sipp 1990 panel wave 02 - topical module€¦ · survey of income and program participation (sipp)...

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Panel Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata File TECHNICAL DOCUMENK4T.4~~

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Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

1990 Panel Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module

Microdata File


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Page 3: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


1990 PANEL


Technical Documentation

Washington, DC.



Robert A. Mosbacher. Secretary

Rockwell A. Schnabel. Deputy Secretary

Economic end Statistics Administretion Micheel R. Derby, Under Secretary

for Economic Affairs and Administrator

Bureau Of The Census Bsrbam Everitt Bryant, Director

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Page 5: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


Barbara Evedtt Bryant, Director C. L Kincannon. Deputy Director

Charles Jones, Acting Associate Director for Field Operations


Marehell L Turner, Jr., Chief Marie G. Argms, Assistant Chief

for User Servfces


This technical documentation was prepared within the Data Access and Use Staff, under the direction of Deborah D. Barrett, Chief, and Patricia Fueflhart. Chief of its Technical Information Section. Genny Bums was coordinator for this file Clerical support was provided by Virginia CoIlins and Barbara Shugart. Lula Myatt of the Demographic Surveys Division provided the unformated data dictionary Rle.

- The ffle should be eked as foflows:

Survey of fncome and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Panel, Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife [machine-readable data fife] / prepared by the Bureau of the Census. -Washington: The Bureau [producer and distributor], 1991.

The techniul documentetion should be cited as fdlows:

Survey of fncome and Progmm Participation (SIPP) 1990 Pane/, Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata File Technical Documentation / prepared by the Data User Services Division, Bureau of the Census. -Washington: The Bureau, 1991.

For additional information concerning the file. contact Data User Services Division. Customer Services (Order Desk), Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. Phone: (301) 7634100.

For additional information concerning the technicel documentetion, contect Data User Services Division, Data Access and Use Staff, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC. 20233. Phone: (301) 763-2074.

For additional information concerning the questionnaire content, contact Enrfque Lamar. (7638578) in Housing and Househdd Economics Statistics Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC. 20233.

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Additional infonnatlon concerning this file may be available at a later date. If you have purchased this technical documentation (with or without tape purchase) from the Census Bureau and wish to receive these User Notes, please complete the coupon below and return k to:

Data User Sew&s DMsion Data Access and Use Staff Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233

Name of File: Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata File

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Atswact ................................................................................................................................................................... l-l

FYe Information.. ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-1

Glossary of Sefected Terms.. ................................................................................................................................. 3-l

Index to Topical Module FYe.. ................................................................................................................................ 4-1

Varfabfe Ustlng to Topfcai Module Fife.. ................................................................................................................ 5-l

How to Use the Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................................ 6-l

SIPP Topical Module Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................... 7-1

Source and Accuracy Statement ........................................................................................................................... El

Topical Module Reviews Employment Hfstory .................................................................................................................................... 9A-1 Marital History .............................................................................................................................................. 98-l Migration History .......................................................................................................................................... 9C-1 Fertility Hlstory ............................................................................................................................................. 9D-1 Househdd Relationship ............................................................................................................................... 9E-1


A. CodeLists

A-l income Source Code List ............................................................................................................ Al -1 A-2 Income Sources lncfuded in Monthly Cash Income ................................................................... A2-1 A-3 Sources d Means-Tested Benefits Covered in SIPP.. ................................................................ A3-1 A4 1980 Census d Population Occupation Classification System ................................................. A4-1 A-S 1999 Census of Population Industry Cfassffication System ....................................................... A5-1

B. Facslmffes

B-l Cc&d Card.. ................................................................................................................................ Bl -1 B-2 Topfcaf Module Questionnaire ...................................................................................................... 82-l

C. Working Papers ........................................................................................................................................ C-l

D. Machine-Readable Data Dictionary Layout ............................................................................................. D-l

E. User Notes ................................................................................................................................................ E-l

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Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Pane/, Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata File [machine-madabfe data file] / conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. -Washington: The Bureau [producer and distribulor], 199 1.

Type of File:

Microdata; unit of observation is an indivffual.

Universe Description:

The unfverse k the resklent population of the United States, but exduding persons living in instkutions and milkary barracks.

Subject-Matter Description:

The file contains data primarily from the topical module portion of the questionnaire. However, for purposes of matching persons to the core file, which was released separately. the beginning of the file contains kfentffying information as well as some basic demographic and social characteristics that are also contained in the core file. The identifying information includes sample unit. househdd address, and entry address identification. Demographic and social charactedstcs indude age, sex. race (White; Black; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; Asian or Pacfflc Islander; and Other), ethnic origin (23 categories including 7 Spanish origin categories), markal status, and education. Data in this topical module file indude recipiency, employment, work disability, education and training, marital status, migration, and fertility histories along with househdd refationshlps.

The sample consists of 4 rotation groups, each interviewed in a different month from June to September 1990. For each group the reference period for reporting labor force activity and income is the four calendar months preceding the interview month.

SIPP is a longitudinal survey where each sampled household and each descendent househdd is reinterviewed at 4-month intervals for 6 interviews or “waves.” This file contains the results of the secorkl interview. Unique codes are Inchided on each record to allow linking together the same persons from the preceding and subsequent waves.

Geographic Coverage:

United States. Codes are included for 41 indfviiual States and the District of Columbii. although the sample was not designed to produce State estimates. Areas in the SIPP sample in nine other States are ldentlfied in three groups for confidentiality reasons. The file ldentiiies a subsample of metropolitan resklents. along with codes for selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSA’s) and consokdated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSA’s).

Technical Description:

File Structure: Rectangular. Each logical record for a sampled person includes information on the househdd and family of which the person was a part during each month of the reference period, as well as characteristics of the person.

File Size: 66.166 logical records; 1,366 character logical record length.

File Sort Sequence of Sample Units: Sampling unit identification number by entry address ID and person number wkhin sampling unt.


Page 12: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Reference Matarfals:

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation. The documentation Includes this abstract. the data dictionary, an ktdex to the data dictionary. relevant code lists, a questionnaire facsimile, and general lnfom’tation relative to SIPP. One copy of the technical documentation accompanies each Be order but also may be purchased separately for $25 from Data User Services Division, Customer Setvices. Bureau of the Census,Washington. D.C. 20233.

Interviewers Manual (1985). Survey of income and Program Participtfon. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The manual is available for $10 from Data User Servk~s Division, Customer Services, Bureau of the Census. Washington, D.C. 20233.

Survey of Income and Program Participation Users’ Guide. The Users’ Guide contains a general overview of the file as wall as chapters on survey destgn and content, structure and usa d cross-sectional fifes. liking waves and reflability of the data. A single copy accompanies each technical documentation or tape order. Additional copies are avallabie for $15 each from Customer Services, Data User Services Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 26233.

Refated Printed Reports:

Related pdnted reports krdude working papers, compilations of papers presented at annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, articles appearing In the Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, and reports in the P-76 series of the Current Population Reports. See the Users’ Guide that accompanfes the dccumentatfon for ordering information.

Rebted Machina-Raadable Data Files:

SlPP files from all Waves of the 1984 through 1987 Panels as well as Waves l-5 of the 1988 Panel and Waves 1, 2. and 3 Core from the 1993 Panels are available from Customer Services, Data User Services Division. Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 26233. An order form is on the fdlowing page for your convenience.

File Availability:

The price of this file k $175, at either 6256 or 1666 bpi; ASCII or EBCDIC, labeled or unlabeled. The files are also availab!e on tape cartridges (IBM 3480 compatible) for the same price. A machine-readable diitionary is contained at the end of the file. This dictionary is also available separately on one tape reel for $175. When ordering. please use the order form on the fdlowing page.


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Matching Topical Module File wtth Core File

Since the core and topical module data are released as separate files lt may be necessary to match the two files. The two files contain the fotlowing information for linking purposes.

Sample Unft ID (scrambled) Household Address ID Item368 Entry Address ID Person Number PP-lntvw Finalwgt(5) RRP(5) &e(5)

Gecgmphii Coverage

Race sex W5) PNSP(5) PNPT(5) Higrade Grd-Cm@ Ethnicfty

State codes are shown except for nine States which are fdentffied in three groups. A subsampte of metropotitan residents is identified along with codes for selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSA’s) and consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSA’s). The sample was not designed to produce State cr MSA/CMSA level estimates. State codes are primarfty usefut in relating a respondent’s recipiency of benefits to thresholds which may vary from State to State. MSA/CMSA codes may be used in relating respondent characteristics wkh contextual vadabtes.

Identification Number System

The SIPP identification scheme is designed to uniquely identffy indfvkfuals in each wave, provide a means of linking the same individuals over time, and group indivttuals into households and families over time.

The various components of the klentiiication scheme are listed below:

Sample Unit ldentffication Number Address ID Entry Address ID Person Number

The sample unit aentfication number was created by scrambling together the PSU. segment, and serial numbers used for Census Bureau administrative purposes. This identifier Is constructed the same way on each wave regardless of moves. to enable matching from wave to wave.

The two-digit address ID code identifies each household associated with the same sample unit Mentffication number. The first digit of the address ID code indicates the wave in which that address was first assigned for interview. The second digit sequentially numbers multiple househdds that have the same serial number. The address ID code Is 11 for all sample addresses that are the same as In Wave 1. As SIPP sample persons move to new addresses, new address ID codes are assigned. Any new address to which sample unit members moved during Wave 4 is numbered in the 40’s.

The person ID is a five-digit number consisting of the two-digit entry address ID and a threedigit person number. Person numbers 101, 102, etc., are assigned in Wave 1; 201,202, etc., are assigned to persons added to the roster in Wave 2, and so forth. This five-digit number is not changed or updated, regardless of moves.



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The sampling unit serial number and address ID code uniquely identif~s each household in any given wave The sampling unk serfal number can link all househoids in subsequent waves back to the original Wave 1 household.

Topcoding of Income Variables

To protect against the possibility that a user might recognize the identity d a SIPP respondent wkh very high income, income from every source is ‘topcoded’ so that no individual inwrne amounts above $1 W.ooO are revealed. While the data dictionary indicates a topcode of $33,332 for monthly tncome. this topcode will rarely be used. In most oases the monthly Income is shown as an indiiual ddiar amount of $8,333, wtth S&333 actually representing ‘t8.333 or more.’ (the $1 OCLCOO annual income topcode Is SS.333 multiplied by 12 months). Individual monthly amounts above 33333 may occasionally be shorm ff the respondent’s income varied considerably from month to month, as long as the average does not exceed 58.333. For example. f a respondents’ income from a single job were concentrated in only one ot the four reference months, a figure as hgh as 333.332 could be shown. (Income from interest or property have lower topcodes).

Summary income ffgures on the person, family, and househotd records are sfmpte sums of the components shown on the fife after top-coding. and are not independently topcoded. Thus, a parson with high income from several sources (jobs, businesses, property) could have aggregate monthly Income well over the topcode for each source. Families and househdds with a number of high income members could theoretically have aggregate income shown well over $100.000. though well below the $1.5 mWlion shown as the highest allowable value In the data dictionary.

The user is cautioned against trying to make much use of the occasional monthly figures above $6,333, except in calculating aggregates or observing patterns across the 4-month period for a single indiviiual, family, or household. Those units with higher monthly amounts shown are a biased sample of high income units, more likety to include units with income from multiple sources than other units with equally high aggregate income which comes from a single source. -


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Absent 1 or more weeka. Absent 1 or more weeks means absent without pay from a job or business. Persons were absent without pay In a month 5 they were ‘wfth a job’ during the entire month, but were not at work at that job during at least 1 full week (Sunday through Saturday) during the month, and did not receive wages or a salary for any time during that week. Reasons for an unpaid absence indude vacation, Illness. layoff, bad weather, labor disputes, and waiting to staR a naw job.

Family houaehofd. A famfly hwsehdd ts a household malntalned by a family; any unrelated persons (unrelated subfamtly members and/or secondary Indfvfduals) who may be reefding there are induded. The number of famffy hwaehdds is equal to the number d ferntiles. The count of family househdd members dfffers from the count of famity members, however, in that the famity househotd members lndude all persons IMng In the household. whereas famly members lndude only the householder and hts/her relatives.

Family. A famlfy fs a group of two or more persons (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and restding together; all such persons (induding &fated subfamffy members) are considered members of one family.

Farm-nonfarm reafdence.. The farm population refers to rural restdents IMng on farms. Under this definttion. a farm is any piace In rural territory from which sales of crops, livestock. and other agricultural products amounted to $1 .WLl or more during the previous 12-month period.

Full-time and part-time. The data on MI- and part-tkne workers pertain to the number of hours a person usually worked per weak during the weeks worked In the 4-month reference p&xl of the survey. ff the hours worked per week varied consk.ferabiy. the respondent was asked to report an approximate average of the actual hours worked each week.

Persons 16 years otd and over who reported usually working 35 or more hours each week during the weeks they worked are dassffied as ‘futl-tlrne’ workers; persons who reported that they usually worked fewer than 35 hours are dassmed as ‘part-time’ workers. The same definkions are used in the CPS.

Household. A househofd con&s of all persons who occupy a houslng unft. A house, an apartment or other group of rooms, or a single room ts regarded as a housfng un5 when tt ls occupted or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters: that ts, when the occupants do not live and eat wkh any other persons in the structure and there Is either (1) direct access from the outsMe or through a common hall or (2) a kitchen or cooking equipment for the exciusfve use of the occupants.

A household lndudes the related famtty members and all the unretated persons, ff any, such as lodgers. foster children, wards, or employees who share the housing unft. A person living atone in a housing unit or a group of unrefated persons sharing a housing unit as partners is also counted as a household. The count of households excludes group quarters. Examples of group quarters lndude rooming and boarding houses, cdlege dormitories. and convents and n-nmasteries.

Householder. Survey procedures oafI for lfstlng Rrst the person (or one of the persons) in whose name the home Is owed or rented. ff the house is owned jointly by a marrfed couple, ekher the husband or the wffe may be listed first, thereby bernming the reference person, or householder. to whom the relationship of the other household members fs recorded. One person in each househokl ls designated as the ‘householder.’ The number of househdders, therefore, is equal to the number d househdds.

layoff. In general, the word ‘layoff means release from a job because of slack work, material shortages, inventory taking, piant remodeling, installation of machinery, or other similar reasons. For this survey, persons were also on ‘layoff who did not have job but who responded that they has spent at least 1 week on layoff from

~,- a job and that they were avaitable to accept a job.


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SIPP 12m WAv2 2 loPlcu YoDuLE

In addition, persons were on ‘layoff’ In a given month lf they were 16 years okf or over and (a) were ‘wfth a job but ‘absent without pay’ from that job for at least 1 Ml week during that month, and (b) they responded that their main reason for being absent from their job or busfness was ‘layoff.’ ‘On layoff also indudes a small number of persons who responded that they were waking to report to a new wage and salary job that was to begin within 36 days. In other words, persons waking to begin a new job are da&ii together wkh persons waking to return to a job from which they have been laid off.

LoOkk~gforwOrk Personswho’fookedforwork’inagtvenmontharethoeewfmwere16yeareddorover and (a) were wfthout a job dudng at least 1 week durfng the month, (b) trted to get work or estabffsh a business or professfon in that week, and (c) were avaflabfe to accept a job. Examples of jobseeking acttvtties are (1) reglsterlng at a publk OT prfvate employment Moe. (2) meettng with prospedive employers. (3) kwestigatlng pasalbNties for atartfng- a pmfessional practice or opening a busfneea, (4) pfadng or answering advertisements, (5) wiling letters of appikatkm. and (6) being on a professfond register.

The CPS uses a dmffar concept of ‘looking for work.’ The term ‘unemployed’ as used in the CPS lndudes persons wt10 were lookkg for work In the reference week and those who were ‘on layoff or ‘waiting to begin a new job In 30 days.’

Low-Income Home Ew’gy Aeeietance Progmm. Benefits from the Federally funded UHEAP authorized by Title XXVI d the Omnibus Budget Reconcflfattion Act of 1981, or comparable assistance provided through State funded as&stance programs, may be recefved in the form of direct payment to the household as reimbursement for heating or coding expenses or pakl directly to the fuel dealer or landlord.

Meens-tested betteffta. Tha term means-tested beneffts refers to programs that require the Income or assets (resounxs) d the individual or farnfly be below spedfkd gukldines in order to qualify for benefks. These programs provide cash and noncash assfstanoe to the low-income poputatkm. The major sources of means- tested cash and mmmsh as&stance are shown ln Appendbc S-2.

Medicaid. This term refers to the Federal-State program of medkzat as&stance for low-Income IndMduals and their families as provided for by Title XIX d the Sodal Secudty Act. The phrase ‘Medic& covered refers to persons enrdled In the Medicaid program, regardless of whether they actually uttltzed any Medicaid covered health care services dudng the survey reference period.

Medkere. This term refers to the Federal Hedth Insurance Program for the Aged and Disabled as provided for by Tkfe XVfll of the Social Security Act. The phrase ‘Medkare covered’ refers to persons enrolled In the Me&are program, regardless of whether they adually utiiiied any Medicare covered health care services during the survey refemnce perbd.

Monthly income. The monthly income estimates for househdds are based on the sum of the monthly income received by each houaehM memberags15yeanddorover.

Cash income indudes all income recefved from any of the sources listed in Appendfx B-l. Rebates, refunds, loans, and c&al gain or loss amounts from the aale of assets. and lnterhousehotd transfers of cash such as allowances are not incfuded. Accrued Interest on lndMdual Retirement Accounts, KEOUGH retirement plans. and U.S. Savings bonds are also exduded. This definition differs somewhat from that used in the annual income reports based on the March CPS Income supplement questionnaire. These data, published In the Consumer Income Sedas, P60, are based onty on income recetved In a regular or periodic manner and, therefore, exdude lump-sum or one-ttme payments suoh as lnhedtances and insurance settlements. The March CPS fncome deffnttfon. however, does exdude the same Income sources exduded by SIPP.

The income amounts represent amounts actuafly received during the month, before deductions for income and payroll taxes, union dues, Part B Medicare premiums, etc.



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_,, The SIPP Income detlnltfon includes three types of eamlngs: wages and salary. nonfarm self-employment, and farm setf-emptoyment. The derinftii d nonfarm setf-emptoyment and farm seff-employment is not based on the net difference between gross receipts or sales and operating expenses, deprectation. etc. The monthly amounts for these income types are based on the salary or other income recefved from the business by the owner of the business or farm dudng the 4-month reference pedod.

The Bureau of Labor Statfatfcs pubkshes quarterly averages for an earnings concept called ‘usual weekly earnings’ for employed wage and salary workers. The ooncept differs from the SIPP earnings concept since lt is based on usual, not actual earnings. exdudes the seff+rnptoyed. and exdudes earnings from secondary jobs.

While the inwme amounts from most sources are recorded monthly for the 4-month reference period. property income amwnts. Interest, dlvkfends, rental Income, etc., were recorded as totals for the 4-month period. These totals were distributed equally between months of the reference period for purposes of calculating monthly averages.

Nonfamily household. A nonfamfly househdd is a household malntalned by a person living alone or with nonrelatives only.

Persons of Spanish crigin. Persons of Spanish odgin were determined on the basis of a question that asked for self-identffrcation of the person’s odgin or descent. Respondents were asked to select their origin (or the origin of some other househdd member) from a ‘flash card’ listing ethnic orfglns. Persons of Spanish origin, in particular, were those who lndlcated that their origin was Mexican, Puerto Rican. Cuban, Central or South American. or some other Spanish odgin. It should be noted that persons of Spanish origin may be of any race.

Population covemge. The estimates are restricted to the ch4lian noninstk&naI population of the 50 States and members d the Armed Forces IMng off post or with their famffff on post.

Race. The population is divided Into groups on the basis of race: White; Black; American Indian. Eskimo, or Aleut; A&n or Pachic Islander; and ‘other races.’

Special Supplemental Focd Progmm for women, Infants, and Children (WIG). BeneMs are received In the form of vouchers that are redeemed at retaS stores for specific supplemental nutritious foods. Ellgibte low- income recipients are infants and chffdren up to age rive and pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.

Unemployment compensation. Thii tear refers to cash benefits paid to unemployed workers through a State or local unempfoyment agency. These include all be&f& paid under the Federal-State unemployment insurance program as established under the Social Security Act, as well as those benefits paid to State and local government employees, Federal chriiiin employees. and veterans.

WRh a Job. Persons are da&fried with a job’ in a given month ff they were 16 years dd or over and, during the month, either (a) worked as paid employees or worked In their own business or profession or on their own farm or worked without pay in a famffy business or farm or (b) were temporarily absent from work ekher wkh or without pay. In generat. the word ‘job’ implies an arrangement for regular work for pay where payment is in cash wages or salaries, at pfece rates, in tips, by commissfon, or In kind (meats, living quarters, supplies red&). ‘Job’ also indudes setf-ernployment at a business, professfonal practice, or farm. A business ts defined as an activity which lnvotves the use of machinery or equipment In which money has been invested or an activity requiring an c46ce or ‘place of business’ or an actMty which requires advertising; payment may be in the form of proffts or fees.

The Current Popufatlon Survey (CPS), the offtcfal source of labor force statistics for the Nation. uses the same definition for a job or business. The term with a job,’ however, should not be wnfused with the term ‘employed as used in the CPS. ‘With a job’ inctudes those who were temporarily absent from a job because of layoff and those waiting to begin a new job In 30 days; in the CPS these persons are not considered ‘employed.’ See ‘Worked each week’ below.


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With labor force activity. The term Vvfth labor force activity’ indudes all prsons wkh a job (as defined above) and those looking for work or on layoff from a job for at least 1 week during a given month. Conversely, those persons Mh no labor force activky’ had no job, were not on layoff from a job and made no effort to find a job during the month.

Work diaabiltty. Pereons were dasskied as having a work disabiltty tf they were identified by the respondent as having a physical, mental. M other health wndtion that limits the kind or amount of work they can do.

Worked aach week Persons worked each WeeK in a month If, for the entire month, they were ‘with a job’ and not ‘absent wlthoul pay’ from the job. In other words, a person worked each week in any month when they were (a) on the job the entke month, or (b) they recefvd wages or a salary for all weeks In the month, whether they were on the job or not. Persons also worked each week f they were sdf-emptoyed and spent time during wchweekdthemonthaoronbehalfdthebusinessorfarmtheyomed,aslongastheyreceivedor expectedtorecetvepmfttorfeesforthelrwork.

In the CPS, the concept at ‘work inoludw those persons who apent at least 1 hour during the reference week at their job or business. In the CPS. however, ‘at work’ does not indude persons who were temporarily absent from their jobs durfng the entire reference week on paid vacation, sick leave, etc. In SIPP, ‘worked each week does indude persons on paid absences.


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Address identitkation.. .......................................................................................................... Address identi6catffn - Edited Entry.. .................................................................................. AFDC Applicatkxt for Benefits .............................................................................................. AFDC Benefits Starting Month.. ............................................................................................ AFDC Beneffts Startfng Year.. ............................................................................................... AFDC Recipiency - Check item T6 ....................................................................................... AFDC Recipiency cf Benefits.. .............................................................................................. AFDC Recipiency, Number of Months for ............................................................................ AFDC Recipiency, Number of Times for .............................................................................. AFDC Recipiency, Number of Years for.. ............................................................................. AFDC Recipiency, Previous .................................................................................................. Age 18 to 64 - Check item T14 ............................................................................................. Age 18 Years w Over - Check item T3.. ............................................................................... Age 65 year or Over- Check item T31 .................................................................................. Age 65 Years or Over.. .......................................................................................................... Age and Sex - Check Item T42 ............................................................................................. Age as of Last Birthday - Edited and Imputed ..................................................................... Age of Respondent - Check item T23 .................................................................................. Bachelor’s Degree Received in Which Month.. .................................................................... Bachelor’s Dagree Received in Which Year ......................................................................... Birth Month of First Chyd ...................................................................................................... Birth Month of Last Child Currently Living in Househdd.. ................................................... Birth Month of Second Child ................................................................................................. Birth Month of Second Child with 3+ Siblings ..................................................................... Birth Year of First Chiid ............................................................................. .;. ......................... Birth Year of Last Chiid Currently Living in Household ........................................................ Birth Year of Second Chiid .................................................................................................... Birth Year of Second Chiid with 3 + Sibiings.. ...................................................................... Born in Which Foreign Country - Check item T39 ............................................................... Born in Which State or Foreign Country.. ............................................................................ Born on or After January 1, 1960 - Check Item T46 ............................................................. Business ID Number - Check Item T16.. .............................................................................. Business ID Number, Main - Check item T18 ...................................................................... Business Located at More Than One Location.. .................................................................. Children Born, Number of.. ................................................................................................... Children Currently Lh4ng in Househdd.. .............................................................................. Children Ever Had _ Check item T45 .................................................................................... Children Fathered, Number of.. ............................................................................................ Cdiege Attendance at Least One Year - Check item T29 ................................................... College Attendance Began in Which Month ........................................................................ Cdlege Attendance Began in Which Year.. ......................................................................... Cdlege Attendance, Last Date cf.. ....................................................................................... Cdiege Attendance, Last Month of.. .................................................................................... Coiiege Attendance, Last Year of.. ....................................................................................... Coiiege Courses Taken in Which Field of Study.. ................................................................ Composition of Househdd, Unedited - Check Item T51..................................................... Computation Flag for Month in Which Moved .......................................... . .......................... Computation Flag for Resided in Another State/Country From What Month .................... Computation flag for Resided in Another State/Country To What Month.. ....................... Computation Fiag for Resided in Previous Residence From What Month.. ....................... Computation Flag for Resided in Previous Residence To What Month .............................. Degree Earned Beyond High Schwl. Highest ....................................................................

Mnemonic p&t&

ADDID ....................... 20 ENTRY ...................... 25 TM8089 ..................... 789 TM8084 ..................... 782 TM8086 ..................... 784 TM6078 ..................... 778 TM8082 ..................... 781 TM8090 ..................... 793 TM8094 ..................... 792 TM8fJ68.. ................... 788 TM8078 ..................... 779 TM8200 .................... .883 TM8052 ..................... 760 TM8444 ..................... 1101 TM8756 ..................... 1302 TM8750 ..................... 1297 AGE.. ......................... 43 TM8300 ..................... 998 TM6432 ..................... 1086 TM8434 ..................... 1068 TM8760 ..................... 1304 TM8789 ..................... 1323 TM8766 ..................... 1313 TM8792 ..................... 1335 TM8762 ..................... 1366 TM8782 __.__._______.___.___ 1325 TM8768 ..................... 1315 TM8794 ..................... 1337 TM8732 ..................... 1277 TM8730 ..................... 1275 TM8784 ..................... 1329 TM8208.. .................. ,887 TM8216.. .................. ,892 TM8226.. .................. .902 TM8754 ..................... 1306 TM8758 ..................... 1303 TM8778 __.______________.___ 1322 TM8752 ..................... 1298 TM8416.. ................... 1069 TM8418.. ................... 1070 TM8420 ..................... 1072 TM8442 ..................... 1100 TM8438 ..................... 1094 TM8446.. ................... 10% TM8486. .................... 1092 U-TM9266 ................ .328 CT8706.. .................... 1281 CT8722 ...................... 1290 CT8726 ...................... 1292 ‘X8710. ..................... 1286 CT8714 ...................... 1287 TM8422 ..................... 1076


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Degree Earned In Whkh Month.. .......................................................................................... Degree Eamed In Whkh Year.. ............................................................................................. Degree Higher Than Bacheior’s ........................................................................................... Degree Received in Which Field of Study.. .......................................................................... Designated Parent or Guardian - Check item T5.. ............................................................... Disabled Marked on CC - Check item T25 ........................................................................... Disabled Marked on ISS - Check item T24 .......................................................................... Employer ID Number - Check item T16.. ............................................................................. Employer ID Number, Main -Check item T18.. ................................................................... Employer Number Filled - Check item T19.. ........................................................................ Employer or Business Lfated on CC - Check ftem T15 ........................................................ Employment Month, Starting.. .............................................................................................. Employment Size at All Locations.. ...................................................................................... Employment Size at Work Location.. ................................................................................... Employment Year, Stauing.. ................................................................................................. Ethnic Origin .......................................................................................................................... Food Stamp Application From Federal Government ........................................................... Food Stamp Authorization.. .................................................................................................. Food Stamp Recipiency - Check Item T4 ............................................................................ Food Stamp Recipiency Starting Month. ............................................................................. Food Stamp Recipiency Starting Year.. ............................................................................... Food Stamp Recipiency. Number of Months for.. ............................................................... Food Stamp Recipiency, Number of Times for.. .................................................................. Food Stamp Recipiancy, Number of Years for.. .................................................................. Food Stamp Recipiency, Previous.. ..................................................................................... Grade Attended Was Completed, Highest.. ......................................................................... Grade Attended, Highest - Check item T28.. ....................................................................... Grade or Year of School Attended, Highest. ........................................................................ Health insurance Plan Coverage - Check Item TlO.. ........................................................... Health Insurance Plan. Last Month Covered by.. ................................................................ Health insurance Pian, Last Period Covered by.. ................................................................ Health insurance Pian. bst Year Covered by.. ................................................................... Health Insurance Plan, Length of Time Covered by.. .......................................................... Health insurance Plan. Number of Months Covered by.. .................................................... Health insurance Plan, Number of Years Covered by.. ....................................................... High School Attended. Type of.. ........................................................................................... High School Diploma Received in Which Month.. ............................................................... High Schoof Diploma Received in Which Year.. .................................................................. High Schcd Diploma, Receipt of ......................................................................................... Household Composition -Check item T63.. ........................................................................ Houslng Unft Public or Subsidized - Check Item T12. ......................................................... Housing Unit, Length of Time Lived in Subskibed .............................................................. Housing Unk Number of Months Lived in Sub$dbed.. ...................................................... Housing Unit, Number of Years Lived in Subsiibed.. ......................................................... Housing Waking Ust. Name on Public or Subsiiized ......................................................... identifier, Sample Unit.. ......................................................................................................... Imputation Flag for 2nd Marriage End in Wdowhood or Divorce.. ..................................... Imputation Fiag for Last Worked Before Disabiiii .............................................................. imputation Fiag for Marriage End in widowhood or Divorce.. ............................................ imputation flag for Month and Year Manied First Time.. .................................................... imputation Flag for Month and Year Marded Most Recently.. ............................................ Imputation Flag for Month and Year Married Second Time.. .............................................. imputation Flag for Month and Year Marded Second Time.. .............................................. imputation Flag for Month end Year of Work Disability.. .....................................................

Mnemonic &l&t&

TM8424 ..................... 1077 TM8426 ..................... 1079 TM8430 ..................... 1085 TM8428 ..................... 1083 TM8074 ..................... 777 TM8304.. ................... 1000 TM8302.. .................. .999 TM8286 ..................... 885 TM8214.. .................. ,890 TM8222 .................... ,900 TM8202 .................... t884 TM8218 ..................... 894 TM8228 ..................... 903 TM8224.. ................... 901 TM8220 ..................... 896 ETHNICTY ................ 58 TM8058 .................... ,763 TM8060 ..................... 764 TM8954 ..................... 761 TM6962 ..................... 765 TM8064 ..................... 767 TM8068 ..................... 773 TM8072 ..................... 775 TM8986 ..................... 771 TM8056 .................... .762 GRD-CMPL ............... 57 _ TM8400 ..................... 1053 HIGRADE .................. 55 TM8124 ..................... 818 TM8132 ..................... 825 TM8136 ..................... 831 TM8134 ..................... 827 TM8139 ..................... 823 TM8126 .................... .819 TM8128.. ................... 821 TM8414.. ................... 1068 TM8410.. ................... lo62 TM8412 ..................... 1664 TM8408 ..................... 1061 TM9266.. ................... 61 TM8140 ..................... 834 TM81 46 ..................... 839 TM8142.. ................... 835 TM8144.. ................... 837 TM8150 ..................... &92 ID.. ............................. 6 FSME ........................ 1234 IMP-1822 ................... 1043 FFME.. ....................... 1233 FAFM ......................... 1223 FALM ......................... 1229 FAFf.. ........................ 1224 _, FASM ........................ 1226 IMP-3438 ................... 1049


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Mnemonic m

FAFS ......................... 1225 FAST ......................... 1227 FTIM .......................... 1232 FALS.. ........................ 1231 FASS ......................... 1228 FALT.. ........................ 1230 IMP-1014 ................... 1041 TM-iFDO:l5 ._.__.___._____ 1143 IMP.821894.. ........... ,967 TM-FERl :9 ................ 1347 ALTMB332:9716.. ..... ,595 TM-MiGlzl4.. ............ 1280 TM-IFAO:39 .............. ,843 iMP839646.. ............ 1038 IMP-IND ................... ,986 IMP-KC ................... 997 TM6002 ..................... 687 PINX .......................... 18 TMINW.. .................. ,928 TM8900 .................... ,686 fTEM36B ................... 22 INTW ....................... 24 TM821 0 ..................... 889 TM8148.. .................. ,841 TMB946.. .................. ,751 TM8028 ..................... 724 TM8004 .................... .668 TM8022 .................... ,715 TM8010 .................... ,697 TM8046 ..................... 742 TM8034 .................... .733 TM8016 .................... ,706 TM8648 .................... .754 TM8030 .................... ,727 TM6906 .................... ,691 TM8024 ..................... 718 TM801 2 ..................... 700 TM8042 .................... ,746 TM8836 .................... .736 TM8018 ..................... 709 TM8050 .................... .756 TM8032 .................... .729 TM8008 .................... .693 TM8026 ..................... 729 TM8014 .................... .702 TM8044 ..................... 747 TM8038 ..................... 738 TM6920 ..................... 711 TM8252 .................... .925 TM6472 ..................... 1115 TM8474 ..................... 1116 TM8476 ..................... 1117 TM8478 ..................... 1118 TM8480 ..................... 1119

- imputation Flag for Month and Year Quit Living With Spoue imputation Fiag for Month and Year Widowed/Divorced Second __.................................... imputation Flag for Number of Times Married ..................................................................... imputation Fiag for When Stopped Living Wkh Spouse.. .................................................... imputation Ftag for When Stopped Livtng V&h Spouse 2nd Time.. ................................... Imputation Ftag for When Widowed/Dtvorced Most Recently.. .......................................... imputation Flag for When Work Disability Began.. .............................................................. imputation flags for Education and Training History.. ........................................................ imputation Flags for Employment.. ...................................................................................... imputation Flags for FartBty History .................................................................................... imputation Flags for Hwsehdd Relationships.. .................................................................. imputation flags for Mfgratiw History.. ............................................................................... imputation Flags for Recipiency History.. ............................................................................ imputation Flags for Work Disabfiity.. ................................................................................... imputed industry Code ................................................................................... .:. ................... imputed Occupation Code ................................................................................................... income Types or Special indicators - Check Item T2.. ........................................................ index From Core, Person.. .................................................................................................... industry Code.. ...................................................................................................................... interview Obtained in Wave 1 - Check item Tl .................................................................... interview Status Code.. ......................................................................................................... interview Status, Person’s,. ................................................................................................... ISS Code for Worked Marked - Check Item T17.. ................................................................ ISS Codes Marked - Check item T13 ................................................................................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes - Eiihth Source ......................................................................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes - Fifth Source ............................................................................

- ISS Codes or Asset Codes - First Source ............................................................................ ISS Codes or Asset Codes - Fourth Source.. ....................................................................... ISS Codes or &rset Codes - Second Source.. ..................................................................... ISS Codes or Assat Codes - Seventh Source ...................................................................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes - Stxth Source.. ......................................................................... ISS Codes or Asset Cc&s -Third Swrce.. ......................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Eighth Source .................................................................. ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Fifth Source ...................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - First Source ...................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month -Fourth Source ................................................................. ; ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Second Source ................................................................ ISS Recipiency Starting Month -Seventh Source ............................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Sth Source ..................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month -Third Source .................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Elghth Source.. ................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Finh Source ......................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - First Source.. ....................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Fwtth Source.. ................................................................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Second Source.. ................................................................. ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Seventh Source .................................................................. ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Sbth Source ........................................................................ ISS Recipiency Starting Year -Third Source ....................................................................... Job Never Lasted for Two Weeks or More. .......................................................................... Job Training Apprenticeship Program ................................................................................. Job Training at Business, Commercial, or Vocational Schod ............................................ Job Training at Junior or Community College ..................................................................... Job Training in 4-Year College or Graduate School ............................................................ Job Training in High School Vocation Program ..................................................................


