] 31:33.49:33-34

51:1 No 32 32:10-11 No 33, Mechanical Leech 33:24,

34:26 No 34, Clock Mechanism [?] 34:26,

35:21 No 35, Geoptosimeter 35:21 No 36, Trocheameter 36:16. 37:22 No 37, Increment Borer 37:22, 38:14 No 38 38:14 No 39, Marine Azimuth Mirror 39:18,

40:37 No 40. Calculus Model 40:37, 41:31 No41 41:31 No 42 42:26 No 44. Measuring gauge 44:12,

45:29-30 No 45 45:30 No 48, Scale of 400 divisions 48:32,

49:32-33 No 49, Gas Timer 49:33.50:36-37 No 50. Highway Rule 50:36-37 No 52 52:35 No 53 53:37, 54:33 No 54, Hartl disk 54:33, 55:1, 55:29,

57:36 No 60 (I), Chromam~tre 60:37, 61:33 No 60 (2). Horizon indicator or

Magnetic compass [?] 60:37, 61:33 No 61, Tel~m~tre [?] 61:33, 62:34 No 62 (1). Magnetometer 62:34.

65:13 No 62 (2). Electromagnets 62:34,

64:32 No 64 64:32 No 66, for measuring spectacle lens

dioptres 67:8, 68:37 No 68 68:37 No 69 (1), Town gas test equipment

69:26.70:32 No 69 (2) 69:26 No 70 (1), Mathematical instrument [?]

70:32 No 70 (2) 70:32 No 71, Botanical model 71:41, 72:1 No 73 73:22 No 74 74:1 No 75, Electrolytic cell for projection

75:21, 78:34 No 78 78:34

Mystic Seaport Museum [SE Connecticut USA] 56:14-16

Nachet 39:13 microscope 17:20

Naime 38:27

Nairne & Blunt dates 13:6-7 globe electrical machine 8:18

Nairne electrical machine 30:19 Nairne reflecting telescope 27:28 Naime, reflecting telescope 52:33 Napier

bones 42:11, 51:33, 54:24, 72:15, 76:6-9

bones in fruitwood 55:34 calculating rods (paper) 55:4, 55:11 invention of bones and importance for

instruments 56:8 Nasmyth, James 53:2 National inventories 47:1

scientific instruments 4:9-12 state of 19:3-4

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich early development 58:3

National Museums of Scotland 63:23 National Repository, London 58:11-12 Natural philosophy and experimentation

78:35~37, 79:27 Natural philosophy

apparatus for 3:16-17 emblems of the new system 56:3 use ofimagesin 56:3

Nautical hemisphere, Cole 78:16 Nautical instruments in Canada 26:19 Nautical ring, Nunes 77:5-7 Navicula, Oronce Fine 65:19 Navigation instruments

19th-century Netherlands 6:11-17 Armada 20:18 early, at Musre de la Marine, Paris

68:34 Hay & Stebbing 5:19 on 1927 Argos Flight 62:17-18

Navigation 18th-century 7:5, 55:32 furthered by Gresham College

professors 56:8 Portuguese 80:3, 80:25-29 training of Portuguese midshipmen

80:25-29 Neale, Thomas, property developer

21:13 Needham, Joseph 37:4 Needlework clamp 16:16, 17:13 Negretti & Zambra 5:8-10, 6:18, 38:21,

51:22, 51:24 deep sea thermometer 30:13-14

Negretti, Gaetano, New York 7:19 Neill, GJ 27:15-16

craniometric sliding callipers 27:16 surgical instrument maker 27:15-16

Neohellenic Enlightenment 59:4 NeuhSfer & Sohn of Vienna 52:31 New Oxford Dictionary. of National

Biography 77:25 Newcomen engine repaired by James

Watt 78:7 Newcomen engine, model 58:6, 74:17 Newman

armillary sphere 26:19 hygrometer 30:19 miners safety lamp 51:35

Newman, J 5:9

Newman, John Frederick 50: i 1-14, 51:22, 51:24

Newman, John extant instruments 51:24 instrument maker to the Royal

Institution 51:22 Newton & Co 35:3

astronomical slides 26:19 projector 26:5

Newton & Wright 39:41 Newton family 36:12 Newton. Alfred Vincent, patent agent

20:4~5.21:19 Newton. E W 4:12.4:13 Newton, Edward, printer 20:4, 21:19 Newton, Frederick

missing portrait 21:19 optician, etc 20:4~5,21:19 patent agent 21:19

Newton, J, globes 7:7, 7:12.7:14-15. 20:3-5

Newton. Sir Isaac 31:12.33:15, 35:3. 37:3, 38:23

dial with niece's arms 24:25 portion of apple tree from Woolsthorpe

Manor 68:31 tings apparatus 25:6-7 telescope, William Cary 25:11-12

Newton, W L, kaleidoscope 10:24 Newton. William Edward, civil engineer

& patent agent 20:4-5 Newton, William, globemaker & patent

agent 20:3N4 Niaudet, N, horologist 11:4N5, 18:18-19 Nicol prism 27:28

ZSllner 58:33 Nielsen, K 31:16 Nieuwentijt, Bernard, The Rational

Philosopher 66:2 Nimrod 37:6 Nirpce, Joseph Nicrphore 39:12 Noad, Henry, lecturer on electricity 59:2,

60:32 Nobert, Affred 8:24, 47:19-21 Nobili, Leopoldo 8:4-6, 39:12 Nocturnal

and quadrant, Italian 20:31.27:30 and quadrant, Volpaia 21:24,

21:26-27 and universal dial, Coignet 20:31 brass 6:28, 7:18, 20:31 Chinese design 67:30 general description of operation 69:5 history of the 69:5-9 Italian [fake] 28:15 Italian-hour 76:3 modern fake 32:17 Yeff, wooden 53:20

Nollet workshop 51:21 Nollet, Jean-Antoine, Abb6

breadth of influence 57:21 connection with Jean Jallabert

57:21-22 connection with l~tienne-Fran~ois

Dutour 57:21-22 electrical experiments 57:3 electrical studies 57:24 enrichment of French learning 57:21

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fire and steam pump 57:21, 57:24 instruments and apparatus 57:3 intermittent fountain 57:21 literary work and teaching 57:24

Nonius scale 50:25 Nonius, Pedro Nunes 25:26, 26:24,

77:4-7 Nooth's apparatus 4:10 Noseda. John. weather glass maker,

philsophical bubbles 26:12 Nuclear research, early instruments

53:28 Nugent. Patrick Rooney, Cape Breton

12:12-15 Nugent, Pouvillon. astronomical clock

29:3 Numismatics of scientific instruments

16:9-14 Nunes, Pedro

and the Nonius 25:26, 26:24 nonius in instruments 77:4-7

Nuremberg Ivory Dials of 21:17-18 map of. on a dial 21:25

O-Rings 52:26 Obituary

Arthur Davis Baynes-Cope 76:1, 77:1 Paul Bowskill 71:32 Alain Brieux 8:7 Peter Brophy 52:25 Terence John Bryant 61:19 Prof Michael Casey 56:4 Michael Crawforth 19:15 Jon Darius 38:1-2 Maya Dean-Hambly 62:22 Derek House 58:2 Derek Howard 65:9 Hans Richard Jeneman 53:36 Aldert J Klut 60:4 Gerry Martin 80:3 Saul Moskowitz 31:1 Derek de Solla Price 2:9 Thomas Ritter 22:17 Colin Ronan 46:3 Martin Kenneth Suggett 66:5 Helen Wallis 45:5 Roderick Sheldon Webster 54:3

Objectives. aplanat 12:4 Observatory Museum, Stockholm

71:29 Observatory

Baroque at Ochsenhausen 15:4-6 Budapest. instruments from 19:9 Coimbra 62:25 Dunsink & Armagh 26:4 Dunsink. visit to 26:7-9 French, 19th-century 6:10 Lisbon 62:23 Markree Castle 9:19 Markree Castle, query on telescope at

9:19 Nice 52:22 Paris 31:13, 38:12, 57:18-19 portable, DoUond et al 5:2 Radcliffe 5:3-7, 5:11-13 Royale de Bruxelles 38:12 Steinheil 12:4 unknown, query 9:18, 10:19

Octant 18th century with case 43:10 Adams 15:10 Chapman 19:22 Cogswell 12:14 Crow. with traverse worker 58:23 Dutch 18th-century 2:12 Dutch 19th-century 6:12, 6:14 Gilbert 8:23 Goater 12:25 Gregory and Wright 80:26 Holliwell, ebony 53:21 Holm 79:1 miniature ebony 43:31 prices of, 1791 21:9-10 Rev Charles Jones 26:9 Sisson 29:23 Spencer 33:16 Urings 38:28

Odelem, circumferentor 26:5 Odometer, German, Rothschild Collection

62:30 Oertling

balances 4:17 goniometer 25:31

Ogden, C K 8:23 Ohmmeter, Carpentier 43:12 Oil sphere experiment by Plateau 53:9 Oils for barometers 30:5-9 Old instruments and engraving techniques

41:2 Oldenburg, Henry, Secretary to Royal

Society 55:5 Ole R0mer Museum, Copenhagen

25:13-14 Olland, Messrs 6:7 Onderdewijngaart Canzius, J H [Dutch

society] 29:3 Onnes, Heike Kammerlingh, liquefaction

apparatus 29:11, 29:13 Opera glass, polemoscope type

18:21-22 Opera glasses 36:17 Ophthalmic kit, Emil Sydow 52:33 Ophthalmoscope, Hawksley 16:22. 16:24 Opthalmology, Dept of, University of

Waterloo 26:19 Optical bench, Secretan 51:33 Optical demonstration apparatus

Miiller 18:22 Triewald Collection 17:9

Optical diagonal machine or zograscope 28:18-19

Optical examination of the achromatic telescope 11:8

Optical experiments, lecture by A D H Bivar 11:13

Optical instruments advertising in 1707 77:14-21 Duboscq 51:11 Jobin 51:10 laboratory, Soleil [p~re] 51:8 Leon 51:9 Ordnance quantities 21:6 Soleil [ills] workshop 51:9 Soliel [grand-pbre] 51:7 Venetian makers in 18th- 19th centuries

76:35-37, 77:10-13, 78:32-34

Optical siren, Duboscq 5:2 Optical Society, Manchester 52:6 Optical viewing device 19:21 Opticians of London 35:11 Optigraph, Jesse Ramsden 41:35-36 Optometer (visioscope) 55:1 Orbitarium [coffee table orrery] 27:36,

29:33 Ordnance, Office of

instruments Adams 21:6 Morgan's bill 21:4 records 21:5-6

Organ. at Palmer Laboratory, Princeton 25:22

Origins and evolution of collecting scientific instruments 43:3

Orographie Schrader, by Ripamonti 16:27

Orrery 34:7.38:30 Orrery collection of Charles Boyle 71:36 Orrery

Adams 27:28, 34:9 Beijing Palace 13:10 Benjamin Martin 53:27 Berge 7:18 Blunt 27:30 Botjes 21:14 clock, Swoboda 25:5 Cole 78:17, 79:1 Dupuis 38:7 Egestorff Collection 23:20, 26:6 Ferguson, instructions in manuscript

54:28 Graham & Tompion 34:17 Handsford 40:11 Hansford 55:35 Jones 26:7-8, 27:28 Laing 26:19 Martin 26:19, 27:30 Miller 10:7, 30:13 modem, as a coffee table 27:36 musical machine etc, advert 29:28 Rowley 36:15 W & S Jones 7:18, 10:20, 69:35 Woodley 2:10, 2:11

Orthographic projection, development and use 69:10-13, 70:2

Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma. thefts from 4:18, 9:5~7

Otheoscope, Crookes 50:40-42 Ottway, W & Co, coelostat 26:7 Oudin, P, risonateur 16:22 Oughtred Society 47:3 Oughtred, William 44:25, 47:3, 55:3

connection with Gresham College 56:7

Ould, Henry, bound to B Cole 13:7 Oxford, Green College 5:3-7 Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory 5:3-7 Oxfordshire clockmakers 25:27-28 Pacemaker, cardiac, forerunner of 8:16 Pacinotti 37:11 Page. Pearson. manufacturer of pseudo

instruments 62:5, 64:33 Paintings of scientific instruments at St

Petersburg 64:2 Paintings with scientific connections


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Paktong. metal alloy 5:19 Palermo Astronomical Observatory

71:1-16 Palmer & Newton, globes 7:7, 7:12 Palmer Laboratory, Princeton 25:22-23 Palmer. William. partner of John Newton

20:3 Panopticon. Ogden, query 8:23 Panorama Mesdag, The Hague 29:17.

29:19 Panorganon

Leyboum 35:29 Leyboum (paper) 55:11

Pantelegraph. Caselli. Froment 45:21 Pantograph, Gourdin 40:23 Paper instruments

first printed 55:2 in 17C London 55:3, 55:37 marketed in London 1600-1700

55:7-15 Papin 31:13 Pappus 35:18 Parallel ruler. Adams 28:16 Paramatta Observatory, Australia 77:33 Pardies, I G, methods for sundial

manufacture 75:3-4 Paris

antiques trade in 19th century 64:17 barometer at CNAM 28:13 exhibition, 'The Art of the Celestial

Mechanic' 75:22-24, 76:5 instrument makers in 25:19-24 Mairie of the 1st Arrondissement,

barometer 28:12~13 Marly Collection 21:17 meridian 57:18 St Eustache's church barometer

28:12 Parish officers, instrument makers who

served as 9:9 Parker, Benjamin

slide rule 18:8 burning glass at Dublin 26:5, 26:11 burning lens 4:7~8, 5:23

Parsons, Charles 53:31 Parsons. William 53:31

rectangular protractor 21:24-25 Passemant, Claude 39:31 Pasteur, Louis, portrait on a banknote

16:10 Patents

agents and the Newtons in 19th-century London 20:3-6, 21:19

demonstration microscope 21:19 historical, relating to instruments

18:3-7 profits from 10:6 recording barometer 25:10 US model, astronomical pantoscope

26:29, 28:32 value of 12:12-13

Paterson, James 27:9 Patrick, John, barometer maker 80:16 Patroni. Pietro 40:16, 47:12-13 Patterson. John 40:7 Paul, Robert William 71:17-20 Pearson-Page, facsimiles 3:10-11,


Pedometer Gout 34:19 markings 79:27 Mayer 28:17 Schmep 74:31

Pellat, Henri 43:13 Pellin, F61ix Marie 51:13 Pellin, Philib&t Francois 51:13 Pencils, Brookman & Langdon 22:5 Pendulum

clock, first free 41:20-23 clock, free, Shortt 41:23 Foucault 26:14-15, 42:6 Graham mercury bob 27:3-4 harmonic by Righi 53:26 Navez elecroballistic 42:22

Perceval, Robert, chemical apparatus 26:1

Periodicals relevant to scientific instruments 5:1

Perm~om~tre, experiments by Jean Paul Marat 74:12

Perpendicular and quadrant by Adams 65:33

Perpendiculars [gunner's levels] 21:6 Perpetual calendar 61:20-23 Perpetual calendar by M J Cowham

61:23 Perpetual calendar from copper disc

61:23 Perpetual calendar from silver coins 61:21 Perpetual calendar

devices used 64:7-12 silver 64:9 stolen from Rome 9:6

Perry, C, London 9:8 Perspective, instruments for drawing in

17:4-6 Petersen, Kurt M 38:16, 39:9 Petersen, Marquard 19:20 Petit, Alexis 38:11 Petworth House, Collection at 21:5 Petzval portrait lens 39:12 Petzval, Joseph 31:16 Pfund, A H, 'sky compass' 33:12 Phaneroscope, Husbands 27:28 Phenakistiscope [animated film] 53:9 Phenakistiscope, Duboscq 51:11 Philosophical apparatus of Rev J J Smith

69:21~26, 70:5 Philosophical apparatus, 18th century,

demonstration of 27:26-27 Philosophical bubbles 26:12 Philosophical cabinet, German, von

Gersdorf's 28:20-21 Photochromoscope 54:12 Photogrammetric mapping 72:8 Photogrammetry 63:25 Photography

aerial 72:8 early work on 12:4 first use in telegraphy 70:30 high speed 70:17 in Manchester 29:6 lunar 53:2 moving image 51:11 of scientific instruments, lecture by

B Tremayne 4:2

record of Special Loan Collection, South Kensington Museum, 1876 76:10-15

Soleil [p~re] 51:9 stereoscopic 29:7 stereoscopic, Duboscq 51:11 Velox paper 71:33

Photometer [?] at Birr Castle 73:41 Photometer

astro, Z611ner. replica 58:33 Nobert 47:19 scotopic, Craik 65:7 £ Oeil-de-chat 31:13

Photophone. Breguet 50:21-22 Phrenology 47:31-32

callipers, silver 37:10-11 head, Fowler 13:21

Physiological apparatus, French 17:20-21

Physiological recording instruments, Marcy 8:19

Piath, C, Hamburg 12:14-15 Pictet, MarcAuguste 31:15 Pierce. Edward 21:13 Pike, Benjamin, 1856 catalogue 8:29 Pike, Benjamin, Jr

business establishment 61:2 optician 61:1

Pin gauge from James Watt workshop 57:27

Pinax, Greek 8:16 Pinion wire 17:14, 18:19 Pippard, Prof Sir Brian, pendulum

maintaining apparatus 26:15 Pistor & Martins

meridian circle 29:13 navigational instruments 6:12 spectroscope 4:6

Pistor, Karl Philipp Heinrich 18:9-10 Pixii

machine to generate electricity 2:15, 8:4

Paris, visited by Joseph Henry 25:20-22

Planar dials, horizontal 45:25-27 Plancius, Peter 73:1

globe 9:21 Plane table

alidade, Kern & Co 18:21-22 Bion 18:21 compass and alidade, Adams 62:26

Planet clocks 53:6 Planetarium 34:7

18th century German 58:41 Adams 29:20 and Orrery, modem 43:24--26 construction of model 'Tycho Brahe'

type 59:27 Delamarche 78:31 Martin pattern, Jones 44:39 R~mer [copy] 25:13 Zeiss 38:28

Planimeter 75:12 adapted for indicator diagrams 75:13 Alderuv 36:27 Amsler 35:27, 75:12-14 and circle of proportion 12:26, 14:13 recording, Richard 51:32

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Starke 25:3 Wills and Lippincott 75:14-15.77:1

Planisphere Baker (paper) 55:8 catholique (paper) 55:8 Chinese 30:13.30:16 Jacobi 25:4 (paper) 55:12

Plank. Nicolaus, astronomical clock 25:3 Plantin. Christopher 37:28 Plasma globe 35:15 Plate electrical machine, evolution

77:26-31 Plateau, Joseph

apparatus for study of liquids 53:9 oil sphere experiment 53:9 phenakistiscope [animated film] 53:9 photograph discovered 61:28 rotating disks for anorthoscope 53:10

Platometer. Stanley 5:21.6:19 Platonic solids 48:23-24 Pleasures and perils of the instrumental

dilettante 20:1 PlSssl, S. microscope 25:3 Pneumatic chemical apparatus 49:14-1~ Pneumatic trough, on a medal 16:13 Pocket Book, Fowler's annual 53:17 Poisson, Simeon 39:25 Polanski. Benlard 51:5 Polarimeter 54:11-12 Polariscope

Duboscq 24:16 Norremberg 56:5 Norremberg, by Soleil 53:26 Norrenberg 33:16, 44:28 Palmer Laboratory, Princeton 25:23

Polarization apparatus, Duboscq 51:12 Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan 65:19 Polemoscope 18:21-22.35:25, 39:28 Poleni. Giovanni. machines for

gravitational experiments 66:23-25 Polish National Inventory 4:12 Polishing instruments 7:19. 9:19-20,

14:8, 16:18-19.55:36 Polishing machine by Lassell 53:2 Polychromator for Orbiting Solar

Observatory 63:26 Polygraph [copying machine] 9:15 Pope, William 39:26 Popell, Matthew Francisco, dial machine

29:22 Popov, Aleksandr Stepanovich 46:27-28

coherer lighming recorder 66:28 Porcelain with depiction of instruments

18:20 Porro 36:16 Porro, Ignazio, binocular prism system

54:15 Porthcurno, submarine cable terminal

66:31-32 Portobello Antique Dealers Association

56:35 Portobello Road Antique Market

[London] 56:34 Portobello Road market 24:16 Portraits of instrument makers 21:19 Portsmouth, Spencer & Co 17:13 Portugal, instruments 40:18

Portuguese navigation instruments 80:25-29

Portulan charts 33:30 Posidonius 33:3 Postage stamps, the Scientists Tale 64:16 Potentiometer. history of 6:4 Potter, Charles, Toronto, circumferentor

26:19 Powell & Lealand 9:8

goniometer 30:13 No 2 microscope 23:7-8

Powell, Hugh, microscope 28:9-10, 42:28

Prague collection 31:12 Preece, WH 38:19 Pregel, Thomas, astrolabe 25:3 Premier cadran, meaning of 21:20 Preston, E, & Sons, Birmingham, slide

rule 3:10 Price, Charles, globes 7:7, 7:10, 7:13 Price, Derek de SoUa 35:19

and fakes 28:14 Antikythera Mechanism 80:4

Prices of Lalande's astronomical instruments in 1791 21:9-10

Prices of orreries and globes 23:20-21 Priestley, Joseph, portrayed at Soho

House 55:1 Priestley's microscope by Martin 21:6 Prism set, Dollond 79:4 Prism system, Porto 54:15 Prism, nicol with crystal plate, Z/511ner

58:33 Pritchard, Andrew 38:20, 39:11,40:4 Private collections v museums 10:18-19 Prockter, engraver 7:12 Proctor and Beilby 41:9-15, 42:17-21,

