sir isaac newton (1642-1727) nikola tesla (1856-1943 ... · pdf filecrystallography...

Step 1: cut on the line above. Step 2: fold paper as indicated. Step 3: cut along curved line. Step 4: use an X-acto knife to cut out gray areas Step 5: unfold and see what you created! cut along curved line aer folding fold 4 (oponal) fold 2 fold 1 fold 3 Crystallography Crystallography is an allied field to physics and is a natural science to inves�gate ma�er in a crystalline state. The word crystallography derives from the Greek word crystallon “cold drop, frozen drop,” meaning extending to all solids with some degree of transparency, and graphein “to write.” Templates inspired by Symmetry Magazine (h�ps://�cle/december-2014/deck-the-halls-with-nobel-physicists)

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Post on 19-Feb-2018




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Step 1: cut on the line above. Step 2: fold paper as indicated. Step 3: cut along curved line. Step 4: use an X-acto knife to cut out gray areas Step 5: unfold and see what you created!

cut a

long curved line a�er folding

fold 2

fold 3 (op�onal)

fold 1

cut along curved line a�er folding fold 4 (op�onal)

fold 2

fold 1

fold 3

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathema�cian, astronomer, and theologian. Newton’s work was wide ranging and laid the founda�on for much of modern physics. His first major work “Principia” in 1687 established the three laws of mo�on leading to the law of universal gravita�on and his second, “Op�cks,” detailed his experiments into the proper�es of light.

Templates inspired by Symmetry Magazine (h�ps://�cle/december-2014/deck-the-halls-with-nobel-physicists)

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, physicist, and engineer who is best known for his contribu�ons to the design of the modern alternat-ing current (AC) electricity supply system. A�er a trip to the 1889 Exposi�on Universelle in Paris, he decided to explore the idea of electromagne�c radia�on leading to the crea�on of his Tesla coil.

Templates inspired by Symmetry Magazine (h�ps://�cle/december-2014/deck-the-halls-with-nobel-physicists)

CrystallographyCrystallography is an allied field to physics and is a natural science to inves�gate ma�er in a crystalline state. The word crystallography derives from the Greek word crystallon “cold drop, frozen drop,” meaning extending to all solids with some degree of transparency, and graphein “to write.”

Templates inspired by Symmetry Magazine (h�ps://�cle/december-2014/deck-the-halls-with-nobel-physicists)