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Job Training In Mtiitary.. ........................................................................................................ Job Training Paid For by Employer.. .................................................................................... Job Training Paid For by Government ................................................................................. Job Training Pak For by Se5 or Family.. ............................................................................. Job Training Paid For by Someone Else.. ............................................................................ Job Training Program at Work.. ............................................................................................ Job Training Receked.. ......................................................................................................... Job Training Received on Previous Job.. ............................................................................. Job Training Sources d Assistance ..................................................................................... Job Training Sponsomd by Comprehenshre Employment Training.. ................................. Job Training Sponsored by Job Training Partnership Act .................................................. Job Training Sponsomd by Trade Adjustment Assistance.. ............................................... Job Training Sponsored by Veterans’ Training Programs.. ................................................ Job Training Sponsored by Work incentke Program.. ....................................................... Job Training Started in Which Month ................................................................................... Job Training Started in Which Year ...................................................................................... Job Training Through Correspondence Course.. ................................................................ Job Training Through Other Sources.. ................................................................................. Job Training Through Shenered Workshop.. ....................................................................... Job Training Through Vocationai Rehabilitation Centers.. .................................................. Job Training Used on Most Recent Job.. ............................................................................. Job Tralning Was Ctassroom Training - Basic Education ................................................... Job Training Was Ciassroom Tralnlng - Job SkBs .............................................................. Job Training Was On-The-Job Training ............................................................................... Job Training Was Through Job Search Assistance.. ........................................................... Job Training Was Through Other Source ............................................................................ Job Taking Was Through Work Experience.. .................................................................... Job Training, Attendance in.. ................................................................................................ Job Training, Number oi Weeks Attended ........................................................................... Labor Union Contract at Job ................................................................................................ Labor Union Member at Job.. ............................................................................................... Last Worked Between 1978 and 1988 - Check item TX,. .................................................... Marital Cohabitatii Ended in Which Month.. ...................................................................... Maritai Cohabitation Ended in Whkh Month. Second.. ....................................................... Marital Cohabkation Ended in Which Year .......................................................................... Marital Cohabitation Ended in Which Year, Second.. .......................................................... Marital Cohabitation Stopped in Which Month, Meet Recent ............................................. Marltai Cohabttation Stopped in Which Year, Most Recent ................................................ Marital Status.. ....................................................................................................................... Marital Status ......................................................................................................................... Marital Status, Current - Check item T39.. ........................................................................... Marriage End In widowhood or Divorce, Second ............................................................... Marriage Ended in Whkh Month, Most Recent ................................................................... Marriage Ended in Whkh Month, Second.. ......................................................................... Marriage Ended In Which Year, Most Recent ...................................................................... Marriage Ended in Which Year, Second .............................................................................. Marriage Ended in Wdcr&ood - Check item T33.. ............................................................. Marriage Ended In Widowhood or Divorce in Which Month.. ............................................. Marriage Ended in Wdowhood or Dhrorce in Which Year .................................................. Marriage Ended in Wdowhood or Divorce, First.. ............................................................... Marriages, Number of.. ......................................................................................................... Married in Which Month the First Time.. ............................................................................... Married in Which Month the Second Time.. ......................................................................... Married in Which Month, Most Recently ..............................................................................

Mnemonic m

TM8484 ..................... 1121 TM8508 ..................... I 146 TM8510 ..................... 1141 TM8506 ..................... 1139 TM8512 ..................... 1142 TM8482 ..................... 1126 TMB446 ..................... 1102 TM8488 ..................... 1123 TM8468 ..................... 1108

- TM8450.. .................. .11&t TM8448. .................... 1103 TM8454.. ................... 1106 TM8456 ..................... 1107 TM8452 ..................... 1105 TM8498.. ................... 1128 TM8600 ..................... 1130 TM8486.. ................... 1122 TM8494.. ................... 1126 TM8490 ..................... 1124 TM8492 ..................... 1125 TM8496 ..................... 1127 TM8462 ..................... 1110 TM8460 ..................... 1109 TM8464 ..................... 1111 TM8466.. ................... 1112 TM8470.. ................... 1114 _, TMBt69.. ................... 1113 TM8564 ..................... 1137 TM8502 ..................... 1134 TM8232 ..................... 905 TM8236 .................... ,904 TM8254 .................... ,927 TM8616 ..................... 1175 TM8634 ..................... 1196 TM8618 ..................... 1177 TM-. .................... 1198 TM8652 ..................... 1217 TM8654.. ................... 1219 MS.. ........................... 48 TM8600 ..................... 1159 TM&44.. ................... 1209 TM6626.. ................... 1188 TM8648 ..................... 1210 TM8628 ..................... 1189 TM8648.. ................... 1212 TM8630 ..................... 1191 TM8614 ..................... 1174 TM8610 ..................... 1168 TM8612 ..................... 1170 TM6608.. ................... 1167 TM8602 ..................... 1160 TM8604 ..................... 1161 ~_, TM8622 ..................... 1182 TMB640 ..................... 1203


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Married in Which Year the First Time ................................................................................... Married in Which Year the Second Time .............................................................................. Married in Which Year, Most Recently ................................................................................. Married, Number d Ttmas .................................................................................................... Medic&i Coverage. Beginning Month of ............................................................................. Medicaid Coverage, Beginning of.. ...................................................................................... Medic&i Coverage, Beginning Year of.. .............................................................................. Medkaki Marked for Wave 1 - Check Item T8.. ................................................................... Moved in Which Month ......................................................................................................... Moved In Which Year.. .......................................................................................................... Naturalized Citizen d United States.. ................................................................................... Naturailzed Citbns’ Ardvai Date in United States .............................................................. Occupation Code.. ................................................................................................................ Person Number A-N.. ............................................................................................................ Persun Number AN - Unedited.. .......................................................................................... Person Number of First Child ............................................................................................... Person Number of Last Child -Check item T47 .................................................................. Person Number of Parent ..................................................................................................... Person Number d Second Child.. ........................................................................................ Person Number of Second Child with 3+ SiMings.. ............................................................ Perscn Number d Spouse ................................................................................................... Person Number, Edited.. ....................................................................................................... Previous Resfdenca in Different Cwntry.. ............................................................................ Previws Resfdence in Different State .................................................................................. Previous Residence In Same State.. ..................................................................................... Race - Edited and ................................................................................................... Imputed Reference Person - Check item Tl 1 ..................................................................................... Relationship In the Hwsehdd .............................................................................................. Relationship to Reference Person, Edited.. .......................................................................... Relatonship In the Hwsehdd - Unedked ............................................................................. Resided in Another State or Foreign Cwntry.. .................................................................... Resided in Another State or Foreign Country From What Month.. ..................................... Reskfed in Another State or Foreign Cwntry From What Year.. ........................................ Resklecl in Another State or Foreign Country to What Month ............................................. Resided in Another State or Foreign Country to What Year ................................................ Resided in Previous R&fence From What Month ............................................................. Resided in Prevfws Residence From What Year.. .............................................................. Resided in Previous Residence to What Month ................................................................... Resided in Previous Residence to What Year.. .................................................................... Resided in Resfdence During What Period of Time ............................................................. Resided In Which State or Foreign Country.. ....................................................................... Residence d last Chfid ........................................................................................................ Residence of Second Chfld with 3+ Sibiings.. ..................................................................... Rotation Group.. .................................................................................................................... School Attendance - bst Month Attended Elementary or HS.. .......................................... Schooi Attendance - Last Year Attended Elementary or HS ............................................... Schod. When Last Attended ................................................................................................ Second Child Born on or After Jan. 1, 1960 - Check item T49 ........................................... Sequence Number of Sample Unit.. ..................................................................................... Sex - Edited and Imputed ..................................................................................................... SSI Application for Benefits .................................................................................................. SSI Benefits Starting Month .................................................................................................. SSI Benefits Starting Year ..................................................................................................... SSI Benefits, Number of Months Received ..........................................................................

Mnemonic &$jt@J

TM8606 ..................... 1163 TM8624.. ................... tt84 TM8642 ..................... 1205 TM6620.. ................... 1181 TM8118.. ................... 810 TM8122 .................... ,816 TM8120 .................... ,812 TM81 14.. .................. ,806 TM8700 ..................... 1235 TM8702 ..................... 1237 TM8734 ..................... 1278 TM8736 ..................... 1279 TMINM ..................... 931 TM927298.. .............. 62 UTM927298.. .......... 329 TM8764 ..................... 1310 TM8788 ..................... 1332 PNPT.. ....................... 52 TM8770.. ................... 1319 TM8800.. ................... 1344 PNSP.. ....................... 49 PNUM. ....................... 27 TM8708 ..................... 1244 TM8706 ..................... 1242 TM8704 ..................... 1241 RACE.. ....................... 47 TM81 38 .................... ,833 TM9380:9716.. .......... 104 RRP ........................... 42 UTM9300:9716 ....... ,371 TM8718 ..................... 1266 TM8722 ..................... 1263 TM8724 ..................... 1265 TM8726 ..................... 1269 TM8728 ..................... 1271 TM8710 ..................... 1248 TM8712 ..................... 1256 TM871 4 ..................... 125-l TM8716 ..................... 1256 TM8709 ..................... 1248 TM8720 ..................... 1261 TM8766 ..................... 1330 TM8799 ..................... 1342 ROTATION.. .............. 15 TM8402 ..................... 1054 TM8464 ..................... 1056 TM8406.. ................... 1066 TM8796 ..................... 1341 SUSEQNUM ............. 1 SEX ........................... 46 TM8100 ..................... 796 TM8104 ..................... 798 TM8106 ..................... 800 TM8110 .................... .6c6


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Mnemonic m

SSI Benefits. Number d Years Received.. ........................................................................... SSI Benefits, Recipfency of.. ................................................................................................. SSI or AFDC Marked for Wave 1 - Check item T9.. ............................................................. SSI Recipiency - Check ttem T7.. ......................................................................................... SSI Recipiency, Prevfous.. .................................................................................................... State Code. FIPS.. ................................................................................................................. Time Out d bbor Force Lasting 6 Months or More ........................................................... Wave 2 interview Obtained for Spouse - Check Item T38.. ................................................. Wave Number Wfthin Panel.. ................................................................................................ Weight, Second Stage Factor.. ............................................................................................. Wktcwed Marked - Check ftem T&J.. ................................................................................... Wfdmvhood Marked - Check-item T37.. ............................................................................... Work 35 or More Hwrs Per Week During Reference Period.. ............................................ Work at Job or Busfness. Reason Did Not.. ......................................................................... Work Disabfflty Segan In What Month.. ................................................................................ Work Disability Began in What Year.. ................................................................................... Work Disabfitiy Date Not Appficabte.. ................................................................................... Work for Employer or Self-Employed.. ................................................................................. Work Full or Part Time.. ......................................................................................................... Work Umkatiin Began Before Working Age or After Retirement ....................................... Work Umkation Began When Employed.. ............................................................................ Work Limitation Began, Last Time Worked Before.. ............................................................ Work Limitation Began, Month in Which.. ............................................................................ Work LimUatkn Began, Month Worked Before.. .................................................................. Work Umkation Began, Year in Which.. ............................................................................... Work Umitation Began, Year Worked Before ...................................................................... Work Umitation Caused by Accident or injury.. ................................................................... Work Limitation Cauaecl by What Heatth Condition ............................................................ Work Umftation Occurred Where.. ....................................................................................... Work Umkations Caused by Health or Condtion ................................................................ Work Limitations Caused by Physical. Mental or Other Health.. ......................................... Work Prevented by Heatth or Condition.. ............................................................................. Work Regularly, Occaskmaiiy. or irreguiarty.. ...................................................................... Work Same as Before Work Limitation Began.. ................................................................... Work Starting Month.. ........................................................................................................... Work Starting Year.. .................................................................................................... .: ........ Work Stopped, Main Reason That.. ...................................................................................... Work Type Performed for How Many Months.. .................................................................... Work Type Performed for How Many Years ........................................................................ Worked at Least Sbr Months During Year.. .......................................................................... Worked at Least Sk Months During Year Since 1976. ........................................................ Worked at Least Stx Months for How' Many Years .............................................................. Worked at Pald Job or Business. Last Month.. ............................................ . ....................... Worked at Paid Job or Business, Last Year ......................................................................... worked for 2 Cwsewtiie Weeks or More, Last.. ................................................................ worked for 2 Gmsecutive Weeks or More, Reasons Nwer ............................................... Worked for Sit Months or Longer, Reason.. ........................................................................ Worked last at Job or Business Before This Job, Month ................................................... Worked Last at Job or Business Before This Job, Year.. .................................................... Worked Marked on ISS - Check item T26.. .......................................................................... Worked Sb: Months Between 1976 and 1988Check Item T21 ........................................... Worked Six Months or More, Year - Check item T22.. ........................................................ Working at Job or Business for 6 Months, Times Without .................................................. Working at Job or Business, Time Without - Beginning Year.. ............................................ Working at Job or Business, Time Without - Ending Year.. .................................................


TM8108 ..................... 804 TM8102 .................... ,797 TM81 16 ..................... 809 TM8096.. ................... 794 TM8098 ..................... 795 STATE ....................... 16 TM8286 .................... ,955 TM6638.. ................... 1202 Wave ......................... 60 . flNALWGT.. .............. 30 TM8656 ..................... 1216 TM8632 ..................... 1195 TM8340 ..................... lo34 TM8294 ........... .......... TM8334 ..................... 1026 TM8336 ..................... 1028 TM8338 ..................... 1032 TM8266 ..................... 934 TM8342 ..................... 1035 TM8314.. ................... 1009 TM8318.. ................... 1011 TM8322. .................... 1018 TM8310 ..................... 1~3 TM8318 ..................... 1012 TM8312 ..................... 1005 TM8320.. ................... lo14 - TM8326 ..................... lo22 TM8324 ..................... 1020 TM8328 ..................... 1023 TM8306.. ................... 1001 TM8308 ........... .......... 1002 TM8332 ..................... 1025 TM8344 ..................... lo36 y834& ::::::::::::::::::::: g

TM8270 ..................... 937 TM8272 ..................... 941 TM8236 ..................... 908 TM8234 ..................... 906 TM8278.. ................... 947 TM8282 ............... . .... ,952 TM8278 .................... ,949 TM8240 ..................... 910 TM8242 ..................... 912 TM8244 ..................... 916 TM8248. .................... 918 TM8274 ..................... 943 TM8248 .................... ,919 TM8250 ..................... 921 TM8330 ..................... 1024 TM8280. .................... 951 TM8284.. .................. ,954 ~-, TM8288 ..................... 956 TM8296. .................... 958 TM8292 .................... ,962

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ADDlD ....................... Address Identification.. ............................................................................................................. .20 AGE.. ......................... Age as of Last Birthday - Edited and imputed.. ....................................................................... .43 ALTM93329716.. ...... Imputation Flags for Household Relationships.. ..................................................................... 5% CT8700 ...................... Computation Ffag for Month in Which Moved.. ................................................................... .1281 CT8710.. .................... Computation flag for Resided in Prevfous Resfdenoe From What Month.. ........................ 1286 CT8714.. .................... Computation flag for Resfded in Prevfous Residence To What Month .............................. 1287 CT8722.. .................... Computation Flag for Resided in Another State/Country From What Month ..................... 1296 CT8726.. .................... Computation flag for Resfded In Another State/Country To What Month ......................... 1292 ENTRY ...................... Address Identffication - Edited Entry.. ...................................................................................... .25 ETHNlClY ................ Ethnic Orfgln .............................................................................................................................. 58 FAFM ......................... Imputation Flag for Month and Year Mar&d First Tfme.. .................................................... 1223 FAFS ......................... Imputation flag for Month and Year auk Uvfng Wfth Spouse.. ........................................... 1225 FAFT.. ........................ Imputation Flag for Month and Year Married Second Time.. .............................................. .1224 FALM.. ....................... Imputation Ffag for Month and Year Mar&d Most Recently.. ............................................. 1229 FALS .......................... Imputation flag for When Stopped LNfng Wfth Spwse ...................................................... 1231 FALT .......................... Imputation Flag for When W&wed/Divorced Most Recently ............................................ 1230 FASM ........................ Imputation Hag for Month and Year Married SecowJ Time.. ............................................... 1226 FASS ......................... Imputation Flag for When Stopped Living With Spouse 2nd Time.. .................................... 1228 FAST ......................... Imputation Flag for Month and Year Wldowed/Dfwxced Second.. ................................... .1227 FFME.. ....................... Imputation Ffag for Marriage End In widowhood or Dhrorce ............................................. .1233 FINALWGT.. .............. Weight, Second Stage Factor.. ................................................................................................ .30 FSME ........................ Imputation flag for 2nd Marriage End in Wdowhood or Divorce.. ..................................... 1234 FRM .......................... Imputation flag for Number of Times Mar&d .................................................................... .1232 GRD-CMPL ............... Grade Attended Was Completed, Highest.. ............................................................................. .57 HIGRADE .................. Grade or Year of School Attended, Highest.. ........................................................................... 55 ID.. ............................. Identffier. Sample Unft.. ................................................................................................................ 6 IMP-1014.. ................. Imputation Flag for When Work Dffbilfty Began.. ............................................................... 1041 IMP-1822 ................... Imputation Flag for Last Worked Before Disability ............................................................... 1043 IMP-3438 ................... Imputation Flag for Month and Year of Work Disabffky ....................................................... 1049 IMP-621894.. ............ Imputation Flags for Employment.. ........................................................................................ ,967 IMP830646 .............. Imputation Flags for Work Disability.. ................................................................................... 1038 IMP-IND .................... imputed Industry Code ............................................................................................................ 996 IMP-CCC ................... Imputed Occupation Code.. ................................................................................................... .997 INTVW ....................... Interview Status, Person’s ......................................................................................................... 24 fTEM36B ................... Interview Status Code.. .............................................................................................................. 22 MS.. ........................... Marital Status ............................................................................................................................. 48 PINX ____._.____: .............. Index From Core, Person .......................................................................................................... 18 PNPT.. ....................... Person Number of Parent.. ........................................................................................................ 52 PNSP.. ....................... Person Number of Spouse. ....................................................................................................... 49 PNUM.. ...................... Person Number, Edted ........................................................................................................ : .... 27 ROTATION ................ Rotation Group ........................................................................................................................... 15 RRP ........................... Relationship to Reference Person, Edited.. .............................................................................. 42 RACE. ........................ Race - Edited and Imputed.. ...................................................................................................... 47 SEX ........................... Sex - Edked and Imputed.. ........................................................................................................ 46 STATE ....................... State Code, FIPS. ....................................................................................................................... 16 SUSEQNUM ............. Sequence Number of Sample Unit ............................................................................................. 1 TM-FER1:9.. .............. Imputation flags for Fertility History.. ................................................................................... 1347 TM-IFAO:39 ............... Imputation Flags for Recipiency History.. ............................................................................... 843 TM-IFDO: ............... Imputation Flags for Education and Training History ........................................................... 1143 TM-MIG1:14.. ............ Imputation Flags for Migration History.. ............................................................................... 1280 TM6000.. ................... Interview Obtained .in Wave 1 - Check Item Tl ....................................................................... 686 TM8002 ..................... Income Types or Special Indicators - Check Item T2 ............................................................ 667 TM8004 ..................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes - First Source ............................................................................... 688


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TM=.. ................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - First Source.. ..................................................................... .691 TM8008 ISS Recipiency Starting Year - ..................... First Source.. ........................................................................ ,693 TM8010 ISS codes or Asset Codes - ..................... Second Source.. ...................................................................... .697 TM8012 - ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month Second Source.. ................................................................ ,700 TM8014 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Second Source.. ................................................................... ,702 TM6016 ..................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes -Third Source.. ........................................................................... ,706 TM801 8 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Third Source.. ..................................................................... 709 TM8020 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Third Source.. ....................................................................... ,711 TM8022 ..................... ISS codes or Asset Codes - Fourth Source.. ........................................................................ ,715 TM8024 ..................... ISS Recipiency Statting Month - Fourth Source.. .................................................................. ,718 TM8026.. ISS Recipiency Starting Year - ................... Fourth Source ...................................................................... ,720 TMB028.. - ................... ISS codes or Asset Codes Finh %~~rw.. ............................................................................ .724 TM8030 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Fifth Source.. ..................................................................... .727 TM8032 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Yew - Fifth Source.. ......................................................................... 729 TM8034 ISS Codes or Asset codes - ..................... Sixth Source.. ........................................................................... ,733 TM8036 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - S&h Source.. ..................................................................... 736 TM8038 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Siih Source.. ........................................................................ 738 TM8040.. ................... ISS Codes or Asset codes - Seventh Source.. ....................................................................... 742 TM8042 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Seventh Source. ................................................................. 745 TM8044 ..................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Seventh Source.. ................................................................... 747 TM8048 ..................... ISS Codes or Asset Codes - Eihth Source.. ......................................................................... 751 TM8048.. ................... ISS Recipiency Starting Month - Eighth Source.. ................................................................... 754 TM8050.. ................... ISS Recipiency Starting Year - Eighth Source.. ..................................................................... ,756 TM8052 ..................... Age 18 Years or Over - Check Item T3 .................................................................................. ,760 TM8054 Food Stamp Recipiency - ..................... Check Item T4.. ............................................................................ .761 TM8056 ..................... Food Stamp Recipiency, Previous.. ....................................................................................... .762 TM8058 ..................... Focd Stamp Application From Federal Government ............................................................. 763 TM8060 ............ ......... Focd Stamp Authorization.. .................................................................................................... ,764 TM8062 ..................... Food Stamp Recipiency Starting Month ................................................................................. 766 TM8064 ..................... Food Stamp Recipiency Starting Year .................................................................................... 767 TM8066 ..................... Food Stamp Recipiency, Number of Years for.. .................................................................... ,771 TM-.. ................... Food Stamp Recipiency, Number of Months for.. ................................................................. ,773 TM8072 ..................... Food Stamp Recipiency, Number of Times for.. ................................................................... ,775 TM8074 ..................... Designated Parent or Guardian - Check Item T5 ................................................................... 777 TM8076 ..................... AFDC Recipiency - Check Item T6 .......................................................................................... 778 TM8078 ..................... AFDC Recipiency, Previous.. .................................................................................................. .779 TM8080 ..................... AFDC Application fw Benefits.. ............................................................................................... 780 TM8082 ..................... AFDC Recipiency of Beneftis .................................................................. . ............................... 781 TM8084 ..................... AFDC Benefits Starting Month ............................................................................................... .782 TM8086 ..................... AFDC Benefits Starting Year ................................................................................................... 784 TM8088.. ................... AFDC Recipiency, Number of Years for ................................................................................. 788 TM8090 ..................... AFDC Recipiericy. Number of Months for .............................................................................. 790 TM8094 ..................... AFDC Recipiency, Number of Times for.. ................. . ............................................................. 792 TM8096 ..................... SSI Recipiency - Check Item T7.. ............................................................................................ 794 TM8098 ..................... SSI Recipiency, Previous ......................................................................................................... 795 TM81 00 ..................... SSI Application for Benefits.. ................................................................................................... 796 TM81 02 ..................... SSI Benefits, Recipiency of.. .................................................................................................... 797 TM8104 ..................... SSI Benefits Starting Month.. ................................................................................................... 798 TM8106 ..................... SSI Benefns Starting Year ....................................................................................................... 800 TM8108 ..................... SSI Benefb, Number of Years Received ................................................................................ 804 TM81 10 ..................... SSI BenefRs. Number of Months Received.. ........................................................................... 806 TM81 14.. ................... Medicaid Marked for Wave 1 - Check Item T8. ....................................................................... 808 TM81 16 ..................... SSI or AFDC Marked for Wave 1 - Check Item T9.. ................................................................ 809 TM8118 ..................... Medicaid Coverage, Beginning Month of ............................................................................... 810 TM8120 ..................... Medicakl Coverage. Beginning Year of .................................................................................. 812




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TM8122 .._................. Medicaid tierage, Beginning of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 TM8124 . Health Insurance Plan Coverage - Check Item TlO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 TM8126 . . Health insurance Plan, Number of Months Covered by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..................................... 819 TM8128 _.______________.__._ Health Insurance Plan, Number of Years Covered by . . . . . . . .._.._._____........................................ 821 TM8130 . . . . . He&h insurance Plan, Length of Time Covered by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 TM81 32 _______._........__.. He&h Insurance Plan, Last Month Covered by . . ..__....._.._...................................................... 825 TM8134 . . . . . . . . . . Health Insurance Plan, Last Year Covered by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827 TM8136 . . . . . . Hedth Insurance Plan, last Period Covered by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831 TM8138 . . . . . . . Reference Person - Check Item Tl 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833 TM8140 . . . . . . . . . . . Housing Unit Public or SubsMized -Check Item T12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834 TM8142 ._.._._._____________ Housing LJnk, Number of Months Lived In Subsidized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835 TM8144 .._....________..._.. Housing Unit, Number of Years Lived In Subsidized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837 TM8146 . . . . . .._..... Houslng Unit, Length of Time Lhwd in Subsidiied . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._................................................. 839 TM8148 _._._.._____...__._._ ISS Codes Marked - Check ltemTt3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841 TM8150 . . . . . .._...._... Housing Waking List, Name on Public or Subskfhed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842 TM8200 ..______.__.___. Age 18 to 64 - Check Item T14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 TM8202 . . . . Employer or Business Listed on CC -Check Item T15 . . . . ..____________._...................................... 8&t TM8206 . . . . . . Employer ID Number - Check Item T16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 TM8208 _.__.__.___..___..._. Business ID Number - Check Item T16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887 TM8210 ._.........._........ ISS Code for Worked Marked - Check Item T17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__.................................................. 889 TM8214 . . . . . . . Employer ID Number, Main - Check Item T18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 TM8216 . . . . Business ID Number, Main - Check Item T18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892 TM8218 . . . . Employment Month, Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894 TM8220 . . . . . . Employment Year, Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896 TM8222 . . . . Employer Number Filled - Check Item T19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 TM8224 . . . . . . Employment Size at Work Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 TM8226 . . . . . Business Located at More Than One Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 902 TM8228 . . . . Employment Siie at All Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 TM8230 ___.._._____________. Labor Union Member at Job . . .._______........................................................................................ 904 TM8232 ____________.__._____ Labor Union Contract at Job . . . . ..__.__........................................................................................ 905 TM8234 .._.__.______________ Work Type Performed for How Many Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906 TM8236 . . . . . Work Type Performed for How Many Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908 TM8240 . . . . Worked at Paid Job or Business, Last Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 TM8242 . . . . . Worked at Pati Job or Business, Last Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912 TM8244 . . . .._.. Worked for 2 Consecutive Weeks or More, Last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916 TM8246 .._._.._._.,........, Worked for 2 Consecutive Weeks or More, Reasons Never _........._....__._............................... 918 TM8248 _._.._._.______..._.. Worked last at Job or Business Before This Job, Month . . . . . . . . . . . . .._...................................... 919 TM8250 .._.............. Wcfked Last at Job or Business Before This Job, Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921 TM8252 . . . . Job Never Lasted for Two Weeks or More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925 TM8254 __________._.________ Last Worked Between 1976 and 1989 - Check Item T20 __.____.__________..................................... 927 TM8266 . . . Work for Employer or Self-Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934 TM8268 . . . Work Starting Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 935 TM8270 . . . Work Starting Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 937 TM8272 . . . Work Stopped, Main Reason That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941 TM8274 __.___._........__.__ Worked for Sib: Months or Longer, Reason .._________................................................................. 943 TM8276 . . . . . . .._... Worked at Least Sbc Months During Year . . . . . . . . ..__._._........................................................... 947 TM8278 . Worked at Least .SLx Months for How Many Years .._............................................................. 949 TM8280 .._...__.____.._____ Worked Sw Months Between 1976 and 1988Gheck Item T21_............................................. 951 TM8282 _________.__________. Worked at Least Si Months During Yew Since 1976 ,.__...._._.________........................................ 952 TM8284 . ..__...____ Worked Sbc Months or More, Year _ Check Item T22 __________................................................... 954 TM8286 .._...._._.____ Time Out of labor Force Lasting 6 Months or More ______.__________............................................. 955 TM8288 . Working at Job or Business for 6 Months, Times V&hoot . 956 .- TM8290 ..__..._.___________ Working at Job or Business. Time Without - Beginning Year ___................_............................ 958 TM8292 .._.. Working at Job or Business, Time Without - Ending Year . . . . . 962 TM8294 ._____,,........,.__, Work at Job or Business, Reason Dd Not _.__________________......................................................... 966


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TM8309 ._................... Age of Respondent - Check Item T23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 -

TM8302 . ..__..._.,........_. Disabled Marked on ISS - Check Item T24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._......................................................... 999 TM8304 . .._._______.__._._. Disabled Marked on CC -Check Item T25 . . . . . . . . .._...._........................................................... 1000 TM8306 _...._..,............ Work Limitations Caused by Hwfth or Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001 TM8308 . . . . .._.__.______..._ Work Umitations Caused by Physical, Mental or other Hwfth . . . . . . . . . . . .._____......................... 1092 TM8310 ___._...,............ Work Lfmftation Began, Month In Whkh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._............................................................ 1003 TM8312 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work Umftation Began, Year In Wftkh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005 TM8314 . . ..____.__.......... Work Limitation Began Before Worktng Age or After Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009 TM8316 _.................... Work Umttatton Began When Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011 TM8318 ..___...__........... Work Lfmftatiin Began, Month Worked Before . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.................................................... 1012 TM8320 . .._............. Work Umttatbn Began, Year Worked Before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014 TM8322 . . . .._____........... Work Umkation Began, Last Tlms Worked Sefore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018 TM8324 .._..__.......... Work Umftation Caused by What Hwftf~ Condftbn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020 TM8326 _______.............. Work Umftation Caused by Acckfent or Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022 TM8328 _._._._.._........... Work Umkatlon Occurred Where . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023 TM8330 _,....,.._____.___.__ Worked Marked on ISS - Check Item T26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._........................................................ 1024 TM8332 .._________________ Work Prevented by Health or Condition __...........____.__........................................................... 1025 TM8334 _..._................ Work Disability Began in What Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026 TM8336 ______..___.......... Work Dffbflfty Began in What Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028 TM8338 .._________._.______. Wo& Dfbfftiy Date Not Appfkabfe ._......,.........._..........................................................,...... 1032 TM8340 _..._................ Work 35 or More Hours Per Week Durfng Reference Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._........................... 1034 TM8342 .._..______.......... Work Full or Part Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035 TM8344 _______._............ Work Regufarfy, Occasionafly, or lrregufarfy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036 TM8346 . .._.______ Wo& Same as Before Work Umftation Began . . . .._....._______................................................... 1037 TM8408 _...___....,......... Grade Attended, Highest - Check ftem T28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053 TM8402 ._.,,..__._._________ Schod Attendance - Last Month Attended Elementary or HS . .._______......................... 1054 - TM8404 .__________.......... School Attendance - Last Year Attended Elementary or HS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056 TM8406 ,............._._____ Schcd. When Last Attended . . . . . ..____..._._................................................................................ 1060 TM8408 _._____.__.,......... Hth Schoof Diploma. Receipt of ____________..................................................,........................... 1061 TM8410 . . . . . . . . .._.......... High School Diploma Received in Which Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062 TM8412 . .._._________ :.. Hfgh Schod Dfoma Received In Which Year . . . . . . . ..____.___.................................................... 1064 TM8414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. High School Attended. Type of . . . . . . . . . . . .._............................................................................... 1068 TM8416 _.___.._..,.......... Coflege Attendance at Least One Year - Check Item T29 . . . . . . . . .._______................................. 1089 TM8418 ___._.._............. Coflege Attendance Began in Which Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070 TM8420 __._................. Cc&ge Attendance Began in Which Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072 TM8422 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__...__ Degree Earned Beyond High Schod, Hfghwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076 TM8424 . . . . . . . . . . ..________. Degree Earned in Which Month . . . . .._._._............................................................................ 1077 TM8426 __................... Degree Earned in Whkh Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079 TM8428 __................... Degree Received in Which Ftd of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083 TM8480 ..__________._._.__._ Degree Higher Than Bachelor’s . . . . . . . .._.................................................................................. 1085 TM8432 . . . . . . . . . ..__.__.__._ Bachelor’s Degree Received in Which Month . . . . . . ..__.._.___.................................................... i 1086 TM8434 _._.___.._........... Bachelor’s Degree Recefved In Which Year ._.________._._.._....................................................... 1088 TM8436 _____................ Coflege Courws Taken In Which Field of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092 TM8438 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__.._.. Coflege Attendance, Last Month of _.______._............................................................................. 1094 TM8440 . . . . . . . . . . . .._....... Cdlege Attendance, last Year of . . . . .._.._..__............................................................................ 1096 TM8442 . . ..__............... Coflege Attendance, Last Date of ___.........._______................,..................................................... 1100 TM8444 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age 65 year or Over- Check Item T31 _.__._............_................................................................ 1101 TM8446 ..______________.___ JobTrainfngRecetved .__........_________...............................,...~ ,................___............................... 1102 TM8448 ______............... Job Training Sponsored by Job Training Partnership Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103 TM8450 ..__.______.___._ Job Training Sponsored by Comprehensive Employment Training ..__.____........................ 1104 TM8452 _________....,....... Job Training Sponsored by Work Incentive Program _.___.__.................................................. 1105 TM8454 ..__..____.___..__. Job Training Sponsored by Trade Adjustment Assistance . 1 to6 -. TM8456 .,..._,.____.________ Job Training Sponsored by Veterans’ Training Programs _.................................................. 1107 TM8458 _.____.............._ Job Training Sources of Assistance _________.....,....................................................................... 1108 TM8466 .._______._______. Job Training Was Classroom Training - Job Skills .____..___.__.................................................. 1109


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TM8462 . Job Training Was Classroom Training - Basic Education . . . . . . . . . .._......_................................ 1110 TM8464 .,___._______.___.___ Job Training Was On-The-Job Training ..,.....,...................................................,..............,.... 11 11 TM8466 . . Job Training Was Through Job Search Assistance .___._.__..__._____.............,......................,,,... 1112 TM8468 . Job Training Was Through Work Experience . . ..__......___..__.................................................... 1113 TM8470 .__.._............... Job Training Was Through Other Source ._._..__........................................,............................ 1114 TM8472 _________......_..... Job Training Apprenticeship Program . . ..__________.................................................................... 1115 TM8474 ______________.___._. Job Training at Business, Commercial. or Vocatbnel Schcd ____.____.______..__..............,.......... 1116 TM8476 . . . . . . Job Training at Junior or Communtty Cdlege . . . . .._............................................................... 1117 TM8478 . . . . . . Job Training In 4-Year Cdlege or Graduate Schooi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1118 TM8480 ______._.____..__.._. Job Training in High School Vocation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119 TM8482 ___.._______________. Job Training Program at Work _____........_.._.._..,....................................................................... 1120 TM8484 ____.______._...._... Job Tralnlng In MHttary . . . . . . . . ..________._....................................................................................... 1121 TM8486 . . . . Job Training Through Corrwpondence Course ._...................................,............................ 1122 TM8488 __.___.____.._....... Job Ttalnlng Recetved on Previous Job . . . . .._.._._._........ 1’ . . . . . . . . . . 1123 TM8493 ._......_._._........ Job Training Through Sheltered Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._...................................................... 1124 TM8492 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Training Through Vocatlonai Rehabltttation Centers _.._,.....___...__._......................,.......... 1125 TM8494 . Job Training Thrwgh Other Sources ._______.....__._._......................,............,............................ 1126 TM8496 . . . . Job Training Uwd on Most Recent Job .__.________________.................,........,...,........................,... 1127 TM8495 ____._____._.___..._. Job Training Started In Which Month . . . . . . . .._......................................................................... 1128 TM8500 . .._................. Job Training Started in Which Year __.______.....___..................................................................... 1130 TM8502 . . Job Training, Number of Weeks Attended ._...._______.______..............,............................,........,... t 134 TM8504 .._.................. Job Traintng, Attendance in _...._._...__.._____............................................................................... 1137 TM8506 . . . . . Job Training PaM For by Seif or Family . . .._.__.._.________...............................................,............ 1139 TM8508 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Training Paid For by Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.6 TM8510 . . Job Training Paid For by Government . . . . . . . . .._._._..___.............................................................. 1141