53:22 Culpeper pyramidical microscope

41:10 Sheffield workshop 41:10-13,

42:17-19 telescope 41:10 trumpet telescope 41:11

Proctor spiral argand and candle lamp 42:18

Project SIMON 14:9, 31:13 co-operation with others 15:14 Court &von Rohr 13:6-7 Spencer& Co 16:18 Taylor, E G R 13:4-6

Project TROMOS 31:15 Projectile flight times 42:22-24 Projecting electrotachyscope, Anschfitz

56:26 Projector, optical, Newton & Co 26:5 Proportional compasses 17:19-20 Proportional scale (paper) 55:12 Protractor 35:23

and T-square, 17th-cent 25:5 circular, Adams 6:18 diagonal arc-minute scales 50:25-26 Heath 50:25 Parsons 21:25 rectangular, Collier 21:24 Richer 36:29 roiling 36:29, 50:3 Van Keulen 29:20

Provenance 11:1, 12:16-18 Provincial scientific instrument making

2:4 Prujean. John 2:4.9:21.79:19 Przypkowski. Felix 38:26 Psychometer. August 53:25 Ptolemy 33:3, 35:18 Pulley apparatus, suspended 55:26 Pump, air

Brander 49:11 mercury vacuum 27:19 pneumatic, Deleuil 47:5-6 vacuum, history of 5:17

Punch marking of instruments 73:27-30 Putois. optician to French king. telescope

prices 21:9-10 Puzzle pictures [Faraday] 28:23 Pyrheliometer 21:18, 22:18 Pyrometer

Daniell 36:29 Gallonde 76:17 Le Chatelier 36:30 Musschenbroek pattem 51:31 W & S Jones 15:10-11

Pyrros, Dionyssios, scholar and instrument maker 59:4

Pythagoras 33:2 Qibla indicator 79:7 Quadrant 35:10

24-inch, Allen [?] 56:9-10 Adams 39:15, 40:18, 62:28 Adams, George 41:41 Ahl 38:28 altazimuth, from Cassel 76:13 Arab 42:10 astronomical, Blaeu 29:11 astronomical, Danzig observatory

47:3 astronomical, Napier [?] 76:8 astronomical, Ochsenhausen 15:4-6 Bird 29:24, 29:33, 36:23 brass 3:12, 4:13 by James Kynuyn, with nonius 77:5 Caleb Smith 73:2-7, 75:6 Collins (paper) 55:8 Culpeper 19:13 Dary [?] (paper) 55:9 Delamain (paper) 55:9 dial, Cole 6:18 Dollond & Sisson 12:9 double (paper) 55:10 English 31:12 fake, signed Walter Hayes 21:11 Fellweck 25:5 Foster (paper) 55:10 Giusti 38:18 gunner's, Habermel 25:5 Gunter (paper) 55:10 Habermel 38:28 Hadley 2:8, 40:24 Hayes 19:13 horary 51:33 horary, Dary [?] (paper) 55:4 Islamic 19:25 Italian, with nocturnal 27:30 ivory 67:32 Klein 25:5 Leybourn (paper) 55:11

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mariner's-bow type 9:18 Muhammad al-Jarkasi 44:7 mural, at Radcliffe Observatory 5:4-7 mural,Graham 27:4 Newton:Halley design 73:3 portable by Sisson 65:26 screw-edge, Hooke 56:10-12 sinical (paper) 55:13 sinical, Roux (paper on board) 55:32 Sisson 19:9.29:23.31:16 six-foot radius, Allen 56:9-10 Smith 49:27 Stirrup (paper) 55:13 Sutton 33:16.34:17, 38:28 Sutton (paper) 55:13 triangular (paper) 55:14 Troughton 40:19 Tycho Brahe 72:12 Vedy 16:22-23 Volckmer 64:26 with perpendicular by Adams 65:33

Quare, Daniel barometer 10:7 clock 25:5 pendulum clock 31:16 sundial 13:10

Quartz fibres, production and use by Boys 23:3

Quebec, instruments in 26:19 Queen. James W, & Co, Philadelphia

10:12-14 Queenwood College, Hampshire

78:24-26 Queen's University. Ontario 38:5 Quilcutter. Adams 50:35 Quintant, Kleman & Zoon 6:14-15 Rabalio, Peter, printed handbill for

barometer 61:8 Rabi, I I 63:14 Rabone, Elizabeth. rule maker 28:8 Rabone. John, rule maker 28:8 Rackstrowe, Benjamin, sculptor &

electrician 21:4 Radcliffe. Dr John 5:3-7.5:11-13 Radiation hazard 24:18 Radio

birth of 46:6-11, 47:3 British Vintage Wireless Society 45:3 'conduction through air', David

Hughes 46:8 discovery of wireless 46:1 equipment. Ducretet 46:13~ 15 equipment. Hertz 46:6-8 equipment, Lodge 46:9-10 Observatory, Dwingeloo 43:7 pioneering experiments 1895

46:27-28 Teyler's Museum 47:25-27 wireless cabin, 1913 46:3 wireless telegraphy, 'frog' receiver

65:29 Radioactivity in scientific instruments

12:9-10, 14:8, 19:19 Radioactivity, early work on emission

63:31 Radiocarbon dating 63:18 Radiography tubes 65:36 Radiometer, Crookes 50:40-42

Radiomicrometer 70:14 Boys 23:3

Radium Darling 17:2-3, 19:19 Railway signalling 11:13 Rain gauge

Dollond 5:11 Palazzo 53:25

Ram, Ganga, slide rules 3:4-5, 3:8 Ramberg, Matts 37:15 Ramelli. Agostino 54:2 Ramsden, first telescope dynameter

77:8-9 Ramsden, Jesse 5:14-15.6:18.7:18,

10:5, 10:7.31:12, 39:15, 47:17, 50:27-29, 71:2-10

equatorial mounting 24:6 prices of astronomical instruments

1791 21:9 screw threads 22:7-9 set square 19:14 sextant 11:12, 13:11, 22:19-20 supplier to Board of Longitude 21:6,

21:6 Ramskou, Thorkild 33:12 Randwich Historical Society (Australia)

29:32, 30:30 Ranea, A 31:17 Rangefinder

telescopic, Soleil [grand-pbre] 51:8 Weldon 52:35

Rasmussen, Frank 38:16 Ratebooks, use of 21:4 Rathborne, Aaron, surveyor 72:1 Ray, J W 33:16 Rayleigh, Lord 33:8, 36:10, 39:3 Reading desk, mechanical, Ramelli 54:2 Reading glass 54:29, 55:36 R6aumur, temperature scale 56:17 Record Electrical Company 51:22 Recorde, Robert 2:5 Recording instruments, Richard 48:12-13 Reddie, A W L 36:12 Redi, Francesco 38:18 Redier, Antoine 38:20

tower barometers 28:12-13 turret barometer 25:9-11

Reeves and the Spectaclemakers Co 13:7 Reflecting circle

Bird 8:12 Wenckebach 6:15

Reflector, parabolic 29:21 Refractometer

Abb6, evolution 62:19-22 crystal 54:12 Dupr6, by PeIlin 51:13 Piltschikoff, by Pellin 51:13

Regio, Johannes de Monte [Regiomontanus] 55:2

Regiomontanus and the Sphere of Destin 55:2, 55:37

Regulators for precision timekeeping 11:4-5, 14:4-5, 18:18-19

Reichenbach, G¢org yon 38:12, 56:27 Reinfelder, Gottlieb, apprentice of

Steinheil 12:5 Reinman, Paul, diptych dial 26:5-6 Releaux, Franz, founder of kinematics


Renaissance innovation 55:2 Renton, G 3:4 Reproduction instruments, legal aspects

and advice 61:27 Repsold, Georg & Adolph 5:6 Research, ideas for future 21:1-2 R6sonateur, Oudin 16:22.16:24 Resonator, Marloye 76:25 Resonators, Helmholtz, by Koenig 54:11 Restoration 55:1 Restoration of large telescopes

71:11-16, 72:1 Restoration of scientific instruments

[workshop] 60:27 Rheita, Schyrl de, telescope development

73:17-22 Ribbon Atwood machine 52:7 Ribright, Thomas

n6cessaire telescope 18:21-22 tradecard 13:3

Ricardo Consulting Engineers 52:8 Ricardo Variable Compression engine

52:8 Richard Fr~res Soci6t~ 48: I 1 Richard, F~lix 48:10-14 Richard, Jules Nicols 48:10-14 Richards steam engine indicator 67:13 Rider, W, & Son, London, slide rule 3:10 Riefler, S 46:30 Rienitz, Joachim 37:3 Rietzschel, A H. apprentice of Steinheil

12:6 Ring dial

equinoctial, design by Oughtred 44:25 Proctor 41:11-12 standing mechanical universal, Deane

45:12 Ripamonti, Orographie Schrader 16:27 Rix, William, London 5:18 Robert, Henri 39:12

pillar dial 19:21 Roberts, Edward. London 3:4, 5:18 Robertson, David, grain measures 30:4 Roberval balance structure 60:33 Robinson & Barrow, balance 9:12 Robinson, anemometer 45:2 Robinson, J & Sons 1:7, 2:14 Robinson, Thomas Charles, London

2:12, 9:11 Robison, Prof 10:5 Roget, Peter Mark, jumping spiral 32:20 Rcmer, Ole 25:13-14, 38:28

instruments copied 25:13-14, 27:33 Ron, Moshe 31:12 Ronan, Colin 37:2, 37:4 Ronchetti family 31:13, 33:20 Ronchi, V 37:8 Ronketti, John 7:19 R6ntgen, Wilhelm Conrad 46:23-26 Roscoe, John 33:18.53:19 Roscoe, Robert 53:19 Roscoe, William 33:15 Roslund, Curt 37:15 Ross, Andrew 6:24. 7:23, 40:25.

41:16-19, 49:17-21 binocular microscope 24:16

Ross. Andrew and Thomas. microscope makers 28:10

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Rostriaga, Diego, clock maker 62:9 Rotary file from James Watt workshop

57:27 Rothschild Collection, sale 62:29-32 Rowley. John 32:3

Guild 21:4 master of Thomas Wright 13:3 standing ring dial 25:3 sundials at St Paul's Cathedral

41:28-29 supplier to Christ's Hospital 21:5 supplier to Office of Ordnance 21:6 universal dial 14:17

Royal Adelaide Gallery. London 58:13-14

Royal arms, used by instrument makers 28:2-7, 29:30

Royal Astronomical Society archive of photographs 68:30 disposal of instruments 2:13 instruments described 68:30 library 68:31

Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh 78:13

Royal Dukes, Hanoverian 28:4 Royal Institution of Great Britain 51:22,

77:2 debt to Dudley Adams 20:26

Royal Microscopical Society 40:25 collection of microscopes 22:12

Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, Henry's visit 25:20

Royal Museum of Scotland 78:12 collections 78:4. 78:14 cross staff 27:8-9 glycerine barometer 30:5-6 report 30:13-17

Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels 79:15

Royal Observatory, Brussels 79:15 Royal Observatory, origin of first

instruments 56:11 Royal Observatory, San Femando

36:22 Royal Panopticon of Science and Art

instruments auctioned 59:11 list of philosophical instruments at

59:10 London 26:13, 59:6-13

Royal Photography Society, Bath 58:25 Royal Polytechnic Institution, London

58:15 Royal Society 51:22

beginnings at Gresham College 56:6 early practical work at Gresham

College 56:11 illustration of founding of 56:3

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 71:28

Rubens, Peter Paul 37:28 Rudolf III. Hapsburg Emperor, exhibition

of treasures 19:7 Rudolph II, Emperor 31:12 Rudowski. Wemer, collection of slide

rules 30:31 Ruggiero, L 31:18 Ruhmkorff electromagnet for polarization

of light 69:36

Ruhmkorff, Heinrich Daniel 41:4-8, 43:12

coil 17:10 electromagnets 41:5 induction coil 41:5 workshop 41:7

Rule comparative, cloth measure 20:9-10 comparative, T & H Doublet 20:8 Gunter (paper) 55:4, 55:11 Gunter types 57:6 Highway 50:36-37 Robertson 57:6 sector by Sutton 69:34 slide (paper) 55:13 surveyor's, Kynvyn 19:13

Ruling engine Doignon 45:22 for glass micrometers 23:13

Rfimker, Charles Christian Louis [Carl Rfimker] 77:32-33

Running oakleaf decoration 21:24-25, 27:33-34

Russell, John, RA, selenographia 9:17, 18:6, 42:6-7

Russia Company 36:15 Rutherford, Ernest 31:15, 63:3

intruments 51:20 Ryther, Augustine, equinoctial dial 7:18 Saccharimeter

Jellett 44:27 Leon 51:9 Spencer & Son 26:12

Saccheri, Girolamo 40:16 Sackler Research Fellowship 51:1 Safety lamp

Davy 72:14, 77:3 Stephenson 72:14

Sagredo 37:5 St Paul's Cathedral 55:17 St Petersburg Observatory 64:2 Sale of instruments at Tune Museum,

analysis 64:38 Samso, Julio 36:17 Sandglass 33:30

examples of fakes 23:15 Landau Collection 57:18 Museo Naval Madrid 42:9 quadruple set 59:29 Time Museum 14:11 warnings re fakes 21:12, 21:24,

23:14-16 Zick 25:3

Sang, John, of Kirkcaldy 6:19 Santa Cruz de la Palma 6:23 Sasse, J P, shoemaker's instrument 28:16 Satellite, use in surveying 72:9 Satterthwaite, Gilbert 37:3 Saunders, Samuel 21:4 Saunders, Thomas

garden sundial 26:8 on Revenue Committee 26:12

Sauter, sundial 15:10, 19:21 scala iacendi 64:26-27 Scale

circular, of 400 divisions 49:32-33 division, methods of 8:8-11, 9:19 double, on Graham's quadrant 27:4

Fahrenheit versus Celsius 51:35 Serle (paper) 55:12

Scales, balancing See Balance TTOFF Scallop eyes 37:10 Scaphe dial by Hartmann, with refraction

property 61:12 Scarificator, Deleuil 47:5 Scarlett, Edward. microscope 4:20 Schaeffer & Badenberg, Backau-

Magdeburg 10:13-14 Scharf. George, drawings by 23:21 Scheepvaartmuseum. Amsterdam, Anton

Mensing instruments 79:28~32 Schenk, Ulrich, Swiss instrument maker

78:22-23 Scheutz difference engine 52:16

BryanDonkin & Co 52:18 Schillinger, K 31:14 Schissler, Christoph[er] 45:26-27, 47:29

bowl sundial 27:26 compendium 25:3 mechanical globe 30:21, 30:23

Schloss Ffirstenstein 18th century cabinet 76:16-19

Schlottheim, astronomical clock [fake] 28:15

Schmalcalder, Charles Augustus 7:18 theodolite 26:5-6

Schmidt, Franz, & Haensch, photometer 10:15

Schmidt, Georg Wilhelm. compendium 25:3-4

Schniep. Ulrich, miner's compass 25:3 Schopper, Louis, Leipzig 3:14.4:13,

4:17 Schubart, Theodore, laboratory

instruments 53:11~13 Schulze, Carl Gustav, Nova Scotia

12:14-15 Schvner, Johannes, globe 7:8 Science and the Royal Navy, lecture

22:22 Science Heritage Collection.

Lincolnwood 14:5 Science Museum, Lisbon 55:27 Science Museum, London, Catalogue of

Geophysics 15:12-13 Science Museums. function of 7:1.10: I,

10:18-19 Scientific education at Queenwood

College 78:24-26 Scientific Instrument Commission 54:2

bibliographies 71:38 18th Symposium, in Russia 64:20-25 19th Symposium, in Oxford 67:23-27 20th Symposium, in Stockholm

71:28-32 21st Symposium, in Athens 75:18-21 22nd Symposium, in Virginia

80:32-36 Scientific Instrument Society

appointment of President 42:2 assessment of, by Vice President

59:36 Astrofest 96 Exhibition 48:2-3 Bulletin growth 30: I Christmas lunch (1989) 22:22 commemorative issue of Bulletin 50:1

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covenant schemes 11:9, 18:19 evening on River Thames, 2000 67:29 Executive Officer appointed 42:2 fellowships and awards 41:1 formation 13:17 future 41:1 Honorary membership, of Society 15:2 Honorary membership, S Bedini 9:3 Honorary membership, J P Collins

70:2 Honorary membership, D Ferriot 57:2 Honorary membership, H R Jenneman

48:1-2 Honorary membership, D W Waters

25:2 List of Members 2001 69:41-56 List of Members 2002 73:32-33 List of Members 2003 77:42~55,

78:27 logo competition 1:4, 3:1 Monograph on Science and Art of

Instrument Making 27:1, 29:2 new Chairman: Stuart Talbot 54:1 new Chairman: HA L Dawes 42:2 President's Medal 44:2 questionnaire 29:1 sundial 27:20-24 tie 7:2, 8:2, 18:2 tribute by Vice-President 70:1 website established 56:2

Scientific Instrument Society, Annual General Meeting

1984 3:2 1985 6:2 1986 9:2, 11:6 1987 15:2-3 1988 20:18-19 1990 27:2 1991 31:2 1992 34:2 1993 38:4 1994 42:3-4 1995 46:4-5 1996 50:4-5 1997 54:2, 54:4~5 1998 58:4 1999 62:3 2000 66:3 2001 70:3 2002 74:2 2003 78:2, 79:1

Scientific Instrument Society, Visits Bristol, October 2002 75:25-26 British Museum, April 1999 61:3 Brussels and Ghent, October 2003

79:15-17 Oxford. 'Do Collections Matter to

Instrument Studies?'. June 2002 76:19

Lisbon, May 1999 62:23-28 Manor House Museum, Bury St

Edmunds, September 2000 68:29 Musuem of London, May 2001 70:36 National Maritime Musueum, March

2000 67:30 North Germany, May 2002 74:24-32 Oxford and Environs, September 2001

71:34~37, 71:41

Royal Artillery Museum, Woolwich, February 2002 73:33-35

Royal Astronomical Society, January 2001 68:30

Royal Institution, January 2003 77:2-3 Science Museum Reserve Collection

April 2002 73:7 Scotland, April:May 2003 78:12-21

Scientific instruments collections in Italy: Bologna meeting

25:17-18 ephemera 24:21 European, Henze Collection 28:14-11 history of 19:3-6 industry & the government 10:6 makers at Charles University, Prague

25:6-8 market in Germany 52:32 on banknotes etc 16:9-14 perspective 17:4-6, 18:19 Radcliffe Observatory 5:4-7 stamps: microscopes & telescopes

30:10-12 study and results [Invitation lecture]

76:2-4 trade, women in 27:7~11

Scientific research in Australia 10:15~ 16 Scientific Revolution 50:15-18 Scientific toys and amusements 2:4, 10:4 Scotopic photometer by Craik 65:7 Scott, Benjamin 36:15 Scottish Instruments 78:4-11 Scottish teachers of navigation and

astronomy 10:6 Scottish university instruments,

eighteenth century 24:2-8 ScreenwaU counter for radiocarbon datin

63:18 Screwthreads 22:7-11, 40:21 Sea-quadrant, Caleb Smith 73:2-7, 75:6 Secchi, Angelo 34:12 Secrrtan family 40:5 Secrrtan, Marc 40:3

reflecting telescope 26:19 Sector

Allen 40:23 Bird equatorial 5:7 Brown (paper) 55:8 Cole 40:23, 51:20 fortification (paper) 55:10 Foster (paper) 55:10 Gunter (paper) 55:11 Hudson boxwood 53:19 Lea (paper) 55:12 military 25:5 rule, Sutton 69:34 Sisson 40:23 Sutton 29:21

Sedelius, Wolfgang 34:6 Seebeck, Thomas John 8:4 Srguier, Pierre Armand 47:5 Seibert, Arthur and W & H, of Wetzlar

16:16 Seismograph

development in Japan 63:23 horizontal pendulum by Milne 63:24 portable, Rossi 53:25 Scateni 53:25

Seismology instruments 45:8, 53:25 Seismoscope 36:28

Brassart 31:15 Seleniun cell 70:29-31 Selenographia, John Russell 9:17, 18:6 Self-recording meteorological instruments

6:7-8 Seller, John

catalogue of products 65:5 chart and instrument maker of London

65:4 instruments for gunnery 68:4 PracticalNavigation (1669) 7:5, 10:4

Selva family, Venetian opticians 77:10~13

Semitecolo, Leonardo, telescope maker 78:32-34

Senebier, Jean 31:15 Senecal, Jacques, diptych dial 19:14 Senex, John, London, globes 7:6, 7:10,

7:13, 7:14 Sepper, D L 31:13 Seutter, Matthias, globe 28:16 Seven Dials Monument 21:13 Seward, Dublin, mechanical dials 26:5 Sewell, Joseph 33:18 Sextant

aluminium by Cary 63:23 averaging device 62:18 Bennett 26:9 Bird 8:8-13, 51:21 box, Elliott and Sons 61:28 box, Stanley reproduction 61:27 Brahe 31:12 bridge, Ramsden 11:12 Bruce 33:16 Cary 5:27, 10:7, 24:16 Day 24:16 DoUond 5:27, 42:27 Elliott 36:10 Heather 40:24 Hughes 39:7 Jones 5:24 Kleman & Zoon 29:20 Macneil 39:7 marine, the first [?] 8:12-13 micrometer, Ramsden 13:11 miniature, Hurlimann 19:21 miniature, Ramsden 11:12 mirror, Reichenbach 56:27 Nugent's patent 12:12 Plath-Coutinho 62:17 prices of 1791 21:9-10 Ramsden 6:18, 7:18.22:19-20, 33:16 Ramsden miniature enclosed 51:5 Schulze 12:14 Sewill 33:16 Troughton & Simms 9:27 used by Tycho Brahe 25:5