-~ TM851 2 . Job Training Paid For by Someone Else . . .._.._._....______.......................................................... 1142 TM8600 . . . . Marital Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 1159 TM8602 . . . M&ages, Number of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1166 TM8604 . . Married in Which Month the First Time __...,.....__._...............,...,........,....................,..,..,......,... 1161 TM8696 . . . Married in Which Year the First Time ._.._....___...__._....................................................,..........,. 1163 TM8608 .._.................. Marrtage Ended in W~Iowhood or Diiorce. First . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167 TM8610 _.__._............... Marriage Ended In Wdovvhood or Divorce In Which Month .,....,,_......,_._............................. 1168 TM8612 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marriage Ended In Widowhood or Divorce in Which Year _._._____._.________............................... 1170 TM8614 __._...._......._.... Marrfage Ended In widowhood - Check Item T33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1174 TM8616 . . . . . . Marital Cohabit&on Ended in Which Month .____.____.___.__.._.......................,....,....................... 1175 TM8618 . . . . . Markal Cohabttatiin Ended in Which Year __..........__._..._....................................................... 1177 TM8620 ___..._.............. Manted, NumberofTimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.................................................................................... 1181 TM8622 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marrted In Which Month the second Time . . . . . . . . . . . . 1182 TM8624 .___.__.............. Ma&d in Which Year the Second Time .._.________.._.._._.........,................................................ 1184 TM8626 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marriage End in widowhood or Divorce. Second . . . . . . . . . 1188 TM8628 . . . . Marrhge Ended In Which Month, Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 1189 TM8830 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marrtage Ended In Which Year, Second . . . . . . . . . . 1191 TM8632 _..__................ Wkknvhood Marked - Check Item T37 . . . ..__...__..._.__.............................................................. 1195 TM8634 _.................... Marltai Cohabttation Ended in Which Month, Second ________.________.__..................................... 1196 TM8636 . . Marital Cohabkatton Ended in Which Year, Second _._......................................................... 1198 TM8638 . . . . Wave 2 Interview Obtained for Spouse - Check Item T38 . . . . . . . . . . 1202 TM8640 . Married In Which Month, Most Recentty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203 TM8642 . . . Mar&d In Which Year, Most Recentty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205 TM8644 Marital Status, Current - Check Item T39 . . . . . 1209 TM8646 . .._.... Marrtage Ended in Which Month, Most Recent .__________.______...,.............................................. 1210 TM8648 ..______.__..___.___ Marriage Ended in Which Year, Most Recent ..__._.._._................................................... 1212

-, TM8650 _.............._._.__ Wdowed Marked - Check Item T40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216 TM8652 _..______.___._..,,.. Marital Cohabitation Stopped in Which Month, Most Recent .___.._______._..__........................... 1217 TM8654 ,,,...._.,...,....... Marital Cohabitation Stopped in Which Year, Most Recent _...__..___...____._............................. 1219 TM8700 _..___.__........,,.. Moved in Which Month ___.____.__._......_...................................................................... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235


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TM8702 . ..___.......... Moved In Which Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237 TM8704 ___..____..........._ Previous ResMence in Same State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241 TM8706 _.___.,......._______ Previous Residence In Different State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__................................................................ 1242 TM8708 _____......._________ Previous Residence In Dkferent Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1244 TM8709 _....._...,.......... Rwfded in Rwktence During What Pedod of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1246 TM8710 . . ..____..........._. Rwkfed in Previous Residence From What Month . . . . . . .._._................................................... 1248 TM8712 . . ..____........_..__ Resided in Previous Residence From What Year . . . . . . . .._....................................................... 1250 TM8714 . . . .._............... RwMed in Previous Residence to What Month . .._................................................................ 12% TM8716 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rwlded In Previous Residence to What Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1256 TM8718 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resided In Another State or Foreign buntry . . . . . . . . . . ..__......................................................... 1260 TM8720 . . . . . . . .._........... Reekfed In Which State or Foreign Country . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.......................................................... 1261 TM8722 . . . . . . . . .._.......... Rwkled in Another State or Foretgn Country From What Month __......._____..._._.................... 1263 TM8724 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resided in Another State or Foreign Cwntry From What Year .._._........___.,......................... 1265 TM8726 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resided in Another State or Foreign Country to What Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..___......................... 1269 TM8728 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resided in Another State or Foreign Country to What Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271 TM8730 . . . . . . . Born In Whkh State or Fcwign Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._............................................................... 1275 TM8732 . . . . . . ..__........... Bdm in Which Foreign Ccuntry - Check Item T39 . . . . . . . ..___................................................... 1277 TM8734 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naturalized Citizen of United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1278 TM8738 . . . . ..____.......... Naturaltted Citizens’ Arrival Date in United States . . . . . . . . . .._................................................... 1279 TM8750 . ..____......... Age and Sex - Check Item T42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297 TM8752 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChMren Fathered, Number of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1298 TM8754 ______......._.____.. Children Born, Number cf . . . .._.____.......................................................................................... 1300 TM8756 . ..___._......... Age65YwrsorCver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1302 TM8758 . .._......... Children Currently Lh4ng in Household . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303 TM8760 . .._..___._......_... Birth Month of First Child _...................................................................................................... 1304 TM8762 __..___._.._.____..., Birth Year of First Chtld _..,....._..___...............,................................................,,......................... 1306 -. TM8764 .____.__._....._._.__ Person Number of First Child .._..__............_....................................................,......,................ 1310 TM8766 . ..___._.....________ Birth Month of Seccwl Child ..______..........__..............................................................,.............. 1313 TM8768 .._____......... Birth Year of Second Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315 TM8770 . . ..____....._______ Person Number of Second Chtld _.................................................................,....................... 1319 TM8778 __._.........___.____ ChNdren Ever Had -Check ttem T46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__................................................................. 1322 TM8780 ._.________........__ Birth Month of Last Child Currently Living in Houwhdd .__........_......................................... 1323 TM8782 . . ..__.___.......... Birth Year of Last ChHd Currently Living in Houwhdd . . . .._.........__....................................... 1325 TM8784 . ..____.___......... Bdm on or After January 1, 1960 - Check Item T46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329 TM8786 ___..,...,.___.___... Residence of Last Child ..,........__...................................................................,.... : ._.__...........___ 1330 TM8788 .._____........ Person Number of last Child - Check Item T47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332 TM8792 . ..________..._._.___ Birth Month d Second Chad with 3+ Siblings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335 TM8794 . . . . .._._._........_. Birth Year of Second Child with 3+ Sibfings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1337 TM8796 .._______......._ Seccnd Child Born on or After Jan. 1, 1960 - Check item T49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1341 TM8798 ..____........ Residence of Second Child with 3+ Slbtktgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342 TM8800 _..........__..._.... Person Number of SecorxJ Chad wtth 3+ Siblings ._._.....................,.................................... 1344 TM9266 _.____.........._.... Houwhdd Composition - Check item T53 ,........._..,................................................................. 61 TM927298 .__............. Person Number A-N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 TM9300:9716 ._.......... Relationship In the Hwwhdd ._.,.,........................,.,...................................................,........... 104 TMIND3 ._____......_.______. Industry Code _______..........._............................................................................................,........... 928 TMINM .__._......._._..____ Cccupatlon Code _.......____._....................................................................................................... 931 U-TM9266 .______.......... Ccmposltlon of Household. Unedtted - Check Item T51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 U-TM927299 . . . . ..____.. Person Number A-N - Unedited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 U-TM93099716 . . . . . .._ Relatonship In the Household - Unedited . .._______._......._........................................................... 371 Wave .__....__..__....________ Wave Number Within Panel . . . . . . . ..__............................................................................................ 60

Page 35: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


The Data Dktiorwy describes the contents and record layout d the public-use computer tape fye. The first line dwchdata~emdescrlpUonghrwthedataname,sizedthedataReld,andthebeginpositlondtheReld.

The naxl few linaa contain dwcdpttve text and any applkable n&s. Categorkal value axles and labels are given where needed. Ccmment notw marked by an (*) are provided throughout. Comments ahould be removedfmmthemadrine-readabl everalondthedatadkIknary~uslngittohdpaccws the data file.

(ktr. Mhabetk,fwnwk,andthespecialcharader(-). NootherspecieJcharactersareuwd. ltrney beamnemoniccurchas”STATE”a”SEl-OCC”,ocasequentialldenWlersuchas”SC1176”or ‘WS-lMPOl”. Data km nfmw are unkp WoughoU the entire file.

S&e. Nmerk. Theelzedadataltemisglvenlncharaders. l~Iicatk+~ d implied dedmal p&es is pJVidBdhllOtW.

Bagin. Numeric. Contains the location in the date record d the first character position d the data Item fiekl.

The first line d wch data item description begins wlth the character “D” (left-justHied. two characters). The “D” flag indicates llnsa In the data dictknaty containing the name. alze. mlathfe begin and begin poaltkn d wch data Item. This lnformatbn (in machine-m&a bleform)canbeusedtohelpaccessthedatafle.Thellne begInnIng wkh tb character “IJ” dwctibw the urhme for that Item. Llnw containing categorkal value codes andlabalsfoUownextandbeginwlththecharacter’Y’. Thespecialtiracter(.)denotwtheatartdthevalue labels. Two examples d data Item dwcrt@ons fdlcw


DSC1218 1 2805 Whatwasthemainreason...c&d nc4takeajobduringthosewwks

uP-15yearsoldordder V O.NOtbUllhNW V 1 .AJrwdy had a job V 2 .Tamporary lneas V 3.School V 4 .Other

DRR3M4 2 3780 Railroadretirementwndeouttwotypw d checks; which color check dow . . rmxtve.

UP-aga15yearsoroldermc&ing lMoad retirement

V -1 .DK V 00 .Not in unlverw V 01 Blue V 02 .Buff V 03 .Direct depoaJt V 04 ather



Page 36: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation
Page 37: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

0 IO 9 6 Sample vlit identifier This identifier is created by scr&liw tcgethcr the KU, re(pmt amA serial of the original snplc address. It may be used in nwching snple vlits frm different waves. Rmw = (oooDo3ooo:-)

" All persons

D ROTATIDN 1 15 ROtatim Rsnge = (I:41

" AlI persons



Percm index from cove

0 ADDID 2 20 Address ID _ This field differentiates hwwholds uithin the save PSU, n-nt snd serial, that is, households &ich originate cut of an original rarple household

D ITE"36R 2 22 Cmtrol card item 368 - intcrvicr *tatus code

U ALI horncholds " V V V V ” V V V V V V V ” V V V V V Y V V V V V V V ” V V V V V V V V V V V V ” V


1 .1ntcrviewed .Type li nminterviw

2 .Yo m honr 3 .lqonriLy absent 4 .Refuscd



D STATE 2 16 FIPS state code fra the MSTlSRIW file

" ALI prsms 01 .Rldc4m 04 .Rrizma 05 .Arksmes 06 .Califomia OS .colorado 09 .Cmnecticut 10 .Delsware 11 .District Of Colwbia 12 .FLorida 13 .teorgia 15 .nmrii 17 .*llinois 18 .Idima 20 .Km!sas 21 .Kentucky 22 .Louisisra 24 .Naryhd 25 .Mass.chusetts 26 Aichigan 27 .Mimsota 26 .*ississippi 29 .nisscuri 31 .Webraska 32 .Wev& 33 .Yew Hmfxhire 34 .YW Jersey 35 .Yeu Mexico 36 .Yw York :; :;;;h Carolina

40 .Dklaham 41 .oregm 42 Amsylvania 44 .Rhode lslsnd 45 .South Carotina 47 .TumeSSee 48 .TeXas 49 .Utah 51 .Virginis 53 .Vashingtm 54 .Vest Virginia 55 .Viscmsin 61 .Maine. Vermnt 62 .,owe, Werth Dskota, South Dakota 63 .Ahska, Idaho, Montana, Vyaing

5 ."*,e to bxate 6 .Dther Typ A

.Type B noninterview Wave 1) 9 .v.cant

10 .Ccclpied by persms with URE I1 Jnfit or to be demlished I2 .under cmstructici3, not ready 13 .Convertd to tenprary kusiness

.or storage 14 .Unoccupied site for mcbile hnr,

.tniler, or tent 15 .Pemdt granted, constrwtim not

.stmrted 16 .Dthcr Typ S

.Typ S noninterview Wave 2+) 16 .Entire hh institutiowlized

.or taporarily ineligible

.Typ C mninterviw Wave 1) 17 .Dmolished 18 .buse or trailer moved 19 .Converted to permanent busimss

.or storage 20 .Nerged 21 .cmdarned 22 .Dther Type C

.Type C naninterview Wave 2*) 22 .Deleted (sample adjustment.

.trror) 23 .Entirc household deceased,

.mwed out of cwntry, or

.Living in armed forces barracks

.T)pe D noninterview Wave 2+) 24 ."oved, &dress tmknom 25 .Moved within cwmtry beyond

.limit 26 .A,, sssple persons relisted on

.neu contrd card(s)

1 24 *erson*s interview status

U ALI persons, including children V 0 .Yot -ticable (children V .vder 15) V : 1 .Intervieu (self) V 2 .Interview (proxy) V 3 .Ymintervieu - Type 2 refusal V 4 .Smiotervieu _ Type 2 other


Page 38: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



” 0 dot e rapt= person in thi* .mth

” 1 Berried, spouse present ” 2 .Merried, spouse eksent ” 3 .Yidowed ” 4 .Oivorced Y 5 .sepmr.ted ” 6 .Yever rrried

0 PYSP 3 49 Persal ruder of spouse

” Persas 15 mrs old or older ” OW .Yot a snple person in this ” .mth ” 999 .Yot o#iceble

0 PYPT 3 52 Prra-l nkaer of parent

IJ Perscns 15 ye.rr old or older ” 030 aof a snple person in this ” .mth ” 999 .Mt op#icoble

0 EWTRI 2 25 Edited entry address ID rddress of the household that this person belm+zd to at the time this prsm first beeme pert of the sarple

u A11 persons, incluJiw children

D PYW 3 27 Edi ted person mr

U All persons. inclujiw children

0 FlYALusT 12 30 ‘STASEIYT’ l Peccd stage factor.

U 111 persons, including children

0 Riw 1 42 Edited relotimship to reference person

U AIL persons, includinp children ” 0 .Yot o snple prson in this ” .mth ” 1 .llousehold refernce prson, ” .livirg with relatives Y 2 .“c,,seho,d reference ~ersm ” .Livinp alone or with only ” non-relatives (primcry Y .indivi&el> ” 3 .s-• of household reference ” .prsm ” 4 .Child of household referme Y Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ”

.person 5 .Other relative of hcusehold

.ref.erenrx Person 6 .Ym-Motive of household

.refereme person but related

.to others in the household - .m&.er of B” vlrelated .sIIMsec~ry) fnily

7 .Ym-reletive of household .refermct Person end not .rcl.ted to anyone else .in the household(secondary .idividual)

0 AGE 3 43 Edited and iaplted we es of last birthday.

U 111 persons, includirw children ” 0 .LCSS the” 1 full yeer ” 1 .l yew ” .etc.

0 SEX ~1 46 Sex of this person Edited md i-ted

U A11 persms, including childrm ” 1 .*a,e ” 2 .FemeLC

0 Re&C I 47 Rose of this person Edited end ilplted

U k.(I per-, including children Y 1 .Ihite ” 2 .BLeck ” 3 .hericm Indian, Eskim or Aleut ” 4 .rsim or Pacific islander

If writs1 sfotus changed during any month, the marital status shown is the status maintained for the greatest part of the wth - edited and inplted

U Persons 15 years old or older

0 RICRADE blmt is regular

” Perru-5 15 ” w ” ” ” 01 - OS ” w - 12 ” 21 - 26

2 55 the hiphcst prede or year of school this prsm ettended? y.mrs old or older dot ypliceble if rnder 15, .did not attend or attended only .kinderparten .ELemmtary .Wiph sshml .COllCW

0 wo-cwL 1 57 Did he/she complete that Srede

” Persons 15 yews old or older ” 0 .Yot e&iceble ” 1 .“CS ” 2 .YO

0 ET”YlCT” 2 58 Ethnic origin

U AlI persons, including children ” 01 .sermm Y 02 .EnSlish ” 03 .Irish ” 04 .Fmench ” OS .*telian ” 06 .Scottish ” 07 .Polish ” OS .Dutch ” W .Sredish ” 10 .Yowegim Y 11 .Rusim ” 12 Jkreinian ” 13 .Ueloh ” 14 .Mexicm-&nerican ” 15 .Chicmo ” 16 .*cxicon ” 17 .Puerto Rican ” 18 .c&ml Y 19 .Cmtrsl or South &eerican ” .(Spanish speaking) ” 20 ather Spnish ” 21 .Afro-Wricm (Block or Y~gro) ” 30 .Another Srcq mt Listed ” 39 .Oon’t kmn

0 YIE 1 60 wave tuber uithin Panel


Page 39: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

OATA olcnokuiw


0 TM9280 3 74 Persm rd,er for E

U Reference pr*om living in other than one perso” household, two prson household cmsistinp of hw&end and wife or tw person household cOnSistinS of nm-relative

0 TM9282 3 77 Person mder for F

U Reference per*m liviw in other than m person h-old. two person househo,d cmsiatiw of hubend and wife or two person harehold consistins of non-rel*tive

0 TM9284 3 80 Per*m wr for S

U Reference per*- liviw in other then one Person hardold, t”o prsm household ConsistinS of husband md uife or wo person household sonsistiw of ram-relative

0 TM9286 .3 s3 Person -r for n

U Reference per*ms living in other than one person household, two person household consisting of husband and wife or tw person household consisting of nm-relative

0 TM928S 3 (16 Person mher for I

U Reference persons Living in other than me perso” houebold, t”o person household consisting of huskwad ard wife or two person huebold consistinS of nn-reletin

U Reference persmr liviw in other then one wrsm haaebold. two perso” h-ehold cmsistinp of tnmknend ti uife or two persm household consistinS of nm-rel*tiw

0 TM9292 3 92 Person Wr for I:

II Reference per*- Liviw in other thm me person hwsehold, two person household cmsistirg of husbmd and uife or two persm harehold cQgistiw of nm-relative

0 VI9294 3 95’ Person mker for L

II Reference persms living in other thm me person huehold, tw person household consistinS of husband end uife or two person hcusebold consisting of nm-relative

0 TM9296 3 9s Person nmber for II

II Reference perrms livitw in other then one person kanehold, two person household ccasistirq of husbmd wd uife or two person household cmsi*tin. of mn-rcl*tive

0 TM9293 3 101 PersOn ruder for Y

U Referme persons liviw in other than one person haaehold, two person hcusehold cmsistinp of h-bend end rife or two person household cmsistinp of nm-relative

. Pert I: Household Rcletimship . -.~ . Edited Version . l ***.***......“H...**.***.*.**.*.*.....~.

0 w92M 1 61 Check i ten 751 Whet is the conporitim of this household 7

U Persons 15 yews of sgc or older ” 0 .Yot in miverse ” 1 .Cne perrm WH - skip to SC5000 ” 2 .Two per*m nn consisting of ” .hubmd end wife - skip to ” .sc5000 ” 3 .Tuo oerson HH cmsistino of ” .mn-&letives - skip to-&5000 ” 4 .Other

VCHEYT . . The followinS qrrtions are *tipped l . by all households which *re defined l . as group qasrters in the core edits. t . t . The follaring fields VW272 - t . TM9298) em the perem ,xAer of g . the persm liviw in the household l . (listed horizmtelly>. t

.-..- _.__. .--.. . 101 - 124, lso - 19! . 201 - 224, 280 - 29! . 301 - 324, 380 39( - . 401 - 424. 480 CP( - -v 000 .iot in tmiverse t -Y 988 .Soth entry fields ere blmk t Y .end the atrix cells *re l

0” .a,60 blmk. . l ” 999 .Soth colu, and roster g ‘V .mtries *re blank but matrix l

0” .ntries *re not all blmk. l . t

. Let is the txoct relationship of l f (person listed in roster) to . . (esch person listed A - Y 1? . . ..“.............t......“*..*..*.*........

0 Tu9272 3 62 Person ntder for A

” Refermce persms living in other than me person huehold, two person household cmsistinO of husband ard wife or two prson household consistinS of mn-relative

0 TM9274 3 65 Person ntmber for S

U Reference persms living in other thm me person ho”sdold, two person household consisting of huskmrd md wife or two person household comistiw of newrelative

0 TM9276 3 6s Person nuher for C

U Reference persms liviw in other than one prson hcusehold, two person household ConsistinS of husband and wife or two person household cwsisting of mn-relstive

0 7119278 3 71 Person nmber for 9

U Reference persms living in other then one person household, two person househoLd consisting of husberd end rife or two persm household consisting of non-relative


Page 40: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



. ..t.tttt..“......t.“..........*..........

l CCMEYT . . The nxt fields UN9300 - TM9716 l

. em possible mswem to the westim:’

. Uh*t is the exect reletimship of l

. (person listed in roster [listed l

. verticellyl 1 to (person listed l t I - Y [listed horirmtallyl 17 l . RostC~:


. ..*+...“.-- +“-C.“.*+..-

D TM9300 3 104 Person nrber in roster V*lid prsm -rs me: 101 - 124, 1M - lW, 201 - 224, 2SO - 299, 301 - 324. 300 - 399, 401 - 424. 460 - 4W

U Seferense persmr living in other the” m persm harebold, tm person housebold crmirtiw of husband *rd wife or two person household caai%tinO of “m-relative

” 0 Jlot in miwrse

D TM9330 3 107 Person ntsber in roster Velid prrm m&err are: 101 - 124, 100 - (99, 201 . 224. 2SO . 299, 301 . 324, 300 - 399, CO, - 424. 4SO - 4W

u Referewe per*- living in other the” m person household, tY) perro” hmsehold co”eistinp of husband m-d wife or tea person household comictin of mn-relative

” 000 .Yot in miverse

0 TM9332 2 110 Relstionship

u Referme per*oms living in other th*” me person household, two ~ers‘m homehold cmsistillp of husband *rd wife or TV) person holgebold co”sistinO of ml7 -relative

” .spuJse: ” 01 .wusbad ” 02 .Yife ” .Pare”t: ” IO .Y*tural f*ther(biological> ” It .$tepf*ther ” 12 ;Adoptivx father ” 13 .fwter father ” 14 .Y*tur*l mthbr ” 15 .Stepeother ” 16 .Adoptive mther ” 17 .Foster mother ” 18 .mkno!m rle pere”t typ ” 19 .wm feeale prat typ ” .Child: ” 20 .Yat”r.l son ” 21 stepsm Y 22 .hdq.ted son ” 23 .Foster son ” 24 .Y*tur*l dawhter ” 25 step4swhtcr ” 26 .h&Qttd daughter ” 27 .Foster dswhter Y 28 .U”k+-am mle child type ” 29 .tinrm femele child type ” .Sibli”S: ” 30 .Full brother Y 31 .H*lf brother ” 32 Stepbrother


33 .rmptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .llslf sister 36 .Stepsi*ter 37 .-tin sister 38 .U”kmm siblima typ

.br~rats: 40 .Grrdf*ther 41 .Gr&ther

.Srmdchild: 42 .Gr.dsOn 43 .Gmmfklswhter

.mcle/unt: 44 .urlC 45 .Amt

.lephw/“iece: 46 .ws@wu 47 .*iece

.I”-lrn: 50 .F*thor-in-lsu 51 .I(Other-in-l*u 52 .Sm-in-l*u 53 .D&ter-in-lm 54 Jrother-in-Ien 55 .Sitter-in-lau

.Othcr reletive: 60 .Cousin,etc.

.*mrcl*tive: 70 .Yot rel*ted OS .*sber of cobsm with m

.l-tSpC4S~. 90 .not fomd w .YO rcrpmse

D Tw36o 3 112 Person nrhcr in roster V*lid persm ruberr me: 101 - 124, 100 - 199, 201 - 224. 200 - 299, 301 - 324, 380 - 399, 401 - 424, 400 - 4W

U Reference per*cns living in other the” on pm-son household, two ~erso” household co”si*ti”S of husbmd and wife or two persm housebo1d cmsirtirs of mn-rekive

” 0 .Yot in miverse


*-EST . The next ficlds(TM9X.2 thru 1119364) . *re reletimhips in the household. =v .spolse: l v 01 .llusbulJ ‘V 02 .Uifc l V -4 10 .Y*tur*l f*thcr(biotogic*l) l v 11 .Stepfethcr -Y 12 .Mptive f*ther l v 13 .Foater f*ther -Y t4 .Y*turel mother ‘V 15 .Ste&mth.r -v 16 Adoptive mother l v 17 .Fostcr mother -v 18 .- rle prmt type ‘V 19 .- femele pernt tvpe 0” .Chi Id: l ” 20 .Y*t”rel son l v 21 .stqon l v 22 .Mc!Qted *cm 0” 23 .bster son l v 24 .Y*tur*l dewhtar 0” 25 .Stepdauahter


. t . . . l



















Page 41: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


‘V 0” ”

0” 0” ‘V 0” ‘V 0” 0” -v ‘V 0” 0” -v ‘V 0” ‘Y l ” 4V -Y 0” 0” 0” 0” ‘V 0” 0” 0” 0” ‘V ‘V l ” 8” 0” 0” 0” _ 0” ‘V 0” 0”






. t . . t . . . . l




























26 .Adopted dawhter 27 .Foster dswhter 28 .Unk"om ale child typ 29 .u"k- femle child type

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .Helf brother 32 .Ste@rother 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .M*lf sister 36 .stspeister 37 Adoptive sister 3S .U"+mam sibli"S typ

.srmqdrent*: 40 .Grmdf*ther 41 .Cr.&mther

.Gmmdchild: 42 .Grsndsm 43 .bnnUwhter

.umzle/mt: 44 .lklcle 45 Amt

.nepheu/niece: 46 .Y+leu 47 .Wiece

.I"-lens: 50 .F*thcr-in-leu 51 aother-in-l*u 52 .Sm-in-leu 53 .Oawhter-in-law 54 Arother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-l*w

.Other rcletive: 60 .Cousin,etc.

.Nmrcl*tive: 70 dot releted 88 .Me&er of calm with rw)

. respmscs 9.5 .YOt fomd W .wo res.po"se

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .."....................

07119362 2 115 Reletimship in the household

u Referewe persms living in other than one person hcusehold, two persea hwsehold cmsistinp of husband erd uife or two person household consistirv of mm-relative

0 TM9364 2 117 Relatimship in the household

u Reference persag living in other then cme person household, two person hwsehold cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household CmsistinO of non-relative

D TM9390 3 119 Person nulxr in roster Valid perrm "uters are: 101 - 124, 180 - lW, 201 - 224, 2ao - 299, 301 - 324, 360 - 399. 401 - 424. 480 - 4W

u Refereme prsona (ivim in other than one perso" household, two person household consisting of husband and wife or two person houSehold COmictiM) of non-relative

" 0 .Yot in Averse



‘CCMEWT t The "e?.t fields (TM9392 thru 71193%) . are reletimships in the household. . Releti-hio ‘V 0” ‘Y 0” 0” ‘V ‘V 0” 0” 0” -v -v 0” l ” W w 9” -v 0” ‘V l ” 0” 0” ‘v -v Y Y II -v 0” 0” l V ‘V l v 0” ‘V ‘V 0” 0” 0” l v w 0” l ” Y w l ” -v 0” -v 8” 9” v

2 l V ‘y 0” ‘V 0” ‘V ‘V

.&use: 01 .nurbend 02 .Yife

.Parat: 10 .Y*tur*l father~biolopicel~ 11 .Stcpf*thcr 12 Adoptive father 13 .Fater father 14 .YsturmL rather 15 .Stwther 16 .*doptive ather 17 .hster mther 10 .lhknom mle perent type 19Lhk"om fanele pere"ttype

Xbild: 20 .Y*tUr*l so" 21 .Stspsm 22 .AdcQtedron 23 .Fater *cm 24 .Yeturel daughter 25 .stqhwhter 26 .Idopted dowhter 27 .Fosttr dxqhter 28 .U"knoun naic child typ 29 .untm fenvlle child type

.Sibliw: 30 .Full brother 31 .Half brother 32 .St&rother 33 .Adcptiw brother 34 .full sister 35 .nelf sister 36 .Stei*ter 37 Adaptive sister 38 .ul(;- sibling type

.Gra~rents: 40 .Gre"df*ther 41 .Sramdother

.Gr*&hild: 42 .Grar!dsm 43 .orfbughter

.U"cle/*mt: 44 .mcle 45 Ant

.Yepheulniece: 46 .W@W 47 .Yiece

.I"-lout: 50 .Cether-in-law 51 .*other-in-law 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .Daughter-in-law 54 .Brother-in-law 55 .Si*ter-in-Len

ather rel*tive: 60 .cousin,etc.

.wxwel*tive: 70 .YOC releted 88 .Maher of colum with m

.respmscs 9a .YOC fmmd










. l























































. w .*o rerpmse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“.........*...*..........

0 T"9392 2 122 Relationship in the household

V kefereme prsms living in other than me person household, two person household co"sistinO of husband and wife or two perso" household cmsisting of non-relative


Page 42: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



D TM9394 2 124 Relationship in the household

U Referarc prsom liviw in other than m person hanehold, t,,a pwsm household cmsistinp of husband and wife or tw person household consisting of m-relative

0 TM9396 2 126 Relatimhip in the household

U Reference persax llvinp in other than m person haahold, tw person household cmsistilrp of husband and wife or t!do pram hourebold coc&istinR of non-relative

0 TM9420 3 120 Pcrsm mMer in roster Valid person n&err sre: 101 _ 124, 180 - 199, 201 - 224, 2M - 299, Ml - 324, 380 - 399. 401 . 424. 4OC - 499

U Reference persons living in other than m-e person household, tw person household cmsistiw of husbmd md wife or tw prson household car&sting of nm-relative

” 0 .Yot in miwrre

“**t”*~tttt..*..*~***~.“.~* WCWEYT l

The next fields(Tlf9422 thou 1119428) l

are relatimships in the household. l

.spouse: l

01 .“usbad

02 .Mfe l








































.PWCnt: 10 .Yatura1 father(biological) 11 .Stqfather 12 .Adcwive father 13 .Foster father 14 .Yat”r.l mther 15 .Stepothcr 16 Adoptive rather 17 .Foster .,ther 10 .wnam ml.2 p‘rmt tp.2 19 .unkm felxale parent type

.Chi Id: 20 .Ystur‘l ‘on 21 .stepson 22 Adopted son 23 .bster ‘on 24 .Yatursl d.wRhter 25 .sapdw#lter 26 Adopted Quphter 27 .Fwter dm&tcr 2S .Urkmnr ulc child typ& 29 .W;ncm falc child type

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 .Malf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 Adaptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .Half sister 36 StePsister 37 .Adcptiw sister 38 .Unknmm sibling typ

.Crsr+rmts: 40 .tr.ndfsthcr 41 .br-ther

.Grmdchild: 42 .orerd‘m 43 .tranddaughter


.Uxk/UX: 44 .Ur,e 45 Amt

.Ycphew/niece: 46 .R‘phew 47 .lice

.h-IWS: 50 .FRthcr-in-law 51 .Mothcr-in-law 52 .Sm-in-h 53 .D&ter-in-la” 54 Arother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-k

Ather relative: 60 .carin,ctc.

.Nmrelstiw: 70 .llot rcl.ted M .mr of cokum with m








. l













0 TM9422 2 131 Relatiaahip in the housebold

U Reference persons living in other than m wr‘m housahold, tw person hwwhold cmistinp of husband snd wife OF Wo persm hwsehold comisting of mn-relative

D TM9424 2 133 Relaticaship in the household

u Reference persam 15 years of we or older liviw in other than me persm hOuSehold, tic) prsm household cmsisting of huobnd nd wife or tu) person hwse- hold cmsistirp of --relative

D TM9426 2 135 Relatimship in the household

U Reference persms living in other than m person hcusehold, tw person hwsehold smisting of husbmd and wife or two person houcehold cmsistiw of nm-relative

D TW42S 2 137 Relstimship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other than one person household, two person household cmisticg of husbwd nd wife or two person horrebhold cmsistiw of nm-relative

D T”9450 3 139 Person &r in roster Valid prson tubers are: 101 -.124, l&l - 199, 201 - 224. 2&l - 7.99, 3Dl - 324, 3M - 3W, 401 - 424. 4RO - 499

U Reference prsm liviw in other than m person harehold, two person household cmistinp of husband md wife or TV) prsm household cmsistinp of non-relative

” 0 .Yot in urivcrse



Page 43: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


.*.**.*ttt.*t”~..*-**.*.****~..**..*. ‘CO*IEYT l

the mxt fields (TM9452 thru TM9460) l

are relatiarrhips in the hwsehold. l

. l








l ” W ‘V l ” 0” l ” 0” l ” l ” 0” l ” 9” l ” l ” 9” 9” 9” 0” w l ” 9” l ” 9” 0” 9”

.- 9” ‘” l v l Y ‘Y l ” ‘” 9” 9” ‘” 9” 9” l Y 0” l ” 8” 0” l ” l ” 9” 9” ‘” l ” l ” ‘” l ” l ” l ” *” l ”

.SpUSe:~ 01 .“usb.¶nd 02 .uife

.Parelt: 10 .Yatunl father(biological) 11 Ampfather 12 Adoptive father 13 .Fwter f.thcr 14 .satural lother 15 .Stepother 16 .A&ptive mother 17 .Foster mther 1s .- ale parent type 19 .unkmm femle prent type

.Child: 20 .Yat”ral son 21 .stepsm 22 .McQtcd cm 23 .Foster son 24 .Ystural daughter 25 .Stqdawhter 26 .Mopted daughter 27 .Foster daughter 28 .Unknmm male child type 29 .Unk- female child type

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 .“a,f brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .Adoptive brother 36 .Full rirter 35 .Walf pitter 36 .Stepsister 37 .kkptive sister 38 .unknom sibling type

.tMdpWUltS: 40 .Srmdfather 41 .Grandmther

.OrsndchiLd: 42 .Crwdson 43 .Grajdawhter

.“ncle,amt: 44 .UnclC 45 Ant

.Wephw/nicce: 46 .WephW 47 .Yiece

.Ill-lWtS: 50 ;Fether-in-Law 51 &other-in-Law 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .Oawhter-in-lau 56 .Srother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-law

.Other relative: 64 .Ccusin,etc.

.Wmrelative: 70 .YOC related 88 .~edwr of colum with no

. respnaes 9s .mt ford







. l






















































l w .wo rcrpome l .*.t~......***.*.*..*.***...*.**.~***.**...

0 TM9452 2 (42 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons tiving in other than me person household, tw person household consisting of husband ard wife or tw person household consisting of non-relative


0 71194% 2 144 Rehtlomhip in the hcusehold

u acfermce pmsms Living in other than m person hamhold, two ,,erso” hcusebold cmisting of husband and wife or two person hamhold ccmihting of nm-rclatirr

0 Tll9456 2 146 ~elatimsbip In the hcushold

0 Sefernce per- Liviw in Other than m pnm hou.hold, t”a penon houmhold cmistiw of husband nd wife or two person h&old cmcirting of non-relmtiw

0 w945S 2 14S Relatlmship in the household

u Seference persons living in other than m per‘m houebold, two person household cmistinp of husband m-d wife or tmo perrcm household cmsirtiw of nm-relative

0 nt9wl 2 150 Relaticahip in the hcusehold

u Reference persms living in other than m ptrrm hcusehold. two person househoLd consisting of husband and wife or two prsm household consisting of non-relative

0 m94so 3 152 Perron nrlrr in roster Valid person nnlrrs are: 101 - 12c. 1110 - 1w. 201 - 226, 2sn - 299, 301 - 324. 3SO - 399, 101 - 12‘. MO - 499

0 Referewe persons Living in other than m person household, tw person household consisting of hurbmd and uife or tuo person hcusehold consisting of non-relative

” 0 .Yot in Averse


l CcMEYT . l The next fields UM9M2 thou TM96921 l . are relationships in the household. 9” W ‘Y w 9” 9” ‘” l ” l ” 9” ‘” l ” 9” 9” ‘” 9” l ” l ” 9” l ” 9” ‘V

.S$CUS& 01 .luinmJ 02 .Yife

.P.rWlt: 10 .Yatur(~I father(biological) 11 .Stepfather 12 .A&ptive father 13 .fohte~ father I& .watur.l mther I5 .Stepmther 16 .rmptive mother 17 .Foster mther 1s .u*m wale prmt type 19 .unkM female parent type

.Child: 20 .watur., con 21 .Sfepxm 22 Adapted son 23 .Fohter hm 24 .YaturaL daughter 25 .St@aughter 26 .Adqmd daughter

. l























Page 44: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


*v l v l V 9” l Y 9” *v 9” l ” l v l v 9” ‘V 9” l V ‘V ‘V l v ‘V ‘V 9” l ” l V l V l ” ‘V ‘Y l ” ‘V 0” ‘V l ” ‘V 9” l ” 9” l v ‘V ‘V l ”

. l








































27 .Foster daughter 2S .Unkmm ale child type 29 .u*nrm feranLe child type

.Siblitw: 30 .Full brother 31 .“alf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 Adoptive brother 34 .WI si*ter 35 .Galf *ister 36 .Stepsister 37 .Moptive sister 3.5 .u*mun siblinp type

.Grafqarats: CO .Crmdfather 41 .Gr.rrkother

.tr.r&hild: 42 .crmndsm 43 .GranMaughter

.uncle,.mt: 44 .Uncle 45 Ant

.Yephmdlniece: 16 .Yepheu 47 .Yiece

.I”-hUS: SO .Father-in-law 51 Aother-in-leu 52 .Sm-in- Law 53 .Oswhter- in- Law 54 .Srother-in-law 55 .Si*ter-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Cwsin,etc.

.Ymrelative: 70 .YOC releted 88 .kuber of colum with no

.respaaes 98 .YOC fard - w .*o rnpmse

0 TM9482 2 155 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than one perrm hourehold, tK) person hwsehoid smsistino of husband and vife or two persm hcuschold consisting of non-relative

0 TM9484 2 157 Relationship in the household

U Referme prsms livirw in other than one person household, two person household consisting of husbfrd and wife or two person hcusehold cmsisti~ of non-relative

0 TM9486 2 159 Gelatimship in the household

U Reference persms liviw in other than one person household. two person household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household cmsistiw of mn-relative

0 7119&a 2 161 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other than one person haaehold, two prsm household consisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-relative

0 w9‘90 2 163

0 TM9510 3 167 Persm mr in roster Valid person &rs are: 101 - 124, 180 - 1W. 201 - 224, 2M - 299, 301 - 324. 3Eio - 399, 401 - 424. 4a _ 199

U Reference persons liviw in other than m person household, two person hcusehold cmsistiry of husbmd md wife or two person household cor&.istin!g of nm-relative

V 0 .Yot in miverse

“**....**~***.~*...*~.****.****..~.*... l CO+lEWT l

The next fieldsUW9512 thru 7119526) l

are relatimships in the household.


. 0” ‘V ‘V 0” W 9” l ” 9” l V ‘Y 0” 9” 9” 9” l V 9” ‘V 9” ‘V 9” 9” l v ‘V l v ‘V l v 9” l V l ” l v 9” l v 9” ‘V l v l ” l ” ‘Y l ” ‘V


.spa"se: 01 .hlsbd 02 .Yife

.P.!-mt: 10 .Yatural father(biological) 11 .Stepfather 12 Adoptive father 13 .Foster father 14 .YatumI mther 15 .Ste,mother 16 .rmptivc nther 17 .Foster nother IS .Unkm male parent type 19 .Unkm fanele parent type

.Child: 20 .Yet”raL son 21 .ste$soll 22 .AdcQted son 23 .Foster son 24 .YaturaI daughter 25 .St-hter 26 Adopted &uOhter 27 .iater &uGhter 26 .Unkmn nale child type 29 .untnm fanale child typ

.Siblinp: 30 .Cull brother 31 .Half brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .Adq%ive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .Galf sister 36 .step6istcr 37 .AdqXivc *ister 3S .Unkmvl sibling typ

.Grm+re”ts: CO .Grmdfsther 41 .Grdnother

.Ormdchi Ld: 42 .Grmdsm

. l





































. .-, .



Rehtimkip in the haadold U Refcrre prsm Living in other than

mc pmsm harebold, two person household emistiw of husband nd wife or two pcrwm huehold cmsistinp of non-relative

0 TM9492 2 165 Relatimhlp in the household

U Sefermcc per- Living in other than m pmm harehold, tw person household cmistima of husband l d wife or tt+a person hcusehold cmistinG of non-relative

Page 45: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


‘V 0” 9” l ” 9” 9” l ” 9” l ” ‘V l V ‘V 9” l V *V 0” 9” l V l V 9” ‘V

43 .Grmddaughter .ude/emt:

44 .Uncle 45 .rmt

.Wcpherlniece: 46 .Y.z#m 47 .Yicce

.*n-la"*: 50 .Father-in-law 51 .Mother-in-law 52 .Sm-in-In, 53 .oa*ter-in-law 54 Arother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-law

.Othcr relative: 60 .Cwsin,etc.

.Ymreletiw: 70 .Yot related (u1 .Mdxr of column with IK)

. respmses 9.5 .YOf fomd W .Yo response





. l

















OTn9512 2 170 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than me pcrrm hwsehold, tw prsm hwsehold cmsistiw of husband and wife OP twa prsm hwsehcAd cmsisting of non-relative

0 w9514 2 172 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsms liviw in other than me persm h~ehold, tw person household Fmsistiw of husband and uife or tw person hwsehold consistinS of mn-relative

0 T"9516 2 174 Relationship in the hwsehcld

U Rcfererce persms living in other than cc+ person household, tw persw, hwsehold cmsistiw of husband and uife or tw person household consistinS of non-relative

0 T"951.S 2 176 Relationship in the hwsehold

U Reference persms living in other than wn ,xrso" household, tw person household cmsisting of husbati and wife or tw person household cmsisti~ cf mn-relative

on49520 2 178 Relatimship in the huehold

U Reference prams living in other than me person household, tw prsw, household cmsiatinS of hurbmd ard wife or tw persm hwsehold cmristi~ of nm-relative

0 TM9522 2 Is0 Relatimship in the hwsehoid

U Reference persons living in other than 0"~ perso" household, tw prsm household ccaistinp of husband and wife 0~ tuc person household consisting of non-relative

0 TM9524 2 182 Relationship in the hwsehold

U Reference prsms living in other than


0 TM9540 3 ISL Person nulxr in roster VaLid person rubera are: 101 - 124, 160 - 199, 201 - 221. 2M - 299, 301 - 324, 3M - 399, 101 - 424. hE4 - 6W

U Reference per- IlvinS in other thn m permn houehold, tw person hanehold smistinp of husbud SKI wife OP tw prsm houehold cmsistiw of nm-rt1ative

V 0 .Yot in miwrse


l cmtEWT l

l The next fields cl*9542 thru TM95561 * are relaticaships in the hwsehold. * l


l V 9” ‘V l ” l ” ‘V w ‘V w l ” 0” ‘Y l v 9” 9” l ” 9” ‘V l V 0” 8” 9” ‘V l ” l ” ‘V l V l ” l v l ” 9” l V l v 0” 8” ‘V l ” l v 9” 9” 9” l ” 0” ‘V l ” 9” l v l v ‘V


.Spuse: 01 .""shki 02 .Yife

.Parmt: 10 .Yatural fsther(biological) 11 .Stepfather 12 Adoptive father 13 .Foster f&her 14 .Watursl mther 15 .Stcpother 16 Adaptive mother 17 .bstcr mther IS .Unknmm male prent type 19 .Unknmm female perenttyp

.Child: 20 .Y.t"ral son 21 .stepsm 22 .rdoptedsM 23 .FopCe-r am 21 .Yetural daughter 25 .Step&whter 26 .Idopted daughter 27 .foster daughter 28 .Gnknmm nale child type 29 .Unkmwn female child type

.SiblinG: 30 .full brother 31 .Salf brother 32 .Stcpbrother 33 .RQptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .Welf sister 36 .StCpsister 37 .Mqxive sister 3S .Utinanr sibling type

.Gr.r+srmts: 40 .Grmdfather 41 .Grw&c.ther

.Gmdchild: c2 .cr.rdsc.T 43 .tru!ddauJhter

.hlela*t: U .Ihzle L5

.Ye&ulniece: 46 .YephW L7 .Yiece

.In-,sus: 50 .Father-in-La" 51 Aother-in-law

* * * . . . . . . l











































m pmsm household, tK) person household camiating of husband and wife or tlo persm hwehold CmsistinO of non-relative

Page 46: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



8" 52 .Sm-in-ted l ” 53 .Oawhter-in-law l ” 54 .Srother-in-law 'V 55 .Sister-in-law l ” .Other relative: l v 60 .Cwsin,etc. l ” ."onrelative: 9" 70 ."OC related 9" 0 .fisder of colum with no Y .rl?Sp-Sm 'V 9s .Yca folnd _.. -



. l









ot"9542 2 187 Relatimship in the household

U Reference prrms living in other than m ~ersm hcasehold, two person household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household ConsistinS of mn-relative

0 m95“ 2 189 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsm Living in other than one person household. CuO ~ersm household cmsistiw of husband and wife or tw prsm household consisting of non-relative

0 T"9546 2 191 Relationship in the household

U Refer-e prsms Living in other than one person hcusehold, two person household cmsistirrp of husband and uife or two prsm household cOMictinS of non-relative

0 nl9548 2 193 Relationship in the haehoid

U Reference persms LivinG in other than me persm household, two person household consistinS of husband and wife or twa person household consisting of mn-relative

0 T"9550 2 1% Relatimship in the ha&old

U Reference prsms living in other than one prron hcusehold, tw person household consistinS of husband and wife or two person household cmsistina of non-relative

0 TM9552 2 197 Relationship in the household

U Referme persons living in other than OM person household, two ~ersrn hwsehold ccaistino of husbmd end wife or two person household comictinS of non-relative

0 7119554 2 1W Relationship in the household

U RefereKe persons livira in other than me person hasehold, two person household cmsistira of husband and wife or two person household cmsisting of non-relative

0 TM9556 2 201 Relatiahip in the household

0 Reference prsaa liviw in other than one person hcusehold, two person household cmsistinG of husband and rife


or two prsm howehold cmsistinp of nm-relwive


0 w9570 3 203 Persal mmber Valid prsm &rs are: 101 - 124. ISO - 199, 201 - 224. 280 - 299. 301 - 324, 3so - 3w. 401 - 424. ‘GO - 4W

U Refermce pr- liviw in other thm m perwn household, tua prwn hwsehold cmistirp of husbmd md wife or two prmn household cmsistinp of non-relative

V 0 .*ot in miverse

-.- -lt~...t.-".""*.* .amE”T . . The next fields (T"95R thru 11195&S) l

are relationships in the household. l . Y l v ‘V l V l ” ‘V 9” l v ‘V l ” l ” ‘V ‘V l ” l ” ‘V 9” ‘V l ” 9” l V l ” l ” ‘V *V l ” ‘V 9” 9” 9” 9” ‘Y =v l ” ‘V 9” l ” l V 0” *v 8” 0” ‘V l ” 9” 9” 0” 9” 9” 9” l v 9”


.Spoue:’ 01 .““sbud 02 .Yife

.Pwent: 10 ."aturet father(biological) 11 .Stcpfather 12 .wtiw father 13 .foster father 14 .YaturaL mther 15 .Stcplother 16 .Adqative mther 17 .Foster mother 111 .unk- mle parent type 19 .unknanr fclnale Parent typ

.Child: 20 ."at"ral son 21 .stepsm 22 .kksad San 23 .Foster son 24 ."atural dawhter 25 .StePdnuGhter 26 .A&pted daghter 27 .foster dwghter 26 .lhkmm male child type 29 .Unkmnr femele child type

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 ."alf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .Rdoptiw brother 34 .Full sister 35 ."alf sister 36 .Stepeister 37 .rmptive sister 3S .mk- sibling type

.Gr~rmtr: 40 .Grmdfather 41 .Grwhother

.Gmmdchi Id: 42 .Gm"dson 43 .Grtiuphter

.thclelamt: 44 .Uncle 45 .hmt

."ephw/niece: 46 ."ephcu 47 .Niece

.IWlWS: 50 .Father-in-law 51 .I(other-in-law 52 .Sm-in-lau 53 .O&ter-in-law



. l














































l - l


Page 47: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


9” ‘V 8” 0” 9” 0” l v *v w

54 .Rrother-in-Leu l

55 .Si*ter-in-Law .

.Other relative: .

64 .Cwsin,etc. .

.Nmrelative: *

70 .Yot related l

88 .*aber Of CDlum with no g respaues l .

9s .“OC fand .

0 7119588 2 222 Relatimhip in the hcusehold

U Reference per*- Liviw in other than on perso” hcusehold, two person household caMstinS of husbmd and rife or two pr*m huehold comictinS of nm-rel*tiw

*v W .“o rnpaae l


0 TN9572 2 206 Rel*timhip in the household

U Refcrmce per*- liviw in other then m person hwsehold, two person household cmsistinp of husbmd end wife or two person household cmsistirw of non-relative

0 TM9574 2 200 Relatimship in the hcusehold

U Reference prrms living in other then me person household, tw person hcusehold cc+?sistiw of husband and wife or two prrm household ccaxsisting of non-relative

0 T”9576 2 210 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsms LivinG in other than m person hwscho,d, tw person household cmsistirw of husbmd and wife or two person hwsehold ccaistinp of nm-relative

0 TN9578 2 212 Relatimship in the huehold

U Reference prrms livin&! in other than m prsm household. two person household cmsistinp of huPbw%d ard wife or two prsm household cmsistiw of t-m-relative

0 TW9580 2 214 Relationship in the household

U Reference persms living in other than m ~rrcm houlehold, two prsm household ConsistinS of husband and wife or two person household consistinS of merelative

0 T”psS2 2 216 Relationship in the household

U Reference pr*m living in other than on person kanehold, two person hwsehold consistinS of husband md wife or two persm handold cmrirtinO of nm-relative

0 w95s4 2 210 Relatimship in the household

U Reference per*- IivinR in other then on person household, two person hwxhold CWistinG of hurbsnd and wife or two persm household consisting of ma-relative

0 m95w 2 220 RekAimship in the hcusehold

U Rcfernre pers- LivinS in other thsn m person harebold, two person household cmsisting of huskand snd rife or tw prsm household cmsistiw of nm-relative

Valid persa &rs are: 101 - 124, ISO - 199, 201 - 224. 2Go - 299, 301 - 324. 380 - 399, ‘GO - 424, ‘SO - 999

U Reference pr*m living in other than m perron hc”.ehold, two person household cmirtinp of husbud md wife or two pc”m kanehold cmsiatinp of nm-relatin

V 0 .Yot in miverse

“..rn..“.. -“.tt~.*“*“..“...” ‘CDI(E”T . . The next fields CT”9602 thru TYWZO) 9

me rel*timhips in the household. g . l v l V l ” l V l ” l v l ” l v ‘V l V 8” l ” l V l v l ” l v *v l v 9” ‘V 9” 9” 9” l v 0” 9” 9” l v l V 9” l V l ” 9” l v l ” l V -V l V l V 0” l v *v l V II q Y 9”


01 -z 02 Iwife

.P*r+nt: 10 .Y*tur*l father(biolcgica0 11 .Stepf*ther 12 .Adcsative f*ther 13 .fow?.r father 14 .Yaturak mther 15 .Stc(rPther 16 .Rdqtivc mther 17 .Foster mather 10 .Unkmm late parent type 19 .Unk- fanale parent typ

.Chi Id: 20 .“at”r.L son 21 .stepcm 22 .RckQted *cm 23 .Foster son 24 .YaturaL daughter 25 .StepdwGhter 26 .Idopted dawhter 27 .forter da,,Shter 20 .ultmn nale child typ 29 .ulrmn femle child typ

.Sibliw: 30 .Full brother 31 .“*lf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .Adcptive brother 34 .full sister 35 .“*lf rister 36 .Stepsister 37 .r*tive sister 3S .w;ncwu sibliw type

.cr-rents: 40 .Gmdf*ther 41 .GrrAother

.Gr-hi Id: 42 .Gr.“ds‘m L3 .Grmt&whter

.Uncle/mmt: 44 .“t-cLC 45 Ant

.YqdmWniece: ‘6 .“Qhu 47 .Yiece






. l










































0 m96oo 3 224 Penal -r

Page 48: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



l ” .1FVlSUS: l ” 50 .Fsther-in-La, 9” 51 .tkothcr-in-Iew w 52 .Sm-in-Leu w 53 .Daughtcr-in-Lsu w 54 .Brothcr-in-Leu ‘V 55 .Sister-in-k 9” .Dther relative: W 60 .Cousin,ctc. W .Ymrelstivc: *v 70 .mt releted l v 8.5 .iteeber of cd&m with m l V .m-es Y 91) .YOt fclud w w .YO response .*-*“~“*~*t.“.~.*~“..***.~~*

0 m96O2 2 227 Relatimship in the household

” Reference persons liviw in other than me person ham&mid, two person household consisting of husband and wife 0~ tm person household consisting of non-relative

D TM9604 2 229 Reletimship in the household

U Reference psrsms living in other then m perscm household, two person household mmistirg of husbmd end wife or two persm household consisting of mm-relative

D w%n6 2 231 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than one person household, two person household cmsistiw of husband md wife or tw prsm household consisting of nm-relstive

D Ty9608 2 233 Relatimship in the hwsehoid

U Reference prsms living in other then one person hwsdold, two persm hwsehold cmristima of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-relative

D TM9610 2 235 Relstimship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than ar person hwsehold. two person household cmsistim of husband and wife or two person hour&old cmsisting of m-relative

D TM9612 2 237 Relatimship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other then me person horn&old, two person harrehold cmsistiw of husband and wife or two psrrm household consisting of m-relative

0 TM9614 2 239 Releti-hip in the household

U Reference persons living in other than m pwrm household, two person hwsehold consisting of husband ard wife or two person hamhold consisting of non-relative

D TM%16 2 241 Relatimship in the household


U Referemx persons liviw in other then m persm hanhold, two person household cmistinp of husbend end wife o? tuo prsm homehold ccmistinp of non-relative

D w9610 2 213 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsm living in other than m pnm hambold, two persm household ca-nimtiw of hunbend wd rife or two prsm household somisting of nm-relatin

D 1119620 2 215 Relatimship in the household

U Refererre persca living in other than m ~ersan household, two person hcusehold cmisting of husbend nd wife or two person harehold cmistiw of m-0-reletiw

D l"9630 3 247 Persm nrber Valid person mm&m we: 101 - 124, 100 - 199, 201 - 224, 28D _ 299, 301 _ 324. 380 - 3W, LO1 - 424. boo . 499

U Reference persam living in other than on person household, tw persm household cmisting of husband and wife or tw person household cmsistinp of mn-rel*tive

” 0 dot in miversc

. ..ttt~ttt”**~t*.t......**.~..***.**.** l CWMEWT l

. The next fields CT119632 thru TM96521 l

are reletionrhips in the household.

01 :z 02 .Yife 10 .YatwaI fether(biological) 11 .Stcpfether 12 .*tive father 13 .Foster father 14 .wsturaL mother 15 Steppthcr 16 .Idoptive mother 17 .Foster mther 10 .timwn msle pm-em typ 19 .unkm fcnale prent type

.Child: 20 .wstursl son 21 .ttepsm 22 .Adqmd son 23 .msttr roll 24 .Y.tur.L deuphter 25 .St-hter 26 .*doptsd dsuphter 27 .Foster dewhter 2E .w;m ale child type 29 .u*m femle child type

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 .“s,f brother 32 .Stcpbrother 33 .Adcptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .nslf sister 36 .Stepsister



































Page 49: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


- ‘V 9” l ” ‘V ‘Y l ” ‘Y l ” w W ‘V l ” ‘V w ‘V ‘V 0” l ” 9” v ‘V l ” ‘V 0” 9” ‘V l ” ‘V

37 .Adwin sister 3G .Unkovl sibling typ

.GrendQsrmts: CO .Gr.ndf.ther 41 .Gr.-ther

.Gr.mkhild: 42 .Grardsm 43 .Gr.ndd.Whter

.thcle,etmt: 44 .Ur,e 45 Ant

.Wcpheu/ni.ce: ‘6 .Yephw 47 .Yiecc

.In-lm: 50 .Father-in-lw 51 Aother-in-law 52 .Son-in-law 53 .D.whter-in-law 51 .Rrother-in-W 55 .Sister-in-1.u

.Dther rel.tive: 60 .Cwsin,etc.

.Yonrel.tiw: 70 .YOf related 88 .*-r of colmn with na

. respomes 98 .YOC fund

. l



























l 0” w .YO response t...**~***tttt.t....~*....***~.*”.****.*.


0 TWb32 2 250 Relationship in the homehold

U Reference prsms living in other thm one person household, two pram household cmsisting of husband and wife or two pwscm household cmsistinO of non-relative

D 7119631 2 252 Relationship in the household

U Refereme prsmr Living in other than m person hwmhold, two prsm hwsehold cmsisting of husband and wife or tw person household consisting of n-m-relative

D 7119636 2 251 Relstimship in the hcusehold

U Reference prsas living in other than one person household, tuO ~erso” household cOmisting of husbmd snd wife or two prsm household cmsistiw of mn-relati”e

D TW638 2 256 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other then m percar household. two prscm howehold consisting of h-band and wife or two person household cmsistirq of non-relative


D Tw640 2 258 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than one person household, two persm hwsehold cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household consisting of ncfvrelative

0 7119642 2 260 Relationship in the household

U Reference person living in other than one person hcusehold, two person


hcus*lold cmi.tinp of husband m-d wife or tm person hamhold cmsistiw of

D Tw6u 2 262 Rel.tiorrkip in the hamhoLd

U Refermce pr- living in .th.r thm m perso” hamhold. tw pm..” hcusdold cmi.tiw of husb.rrl nd vifc or fun prson hamhold cmistinp of rm-relati~

D 7119646 2 26h Rcl.tim.hip in the household

U Referm’m pr.m living in other than m persm heuehold. two person hanshold cmistinp of husbmd md wife or two prsm houshold comisting of nm-ral.tiw

0 w9648 2 266 Rel.tiahip in the houwhold

U Refermce persons living in other than m person household, two p.rscm household cmistiw of husband and wife or two person household consisting of nm-relstive

D TW650 2 260 RelatiQghip in the household

U Refermce prsom Living in other than ar psrsm hwsehold, two ,,.r.m howehold conristiw of husband m-d uifc or two person household consisting of non-rei.tivt

D 7119652 2 270 Relatimship in the hwsdold

U Refermce prsons Living in other thm w perso” h.,,,.ehold, two prsm hcaxhold cQgistiw of husband snd wife or two prsm haaehold cmsistiw of non-rclstive

D TM9660 3 272 Person MbCr Valid prsm nmtms me: 101 - IZ‘, 180 - 199, 201 - 224, 280 - 299. 301 - 32b. 300 - 399, 401 - 424. 400 - 499

U Referme prsom living in other thm on person hwwhold, t,m p.rsm hwschold cmsisting of husband and wife or two prsm has&Ad cmsistinp of non-rel.tivc

” 0 .Yot in miwrse

. . ..*ttt..*.*..*.*..***....*.**~.***.......~ ‘CCMEWT . . . 9” l ” ‘V ‘V 9” l ” l ” 9” 9” 9” ‘V


rhe next fields (TM9662 thru TW6W) l

sre rclatimships in the haadold. * .spousc: .

01 .llusbsd . 02 .Yife l

.Parent~ .

10 .wstur.l father<biolwicsl) l

11 Stepfather l

12 .Adqative father l

13 .Foster father .

14 .Yatural mther .

15 .Stqmther .

16 .Admtive mother l

Page 50: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation





















































17 .Foster mther 18 .untlwml la,= parent type 19 .unknan f-It parent type

.Child: 20 .Yat”ral son 21 .Stepson 22 McQted sm 23 .Fosbx son 24 .Yat”raL d.uGhter 25 .Stepdwnhter 26 .Adcpted daughter 27 .Foster dc,udeer 211 .Wmn mle child typ 29 .W- f-L= child tm

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .H.lf brother 32 .Stcpbrothtr 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full sitter 35 .n.lf sister 36 .Step.ister 37 Adaptive sister 3G .Untmv, sibling type

.Gr~mts: 40 .Grdfather 41 .tr.n&.other

.Gr.&hiLd: 42 .Grmdsm 43 .Gr~ter

.uncle,a-lt: u .lJncle 45 .hlt

.Ycphew/niecc: 46 .wephw 47 .Yiece

.*n-,aus: 50 .F.ther-in-1.u 51 .Yothcr-in-lsw 52 San-in-lw 53 .DwGhter-in-law 54 Arother-in-Lou 55 .Sister-in-law

.Dther relative: 60 .Ccusin,etc.

.Ymrelative: 70 .“a cel.ted GG A&r of sol&am with no

. response. 98 .YOC fcand w .YO res-•

l ..~*.****...**-**......******“******..*

D TN9662 2 275 Relstionship in the household

U Reference persons livira in other than on. p.r.m hcuwhold, two person household ccasisti~ of husband and wife or two person household smsistinG of mn-relative

D TM9fe.4 2 277 Rel.timship in the hag&old

U Reference prsms living in other than one person hcusehold, two person hwsehold caistinp of husband end wife or two prsm houwhold cmsisting of non-relative

D TM9646 2 279 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsm. living in other than me person houadold, twa p.r.m household consisting of hurbmd and wife or two person houwbold cmsisting of



DTW64.5 2 201 Rcl.tfmhip fn the hw.eho,d

U Referax. prsms living in other tha m p.“m hauhold, two pwsm howzhold cmistirva of husband .nd wife or tw prsm haackold cmsistinp of non-rel.tivc

D TM9670 2 2a Rcl.timhip in the household

U Refermc. pr.m liviw in oth.? thn m pewon how&old, two pwsm ha*.hold cmistinp of husband nd wife or two pcrsm hwmhold cmsistiw of non-ret*tiw

D TYWR 2 285 Relatim.hip in the hwwhold

U Refcrmcc pruxr liviw in other thm one pcnm hou.hold, two person household cmsistinp of huhtati md wife or tw pcrsm hcuwhold comistinp of non-relative

D T”967& 2 287 Rel.timhip in the household

U RtferC(Y. prsrm living in other than m person h.u..hold, two p.rsm household cmisting of husbmd end wife oc two prsm hap&old cmsistiw of non-relative

0 TW9676 2 289 Rel.timship in the household

U Refermce persona living in other thm on p.rsm hcusehold, two persm hasehoid cmistinp of husbm;l wd wife or two prrm household cm.isting of mn-relative

0 m9bm 2 291 Relatiomhip in the hwsdold

U Reference prsms liviw in other than one peram hou..hold, two prsm hcuwhold ccaistiw of hub.4 ad wife or two person hour&old consistiw of nm-relative

0 TwbM 2 293 Rel.timship in the household

U Referme prsms LivivvR in other thm one psrscm hw..hold. two prson hwwhold cmistinp of h&and md wife or two person hagehold consisting of nm-relatiw

0 TwbE2 2 295 Rel.timhip in the hour&old

U Reference prsonr living in other thm m psrsm hou..hold, tw p.rsm howehold cmsistinG of husband md wife or tus prsm hwschold cmsistiw of non-relatin

D TM9684 2 297 Retati-hip in the hasehold

U Refererr= prsms living in other thm au prsm household. two prson household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person haaehold consisting of mn-reletin


Page 51: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



0 Twb90 3 2w Persm rnntler Valid persm nu&rs are: 101 - 124, 180 - 1w. 201 - 224. 2an - 25-2, 301 - 32L. 300 - 399, LO1 - 424. LM - LW

” Refermc prsms living in other than m ,aersm hws.hold, two ,+rso” has&old cmsi.ting of husbmd .rd wife or two person household ccaistiw of non-relstive

” 0 .Yot in miversc

“*..*”t.““-.“*“**~.**..****.. WCSWEWT .

The nat field. (7119692 thru TM97161 l

are relstionshi& in the hamhold. ..spuse:

01 .“urbm-d 02 .Uife

.Parmt: 10 .Yatursl f.ther(biologic.1) 11 Stcpfsther 12 Adoptive fsther 13 .Fe.ter father 14 .“.tur., mther 15 Stepmother 16 .&doptive nether 17 .Foster mther 18 .untmwl mske parent type 19 .untmnr famle p.rmt type

.thi Ld: 20 .hCWSl son 21 .Stepson 22 .Adqxcd son 23 .Foster so” 24 .YsturaL daughter 25 .Ste@whtcr 26 .Mopt.d d.ughter 27 .Foster dumhter 28 .“nkm mle child type 29 .“nkm fnnale child type

.Siblira: 30 .Full brother 31 .Half brother 32 .Pt.pbrother 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .n.lf sister 36 .Stepsister 37 .Adoptivc sister 38 :Unkrmm sibliw type

.cren+rnt.: 40 .Crandf.ther 41 .tr.ndmther

.Grmdchild: 42 .Grend.on 43 .Granddaughter

.lhcwelmt: 44 .“ncle 45 .*ult

[email protected]: 46 .Yepheu 47 .Niece

.,n-La”.: 50 .Father-in-law 51 .Mother-in-law 52 .Scm-in-1.w 53 .Dawhter-in-lam 54 .Brother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-law

.Other relative: MI .CMh,etC.


t l


























































v 70 .*ot re1.t.d l

0” M .*r&r of cokmm with no l

W . r-es .

: 90 .YOC f0u-d . w .YO rupnse l


D TW692 2 302 Rel.tiahip in the hamhold

” Rtfernsc pm-was livima in other thm one person hamhold, two person household cai.tirq of hmbmd md rife or tno prman hamhold ccmisting of non-rel.tive

D TW694 2 3lx Rel.tim.hfp in the household

” Refermce per.- 15 years of ant or dder Living in other than me person household, cl) pr.m household mwistira of hubnd nd wife or tK) pram hwse- hold cai.tinp of mm-relative

D 11196% 2 306 Relatimship in the household

u Reference prsca Living in other than ar person household, tw persm household colgisting of husband md wife or two person household cmsistiw of non-relative

D 7119698 2 308 Rel.timship in the household

” Refer.r.x perrm 15 y-r. Of .W or older living in other thm m person household. two person household comistiw of huskand nd rife or two prsm h-e- hold cmsistinp of non-relative

D Twmo 2 310 Rel.tic+-ship in the household

” Refermce prsms liviw in other thsn m psrsm hausehold, two person household consisting of husband and wife or twa prsm hwsehold cmsistinp of non-relative

D TM9702 2 312 Rel.timrhip in the how&old

” Refermce prsms living in other than me person household, tuo pwso” household consisting of husband and wife or two prsm household cmsistiw of non-rcl.tivc

D lW7CG 2 314 Rel.timship in the hwsehold

” Referace persons living in other than me prsm hamhold, two persm household ccmisti~ of husband and wife or two person hwxhold consisting of nm-rtl.tivc

D 7119706 2 316 Rel.tionship in the hwsehold

” Referme persons liviw in other than one person household. two person hwurehold consisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-relative


Page 52: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D lW700 2 310 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons living in other than m psrsm household, two person househoLd cmistirg of husband and wife or tw person hap&old corbsistinS of non-relative

D 7w710 2 320 Relatimship in the household

U Reference persms liviw in other than me person harehold, two prsm household consistinS of husband and wife or tK) person household cmsistirw of mn-relative

D 7119712 2 322 Relationship in the household

U Referme persons liviw in other than m pram household, two person househoLd consistins of husband and wife or two person haaehold cmsistiw of ncm-relative

D TM971L 2 324 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other than me person household. tK) person household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household ccwistiw of ran-relative

D 7119716 2 326 Relatimship in the household

U Reference persons Living in other than me person household, two person household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household consistinS of ram-relative

l Part I: Household Relationships l

t lhsdi ted Version l


D u-TW264 1 328 Check itn 151 what is the cnpositim of this household 7

u Persms 15 years of age or older ” 0 .Yot in miverse ” 1 .(*r person hh - skip to SC5000 ” 2 .Tuo person hh cmsistiw of ” .huskwd and wife - skip to ” .sc5000 ” 3 .Tw person hh cmsistic-9 of ” .nm-relatives - skip to SC5000 V 4 .Other

l *t....*t**...t..**t*.......~.******~....*

*-EST l

l The folLowinS fields (U-TW272 - l l II-TW290) are the prsm raw&r of l . the persons living in the household l l (listed horizontally, . . Valid person raabrs are: l

l 101 _ 124. 1.54 - 199, . l 201 - 224. 2SO - 299, . l 301 - 324. 330 - 399. . l 401 - 424. uu) - LW l

9” 0 .Wot in tmiverse t * what is the exact relationship of l . (person listed in roster, to l

l ,perscm listed A - Y ,7 l

l ~t..t*.**ttt*..*.....*..*.***...***..*~.**.


D U-Tw2R 3 329 Pcrsm mher for L

u Refennsr pr- llvinp in other thn m pm-cm hamhold, two psrsm houehold cmistlq of hubrd and rife or two person karehold cmsistiq of ram-relative

0 u-w9274 3 332 Persm nrber for S

u Refereme per- liviw in other than me person hamehold, two pnm household cmslstf~ of hubnd and uife or tw person -old cmsisting of mn-relative

D U-TW276 3 335 Penon mM8sr for C

U Referarc prams living in other than m person ham&old, tw person household cmsistinp of hukand and wife or tno person h-old emsistinp of ram-relative

D u-Tw27s 3 338 Person mder for D

U Reference persons living in other than me pram houehold, two person household consistinS of hurbnd srd wife or two person huehold comistiw of non-relative

D U-TW280 3 341 Person nuber for E

U Reference perrca living in other than me person hwsehold, tw perso” household cOnsistinS of husbmd and uife or two person has&old cQgistina of wxvrelative

D U-TW282 3 364 Person nrtxr for F

u Reference prsms livira in other than me prom ham&old, two person household conristirg of husband and wife or two psrsm household ccrsisting of nm-relative

D U-TW284 3 347 Person mder for t

U Reference persons livirm in other than me person hour&old, two prsm household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household cmristing of nm-relative

D U-TW286 3 350 Person fx&er for H

u Reference prsms living in other than me prsm household. tua person household cmsistinp of husband and wife or tw person household cmsistiw of mn-relative

D U-T*9288 3 353 Person ruder for f

” Refermce prsom liviw in other then wr person howehold, tua person household cmsistiw of husband and wife or two person household cmsistiw of nm-relative

D U-TW290 3 3% Person mmker for J

u Reference persaD liviry) in other than on prsm harehold, tw person household comistin9 of husband and wife or two person household cmsisting of mn-relative


Page 53: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


0 U-TM9292 3 359 Persal rwnber for ?c

U ~cfermce pernas livino in other than me person hwsehold, two prrm hwschold consisting of husband and wife or tw prsm household conrirting of non-relative

D U-TM9294 3 362 mrscm mnber for L

U Reference per*a-m living in other than o(y prsm Iwsehold, tw p.r*m hwsehold ccasistinp of husbwwf md uife or two prom household cmsistinp of nm-relative

D u-Tn9296 3 365 Person nhr for *

U Reference prrom living in other than m person hwsehold, tucz prson household cmsistinp of huobmd md rife or two person household cmsisting of nm-relative

0 WTm929B 3 560 PerSOn nuntxr for Y

U Reference persons living in other thm crv. p.r*m household, tyo p.r*cm household cmsisting of h&w-d .nd wife or tw person hcusebold cmsisting of nm-relative

t...*~**.t..***.**t*.*..*...*..~...*..***.* l CMWEWT t . The next fields (U-TUB00 - l

. u-Tn9716) are possible mswers l t to the qucstim: . . \h.t is the exact relstimrhip Of * . (prsm listed in roster tlisted l l verticallvl ) t. <ner*m Listed . l A - Y Clisted horizmtallyl >? . . Plxttr: .