's Gravesande, WJ 43:10 air-pump 29:16 heliostat invented by 29:12 magic lantern 43:10 physical apparatus 29:17 wedge demonstration model 29:12

Shagreen, use 1715-1800 52:9 Sharper focus 12:1 Shaw, WI, tellurian 30:18

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Sheffield workshop, Proctor & Beilby 41:10~13.42:17~19

Shelton, John, London 5:5-6 Shepard. J. micro-rulings 8:23-24 Shoemaker's measuring instrument, Sasse

28:16 Short, James 39:24

telescope 7:5, 10:7, 18:13-14, 18:27 telescope prices 1791 21:9-10

Shortt, W H 41:23 Sidmouth, Lockyer observatory at 10:19 Siemens 37:11 Sights, slit, Tycho Brahe 22:2 Signatures

facsimiles 22:18 fake 21:11-12 supply and subcontracting 10:4-5

Sikes, Bartholomew Excise Officer 28:9 won hydrometer competition 26:12

Silberman, heliostat 26:19 Silva, Donato 40:16 Sima. Zdislav 31:12 Simmes[Synunes], Isaac. London 1:8,

2:14 Simms. William 39:8 Simpson, Allen 39:23 Sire, Georges E, devioscope 3:13 Sisson, Jeremiah •

dividers 29:21 equatorial mounting 24:6 magnetic dip demonstration device

24:7 mural quadrant 19:9 portable quadrant 19:9 supplier to Office of Ordnance 21:6

Sisson, Jonathan 3:14, 4:16. 10:5, 31:12 octant 29:23 quadrant 29:23

Six, James, thermometers 8:32 Skop~o sparking plug tester 69:9 Slide rule 3:3-10

adoption of German production method 54:7

circular, Davenport 30:13, 30:15 collecting 63:36 Cox 19:20 documentation and history 54:29 Halden 'Calculex' 54:6 Hannyngton, Aston & Mander

16:22-24 introduction at Soho 57:6 logarithmic, dispute 55:3 Malt Gauger 26:20~22 PIC by A G Thornton 54:7 Rudowski Collection 30:31 spiral type (paper) 55:3-4 Suxspeach, Parker 18:8 UNIS-France 64:34, 65:3 'Soho' 57:5-13 'Soho'. accuracy 57:10-11 'Soho', examples 57:7-9

Slides. astronomical. Newton & Co 26:19 Sloane, Sir Hans, collection 70:11 Smith & Ramage. Aberdeen, dynamical

top 30:13-14 Smith, [Beck] & Beck, London 3:14,

4:12, 4:16

Smith, Andrew, apograph 10:7 Smith, James, London 3:14, 4:16 Smith, Jeppe 49:27 Smith, John 2:12, 35:12 Smith, John Jennings. life and

philosophical apparatus 69:21-26, 70:5

Smith, Robert Angus, sanitary chemist 29:6

Smith, Robert, sea captain's tomb with instruments 68:1

Smith, William 38:5 Smith, Willoughby 36:10 Smithsonian Institution 63:14 Smoked-glass recorders 15:11 Smyth, Charles Piazzi 1:9~11 Snart, Miss Martha, optician 28:8 Snart. Miss Neriah, optician 28:8 Sneewins, Anthony 34:3 Sneewins, family of instrument makers

29:9 Sneewins, Henricus, sector 7:24 Snibston Discovery Park 34:15 Snowshill Manor

collection of Charles Paget Wade 71:34

scientific instruments at 58:27 Social history of the microscope 9:18 Society of Arts 58:11, 59:11 Society of Merit, Amsterdam 67:1 Society of Telegraph Engineers 52:18 'Soho' slide rule 57:5-13 Solar constant [energy flux] 58:29 Solar eyepiece, Dawes 14:2-3 Solar furnace, on a medal 16:13 Soleil, Franqois 41:16-19 Soleil, of Paris, and Joseph Henry

25:20-21 Soleil-Duboscq-Pellin 31:16 Soleil and Duboscq, family tree 51:7 Solingen, Cornelius, surgical instruments

29:9 Solomons, S & B, London 10:11-12 Sonar technology & underwater warfare

7:3-4 Sorby-Browning microspectroscope 4:6 SOro Academy, Denmark, instruments at

17:6-7, 31:14, 38:27 Sothebys

Bond Street 20:2 reorganisationof 30:13, 30:15

Sound analyzer Koenig 44:15, 44:29.45:7, 68:16-21 Meyer 68:18

South America, instruments 31:13 South Kensington Museum, 1876 72:11 South Kensington Museum, origins 59:11 Soviet Union National Inventory 4:10 Spark measurer, Schubart 53:12 Sparking plug tester 69:9 Spear, Richard, Dublin

circumferentor 26:5 hydrometers 26:12 shop sign 26:2

Special Loan Collection, South Kensing- ton Museum, 1876

Contemporary Publications 74:16-21, 77:24

Historical Instruments 73:8-16, 76:1, 77:24

in 'Illustrated London News' 72:11-19

Photographs and Copies 76:10-15 Spectaclemakers Co. Court & yon Rohr

13:6-8 Spectacles & Spyglasses

British College of Optometrists Collection 23:2

Marly Collection 21:17 Spectacles, Adams' patent 18:21-22 Spectacles, provision at Manchester

Royal Eye Hospital 52:6 Spectral gratings 47:20-21 Spectrograph

flown in V-2 missile 63:17 solar, at Utrecht 29:23, 29:26 X-ray vacuum 59:18

Spectrometer astronomical, ll-prism 14:20 astronomical, 7-prism 15:11 astronomical, history of 15:12 Browning 27:28 circle, Troughton 29:23 Duboscq 51:13 Fermi, by Hilger 53:28 first decade 4:3-6 Grubb 26:11-12 Hilger 26:12 multi-prism table, Grubb 47:1 multipurpose 59:16 prism 54:10 rainband 1:9-12 Steinheil & Kirchhoff 12:6 Troughton and Simms 33:16 Yeates & Son 26:12

Spectrum 37:1 Speed of light measuring instrument.

Froment 45:21 Spencer & Son 10:7

saccharimeter 26:12 Spencer, Browning & Rust

dates 14:9, 16:18, 17:13 screw threads 22:9

Sphere Mouvante by Jean Pigeon 75:23~24

Sphere of Destiny 55:2 Sphere, celestial, mounted on blackamoor

53:30 Sphere, Copernican (paper) 55:9 Spherometer, Duboscq-Soleil 76:26 Sphygmograph, Dudgeon pocket 52:27 Spiders' webs, use in micrometers

23:11~12 Spinthariscope

Crookes 12:10, 63:31 in Australia 63:32 R & J Beck 24:18

Spiral line (paper) 55:13 Spiral nebulae 53:35 Spirit lamp from Hauch Cabinet 60:12 Spouting fluids, demonstration device

11:11, 14:14 Sprat, Thomas. The History of the Royal

Socie~ of London 56:3 Sputnik, on a Soviet medal 16:13 Spyglass in horn fan 52:34

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Square. Ramsden 19:14 Staffel, Israel Abraham. watchmaker 52:15 Stamkart, ProfFJ 6:13, 6:16 Stamps, scientific instruments on

30:10-12, 31:21, 32:12 Standard measure. Habermel 25:3 Standards. historical, for linear measures

20:7-17 Stanhoscope [lens] 56:30 Stanley, slide rule 3:8 Stanley, W F

ellipsograph 17:5-6 instrument maker 54:6

Star map construction by bead frame 77:23

Stark, James, joiner, made grain measure 30:4

Starke. Christian refracting telescope 19:9 transit telescope 19:8

Starke. G, planimeter 25:3 Stayred, Philip 53:19 Stdheli Collection of medical instrument.,

41:34 Steam and water ratio 58:6 Steam engine

engraving, Watt 58:2, 59:36 perfect, Watt 58:6 Trevithick 32:24

Steam engine indicator 67:9-19 Bachelder 67:16 Crosby indicator 67:17 Him stroboscopic 67:14 Hopkinson 67:12 Kenyon 67:15 McNaught 67:11 Richards 67:13 Tabor 67:17 Thompson 67:17 Watt 67:11

Stebbing, J R, navigational instrument 5:19

Stedman. Christopher Guild 21:4 trade card 21:5

Steel alloy 40:12 Steering compass, W Boosman 6:15 Steinheil, CA 12:3-7, 14:8

spectroscopes 4:3, 4:5 Steitz, Adam. measures plate 29:17-18 Steno Museum at Aarhus 49:25-27 Steno Museum, Aarhus 59:34 Stephens, Alexander, backstaff 19:21 Stereographic projection (paper) 55:13 Stereoplanigraph, Zeiss C5 63:25 Stereoscope, Clarke 59:8 Sterrop, Mary 35:12 Sterrop, Ralph 35:11 Stevenson. Robert 41:17-18 Stewart, Sir Robert, and Scottish

Measures 30:3-4 STHV [Dutch Society] 3:12, 5:17 Stiles, William 39:25 Stokes, Gabriel. description of a ring dial

26:11 Stolen microscopes 27:34 'Story of Time' exhibition at the National

Maritime Musueum 67:30

Strabo 33:2 Strasbourg Minster great clock 53:6 Stroh, Augustus 38:19 Strozzi Collection. Italy 28:14 Studer. J G, airpump 28:20-21 Stukeley, Rev William. diaries 4:16 Sturgeon, William, and Joseph Henry

25:20 Stutchbury, J, London, slide rule 3:7 Submarine detectors, First World War

52:6 Submarine telegraph system 64:29 Submarine telegraphy, terminal at

Porthcumo 66:31-32 Submarine warfare 7:3-4 Suffell, Charles, London 2:14, 3:15 Suggett, Martin 33:15 Sun compass 33:13 Sundial 31:15.32:7

adjustable diptych dial, SIS 27:20-24 adjustable, Adams 17:25 of Ahaz 44:21, 45:25 anelamatic [Tuttell?] 61:21 at Harvard 30:1 at Maynooth College 56:4 azimuth, Habermel [fake] 28:14-15 Berthet 40:18 Bloud 20:23, 39:19 bowl, Schissler 27:26 Butterfield 24:17, 39:19 Butterfield [type] 6:18 Capuchin, Habermel 26:31, 27:30 cartographic 36:17 Coignet 10:20 Cole 77:7 Crow T58:22 cube, German 19:25 Darker 33:10 delineator 34:3 Didale 38:26 diptych, adjustable 27:20-24 diptych, Hartmann 20:31 diptych, Mtiller 27:24 diptych, Reinman 26:5-6, 62:11 diptych. Senecal 19:14 diptych, Tucher 20:31 early Renaissance, Austrian 19:11 equatorial, Brander 22:19-20 equatorial, Tompion reproduction

62:5, 64:33 equinoctial 35:34 equinoctial, Bergauer 25:4 equinoctial, Canivet 33:26 equinoctial, ring, Deens 25:3 equinoctial, Wright 34:18 fake silver exposed 21:12 finger ring 75:2 French 38:27 garden, Saunders 26:8 Gebhardt 40:23 gilt brass polyhedral 54:36 gnomon in Santa Maria del Fiore 44:2 Harrison 30:29 Hartmann, 'Dial of Ahaz' 42:12 hemispherical, with astrolabe top by

Arsenius 66:9-14, 67:2 horizontal 14:6N7, 38:26 horizontal compass. Deane 45:12

horizontal refractive, Schissler 45:26-27

horizontal, analemmatic 34:18 horizontal, in Henze Collection [fake]

28:15 horizontal, Italian 45:31 horizontal. Vuhrmalm 25:4~5 Ibn al-Shatir 44:6 ivory, diptych. Gebhart 21:24-25 ivory, diptych, of Nuremberg 17:22,

18:20, 18:23, 21:17-18 ivory, diptych, Troschel 25:4 Jedrzejow 38:26 Kilner 38:27 Landau Collection 57:18 layout machine, Popell 29:22 L'Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 57:15 machine formaking 75:3 Martin 39:19 mechanical, equinoctial, Mason 26:5 mechanical, Sauter 15:10 mechanical, Seward 26:5 Melville 10:7 monumental in India 15:3 Museo Naval Madrid 42:9 navicula 35:22, 37:33 New York Central Park 57:4 noon mark, Utrecht 29:23 octagonal, by Richard Whitehead 68:3 on faqade in Como 65:22 outdoor 38:26 Pearson-Page 3:11, 5:20-21 pillar, Robert 19:21 pocket, Allan 47:30 pocket, Allen 56:9 pocket, at Adler Planetarium 54:3 pocket, Blondel 26:19 polyhedral 53:4, 78:13, 78:21 portable, Butterfield type by Collet

60:4 Premier Cadran, meaning of 21:20 re-creation of 41:3 Regiomontanus 55:2 ring Baradelle 13:17 ring, described Stokes 26:11 ring, from Louvain 14:4 ring, Greatorex 13:17 ring, Habermel 25:4 ring. Proctor 41:11-12 ring. Rowley 50:33 Roman 42:12 Rowley 41:28-29 Sauter 19:21 scaphe 44:21-24 Schniep, with globe clock 42:1 setting out instrument 43:2 Seven, pillar restored 21:13 silver portable by Butterfield 75:3 silver with perpetual calendar 64:7 Society, The British 44:4 Soleil 33:10 stained glass, at Berkeley Castle 58:26 standing ring, Heath 21:24--26, 24:25,

25:29 standing ring. Heath & Wing 50:14 standing ring, Rowley 25:3 Sutton 39:19 table of hour lines 10:10~11

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Tompion 34:19 universal adjustable 27:20 universal adjustable and dialling

instrument 26:33 universal mechanical, Glynne 14:5 universal mechanical, Rowley 14:17 universal on stand, G Wright & Martin

18:6 universal on stand. Heath 20:28 universal on stand, T Wright 18:8 universal, Coignet 20:31 unusual 45:7 unusual garden 56:2 Wheatstone 33:10 Willebrand 39:19 window 62:6 Wolsey 40:28, 40:30

Sunshine recorder, Campbell-Stokes 57:30 Sunspots. observation by Galileo 69:16 Surgical instruments

maker, G J Neill 27:15-16 maker. G Tiemann 26:27 Solingen 29:9

Surveying early 53:19 equipment, Swiss Alpine Museum

42:14 evolution of instruments 72:2-10 first textbook 66:2 history of land and hydrographic

72:2-10 instrument. F L Laporte 29:17 instruments in earlyl9th-century

Australia 22:5-6 instruments, A G Thornton Ltd 54:7 instruments, Brunner 49:3-5 instruments, Joseph Halden 54:6 instruments, Ordnance quantities 21:6 kit of instruments, Facini 14:5 kit, Ayres 29:17 surveyor's cross, Chapotot 16:23 Tartaglia compass [bussola] 69:15 telescopic instrument by Heath 56:5 theodolite with micrometer readout

11:2-3 Suter, Richard, acquires Dancer's

photomicrographs 29:7 Sutton, Henry

Gunter scale 59:30 sector 29:21 sector rule 69:34

Sutura. Salvatore 31:12 Suxspeach, John, slide rule 18:8 Swan, Thomas, directory entries 13:2,

13:5 Swart, Jacob 6:12 Sweden. instrument collections in 26:24 Swinden. ProfJan Henri van 67:1 Swoboda, Richard, orrery-clock 25:3 Sydney instrument makers 17:14, 20:26 Sydney, Museums and Observatory

10:15 Sydow, ophthalmic kit 52:33 Symbolic use of instruments 74:4-7 Symons, G J 38:21 Sympiesometer

Adie 24:9 Millar 36:30

Synthesizer, Helmholtz, Kohl 26:18 Szilagyi, Maron, instruments 19:8 Tables of Physical and Chemical

Constants, Kaye and Laby 55:20 Tabor steam engine indicator 67:17 Tach(e)ometer 72:4

electronic 72:6 Moinot-Richer 36:37 theodolite 40:38-39, 41:41 theodolite, Wagner-Fennel 55:18 Watt 23:13

Tagliabue, Giuseppe, New York 7:18-19 Tagliabue, John, New York 7:19 Tagliabue, London 5:8 Tagliaferri, G 31:17 Talas, S 31:14 Taqi ad-Din 35:18 Tatlock, John, association with Kelvin

27:33 Tavemier-Gravet, distance meter 14:14,

15:15 Taxing the collector 22:14 Taylor & Walton, publishers 2:14, 3:14

3:15 Taylor and Francis, publishers 40:27 Taylor, E G R, Mathematical

Practitioners, defects 13:4-6 Taylor, Elizabeth, optician 28:8 Taylor, Frank Sherwood, publications by

14:8 Taylor, James, opthalmic optician 28:11 Taylor, Janet, her nautical academy

28:10-11 Taylor, Taylor and Hobson 40:21 Taylor, William 40:21 Tebbutt, John, observatory 10:15 Technology in 19th century, Mus~e

National des Arts et M&iers 57:16 Telegraph

'ABC', Darlincourt 57:18 Breguet 50:20 Cooke and Wheatstone 79:15 Edisdon repeating disc 76:39 electric. S6mmering 72:15 electrical 12:3-4 office 46:6 receiver, Baudot 43:14 wireless 46:6-11

Telegraphy section. Centre National de Reserche Scientifique, Paris 57:17

Telegraphy. first use of photographic 70:30

Teleidoscope 37:21 Telemeter 25:24, 26:23 Telephone

early, in Oxford 27:15-16 oldest Dutch, by J W Giltay 70:28-29

Telescope 4-inch reflecting 61:35 6-foot Ross at Parsonstown 58:1 8-inch French (1874) 6:4 9-inch at Boston, Mass 3:15 achromatic 11:8 achromatic military 41:12 achromatic, performance of 8:21 Adams 6:26 altazimuth universal 65:27 astronomical by Dollond 71:40

at Skokloster Castle, by Wiesel 73:17-22 B aillou 29:9.40:16 Banks 10:15 Beaufoy 38:7 Bidstrup 49:26-27 binocular, Patroni 47:12-13 Brunner 36:22 Campani 31:16 catadioptric, Selva 77:12 Chapman 9:7 'coelestial and terestial' 41:12 Common 10:19 compendium of Herschel 58:1 Dancer 34:13 development by Rheita 73:17-18 Digges [?] 35:2 Dobsonian 63:20 Dollond 5:5, 7:5, 7:18, 7:26, 10:5,

29:12, 31:16, 36:23, 39:10. 52:9 Dollond, 5 in brass reflecting 60:40 double equatorial, Gautier 49:6 drive, by a weight 26:7, 26:9 Dunsink meridian by Ramsden 71:2 during early 17th century 73:17 eighteenth century makers 69:27-30 Elizabethan [?] 37:2 equatorial at Rio de Janeiro 65:26 equatorial coud& Nice 52:22 equatorial mount for, Sisson &

Ramsden 24:6 equatorial refractor 6:4--5 equatorial refractor. Harvard 53:2 equatorial, at Armagh. Troughton 26:4 equatorial, Cauchoix 53:27 equatorial, Gautier 49:5 equatorial, isochronous governor

50:21 equatorial, Sisson 78:10 Ertel 9:19 eyepiece micrometer 26:7.26:9 first dynamometer for 77:8-9 Fraunhofer 46:29, 49:11 Gabriel and Bardou 35:27 Galileo 72:13 Gautier 36:22 German equatorial 55:27 Great Paris Exhibition 74:23 Gregorian by Joseph Hurt 70:7 Grubb 36:22, 42:6 Grubb 28inch 51:5 Grubb-Parsons 35:30 gun, Fennel 55:18 hand-held, from Musschenbroek

workshop 66:15-17 Herschel 10:7, 29:22, 35:31 Herschel 40-foot reflector 51:5 Herschel mirror test 6:5 Herschel '7-foot' 42:6-7 Howe 29:21 Jones 36:22 Lassell 33:15 Leonardo Semitecolo 78:32 'Leviathan of Parsonstown' 44:27 leviathan of Parsonstown 53:31-36 Lockyer 10:19 Merz 38:28 Merzrefractor 71:12, 72:1 methods of optical analysis 70:7-9

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Naime. in Musde de la Marine, Paris 57:19

Newell 25 in refractor at Athens 75:18 Newton 72:13 Newtonian pocket 53:30 Newtonian reflecting by De la Rue

53:2 Newtonian type, Digne 52:22 on stamps 30:10~12 optical performance of early 68:12 Palermo Circle by Ramsden 71:3-13,

72:1 Paris 38:18 Paris exhibition 1900, Gautier 49:7 pinewood hexagonal, Davini 53:30 Pistor & Martins 29:13, 38:28 Pistor and Martins meridian circle 71:15 pocket, nicessaire 12:26 prices of 1791 21:9-10 Proctor & Beilby 41:10 Ramsden 10:5, 10:7, 40:19 ray diagram model 26:8 reflecting, by James Short 78:8 reflecting, Nairne 52:33 reflecting, with black marble mirror

53:27 reflector Adams 12:26 reflector Bird 22:27 reflector Cary 25:11-12 reflector Dollond 19:9 reflector Grubb 26:4 reflector Hearne 19:8 reflector Jones 26:19 reflector Mackenzie 18:21 reflector. Naime 27:28 reflector. Secritan 26:19 reflector Short 18:13 reflector stands for 25:12 reflector Watson 26:35, 27:39, 28:35

29:36, 30:36 refracting, first commercial achromatic

75:6-8 refractive, Dollond 62:7 refractor, [photometer ?] at Birr Castle

73:41 refractor, largest in Britain on display

12:23 refractor, Clark 26:19 refractor, Clarke 24:16 refractor, Dollond 19:8, 24:6, 26:4,