0 U-TM9300 3 371 Persm listed in roster

Valid perron ruikerr er.: 101 - 124, 180 - 1w. 201 - 221, 280 - 299. 301 - 324. 32.0 - JW. 401 - 42L. 480 - 499

u Reference person* iivit-w in other than one person household, tw. person household cmsibting of husbmd md wife or tuo person hcurehold consisting of non-relative

” 0 ;Wot in vlivcrre

D u-1119330 3 374 Per*on amber in r.*t.r

“*Lid person ruberr sr.: 101 _ 124, 180 - 1w. 201 - 224. 280 - 299. 301 . 324. 380 - 3W. 401 - CZL. eo - 1w

U Referme person* living in other than one p.r*on hous.hhold, TV. p.rsm household cm*i*ting of husbmd .nd wife or two perron household cmsistiw of k-m-relative

” 0 .Yot in miv.r*e

0 U-TM9332 2 377 Rel.tim*hip

U Referewe prrmr living in other than me persm hwsehold, tw. person household cm*i*tirg of husband and uife or two prson hwsehold cmsisting of non-relative

” .Spoure: Y 01 .““Stmnd ” 02 Mfe


” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y Y ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

DATA mcn0NmY

S17.E ,EGlY 10 .ktw.l f.ther(biologic.1) 11 12 .Mcptive f.ther 13 .Fo.t.r lb .U.tural mther 15 .ftqmth.r 16 .&dc,,tiw mther 17 .Fo.t.r lither 1s .- al. prent type 19 .untnon fe#mlC prmt tF

.hild: 20 .Y~tYr.l *on 21 .stqwe-l 22 .Idopt.d *on 23 .FOt.r scn 24 dmJght.r 25 [email protected] 26 .Adaptcd d.wht.r 27 .Fomt.r dnwhter 28 .(Hnon wle child typ 29 .kklpn f-1. child typ

.Sibling: 30 .FUll brother 31 .“alf brother 32 .Stcpbroth.r 33 adoptive brother 34 .iull sister 35 .n*lf sister 36 .Stepi*ter 37 .Mcptive sister 38 .lmknonn sibling typ

.G~~W2flt*: LO 41 .Gr.&noth.r

.Grdchi ld: 42 .crndsm 13 .Grm&i.ught.r

.lhc1.,wt: LL .Uncl. 65 .LulC

.W*wlniece: 46 .Y.fAlW 47 .Yiece

.IWLWS: 50 .F.ther-in-law 51 .Moth.r-in-law 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .Dm&ter-in-law 56 .&other-in-leu 55 .Sirt.r-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Cousin.etc.

.Ymr.l.tiv.: 70 .YOC related 08 .meker of colum uith m

. r.sFuls.* 98 .YOC fovd w .YO respms.

D U-T”9360 3 379 Person mater in ro*ter Y.1 id perrm nmhrs we: 101 - 124, 180 - lW, 201 - 224, 280 - 299, 301 - 32C. 380 - 399, 40, - 424. &Eal . 4w

u llefermc. prsag living in other than me person household, tw p.rsm hwsehold cmsistiw of husbsnd and wife or twa persm household consisting of nm-rclstive

” 0 .mt in vliverre


Page 54: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



.t*tt..*tttt~-.ttt~....~*.**.~~*.** VYUEYT l

l The next fieldsW-TM9362 thru U-1!49366>* l .re rel.timhim in the household. l ” 9” ‘Y 9”

3 9” 9” W l V ‘V l ” l V l ” ‘V ‘V l V l ” 9” l v ‘V ‘V 9” l V 0” l V l v 0” ‘V 0” 0” ‘V 9” 9” 9” l v l V l V 0” ‘V ‘V ‘V l ” ‘V l ” 0” ‘V 9” l ” l ” l V 0” ‘V ‘V 0” l ” 0” ‘V l ” l v 9” 9”

.SpCUS;: 01 .Rlisinni 02 .Yife 10 .Y.tur.l f.ther(biolopic.1) 11 12 .Adcptive f.ther 13 .F..t.r father 14 .Y.tur.l .,th.r 15 .Steploth.r 16 .Mapti*r mother 17 .Fost.r mother 18 .- al. p.rnt typ. 19 .wnmm female p.r.nt type

Xhild: 20 .Y.tur.l son 21 .st.psm 22 Adopted son 23 .Foct.r cm 24 .Yatural d.ught.r 25 .St.pdwght.r 26 .AdqX& d.vpht.r 27 .Fost.r dauahter 26 .Unknom ale child typ 29 .Utinan f-1. child type

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 .H.lf brother 32 .Stepbroth.r 33 Akaptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .H.lf sister 36 .Stepsister 37 Adoptive sister 38 .unt- *ibling typ

.cr.ndpar.nt*: 40 ‘1 .Gr.&.,ther

.Grudchi Id: L2 .Grm-dson C3 .Grmdd.ught.r

.unc,.,.lnt: 44 .lJrcl. 45 .ALsx

.Yephew/niece: 16 .Ycph.u 67 .Yiece

~.*“-l.WS: 50 .F.ther-in-l.” 51 .Yother-in-1.u 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .O&ter-in-iau 56 .Rr.ther-in-Lar 55 .Si*ter-in-Law

.Mher rel.tive: 60 .Cwsin,etc.

.Wmrcl.tiw: 70 .YOC r.1.t.d 08 .I(a&r of colun, with no

. r.spms.s 9s .YOC fcucl w .YO r.s$uls.

-. . . . l



























































0 u-?m9362 2 3.52 Relationship in the hourebotd

U Reference prrms living in other than me perso” household, two p.rrm household cmsisting of husband md wife or two per*m hDus.hold cmsisting of mn-relative


0 u-w9364 2 3% R.l*tim.hip in the household

U Refer-e pnm liviw in other thm m persm b.u.b.ld, t”, persm harehold cmsi*tlq of lubud md wife .r two persm Mold caistinp of nm-r.l.tive

ou-nm90 3 3a6 PCmm &r in roster V.lid p.r.m nubers me: 101 - 121. 10 - 199, 201 - 226. 2w - 299, 301 - 32s. 380 - 399, 401 - UC. 4a - 499

U Refernr. per*a living in other thm m person haubold, tn. perrcn hausehold cmsi*tiw of kubnd md wife or two persm ham.bold consisting of nm-rel.tive

Y 0 .Yot in vlivene

~*“mmmmtm”*ttt.t~..“*...*.. *CC-W1 . l The mrt fieldsWTM9392 thru U-TM9396)~ . .re r.l.ticahipr in the household. l Relationship .” 4 w l V 8” l V l ”

? l v =” 9” l ” Y l ” 0” l ” l v ‘V ‘V *V l ” Y l ” ‘V ‘V l ” 0”

; ‘V II =v w Y l V l V l v 0” l V 0” l ” 9” 9” 0” ‘V l V 0”


.spws.: 01 .lhsbu-d 02 .Uife

.P.r.nt: 10 .Y.tur.l f.ther(biolopicel) 11 12 .Adnptive father 13 lb .Y.tur.l wther 15 .Stcpoth.r 16 Adaptive mother 17 .Fast.r mther 18 .u*mn al. parent t)p. 19 .u*mu-l fclal. p.r.nt typ

.Chi Id: 20 .Y.t”r.l son 21 ..5t.psm 22 .Adoptsd son 23 .Fost.r *on 24 .Y.tural d.,,ght.r 25 .St.pd.ught.r 26 .hdapted dwghter 27 .Fost.r dwahter 2R .Mknam male child typ 29 .u*mn fewale child type

.Siblirq: 30 .Full brother 31 .n.lf brother 32 .St.#roth.r 33 .rmptive brother 34 .Full fister 35 .nalf sister 36 .Stqsi*ter 37 .*Qptive sister 36 .u*mn riblinp typ

.Gm-rmts: 10 41 .Gr-ther

.Grdchi Id: 12 .Grmdsm 43 .trmddsuaht.r

.UL,.,mmt: 44 .lhcl. 45 Ant

.We@ww/niece: 46 .YephW 47 .Yiece


t l

















































Page 55: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

.- ‘V 50 .F.ther-in-leu l

*” 51 Aother-in-1.u .

'V 52 .Sm-in-law l

‘V 53 .O.uphter-in-1.u .

0" 54 .Rrother-in-law l

l ” 55 .Si*ter-in-Len t

'V .Othcr relative: .

w 60 .Cousin,etc. .

'V .Ymrel.tive: l

‘V 70 .Yc.f r.1.t.d .

9" 8.5 .**r of colum with no l

l v .r.spcr6.s . =v 98 .&at fould . l v w .YO respms. . .t~~“..*.“N**“.t.“~.~“.~..“*.**

0 U-TM9392 2 389 Relationship in the household

U Reference persms living in other then one person household, two prrm househoLd consistiw of husbmd end wife or tyo person household cmsisting of non-relative

0 U-TM9394 2 391 Reletimship in the household

u Reference persons living in other then one persm household, tw person househoLd cmsistirq of husbend *rd wife or TYo person hwsehold cmsistiw of non-relative

0 U-7119396 2 393 Relationship in the household

U Reference perrms IivinS in other than me person household, two person household consistinS of husberd and wife or two person household consizting of nm-relative

0 U-TW9L20 3 3% Per*on mmtw in ro*ter Valid person rakaerr ere: 101 - 124, 180 - 199, 201 - 226. 280 - 299, 301 - 324. 360 - 3W. 401 - 424. 4&l - 499

U Reference persons living in other than one person household, tw person household consisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-relative

V 0 .Yot in miverse



l The next fields(U-TwX22 thru U-TM94281' t er. reletionships in the household. w -6-e: l i l v l ” l v 9” ‘V ‘V l ” ‘V 8” l ” 0” 8” v l v l v l v 0” 0” 0”

01 .wsbard 02 .Yife

.Parnt: 10 .Y*tw.l f.ther(biologic.1) (1 12 .ldoptive father 13 .Fost.r father 11 .Y.tur.I ather 15 Stepmther 16 .ldcptive eather 17 .Fost.r mother 18 .lJntmwn maI. parent type 19 .unknrrm feml. parent type

.Child: 20 .YatUr.l son 21 .st.p6cm 22 .Mopt.d *On 23 .Fost.r son 24 .Y.tur.I deughter 25 [email protected]

. l






















v ‘v l v 8” v v 9” v l ” 9” v =” Y ‘V l ” ‘Y ‘V ‘V 9” l v 0” ‘V 8” 9” ‘V l ” 0” 0” l v l v 9” *V 0” l ” l v ‘V ‘V ‘V l ” ‘V ‘V


26 .Adqt.d deuohter 27 .Fost.r d.&t.r 2S .u*nm ml. child type 29 .u*mn fasle child typC

.slblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .W.lf brother 32 [email protected] 33 .~tlr. brother 34 .Full l iater 35 .H.lf .i*t.r 36 .stepsist.r 37 .ahpttve sitter 3S .u*mm *ibliw tm

.crQrmt*: 40 41 .Grrrrbth.r

.Grrdchild: b2 .cradwfl b3 .Gren&.ught.r

.urc1./.Gmt: u .uncl. 15 Am*

.Yepheu/niece: 46 [email protected] b7 .Yiece

.III-1.U*: 50 .F.ther-in-k 51 .*other-in-Law 52 .Son-in-law 53 .De@ter-in-law 54 Arother-in-Lau 55 .si*tcr-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Ccusin,ctc.

.Ymrclstive: 70 .YOf r.1.t.c SS .Mc&er of colum with no

. rerpaees 98 .YOC feud w .YO r.*pmse

. l








































0 u-n!9422 2 398 Relatimship in the household

U Refermce persons living in other then - ptrron household. two prrm harsehold cmsistiw of huhbend and wife or two prsm hanebold consisting of non-reletive

0 U-TM942C 2 400 Reletionship in the howehold

U Reference persoon living in other than one person household. two ,,.rro" household consisting of husbsrd end wife or two person household consistiw of non-relstiye

D U-T"9426 2 LO2 Reletionrhip in the household

U Reference pr*ms living in other than one person hasebold, two person household consistiw of husband end wife or tw person hcusebold consistinS of non-relative

0 u-TWk28 2 104 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other then one person household, two pcrso" household consisting of husband end wife or two person household consistinS of non-relative


Page 56: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



0 u-w9450 3 506 Person ru&r in roster Valid prton nntxrh sre: 101 _ 124. la0 - 1w. 201 - 2244. 280 - 299, 301 - 324. 3W - 399, 401 - 124. 4&l - &W

U Refereme perscm livim in other then one person household, two rswron hcusehold cmsisting of hmbvd nd wife or two person household consistiw of mrrrelstive

V 0 .Rot in rnivcrse

t-.*.*..~tN*"mt*~."*-"*~ l ccmEYT l

l The next fiel&E(U-TW452 thru U-TR94601. l are reletimshios in the household. l V =v l V *Y l ” 8” ‘V l ” ‘V 9” *V =\I ‘V ‘V ‘V ‘V l ” Y l V ‘Y l ” l ” 0” l ” l V 9” ‘V ‘V ‘V l ” ‘V ‘V ‘V 0” 9” 0” *Y 0” l v 9” 9” 0” 9” l ” l ” l ” l v l Y l ” ‘Y l ” 9” 9” 0” ‘V l ” 9” 9”

.SpOUS;: 01 .wusband 02 .Yif.

.P*rmr: 10 .R.tur.l f.ther(bio1ogic.l) 11 .Stepf.ther 12 Adoptive father 13 .Foster fether 14 .R.tur.l mother 15 .Stepmother 16 Adoptive mother 17 .Fostcr mther 18 .Unknmm mle parent type 19 .Unknom femle parent type

.Chi Id: 20 .R.tur.l son 21 .st.pon 22 .A&pt.d son 23 .Fost.r son 24 .Y.tur.l dnwhter 25 .Btep&ughter 26 Adopted dwghter 27 .foster dawhtcr 28 .Urkm male child type 29 .Unk- femle child type

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .W.lf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .rdcptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .n.lf sister 36 .stepsi*ter 37 Adoptive sister 38 ~.Unkmm hiblinO type

.Grerdprmt*: 40 .Srrdf.ther 41 .Grer&other

.Cr.r&hild: 12 .Grmdson 43 .trenddawhtcr

.Ur1.,.lmt: 44 .uncl. 45 .mmt

.Yepheu/niece: C6 .Yeph.u 47 .Yiece

.I"-,*WS: 50 .Fethcr-in-l." 51 Aother-in-km 52 .Sm-in-l.,, 53 .O.cghter-in-law 54 .Brother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-1.u

.Othcr reletiw: 60 .Cousin,etc.

.wmrel.tive: 70 .Yot releted










. l


















































l V M .)*lbcr of colum with rm l

* .mpm== .

‘” m .mt fornd . l v W .Ro respmse .


0 lkTH9b52 2 kW Reletiombip in the household

U Reference pe- liviw in other then one per*on homebold, ttm per*m household cmsistfw of hubnd and wife or two person hambold consisting of non-rcletive

0 u-TM54 2 411 Rcletiahip in the hamhold

U Refcrmcc prsom liviw in other then m person harebold. tam person huehold consirti~ of bwbend ud rife or two prnm harebold cmsistiw of non-relative

0 U-rwa6 2 413 Reletiombip in the household

U Refermce persons livira in other then on. person household, ttm person household consihtinR of hurbmd end uife or tw person household consisting of non-relative

0 u-TM965S 2 415 Reletimship in the hatoehold

U Reference pr*cm liviw in other then one person hcuxho1d. tK) persm household consistinS of husbd and wife or two person household consistinS of non-relative

0 u-TWUA 2 417 Reletiomhip in the household

U Reference pr*om living in other then one person humhold, tuo person homehold comirtinp of husband and wife or tuo person hourebold consirtinO of non-relative

0 II-Twao 3 419 PersOn mder in roster Valid person mm&r6 are: 101 . 124, 180 - 199, 201 - 221. 280 - 2w. 301 - 321, 380 - 3W. 401 - 424. 4M * cw

U Reference persons living in other then one person household. two person hwsehold cmsistima of h-bend end wife or tuo person household comistinp of mm-reletive

" 0 .Yot in u-Averse

..t..*t.*t......**~*...**.......******..". l CCMEWT l

. The next fieldsw-TW.CS2 thru U-TWL92P

. are relatimships in the household. II II 01 :fEz l v 02 .Uife *" .Parmt: 0" 10 .Y.tur.l f.ther(biolopic.1) 0" 11 .Stepf.ther l V 12 .*mptive fether 1) 13 .Foster father 0" 14 .w.tur.l mther 9" 15 .Stqmther l V 16 .A~tive mther l V 17 .Foster mther l ” 18 .unt- mlc parent typ 0" 19 .Unknwn femle perent typ

















Page 57: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


l ” ‘V l ” 9” w ‘V ‘V ‘v 0” ‘V ‘V l ” l ” w W l v W l v W l ” l V l V ‘V l ” v l v W ‘V V l ” 9” l ” l V l V l V l v

- l V *v l ” l ” l V ‘V l ” l ” ‘V l ” ‘V ‘V


.Child: 20 .Yst"rsl son 21 .sttprcm 22 .Adqtcd son 23 .Foster son 24 .Y.twsl dsuphter 25 .Stepdau.ahter 26 .NcQted dawhter 27 .fost~r dwjhter 28 .Unknom rle child typ 20 .- fale child type

.Siblin&x 30 .F"l, brother 31 ."a,‘ brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 Adcptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .Walf sister 36 .Stepsister 37 .Adcqive sister 3.S .Unknmm sibling twe

.DW-4Z.~L3**: 40 .Orardfather 41 .Srandnther

.trMdchi Ld: ‘2 .trmdsm 43 .GrsmMe.uphter

."KIe,.lmt: u .unc,e 45 Ant

.Y*ewlniece: 16 .Ye&4lW 47 .Yicce

.I"-lWS: 50 .Father-in-lau 51 .Mother-in-law 52 .Sm-in-la* 53 .Dawhter-in-Law 54 .Srother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Ccusin,etc.

.Ymrelative: 70 .mt related 88 .Mnnber of colum with KI

.rssponses 9s .YDC famd -
















































t v-9 .*o respmse l . ..t.**.t.ttt*.*.***.*...**.*..*~**..*...*~

D u-TM9482 2 422 Relationship in the household

U Reference pzrsons liviw in other than me prsm, household, tuo prsm household consistinS of husband and wife or two person household consisting of ram-rrelative

D u-T"P‘84 2 L21 Relationship in the household

u Reference prsom Living in other than me prson household, two prscm househoLd consistinS of husband and wife or two persm household cmsisting of non-relative

D U-TN9486 2 126 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons living in other than one person howehold, two wrson household cmhisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-relative

D u-TM91s.3 2 428 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than one person hcusehold, tw person household


cmsistim of hwbwd and wife or tw person harehold cmsistiw of non-relative

D u-rypc90 2 430 Rclatimshlp in the haaehold

U Refernrc pnm living in other than om person hamhold. two person houebold cmsistiw of hubrd and rife or tmo prsm ham&old comistitu of mm-relative

D u-Tim4pz 7. L32 Rel~timship in the houwhold

U Reference pr- living in other thn m person hamhold, twa person hczwsehold cmsistino of tmknd ud wife or two person harehold consisting of mm-relatiw

D U-T"9510 3 4% Person rsder in roster Valid pr.m -rs are: 101 - 121. 180 - 199, 201 - 224, 2M - 79, 301 - 324. 380 - 399. 401 - 424. 48D - 699

U Reference prsom living in other than m person hamhold, t,,o &ierso" hcusehold cmsisting of hrahnd and wife or two person homehold cmsistinp of newrelative

V D .Yot in universe

~.t.*.**t.."-*.t.**..***~...*.**~~ 'ImwNT . t The next fields(U-TM9512 thru U-TM952CP . are relatimships in the household. l ml

4 l v l v l v l V l v ‘” l v l v l V l v l ” l V l v l v ‘V l V l V l V ‘” l ” 0” l v ‘V l V l ” 9” 9” 9” l V l V *v l ” l V l V l v ‘V

.spousc: 01 .liusbsrd 02 .Uife

.PSrNW.: 10 .YatUraI father(bioloaical) 11 .Stapfather 12 .wtive father 13 .Fcster father 14 .Ystw,l nther 15 .Ste,mther 16 .Moptive mother 17 .Foster mother 10 .w- mole parent type 19 .unR- femsk pwmt type

.Chi Id: 20 .Yat"ra, sctl 21 .stq%m 22 .Rdqmd son 23 .Focter rm 24 .Ysturat dauphter 25 .Stqdawhter 26 .Adopted daughter 27 .Fester dawhter 20 .&-know nvlle child typ 29 .Unknom female child typ

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 ."alf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 ."alf sister 36 .Stqxister 37 Adoptive sister 3S .Mmmm sibling type

.Grmdpsrmts: LO .Gra"dfather 41 .tran+wther


Page 58: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



l V .Crm-dchild: . l v 42 .Crsrdsul . l V 43 .GrmddeLlghter l

l V .urKlc,.mt: l

l V 44 .uncle . l v 45 Ant . *v .Yephculniece: . II 46 .Ye@cu . l V 47 .YiecC . l V .Itl-LWS: . l V 50 .Father-in-law . W 51 Axher-in-k . l V 52 .Em-in-k l

w 53 .Owhter-in-k . II 54 Jrother-in-law l

Y 55 .Sitter-in-law l

l v .Other relative: l

l V 60 .Ccusin,etc. l

W .Ymrelative: l

W 70 Jot rel.ted l

l V 88 .I4cdcr of colrnn with no l

‘V .rCSpmoCS .

l V 9s .wt fund . l V w .YO respmse . .****“*.t*.~*~.*.*..~*~****~.*~***~

0 U-TM9512 2 437 Relationship in the household

U Reference pers- Liviw in other than one person household, two person household consisting of husband and wife or two person household cmsistina of non-relative

0 u-Tl49s14 2 439 Relationship in the household

U Reference perams Liviw in other than me person hamhold. tw person household consisting of husbmd and wife or two pram household cmsisting of non-relative

0 U-TM9516 2 441 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than me person household, two person household cmsistiw of husband Md wife or two person homehold cmsistiw of nm-relative

0 u-TM9518 2 443 Relationship in the household

U Referme person living in other than me person household, two person household consistiw.of husband ad wife or two person household cmsisting of mm-relative

0 “-TM9520 2 445 Relatimship in the household

U Reference persona living in other than m person household, tu) person household cm-misting of husba& and wife or two prsm household ccmistiw of m-relative

0 U-TM%22 2 447 Relationship in the household

U Reference persmr liviw in other than m prsm hwsehold, two person hasehold cmsisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of non-reketive

0 U-w?524 2 449 Relationship in the homehold

U Refermce persons living in other than me pmso” hwsehold, TV) person household consistinS of husbsnj and wife or two person household ccmisting of non-relative

0174 SIZE BEG,"

0 u-w%40 3 451 Persal n.dcr in roster V.Lld pcrsm nubem are: 101 - 124, 180 - 199. 201 - 224, 2so - 2w. 301 - 324, 3so - 3w. LO1 - 424. a0 - 4w

U Reference pcrsam liviw in other than m persm haumhold, t"o person houehold consi*tInp of lumtmd m-d wife or tua person harmbold cmsistinp of m-relative

V 0 .*ot in vliverse

-H-“-“.* l CCWH, . . The nest flel&WTM9542 thru U-lWS56)* l are relatimhip in the houehold.

.spmme: 01 .lMbuvI 02 .VifC 10 .YRtuml fatherCbioloRica1) 11 .Stepfather 12 Adcptive father 13 .Foster father 14 .Y.turak mother 15 .Ste,mther 16 .Adqtive mther 17 .Foster smther 18 .urAnoml SlslC parent type 19 .v*M female pnrent type

.Child: 20 .Y.t”raL 8011 21 .Stepscm 22 Adopted SC+7 23 .Foster son 24 .YaturaL daughter 25 .Stcp(*ughter 26 .-ted daughter 27 .Foster dawhter 26 Jnkmm ale child typ 29 .Unkmm fanale child typ

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .“a,f brother 32 .Stcpbrother 33 Adaptive brother 34 .FulI sister 35 .Nalf sister 36 .Stepsister 37 .-tin sister 3S .u*mn sibling typ

.cr-rents: 40 .Omdf.ther Cl .trm&nother

.Crmdchi Ld: 42 .Grsdsm 43 .trwddaughter

.mcle,mmt: 44 .Uncle 45 Amt

.Yepheu/niece: 46 .wcphw 47 .Yiece

.IWlaws: 50 .Father-in-Law 51 .Ilother-in-L.% 52 .Son-in-Law 53 .Om@ter-in- law 54 .Srother-in-k 55 Sister-in-k

v l v w l v 9” 8” ‘V l v l V ‘V l v l V l v *v l v l v l V l V l V 9” l V l V l v l v l V l ” ‘V l ” l v l V l V l V l ” ‘V 9” l v l V l V l V l v l V l ” l v l v l V l V ‘” l v l ” l v 9” l v 9”







. l

















































Page 59: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

*" .Other relative: l -~

l ” 60 .Cwsin,etc. . 0” .Ynnre~ative: . ‘Y 70 .wx related l

‘Y 80 .mnter of colum with no l

l ” . respamses l

v 9s .YOC ‘and l

‘V w A0 respanse l

l ~,t.*...**...~**~.....*.....*.*..~.**

0 U-T*9542 2 4% Selatiomhip in the hcmehold

U 6efcrence persms liviw in other than me person household, two person household cmsistiw of husband and uife or two person household cmsisting of mm-relative

0 u-1119544 2 4% Relatimship in the household

u Reference persms living in other than m person household. two person household ccasistiw of husbmd and wife or two person household cmsistiw of mm-relstive

6 v-nm46 2 458 RelationShip in the household

u Reference persons Livira in other than one person household, TV, prscm household consisting of husband and wife or two perscm household cmsistinp of non-relative


0 “-TM%48 2 440 Relationship in the hcusehold

u Referense persons living in other than me prsm household, tw person hasehold consisting of husband and wife or two person huehold cmsistiw of mm-relative

0 u-Tn9550 2 462 Relationship in the household

u Refereme prsons living in other than me person hcusehold, tw person hcusehold cmsisticg of husband and uife or two person hwsehold cmsistir)g of Ikn-relatiYe

0 U-TM9552 2 464 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons living in other than cm person household, tuo persm household consisting of husband end wife or two prson household cmsisting of non-relative

0 u-w9554 2 466 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons Living in other than cm person household. two person household consisting of husbmd and wife or two person household cmsistiw of m-relative

0 U-TM9556 2 4611 Relationship in the household

v Sefereme persons living in other than me prsm household, tw person hmehcld consisting of husband and wife or two person household consisting of ran-relative

0 u-T*P570 3 470 PersaIl rnmber in roster Valid persm a&err are: 101 - 124, 180 - 199,

-.. 201 - 224, 280 - 299, 301 - 324, 380 - 399, 40, - 424, 480 - 4W

U Reference prsms living in other then cm person household, two prscm household

consisti~ of husberd and wife or two persm hcaahold can6istin.a of nut-relative

” 0 .Yot in tmiverse


l mwEY, l l The rrxt fiel&(U-T”9572 thru U-T”9588)’ l are relatiahipr in the household. l .”

02 .Yife .P.t-an:

10 .Satural fether(biolopical) 11 .Stgfather 12 .A&tive father 13 .Foster father 1‘ .Uetural mother 15 .St,,mther 16 .A&~tiw mother 17 .Fater mther 1s .untmn m1e parent typs 1P .- femle prmt fyp

.Child: 20 .uatura1 am 21 .stcpsm 22 .McQted son 23 .Fater %+-I 24 .~atural dawhter 25 .Ste@ughter 26 .Ldoptcd daughter 27 .Fater dauahter 20 Jr&nom hate child type 29 .mkmm fewale child typ

.Siblinp: 30 .Full brother 31 .nalf brother 32 .Stcpbrother 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full *ister 35 .tlalf eister 36 .stepsister 37 Adoptive sister 3S .Mkmm sibling type


40 .Grudfather Cl .Grwdnother

.Grmdchild: 42 .Grendson 43 .tmmddeughter

.lmc,e,aln*: 44 .uncle 45 .hmt

.Yephnlniece: 46 .Ye$Aeu 47 .Yiece


50 .Father-in-Law 59 Nather-in-k 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .Dewftter-in-law 54 .Srother-in-law 55 .Sirter-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Cousin,etc.

mmrelative: 70 .llot related S.5 .Medxr of cohum with no

. respmses 91) .mt feud
































































Page 60: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


0 U-TM!%7 2 4x3 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsma liviw in other than me person household, tuo person household comisting of husbnd and wife or tyo person household mmsistiw of non-relative

0 u-m9574 * 473 Relationship in the household

U Reference prsons living in other than m ~rso” household, two person hwsehold consistiw of husbard nd wife or tw person household ccaistinp of m-relative

0 U-T”9376 2 477 Relationship in the household

U Reference persms living in other than on person household, two perso” hwsehold cmsiatinp of husbnd md wife or two prrm household cmsittinp of mm-relative

0 u-w9576 2 479 Relatimship in the haaehold

U Reference persons liviw in other than me person household, two person household cmsistiw of hurbmd and wife or tw person hwehold cmsistinR of non-relative

0 II-TM9580 2 401 Relationship in the household

U Reference perscm living in other than me mason household, two person household consisting of husbwd and wife or tw person household consisting of nm-relative

0 u-Tm9sBz 2 403 Relationship in the hour&old

U Refermce persons living in other than me ,xrson hamhold. two person hausehold cmsirtiw of husband and uife OP two person household consisting of non-relative

0 u-TMv584 2 405 Relationship in the hourehold

U Reference persons livim in other than me person household, two person household consisting of husbmd and wife or two person household cmsistirw of non-relative

0 U-11(95& 2 487 Relatimship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than me person household, two person household cwistim) of husband and uife or two person household cmsistino of non-relative

0 WTw95ea 2 489 Relationship in the hwseho(d

U Referme persons liviw in other than on person hamhold, two prsan household consistinS of husband and uife or two person household ccmistiw of non-relative

0 “-TM9600 3 491 FWSDn &r inroster Valid prsm nrberr are: 101 - $24, 100 _ ,W, 201 - 224. 260 - 299, 301 - 324. 304 - 399, 401 - 424. 400 _ 499

U Reference prsom liviw in other than one pwrw, hcusehold, tro prsm household consisting of husband nnd rife or two person household cmsisting of non-relative

” 0 .Yot in miverse

The mxt fi.ldsW-1119602 thru U-W9620)* are relatlorrkipr in the household. l



10 .Y~tw~l father(biolcgica0 11 .Stpf.ther 12 .-iv-a father 13 .Foater father 14 .Imhrml mther 15 .Stqmthcr 16 .Adc~Civx mother 17 .Fatcr mther 10 .u*nan ml.2 parent type 19 female prent type

20 .*.:.,I sm 21 .stmpml 22 .Mcqted *al 23 .Fater Sal 24 .Yatural daughter 23 .stepdmJhter 26 .kdopted dawhter 27 .Fater QIlphter 26 .u*mn ale child typ 29 .u*nom favlle child type

.Siblirm: 30 .Full brother 31 .Rmlf brother 32 .Stepbmther 33 Adoptive brother 34 .Full sister 35 .IlaLf *ister 36 .Stepsister 37 .*doptiw sister 36 .Wmm sibling type

.sranc@wents: 40 .trendfather 41 .Grar&other

.Grdchi Id: 42 .Emdsm 43 .Crar&amhter

.Urle,almt: 44 .Ur,e 45 .hmt

.Y*w/niece: 46 .w*eh 47 .Yicce

.I”-,.us: 50 .Pather-in-law 51 Jother-in-Law 52 .Sm-in-law 53 .D*ter-in-law 54 .Srother-in-Law 55 Sister-in-law

.Other relative: 60 .Carin,etc.

.Yonrelative: 70 .sot m*ted 06 .Fkdzr of c&mm with I*)

. re8p.mser 96 .YOC fard































































0 u-TM9602 2 494 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than one PW,” household, two person homehold consisting of hua&mnd and wife or two prsm hwsehold consistinS of non-relative


Page 61: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

D u-Tw604 2 4% Relationship in the household

" Reference prsons liviw in Other than me pm.,, household, tw.‘m hcuahold comistiw of husband .nd wife or two person hwseh.ld cmsi.tinP of mn-relative

D u-TW 2 4v8 RelatimPhip in the household

U Refer-. pcraom living in other thsn me ,xrsm hoosehold, t”. prs.” houSehold COlgistinp .f husbmd .rd wife or tK) person hrxlsehold CmsistiraR of mm-relative

0 u-Ttwm8 2 SW Relaticmhip in the hcusehold

U Refernre persms liviw in Other than one perron household, tl, perron hwschold cawisting of habad m-d uife or tw person hwsehold ccmistiw of non-relative

0 U-TM9610 2 502 Relationship in the hmsehold

U Reference prsms living in other than me prsm hwwhold, Cu. p.r..n haisehold em.i.tinS of husband .rd vif. or Cm prsm household ca?sistinS of nm-relative

0 U-1119612 2 504 R.l.tiomhip in the h-ehold

" Reference persms living in other than an persm household, Cu. prsm household caistiw of husbmd and wife or cm prhm household cOnsistinS of nm-relative

.- D U-T"9614 2 5%

Reletimship in the household " Reference persms liviw in other than one

per.." hwsehold, tw. person hwsehold consistiw of husbmd snd rife or tw person hwsFh.ld cmSi.ting of ram-relative

0 U-T"%16 2 SOS Relationship in the hwsehold

" Reference prsms living in other then OM person hwsehold, Cu. ,,.rs.n hcusehold cmsisting of husbmd snd wife or two person household cmsistina of ram-relative

0 U-1119618 2 510 Reletimship in the haRehold

U Refermc. prams Living in other than one prson homehold, tn. person hcusehold consisting of husband rd wife or tW prsm household cmsistiw of mn-relative

0 u-1119620 2 512 Reletimship in the household

" pcrsm livira in mher than w parson household, t". per*." household consisting of husband m-d wife or two persm homehold conristiw of ncn-relative

D "-TM%30 3 514 Person mm&r in roster Valid prsm Embers are: 101 - 124, 180 - 199. 201 - 224. 260 - 2Ww. 301 - 324, 380 - 399, 401 - ‘24, 484 - 499

" Refermce persms livim, in Other than one person household, t". person household consistinS of husband Md wife or tw person household consisting of mm-relative



” 0 .Yot in miwrse


. The -t fi.laW-TW9632 thru U-Tw9652P

. .r. r.l.tiarhirr in the hwsehold. l V 0” +Y ‘II =v w =v 9” -v w 8” 0” 0” 0” =v =v l ” l V ‘V l ” Y 9” ‘V Y =v ‘Y W 9” 9” ‘V l ” 9” ‘V l ” l ” 0” ‘V l ” 8” l ” l ” ‘V ‘V w 9” W l ” 9” ‘Y 0” ‘V l v v 0” 9” l ” ‘V 9” 70 .YOC r.l.t.d ‘V 8d .Mr of colum with m 'V . r.spmses l ” 98 .Yc.C l ” w .YO r.spmse ..ttt....~..****.“.********~.

:- 01 :z 02 .Ylf.

.kmt: 10 11 12 .Rd.ptin father 13 .F..t.r 14 mthcr 15 .Stqath.r 16 .b&ptive mther 17 .F..t.r mather 18 .- al. prnt type 19 .- typ

.cfli Id: 20 .*.tur.l son 21 .stepim 22 .Adopt.d SW 23 .Fost.r *on 24 .Y.tur.L d.vphter 25 .St.p&wht.r 26 .Adc,,t.d d.upht.r 27 .Fost.r d.whter 26 .u*nom nsle child typ 29 .lkkm f-1. child type

.Siblim: 30 .FuLl brother 31 .".,f brother 32 .Stepbroth.r 33 .rchptive brother 34 .FuLI sister 35 .ll.Lf fister 36 .Stapsister 37 .Moptive sister 36 .w;nam sibling type

.Grar+rmts: 40 Cl .Cr-ther

.Grdchild: 42 .tr.r&m 43 .Gr.nddaupht.r

.Ikrl.,.mt: 44 .UnclC 45 Amt

.Wqhewlnicce: 46 .Y.phW 47 .Yiece

.I"-,.ur: 50 .F.ther-in-law 51 52 .Son-in-l.” 53 Jqhter-in-Isu 34 Arother-in-law 55 .Sister-in-Law

.Oth.r r.l.tiv.: 60 .Cwsin,*tc.