26:19. 27:28 refractor, Fraunhofer 27:27 refractor, Grubb 26:4, 26:7, 26:9 refractor, Merz 14:2~3, 26:19 refractor. Nice 52:22 refractor, Starke 19:8-9 refractor, Troughton & Simms 26:7 refractor, Utzschneider & Fraunhofer

26:7 refractor, Zeiss, at Babelsburg

Observatory 59:32 Secrdtan 40:5 Short 7:5, 10:7,38:7 Shuckburgh equatorial by Ramsden

7!:2 Sisson 10:5 Solomon 10:11-12 symbolic use 74:5~6

table of details for Rio de Janeiro 65:26

techniques of eighteenth century makers 70:6-9

terrestrial by Metz 53:26 tooled vellum I 1-draw, John Yarwell

45:8 transit 6:6 transit, Bradley 39:8 translt, Graham 27:5 transtt, Heam 33:22 transit, Radcliffe Observatory 5:5 transit, Repsold 62:24 Troughton & Simms 33:19, 38:7,

40:23 trumpet, Proctor and Beilby 41:11 tubing, manufacture of 27:10-15 Utzschneider & Merz 10:7 Van der Bildt 9:13~14, 9:13~14 Warner and Swasey 33:23 with compass 54:24 with meridian circle, by Troughton &

Simms 76:24 with nicessaire, Ribright 18:21-22

Television, early, in Manchester 51:29 Tellurian 31:26, 34:7

Blaeu 29:20 Shaw 30:18

Tellurometer 63:4, 72:7 Temperature available from burning glass

technique 58:29 Temperature scale

derivation of Celsius 56:21 design features 56:18 early 56:17 Hauksbee, Fahrenheit, Fowler and

Hales compared 56:21 modem 56:23 thermodynamic 56:22 work by Hales 56:20

Terpsiphone, Wheatstone 12:11 Terrestrial magnetism, instruments for

43:27-28 Tesla coil 65:23

Ducretet 46:13 Tesla, Nikola 35:15 Teyler Foundation Physics Laboratory

59:14~21 Teyler's Museum 6:10 Theatre of Machines 54:2 Thege, Miklos Konkoly, astrophysicist

19:8-9 Theiler& Co 36:11 Theodolite

12-inch, Reichenbach 56:27 Adams 62:8 Amici, unusual 16:7-9 Bamberg [?] 40:39 Charot 40:24 Cole 28:6-7 collection of 26:5-6 Cooke, Troughton and Simms 72:3 Ertel 42:6 Everest 20:22, 31:33, 43:22-23 Gambey 38:11 geodetic transit, by Troughton and

Simms 78:1 giant sculpture 62:16

Gourdon 18:21-22 Gurley 54:25 hanging, Hildebrand 58:21 Heath 26:7, 44:26, 44:40 Husbands 27:28 Indian survey, by Troughton and

Simms 72:2 Jones 40:24 Kearn & Cie 52:34 Kynvyn at Florence 70:34 Lenoir 18:21 micrometer readout 11:2-3. 13:11 multiple applications, Breithaupt

54:26 Negretti and Zambra 43:23 on banknote 16:12 repeating, Brunner 49:4 repeating, by Schenk 78:22 Roy's 3-foot by Ramsden 71:2 simple brass, by Whitehead 68:3 tacheometer, Ertel 56:28 tacheometer, Wagner-Fennel 55:18 transit, Troughton & Simms 14:18 Troughton & Simms 11:26, 26:19 universal by Heyde 65:27 use in British Colonial surveying 72:3 W & S Jones 20:24 Wild 72:3 Wild astronomical 72:4 with screw microscope 52:31 Zangra 53:30

Theon of Alexandria 35:18 Thermal cycler for production of DNA

63:22 Thermenvox [teremin] 64:20 Thermo-hygrometer, Haas 40:19 Thermodynamic calculations and the

arithrnometer 60:17-21 Thermograph, Richard 53:25 Thermometer 38:18

18th century scales 56:1 Brander universal 5:15-16 Casella 38:7 Centigrade, by Pierre Martel 57:20 deep sea, Negretti & Zambra

30:13-14 Fahrenheit, and Letters (J Bumett)

1:3-6 Florentine spiral, (reproduction) 10:23 Galileo 72:15 Henry Kessels 43:31 Micheli du Crest 72:20-25 scales, profusion of 16:4 Six 8:32 universal by Brander 64:21 universal, Brander 5:15-16

Thermometers, forged 55:23 Thermometrograph, Breguet 50:19 Thermopile, Nobili 8:5 Thomas de Colmar, Charles Xavier

52:12 Thompson steam engine indicator

67:17 Thompson, John, London 9:4 Thomson, J J 63:29 Thornton, A G 51:27, 51:29 Thornton, Ltd 54:6 Thunder church 67:4

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Thunder glass 29:27 Thunderglasses (modem) 16:15 Thunderstorm detector ['Tempest

Prognosticator'] 66:1 Thunderstorm recorder. Schreiber, by

Max Kohl 66:1 Thykier, Claus 37:15, 38:16 Tidal calculator at Bremerhaven 74:28 Tidal gauge. Doodson 33:16 Tide predictor 65:28 Tiemann, George

cupping pump set 26:18 surgical instruments 26:27

'Time Trail' in the City of Leicester 55:19

Time Museum. Rockford, Illinois 64:35 Time recording by tram chronograph

23:16~18 Time table, circular 3:9 Time

artefacts of measurement 75:2~5 Images of. exhibition report 29:2~3 measurement of, service 7:16 tropical year 53:7

Time-measuring instruments in Hungari~ museums 19:8-12

Time-related instruments 42:15 Timekeeping methods, shown by replicas

in Leicester 55:19 Timekeeping. evolution of regulators for

11:4~5 Tirytin, P 36:15 Todesco. Father P 31:15 Tofino, Vicente 36:22 Tompion, Thomas 40:29, 51:6

clockmaker 62:5 precision engineer 56:11

Tonometer, Koenig tuning fork 79:23-26

Tooley, R V 40:30 Toronto, Academy of Medicine Collection

26:18 Torquetum 53:30

Dom 38:24 Habermel 74:31

Torricelli, barometer 30:5 Towneley, Robert 40:29 Townsend, Thomas Scott, surveyor in

Australia 22:5-6 Trade card collections 60:3 Trade catalogues, hand list from National

Museums of Scotland 64:13 Trade directories, pitfalls in use of 13:2,

13:5 Trade in Britain 28:7-11 Tram chronograph, Boullin 23:16-18 Transit circle by Adams 62:27 Transit of Venus, 1874 6:4 Transversals. Tycho Brahe 22:2 Traverse board 14:13, 38:30 Trechsler, Christoph, screwcutting ability

22:8 Tree, J, London. cattle gauge 3:7 Tremayne, Brian 4:2 Trepanning set, Mann 52:33 Triewald Collection 17:8-10 Triewald, Martin, of Sweden 17:7-8 Trigonometer, Danfrie 25:3

Trigonometrical Survey of India, Great 43:22

Trinity College and University College, Dublin 26:9-10

Trocheameter 37:22 Trollap, Robert, of York 53:19 Tromometer, A de Rossi 31:15 Troschel, Hans, diptych dial 25:4 Troughton

equatorial 26:4 circle-spectroscope 29:23 screw threads 22:9 telescope prices 1791 21:10

Troughton, Edward 31:13, 36:24, 38:12 47:29~30

Troughton & Simms 5:5, 5:7, 7:16, 9:27, 39:24

reflecting circle 26:5 telescope 26:7 theodolite 11:26, 14:18, 26:19 workshop 29:29

Trumpet telescope. Proctor & Beilby 41:11

Tubing, brass, manufacture of 27:10-15 Tucher, Joseph, dial 20:31 Tuning fork 18:18~19 Tuning fork tonometer, Koenig

79:23~26 Tuning fork

clock 44:15 electric, Breguet I 1:4

Tuning forks for Lissajous figures 54:11 Turner, Prof Gerard L'E 76:4 Turner, Rev Mr, perpetual calendar

30:20 Tustian, Thomas 3:14, 4:17 Tuttell, Thomas, cross staff 24:11 Typewriter, Guhl & Harbeck 22:19,

22:21 Typhodeictor 36:8 Uccle Royal Observatory, Brussels 7:16 UNIS-France 64:34, 65:3 Universe of Cmdr Woodley, spinning

2:10-11 Universities, Scottish, 18th-century

24:2-8 University Museum, Utrecht, Anton

Mensing instruments 79:28~32 University of

Aalborg 38:28 Aarhus 38:16, 38:28 Aberdeen, Wheatstone apparatus at

12:11 Arizona 31:13 Barcelona 36:17 Bologna 31:16 Coimbra 39:15, 40:20 Coimbra physical cabinet 55:26 de la Plata 31:17 Delft 29:17-18 Dresden 31:14 Ferrara 31:14 Guelph 26:19 Harvard 29:32 Kingston, Ontario 26:19 Leicester, barometer at 30:5-9 Leiden 27:34, 29:10 Limerick 30:29

Lisbon 39:15, 40:19 Liverpool 33:15 Montreal 26:19 New Brunswick, Fredericton 26:12 Padua, Poleniinstruments at 11:10 Pavia instrument collections 65:21 Prague 25:6-8.35:7 Princeton, instruments purchased by

Henry 25:22-23 St Andrews collection. Scotland 78:15 Sydney, New South Wales 23:23.

24:22 Toronto 26:19, 40:7 Turin 31:18 Utrecht 29:23 Waterloo 26:19

Uraniborg, model of 17:7 Urbino: Gabinetto di Fisica

dell'Universitfi 25:18 Utrecht Universiteits Museum 6:9-10 Utzschneider & Fraunhofer. telescope

26:7 Utzschneider & Merz, telescopes 10:7 Vacuum pump

Ducretet 16:22 history of 5:17

Valerius, Jacobus 5:28 Valk, Leonard & Gerard, globes 7:7,

7:11, 27:30, 28:20 Vallisnieri, Antonio 40:16 Van Call, Jan, [pendulum clock ?]

22:8-11 Van der Graaff Generator 63:6~13

in high energy physics 63:12 Paris 63:9

Van der Graaff, Robert Jamison 63:8 Van der Keere, Pieter, globes 7:9 Van derMeulen, AH 6:13 Van derVen, Elisa 31:16 Van Emden, Abraham 6:12 Van Enckhuysen, Lucas 37:30 Van Eyck. Jan 37:4 Van Helden. Anne 33:28, 37:4, 37:7,

37:8 Van Heurck collections, Antwerp 18:13 Van Heusden, Mrs E J, collector 28:14 Van Hoom, Marijn 31:16 Van Keulen 6:12

Abraham & Johannes 7:9 cross staff 25:15 exhibition of products 21:20 family history 25:28 protractor 29:20

Van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni, microscopes 29:9, 29:12

Van Marum electrical machine 53:10 Van Musschenbroek, Jan 43:10

apparatus 29:10, 29:16, 29:23 compendium 19:25 microscope 19:25

Vanden Berghen collection 79:16 Vanderbilt University, physics apparatus

at 13:13-15 Vanheems, Henry, optometrist 55:1 Variation compass, Nugent 12:12 Varley, Cornelius, graphic telescope

17:4-5 Varro 35:18

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Vrdy, quadrant 16:22~23 Velox photographic paper 71:33 Verascope 48:12-13 Verbiest, Ferdinand, astronomical

instruments 23:22 Vemey, John 13:7 Vickery, Thomas 3:15 Victoria and Albert Museum. scientific

instruments 79:6-14 Victoria College. Toronto. astrolabe at

26:19 Vidie. Lucien 38:20 Vienna. Grubb refractor at 26:4 Vilette. burning mirror 4:7 Villarceau, Antoine 40:5 Vinland map, detection of faking 68:8 Violle, Jean Louis Gabriel, actinometer

21:18.22:18 Visioscope (optometer), Vanheems 55:1 Voigtldnder. alidade 10:7 Volckmer, T[h]obias 36:23, 64:26-27

diptych dial 29:24, 29:26 Voikmayer, Josef Melchior. case of

instruments 25:3 Volpaia. Euphrosino di Lorenzo,

[armillary sphere ?] 22:19-20 Volpaia, Frosino, nocturnal quadrant

21:24, 21:26-27 Volpaia, universal ring dial 3:19 Volta, Alessandro 65:3

display of instruments 65:21 Temple 65:24

Voltaic pile 31:15, 31:18, 65:35, 77:3 Voltmeter

Kelvin 65:37 Kelvin electrostatic 65:30

Volutes, instrument for drawing 7:18 Von Bohnenberger, Johann 39:24 Von Fraunhofer, Joseph 2:6, 40:3, 46:29

refracting telescope 27:27, 31:17 successors 12:3

Von Gersdorf Collection 28:20-21 Von Guericke, Otto, apparatus at Malm6

17:7-10 Von Rappard, Conrad. patentee,

demonstration microscope 21:19 Von Stromer, W 31:12 Von Zwolle, Arnold 31:12 Vopel, Casper. globe 7:8 Vuhrmann, Leopold, dial 25:4-5 Vulgar and Mechanick, instrument trade

in Ireland 18:23 Vulpariae, Hyeronimus, armillary sphere

3:19 Waddeston Manor, Rothschild collection

71:37 Wagner, Michael 38:16 Wagner-Fennel tacheometer-theodolite

55:18 Waldseemfiller, Martin, globe 7:8 Wale, George 40:26 Walker, D F, itinerant lecturer 10:6 Walker, John & Alex, directory entries

13:2-5 Walpole, Horace 39:8 Walsh, A, spectrophotometer invented by

10:15 Walther, Bernard 35:18

Wamings on early scientific instruments 30:3-4

Warwick, Guy's Cliffe, telescope found at 25:11-12

Washboum, S, London, lucemal microscope 27:28

Wast, P, thermometer 16:15 Watch see a l s o 'Clock'

Aspinwall 33:17 dials, dangers from luminosity

12:9-10 Finney 33:18 Harrison 33:18 Saggersons 33:17

Water barometer 29:27 Water clocks, facsimiles by Pearson-Page

3:11 Water, boiling point at different pressures

56:18 Watkins and Hill 36:6, 36:9

acoustic toroid 12:11 plate electrical machine 77:26-31

Watkins, Francis 36:6 Chafing Cross, Henry's visit to

25:19-20 Watkins, J, trade card 28:6 Watson, binocular microscope 26:5 Watson, John, reflecting telescope 26:35,

27:39, 28:35, 29:36, 30:36 Watson, Robert, Manchester, query 3:14 Watt, James 3:4

as instrument maker 57:27 as mathematician 57:26 barometer 30:13, 30:17 Garrett workshop 57:7N8 repair of Newcomen steam engine

model 57:26 scientific background 57:27-28 steam engine indicator 67: I 1 tacheometer 23:13 work with barometers 60:5

Wave demonstration apparatus 27:28 Wave machine, Koenig 27:28 Wave siren Koenig 44:15-16 Wavemeter by Marconi 53:26 Waywiser, Ramsden 40:24 Wealth of Spectacle Explained, museum

event 21:21 Weather Journal, Wamer 80:12 Webb, John, optician 28:5 Weber [type] galvanometer 41:7 Weber, Gustav, collection of medical

instruments 12:20 Webster, Nicholas

Collection at Christie's 29:32, 30:30 Geissler and Crookes tubes 31:8

Webster, Percy 40:28 Webster, R & M, hosts at SIS meeting in

Chicago 14:4 Wedge demonstration apparatus 29:12 Wedgwood, Josiah 37:5 Weighing instruments, lecture 21:21 Weights & measures

fake Nuremberg 21:12, 23:21 museum at Delft 29:17 standards, Scottish 30:3-4

Weinhold's manometric jet 25:6-7 Weiss & Co 36:9 i

Weldon rangefinder 52:35 Wellcome Museum. Trade Catalogues in

6:22 Wells, H G 34:14 Wells, Joseph. dual guild membership

13:4 Wenckebach. Eduard 6:12-13.6:18

reflecting circle 29:17 West, Charles, optician 28:5-6 West, Francis 7:18, 37:22 Western Scientific Instrmnents Ltd

5:9-10 Western, George, query 2:14 Westgate-on-Sea. Lockyer's observatory

at 10:19 Westinghouse 35:15 Weule, Louis 39:18 Wheatland, David, Collection [now

Harvard] 30:1-2 Wheatstone, Charles 12:11, 38:19, 51:9

chronoscopes 11:4-5, 18:18-19 forgotten demonstration 12:11 life of, lecture 14:15 portrait 11:26 wave machine, Newman 50:11

Whipple Museum 42:25-26 Whipple, J A 53:2 Whitaker, Ewan 37:3 Whitbread, G 6:12

London, instruments sold by Van Keulen 25:28

White, James coUaborator with Kelvin 2:4, 10:6 trade card 24:10 women employees 28:10

Whitehead, Richard, 'English callipers' 68:3

Whitehead, Stephen 33:18 dials 6:18

Whitehurst. John 43:9 Whifford, Samuel 35:12 Whitwell, Charles, astronomical

compendium 42:28 Whyte, James, Scottish instrument maker

28:10 Wiesel, Johann(es) 48:25, 73:18 Willdey, George 35:11

advertising in 1707 77:14-21 Willebrand, altitude dial 11:12 William & Mary Tercentenary 17:22 William IV of Orange 47:15-16 Williamson, James 38:6 Williamson, William Crawford,

microscopist 29:5 Wilson seal 52:26 Wilton, William, Cornwall, Lean dial

4:12-13 Wimperis, F E 36:11 Wimshurst machine 27:28, 31:8.

75:32-33 6~plate 65:37

Windmill demonstration device. Prof Copland 24:7

Wingate, Edmund, rule of proportion 26:20

Wireless s ee 'Radio' Wirz, jelly tester 11:12 Wolf, hydrogen lighter 8:4

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WoUaston, William Hyde 51:22 camera lucida 17:4

Wolz, Max, Bonn 3:14, 4:13, 4:17 Women in the 19th-century scientific

instrument trade 28:7-11 Wood & Withnoll, slide rules 3:10 Wood, George 33:18 Woodcroft. Bennet, and patent practice

18:3-7 Woodley, Cmdr William. orrery 2:10-11 Woolley, Richard 40:27 Worm gear characteristics 79:33~36 Worm gear, Morgan gear box 80:2 Wormley, meteorological meeting at

16:17 Woulfe's flask from Hauch Cabinet

60:12 Wren. Sir Christopher 55:16 Wright & Newton, projection microscope

47:35 Wright, Gabriel 36:20, 39:16

Guild 21:4 Martin's employee 21:5 patentee 18:5-6

Wright, John 53:20 Wright, Michael T, Antikythera

Mechanism 80:1~11 Wright, Thomas 6:18, 9:9, 52:10, 53:20

apprenticed to John Rowley 13:3 Wyke, John 33:17 Wynne, Charles 37:6 X-rays 63:30

apparatus in Poland 48:28 discovery of 46:1, 46:23-26 equipment. Ducretet 46:13 fluorescence 31:17 tubes, early, at Kiel 74:25 vacuum spectrograph 59:18

Xi Zezong, Prof, Academia Sinica 10:8 Yahya b Abi 35:18 Yarwell, John 35:11

advertising in 1707 77:14N21 trade card 61:6

Yeates & Son catalogue 26:13-14 dividing engine 26:7-8 fire syringe 26:9 heliostat 26:7 spectroscope 26:12

Yeates, Horatio 34:20 York Castle Museum 59:5 York, 'Little Admiral' clock at 24:13~ 14

30:25 Yorke, William. London 9:4 Young, C A, spectroscopes 4:4, 4:6 Ypelaar, microscope 29:12 Zallinger cabinet, sale of 9:1-2, 9:20 Zamboni type electroscope 65:22 Zander, Gustaf, physiotherapy machines

29:10 Zangra, Phillipa 53:30 Zeemaneffect 57:16, 59:15 Zeiss microscopes 75:29-31 Zeiss refractor telescope at Babelsburg

Observatory 59:32 Zeiss, Carl 36:16

manufacture of Abbe refractometer 62:19 microscope 14:12

Zenith sector Graham 27:6 Hooke 27:5-6 Radcliffe Observatory 5:5

Zeuner, Gustav Anton, thermodynamics author 60:16

Zick, Johann Andreas. sandglass 25:3 Zinner, Ernst 50:6-10

Ghosts 50:6~10 Zoffany painting, John Cuff [?] 70:6 Zograscope

modem reconstruction 28:19 Naime [?] 28:19 optical diagonal machine 28:18-19

Zrllner's astro-photometer 58:33-35 Zygulski, Professor 38:25 Zymark Corporation, Massachusetts


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Index of Articles

Ackermann, S Familia Universalis Coignet: A Family [sic, see 60/02] Between

Science and Art 59

SIS Visit to the Musuem of London, 12th May 2001 70

Aked, C K First Free Pendulum Clock 41

The Bashforth Chronograph 42

Alison, D Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington,

DC - The ENIAC Computer 63

Andersen, H Ole Romer Instruments Copied 25 Ole ROmer Instruments Copied 27

Anderson, R G W National Inventories of Scientific Instruments and the British

Contribution 4

Anderson, R G W e t al

Xlth International Scientific Instrument Commission Symposium 31

Appleby, J H Russia Company and John Rowley's Orrery 36 Rowley's Sundials at St Paul's Cathedral, London 41

Archinard, M Horizontal dial 14

A Note on Horizontal Sundials 14

Austin, J Forgotten Meteorological Instrument: the Rainband

Spectrometer 1

Baddeley, J Scientific Toys & Amusements 2

Barclay, R L Metals of the Scientific Instrument Maker Part I: Brass 39 Metals of the Scientific Instrument Maker Part II: Steel 40 Barometer by James Green 66

From Gramophone to Morgan Three-Wheeler 80

Barrett, R Popov versus Marconi: Repeating their Pioneering Experiments

of 1895 46

Bartha, L Old Time Measuring, Astronomical and Surveying Instruments

in the Museums of Hungary 19

Baynes-Cope, A D The Annual Invitation Lecture: A Scientist and Instruments 68

Beare, S et al

SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May 2003 78

Beckman, O Celsius, Lirm6 and the Celsius Temperature Scale 56 Celsius, Linn6 and the Celsius Temperature Scale 57 Remarkable Observations on a Graham Magnetic Needle in

London and Uppsala in the Eighteenth Century 61

Bedini, S A Theft of Instruments in Rome, Update 9

Bennett, J A The Spectroscope's First Decade 4 Whipple Museum 42

Berghen, F Vanden et al SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57

Blondel, C Ampbre's Table 6

Blyzinsky, M How to Look at Old Instruments, with a Demonstration of

Engraving Techniques 41

Blyzinsky, M et al Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43

Bolt, M et al

Conference Report: XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium. The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 30th September - 4th October 2003 80

Bolton, H C et al

A Pharmacist's Prescription Box Scales by Felton Grimwade of Melbourne, Australia 60

The Spinthariscope: The Instrument of William Crookes that made Alpha Particles Visible 63

Boullin, D J Scientific Instruments of the Radcliffe Observatory 5 Radium Darling: Possible Hazards of Radioactive Clocks 17

Radium Darling: Possible Hazards of Radioactive Clocks 19 The Tram Chronograph 23

Compasses and Colophons 37

Engravings of some of Tycho Brahe's Instruments 40

Bowden, A et al SIS Visit, Liverpool, Prescot and Manchester, October 1991 33

Bowers, B Maison d'Amp~re et Mus6e de l'Electricit& Poleymieux 2

Bracewell, R Age of Galileo 19

Brachner, A C A Steinheil, a Munich Instrument Maker 12

C A Steinheil, a Munich Instrument Maker 14

Baroque Observatory in Southem Germany 15

Brass, B Cataloguing of Scales [lecture] I1

Taxing the Collector 22

Brenni, P The Instruments of Leopoldo Nobili 8 Cleaning & Re-lacquering of Brass Instruments 10 Cleaning instruments 12 Unusual Theodolite conceived by Amici 16

Scientific Instrument Collections in Italy: Bologna Meeting 25 Secchi's Meteorograph 34

De Rossi's 'Icnographic and Orthographic Machine for Surveying Catacombs' 37

- 3 7 -

Page 41: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers I: H-P Gambey 38

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers II: The Chevalier Dynasty 39

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers III: Lerebours et Secretan 40

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers IV: Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff 41

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers V: Jules Carpentier (1851-1921) 43

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers VI: The Triumph of Experimental Acoustics: Albert Marloye (1795-1874) and Rupert Koenig (1832-1901) 44

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers VII: Paul Gustave Froment (1815-1865) 45

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers VIII: Eugbne Ducretet (1844-1915) 46

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers IX: Louis Joseph Deleuil (1795-1862) and his son Jean Adrien Deleuil (1825-1894) 47

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers X: The Richard Family 48

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers XI: The Brunners and Paul Gautier 49

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers XII: Louis Clement Francois Bregeut and Antoine Louis Bregeut 50

19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers XIII: Soleil, Duboscq, and Their Successors 51

Historical instruments in Portugal 55

The Van de Graaff Generator: an Electrostatic Machine for the 20th Century 63

Museum Report: Instruments in South America: The Collection of the Museu de Astronomica e Ciencias afins of Rio de Janeiro 65

Anecdotal Instruments: An Unusual Electric Tester 69

Brenni, P et al

Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43

The Ramsden Circle at the Palermo Astronomical Observatory 71

The Restoration of Three Large Instruments of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory 71

Brieux, D Market Place 19

Bristow, H R SIS Visit, Royal Institution 1990 28 Elliott, Instrument Makers of London. Products, Customers and

Development in the 19th century 36 The Crows of Kent 58

Navigational Instruments on the 1927 Argos Flight 62

Elliott Telegraph Instruments in Portugal - EUiott Brothers Trade with Portugal 64

Bristow, H R et al SIS Visit, Liverpool, Prescot and Manchester, October 1991 33 SIS Visit, Rome, March 1997 53 SIS Visit, Longleat 54 Mystic Seaport [Museum report] 56

SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57 Reproduction Scientific Instruments - or 'Buyer Beware' 61 SIS Visit to Lisbon, May 1999 62 SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia, Italy, May 2000 65

SIS Visit to North Germany, llth - 16th May 2002 74

SIS Visit to Bristol, 5th October 2002 75 SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th Apfil-3rd May

2003 78

Bristow, S et al Mystic Seaport [Museum report] 56

Brooks, R C Instrument Making And Related Activities in Nova Scotia 12 Gleaning Information from Screw Threads 22 Century Micrometers 23

Fiducial Lines for the 17th-19th Century Micrometers 23 The Instrument Scene in Canada 26

St Patrick's College, Maynooth, and Dunsink Observatory 26 Report from Canada: The National Museum of Science and

Technology, Ottawa 33 Diamonds in Instrument Making 47

Techniques of 18th Century Telescope Makers, Part 1 69

Techniques of 18th Century Telescope Makers, Part 2 70

Brooks, R C et al

SIS Visit, Ireland, May1990 26

Xlth International Scientific Instrument Commission Symposium 31

John Patterson's Meteorological Instruments 40

Brown, C N Pre-History and Discovery of X-rays 46 Instrument Making to Instrument Manufacturing. R W Paul's

Unipivot Galvanometer as a Case Study 71

Bryant, T J John Handsford of Birmingham and Bristol 40

Bristol Directory of Scientific Instrument Makers: A Note on Henry Edgeworth, Mathematical, Philospohical and Optical Instrument Maker 61

Bryden, D J Provincial Scientific Instrument Making 2 Making & Marketing of Mathematical Instruments in 1700 10

The Instrument Maker and the Printer: Paper Instruments Made in Seventeenth Century London 55

From 16th Century London to 19th Century Philadelphia: A Peregrination Through Three Centuries of Instrument Advertising and Ephemera 61

Early Printed Ephemera of London Instrument Makers: Trade Catalogues, Part 1: Joseph Moxom, 1673 64

Early Printed Ephemera of London Instrument Makers: Trade Catalogues, Part 2: John Seller, 1685/6 65

Early Printed Ephemera of London Instrument Makers: Trade Catalogues, Part 3: Philip Lea, 1699 66

Solomon Gills: Mysterious Instrument Maker of Cromer, or Southsea 68

Scientific Relics: John Napier's Bones 76

A 1707 Advertising Skirmish Between London Opticians 77

More Early Printed Ephemera of London Instrument Makers: Instructions and Advertising Broadsheets. Part 1: Instructions for the Universal Equinoctial Dial, ca 1650-1700 79

More Early Printed Ephemera of London Instrument Makers: Instructions and Advertising Broadsheets. Part 2: Barometer Trade Literature, ca 1680-1720 80

Bryden, D J et al

Archimedes and the Opticians of London 35

Bud, R The Instruments of Applied Science 63

- 3 8 -

Page 42: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Burchard, K Market Place in Germany 46

Burge, E J Scientific Instruments on Stamps: Part I 30 Scientific Instruments on Stamps: Part II 31 Scientific Instruments on Stamps: Part III 32

Burnett, J Fahrenheit's Thermometers & Letters 16

Burnham, I The Delbee-Jansen Collection, Christie's Sale, Monte Carlo 64

Burnham, I etal SIS Visit. Florence 1995 45

Camp, K van et a! Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43

Caplan, J et al SIS Visit to North Germany, l l th - 16th May 2002 74

Carron, B C Marconi Instruments from 1897 in Teyler's Museum in the

Netherlands 47

Chapman, A George Graham and the Concept of Standard Accuracies in

Instrumentation 27

Gresham College: Scientific Instruments and the Advancement of Useful Knowledge in Seventeenth Century England 56

Chavigny, R Antoine Redier and Tower Barometers 28

Cheifetz, S A Market Place: Instruments of Electrical Technology 65 Visit to the Royal Astronomical Society, 20th January 2001 68

Cheifetz, S A et al

SIS Visit, Rome, March 1997 53

SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57

SIS Visit to Lisbon, May 1999 62

SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia, Italy, May 2000 65 SIS Visit to North Germany, l l th - 16th May 2002 74 SIS Visit to Brussels and Ghent 18th and 19th October 2003 79

Chinnici, I et al The Ramsden Circle at the Palermo Astronomical Observatory


The Restoration of Three Large Instruments of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory 71

Cover Story: Ramsden Circle 71

Clarke, T Profits from Patents 10

Cleempoel, K van et al A Master-work of Mathematical Art from 16th Century Louvain


Clereq, P R de 'Trigonometrical Instrument' of Wytze Foppes 47 J H Onderdewijngaart Canzius, Instrument Manufacturer and

Museum Director 49

A Pseudo-Tompion Sundial 62

The Trip to Russia - A Report on the 18th Scientific Instrument Symposium 64

Study Afternoon on Electroforming in the British Museum: 29th October 1999 64

Instruments in the Cemetery: A Cast-iron Monument Erected for a Dutch Amateur of the Sciences 69

A Musschenbroek Trade Catalogue in the Library of Sir Hans Sloane 70

Visit of the SIS to Oxford and its Environs: 7th - 9th September 2001 71

The Scientific Instrument Commission and its Bibliographies 71

The Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington. 1876, Part 1: The 'Historical Treasures' in the Ilhtstrated London News 72

Visit to the Science Museum Reserve Collection: 12th April 2002 73

The Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington, 1876, Part 2: The Historical Instruments 73

Report of a Visit of the SIS to the Royal Artillery Museum. Woolwich, 23rd February 2002 73

The Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington, 1876, Part 3: Contemporary Publications 74

The Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington, 1876, Part 4: Photographs and Copies 76

A Note on 18th-century Instruments from Schloss Ftirstenstein in Silesia 76

Clercq, P R de et al

SIS Visit, The Netherlands 1991 29

Report on the XVth Scientific Instrument Symposium in Canada 51

A Remarkable Family Piece: A Hand-Held Telescope from the Mussenbroek Workshop 66

Meeting in Stockholm: Report of the 20th Scientific Instrument Symposium 71

SIS Visit to North Germany, l l th - 16th May 2002 74

Meeting in Athens: the 21st Scientific Instrument Symposium, 9th-14th September 2002 75

SIS Visit to Bristol, 5th October 2002 75

SIS Visit to Brussels and Ghent 18th and 19th October 2003 79

Clercq, S de Universiteits Museum, Utrecht 6

Clifton, G C Trinity College and University College, Dublin 26 An Introduction to the History of Elliott Brothers up to 1900 36

Clifton, G C et al SIS Visit, Ireland, May1990 26

SIS Visit, The Netherlands 1991 29 XIth International Scientific Instrument Commission

Symposium 31 SIS Visit, Southern Germany, 1996 49

John Newman: A Further Note 53

SIS Visit, Rome, March 1997 53 SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57 SIS Visit to Lisbon, May 1999 62

SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia, Italy, 9-12 May 2000 65

Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium. Oxford 67

Meeting in Stockholm: Report of the 20th Scientific Instrument Symposium 71

SIS Visit to North Germany, 11th - 16th May 2002 74

Meeting in Athens: the 21st Scientific Instrument Symposium. 9th-14th September 2002 75

Coffeen, D et al Market Place: The American Scene 26

- 3 9 -

Page 43: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Collins, H Henreich Geissler (1814-1879): His Life, Times and Work [K

Eichhorn, trans H Collins] 27

Collins, H et al Schiek and the Beginnings of the German Microscope Industry

[H Weil & H Baden, trans by H Collins] 18

Collins, J Introduction to Trade Labels 2

Collins, J et al Big Cadenza in Firenze 11 Redier's Turret Barometer 25

Collins, J P Photo Shoot 74

Collins, J P et al 'They Come In All Sizes But Only One Shape': The Coronelli

Globe Society Conference, Berlin, 3-7 October 1998 59

Constable, A R Radioactivity in Scientific Instruments 12

Radioactivity in Scientific Instruments 14

Hertz Experiments - a Centenary 17 Hertz Experiments - a Centenary 18

Radioactivity in Scientific Instruments 19 Birth Pains of Radio 46

Birth Pains of Radio 47

The Original Kaye and Laby 55

Message Received - Signal Hill: Detectors of a Bygone Age 71

Cooper, M The Annual Invitation Lecture: From Graduations on Metal to

Binary Biphase Modulation. or from Land and Hydrographic Surveying to Geomatics 7 2

Cowham, M J Monetary Values, Past and Present 21

Prypkowski Museum, Poland 38

Calendar Systems and Perpetual Calendars Part 1: Calendar Systems 61

Calendar Systems and Perpetual Calendars Part 2: Finding Easter 62

Calendar Systems and Perpetual Calendars Part 3: Descriptions of Calendars 64

The Tomb of Robert Smith at Waltham Abbey 68

Punch Marking of Scientific Instruments 73

Cowham, M J e t al SIS Visit, England 1992 34

SIS Visit. Florence 1995 45

SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57 SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia. Italy, May 2000 65

SIS Visit to North Germany, l l th - 16th May 2002 74

SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May 2003 78

Cowham, V SIS Visit, Geneva Clock Museum 51

Crawforth, M A Guilds and London Tradesmen 10

Makers and Dates 13

Crawforth.Hitchins, D Fishing Tackle Makers [letter] 61

Crum-Ewing, A Market Place: The London Auction Houses 59

Cumiford, W L Henze Collection of European Scientific Instruments 28

Daguerre, R T Scientific Toys [lecture by G L 'E Turner] 10

Dahl, E et al Report: The Stewart Museum Globe Symposium. Montreal. 19-

22 October 2000 67

Darius, J SIS Visit. Paris 1985 8 New Gallery: Instruments of Science, Edinburgh 10 Caveat Cataloguers 14 Spring Conference in the Midwest 14 Market Place 14

Instrumental Education 17 Geography of Instruments 18

Belgium and its Instruments: Report of a Visit 18

Pleasures and Perils of the Instrumental Dilettante 20 SIS Visit Report: Vienna and Prague:Treasures of the Habsburgs

1989 25

Swing of the Pendulum [lecture] 26

Darius, J et al SIS Visit, The Netherlands 1991 29

Dawes, H A L First evening lecture of the Society by Gerard L'E Turner 1 Scientific Instruments in Perspective 17

Scientific Instruments in Perspective 18

Marks. Doodles and Scratchings 19

Egestorff Collection and National Museum 26 Von Gersdorf Collection 28

Kepler and Platonic Solids. The First Accurate Planetarium that was never made 48

John Frederick Newman, 1784-1860 50

The XVIIth Scientific Instrument Symposium in Denmark: A Report 59

The Restoration of Scientific Instruments: Report of a Two-Day Workshop in Italy 60

A Tribute by the Vice-President 70 Cover Story: Academia del Cimento 75 Obituary: ATfibute to Gerry Martin 1930-2004 80

Dawes, H A L et al SIS Visit, Ireland, May1990 26

SIS Visit, The Netherlands 1991 29 SIS Visit, Florence 1995 45

D~barbat, S etal 19th-century Instruments in French Observatories 6 The Objectives of the 'Great Paris Exhibition Telescope' of

1900 74

Deiman, J History of the Potentiometer 6

Deiman, J C et al The Anton Mensing Scientific Instrument Project Final Report


Dekker, E Million Pound Scientific Instruments: The Murad III Globes 32 Sundial Delineator by Anthony Sneewins 34

Delehar, P Musre National des Techniques. Paris 1 Notes on Slide Rules 3 Market Place 15

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Page 44: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Market Place 16 Market Place 18

Scientific Instruments at Charles University, Prague 25 Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh 30 Some Instruments Seen at the Scientific Instruments Fair Oct

1991 31 Instrument World 34 Market Place 36

Market Place 41 Market Place 44

Delehar, P et al SIS Visit, GEC Avionics, Rochester 1992 35

DeVorkin, D Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington,

DC - V-2 Spectrograph 63

Dideoek, J et al SIS Visit, Florence 1995 45

SIS Visit, Southern Germany, 1996 49

Dorikens, M A Find 61

Dorikens, M et al Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43

Three 19th Century Instrument Makers at the University of Ghent, Belgium 53

Three Small Objects with a History: the First Scientific Instruments Made in Bakelite 71

The Stereoscopic Bioscope Disc by Duboscq 73

Dorikens-Vanpraet, L et al Three 19th Century Instrument Makers at the University of

Ghent, Belgium 53

Three Small Objects with a History: the First Scientific Instruments Made in Bakelite 71

The Stereoscopic Bioscope Disc by Duboscq 73

Duffy, M C Instruments, Models, and Philosophy of Science 6

Dunn, R Scientific Instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum,

London: a provisional inventory 79

Dupr6, S Galileo, Mathematical Instruments and Orthographic Projection 69

Dyos, C E Amateur Page: Wimshurst Machines 75 Kelvin Water Dropper Generator 76

Ebbinge, E Teyler's Museum 6

Edell, S Concave Hemispheres of the Starry Orb 7 An 18th Century Yeoman-Polymath and a pair of Manuscript

Globes 'intended for the wife and his son' 65

Edge, J R Terrestrial Globe by William Bardin 39

Edwards, B Scientific Bookplates 34

Elmqvist, I Vices and Virtues: Scientific Instruments in 17th Century Art 74

Fauque, D French 8-inch Equatorial Refractor 6

Forman, P Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in

Washington, DC - I I Rabi's Souvenir 63

Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC - Electromagnetic Cavity 63

Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC - Atomic Clock 63

Fournier, M Museum Boerhaave 6

Freiburger, D A et al

Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium. Oxford 67

Conference Report: XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium. The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 30th September - 4th October 2003 80

Fuller, D K M 6-inch Newtonian Telescope by William Cary 25

Gauvin, J-F An Eighteenth Century Entrepeneur: Abb6 Nollet's Instrument-

Making Trade Seen Through his Correspondence with l~tienne Franqois Dutour and Jean Jallabert 57

Gavine, D Teaching of Navigation & Astronomy in Scotland 10

Gee, B Joseph Henry's Trade with Instrument Makers in London and

Paris 25

The Newtons of Chancery Lane and Fleet Street Revisited, Part I 35

The Newtons of Chancery Lane and Fleet Street Revisited, Part II 36

John Newman: A Second Look 51

The House of Dallmeyer: A Query Answered and Other Notes 56

The Spectacle of Science and Engineering in the Metropolis, Part I: E M Clarke and the Early West End Exhibitions 58

The Spectacle of Science and Engineering in the Metropolis, Part II: E M Clarke and the Royal Panopticon of Science and Art 59

Icons and Heroes of an Electrical Age 59

Gee, B et al

John Newman: A Further Note 53

Gent, R van et al

Report on the XVth Scientific Instrument Symposium in Canada 51

Gilliland, W N Some Measures of History 20

Gingerich, O Beijing National Palace 10

Giordano, R V et al Market Place: The American Scene 26

Glusman, S M A Brief Report on the West Dean Conservation Weekend 58

Gomez, E Vaz et al Scientific Instruments as Indispensable Resources in Portuguese

Navigation Teaching in the Late 18th Century 80

Gossel, P Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in

Washington, DC - 'Gene Gun' 63

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Page 45: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Gould, J English Mechanic and the £5 Telescope 10

Graeve, J de Report on Barometer Museum, Dorpsweg 16

Greenaway, F Ecology of Scientific Instruments 6

Grillot, S et al 19th-century Instruments in French Observatories 6

Grimwood, P Modern Planetarium and Orrery 43

A 'Tycho Brahe' Orrery 59

Gross, C et al SIS Visit. Florence 1995 45

Guijarro, V The Procurement and Manufacture of Scientific Instruments in

Spain During the 18th and 19th Centuries 62

Hackmann, W D Sonar Technology & Underwater Warfare 7 Cataloguing of Electrical Instruments [lecture] 11 Antique Fair at Arezzo 38

Sir Francis Ronalds' Electric Observatory 43 Italian Horizontal Dial 45

Magus and the Armillary 52

Cover Story: Warren De la Rue and Lunar Photography 53

Cover Story: Agostino Ramelli's Mechanical Reading Desk 54 Emblems of the New System of Natural Philosophy 56 Invention the Poetry of Science: Watt and the Power of Steam 58

Icons and Heroes of an Electrical Age 59 A Fishy Tale 60

A Fish of Another Hue 61

Science and Luxury 62

Instruments of Science 63

A Classic Laboratory Scene 63

Guglielmo Marconi and the Transition from Telegraphy to Wireless Telegraphy 65

Alessandro Volta, the 'Napoleon of Science' 65 The New Philosophy 66 In the Hall of Physics 67

Cover Story: Natural Magic or Serious Amusement 69 Photo Opportunity: Did Curiosity Kill the Cat? 70

Cover Story: A Most Precise Man 70 Cover Story: Aaron Rathbone 72

Cover Story: Petrus Plancius 73

Cover Story: Maarten van Heemskerck 74 Obituary, Arthur Davis Baynes-Cope 76

Sir William Snow Harris' Plate Electrical Machine by Watkins & Hill - the End of the Line 77

Natural Philosophy & the Craft Techniques of Experimentation 78

Haekmann, W D et a! XIth International Scientific Instrument Commission

Symposium 31 Early Diagnostic X-Ray Photograph 48

Hambly, M Fireplace by Robert Adam 30 Iakov Chernikhov 39

Hawes, R P History of the Avometer 37

Heckenburg, N Crooke's Radiometer and Otheoscope 50

Heering, P Analysing Experiments with Two Non-canonical Devices: Jean

Paul Marat's Hehoscope and Permrombtre 74

Heilbron, J L Churches as Scientific Instruments 48

Hennessey, J Facsimile File: De la Rive's 'Aurora Tube' 48 Facsimile File: Jumping Spiral of Roget 32