. l
















l l






l l . l

l l . . . l . t t * * t l











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l . l l l


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D U-TM9632 2 517 RelatioMhip in the household

u Reference person. liviw in other than me persm hanshold, tam person hcueehold consisting of hurbrd md wife or two person houwhold emsistinp of nm-reletin

D u-w9634 2 519 Relatimship in the household

u Refermce persme living in other than me person household, Cl) person haaehold comistinR of huebnd nd wife or twa person household cmeistino of non-relative

D “-1119636 2 521 Relatiowhip in the household

U Reference persons liviw in other then m parson household, tea person household cmsistinq of husbud mmi uifc or two person household ceaistiw of nm-relative

D u-TM%38 2 523 Relatiarrhip in the household

u Reference persons living in other than me perem household, tK) person hcusehold cmsisting of husberd and wife or two person hwsehold cmsistiw of nm-relative

0 u-w%40 2 525 Relationship in the household

U Referewe persms living in other then me person hcusehold, tua person household cmi.tiM( of huebend and wife or two person household comistiw of non-reletive

D U-TWX42 2 527 Relationship in the houSehold

u Reference persons Living in other than me person household, two person household consisting of hurbend end wife or twa person hwsehold cmsistiw of non-reletive

D u-m9644 2 529 Relationship in the household

u Referme persons livirw in other than me person household, two person household consisting of habend end wife or two persm household cmSi.tiw of nm-relative

D U-WV646 2 531 Relationship in the household

u Reference persons living in other than on person household, two person hwsehold consistins of husberd end uife or two person huehold cmsistiw of Kn-relative

D U-TM9648 2 533 Reletimship in the huehold

U Reference persons liviw in other then me person household, tw person household consisting of husbmd and wife or two person household cmsistiw of ram-reletive

D u-Tw6SO 2 535 Relstimship in the houeehold

U Refcrme persons liviw in other then or+. person household, t1o person household cmsisting of huebend end wife or two perron household cmsistinp of non-relative

D U-W9652 2 537 Relatimship in the household

U Reference prsms living in other then me person household, two prsm household cmsisting of hu&erd end wife or two


perron basehold ernietinS of nm-reletive -.

D u-Ti4%6o 3 539 Parsa m&w in roster Velfd prem nrber. .re: 101 - 124, la, - lW, 201 - 224. 2w - 299, 301 - 324, 380 - 399, 401 - 424. 4w - 4w

U Refa~a pr- living in other then me penm hamahold, two precm hwechold cmietfq of Mmd ud wife or two person has&old eolxiatinp of nm-rtletive

” 0 .iiot In miversc


l C(I+IEm . . Then mxt ficldsWTH%f2 thru U-TR9684)’ . era ralatiomhlps in the houehold. 0” .spoLD.:

01 .- 02 Nif.

.P*rat: 10 .Yatural father(biolopic.l> II .Stepfathcr 12 .rmptiw fether 13 .Fcstar fether 14 .Y.tur.I mother 15 .Stqmother 16 .Adcgtin mther 17 .Footer mther 18 .Wmn ml* pram type 19 :Un&m7 fate perent type

M .Y&l em 21 .St.pscil 22 .Idopt.d son 23 .Foster son 24 .Y.tur.l dewhter 25 .Stap&whter 26 .Adapted dewhter 27 .Fmter dewhter 28 .Wnca rle child type 29 .Wnornr f-la child type

Sibliw: 30 .Full brother 31 .nalf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .*doptive brother Y .Full sister 35 .n*lf sister 36 .Stepsister 37 .Mnptive sister 36 .Wrm sibling type

.Gran+arants: 40 .G=mdf.ther 41 .Gr6Jther

.Grdchild: 42 .Grmdsm 43 .brtiwhter

.UTl./*lnt: 44 .“ncl. 45 Ant

.Ycphewlniece: 46 .*en 47 .Yiece

.*n-laws: 50 .Fathcr-in-law 51 .)(other-in-law 52 .Son-in-Ien 53 .Dawhter-in-law 54 .Brother-in-law


















l - l




































Page 63: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


W 55 Sirtar-in-law l ,-~

l ” .Other ral.tive: .

l ” 60 .cwsin,Ctc. . ‘Y .Smrel.tiw: l

l ” 70 .Rot related l

9” 88 .It-r of calm with m l

l ” .raspmsas . l ” 98 .Yot fand . w W .R. respmse l


II u-,I49662 2 542 Relationship in the howehold

0 Rcfermce perem. living in other than me prsm hmschold, tY) persm household CmsistinR of husband md wife or cm person household c(*Pistiw of ncm-relative

0 "-TM%& 2 544 Rel.timship in the household

U Rcfererc. per.ons living in other than m param household. tK) person household c(n+istira of husbmd and wife or two prson household con8istiw of rm-relative

D "-TFm66 2 546 Relationship in the hwwhold

U Refers. persa livim in other than one person hma.hold, tw person household ccmsistiw of husband and wife or tw prsm household cmhistimR of lun-relative

0 u-w9668 2 548 Relaticmship in the hwrehold

U Reference persmr living in other than me prsm household. turn prsm harsehold consisting of husbmd md wife or tw. persm household mnsistiq of non-relative

D U-TM9670 2 550 Relatimship in the hmsehold

U Reference prsms liviw in other than me pwsm haKehold. tw person household consisting of husband and wife or tw person household cOMicring of non-relstive

D U-TM9672 2 552 Relatimship in the hwsehold

U Reference Living in other thsn me person hwsehold, tu. perscm hwsehold consisting of husband and uife or tw person hwsehold ccaisting of ncwrelative

0 U-TM9674 2 554 Relationship in the household

U Refermce persons living in other than me perom hwoehold, Cm person hwsehold consisting of husband and wife or two person hwsehhold conaistina of nm-relative

0 U-T"9676 2 556 Relatimship in the hwwhold

U Reference persms Lirim~ in Other then me persw, hwsehold. two persm household cmsisting of husband and wife or two person hwsehold consisting of m-vrelative

D U-7119678 2 558 Relationship in the haaehold

U Reference prsms lirinp in Other than me person hwsehold, tm persm hwrehold cmsisting of husband axl wife or two person household ccmi.ting of rowrelative

0 u-ni%8o 2 560



R.l.tkm.hip in the hQI.hold U Rcfcrmcc p- livire in other than me

persm hamhold, t10 hamhold conri.tfq of hwbmd nd wife or two persm hauhold consisting of mm-relative

D u-m%d2 2 562 R.l.ti.+"hip in the horsehold

U Refer.nm pr- liviw in other th.n me person htild, tU) person harehold cm.i.tiw of hubrd m-d wife or tws person hcuahold em?aistinS of m-rel.tive

DU-m%d4 2 56.6 R.l.ti.mhip in the h.u..bold

U Referarc pna livifu in other thsn m peram hauhold, tK) hum&old conri.tln3 of bmbmd ud wife or tw perna hcu.hold cmsistiw of non-relative

rJ u-TM969o 3 564 Permn nrbcr in roster Valid person n&aers are: 101 - 124, 180 - IW, 201 - 224, 280 _ 299, 301 - 324. 380 - 3W. 401 - 424. 480 - 4W

U Refernce permm living in other th.n me person household, cm prson hwwhold consistinS of husbmd .rd wife or twa prsm harehold ccwisting of mm-relative

" 0 .Yot in mivcrse

~**ttt....~~..*tt*..-..**..~***~... 'COWIEYT l

The next fiald.(U-TM9692 thru U-1119716)' are rel.timshipr in the hmehold.

.spo"s.: 01 ."wbcnd 02 .Yife

.P*rant: 10 .Yatural fsther(bioloSic.l) 11 .St.pfather 12 .IQptivc f.ther 13 .FoJter 14 .Y.tural mther 15 .Stcpother 16 .Ad.ptive mther 17 .Folter mther 18 .iJntm mule prmt tVpe 19 .Wmm fnnale parmt typ

.Chi Id: 20 .Y*tur*I son 21 .st.pscm 22 .McQted son 23 .Forter son 24 .Istur.I dawhter 25 .Stcpdawht.r 26 .IQpted d.whter 27 .Foater dw9ht.r 21) .Urknmm talc child type 29 .untnmm femlc child type

.Sibling: 30 .Full brother 31 .n.Lf brother 32 .Stepbrother 33 .Idoptiw brother 34 .Full sister 35 .n.lf sister 36 .Sttprister 37 .Ad.qtiv. sister 38 .Untnom sibling type





































Page 64: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



l V .orm&l‘rmtr: . l v 40 .orardfather . =v 4, .trsnimther l

l v Armdchild: . W 42 .Orwdsm . ‘V 43 .trmter l

l v .lJfWl~/‘Ult: . l V 44 .unc1+ .

*v 43 Ant l

l v .Scpheu/niece: . l V 46 .Yephew l

W 47 .Yiece .

l v .Ill-IWS: l

l V 30 .F*ther-in-k . l V 31 .*othcr-in-k l

v 32 .Sm-in-k l

W 33 .Drrphter-in-b l

l v 34 .Srother-in-l*u t =v 33 .Si*ter-in-L*v l

‘V .Dther relative: l

l V 60 .Ccusin,etc. l

l v .Rmrcl*tive: l

l V M .YOf related . W OS .~teber of coUm with no l

l V . re‘pm‘e‘ l

W 90 .YOC feud . l V w .YO rerpm‘e l

l “.“t*,.t.t~**.*“**.“..*.“.****~*.*.


cmsirti~ of Mrd l nd wife or tbm perrm hamhold cmsistinS of nm-rel*riw

D U-T”9706 2 303,hip In the household

U Rcfersre p- lfvin~ in other thm me person hcu,hDld. tun ~er‘m household consi*tilo of hbaba8.i md wife 9~ two person how-Id cmistinp of mn-rel*tive

D U-T”9708 2 383 Rel*tim,hip In the kanehold

U Rcfcm pna liviw in othw thm me per‘m heunhold, two per.m hour&old cmsiatinp of Mrd nd rife or two person kartild cmi*tinR of nm-relative

D U-TM9710 2 387 Rel*tlmship in the household

U Referaxe pr*m living in other thn m person hunahold, two pw*on harehold consi*ting of Mnd ud wife or two prsm harehold consisting of twwrclative

D U-TM9712 2 SE9 Rel*timship in the household

U Reference per*- living in other thm me psrson household, two prsm hcuschold cmsistinp of husk-d and wife or tw person howehold twisting of nm-relative

D “-TM9714 2 391 Rel*timhip in the household

U Reference pr*ms Liviw in other then me pcr‘on household. twa person household cmsiating of husband md uife or tva person household cmsisting of non-rel*tive

D “-TM99716 2 393 Rel*timship in the household

U Referee* pr*onr Living in other than on person huehold, two person household cmsiatinp of husband md rife or two person household cmsisting of mn-relstive

D “-TM9692 2 369 RelstimPhip in the household

” Refer-e prsms liviw in other than one person household, tvo person household cmsistinp of husband and uife or two person household cmsistinp of mn-relative

D U-TM9694 2 371 Relstimship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than me per*‘., household, two perho” household cmsistiw of huskand *nd wife or two person hanehold cmsi*tiw of nm-relative

D U-TW96W 2 373 Rel*timship in the household

U Refermse persons living in other than one person household, tvo prsm household consisting of husband *nd wife or tvo person household con6istino of non-relative

0 U-1119698 2 375 Reletimship in the hwsehold

u Referme persons living in other than me person hwsehold, tvo person household cmsisting of husband md uife or two person household consisting of non-relative

D U-T”9700 2 3TI Relatimship in the hcusehold

u Reference serums living in other than me person harrehold. tvo person household consisting of husband md wife or two person household ConsistinS of mn-relative

D U-TIIp702 2 379 Relationship in the household

U Reference persons living in other than me person household, tvo ~erron household cmsisting of husband *nd wife or two person household cmsistiw of non-relative

D u-1119704 2 361 Relationship in the household

U Reference persms living in other then me person household. tva per*cm household

lnputatim flags for mtrir respmses g 0 .Yot ilpltsd l

l v 1 .1lprted . . ..t......t..~.....*...~..***.*..****....*.

D ALTw332 1 393 Inputatim flag for TM9332.

D All*9362 1 396 Inprt*tim fl*p for TM9362

9 ALTM9392 1 397 Irpltatim flag for TM9392.

D All”9422 1 390 Imt*tim fl*S for T-422.

D NT”9432 1 399 Ilprtatim fk*R for 7119432

D ALT”94E2 1 MO Illputaticm fl*g for TM942.2.

D ALT”9312 1 601 lnprtatim flag for TIR512.

D AL1119542 1 602 Ilpltatim flag for 1119542.


7- 2E

Page 65: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


OALm9572 1 603 Inprtatim flap for TIRs72.

D ALTmbO2 1 604 Inputatim flag for TW602.

D ALTm632 &I3 Iep.aatid flap for TM9632.

D ALTM9662 1 606 hptatim flag for w9bb2.

0 ALTH9b92 1 607 Imputation flag for Typ692.

D ALw9364 1 boa I~tatim flag for T*pM4.

0 ALw9394 1 609 Iqwtation flap for TIR394.

D ALw9424 1 610 llrpltstion flag for TM9424.

D lLW9434 1 611 Inpltstion flag for TIR434.

0 ALTM9484 1 612 laprtatim flag for 7119484.

D ALTM9314 1 613 1llpltaticm flap for 1119514.

D AL1119344 1 614 lsptation flap for TM9544.

.- 0 AL,"9374 , 613 Inprtaticm flap for W9374.

0 ALTW604 1 616 hputetim flag for 7W.

0 ALTW9634 1 617 IRprtatim flag for 76’634.

0 ALTII9664 1 610 Imputation flag for TH966c.

D AL,"9694 1 619 Illprtatim flag for Tllw94.

D ALTM9396 ~1 620 InputsCion flag for 11193%.

D ALTM9426 1 621 Inpltation flag for TM9426

0 ALTW436 1 622 Inpltstim flag for lM9436.

DALT"9466 1 623 Imputation flag for TW486.

0 ALTM9316 1 624 lnputetion flag for TM9316.

0 AL,119546 1 623 Inputstim fl*g for TM9346.

0 AL7119376 1 626 lwtatim flag for lW376. -.

0 AL7119606 1 627 Inpltatim flag for TW606.


DALTIW6 1 628 Ilpnatim fhg for

D ALT"96& 1 629 1*atim flag for

D ALT1R696 1 630 Iqut.tIon flag for

DALT"9428 1 631 Iqutatlm flag for

D ALw943a 1 652 Ilprtatim flag for

D ALlIt 1 633 Iqalt~tion flag for

D ALT*psl(I 1 634 1lpltmion flag for

D ALT”93M 1 b33 Ilprteticm flag for

D ALW9378 1 636 Inpltation flag for

D AL,- 1 637 Inplt*tim flag for

D ALTM9638 1 638 Ilprtatim flag for

0 ALT"9668 1 639 Ilpltatim flag for

D ALTWX.98 I 640 Iwtation flag for

DALTM94bO 1 641 Ilprtatim flag far

D AL7119490 1 b42 Illprtaitm flag for

0 ALT"9320 1 643 Iwtatim flag for

D ALT"9530 1 644 Iqxnatim flag for

D ALT"9380 1 643 Inprtation flag for

D ALTWblO t 646 Iqxnation flag for

DALW9b40 1 647 Ilputatim flag for

0 ALTM9670 1 648 I~tatim flag for

DALT"9700 1 649 I~tatim flag for

0 ALTM9492 1 630 Ilputatim flag for

0 ALTM9322 1 631 I~tstim flag for

0 ALTW9532 1 632 Ilprtrtion flag for



























Page 66: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D AL,"9382 1 633 D ALTM96M 1 678 1lprtatiwl flag for TM9382. iiwutmtion flag for TWb.30.

0 ALT"9612 1 634 Iwatim flag for TR9612.

0 ALT"9710 1 679 Ilplt*tim flag for Ttt9710.

D ALTW9642 1 633 Inpration flag for T-2.

D ALTM9632 1 600 Inpltatim f14 for Tw9632.

DALTWWR 1 656 Inpltstim flag for TM9672.

D ALTW6S2 1 ddl Ilplt*tim flag for Tw9bS2.

D ALTR9702 1 637 Irplt*tim fl*g for TW702.

D ALTIR712 , 682 Iwut*tim flag for Tw9712.

D AL,"9324 1 638 Ilplt.stion flag for TIW324.

D ALTif96& I 683 Ilpl(*tion flag for TWb84.

D ALTM9334 1 639 Ilput*tim flag for TM9334.

D ALT"9714 , bS4 Iqvt*tim flag for Tw9714.

D ALT"93S4 1 MO Irprtaitm flag for 7119584.

D ALT"9716 1 683 Ilplt*tim fl*g for 1119716.

0 ALTWWl4 1 Ml Inpltatim flag for TWb14.

.****.t.t~.*.~-..*...~.****....****~ l

Part A: Recipiency History l“~..“N.~..**....*..“*.“*.....

D ALT"9644 1 b-32 Iwm.ticm flag for 7119644.

D ALTW9674 1 bb3 Inputatim flag for TW674.

D ALTM9704 1 b&o Inpxarim flag for 7119704.

D AL1119536 1 MS Ilrpltatim flag for TW336.

DALT"9386 1 b&3 Inputatim fl*g for TW386.

D ALTW9616 1 M7 lnputatim flag for 7119616.

0 ALTWW.6 1 668 Icqwtatim fl*p for TM9646.

D TWO00 1 6%

Check iten Tl Uas an interview *reined for . . . in "ave 17

" Ail pw‘ma V D .Ym *pplicable V 1 .Te‘ V 2 .Yo - skip to 7118032

DTMSOO2 1 607 Check iten T2 Are any income types or special indic*tors listed in the recipiency history roster belou?

" All pmnms V 0 .Yot applicable Y 1 ."e‘ " 2 .Yo - skip to 7118032

D ALTW%,b 1 6~59 lsputatim fL*g for Twp676.

D ALTM9706 , 670 lnputetim f**g for TW7Db.

D ALT"95S.3 1 671 llputstim flag for TR93SS.

D ALTMWlS 1 6?2 lnpltation fl*g for TW618.

DALT"9648 1 673 Inpltatim flag for TWb48.

0 ALTM%,S 1 674 Iqwtatim flag for TMW7S

D ALTw9708 1 673 Imputation fl*g for 7119708.

D ALTH9620 1 676 Inprtetim flag for TWb20.

D AL1119630 1 677 Imputation flag for 1119630.

l t*t.......t~...*t~*...*..*..****~~*~.*~


l During our last visit ye recorded th*t l . . . . received IISS coder) sanetime l . duriw the period IS mnths *go) l . thrqh (3 mnths ago>. Yhm did . . . g l first begin to receive IISS cc&*)7 . . l

t (Record bqiming date of recipiency l . th*t WI occurring sanetim in l

l pried 3 to 8 mthr *go.) * 'V 0 .Yot wlicable . l .Inc(lc codes: t l v 1 .Soci*i Security . l V 2 .U.S.Soverment R*ilroad l

‘V .Retirerrnt pay . l V 3 .eder*i Eupplnntal . 'V .Security Incane ISSII . 'V 4 .St*te Srpplemmtal Security g v .*nc- ISt*te adninistered l

l V .SSI only, l

l V 3 .state lrmpioymcnt l

l V .cnpemation l

l v 6 .S~lemmtal"nenpLoynrnt l

l V 7 .Dther vmployrent l

‘V .c-ation l

l V .ITr& Adjustmnt Act 9 l v .bmefitr, strik* pay, other) l




Page 67: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


l v l V l v l ” w l v l V ‘V v l v Y l V

2 l v 9 l V Ir l V ‘V l v ‘V ‘V l V l v l V l v l V l V l V ‘V l v ‘V ‘V l V l V

__ l v l V l V ‘V l V l V l V 9 l V l v l V l V W ‘V l V ‘V ‘V t l V ‘V l v v l V l v l v l v l V 9” 9 l v l V ‘V l v


8 .v+ttrars cowensation or l

.pms.ims l

9 .Slack ,ma pwmmts . 10 .Yorker's c-atim l

11 .st.te *-Tar” sickness a- l

.dirability bmefitr . 12 .Enplgr 07 mien tapsrary l

.sickmr policy . 13 .Pa-ts fra a sickness, l

.accidmt or disability l

.imurm policy purchased *

.mlywroml .mlywroml . . 20 .Aid to fmilies with 20 .Aid to fmilies with . .

:r children (AfDC. * :r children (AfDC. * . .

21 .Gener*l ***istance 0~ 21 .Gener*l ***istance 0~ l l

.9enerai relief assistance l

22 .Irdin, C&n. or refugee l

.~**istance l

23 .Foster child care payments l

24 .Dther l

23 .WC (Yarn, Infants a,,, l

.Childrm rutritim progrm) l

27 .Focd ‘taps .

28 .Child s-rt pynmts * 29 .Alimny pa-ts t 30 .Pensim fm carpmy or union* 31 .F*ral Civil Service or t

ather federal civilian l

.ewloyeepnoia~ l

32 .U.S. Military retirmmt pay t 33 .Yatimal Guard or Reserve .

.foPces retirement . 34 .State -r-t pmsims l

33 .Lccaigovernwnt pensions g 36 .Incm fran pid-up Life l

.inwrmce policies or .

.amuities l

37 .E‘t~te‘ wd tm‘ts . 38 .Other pajmmt* for retire- t

amt. disability OP survivor l

40 .G.I. Sill tintim benefits l

41 .Othcr VA educational . .a**i*tacct t

30 .Ircme assistamtre fran LI l

.charitable group * 31 .*oney fra relatives or g

.fri& l

32 .Lup sun pwnents l

33 .InealE frcml roanerr or l

.bOWdW‘ l

34 .Yatimal Guard 0~ Reserve pay+ 33 :Incidmtal or casual earnina**

.As‘et codes: .

100 .Intcrest earning arsets l

.regularlpassbaoklravings l

.acccum in a bank. savings l

.md loan or credit urim g 101 .itmey mrkct deposit acccats' 102 .Certificates of deposit or .

.othcr savings certificates g 103 .YW, S-r IiW or other l

.intwest earniw checking g

.aCCmmt‘ . 104 .lkey mrket fuds l

103 A.S. Govemnmt securities * 106 Amicipai or corporate bands l

107 .Other interest-earning assets* 110 .Stocks or wtwl fund shares l

‘V 120 .Rmtel property .

l V 130 .Ilortgages . -~ 'V 140 .Royalties l

‘V 130 .Dther finmcial investlnents f t Special lrdicator Cc&: g 'V 170 .Yorked l



=v 171 .Dis&ied l

W 1R hdicare .

v 173 .Mdiuid . l V 174 AS. &virus Sords (R,EEI * l v 173 .Colla~ewk atu+y l

=v 176 .PGLL Grnt . l v lTI.tryplrent~lE~at~orul + l v .Opportmity Grant (SEOG) l

: 178.~timal OirectSt*tLom*

.(ImSL) .


179 .Urrmtmd Student Loan l

lG0 .JTPA training . 'v 181 .Eqloyer assistance .

: lS2 .Fellouship/rchoi~rship 8 103 .Dther firuncial aid .

v K)o .VA disability ratinS of 100x l

l v 201 .VA disability rating of less l

Y .thn WOS l


D Tit8004 3 has

ISS t&n or “Se. scde‘

U All perrms recorded as recipient of ISS

D ""80% 2 691 Month recipiency bc~an

U All persms recorded as recipient of ISS V 00 .Yot mlicable V 01 - 12 .I(onth

D 1118008 4 693 Tear recipiency be9an

U A11 persms recorded as recipient of ISS V OWO .Yot ~iiceble v ,wo-wa ."ew

DT"SO10 3 697 ISS codes or .**et codes

U All persona recorded as recipient of ISS

OT"GO12 2 700 wmth recipiency began

U 111 prsms recorded IIS recipient of 155 V 00 .Yot applicable V 01 - 12 .*onth

0 7118014 4 702 Tear recipiency bcgm

U All prsms recorded as recipient of ISS V OWO .Yot a+icable v lWO-1990 .".xn-

D 7118016 3 706 ISS cc&s OP ,*set cc&s

u All prrms recorded as recipimt of ISS

D TiW18 2 709 Month recipiacy bewn

U All perrae recorded as recipient of *SS " DO Jot applicable V 01 - 12 .*anth

OTMGO20 4 711 Tear recipiency be9sn

U All persona recorded as recipient of ISS Y OODO .Yot yrplicable v IWO-,ppo ."ear

OTWO22 3 713 ISS codes or asset cedes

u All prsms recorded as recipient of ISS


Page 68: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



0 Tw8024 2 718 "onth recipiency began

u 411 persons recorded as recipient of **S " 00 .Yot applicable " 01 - 12 .“onth

0 Two26 4 720 Veer recipiency hewn

u 111 persons recorded as recipient of ISS " 0000 .Yot @@icable " 1900-1990 ."CW

0 TM8028 3 R4 ISS coder or a*set coder

U ALI persons recorded as recipient of ISS

0 m8o30 2 RI Month recipiency bewm

U A11 persms recorded as recipient of ISS " 00 .Yot applicable " 01 _ 12 .Mmth

0 TM8032 4 729 leer recipincy bepan

U A,il persons recorded as recipient of ISS " 0000 .Yot applicable " 1900-1990 ."'eW

0 Two34 3 733 ISS codes or asset codes

U ALL prsonr recorded 8s recipient of ISS

0 VI8036 2 736 Month recipiency began

U AL1 prrms recorded e* recipient of ISS " 00 .Yot a@icable " 01 . 12 .“omh

0 men38 4 738 year recipiewy kqm

U AII prrms recorded a* recipient of ISS " 0000 .Yot applicable " 1900-1990 .'tear

0 Tlao40 3 742 ISS codes or a*set cod-a

U *II persons recorded a* recipient of IS.5

0 TM&l42 2 745 Month recipiency began

U *II prrms recorded a* recipient of ISS " 00 .Wot applicable " 0, _ 12 ."mth

0 7ml44 4 747 year recipiency began

U ALI prrons recorded a* recipient of ISS " 0000 .Yot awlicsble Y woo-1wo .mar

0 w8o44 3 751 Incone CcdeB or arset coder

U ALL pertons recorded a* recipient of Ifs

0 Tu1048 2 754 Month recipiewy ban

" 00 .Yot applicable " 01 - 12 .Mmth

0 wao50 4 756 year recipimcy beann

U AL1 persmr recorded as recipient of ISS " 0000 .Wot applicable " lWO-IWO .rew


0 TM8052 1 760 Check item 13 IS . . . 10 years Of age or over?

” A11 prsons ” 0 Jot qplisable " 1 ."er " 2 .Yo -skip to TM.5124

0 Tn.8054 1 761 Check itm 74 Is 'food St-1 (cc& 27) listed in the recipiency history roster?

" A11 pemar6 18 yew‘ Of sge or over " 0 .Yot ~licable Y 1 ."es " 2 .Yo - skip to TW3050

0 TM8o56 1 762 Besides this period of tinr, have there been my other fines when . ..*a~ authorized to receive food St-7

" A,, permns 18 yews of age or over recorded a* receiving food bt-

" 0 .Yot WIicabte " 1 .yes - skip to TWX2 " 2 .Yo - skip to TM.5074

0 TM8058 1 763 liar . . . ever applied for the Federal oO"emmmt'S Food stanp Fngra,

" All prrons 18 years Of age or over mt listed in recipiency history roster as receivins food stmps

Y 0 .Yot applicable " 1 ."es " 2 .Yo - skip to TWO74

0 nl8wo 1 764 Has . . . ever been authorized to receive food stnpS7

u A11 persons 18 years Of age or OYer who have ever plied for the federal Soveramt fwd rte proSran

" 0 .Yot applicable " 1 ."K " 2 .Yo - skip to 1118074

0 Twl62 2 765 (hen did . . . first start receiving food Ptnps?

" All persons 10 yews Of we or wer who have been authmized to receive fwd starps

" 00 .Sot applicabble " 01 - 12 ."mth

0 mm64 4 767 Uhm did . . . first start receiving food St-?

" All perrms 18 yeers Of age ol- over who have been authorized to receive food stamps

" WOO .Yot q!icsble " woo-lwo ."CW

0 Ty8oM 2 771 For how lonp did . . . receive focd stamps that tim?

" A11 prsm 18 yeers Of ege or over *o have Karen authorized to receive food stamps

" 00 .Uot applicable " 01 - 72 .Ywber of mnths received


Page 69: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


,-. 0 TMan6s 2 m For. hou Lmg did . . . receive food stnps thet rim?

u ALI prsms 111 ycsrs of .Se 0~ over who have been authorized t0 receive foad st-

Y 00 .Yot awlicsble Y 01 _ W .Yulrr of yew. received

0 maoR 2 m Ha many rim in .I1 hew there keen when . . . ws euthorized to receive food *t-t

u 111 persons 10 yesrs of we 0~ over who have been euthorized to receive fond staps

" 00 .Yot ~licable Y 01 - W .Tirs

0 wao74 1 777 Check itnn T5 Is . . . a desipnsted parent or Suerdim of children w&r la lrho live in this household

u All prsms ia years of .Se or over " 0 .Yot applicsblc ” 1 .les .’ Y 2 .Yo - skip to TN%96

0 VW376 1 m Check ices? 76 Is 'AFOC' (code 20) Listed in the recipiency history roster?

u AlI persons ia years of age or over uho are desianeted s. e prent or ausrdien of chitdrm w&r la I*lo Live in this hwsehold

" 0 .Yot epplicsble Y 1 ."e. " 2 .Yo - skip to w3OaO

0 Twao7a 1 779 Besides this period of time, hew there been my other tin% when . . . received AFOC uoC~?

u A.II perscin la yew. of .Se 0~ ever who are designated ss a parent or Susrdian of children mder la who live in this household end receive AFDC

" 0 .Wot eppliceble " 1 .'Ies - skip te 7118084 " 2 .Yo - skip to T((8O96

OTwlan .l 780 He. . . . ever applied for benefits frcan the progrn called AFOC - lid to FmiIies with Dependent Children <or NC,?

u ALL person. la year. of .Sc or over who are designated ss a prent or guardian of children mder la who live in this hwsehold end sre mt listed es receiving AFOC

" 0 .Yot e+icsble " 1 .les Y 2 .Yo - skip to 7*8096

0 TMaoa2 1 781 Hss .__ ever received *FOC (AOC) benefits?

u ALI prsm la year. of .SC 0~ over *O sre designsted ss s parent or guardian of children under la who live in this household end have ever applied for benefits fran A,FoC

" 0 .Yot spplicsblc " 1 .res

” 2 ."e - skip to TMO96

0 TMaoa4 2 7112 Hen did . . . first stsrt receivinp AFOC UDC, wfit.7

u AII pr.m ia WAS of sge 0r 0rer *,o sre daigmtsd ss a prent or guerdian of children u-&r la tie live in this household md hen received AFOC benefits

" 00 .lot qplicsble " 01 - 12 .*ath

0 maoa 4 7a4 ulen did . . . first start receiving MOC WC) bmefit.7

u AI\ p- ia ~SFS 0f .s. 0r 0ve~ *ho are desiprrted u l pwent or aumdisn of children rnder la llro live in this household md hsve received AFOC benefits

" WOO .lot ~liceble " woo-lwo .""r

0 wawa 2 7118 Fsr bon 1s~ did .__ receive MOC MO0 that tims7

u ALI permns la yew. of age or over who are desiprvted es s parent or Susrdim of childrm mder la Iho live in this hanehold srd hew received AFOC kmefits

" 00 .Yot sppliceble " 01 - 12 .YII&r Of mmths received

0 n4ao9o 2 790 for bar lonp did . . . receive AIFOC MC) thst tilt?

u 411 persons la yew. sf age or wer *o *re desiv-mted es e parent or Suerdim of children tir la tie live in this hwsehold nd hen received AFOC benefit.

" 00 .Yot wliceble " 01 - W .Ywter of yews received

0 TMao94 2 792 itoy !amy rims in sII have there been when ._. received *FoC UoC)?

U AtI proms 18 years of eSe or over who are desipnsted s. s parent or Suerdian,of children mder la uho live in this household ud hew received AFOC benefits

" 00 .Yot ewliceble " 01 - W .Tims

0 TNao96 1 794 Check it- 77 1s 'SSI' Cc&s 3 or 4) listed in the recipiency history rester

u ALL proms ia yew. of sge or over " 0 .Yot .ppLicsble Y 1 ."C. " 2 .Yo - skip te TN3100

0 wso9a 1 795 Besides this period of rim, heve there been sny other times Ihm ._. received SSI benefits?

u ~11 prsrns la year. of e9e 0~ over who are listed in the recipiency history r-xter es recipients of 1% tc*s 3 or 4)

" 0 .Yot yplicable " 1 .ye. _ skip to 1118104 " 2 .Yo . skiD to TV.3114


Page 70: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


0 1na100 1796 nas ._. ever -lied for benefits frm the progrn c.LLed SSI (G~1emnt.l security Inc-)7

u ALI par~- ia WS~S 0f .~e 0r OWT " 0 .Yot wlic&le " 1 .Ye. " 2 .Yo - skip to TM114

0 wG102 1 797 Gas __. ever recciwd Shl bmefit.7

u *iI prams ia years of .Ge or over *o hwe ever -lied for bemfits fron, SSI

" 0 Aof ~licsble


(l.c.1 II for " 00 .*d qplimble " 01 - 12 .I*nth

0 TlG3120 1 al2 Ourirp M lut visit ye ma-ded thst . . . ns covered bt One la.1 - for Mdidiuld>. This questim cmccrns the com.~. thet YS beirrp rec.&d .t that tim. Wm did th.t pried of cowr.Ge fimt bqfn7

u 111 p- ia mrs of .Ge or over I*lo m.0rd.d m l..t visit .s covered by (LouI - for Blvdic.idl

" 0000 .Got pliable " lpoo-1990 .YHl-

0 TM6122 2 a16 Duriw our 1-t visit ye recorded thst . . . ms c0ver.d kry (use l0c.l ran. for Mediuid). This qucstim cmcems the cover.~. th.t YS bein(l received .t th.t tilt. Hn did that pried of coveraGe first bqin?

u 111 per- ia WS~S of .Gc 0r OWN *0 Yere rec0rd.d cm lsst visit .s covered by (1oc.l NIC for Medicaid)

" -3 .Yewer covered by Miceid " 00 .Yot wlic.ble

0 TIu1124 1 ala Check itm 110 Y.s . . . cwercd bv . health insurmce Plan? (Is itam 27s or 2?b, wrked 'yes'?)

u All persax " 0 .Yot .pplic.ble " 1 .les Y 2 .Yo - .kip to TM132

” 1 .Yes ” 2 .Yo - akip to TM114

0 ma104 2 798 yhen did . . . first st.rt reccivinD SSI7

u Al, persm. la yesr. of .G. or 0v.r who have ever received bmefits frm GSI

" 00 .Yot .pplic.ble " 01 - 12 .Yonth

0 ma106 4 aoa when did . . . first st.rt receiving SSI7

u AlI persons ia yews of .Ge or over who hwe ever receind benefits frm SSI

" 0000 .Yot wlic.ble " lWO-1990 .w.r

0 ma108 2 a04 For hw long did . . . receive 551 that tine?

u 111 prsms ia yews of sGe or over uho have ever receiwd bcnfits frm SSI

" 00 .Wot wlimble " 01 _ 12 .Yt&er of months received

0 TW8110 2 a04 for hou long did . . . receive SSI that time?

u AlI persons ia yesrs of .Ge or over uho have ever received bmefits frm SSI

" 00 .Yc.t .ppliclble Y 01 _ 99 .bfber of yews received

0 wG114 1 aoa Check itnn 18 Is 'Medicaid' (code 1TJ) mrked in ct iten 47 for 17

u 111 persms~la yems of *Se or over uho hwe ever received befits frm SSI

" 0 .Yot wlic.ble " 1 .h. " 2 .Yo - skip to TUG124

0 ma116 1 a09 Check itnn 19 IS 'WI or 'IFOC' (Code. 3.4, or 201 swked in cc itm 45 for l?

u ~11 persons ia years of sue or over Y 0 .Got .pplic.bble " 1 .les - skip to TMG124 " 2 .YO

0 nia11a 2 ai0 Ourirg our lsst visit we recorded thet . . . YSS covered by (use locsl m for Medicaid). This q#w.tim cmcerns the eover.Ge that 1.6 being received .t th.t time. yhm did that period of coverage first begin?

u ALt persons ia yesrs of age or over who were recorded cm Last visit OS covered by

0 TM26 2 a19 ye h.w recorded th.t . . . is covered by s private he.lth insurmce plan. For how low hss . . . hem covcrd by health inwrwe without interrrptim?

u Aill persons conred by health insurmce plan

” 00 .Yot wlic.blc " 01 - 12 .ctder of lDnths received - skip " .to 7Ga13a

0 miza 2 &?l Ye have recorded thst . . . iS covered kv . priwte he.lth inaurmce plm. For how 1m.a h.. . . . bwn cwercd by health insursnce without interruption?

u 111 persms covcred by health imurame Ph

" 00 .Yot qalicable " 01 _ W .Gtir of yews received - skip " .to Tmal3a

0 TM130 2 G23 Ye hwe recorded that . . . is covered by. private health inrurwxe plm. For how lot-m h.s . . . been covered by health inwrmce without interryrtim?