Hennessy, J et al Reconstruction - Making Gears in Ancient Greece 77

Can a Worm Go Backwards? Observations on the Efficiency of Gears 79

Hentschel, K et al The Several Faces of Earth Induction 76

Higton, H Dating Oughtred's Design for the Equinoctial Ring Dial 44

Hills, R L How James Watt Invented the Separate Condenser, Part I:

Scientific Background 57

How James Watt Invented the Separate Condenser. Part II: The Separate Condenser 58

James Watt's Barometers 60

Hirsch, D L Panoramic Teleidoscope 37 The 'Zig-Zag' Microscope 76

Holland, J Scientific Research in Australia 10 Antipodean Update 18

Relations Between Scientific Instrument Makers 38 Australian Exploration and the Introduction of the Aneroid

Barometer 61

John Jennings Smith (1782-1846) and his Philosophical Apparatus 69

John Jennings Smith (1782-1846) and his Philosophical Apparatus (Addendum) 70

Review of CDROM [portable microscopes] 73 Instruments in the Cemetery: Carl Riimker's Grave in Lisbon 77 Queenwood College, Hampshire 78

Hooijmaijers, H et al Anton Mensing Scientific Instrument Project Final Report 79

Hoorn, M van Age of the Air Pump 33

The Physics Laboratory of the Teyler Foundation (Haarlem) under Professor H A Lorentz, 1909-1928 59

Hoorn, M van et a! Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43

Howse, D Astronomy and Navigation in 18th-century Voyages 7 Prices of Lalande's Astronomical Instruments in1791 21

Serendipity I 39 Serendipity II 40

Hyltrn-Cavallius, K Kunskapstivoli and the Triewald Collection 17

Insley, J History of Geodesy colloquium 7 Origin of the Everest Theodolite 43 Heavenly Library 43 Jean-Daniel Colladon and his Audiophones 47

- 4 2 -

Page 46: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Flemish Mathematics 47 Trickery in the Trade: The Apprehension of Forged

Thermometers in Sa5 Paulo, November 1928 55

lnsley, J et al Coimbra Cabinet of Physics, Belgium 32 Spanish Observatories and Museums 36 Excursion to Chambrry, Geneva and other high places 42

Wiesel, Zwiesel und Diesel: Bavarian History and Instruments 48 A Week in Provence: Instruments and Institutions in Nice. Digne

and Monaco 52 Travelling by Tube 58

Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium, Oxford 67

Entente Cordiale: A Visit to Paris and the Recently Re-opened Conservatoire des arts et mrtiers 68

Jaecks, D Optical examination of the achromatic telescope [lecture] 11

Jaecks, D H et al Rapid Development of the Achromatic Microscope: An Early

Example by Andrew Ross 49

A Curious Example of a Fraunhofer-Dollond Connection 79

Jaspers, H Evolution of Regulators for Precision Timekeeping 11

Evolution of Regulators for Precision Timekeeping 18 Experimental Generator with a Gramme Ring Armature 37

Jenemann, H R Paul Bunge & the Short-Beam Analytical Balance 6

Jensen, C et al SIS Visit, Southern Germany, 1996 49

SIS Visit to Lisbon, May 1999 62

SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May 2003 78

Johnson, S SIS Visit, The Old Royal Observatory, Greenwich 51

Johnson, K Lovell Radio Telescope at Jodrell Bank 63

Johnston, S Making the Arithmometer Count 52 The scala iaciendi of Tobias Volckmer 64

Johnston, S et al The Anton Mensing Scientific Instrument Project Final Report


Conference Report: XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium. The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 2003 8

Kamp, K van et al SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57

Kenn, M J John Harrison's Magnetic Compass 78

King, D A Medieval Astronomical Instruments 31

Medieval Astronomical Instruments 36 Making Instruments Talk: Some Medieval Astronomical

Instruments and their Secrets 44

Kinsley, S et al Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium, Oxford 67

Kistermann, F W Hahn, Philipp Matth~ius 27 Hahn, Philipp Matthaus 28

400th Anniversary of Wilhelm Schickard's birth 38

Klut, A J Dutch Connection 6 Lacquering 21

Klut, A J et al SIS Visit, Florence 1995 45 SIS Visit. Paris, March 1998 57

Knight, R Malt Gauger's Slide Rule 26

Kondratas, R Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in

Washington, DC - Thermal Cycler for PCR 63

Krogt, P Van der Globes Made Portable for the Pocket 7

LaRue, B J Powell & Lealand No 2 Microscope 23

Langerveld, T Dutch 19th century meteorological instruments 6

Larsson, J Triewald Collection 17

Launay, F The Objectives of the 'Great Paris Exhibition Telescope' of

1900 74

Leopold, J H Mechanical Globes Circa 1500-1650 53

Levere, T H Magnetic Instruments & Surveys in the Canadian North 6 Pneumatic Apparatus and the Spread of Chemical Revolution:

The Dutch Connection 49

The Hauch Cabinet: Chemical Apparatus and the Chemical Revolution 60

Lewis, G Conservation Training Scheme 7

Lippincott, K Navicula Sundial 35

Czartoryski Museum, Poland 38 Tompion Regulator Clock 40

Lopes, R SIS Visit Report: Culham & Rutherford Appleton Laboratories

1987 13

Louwman, P J K et al

SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57

Lualdi, A Trade Brochure by Francois Baillou 40 Pietro Patroni, an 18th-century Milanese Optician 47

Venetian Makers of Optical Instruments of the 18th- 19th Centuries, Part 1: Biagio Burlini 76

Venetian Makers of Optical Instruments of the 18th- 19th Centuries, Part 2: The Selva Family 77

Venetian Makers of Optical Instruments of the 18th- 19th Centuries, Part 3: Leonardo Semitecolo and Imitators 78

Maddison, F Restoration of the Astronomical Clock of Jean Fusoris in

Bourges Cathedral and the Clock's History in Strip-Cartoon 44

Malaquias, I et al Scientific Instruments as Indispensable Resources in Portuguese

Navigation Teaching in the Late 18th Century 80

- 4 3 -

Page 47: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Manasek, F J The True Shape of Califomia 76 A 19th Century Japanese Camera Obscura 76

Marriott, R A Dawes Solar Eyepiece 14

Martins, D R et al The Poleni Machines of the Universities of Padua and Coimbra

and the Instruments to Study Motion due to Gravity 66

McConnell, A Steady as She Goes 10 W Harris & Co. London and Hamburg 36 The Aneroid Barometer comes to London 38 Science and Cartography 40 New Sundial Window 62 New Instrument Makers in the New Oxford DNB 77

McConnell, A et al Coimbra Cabinet of Physics, Belgium 32 Spanish Observatories and Museums 36 Excursion to Chambrry, Geneva and other high places 42 Three Dutch Conferences at Leyden 43 Wiesel, Zwiesel und Diesel: Bavarian History and Instruments 48 A Week in Provence: Instruments and Institutions in Nice, Digne

and Monaco 52 Travelling by Tube 58 Entente Cordiale: A Visit to Paris and the Recently Re-opened

Conservatoire des arts et mrtiers 68 Meeting in Stockholm: Report of the 20th Scientific Instrument

Symposium 71

McKnight, J et al Meeting in Athens: the 21st Scientific Instrument Symposium,

9th-14th September 2002 75

Miehaelis, A R Numismatics of Scientific Instruments 16 The Most Imaginative Scientific Instrument 34

Middleton, A Market Place 17 Market Place 27 Market Place: Summer 1991 30 Pre-Columbian Notions: A Brief Survey of Historical and

Geographical Events 33 Market Place 33 Market Place 35 Market Place 37 Market Place 39 Market Place: Autumn 1994 42 Market Place: Christmas 1994 43 Market Place: Christmas 1995 47 Market Place 50 'Messing About on the River': An SIS Evening Out 67 The Story of Time: The Society's Visit to the National Maritime

Museum, Greenwich, 4 March 2000 67 Obituary: Paul Bowskill. 1943-2001 71 Market Place: Spring 2002 72 'The Art Of The Celestial Mechanic', An Exhibition in Paris,

Autumn 2002 75 Market Place Autumn 2003 78

Middleton, A et al SIS Visit, Southern Germany, 1996 49 Redier's Turret Barometer 25 SIS Visit, Rome. March 1997 53

SIS Visit, Longleat 54 'They Come In All Sizes But Only One Shape': The Coronelli

Globe Society Conference, Berlin, 3-7 October 1998 59 Reproduction Scientific Instruments - or 'Buyer Beware' 61 SIS Visit to North Germany, l l th - 16th May 2002 74 SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May

2003 78

Millburn, J R Instrument Makers of Fleet Street from Archival Sources 9 Historical Patents and the Instrument Collector 18 Patent Agents and the Newtons in 19th-century London 20 British Archives for the History of Instruments 21 Patent Agents and the Newtons in 19th-century London 21 Surveying Instruments in Early 19th-Century Australia 22 British Archives for the History of Instruments 22 Instrument Makers and the Royal Arms 28 John Rowley's Gunnery Instruments 32 Nomenclature of Astronomical Models 34 William Deane and his Ordnance Bills 45 Protractors with Diagonal Arc-Minute Scales 50 'To Rectify the Orrery': A Previously Unknown Manuscript by

James Ferguson 54 Some English Military Instrument Makers of the Late 17th

Century 68 Mercury Artificial Horizons 73 The Word 'Microtome' 80

Millburn, J R et al Bardin Globes and their Makers 36

Mills, A A Cross Staff, Misused: the 'Little Admiral' Clock in Coney

Street, York 24 Facsimile File: A Cross Staff 25 Facsimiles: Benefits & Worries 25 Cross Staff [modem] 25 SIS Sundial: A Novel Adjustable Diptych Dial 27 Manufacture of Precision Brass Tubing 27 SIS Visit, Bristol 1990 27 Zograscope, or Optical Diagonal Machine 28 Cross Staff, Misused: the 'Little Admiral' Clock in Coney

Street, York 30 The Tellurian 31 Nicholas Webster Collection 31 Super-Eggs and Sundials 32 Polarization of Light from the Sky and its Application to Time-

Telling and Navigation 33 Facsimile File: The Legal Clepsydra 33 World War II 'Tabby' Infra-red Viewer 34 Plasma Globe: A Centennial Reminder of the Prodigal Genius

of Nikola Tesla 35 Making Spider Web Cross Hairs 36 Curve of Quickest Descent 38 Earl of Meath's 'Free pendulum' Water-Driven Clock: An

Incredible Scientific Instrument 39 Polemoscope 39 Abrupt-Start Screwthread 40 The Dowsing Rod: A Most Contentious Instrument 41 SIS Visit, Spain 1994 42 'Dial of Ahaz', and Refractive Sundials in General. Part I:

Scaphe Dials 44 'Dial of Ahaz', and Refractive Sundials in General. Part II:

Horizontal and Planar Dials 45

- 4 4 -

Page 48: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

'Eye Error' of the Cross Staff 48 Who Invented the O-Ring? 52 Single Lens Magnifiers, Part I: The Reading Glass 54 Single-Lens Magnifiers, Part II: Magnifying Glasses 55 Single Lens Magnifiers Part III: Loupes and Stanhoscopes 56 Single-Lens Magnifiers, Part IV: Spherical Lenses and Simple

Microscopes 57 Single Lens Magnifiers, Part V: Burning Glasses 58 Single Lens Magnifiers, Part VI: Early Lenses 59 The Leicester Automaton Clock 64 The 'Baghdad Battery' 68

Charles Vernon Boys: The Invention and Application of Fused Silica Wire 70

Improvements in Electrical Wires and Cables. Measuring the in situ Resistance of Short Lengths of Copper Wire 74

Facsimile File: A Universal Harmonograph 75

Mills, A A et al 40-Feet Oil Barometer 30 The Karnak Clepsydra: An Ancient Scientific Instrument 66 Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium, Oxford 67 Meeting in Athens: the 21 st Scientific Instrument Symposium,

9th-14th September 2002 75 Reconstruction - Making Gears in Ancient Greece 77 Can a Worm Go Backwards? Observations on the Efficiency of

Gears 79

Mollan, C Report from Ireland 1991 32 Historic Irish Scientific Instruments 35 Report from Ireland 44 Leviathan Reborn 53 Appreciation: Rev Prof Michael Casey, OP (1902-1997) 56 Report on S1S visit to the Royal Institution of Great Britain 77

Mollan, C et al Enigma at Birr 73

Mooij, C de et al A Remarkable Family Piece: A Hand-Held Telescope from the

Mussenbroek Workshop 66

Morgan, H Market Place: Books 25

Morrison-Low, A D Beads of Glass: Leewenhoek and the Early Microscope 1 Signature, Supply and Subcontracting 10 Irish Instrument Makers and Chemical Instrumentation 26 Xth Intemational Scientific Instrument Commission Symposium 27 Women in the 19th Century Scientific Instrument Trade in

Britain 28 W A F Browne's Phrenological Calipers 34 Proctor and Beilby, Part I 41 Proctor and Beilby, Part II 42 Reading Heads and Ruling Passions 47 'Spirit of Place': Some Geographical Implications of the English

Provincial Instrument Trade, 1760-1850 53 Science and Status: Chevalier Microscopes and the Edinburgh

Medical School 65 Visit to the Manor House Museum at Bury St Edmunds, 23rd

September 2000 68 Instruments in Scotland and Scottish Instruments 78

Morrison-Low, A D et al Xlth International Scientific Instrument Commission

Symposium 31

Coimbra Cabinet of Physics, Belgium 32 Spanish Observatories and Museums 36 Excursion to Chamb6ry, Geneva and other high places 42 Wiesel, Zwiesel und Diesel: Bavarian History and Instruments 48 Zinner's Ghosts and a Curious Date: 1576 50 Report on the XVth Scientific Instrument Symposium in

Canada 51 A Week in Provence: Instruments and Institutions in Nice.

Digne and Monaco 52 Travelling by Tube 58 Ten Important Twentieth-Century Items from the History of

Science Collections of the National Museums of Scotland 63 Entente Cordiale: A Visit to Paris and the Recently Re-opened

Conservatoire des arts et m6tiers 68

Morton, A Q The Electron Discovered, 1897: J J Thomson's Apparatus 63

Mfrzer Bruyns, W F J Navigational Instruments in 19th-century Netherlands 6 More Information on the Cross Staff 25 Images of Time 29 Macneil All-Weather Sextant 39 Names of British Instrument Makers Found in the Collection of

The Mariner's Museum 48 The Cross-Staff Ten Years Later. An Update with Recently

Found Examples 80

MOrzer Bruyns, W F J e t al Gertrude Hamilton, an American Instrument-Dealer in Pads 73 The Anton Mensing Scientific Instrument Project Final Report 79

Moskowitz, S The Spinning Universe of Commander Woodley 2 The Ghost Scales of John Bird 8 The Ghost Scales of John Bird 9 Surveyor's Theodolite with Micrometer Readout 1! Surveyor's Theodolite with Micrometer Readout 13 American Scene 23 Market Place: The American Scene 23

Newth, T Market Place:Talk by Jeremy Collins 80

Nichols, R L Hadley's Quadrant - The Back Observation 2

North, J The Astrolabe and the Imagination [Annual Invitation

Lecture] 64

Nuttall, R H Fifty Years of the Hilger Spekker [absorptiometer] 15 Brass and Glass [Frank Collection, Edinburgh] 24 Science and Status: Chevalier Microscopes and the Edinburgh

Medical School 65 Microtomy for 'Amateurs': Two Early Microtomes in The

Magazine of Science 66 Fifty Years Ago - The Zeiss Opton Model W Microscope 75

Nuttall, R H et al Ten Important Twentieth-Century Items from the History

of Science Collections of the National Museums of Scotland 63

Nuttall, S e ta l Dancer Telescope, Sale Hall, Cheshire 34

Oestmann, G On the History of the Nocturnal 69

- 4 5 -

Page 49: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Pantalony, D A Analyzing Sound in the Nineteenth Century: The Koenig Sound

Analyzer 68 Conference 'Do Collections Matter to Instrument Studies?' at the

Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th June 2002 76

Americans in Europe: The Purchasing Trip of Ira and CharlesYoung in1853 76

Fine Tuning in Rudolph Koenig's Workshop. The Making of the 1876 Grand Tonometer 79

Pantalony, D et al Conference Report: XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium. The

Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 30th September - 4th October 2003 80

Pas, J B te Neuhrfer & Sohn of Vienna [Carl Neuhrfer, trans J B te Pas] 52 F W Breithaupt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Kassel, Germany 54 Otto Fennel of Kassel, Germany, 1851-1971 55 T Ertel & Sohn GmbH, Mathematical Mechanical Institute for

Geodetic Military Scientific Instruments in Munich, Germany, 1802-1984 56

Max Hildebrand, late August Lingke & Co GmbH, Workshop for Scientific Precision Instruments, Founded 1791 in Frieberg, Saxony 58

Paselk, R A The Evolution of the Abb6 Refractometer 62

Patterson, J R et al John Patterson's Meteorological Instruments 40 The Spinthariscope: The Instrument of William Crookes that

made Aplpha Particles Visible 63

Pecker, R de An Unusual Bevel 68

Pohl, K-H Market Place 22

Pritchard, J et al 40-Feet Oil Barometer 30

Providrncia, J da et al The Poleni Machines of the Universities of Padua and Coimbra

and the Instruments to Study Motion due to Gravity 66

Ratcliff, J Practical Cybernetics: Kenneth Craik's Scotopic Photometer 65

Read, W J History of Negretti & Zambra 5 History of Negretti & Zambra 6

Reid, J S Forgotten Demonstration by Charles Wheatstone 12 The Remarkable Professor Copland 24 James Ferguson and the Double Windmills 77

Reid, JS etal SIS Visit, Ireland, May1990 26

Reid, W 'The Admiral Barr & Stroud 7 x 50': Admiralty Pattern 1900A

Binoculars 54 Binoculars in the Air 70

Reis, A E dos Historic Scientific Instruments in Portugal 40 Instrument Note: Tracking Down a Mysterious Scale 64

The Metre as a Unit of Measurement on a British Map of 1850 66

Pedro Nunes Instruments 77

Rienitz, J William Herschel's Mirror Test 6 Early History of the Telescope 37

Rifai, M F Contribution of the Arabs to Applied Science 6

Rigby, T Pedometers' Manufacturer's Marks 79

Ronan, C et al Was there an Elizabethan Telescope? 37

Roslund, C Tycho Brahe's Innovations in Instrument Design 22

Rossaak, T E 18th Century Paintings in Norway 49

Rossaak, T E et al

Bardin Globes and their Makers 36

Rudd, M E An Early Micrometer Microscope 32

Rudd, M E et al Rapid Development of the Achromatic Microscope: An Early

Example by Andrew Ross 49 A Curious Example of a Fraunhofer-Dollond Connection 79

Salandin, G A The Universal Thermometer of G F Brander 5

Sanders, J The Clarendon Laboratory Archive in Oxford 54

Schechner, S Art in the St Petersburg Observatory: Putti with Scientific

Instruments 64

Sear, T N Airy's Dry Measure Gauge 45

Seeger, H 100 years of Prismatic Binoculars 37

Serio, G F et al The Ramsden Circle at the Palermo Astronomical Observatory 71 The Restoration of Three Large Instruments of the Palermo

Astronomical Observatory 71 Cover Story: Ramsden Circle 71

Sherman, R E Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in

Washington, DC - Screen-Wall Counter 63

Sherman, R E et al The Several Faces of Earth Induction 76

Sima, Z Museum and Observatory of the Klementinium in Prague:

A Sad Story of Neglect 35

Simcock, A V In Search of G J Neill 27 Horatio Yeates's Shop 34 Augustus Stroh's Workroom 38 Percy Webster's Stock 40 Henri Michel's Desk 41 Lewis Evans's Display Case 42 Lady and the Astrolabe, The 51 Cover Story: Regiomontanus and the Sphere of Destiny SS

- 4 6 -

Page 50: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Simms, D L et al Archimedes and the Opticians of London 35

Simpson, A Adies of Edinburgh 10 17th Century Cross Staff 27

Handle With Care: Warnings on Early Scientific Instruments 30 Sub-Contractor of W & S Jones Identified 39

Franqois Soleil, Andrew Ross and William Cookson: the Fresnel Lens Applied 41

Simpson, A D C Ten Important Twentieth-Century Items from the History of

Science Collections of the National Museums of Scotland 63

Smeltzer, R K Wisdom from an Armchair Traveller 70

Lord Kelvin and the Resistance of Copper Wire 75

Smith, C G Meteorological Observations at the Radcliffe Observatory 5

Spargo, P E Burning Glasses 4

Spek, T van tier Jan Willem Gihay: An Instrument Maker at Work in the Early

20th Century 70

Squire, D Market Place of 20th Century Instruments 63

Stabinsky, L A Virtual Museum 77

Staubermann, K Reworking ZSllner's Photometry 58

Staubermann, K etal Enigma at Birr 73

A Curious Example of a Fraunhofer-Dollond Connection 79

Stiilings, D Bakken Library museum 8

Stimson, A The Mariner's Astrolabe 2 Development of the Magnetic Compass 7 Evidence from Wrecks 8 The First Marine Sextant? 8 Navigational Instruments at the Time of the Armada 20

Stock, J T Historical Instruments: Manufacture, Usage, Preservation 8 Henry Barrow, Instrument Maker 9 Sir Charles Vernon Boys, Guardian of the Flame 23

Stott, C Preservation of Historical Scientific Material 2 The Transit Instrument 6

Stratton, J SIS Visit, York Castle, August 1998 59

Market Place 61 SIS Visit. British Museum, April 1999 61

Sumira, S Global Reunion 12 Restoration of Heaven and Earth: The Conservation of Globes 33

The Coronelli Society Symposium, Nuremberg 23rd-25th September 2002 75

Swade, D Charles Babbage and Mechanical Contrivances 28

Symons, S et al The Karnak Clepsydra: An Ancient Scientific Instrument 66

Talas, S J B Micheli du Crest's Thermometer and the Connections with

G F Brander 72

Talbot, S Market Place 32 Market Place 45 Astrolabes and Electrotypes: An Enquiry 46 Market Place 48

Jesse Ramsden, FRS: his Optical Testament 50

SIS Visit, Workshop at Oxford, the Art of Engraving 51 Sir Christopher Wren, PRS: his Mathematical Wing-Dividers

dated 1697 55

'The future is not what it used to be' 63 Market Place: Three Important International Sales 67

Market Place 69 Browning's New Miniature Microscope ca 1880 69

Caleb Smith's Sea Quadrants of ca 1735 as Constructed by Thomas Heath and George Adams Snr of London 73

The Astroscope by James Mann of London. The First Commercial Achromatic Refracting Telescope ca 1735 75

The First Telescope Dynameter as Designed and Constructed by Jesse Ramsden, London, ca 1780 77

Talbot, S e t al

Big Cadenza in Firenze 11 SIS Visit, Rome, March 1997 53

SIS Visit, Paris, March 1998 57

Market Place: The Von Rothschild Sale 62 SIS Visit to Lisbon, May 1999 62

SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia, Italy, May 2000 65

Tanner, A Market Place: Ephemera 60

Tapdrup, J Steno Museum at Aarhus 49

Tapdrup, J e t al Conference Report: XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium.

The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 30th September - 4th October 2003 80

Taub, L et al SIS Visit, England 1992 34 Travelling by Tube 58

Tophan, W R et al Nathan Fellowes Dupuis: Scholar, Teacher and Craftsman 38

Torode, R et al SIS Visit, Florence 1995 45

SIS Visit, Southern Germany, 1996 49

Turner, A J Life of Hilkiah Bedford 9 Armillary Spheres 35

Swedish Calendar Tobacco-Boxes, 1787 36 Vitreous Globe: An 18th-century Novelty 47 Horology, Precision Technology and the Scientific Revolution

50 A Biblical Miracle in a Renaissance Sundial 61

Raoul Heilbronner and Early Mathematical Instruments 64 Artefacts of Time 75 Jean Paul Marat's Helioscope 75 Ulrich Schenk, a forgotten Swiss instrument-maker 78

- 4 7 -

Page 51: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Turner, A J et al A Master-work of Mathematical Art from 16th Century Louvain Gertrude Hamilton, an American Instrument-Dealer in Pads 73

Turner, H SIS Visit. Poland 1993 38 People and Museums by R G W Anderson [lecture] 40

Turner, H et al SIS Visit, The Netherlands 1991 29

Turner, G L'E Humphrey Cole and the Beginnings of English Scientific

Instrument Making 2 Museum of Time. Brussels 3 Van der Bildt telescope in Teyler's Museum 9 Engell Demonstration Microscope 10 Latitude in Sundial Hour Lines 10 Table of Hour Lines for Sundial 10 Monumental Dial in India [lecture] 15 Portrait & Life of Adam Wilhelm Hauch 17 Museum Report: Sor0 17 Collecting and Collectors 19 Recent Advances in the History of Scientific Instruments 19 Hapsburg Treasures 19 Elizabethan instrument makers [lecture] 20 New Seven Dials Monument 21 Sands of Time: or, It's later than you think 23 Wake Up! Or, It's Worth More or Less [astrolabe] 32 Queen Charlotte's Protractor and Joshua Kirby 35 duc du Chaulnes Microscope, ca 1768 39 Collins Graduating Diaphragm of 1865 40 Newly-Discovered Astrolabes of Mercator 43

A Note on the Astrolabe of the Arsenius Composite Instrument 67 Annual Invitation Lecture. Scientific Instruments:Why? 76

Turner, G L'E et al XIth International Scientific Instrument Conlmission

Symposium 3I Was there an Elizabethan Telescope? 37 Zinner's Ghosts and a Curious Date: 1576 50

Turner, S Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington,

DC - Dobsonian Telescope 63

Vaughan, D Facsimile File: Sundials and Water Clocks 3 Facsimile File: Sundials 5 A Note on Tuning Forks 18

Vermeulen, D J Popov Re-discovered: A Coherer Lightning Recorder 66

Vlahakis, G N Dionyssios Pyrros: An Unknown Instrument Maker in

Nineteenth Century Greece 59

Voss, P Thomas Fowler, Mathematician and Inventor, 1777-1843 67

Warner, D J Italian Instrument Makers in America 7 Brueghel's Allegories of the Senses, a Research Opportunity 23 Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington,

DC - Introduction 63 Ten 20th Century Instruments at the Smithsonian in Washington,

DC - Macrometer 63 Who Designed the Kew Dip Circle? 75

Warner, D J et al The Several Faces of Earth Induction 76 SIS Visit, Liverpool, Prescot and Manchester, October 1991 33

Warren, R et al SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May

2003 78

Warren, S et al

SIS Visit, GEC Avionics. Rochester 1992 35

Waterman, T Market Place 13 SIS Visit. Geneva, visit to Mus6e d'Histoire des Sciences 5/ Market Place - The Time Museum Sale, New York,

December2, 1999 64

Waterman, T et al

SIS Visit, Florence 1995 45

Watson, S et al Reconstruction - Making Gears in Ancient Greece 77 Can a Worm Go Backwards? Observations on the Efficiency of

Gears 79

Wess, J George III Collection 13

Weston, D Market Place Market Place Market Place Market Place Market Place Market Place Market Place

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

16th century European Instruments 20 Market Place 20 Fakes and Forgeries 21 All that Glitters is not Gold 21 Fakes and Forgeries 22 Market Place 24 Market Place 27 Market Place 28 SIS Visit, Greenwich 1992 33 Market Place 34 Market Place 38 Market Place 40

Wetton, J John Benjamin DanceL Manchester Instrument Maker 29 Measuring Up! 35

Scientific Instrument Making in Manchester 1870-1940, I: Setting the Scene 5/

Scientific Instrument Making in Manchester 1870-1940, II: Thomas Armstrong & Brother. and G Cussons & Company 52

Scientific Instrument Making in Manchester 1870-1940. III: Flatters and Garnett Limited, and Fowler and Company 53

Scientific Instrument Making in Manchester 1870-1940, IV: Joseph Halden & Co, and A G Thornton Ltd 54

Wetton, J et al XIth International Scientific Instrument Commission

Symposium 31 Dancer Telescope, Sale Hall, Cheshire 34

- 4 8 -

Page 52: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Willach, R The Development of Lens Grinding and Polishing Techniques

the First Half of the 17th Century 68

The Wiesel Telescopes in Skokloster Castle and their Historical Background 73

Willach, R et al SIS Visit. Rome, March 1997 53 SIS Visit to Lisbon. May 1999 62

SIS Conference: Como, Milan and Pavia, Italy, May 2000 65

A Curious Example of a Fraunhofer-Dollond Connection 79

Willemsen, M Shagreen On Eighteenth Century Scientific Instruments 52

Williams, M E W Scientific Instrument Industry & the Government 10

Williams, N H et al

A Pharmacist's Prescription Box Scales by Felton Grimwade of Melbourne, Australia 60

Wilms, K-H The Case of the Stolen Lens? 60

Winterburn, E Sealing Wax Science: The Herschel's Cabinet of Curiosities 68

Winterburn, E etal

Report of the 19th Scientific Instrument Symposium, Oxford 67 Meeting in Stockholm: Report of the 20th Scientific Instrument

Symposium 71 Meeting in Athens: the 21st Scientific Instrument Symposium,

9th-14th September 2002 75

Wisse, P The Philosophical Society Diligentia and its Instrument

Collection 67

Woifschmidt, G Instrumental Activities in Germany 41

Wolfschmidt, G et al

SIS Visit to North Germany, llth - 16th May 2002 74

Wostenhome, G A Instruments for the Amateur 75

Wright, M T The Annual Invitation Lecture. The Scholar, The Mechanic and

The Antikythera Mechanism: complimentary approaches to the study of an instrument 80

Wyka, E et al Early Diagnostic X-Ray Photograph 48

Wynter, H About Basements 10 Market Place 21

The Making of a Cross Staff 24 Another 17th Century Cross Staff 28

Young, D The Finn of Powell & Lealand 9

Ziomkiewicz, B et al

Nathan Fellowes Dupuis: Scholar, Teacher and Craftsman 38

Zoller, P The Soho Slide Rule: Genesis and Archaeology 57

Early Uses of the Arithmometer of Thomas de Colmar for Thermodynamic Calculations 60

The Steam Engine Indicator: 19th century Tool of Science and Stethoscope of the Engineer 67

The Dipleidoscope Uncovered 72

in Instruments and Methods for the Evaluation of Indicator Diagrams 75

On Double Windmills 76

Zoller, P e t al Seeking L'Ingrnieur ChevaUier 69

SIS Annual Study Conference to Scotland, 29th April-3rd May 2003 78

Zoller, S e t al Seeking L'Ingrnieur Chevallier 69

- 4 9 -

Page 53: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

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Page 54: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Index of Book Reviews Ackermann, Silke (ed) Humphrey Cole: Mint, Measurement and Maps in Elizabethan

England (A D Morrison-Low) 57:32

Aguilar, Roser Puig Los Tratados de Construcci6n y Uso de la Azafea de

A-arquiel (J Darius) 20:21

Akpan, Eloise The Story of William Stanley: A Self-made Man (A McCormell) 67:36

Alexandre, J et al Une Mesure r~vohttionnaire: Le Mdtre (RFox) 21:17

Anderson, R G W et al

Handlist of Scientific Instrument Makers Trade Catalogues, 1600-1914 (Jon Darius) 35:37 Making Instruments Count (John Lawrence) 40:35

Andrewes, W J H (ed) The Quest for Longitude: The Proceedings of the Longitude

Symposium (G L'E Turner) 56:32

Attali, J Memoirs de sabliers. Collections, Mode d'emploi (J De Graeve) 56:33

Austin, Jill et al The Camera Lucida in Art and Science (P Delehar) 18:15-16

Bahr, Betsy et al

Guide to the History. of Technology in Europe, 1994 (AA Mills) 43:33

Baird, Malcolm et al

John Logie Baird A Life (M Bennett-Levy) 75:37

Banfield, Edwin Barometer Makers and Retailers 1660-1900 (Peter Delehar) 33:33 Barometers: Stick or Cistern Tube, Wheel or Banjo, Aneroid and

Barographs (B Bolle) 17:17-18

Barty-King, H Eves Right, the Story. of Dollond & Aitchison, Opticians 1750-

1895 (HC King) 9:15-16

Baumann, C etal A Spectacle of Spectacles: Exhibition Catalogue Carl Zeiss-

Stiftung, Jena (M Mitchel) 21.'14~15

Beauchamp, K G Exhibiting Electricity (W D Hackmann) 56:32

Bedini, S A At the Sign of the Compass & Quadrant: the Life and Times of

Anthony Lamb (P Delehar) 5:18 Thomas Jefferson and his Copying Machines (D Bryden) 9:15 The Pulse of Time: Galileo Galelei, the Determination of

Longitude, and the Pendulum Clock (Alex Keller) 32:29 The Trail of Time: Time Measurement with Incense in East Asia (A A Mills) 41:37 Patrons, Artisans and Instruments of Science, 1600-1750 (A A Mills) 61:31

Beeson, C F C Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400-1850 (P H Hewitt) 25:27-28

Bennet-Levy, Michael Historic Televisions and Video Recorders (W D Hackmann) 39:37

Bennett, J A Le Citoyen Lenoir: Scientific Instrument Making in

Revohttionarv France, a Special Exhibition to mark the Bicentenary. of the French Revolution

(W D Hackmann) 27:32 Whipple Museum Catalogues 3 & 5 (J Darius) 4:14-15

Bennett, J A et al "Sphaera Mundi'. Astronomy Books in The Whipple Museum

1478-1600 [catalogue] (Jane Wess) 44:31 The Geometry. of War 1500-1750: Catalogue of the Exhibition (G C Clifton) 49:29-30

Bennion, Elisabeth Antique Dental Instruments (AB Davis) 13:12 Antique Hearing Devices (P Delehar) 44:32

Berger, C L Handbook and Illustrated Catalogue of Engineers' and

Sur~'eyors' Instruments of Precision made by C L Berger & Sons (P Delehar) 40:35

Berghen, Fons Vanden Telegrafie een verhaal in rechte lijn (W D Hackmann) 59:35

Biraud, Guy e ta l

La restauration et la conser~'ation des appareils scientifiques de collection

(P Brenni) 18:14-15

Blondel, Christine (ed) et al

Studies in the History. of Scientific Instruments (R CBrooks) 26:26 Restaging Coulomb: Usages, Controverses et R6plications

utour de la Balance de Torsion (W D Hackmann) 42:30

- 5 1 -

Page 55: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Bolle, B Barometers in Beeld (R G W Anderson) 3:16

Bolt, M et al The Universe Unveiled: Instruments and Images Through

History (AA Mills) 68:15

Boon, Timothy et al

Guide to the History. of Technology in Europe, 1994 (AA Mills) 43:33

Bottoni, M G et al

Strumentaria alia scoperta dell'antico Laboratorio di Fisica de Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924)

(W D Hackmann) 46:31

Bowers, Brian History of Electric Light and Power (W D Hackmann) 37:38

Bracegirdle, B A History of Microtechnique (R WHorobin) 22:16-17

Brenni, Paolo Gli Strumenti del Gabinetto di Fisica dell'Istit,tto Tecnico

Toscano, I: Acoustica (S A Bedirti) 11:9 Gli strumenti di fisica dell'Instituto Tecnico Toscano, OTTICA (P Delehar) 50:30 Gli instrumenti di fisca dell Istituto Tecnico Toscano Elettricit~ e

Magnetismo (CNBrown) 69:36

Bresciani, E et al Strumentaria alia scoperta dell'antico Laboratorio di Fisica del

Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924) (WD Hackmann) 46:31

Brown, O Whipple Museum Catalogues 1, 2 & 4 (J Darius) 4:14-15

Brown, O, e ta l

Whipple Museum Exhibition Catalogue (S Talbot) 9:18

Bryden, D J Napier's Bones, A History. and Instruction Manual (Randall Brooks) 35:37 Sundials and Related Instruments (Catalogue 6 of the Whipple

Museum of the History. of Science) (M Archinard) 24:20-21

Bryden, D J et al Classified Bibliography on the History. of Scientific Instruments (W Hackmann) 53:1

Bud, Robert e ta l

Invisible Connections: Instruments, Institutions and Science (WHBrock) 36:35

Bud, Robert e ta l

Guide to the History. of Technology in Europe, 1994 (A A Mills) 43:33

Burchard, Ulrich History of the Development of the Crystallographic

Goniometer (W D Hackmarm) 67:36

Burnett, J E et al

Vulgar and Mechanik: The Scientific Instrument Trade in Ireland 1650-1921

(A Middleton) 26:2

Bussey, Gordon et al The Setmakers, A History. of the Radio and Television Industry (W D Hackmann) 33:32

Butler, S Atoms, Energy and Inclust~: Two Centuries of Manchester Science (A Newmark) 13:15

Butler S, et al

Whipple Museum Exhibition Catalogue (S Talbot) 9:18

Cadoppi, G, et al

L'Eredita Scientifica di Leopoldo Nobili (S A Bedini) 8:14

Camp, Karel van Catalogue '150 Antique Instruments', Antwerp Exhibition, 9

March 2001-1 March 2002 (P R de Clercq) 69:38

Campbell-Kelly, Martin (ed) The Works of Charles Babbage (D Swade) 28:22~23

Carpenter, J et al Formaldehyde: How Great is the Danger to Museum Collections? (A Moncrieff) 18:16-17

Carpine, Christian Catalogue des appareils d'ocdanographie en collection au

Mus~e Oc~anographique de Monaco, 1: Photometres ; 2: Mesureurs de courant

(A McConnell) 17:18 Catalogue des appareils d'oc~anographie de Monaco 5:

Instruments de sondage (J Insley) 49:30

Castel, B (ed) etal Muse and Reason. The Relation of Arts and Sciences 1650-1850 (Willem Hackmann) 45:34

Cattermole, M J G et al Horace Darwin's Shop: A History. of the Cambridge Scientific

Instrument Company 1878-1968 (M Williams) 16:21

Cavallini, R C et al Strumentaria alla scoperta delr antico Laboratorio di Fisica del

Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924) (W D Hackmann) 46:31

Chapman, Allan Dividing the Circle: the Development of Critical Angular

Measurements in Astronomy 1500-1850 (R CBrooks) 28:29 The Victorian Amateur Astronomer: Independent Astronomical

Research in Britain 1820-1920 (F J Manasek) 37:63

Channing, N et al

British Camera Makers. An A-Z Guide to Companies and Products (M Pritchard) 52:28

Christie, J R R et al

Mar~r of Science: Sir David Brewster (FA J L James) 8:15~16

- 5 2 -

Page 56: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Clarke, T N et al Brass and Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in

Scotland as ilhtstrated by Instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Museum of Scotland

(R HNuttall) 24:8~10

Clercq, Peter R de The Leiden Cabinet of Physics: A Descriptive Catalogue (J Wess) 58:36 At the Sign of the Oriental Lamp: The Musschenbroek Workshop

in Leiden, 1660-1750 (J Wess) 58:36

Clercq, Peter R de (ed) Scientific Instruments: Originals and Imitations - The Mensing

Collection (W D Hackmann) 69:37

Clifton, Gloria Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851 (J A Bennett) 47:34

Collins, Philip R Barographs (JN Bartlam) 73:36

Connor, R D The Weights and Measures of England (M Stevenson) 19:17

Coplan, Michael A et al

Building Scientific Apparatus (J P Dickinson Hennessy) 30:28

Cozzens, Susan et al Invisible Connections: Instruments, Institutions and Science (WHBrock) 36:35

Craven, M John Whitehurst of Derby, Clockmaker and Scientist, 1713-88 (W Hackmann) 52:29

Crompton, Denis (ed) et al

Magic Images: the Art of Hand-Painted and Photographic Lantern Slides

(C GBrooks) 27:31

Davis, Audrey B et al The Finest Instruments ever made: A Bibliography of Medical,

Dental, Optical and Pharmaceutical Trade Literature, 1700-1939 (D Wright) 16:20

Davis, Christopher C et al

Building Scientific Apparatus (J P Dickinson Hennessy) 30:28

Davis, William (ed) etal More People and Places in Irish Science and Technology (J S Reid) 28:29~30, 29:29

Dawes, H A L Victorian Telescope Makers: The Lives and Letters of Thomas

and Howard Grubb (I S Glass) 56:32

Dekker, E et al Globes from the Western World (G C Clifton) 41:38

Dekker, E et al Globes at Greenwich. A Catalogue of the Globes and Armillary

Spheres in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (A J Turner) 66:36

Dilke, O A W Mathematics and Measurement (J A Bennett) 17:16

Dingley, Michael A Catalogue of Portable Microscopes [CDROM] (J Holland) 77:39

DOrries, Matthias (ed) etal Restaging Coulomb: Usages, Controverses et R~plications

Autour de la Balance de Torsion (W D Hackmann) 42:30

Downing, H J Scientific Instrument Makers of Victorian London 1840 1900 (J Chaldecott) 22:15

Dragoni, G H Museo di Fisica (AA Mills) 32:27

Dreyfuss, Mark S et al

The Finest Instruments ever made: A Bibliography of Medical, Dental, Optical and Pharmaceutical Trade Literature, 1700-1939

(D Wright) 16:20

Drinkwater, P I Art of Sundial Construction (G L'E Turner) 6:22 The Art of Sundial Construction: with an Appendix (G L'E Tumer) 15:13

Dubois, Jacques Le Cabinet de physique et chimie de Chenonceau

(XVe si~cle) (C R Hill) 24:19

Dunn, M etal British Camera Makers. An A-Z Guide to Companies and

Products (M Pritchard) 52:28

Edmonson, James M Nineteenth-Century Surgical Instruments (E Bennion) 12:19-20

Edmonson, James M et al American Armamentarium Chirurgicum, George Tiemann &

Co, 1889 - Centennial Edition (E Bennion) 26:27

Fergnani, B et al Strumentaria alia scoperta delr antico Laboratorio di Fisica del

Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924) (W D Hackrnann) 46:31

Finucane, Brendan (ed) et al More People and Places in Irish Science and Technology (J S Reid) 28:29-30, 29:29

Fournier, Marian (ed) etal Het Instrument in de Wetenschap (P Wisse) 19:16

Frankland, Mark etal Radio Man: The Remarkable Rise and Fall of C 0 Stanley (W D Hackmann) 74:33

Friedman, A F et al The Universe Unveiled: Instruments and Images Through

Histo~ (AA Mills) 68:15

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Page 57: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Galison, Peter Einstein's Clocks, Poincar~'s Maps: Empires of Time (J-F Gauvin) 80:30

Geddes, Keith et al

The Setmakers, A History of the Radio and Television Industry

(W D Hackmann) 33:32

Gibbs, Sharon et al Planispheric Astrolabes from the National Museum of American

History (F Maddison) 12:18-19

Glasemann, Reinhard Erde, Sonne. Mond & Sterne: Globen, Sonnenuhren und

astromische Instrttmente im Historischen Museum Frankfurt am Main

(S Ackermann) 65:34

Glass, I S Victorian Telescope Makers: The Lives and Letters of Thomas

and Howard Grubb (HALDawes) 56:32

Good, Gregory et al A Brief History of Geomagnetism and a Catalog of the

Collections of the National Museum of American History (S Malin) 18:15

Gori, Guido et al

La Biblioteca dell'lstituto Tecnico Toscano. L Libri Antichi: Catalogo (1482-1799)

(S A Bedini) 11:9

Gouk, P The Ivory Sundials of N, tremberg (J de Graeve) 21:17-18

Graham, Margaret etal R & D for Industry: A Century of Technical Innovation at

Alcoa (HR Bristow) 33:33

Graeve, Jan De Memoire de sabliers. Collections, Mode d'emploi (Jacques Attali) 56:33

Griffin, John J & Sons Scientific Handicraft: An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue

of Scientific Apparatus Manufactured and Sold by John J Griffin and Sons, XIVth Edition (1910) [facsimile]

(Jane Insley) 55:35

Guest, lvor Dr John Radcliffe and his Trust (HALDawes) 32:27

Gurley, W & L E A Manual of the Principal Instruments in American Engineering

and Surveying Manufactured by W & L E Gurley (P Delehar) 40:35

Hackmann, W D Museo di Storia della Scienza. Catalogue of Pneumatical,

Magnetical and Electrical Instruments (CNBrown) 48:33

Hackmann, W D et al Learning, Language and Invention: Essays presented to Francis

Maddison (R Hutchins) 43:33

Hambly, Maya Drawing Instruments (A Alpern) 20:20-21

Hambreeht, Norman etal American Armamentarium Chirurgicum, George Tiemann &

Co, 1889 - Centennial Edition (E Bennion) 26:27

Hammond, John H et al

The Camera Lucida in Art and Science (P Delehar) 18:15-16

Hatchfield, P et al

Formaldehyde: How Great is the Danger to Museum Collections?