U ALI prsms covered by health insurance phi

” -3 .Gsve dwys had inaursnce - " .skip to TW313G " 00 .Yot applicable



Page 71: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


o TM132 2 a25 ye hsvc recorded thst . . . is not currently covered by s private health insursncc plan. yhen sss the Isst rim . . . YSS cwsrsd by private heslth insursreel

u All persca-s " 00 .Yot spplicsble " 01 - 12 ."mth

0 ma134 4 a27 Ye have rrordsd thst . . . is not currently cwersd by s private health insurance plsn. Hen YSS the lsst tims . . . Y.S covered kq private health insurance7

u ALI per.0". " WOO .Yot sqlicsble V WOO-1990 .Icar

0 ma136 2 Kil Ye have recorded that . . . is not currently covered by s privste health insura-ee plsn. Hm w. the last rim . . . wss covered by private health insursce?

u All psrsons " -3 .na. never been cc.vered " 00 .Yot spplicable

0 1118138 1 a33 Check item 111 Is .._ the reference person?

u A,, persons " 0 .Yot applicable

-,, " 1 .Yes " 2 .Yo - skip to T118MO

0 TFlalPO 1 a3L Check itm 112 Is this houring mit public or subsidized?

u All reference persons " 0 .Wot applicable


Irked 01 the ISS for . . . code 3. cod.. 20 - 27,

u 111 r.f.m* persm. " 0 .Got qplicsblc Y 1 ."e.

2 .a. - skip to Ma200

0 w3150 1 a42 Is . . . m s usitim list for p&tic or s~ldizsd hcuiq7

U All rsfsnm p- with codes 3, 20-27. or 173 mrked m the ISS

" O.NotqplicskJe " 1 .TU " 2 .YO

0 TM-IFAO 1 a43 TopicsI tile l-scion flw Xl Ilpltstim for ~wBOO6'

Y 0 .mt iquted " 1 .Iquted

0 TM-IFAl 1 au Topic.1 rr*le iqxtstim flw #2 llpnatim for 'T*Boffl'

" 0 .Got i-ted " 1 .*quted

0 TM-IFA 1 a45 Topicsl us&l= isputstim flag #3 lllprtatim for *TyBOlZI

" 0 sot iquted " 1 .,lplt.d

0 TM-IFU 1 846 Topic.1 tile ilpltstim flag x4 Inpltstim for 'TB3014'

" 0 .Yot iqzutsd " 1 .*qxwd

0 TW-IF44 1 a47 1cpic.l llDdule irpltstion flag x5 ImpCation for wwia~

" 0 .Yot irprted " 1 .I.pAed

D TM-IF&5 1 a48 Topical &Lc ilpltatim flag x6 lnputatim for 'TlV3020'

" 0 .Yot irprted Y 1.lrpll.d

D TM-IF16 1 849 Topical mdule ilpltstim flag #7 Isqtstim for 'TMaO24'

" 0 .Yot iwtsd " 1.1qxJted

” 1 .Yes ” 2 .Yo - skip to 7118148

0 1118142 2 a35 For how long hss . . . been living in paLis or stiidized housiw?

U *II reference persons living in public or subsidized housing

" 00 .Uot applicsble " 01 - 12 .Wo. of mmths - skip to lW3200

0 wai44 2 837 For hw lmg hss . . . been liviw in public or stiidized housing?

U 111 rcfermce prams liviw in p&lic or stiidizsd housing

" 00 .Uot applicsble " Ol- W .No. of yews . skip to Ma200

0 TM8146 2 839 For how lmg hss . . . been living in @lit or ntaidized housing?

U *LI reference prsms (iving in p&Lic or subsidized housing

" -3 .Hsve always lived in p&tic " .hcusing " W .&at spplicsble

0 wa148 1 a41 Check irrm 713 Is one or core of the follwing codes

0 TM-IFA 1 a50 Topic.1 m&A. isputstion flag *8 I~tatim for 'TMo26'

" 0 .Yot irprtd " 1 .,lrprted

0 TM-IFAa 1 051 TcpicsL m&L. input*tim flag *p Illpltatim for 'TWO30'

" 0 .tiot i-ted " 1 .IWled


Page 72: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



0 TM-IFA 1 a52 Topics1 tile ilpltaticm flsg X10 Inputstim for 'TMGO32'

" 0 .Yot irplted " 1 .*swted

0 T"-IF110 1 a53 Topics1 -Ic inputstim flsp X11 Illplltstim for 'TMO3b'

" 0 dot i-ted " l.IwJtsd

0 TM-IF111 1 8% TopicsI schle iwstian flsp X12 Iswtatim for ~TWOYI'

" 0 .&at i-ted " l.IWed

0 T"-IFAl 1 a55 Topical tile ilputstion flsp X13 Iwtstion for 'TMO42'

" 0 .Yot ilpned " 1.1nplted

0 TWIFA13 1 a556 Topical m&de ilprtatim flsg #I4 Inprtstion for 'TWl44

" 0 dot inplted " 1 .I.&ut.d

0 ,I)-IFAl 1 a57 Topical nodule ilplt*tion flsg X15 Iw.zstim for 'Tw34a'

" 0 .Got i-ted " 1 .InpJfed

0 TM-IFA 1 a5a Twical m&Ale iqxttstim flag Xl6 Iswtatim for 'TWO50

" 0 .Yot inplced " 1 .*npltsd

D TWIFAlb 1 a59 Topical tile ilprtstion flag Y17 Inprtstim for *TWO58*

Y 0 .Yot inputed " 1 .*mluted


" 0 .Got iqvted " l.Iqlutd

0 TM-IFAl 1 (160 Topicsl smhlc isputstim flag xi8 Inmutation for 'TWO50'

” 0 Aot i-ted " 1 .,lplted

0 TII-IFAlB 1 861 Topics, module i-cation flag X19 Inputatim for *TN&W'

" 0 dot i-ted " 1 .*wted

0 TM-IFA 1 862 Topical mcdle ilpltstim fIsg X20 Inputstim for 'T&X64'

" 0 .Yot inprtcd " 1 .,lpltsd

0 TM-IFAZO 1 063 Topical module inputsCion flag X2) IsSxterion for *TMoM - TI180ba:

" 0 .Got ilpltsd " 1 .Is&wsd

0 TkIFA21 1 WL TopicsI nodule ilpltstim flag I22 Inputstim for *Tm6072'

0 T"-IFA 1 ab5 Topiul ml* iqutstim flsp G23 Iqutstim for waWa0'

" 0 .Got iqrted " l.Iqutsd

0 TM-IF123 1 aAb Topiulmd~h lpltstion flw 824 I~stimlw 'TwOa2'

" 0 .IIet t-cd " l.Iqu(sd

D TM-IF124 1 a67 Twiul cble ilpttstim flsg 125 kutstim for 'TlIaOS4'

” 0 .Got iquted " 1.1-d

0 TWIFA25 , &$a Topics1 lobI= inpltstim flsp #2b Ilpltstim for 'TUIOM'

Y 0 .Got i-ted " 1.1mted

0 T”-,FUb 1 MO Topical tile ilprtstim flag 127 Illpltstim for *T*I)Iy)(I - TmG090~

” 0 .Yat ilplted " 1 .*lplted

0 TM-IF127 1 a70 Topical tile imputation flsg G2.5 Iwtstim for 'TWO94'

” 0 .Yot i-ted " l.Ilputed

0 T"-IFAX 1 a71 Topics1 no&Is i-cation flag (129 Iwwtstim for 'TIu)lOO

” 0 .Yot ilputsd " 1 .Irplfed

0 TWIFA29 1 a72 Topical tile ilpltatim flag G30 Isptstim for 'T*B102'

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1.1srutsd

D TWIFA30 1 an TopicsI lPdule irprtatim flag G3T lswtstim for 'TWO4'

" 0 .Got iquted " 1 .,-ted

0 TM-IFA 1 a74 Tcpical die iwstim flsg n2 Ilpltstim for 'WalOb'

” 0 .Yot ilpned ” 1 .*sputed

0 TM-IF132 1 a75 Topical tile inprtatim flsg #33 Imutstim for 1T11(1108-T118110~

” 0 .Yot inplted " 1 .*lplted

0 TWIFA33 1 (176 Topics1 die ilprtstim flag S?4 Inpltstim for *Tmaiia~

" 0 .Yot inprted " 1 .,lpltsd



Page 73: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

D TM-IFA 1 (In TopicsI se&ale iwfation flag x35 Illput.tion for 'TM8120 - TMm22

" 0 .Yot iquted " 1 .Ilplfed

D TM-IF&35 1 (I78 Topical tilt ipltatim flag #36 In&Wstim for 'W8126 - W8130'

" 0 .Yot ilprted " 1 .Iqued


business Ifstad " 00 .llot qplicable " 01 - 16 .Swlmr rubber - skip to Y .lW218

D ms210 1 us9 chat Ita 717 Is 'uorkd' (cods 170, nsrked on the IU,

" All pnm 1s to 64 yenarc " 0 .sot qplicsble Y 1 .ra " 2 ."O - stip to lIfea

D TMzlL 2 Em check ftr 118 Yhat 1s the IO rx&er of this aployer

U All persea 18 to 66 ye~~rs of age with aptoyer tistsd

" m .Ict qplicable " Ol-16.EqLcyernmber

OTW16 2 892 Check itm 118 *at is the IO &r of this business

U 111 prsms 10 to 64 ycras of age with business listed

" 00 .Yot elicable " 01 - 16 .gusinss nmber

0 TM6218 2 894 yhm did . . . start wrking for (read wxw of aployer or business)?

u All prsons 18 to 66 year* of age reported as working

" 00 .Yot qplicable " 01 - 12 .*onth

on!8220 I 396 &6wn did . . . start wrking for (red nme of cnploycr or tusims)?

" ALL prsms 10 to 64 years of age reported as working

" WOO .Yot applicable " 1900-1990 .b?sr

Dm.3222 1 904 Check itn 116 (TM8206 or TWO8) or 118 UM6214 or TM216) above? Is 'Elployer nnber' filled in?

" All prscm 18 to 64 years of *ge reported mnth and year started working

" 0 .Yot qzplicable " 1 ."e* " 2 .Yo - skip to TM8248

Om822C 1 901 About how nay prsms are (were) enployed by . . . 'S es@oyer (It the Locstim here . . . uorkr (worked)?

" All perscos 10 to 61 years of age reported l nmth and year started working " 0 .Yot applicable " l.under25 " 2 .25 to w " 5 .lDo to 499 " c .500 to 999 " 5 .lOOO or mm - skip to TV.8230

0 TWIFA36 1 079 Topical tile ilprtatim flag 637 lnputatim for *TMlSZ'

" 0 dot ilprted " 1 .,lputed

0 TbIFA37 1 es0 Topical tile imputation flag KS8 Inputstion for WI.3136 - 7118136'

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .1nprted

D TM-IFA 1 01 Topical nodule ilpltatim flag 639 llpltatim for 'W8112 - 7M.3146'

" 0 .Yot inprted " 1 .IQmed

0 TM-IF639 1 632 Topical tile ilprtatim flag x40 lnputatim for 'W3150'

" 0 .Yot ilprted " 1 .hpted

~***~*.*."t"ttt"~*"..****...**.*..*..** Psrt S: Elploynmt History l


D Tlls200 1 083 Check item 714 IS . . . 18 to 64 pars Old?

u 111 prsonr " 0 .Yot gplicable " 1 .res " 2 .Yo . skip to TW8300


. Wow I weld like to ask sme questions* l shout scm of the jobs . . . has held. l t..~t*...t..~.tttttt.**~**.***.**.~,.*.~.***

D TM8202 1 804 Check itn 715 Is there an employer or business Listed in cc itm C2 or 4%

" All person* 18 to 64 yesrs of age " 0 .Yot applicable " 1 .'les " 2 .Yo _ skip to TM8210

D Tw206 2 885 Check itm 716 Yhat is the IO I-M&~ of this nployer

U All prsmt 18 to 64 years of age with employer Listed

" DO .Yot applicable " 01 - 16 .Enployer nu&~ _ skip to " .lM6218

_ 0 TlL3208 2 a67 Check itm 716 Whet is the IO rwrber of this business

U All persons 18 to 64 years of age with


Page 74: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D WB226 1 902 Does (Did) . . . '5 e+oyer cperate in more than me locatim7

" All persol- 18 to 64 years Of age reported math and year started working

" 0 .Yce awlicmble


" 1 .ws .. " 2 .Yo (skip to TH8-248)

D TM8228 1 903 Abe,t how lay permns are <were, aaplOyed bY . ..I* aplayer at all locatiomf

u All Persons 18 to 64 war* Of ane Ml.3

” 0 .Not ap#icable " 1 .Under 25 ” 2 .25 to 99 ” 3 .lM) to 499 ” 4 .500 to 999 ” 5 .lOOO or llre

0 w8230 1 901 IS was, . . . ammter of a L*rlnion at that job?

u All persons 18 to 64 year* Of age reported to have worked for 2 or mre ccasecutive weeks

" 0 .Om't know " 1 .ler " 2 .YO

0 w8232 1 9-35 Is Was> . . . covered by a mien contract at that job?

" All persons 18 to 64 years of age reported to have worked for 2 or mre consecutive ueeks

" 0 .Oon't knon " 1 .7es " 2. YO

D n&82% 2 906 For now ray ymrs has . . . done the kind of uork that . . . does m this job

u All persons 18 to 64 years of we reported to have wrked for 2 0~ mnre consecutive weeks

" 00 .Dan’t knw " 01 . 12 .Ntir of mnths (skip to " .w8248)

0 1118234 2 908 For rwy many years has 1.. done the kind of work that . . . Qes on this job

"All prsmls 18 to 64 Years of age reported to have worked 2 or .wre consecutive weeks

" 00 .Yot applicable Y 01 - 99 .Wunber of years (skip to 1148248)

D lW8zCO 2 910 Uhm did ._. last York at a pid jab or business lasting 2 consecutive weeks or ITcare?

Y 00 .Wot applicable " 01 - 12 .Ilmth (skip to 7M8254)

D TM242 4 912 bihm did . . . Lest work at a paid job or busimss lasting 2 consecutive rreks or sure?

U AL1 ~-~rsons 18 to 64 years of age who worked for 2 or more consecutive

mks OOM .Yot qplicable

1900-1990 .Vcar (skip to 7M8254)

rm8ab 2 916 Yhn did . . . Last York at a paid job or Lwsimss lastinp 2 consecutive eeks or lore7

AII pwsms 18 to 66 years of age rho worked for 2 or uore consecutive "eelis

-3 .bver worked for 2 cmsecutive .ueeks or more (ask W8216,

m .YOf .&icable

DlW3246 1 918 Yhat is the min reason . . . never worked 2 ca'wwtivemks orl~re ata jobor business? If l-7. skip to T!!BSOO

" 0 .Dm't knw " 1 .Tdcing care of hors or fnily " 2 .I11 or disabled " 3 .Goinp go schw, " 4 .Cwldn't find uork " 5 .Didn't mt to work " 7 .Othtr

0 TM8268 2 919 Before this job when did . . . last work at a pid job or business lestill 2 c-live mks or mare?

” All persors 18 to 64 years of #g.z who worked for 2 or mre cmsecutlve mks

" 00 .Yot a&icable " 01 - 12 .Hmth

0 TM8250 4 921 Before this job rhm did . . . last work at a pid jab or hrsiness lasting 2 consecutive weeks or more?

U All persons 18 to 64 of age who worked for 2 o? more consecutive mks

" WOO .Om't knou " 1900-1990 .war

0 1118252 2 925 Before this job when did . . . last work at a paid job or business lasting 2 consecutive weeks or more?

U All ~~rhms 18 to 64 years of rage who nrked for 2 or lore consecutive weeks

" -3 .Yever had mother job lasting " .tlo weeks oc are tskip to " .TIW84, " 00 Jot wlicable

D wa254 1 927 Check itm TM Is the year in TUS242 or Tn3250 between 1976 and 1990?

" Al1 personr 18 to 64 years of age who worked for 2 or mrc consecutive mks

" 0 Jot amlicable " 1 .ms ~' " 2 .Yo (skip to TM8284)

D TYIYD3 3 928 blmt was the - of . ..'s aployer or b&a-sine% at that tire7

” All persons 18 to 64 years of ege uho worked for 2 or mre consecutive weeks in 1978 or Later

" Wo .Yot ap@icablt " 001-999 .1ndustry code



Page 75: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

._ D lcIIYD4 3 931 Lhat kind of colpunl, business, or occupation ~4s

" A,, prams (0 to 64 yem-* of age who worked for 2 or msre cmsscutive mks in 1978 or Later

" 000 .&at q,Aicable " .Dcc~tim cede

D nR32M 1 934 Did . . . work for m enplover on that job or ws . . . Self-~LoyedT

" A.LL person+ 18 to 64 years Of Bge Iho worked for 2 or mre consecutive mks in 1978 or Later

" 0 .Yot applicable " 1 .Uorked for menplcver " 2 .Self-~loYed

D T"8268 2 935 Rmth started working for es+Acver or business

" All persms 18 to 64 years of age who worked for 2 or lore cmsecutive weeks in 1978 or Iater

" 00 .Yot applicable " 01 _ 12 .Wmth

0 TM8270 4 937 lesr started working for an aplwer or business

All persms 18 to 64 years of age who worked for 2 or more consecutive weeks in 1978 or later

0000 .Yot applicable IWO-199a ."C.w

0 ma272 2 941 llsin reason _.. stcwsd working for employer or business

" A,, persons 98 to 64 yesrs Of age uho worked for 2 or mre consecutive weeks

" 00 .Yot applicable " 01 .L.sYDff, plant closed " 02 .Dischargsd " 03 .Jc.b Y(16 tssvorary end ended " 04 .bnd a better job " 05 .Retirement/old age " 06 .Did mt like working conditions " 07 .Dissatisfisd with l smings " 08 &id not like locstim " 09 .Ooing to school Y 10 .Becar pregmmtlhad child " 11 .Wealth ressom " 12 .Dther fmity or psrsomsL ressms " 13 .Dther

D TM8274 4 943 In Yhst year did . . . first work six strsight mmths or Lager at LI regular job or kusinsss

" A,, persons 10 to 64 yesrs Of qs who worked for 2 or mre wnsecufive weeks in 1978 or later

" -3 .Yever wrked 6 str.sight swnths " .af a job or business - " .<skip To TM8300) " -1 .Dm't know - skip to TM8286 " 0000 .Yot applicable

- " 1900-1590 ."esr

D TM8276 2 947 Since (year in TM.5274). has . . . SIYSYS uorked at lessf six mnfhs


" A,, perIan 18 to 64 years Of age uho repot-tad y~r ffrst worked 6 straight mths or L-r in 1978 or Later

" -I .Dm't knw - skip to TUUOO " "

z .pSo wwl!c.sble

" 02 :ro - ,k,p To 11183W

D Tma??a 2 %9 "on - yrrs were there wtwn . . . worked .t Lwst 6 mths

" All p- 18 to 64 Of we *ho have not l lwy rorked mt least 6 straight rnths or 1-r &ring the yew in 19m or lmt*r

" 00 .liot qplicable " 01 - w .lheer of yTms wrted

D nl82Ea 1 951 Check it- 121 Is the ynr rorked in TM8274 betueen 1976 and 199a

" ALI persms 18 to 64 years Of age Jlo hwe mt .luayl rorksd .st Le.sst 6 St&sight amths or Lmger during the Year 1978 or later

" 0 .Yot ~licsble " I .Yes - skip To TM8286 " 2 .YO

0 TM&32 2 952 Since 1976 hw ry years have there been Mm . . . worked at least 6 mmths &rim the yew

" A11 perrms 18 to 64 years Of we who have not sIwp worked at least 6 straight months or lmger &ring the yews 1978 or later

" -5 AI years " DO .Yot m&@icable " 01 - w ."ears

D Tl482&4 1 954 Check item 122 Is there a ycm in TM8274 or in TW20

" A11 persms I* to 64 years of age Iho have not aIwys worked ~lt Least 6 straight mmths or Longer during the Years 1978 1978 or ,.ter

" 0 .Yot applicable " 1 ."es " 2 .Yo - skip to 7118300

D w8286 1 955 (People spend tim cut of the Labor force for various mmscns, swh as taking care of a bass or fmiLY, illness, going to school, or other rcascas.~ Since ws*r in TW5218 or TW256) hwe there beem my periods Lasting 6 mths or Longer when ___ did not work at (I psid job or businss

" AL, persms 18 to 64 years Of age uho uorked at least 6 straight months or Longer during 1928 or later

" 0 .Yot sppliceble " 1 ."CS " 2 .lo - skip To TM8300


Page 76: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D Tl48281) 2956 Abouthwnnytirs has . ..gmc6 nmths or l-r without working at ajoborlwim*

" AIL persons 10 to 6L ye.rr of we *lo hare had periods of 6 mthr or mre without working since *car started working

" 00 .Yot awlicable " 01 - W .Tilea

D Ta29a 4 958 b%n was the last tir that _.. went 6 lmths or longer withcut raking at a joborhriness - bzgiming year

U11lpr~orpl~to~ycrrsof~uho have had periods of 6 mths or mre without wrkiw since year started working

" 0000 .Yot applicable " 1900-1990 ."Cm-

D 7118292 L 962 tim ws the last tilt that ___ went 6 mnths or lmger without working at a jobor business - endiwyear

U All persms 18 to 64 years of age uho have had periods of 6 mths or mre without rorking sime year started working

" 0000 .Yot wlicable V lWO-1990 .Year

owe.294 1 966 Yhat Y.YS the rearm . . did not work at a job or busimss &ring that tim

" All prsms 18 to 64 yew-6 of *ge who have had priods of 6 mths or mre without working since year started uorking

" 0 .Yot wlicable " 1 .Took care of family or hne " 2 .C~I illness or disability " 3 .Could not find work " L Soirm to school " 5 .gecm pregnmtlhad child " 6 Ather

D IMP-8218 1 967 Topical no&l= irpltstion flag Xl Illplltatim for 'Tu)zlO' when wrked is rrked

" 0 .Yot inplted " 1 .1npJted

D 1°F8220 1 968 Topical nm&le ilprtation flag X2 Inprtatim for *TM2201 when worked is nrked

" 0 .Rot i-ted " 1 .1wted

0 IMP-8226 1 969 Topical tile iqutatim flag #4 llputatim for 'TH8226'

" 0 .Yot i-ted Y 1 .Iqlmd

0 Illp-8224 1 970 Tc+Gcal lndule ilpnation flag CJ lnpltatim for 'TM8224'

" 0 .Yot iwted " 1 .Inpued

D IMP-6228 1 971 Topical nodule ilpltstion flag W Isp.mtion for 'w8228'

" 0 .Wot inprted " 1 .Is&wed

0 IR-8230 1 9R Topical c61e iytstim flag Lb Imatim for %8230'

" 0 .llot lwlmcd " 1 .Iqutmi

a IMP-a232 1 973 Topical til* iqutntim flag #7 lqut~tim for 'w0232'

" 0 Alot fquted " 1 .Iqutd

D IW423L 1 974 Topical m&de fqutstim flag *) Iwut~tlal for 'n&?34'

" 0 .*ot imuted " 1 .Iwtmd

0 IMP-0240 1 975 Topie~l tile ilprtatim flag #9 Iw.natim for 'TUUIO~

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .1wted

D IMP-B242 1 976 Topic*1 tiLe ilputstim flag X10 Inpltatim for 'TM6242

Y 0 .Yot isputed " 1 .Irpned

D IMP424L 1 9n Topical -1~ ilpltatim flag *It Ilput*tim for 'TMz44'

" 0 .Yot i-ted Y 1 .Iqxed

D IMP-a6 1 9zll Topic.91 lodule ilpltation fl*g Ylt Irprtatim for '718246'

" 0 .Yot irprted " 1 .1wted

D Iwp-8248 1 979 Topical nodule inpltatim flag #lU Inprtation for '7118248'

" 0 .Yot iqaited " 1 .1quted

D IMP-8250 1 9ao Topical m&l= inpltatim flag X13 Inpltaticm for 'T*B250'

" 0 .Yat ilplted " 1 .1lplted

0 IMP-8252 1 981 Topical adule ilprtatim flag X14 Ilpltatim for *T&5252'

" 0 .Yot ilprted " 1 .Ipmd

0 IMP-G% 1 982 Topical able iwqutatim f(ng *15 Isptatim for 'Tll(u66'

" 0 .Yot ilplted " 1 .1lprted

0 IMP-8268 1 983 Topical &le iwtstim flag 116 llnpltatim for '1*8268'

" 0 .Wot iwted " 1 .Iqxncd


Page 77: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D IMP+270 1 9% Topical tile iwtation ftap 17 -. *gnation for *lMS270'

" 0 .Yot iwted " 1 .I~Ced

0 MPa272 1 9115 Twical Dodrle irpnatim flog 118 ,lpu***icm for ~TmS272'

" 0 .Yot iwted " 1 .1lplted

D IllP-8274 1 986 Topical tile ilputatim flog *19 Iwtotim for 'TM8274

Y 0 .Sot iquted " 1 .*wtcd

D IR-8276 1 987 Topical rJdule iwtotim flag #20 Iwtotim for 'tM8276'

" 0 dot ilpRed Y 1 .IqxJted

0 IMP-8278 1 9S8 Topics1 tile iwtstion flap 121 Iwtatim for 'TM278

" 0 .Yot inprted " 1 .*equted

0 **P-8282 1 989 topical ~&AC iwtatim flag S22 ,wtatim for 'TN3282'

" 0 .Yot inputed " 1 .*wted

D IMP-8286 I 990 Topical laodule iwtatim flog X23 irptsticm for 'TM8286'

" 0 .Yot inplted " 1 .*nplted

0 IMP-8288 1 WI Topical mdule iwtation flog X24 lwtation for 'TM828888'

" 0 .lot inplted " 1 .*nplted

D IWP-8290 1 992 Topical #xc&l= iwtatim flog Y25 Iwtaticm for 'tMS290

" 0 .Yot iwted " 1 ;1wted

D HP-B294 1 993 topical no&l= iwtetior flog X26 *lrputation for 'TM829u'

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .*lprted

0 IMP-B292 1 994 Tcpicel nodule iwtation flog X27 Iwtetion for 'te21

" 0 .Yot iwted Y 1 .IWCed

0 IMP-8294 1 995 Topical tile iwtetim flog 128 Isjmtatim for 'TyB294*

" 0 .Yot ilprted " 1.1wted

~-~ D IMP-,WD 1 996

Topical mdule iwtotim flog X29 Iwtetion for 'TnIND3'


" 0 .mt iwuted Y 1 .Iquted

D IYP-mc 1 997 Topical tile iwtotim flog #30 Ilplt~tion for 'TIUYDL

" 0 .IIot lqsad Y l.Iquted

l ----.~~*.*

l hi-t c: Uork Dlsobillty nistoy l


D we300 1998 Chck itr TU tit ts . ..I. age

" All pewoN

: D.Notwlicoble 1 .15 ywro - skip to TM8400

" 2 .16 to 67 years " "

3 &&ee or over - skip to

***.m -.m-•..*".t**.....*....*.

l WC+ I YU)t to talk about any health o? * l physical cmditim . . . my hove that l

* affected . ..'s ability to wrk. . +"..+*we ~"...~...t*~tt*...trrr

DTMS302 1 999 Check ita 724 Is disabled (code 171) narked on the KS for . . .

U All persons 16 to 67 yeors of age " 0 .Yot wlicable " 1 .les - skip To tMS3W " 2 .YO

0 TM8304 1 1000 Check itan 725 Is disabled Ccc& 171) Htrked m the cmtrol cwd for . . .

U All persons 16 to 67 years of age withcut disabled arked on the ISS

" 0 .Yot wlicoble ” 1 .“es ~. ” 2 .Yo - skip To TM8308

0 TM8306 1 1001 Ue have recorded that . ..'s heslth or cmditim linits kind or -t of uork . . . can do. Is that correct?

U All persons 16 to 67 years of age with disabled rarkcd on control card

" 0 .Yot wlicablc " 1 .les _ skip To TM.3310 " 2 40 - skip to TM8400

D TM8308 1 1002 physical, mtal or other health condition limits kind or momt of wrk . . . c.n do

U All persons 16 to 67 years of age without disabled arked m coatrot cerd

" 0 .Yot wlicable " 1 ."CS - Mark '171' on ISS " 2 .Yo - skip To TM8400


Page 78: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


0 TM310 2 1003 Mwn did . . . bet- limited in the kind or -t of work th.t . . . c.n do .t . job- nnth

u All persms 16 to 67 yews of age tihc are limited to kind or -t of work

" 00 .Yot .Fplic*le " 01 - 12 .Month

DTII(U12 4 1005 Yhn did . . . beta limited in the kind or r*wrt of work th.t . . . could do .t . jab - yc*r

U All persons 16 to 67 years of age who are limited to kind or -t of work

" 0000 .Yot .pplic.ble Y IWO-1990 .te*r

D TM8314 2 1009 When did . . . beem limited in the kind or .r,x,,t of vork th.t . . . can do .t . job

U All persons 16 to 67 years of sge who .re limited to kind o? -t of work

" -5 .Person becme limited after " .retiring - *tip To 1118400 " -3 .persm ws limited before " .persm becms of working .ge - " .skip to TM524 " 00 .Yot *pplic*le

D TM8316 1 ,011 Yas . . . enployed .t the time . ..'s work limit*tim began

U All persms 16 to 67 yews of age uho .rc limited to kind or -t of work

" 0 .Yot .pplic.ble " 1 .Yes - skip To WI3324 " 2 .Ycl

DtW318 2 1012 Uhen YOS the l..t tise ._. worked before . . . '6 work linit.tion beg." - mmth

u All persons 16 to 67 years of .ge not employed .t tirr work limitetion began

" 00 .Not applicable " 01 - 12 .Mmth

Owa320 I 1014 Uhen was the last time . . . worked before . ..I6 wrk linit.tim bcgm _ yew

U All prsons~l6 to 67 years of .ge not employed .t time work limit.tim began

" 0000 .Yot appliwble " lWO-1990 ."CW

DTM8322 2 1018 Yhen YOS the time _.. worked before . . . '6 work limit.tion began . yew

U All persons 16 to 67 yews of .ge not enployeo .t time vork limitation beg."

" -3 .Hod never been esployed before Y .uork linit.tim began " 00 .Yot qplic.ble

DT"8324 2 ,020 Whet health corditim is the rain re.son for . ..'s work limitation

U Al1 persons 16 to 67 of sge not nployed .t time work limitation began

" 00 .Yot .pplic.ble " 01 .Arthritis or rheunetism " 02 .Back or spine problems " .(including chrmic stiffmss " .or deformity of the back or


” ” ” ”

: ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”


..pillC) 03 .Dlims or vision woblenr

.Cdlfflculty seeing AlI enough

.to rwd . -per, even with

.#l...e. onI DC .cawxr 05 .gufms or *ericus tr&le

.h..rinp 06 .oihtes 07 .WYrt treble (including heart

..ttrk tcorm-wyl, h.rdening of

.tbe .rtcries I*rtcrio.clerosisII OD or npture 09 .Ili#~ blood prwsurc

.Ch~rtmsimI 10 .Kim *tones o? chronic kidwy

.trabtc 11 .Lw or respir*tory trouble

.(rtk, bronchitis, clphysa,

.rnpir.tory *llergies. ttir- .culo.i. or other lw trouble)

12 .rm*l illness 13 .*cnt.l ret.rd.tim 14 .*i..iw legs, feet, *rms,

.hnds. or fingers 15 .Yervcus or caotioncll problems.

.or ~lcnhol or drug problems 16 .P.r.lysia of any kind 17 .Snilit), (Alzheimer's disease) 10 .Stiffness or deformity of the

.foot, leg, *r-m, or hand 19 .Stmch tro&le (includir#

.ulcers, g.llblwkkr or liver .conditic+sI

20 .stroke 21 .thyroid tro&le or goiter 22 .TIID~, cyst or growth 23 .Othcr

D TN8326 1 1022 Y.6 this condition csused by an .&dent or injury

U All prsms 16 to 67 yews of .ge with York limit.tim

" 0 .Yot .pplicable " 1 ."CS " 2 .Yo - skip to TW330

OTw32S I 1023 uhere did the .ccident or injury take pl*ce - Y*S it -

U All persons 16 to 67 yews of age with work limitation cased by eccident or injury

Y 0 .Yot applicable " 1 .(hthe job? " 2 .Duriw service in the Armed " .Forces? " 3 .In the h-7 " 4 .Somhcre else?

0 TM8330 1 ,024 Check ita 126 Is *worked <code 170) rarked m the ISS

U All oersolg 16 to 67 of .oe with wrk~limitatim causeb by *cc&t or injury

" 0 Jot .pplic.ble " 1 .tes - skip to TM8340 " 2 .YO


Page 79: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D TM8332 1 1025 .- 00~s . ..I* health or condition prevent

. . . frm working at a jc4 or kusinesr? u AL, person+ 16 to 67 years of e9e with

work Limitatims nd worked nsrked on 1% Y 0 .Yot a&icable " 1 ."es " 2 .Yo - skip to TM8342

0 ma334 2 1026 yhm did . . . besac wble to work at a im _ mmthl

U All persons 16 to 67 years of we with health cmditim that prevents working at a job or haims

" 00 .Yot #@icable " 01 . 12 .Ilmth - skip to lMO400

DTM8336 4 1028 then did . . . becmm vlsble to work at B job?

U All persons 16 to 67 years of age with health condition that prevents working at a jcbor business

" 0000 .Yot applicable " WOO-1990 .V(c,w - skip to 7118400

0 1118336 2 1032 Uhen did .._ becne wble to work at D job?

U AtI persons 16 to 67 years of age uith health condition that wevents warking at a job or business

” -3 ."a6 never been able to wrk at " .a job - skip to TM.8400 " 00 .Yot applicable

- D w3340 1 1034

Check item 727 Did . . . usua,ly work 35 or mm hwrs per week during the reference priodl

u All prsms 16 to 67 years of we with health Limitaims that do not prevent working

" 0 .Yot applicable " t .Yes -skip to TM8344 " 2 .wo

OTH8342 1 1035 Is .._ rw able to uork at a full-time job or is . . . mly able to work

” part-time?

A.II persow 16 to 67 years of age with health Limitatims who usually worked 35 or more hours *ring reference period

" 0 .Yot applicable " 1 .Full-time " 2 .Part-time " 3 .Yot able to wrk - skip to " .ststemmt F

D 7-4 1 1036 1s . . . not able to work regularly or is . . . dy able to wrk occasionally or irregularlfl

U ALI persms 16 to 67 years of age with health Limitatims rho usually wrked 35 or more hours during reference period

" 0 .Wot applicable " 1 Aegularly " 2 .0nly occasionally or

- " .irregularly " 3 .Yot able to work - skip to " .statmlmt F


0 ma346 1 1037 Is . . . nw tile to do the s- kind of work . . . dfd &fore . ..'s work limitatim l=sm?