(A Moncrieff) 18:16-17

Hawes, Robert Radio Art (W D Hackmann) 36:35

Hawes, Robert et al

Bakelite Radios. A Fully Illustrated Guide for the Bakelite Radio Enth,tsiast

(W D Hackmann) 48:34

Hearnshaw, J B The Analysis of Starlight (J Darius) 15:12

Heilbron, J R The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar Observatories (AA Mills) 37:63

Henry, David (ed) et al Magic Images: the Art of Hand-Painted and Photographic

Lantern Slides (C GBrooks) 27:31

Herbert, Stephen (ed) etal Magic Images: the Art of Hand-Painted and Photographic

Lantern Slides (C GBrooks) 27:31

Hirschberg, Julius Der Augenspiegel [The Opthalmoscope - Series] (W D Hackmann) 65:32

Holbrook, Mary Science Preserved: A Directory. of Scientific Instruments in

Collections in the United Kingdom and Eire (AA Mills) 37:38

Howse, Derek The Greenwich List of Observatories: A World List of

Astronomical Obser~'atories, Instruments and Clocks (M Suggett) 21:15-16 Nevil Maskelvne : the Seaman's Astronomer (N MacBride) 25:27

lfland, P W Taking the Stars. Celestial navigation From Argonauts to

Astronauts (A Chapman) 60:36

James, F A J L (ed) Semaphores to Short Waves (W D Hackmann) 59:35

Jensen, Peter R In Marconi's Footsteps - Early Radio (W D Hackmann) 46:31~32

- 5 4 -

Page 58: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Johnston, S et al The Geometry of War 1500-1750: Catalogue of the

Exhibition (G C Clifton) 49:29-30

Jones, M et al

Handlist of Trade Catalogues in the Wellcome Museum (S Butler) 6:22

[Journal] Rittenhouse, Nos I - 4 (A V Simcock) 15:13

Kamm, Anthony et al

John Logic Baird A Life (M Bennett-Levy) 75:37

King, David A Islamic Mathematical Astronomy and Islamic Astronomical

Instruments (O Pedersen) 19:16 World-maps for Finding the Direction and Distance to Mecca:

Innovation and Tradition in Islamic Science (E Savage-Smith) 66:32

King, H C et al

Wheelwright of the Heavens. The Life and Work of James Ferguson, FRS

(G C Clifton) 32:27

Kingslake, Rudolf A History. of the Photographic Lens (W D Hackmann) 28:28-29

Kuile, Sybrichter et al

Amsterdamse kompassmakers ca 1580-ca 1850. Bijdrage tot de kennis van der instrumentmakerij in Nederland

(A McConnell) 61:31

Lagemann, Robert T The Garland Collection of Classical Physics Apparatus at

Vanderbilt Univers#v (J Holland) 13:13~15

Leiss, C Die Optischen Instrumente der Firma R Fuess Deren

Beschreibung, Justierung und Anwendung (D J Warner) 21:14

Leith, AJ (ed) etal Muse and Reason. The Relation of Arts and Sciences 1650-1850 (W D Hackmann) 45:34

Lindberg, D C Snldies in the History. of Medieval Optics (JDNorth) 5:18

Lloyd, Steven Catalogue of the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments,

Harvard University: Ivory. Diptych Sundials 1570-1750 (G L'E Turner) 36:36

Lyall, Kenneth Electrical and Magnetic Instruments. Catalogue 8 of the

Whipple Museum of the History. of Science (W D Hackmann) 34:27

Mackensen, Ludolf Feinmechanik aus Kasse1225 Jahre F W Breithaupt & Sohn

Festschrift und Ausstelhmgsbegleiter (A Brachner) 19:16-17

Maddison, Francis et al Science, Tools and Magic (WD Hackmann) 61:31

Mandrino, A etal Inventario di Archivio dell' Ossera'atorio Astronomico di Brera

1726-1917 (A Perkins) 24:20 Catalogo della Corrispondenza degli Astronomi di Brera

1726-1799 (S A Bedim) 12:19

Manly, Peter Unusttal Telescopes (D W Hughes) 36:34

Mantovani, Roberto et al II Gabinetto di Fisica dell' Universitgl di Urbino: la sua Storia,

il stto Mttseo - The oM 'Gabinetto di Fisica' of the University: its History., its Museum

(H A L Dawes) 51:31

Marly, Pierre Spectacles and Spyglasses (G L'E Tumer) 21:17

Marzola, P B et al

Strumentaria atla scoperta dell'antico Laboratorio di Fisica del Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924)

(W D Hackmann) 46:31

Maurice, Klaus Der Drechsehtde Souvrann, Materialien --tt Einer Fiirstlichen

Maschinenkunst (S A Bedini) 11:10

MeConnell, Anita Geophysics and Geomagnetism: Catalogue of the Science

Museum Collection (THLevere) 15:12-13 Instrument Makers to the WorM: A History. of Cooke, Troughton

& Simms (B Gee) 34:27 King of the Clin&als: the Life and Times of J J Hicks (1837-1916) (A D Morrison-Low) 58:37

McCormick, J B 18th-Century Microscopes: A Synopsis of History and

Workbook (D J Thompson) 21:16-17

McNally, D (ed) The Vanishing Universe: Adverse Environmental Impacts on

Astronomy (AA Mills) 42:29

Meli, D B et al

'Sphaera Mundi'. Astronomy Books in The Whipple Museum 1478-1600 [catalogue]

(J Wess) 44:31

Mennim, Eleanor Transit Circle: The Story. of William Simms 1793-1860 (A D Morrison-Low and A Simpson) 36:33

Millburn, J R Benjamin Martin: Supplement and Retailer of the Sciences:

Benjamin Martin's Sc&ntific Instrument Catalogues, 1756-1782 (B Gee) 13:12-13 Adams of Fleet Street, Instrument Maker to King George (D Bryden) 65:33

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Page 59: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Millburn, J R et al Wheelwright of the Heavens. The Life and Work of James

Fergttson, FRS (G C Clifton) 32:27

Mills, J F Encyclopaedia of Antique Scientific Instruments (AStimson) 2:14

Misiti, Massimo et al La Biblioteca dell'Istituto Tecnico Toscano. I. Libri Antichi:

Catalogo (1482-1799) (S ABedini) 11:9

Modestino, M G Z et al Strumentaria alia scoperta delr antico Laboratorio di Fisica del

Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924) (W D Hackmann) 46:31

Mollan, Charles Irish National Inventory of Historical Scientific Instruments,

Interim Report, 1989 (J A Bennett) 24:9 Irish National Inventory of Historical Scientific Instruments,

Interim Report, 1990 (G C Clifton) 26:2N3

Mollan, Charles et al Maynooth College. The Scientific Apparatus of Nicholas Callan

and Other Historic Instruments (W D Hackmann) 43:34

Mollan, Charles (ed) etal More People and Places in Irish Science and Technology (JS Reid) 28:29N30, 29:29

Moore, John H et al Building Scientific Apparatus (J P Dickinson Hennessy) 30:28

Morrison Low, A D et al Vulgar and Mechanik: The Scientific Instrument Trade in

Ireland 1650-1921 (A Middleton) 26:2 Mar~r of Science: Sir David Brewster (Frank A J L James) 8:15~16 Scottish Photography: a Bibliography 1839-1939 (J Paterson) 26:26 Brass and Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in

Scotland as illustrated by Instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Musuem of Scotland

(R H Nuttall) 24:8-10

Morton, Alan Q et al A Public and Private Science: The King George Collection (A G Keller) 41:37

MOrzer Bruyns, Willem F J The Cross Staff History and Development of a Navigational

Instrument (J A Bennett) 44:30 Konst der stuurlieden Stuurmanskunst en maritieme cartografie

in acht portretten, 1540-200 (W D Hackmann) 75:38 Schip Recht door Zee. De octant in de Republiek in de

achttiende eeuw (W D Hackmarm) 80:31

M~rzer Brnyns, W J F et al Amsterdamse kompassmakers ca 1580-ca 1850. Bijdrage tot de

kennis van der instrumentmakerij in Nederland (A McConnell) 61:31

M0rzer Bruyns, W J F (ed) et al 'In de Gekroonde Lootsman'. Het Kaartenboekuitgevers en

instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680-1885

(W D Hackmann) 25:28

Motais de Narbonne et al Une Mesttre r~volutionnaire : Le Mdtre (RFox) 21:17

Multhauf, Robert P et al

A Brief History of Geomagnetism and a Catalog of the Collections of the National Museum of American History

(S Malin) 18:15

Nieuwenhuis, H Het Eise Eisinga Planetarium (E Dekker) 21:14

Nuttall R H, et al Whipple Museum E.rhibition Catalogue (S Talbot) 9:18

O'Hara, J G et al Hert- and the Ma.rwellians (AR Constable) 17:16~17

Pancino, Maria et al II teatro di Filosofia Sperimentale di Giovanni Poleni, Mostra

di Strumenti Scientifici, Padova, Pallaz:o della Regione, 15 Mar-o - 27 Aprile 1986

(S A Bedini) 11:9~10

Parot, F (ed) etal Studies in the History. of Scientific Instruments (R CBrooks) 26:26

Phillips, V J Waveforms - a History. of Early Oscillography (A R Constable) 16:20-21

Poirier, Jean-Paul Antoine d'Abbadie (P R de Clercq) 79:26

Pritcha, W et al

Hertz and the Maxwellians (AR Constable) 17:16N17

Priestley, Philip T Book I: Watchmakers of England 1720-1920 (J N Bartlam) 69:37 Book H: Early Watchcase Makers of England 1631-1720 (J N Bartlam) 69:37

Pruitt, Bettye e t a l

R & D for IndustrT: A Century of Technical Innovation at Alcoa (HR Bristow) 33:33

Ragozzino E et al Early Instruments of the Institute of Physics [Naples] (P Delehar) 21:17 La Colle-_ione degli Antichi Apparecchi dell'Istituto di Fisica (S A Bedini) 8:14~15 La Collezione degli Antichi Aparecchi dell'Istituto di Fisica:

Elettricita e Magnetismo (1835-1900) (S A Bedini) 11:11

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Page 60: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Reid, William 'We're Certainly Not Afraid of Zeiss'. Barr & Stroud Binoculars

and the Royal Navv (W D Hackmann) 73:37

Riccadonna, G (ed) etal La Scien-a in Collegio (A McConnell) 77:41

Riley, A W (ed) et al

Muse and Reason. The Relation of Arts and Sciences 1650-1850 (W D Hackmann) 45:34

Runge, P C The Universi~ of Adelaide Historical Collections: Scientific

Apparatus (W Hackmann) 29:30-31

Rybcznski, Witold One Good Turn: A Natural History. of the Screwdriver and the

Screw (F J Manasek) 67:37

Rybka, P The Astronomical Instruments of Hevelius : the Origins and

Development of their Construction [in Polish] (R I Frost) 22:15-16

Salandin, Gian Antonio et al

I1 teatro di Filosofia Sperimentale di Giovanni Poleni, Mostra di Strumenti Scientifici, Padova, Pallaz-o della Regione, 15 Mar:o - 27 Aprile 1986

(S A Bedini) 11:9~10

Saliba, George et al Planispheric Astrolabes from the National Museum of American

History (F Maddison) 12:18~19

Sassower, Gad et al Bakelite Radios. A Fully Illustrated Guide for the Bakelite Radi~

Enthusiast (W D Hackmann) 48:34

Saunders, Harold N All the Astrolabes (J Van Damme) 17:15-16

Savage-Smith, Emilie et al Science, Tools and Magic (WD Hackmann) 61:31

Schettino, E et al Early Instruments of the Institute of Physics

[Naples] (P Delehar) 21:17 La Colle-_ione degli Antichi Apparecchi dell'Istituto di Fisica

(2 vols) (S ABedini) 8:14-15 La Colle-ione degli Antichi Aparecchi dell'Istituto di Fisica:

Elettricita e Magnetismo (1835-1900) (S A Bedini) 11:11

Sott, Jean Stanhopes: A Closer View (AAMills) 74:33

Scott-Scott , Michael Drawing Instruments (J H Hammond) 12:19

Seeger, Hans Militiirische Ferngliiser und Fernrohre in Heer, Lz~twaffe und

Marine [Military. Binoculars and Telescopes for Land, Air and Sea Seta'ice]

(William Reid) 54:33

Shaw Gareth & Tipper, Allison British Directories: a Bibliography and Guide to Directories

published in England and Wales (1850-1950) and Scotland (1773-1950)

(G C CIifion) 24:19-20

Simcock, A V Ashmolean Museum & Oxford Science (H Andersen) 6:21

Simcock, A V (ed) Robert T Gunther & the Old Ashmolean (Peter R de Clercq) 10:16-17

Simpson, A D C et al

Brass and Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland as illustrated by Instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Museum of Scotland

(R H Nuttall) 24:8~10

Smith, J R From Plane to Spheroid (A L Allan) 31:29 Everest The Man and the Mountain (A McConnell) 37:63

Snyder, G S Maps of the Heavens (J Darius) 8:14

Spits, E K (ed) e t a l

'In de Gekroonde Lootsman'. Het Kaartenboekuitgevers en instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680 1885

(W D Hackmann) 25:28

Stephenson, B et al

The Universe Unveiled: Instruments and Images Through History.

(AA Mills) 68:15

Stevani, I e t a l

Strumentaria alia scoperta delr antico Laboratorio di Fisica del Liceo Ariosto (1860-1924)

(W D Hackmann) 46:31

Stevenson Sara et al Scottish Photography: a Bibliography 1839-1939 (J Paterson) 26:26

Stimson, Alan The Mariner's Astrolabe. A Survey of Known Surviving Sea

Astrolabes (C A Davids) 35:36

Stock, J T et al The Development of Instruments to Measure Electric Current (D S Sutcliffe) 4:15

Tagliaferri, G et al lnventario di Archivio dell" Osser~'atorio Astronomico di Brera

1726-1917 (A Perkins) 24:20

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Page 61: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Tarozzi, Gino (ed) Gli Strumenti nella Storia e nella Filosofia della Scien-a (S A Bedini) 11:10 Leopoldo Nobili e la Cultura Scientifica del suo Tempo (S A Bedini) 11:10~11

Taylor, E G R Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor and Stuart England and

Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England (J Darius) 27:31-32

Taylor, F Sherwood [History. of Scientific Instruments] (A V Simcock: 'The Book that Never Was') 14:10

Taylor, J et al Handlist of Trade Catalogues in the Wellcome Museum (S Butler) 6:22

Theunissen, Bert (ed) etal Het Instrument in de Wetenschap (P Wisse) 19:16

Thrower, Keith History of the British Radio Vah'e to 1940 (W D Hackmann) 38:35

Tipper, Allison et al British Directories: a Bibliography and Guide to Directories

published in England and Wales (1850-1950) and Scotland (1773-1950)

(G C Clifton) 24:19-20

T6ppler, J et al A Spectacle of Spectacles: Exhibition Catalogue Carl Zeiss-

S tiftun g, J e na (M Mitchel) 21:14-15

Tucci, P et al Inventario di Archivio dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera

1726-1917 (A Perkins) 24:20

Tunbridge, Paul Lord Keh'in and his Influence on Electrical Measurements and

Units (W D Hackmann) 36:34

Turner, A J Early Scientific Instruments, Europe 1400-1800 (E Poulle) 17:15 From Pleasure and Profit to Science and Securi~: Etienne

Lenoir and the Transformation of Precision Instrument Making in France 1760-1830

(W D Hackmann) 27:32 The Time Museum Catalogue of the Collection (J Darius) 14:11 Of Time and Measurement; Studies in the History. of Horology

and Fine Technology (A D Morrison-Low) 39:37 Mathematical Instruments in Antiqui~ and the Middle Ages (W D Hackmann) 44:30-31

Turner, A J (ed) Astrolabia No 5:Etudes1987-1989 (R Mercier) 29:31

Turner, A J (ed) et al Studies in the Histo~ of Scientific Instruments (R CBrooks) 26:26

Turner, A J et al Learning, Language and Invention: Essays presented to Francis

Maddison (R Hutchins) 43:33 Antoine d'Abbadie (P R de Clercq) 79:26

Turner, G L'E The Great Age of the Microscope: The Collection of the Royal

Microscopical Society through 150 years (S Bradbury) 27:30~31 Catalogue of Microscopes [Florence] (J A Bennett) 33:32 Nineteenth-century. Scientific Instruments (A Brieux) 3:17-18 Scientific Instruments and Experimental Philosophy (Jenny Wetton) 31:29 The Practice of Science in the Nineteenth Century: Teaching

and Research in the Teyler Museum (R GWAnderson) 52:30 Scientific Instruments 1500-1900; An Introduction (I Meliconi) 59:34 Elizabethan Instrument Makers. The origins of the London

Trade in Precision Instrument Making (A A Mills) 70:33

Turner, G L'E et al A Spectacle of Spectacles: Exhibition Catalogue Carl Zeiss-

Stiftung, Jena (M Mitchel) 21:14--15 Classified Bibliography on the History of Scientific Instruments (W Hackmann) 53:1

Upton, John et al Maynooth College. The Scientific Apparatus of Nicholas Callan

and Other Historic Instruments (W D Hackmann) 43:34

Van Herk, G, et al De Leidse Sterrewacht (K van der Hucht) 7:20-21

Van Keulen, E O (ed) et al 'In de Gekroonde Lootsman'. Het Kaartenboekuitgevers en

instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680-1885 (W D Hackmann) 25:28

Van der Krogt, P Old Globes in the Netherlands (H Wallis) 7:20

Van der Krogt, P et al

Globes from the Western World (G C Clifton) 41:38

Vaughan, D et al

The Development of Instruments to Measure Electric Current (D S Sutcliffe) 4:15

Vetrano, Flavio et al

I1 Gabinetto di Fisica dell' Universitgl di Urbino: la sua Storia, il suo Museo [The old 'Gabinetto di Fisica' of the University: its History., its Museum]

(H A L Dawes) 51:31

Wallis, P J et al Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications,

Part H:1701-1760 (J R MiIlbum) 26:25~6

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Page 62: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

Wallis, R V et al Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications,

Part H:1701-1760 (J R Millbum) 26:25~6

Warner, Deborah Jean Pike's Illustrated Catalogue of Scientific and Medical

Instruments (J Deiman) 18:16

Webster, Roderick et al

Historic Scientific Instruments of the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, Volume I, Western Astrolabes

(J A Bennett) 62:33

Webster, Marjorie et al

Historic Scientific Instruments of the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, Vohtme I, Western Astrolabes

(J A Bennett) 62:33

Wess, Jane A et al Public and Private Science: The King George Collection (A G Keller) 41:37

Whitfield, Peter The Mapping of the Heavens (Jim Bennett) 46:31

Williams, M E W (ed) et al Studies in the History. of Scientific Instruments (R C Brooks) 26:26

Willmoth, Francis (ed) Flamsteed's Stars: New Perpectives on the Life and Work of the

First Astronomer Royal (AJTumer) 57:33

Wolfe, A F et al Horace Darwin's Shop: A History. of the Cambridge Scientific

Instrument Company 1878-1968 (M E W Williams) 16:21

Woodward, Philip My Own Right Time: An E.rploration of Cloc~vork Design (AA Mills) 47:33-34

Wyatt, Nicholas J (ed) History of Technology Index 1992: A Source List of Journal

Articles (A A Mills) 38:35

Wyatt, Nicholas J et al

Guide to the History. of Technology in Europe, 1994 (A A Mills) 43:33

Young, Anne Mortimer Antique Medicine Chests (P Delehar) 44:32

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Page 64: SIS Bulletin Index Issues 1 to 80

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Documents Associated with Index No 1 to No 80

Index No 1 to No 10 (J R Millburn)

Index No 11 to No 20 (J R Millburn)

Index No 21 to No 30 (J R Millburn)

Index No 31 to No 40 (J Lawrence)

Index No 1 to No 50 (G Bennett)

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