V 2 Jlo, notable todo l me kind of " .york ” 3 .Dfd r+st work before Limitatfm "

0 Illp-s306 1 1038 Tcpical tile iqutatim flap dl 1lpnatim for 'Tlu33a6'

" 0 .mt Ilplfed Y 1 .Iquted

0 IMP-83Dn 1 1039 Topical Dblc imtetim flag #2 Inpltatim for '7*8308'

" 0 .Yot i-ted Y 1 .1wted

0 IMP-8310 1 1040 TOpical tile ilprtatim flag #3 Imtatim for 'TM8310q

" 0 .Yot irplted " 1 .,-ted

0 I*+1014 1 1041 Topical m&&e irprtation f1*9 #4 Ilputatim for '7118510 - TIuI314~

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .,-ted

0 IMP-8318 1 1042 Topical mc&le i*xltstim flap 96 Ilputmtion for '7*8318'

" 0 .mt ilplfed " 1 .1quted

D IMP-1822 1 1043 Twical tile inprtation flag #7 llprtaticm for 'TW310 - TM322

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .Ilplcd

0 IMP-8324 I 1044 Topical m&Ae ilpltatim fls9 #I lnprtatim for 'MB324

" 0 .Yot irprted " 1 .I+lwd

0 IMP-8326 I 1045 Topical lDdule irprtaticm flag #9 Inpltation for 'WE326

" 0 .Yot i-ted " 1 .1lplted

0 IMP-8328 1 1046 TopicaL u&Le ilprtatim flap 110 Ilputatim for 'TM328

" 0 .Yot imputed " 1 .*nplted

0 IMP-8332 1 1047 Topical nodule iwtstion flag 111 Inputotim for 'TM8332'

" 0 .Yot inputed " 1 .IlwAed


Page 80: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


0 IMP-G334 1 104G Topical -Ic iqutatim flag GlU llpuratim for WlG334'

" 0 .Yot ilplted " 1 .*lprted

0 IMP-343G 1 1049 Topical tile iwtatim flag 112 Inpltatim for 'WI334 - TMG33G'

" 0 .Yot iquted V 1 .1lplted

D **P-G342 1 1050 Tcpicel tile iqutaticm flap Xl3 Inputatim for VW342

" 0 dot ilplted " 1 .I~ed

0 I"P-834‘ 1 to51 Topical tile ilprtatim flag X14 Ilputstion for 'TllG344*

V 0 dot ispad " 1 .hpJted

0 IMP-8346 1 1052 Topical tile iwatirm flap 115 lsp.astim for *TM346

" 0 .Yot iswted " 1 .1nprted

t..*.tt**t..~.*...~.******.*~...~***.. l Part 0: E&cairn and TraininG History * . l



* YOM I would like to ssk you a few . l -tims about . ..I* edkxtim snd any l

l wrk training . . . ry have received l tllttttt...~.N.**tH**~.**....*.~,...**~..

0 1118400 1 1053 Check item T2G Us . ..'s highest Grade attended Grade 12 or Less?

" All persons " 0 .Wot applicable " 1 .ves Y 2 .Ya - skip to TM410

0 w3402 2 1054 Yhm did . . . Issf atted elementary or high school?

U All persons with highest Grade attended Inde 12 or less

" 00 .Wot applicable " 01 - 12 .,lmth

0 Tm404 4 1056 Uwn did . . . last attend elmmtary or hiGh school?

U All prsms with hiGhest 9rede attended w&e 12 or less

" 0000 .Yot applicable " law-1990 ."ear

0 TUG406 1 1060 Uhen did . . . last attend elenmtery or hiah schml7

U All &ms with highest Grade grade 12 or Less

Y 0 .Yot applicable " 1 .Currmtly attending Y .TnG550 Y 2 .wver ~ttel-ded


- skip to


0 Tm4M 1 1061 Mu . . . rucIvad a high school diplma? (includc GEG's.1

” All p- with highest Grade attmdcd grade 12 or 1N nd not currently attendlq elmtary or high school

V 0 .mt uulicable V 1 .“es .. ” 2 .M - skip to T"G444

0 T&G410 2 1062 Wtm did . . . receive l hi@ &wool diplm?

"All p.r,m.,,,o r.ccived hlph school diplol

" GO .M qplicable " 01 - 12 Jlmth

DlMG412 4 1064 Warn dld . . . receive a high school diola?

GwG414 1 106E Uas the hish school that . . . attmded Wlic, private, church-related or private. not church-related?

" All prsc+?s 16 to 67 years of aGe who received hiGh school diplcnw

" 0 .Got af+NicebIe " 1 .P&lic " 2 .Private, church-related " 3 .Private, rot church-related Y 4 .Did mt attend hioh school

GTMG416 1 1069 Check it-129 Yas . ..'s highest grade attended at least m ye.r Of ColleGe?

U ALI prsms llho received high school diplna

V 0 Jot applicable " 1 ."CS " 2 .Yo - skip to TM.3444

D 1118118 2 1070 Yhm did . . . first attend college or a mivernitfl

" AL, persam *o sttmded at Least ale y.2.r Of COlleGe

Y 00 .*a yplicable Y 01 - 12 .#Imth

GTMG420 4 lo?2 Lhn did _.. first attend college or a mivcrrity?

" All prsms *lo attmded at least one year Of college

" WOO .Yot epplicablc v 1890-1990 ."CW




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_ DmG422 1 1076 Uhat is the hiGhhat degree beyond. hiGh School diplor that . . . has l emed?

" All ,zersms I*lo .ttmdcd .t least one ye., of sot1.Ge

V 0 .Got ~lic~le V 1 .Ph.G. or .qHv.lmt V 2 .Prof.mim.l d.~rce Such .s V .dmi*try, rdicin., 1.u or V .th.olooy V 3 .l4aster's de#ree V 4's degree V 5 .Associete dcwse


D w9432 2 lce6 Hn dld . . . receive his/her Bachelor's dq-7

U All p- W rreiwd's dew.=

V 00 .G.t qplic.ble V 01 - 12 .".nth

0 TM6434 4 1mG Hm did . . . mcciw h1Slh.r G.chelor's dqm7

U All psnm t6m mcciwd Gxhelor's dew==

V GGGG .Got qplicable v 1890-1990 .I",

D mG434 2 1092 In Ilret fi.ld of study mere the cours.s th.t . . . toot .t college or miversity)

" All pe- *ho .tt.r&d .t least m yeor of C0ll.G.

V GO Jot qplic.ble V 01 - M .Field of et* - see TW428

0 THE438 2 1094 Ihm w. the time that . . . Y.S S student .t * colL.Ge or miversity?

" All p.rS.m ho .ttend.d .t m year Of C0ll.G.

V W .Yot ~licable V 01 _ 12 .Mmth

DTw440 4 1096 Hen me the time that __. we . *t&t .t . college or u-oiversitfl

" All persona llro attended .t * me yeer of COlleGe

; 1890-1990 ."C., OGOG .Y.t .pplic.ble

DW8442 1 1100 Ihn MS the time th.t .__ Y.S . student et * solLeGc or miversitfl

" Ail persms *ho .ttmd.d .t least one year of co,,eGe

V 0 .Yot .@icable V 1 .I* still . stwlmt

DTH8444 1 1101 Check itan 131 Is . . . 65 yeers of .Ge or over?

"All persom V 0 .Yot epplic.ble V 1 .Ms - skip to WG550 V 2 .YO

0 Tw.46 1 1102 H.6 . . . ever received trsining designed to help find. job, inprove job skills or learn l neu jcb?

U Persons w&r 65 years of .Ge V 0 .G.t qlicable V 1 ."CS V 2 30 - skip to TM8550

V 6 .Voc.ticmal c&tific.te or V .diplm V 7 .nes mt esmed a dcvee - skip V .to tlu3436

DW8424 2 1077 Ihen did .._ receive that aore.

" All persons ,610 l .r".d collepe deore. " 00 .Yot qlicable V 01 - 12 ."cmth

DW6426 4 1079 Lhm did . . . receive that degree?

" All pwsms lrho c.rm~d co,Le~e degree V 0000 .Yot v lwo-1990 ."C.,

DTW28 2 ,083 In Yh.1 field of stufv did . . . receive that depr..?

U All p.rso"s uho l .rd college d.Gree V 00 .Yot applic.ble .~_ V 01 .AGriculture or forestry V 02 .Giolcqy V 03 .Business or smnegnnent V 04 .Ec-ice " 05 .Erhcetion V 06 .Enpimring (including V .c-ters end cnprting) V 07 .EnGlish or jwrMlim V 08 .kmc econmics V w .L.l V 10 .Liber.l .rts or hunmities V .(irocluding .rts, architecture, V .lusic, lm~u(lGes. philosophy, V .etc.> V 11 .W.themtics or st.tistics V 12 Medicine or dentistry V 13 .Yursinp, pharmcy, or health V .techmlopies Y 14 .Physiml or l .rth sciences V 15 .Police science or law V .nforc.mmt V 16 .PsycholoGy " 17 .keliGim or theoloGy " 18 .Goci.l sciences (history, " .sociol~V, political science, " .etc.1 V 19 .Voc.tioml or technical studies V 20 .Gth.r

Dnla430 1 1085 Check item 130 Oid . . receive . degree higher than. Bachelor's degree? (Box 1, 2, or 3 carted in TMG422)

- U AL1 persons who received college degree V 0 .Yot .pplic.ble V 1 .“CS V 2 .Wo - skip to TW3444


Page 82: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



.*-.*.*...*H"-.*-.eee."- l -EWT . t Yes MY of this tr.ininG spasorcd by l

. my of the f.llcuiw proarms? . l t~-*t.t*.tt”.-*.~-.~.***

0 TM8448 1 1103

Jcb TraininG P.rtncrthip Act (JTPA) U vldcr 65 mrs of .~e I*lo rcceiti

twining de.6wt.d t. help find e job, i-w. job *kill. or Item e w job

V 0 .G.t [email protected] V 1 .Jcb ImininG Pertnrship V .Act (JTPA)

0 wG450 1 1104 Cnprehemive -1-t Training Act (CETA,

U Persms mder 65 yeerr of age ho received training desipnd t. help find e job, inprove job skills or lcem e neu job

V 0 .Got qplic.ble V 1 .CQprehmsive Eaplqmnt V .Treiniw Act WETA)

0 TUG452 I iim York Incentive Prowem WIG)

U Persons mder 65 ~cers of .G. uho rueived training desiGned to help find e job, improve job skills or learn e nw job

V 0 .Wot .@iceble V 1 .wrk lnmntive Prwrm WY)

0 wG454 1 1106 Trak Adjustmnt Assistmce Act

U Persons under 65 yews of .G. who received trainiw desiGned to help find e job, inprove job skills or lcern e r!eu job

V 0 .Got applicable V 1 .Trade Adjustrnt Assistance " .ACt

0 TUG456 1 1107 Veterans' Tr.ininp Program

U Persons mder 65 y-ems of age who received twining designed to help find e job, iaprove job skills or Item II my job

V 0 .Yot *wlic.ble Y 1 .Veterars' Treining Program

0 TMG458 1 1108 Other sources of essistmce

U Pcrsms uder 65 years of eGe tiho received training designed to help find e job, inprove job skills or teem (I IIW job

V 0 .Yot Ipplic.ble V 1 .Other - *tip to W3472

D w846o 1 IlW Ilhet type of tr*ininG progrn is We.> this?

U Persons under 65 of age rho received training dc6iGn.d to help find e job, inprove job skills or leem e na job

V 0 .Yot qQlic*lc V 1 .CL*ssrom training - job V .skills - skip to TM496

0 TUG462 1 1110 Yhar typ of training progra is (was) this?

U Persons mder 65 yeerr of age who received training design+@ to help find e job, inprove job skills or learn. m job

V 0 .Yot explicable


V 1 treininp - basic V ..&utim - skip to TW34W

DW3464 1 1111 Uut w of tr.iniw proOwn is (~06) thi.?

IJ Per- Wr 65 9.w. of w. 1610 rcccived tr.iniw dnfpmd to help find. job, iqron job .kill* or turn. nw job

V 0 Jot qpltc.ble V V

1 :m&cjob tr.ininG - skip to

Dma464 1 1112 H.t tjp. of tr.ininp proprm is (we) thi.?

V Pcrsm uvhr 65 yews of .gC I&O rcccived treiniq dnignd to help find e job, ilprwe job .k~lIs or Ieern. m job

V 0 .Yot qpliceblc V 1 .Job ..wch l ssistme - skip V .to mG4%

0 n4a463 1 ,113 *et type of IreininG pr%ra is (we*> this?

U Persons wader 65 of .Ge uho received training dni& to help find e job, improve job *kill. or teem e new job

V 0 .Y.t ypliable V 1 .York experience - skip to V . TulcW

D 1w3470 1 1114 tiet type of tr.inin9 proGrn is (rat) this?

U Person vlder 65 yews of eGe rho received traininG desi9n.d to help find e job. ilprovc job skill. or team e m job

V 0 .Y.t qplicable V 1 .Other - nkip to W&W

0 TM8472 1 1115 Yhcrs did . . . receive this treinirrp?

U Persc+xs mder 65 yesrs of .Ge rho received tr*ininG l pmored by qecific Gwernnent vw-

V 0 .Yot applicable V 1 .Ipprmticcship proGrn

0 TM474 1 1116 Uhere did . . . reC.iv. this trsini*?

U Persons mder 65 yeore of sGe rho received tr*ininG aparwrcd by specific Govemumt mw-

V 0 .Yot Ipplicable V 1 .Gainss, camerciel, or V .wcetim.l school

D TM476 1 1117 Where did . . . rueive this training?

U Persons rnder 65 years of eGe who received treininp rponeored by specific Goverrment prwrm5

V 0 .Y.t qpliable V 1 .Jmior or camxmity college

0 TMG47G 1 1110 Yhere did . . . rcceiw this training?

U P.rsms mder 65 yewe of .Ge who received tr.ininG sponsored by spcific Gowrnnent progrrnr

V 0 .Got .+icable V 1 .Propra cnplcted et 0 4 year V .colle~e or Gru*ate nchool



Page 83: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation




V 1 .V" V 2 ."O

0 Tl!&% 2 1128 H.n did . . . *tort this <most recent) traini&

IJ Persorr uhr 65 yeem of *Ge rho received treinim &sipr*d to help find * job,

V i~ovc !F ~!p~lc*rn 0 neu j*

V GO .Got qplfceble V 01 - 12 .*ath

0 tmw 4 1130

.- 0 tli.3480 1 1119

mere did . . . receive this treining? U Persws u-dcr 65 yews of we tie received

trsininp spmsored b, specific Gove-t wsr-

V 0 .Yot appliceble V 1 .niph nchool vocetiwl progrm

D Ta34G2 1 ,120 llherc did . . . raccive this tr*ining?

U Persons mder 65 yews of l G* uho received tr*ininG spwwrcd bV specific Gmw-mmt prow-

V 0 .Got ~lic&le V I .Treinim prcwm et wart

D tm 1 1121 tier* did . . . receive this training?

U Persons under 65 yews of *ge who received training *pornored by specific Gwermt progr-

V 0 .Got epplicsblc V 1 .Wilit*ry <exclude basic Y .traininp)

0 tw.86 1 ,122 Uhere did . . . receive this training?

U Persms tdcr 65 yews of age ho received training sporcwred by specific Governrent pr0gr.m

V 0 .Wot a+icable V 1 .Ccrrespcdcxe course

0 Tw4ea 1 1123 where did . . . receive this trainiw?

U Persons mdcr 65 years of *Ge who received treinim9 sponsored by spcific Goverment proGram

" 0 .Yot applicebie V 1 .tr*ining or expricrce V .reccived on previous job

0 TUG490 1 1124 Uhere did . . . receive this training?

U Persons Vader 65 years of e9e lrho received training sponsored kq specific Governnmt prwr-

" 0 .Yot *pplicable " 1 .Sheltered rorkshDp

0 TM&c92 1 1125 Were did . . . receive this treining?

U Persons wder 65 years of eGe who received training sponsored kay specific Govermnt program

V 0 .Yot ewlicsble V 1 .Voc*timal rehsbilitaticm V .centers

0 TUG494 1 1126 Yhere did . . . receive this treiniw?

IJ Persons u-&r 65 years of sGe uho received trsining sponsored bf specific Govermmt

" prwr- 0 .Yot appliceble V 1 .Gther

0 TM.%% I 1127 Does . . . use this training on ..:s most

- recent) job? U Persons mdcr 65 years of age who received

training desiond to help find * job, inprove job skills or learn e neu job

V 0 .Wot applicable

Mmn did . . . start this Cmst recent) tr.inim,

U Per*- mder 65 year* of *me rho received treiniw &?siW to help find e job, inprove Job *kill* or learn I mu job

V -1 .Da't kmu V GOGO .G*t qpliseble V lG90-19W .Vur

D t"G502 3 1134 For hw my weeks did . . . ettmd this (most recent) treining progrm?

U Persom u&r 65 Veers of we who received treininp desimed to help find e job, inprove job *kill* or Learn e mu jab

V 000 .Yot qplic*ble v 001 - 999 .ikcks

0 tMG504 2 1137 For ha ry mks did . . . ottend this test recent) treinifw proarm

U Persons mder 65 years of age who received trsininp desiGned to help find e j&, improve jcb skills or learn (I mr job

V -4 .Less then 1 mk " -3 .Currently attending " W Jot explicable

0 twB506 I 1139 yho paid for this <lost raxent) program?

U Persms mdcr 65 years of sac lrho received trainiw desionsd to help find e job, improve job skills or ieem (I new job

" 0 .Yot eppliceble V 1 .Gelf or family

0 Ty85O-G 1 ,140 Lho paid for this most recent) proprd

U Persons w&r 65 years of aGe who received trainiw desiGned to help find e jab, inprove job skills or teem e mu job

V 0 .Yot applicsble V 1 .Emplgr

D tffl510 1 1141 yho wid for this <most receno progrm?

U Persms udcr 65 years of *Ge who received training desipncd to help find e job, iaprwe job *kills or leern e new jcb

V 0 .Yot applicable V 1 .Pederal, State, or local V .wvcrment


Page 84: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D TM3512 1 1112 lho paid for this 1-t recentI progrm?

u Per~.cns mder 65 years of age do received training desipwd to help find a job, inprove job skills or learn a new job

" D dot applicable " 1 .- else

D TWIFDO 1 1143 Topical tile iqutmtim flw 11 Iqutatim for 'TM416

" 0 .Yot iquted " 1 .Iquted " 2.ccqalted

D W-IFDI 1 1144 Topical tile ilputatim flag R llprtatim for ~TM420

" D .Yot iquted " 1 .IlprW " 2 .carplted

D TWIFDZ 1 1115 Topical mz&le iqutatim flag 63 Inpltation for 'W&22

" 0 .Yot i-ted " l.Ilplted " 2 .cmpted

D T"-IFD3 1 ,I&6 Topical tile imtation flag WI Inprtatim for 'TM426

" 0 .Yot irplted Y 1 .,nprted " 2.CcqJtd

D TWIFDL 1 1147 Topical mo&le ilpltatim flag 65 lnp(ltation for 'T&%28*

" D .Yot irprted " 1.1nprted " 2 .Cc.mpmd

D TM-IFD5 1 1160 Topical tile inprtatim flag #6 lnputation for 'TM6634

" D .Yot i-ted " 1 .m$uted " 2 .caplted

D T"-IFD6 1 1149 Topical mrkle ilpltatim flag #7 Inp(ltation for 'Tbb5436'

" D .Yot irprtd " 1.1nputed " 2 saplted

D TM-IFD7 1 1150 Topical tile irpltatim flag *g Imputation for 'TWA0

Y D .Yot inplted " 1 .Ilplled " 2.cnprt.d

D T"-IFDL) 1 1151 Topical tile inpltatim flag #g Inputatim for '7))8116'

" 0 .Yot ilprted " l.Inputed " 2 .cciT$uted

D TW-IFD9 1 1152 Topical mcdule inprtstion flag #IO Iapltation for '7*84&5 - 711458'

" 0 .Yot inplted


" l.IWed " 2.cquted

D TM-IFDlD 1 1153 Tcplc~l tile iqutatim flag #I1 1qutetim for 'nlcl&O - ECrDn

" 0 .llot i-ted " l.Iqmad " Z.Cognd

D TM-IFDll 1 11% 1qJ1c*1 m&81* Iqut~tial flag 112 I~atlafor'lw472 - Tw6494'

" 0 .lat Ilpned " 1.1-d " z.coquted

D TM-IFD12 1 1155 Topical able ilpltatim fl*g 113 IwlJtNirn for 'T*(yw

" 0 .sot lquted " l.Ilplted " 2 .coquted

D TM-IFDl3 1 11% Topical tile i*xltation flag XI4 Ilprtatim for '1118500'

" 0 .Yot irprted " 1 .IqxMd " 2.caquted

D T"-IFDI‘ 1 1157 Topics1 tile irpltatim flag *I5 Iqutatim for '7*0502'

" 0 .lot i-ted " 1.1lplted " 2.colputed

D TM-IFDl5 1 1158 Topical lDdrlc inpltatim flag Xl6 Irprtatim for 'TM506 _ 71(0512'

" D .Yot inprted " 1.1nplted " z.ccqBJted


. Part E: *wital HiDtory . "~t*t**~.*~"....t..*.*..~..*.****..

D TMeaIO 1 1159 Uh*t is . ..'s current nmrital st*tus 7

" Persons 15 yews m-d older " D .Yot in miverse " 1 .lbrried, spauseprcaent " 2 .Married, spouse absent " 3 .Yidoued " 1 .Diwrced " 5 .separated " 6 .Ymr mrried - skip to " .Twmo

..**me- . ..*m..""".*.t-...t*.*

. Soy I have a ferquestionr abut l

. . ..'I rrital history. .

.~.*-*......*....t...**.....~ "tt...


Page 85: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation



D TM602 1 1160 - How nay tiler has _.. been

married 7 u Persons 15 years ad older ever nsrried " 0 .Yot in vliverse " I .1 - *tip to TM6636


" OOW .lot in universe " lwD-Iwo ."ew

D TM620 1 1161 Chrk Itr 136 "0~ - tImen has . . . keen mrrid)

U &;fimwi5 pars m-d older vrried mxe

" 0 .Uot In miverse " 1 .2 - skip to TM6638 " 2 .3,

D T"8622 2 1102 In *at mth ud year did . . . get mrrid for the scored time?

U Perrm 15 mrr nd older narried mre thm tuice

" m dot In universe " 01 - 12 ."mth‘

D TM6624 6 11% In uhat mth nd year did . . . get married for the second time?

U Persw 15 years md older married bmre than twice

" 0000 .Yot in miverre " 1900-1990 ."ear

D W&26 1 1lsG Did . ..'I second mrriage end in uidouhood or in divorce 7

U Persons 15 year* md older married mre than tuice

" D .Yot in universe " 1 .Uid&wcd " 2 .Divorce

D TM628 2 lls9 In what mth ud yew wes . . . twidwed/divorced>?

U Persons 15 yews md older narried more than twice

" m .wx in universe " 01 - 12 .Manth

D VW30 4 1191 In hat mth a", year was . . . (uidowdldivorced>?

U Persons 15 years and older married nore than twice

" WOO .Yot in uriverre " 1900-1990 .wmr

” 2 .2 Y 3 .3 Y 4 .4+

D W3604 2 1161 In '&hat llmth ti yew did . . . get mrried for the first tire 7

u Persons 15 years uld older narried DWC than mce

" DO .Yot in vliverse Y 01 - 12 .I(mth

D TM%D6 4 1163 In whet -th ud year did . . . get Mrried for the first tinW

u Persons 15 years nd ok& nerried more then once

" 0000 .Wot in universe " 1900-1990 .Yem

0 Tw608 1 1167 Did . ..'s first mrriage end in widovhoad or in divorce 7

u Persms 15 yews and older narried nbore than once

" D .Yot in miverre " 1 .Uidwhood " 2 .Divorce

D 7118610 2 116s In what -th a-., year was . . . Iwi&wd/divorcedI ?

u Per'EonE 15 years d older nwried more than mce

" 00 .Yot in universe " 01 - 12 .Ilonth

DTIU)612 c 1170 In whet nmth and year was . . . (uid-aued I divorced) ?

u Persons 15 years .rd older married mm than me

" 0000 .Yot in vliverse " 1900-1990 .bx.r

D TW14 1 1174 Check itnn 735 I* ~~widc+md*~ rrked in T10* ?

u Perswls 15 years ad older married uare than me

" 0 .Wot in miveme " 1 .les - skip to TM6620 " 2 .YD

D W&l6 2 1175 In what nmth ud year did _._ actually stq) living with his, her spouse f

U Persms 15 years m-d older married mre than once, never widowed

" DO .Yot in universe " 01 - 12 .W,nth

D To618 c 1177 In what I*Rth end year did _..

~-~ actually stop living with his, her spwse ?

U Persons 15 years a* older wrried more than once, never widowed

lm632 1 11% Check itcn 737 Is "uidmhd" mrked in T1u)626?

Peroms 15 yews md older nwricd nore than twice

" D .Yot in uGverse " 1 .les - skip to W&36 " 2 .YO

D Tw6% 2 11% In Jlat mth ard year did _.. actually stOp Liviw with his/her SK0l-d spouse7

U Persms I5 yews md older married more than twice, never uidcmed

" m .Yot in Averse " 01 . 12 ."mths


Page 86: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D TM%36 c 11% In uhst mmth md yew did . . . .ctuLIy stcfa livinp with his/her *ecmd ‘pcu“ ?

u Persons (5 ysars nd older mrried more thm Wise, never uidarcd

" 0000 .Yot in Averse " WDD-19% ."esc

D Tna63a I 1202 Check ice. 736 Has a Uave 2 interview been obtsined for . ..'. sp0u.e')

U Person. 15 yxws srd older ever married " 0 dot in miverse " 1 ."a. - ‘tip to TMWOD " 2 .YO " 3 .Yo, no s-e in household

D TulblO 2 1203 In whlhat nonth nd year did . . . get lnsrried Ims.t rccentIy>?

u Per60115 15 years mxi older ever arried hose r-e has not been interviewed

" 00 .Wot in universe " 01 - 12 .I!mth

D 7118642 I 1205 In uh.t mnth md year did . . . get swrisd (most rccntly)?

U Pewns 15 years snd older ever married whose spouse h.. not been interviewed

" ODD0 Jot in miwrse " lWO-19w ."‘ar

D 7118644 1 1209 Check ita 139 Yh.t is . ..I. current mrital .t.tus?

U Psrscns 15 ymrs and older ever msrried *hose spouse hss mt been interviewed

" 0 .Wot in miwrse " 1 .Married, spouse prcsmt - skip " .to Y*8700 " "

2 :~~;~~O.pawe .bsnt - skip

" 3 .Yidwd " I .Divorced " 5 .geparsted _ skip to TM8652

D TM&G6 2 1210 In whet narth and yesr Y.S . . . Widow&/divorced)?

U Persons 15 years snd older. widowed or divorced

" 00 .Not in miverse " 01 - 12 ."mth

D wa6La ‘ 1212 In tiat mnth snd yesr was . . . widwedldivorced)?

U PersoN 15 yews ud older, uidoved or divorced

" WOO .Yot in miverse " woo-lwo ."‘W

D 7118650 1 1216 Check itnn 740 Is "uidowd" nrked in lW4?

II Persons 15 years and older, widowed or divorced

" 0 .Yot in &verse " 1 .Ye. - skip to 7118700 " 2 ,YO

0 TM.5652 2 1217

DATA s17.E m!zGIY

ulsn did . . . .ctusIIy rtop Living with h1.lh.r I-t recent, SPOIQCI

U Persons 15 mrs mi older, widowed or divorcd

Y m .lot In tmivcrse " 01 - 12 ."mth‘

D TM654 4 1219 Worn dld . . . .ctulIy stDp living with his-r <at recent, qou.e?

U Persam 15 ywrs md older, widowed or divorced

" oooo Alot in uli"‘r** " WDD-lwa .T"r

D FAF" 1 1223 Tme&$ut#tt~ for

" D .lot In miverse " 1 .Everyxhing is scceptsble Y 2 Amth ws rat .cceptsble " 3 .Tsar ‘d/or .mnth mat not " .‘ccqmb1e

D FAFT 1 1224 The ivstim flag for T*MlD s,d T"B612

" D .Yot in miverse " 1 .Ewrything is .cceptsble " 2 .*cnth w. mt sccept.ble " 3 .Yssr ‘d/or mmth Y.. not " .Kc‘pt‘ble

D FAFS 1 1225 The ilplc.tim flag for TWM16 snd TN&l8

Y D .Yot in tmi~erse " 1 .Everything is .ccept.ble " 2 .*onth ,..I not xceptable v 3 ."tsr udlor lrrnth YIS not " ..ccept.blc

D FAYl 1 1226 The iqut.tim flsg for TM622 ad TM8624

" 0 Aof in miverse " 1 .Everythinp is sccept&ale " 2 Amth u.s mt .ccept.ble " 3 .Year s&or nDnth Y.. not Y .~c‘pt‘ble

D FAST 1 1227 The iqut.tion flag for lUll628 d TM63D

" 0 .lot in miverse " 1 .Everythiw is .ccept.ble " 2 .#mth ws not sccept.ble " 3 .V"r d/or mth Y.. not " .ucept.b1e

D FASS 1 1226 The ilputstim f1.g for Tna634srdw&36

" D .Yot in miwrsc " 1 .Evwything is sccept.ble " 2 .Mmth m.. not .ccept.ble " 3 ."car ad/or mnth Y.. mt " .rcept.ble



Page 87: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D FAL" 1 1229 The inpltatim flsg for TtradlOmdTU16*2

" 0 .Yot in miverse Y 1 .Everythiw is sccsptsble Y 2 .Ymth "s‘ mt ‘CCeptable ” 3 ."ssr sd,or mmth Y‘S mt " .scceptsb1e

D FALT 1 1230 The ilpltatim flag for Tl!B46‘rriT~

" D .Yot in miverse " 1 .Everything is l cceptsble " 2 ."mth us. not scceptsble " 3 .'tesr mdfor mnth ~ss rat " .scceptsb1e

D FALS 1 1231 The iapltstim flag for TM8652 and T-54

" 0 dot in vliverse " 1 .Everything is acceptable " 2 ."mth was mt acccptsble " 3 .lear and/or mmth was I*)t " .W&ZpWble

D FTI" 1 1232 The inpltatim flag for 'TW602'

" D .Wot ilrplted " 1 .InplCed

D FFM 1 1233 The inpltatim flsg for ~TH&SOZ.~

Y D .Wat i-ted " -~ 1 .inprted

D FSWE 1 1231 The inpttatim flsg for ~TMG626'

" 0 .Uot inpned " 1 .1nplt‘d

. . ..****..*..~t***.***.*.****..*.........*.~

. Part F: Migration History l

. ..*t**.~......*.~.*.*****~*~...**.....*.**.

. (You I have sane questions abcut l

. places uhere . . . has lived in the l

. past, ‘nd where . . . was born.) *


D TW8700 2 1235 Yhm did . . . mvc into this ha./apartmnt/mbile

u Per.sons 15 years or older " 00 .Yot in Averse " 01 - 12 .Ymth

D TW8702 4 1237 Llhm did . . . nwe into this hmlapwtmntlrobile

" Perscfs ,5 years or older " -4 .Aluays lived here/born " .here _ skip to 1118750 " 0000 .Yot in vliverse " ,900.,990 ."‘W

Dl"8704 1 1241 Before living here, where did . . . live?

.- U Persons 15 years or older who hsve mved " 0 .Wot in miverse " I .same st*te, Sam‘ mmty " 2 .Sane state, different ccinty



D T"8706 2 1212 Before living here, uhere did .._ live? Different stste: skip to TM722

u Persnrm 15 or older uho hsve awed ”

” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ”

: ” ” ” ”


00 iot in miverse stste codes or foreign c-try cedes:

01 .Alw 02 .Alssks 03 .Arizmn 04 .Ark‘n“s m .Califomia 06 .Colordo 07 .-ticut M .De,wsre W .District of Coltiia 10 .Flori& 11 .Gsorgis 12 .Wsusii 13 .IdahO lb .Illimis 15 .Indisns 16 .Iou 17 .hns“ 18 Xntucky 19 .Louisimd 20 Asine 21 .Msrylsnd 22 ."assach"sctts 23 Aichipm 24 .*imsots 25 .Mississippi 26 Aissouri 27Amtms 28 .Nsbrsska 29 .YCV‘da 30 .Yen Hnpshire 3, .Ysn Jersey 32 .Yw mxico 33 .Ysv York 34 .Yorth Csrolina 35 ."orth Dskots 36 .ohio 37.Dklahmm 3a .cTr‘gcm 39 .Pemsylvmia CD .Rhak Island 11 South Carolina 12 .South Dakota 43 .Tnn“‘N 44 .,exas 45 .Utah 46 ."ermmt 47 .virginia 48 Alsshingtm 49 .west Virginia 50 Aiscmsin 51.waning 60 .Puerto Rico 61 .(*ltlying area of U.S. 62 .*ustria 63 .c‘nada 64 .China 65 .Cka 66 .Czechoslovakie g :;r$an Republic

69 .Greecc 70 .iiyIpary 71 .Idia 72 .Irelard 73 .1ts1y 74 .Jmica

Page 88: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

" 75 .Jqm " 76 .I(orca " 77 .*cxico " ?a .YOruaY " "

2 .~,~pines

" a1 :PortuSal Y a2 .suEdm Y "

2 .F;edSKiy . . . . .

" a5 .v1etlu " M -Other Europe " 87 .Othcr Asia " 0 .Cmtrd Mrica Y 89 .Sauth Lrrica " 90 Addle East " 91 Africa " 99 .Other (+ify>

Dnuma 2 1244 &fore LivinS here, lhere did . . . live? Different cantry: skip to TW22

" ~erscas 15 years or older ho have lpved 00 .Yot in universe

State cedes OT for&n cantry codes: ”

” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” Y ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

01 .Al&ama 02 Aaska 03 .Arizcm 04 .Arkur 05 .talifornia 06 .co1orDdo 07 .Cornecricut oa .Del.rre 09 Aistrict of Coluvbia 10 .Florida 11 .Georsia 12 .nauaii 13 .ldahO 14 .Illimit 15 .Irdiann 16 .*ot#s 17 .KsrsS 18 .Kmtwky 19 .Lwiaiwa 20 Jiaim 2l.narYlard 22 .Hassachusetts 23 .Yichipan 24 .Mirnesota 25 .Flississippi 26 .Missouri 27 X,t,tar~~ 28 .Yebrark~ 29 .YWeda 30 .Yeu H-hire 31 .YW Jcr‘ey 32 .Yew iiexico 33 .Yeu "ark 34 Aorth Carolina 35 .Yorth Dakota 36 .ohio 37 .OkLrham 3a .OwJal 39 .Pemsylvmia 40 Ahode IsL.rd 41 .South Carolina 42 .South Dakota 43 .r-*e 44 .Texsr 45 ."tah 46 ."ermmt 47 .Yirginis 48 .Vashiwton 49 .Ye*t Virginia


v ” ” ” Y ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” v ” Y ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ”


50 M-in 51 .waim 60 .Puarto Rico 6, .mt1yinR .rea of u. S. 62 Aatria 4.cmmdn 64 .chirm 65 .caa 66 .czahmlovakia z .c.=llm PcplbliC

69 :crNc. m .luwuY 71 .1rdfa R .Irdd 73 .1ta1y 74 .Jrica 15 .Jlpn 76 .KWI n .lkxlco m..lony ; :gPh$yirer

al .~0rtt4ai a2 .swedm 83 .Ulited KireSdm a4 .". 5. s. R. 85 .Vietnm 86 Ather Europ 87 .Othcr Asia a.3 .Cntrd &rice 89 .South Amrica 90 .Middle East 91 Africa 99 .OthcrBpccify)

D 7nwo9 2 1246 During Ihat period of time ._. live there?

" -4 .Lind there rime " .(skip to TRW501



” 00 .Yot in Averse

D nla710 2 1210 Durirq *Iat period of time did . . . live there? Frm

" ~crmr,s 15 yews or older who hew mved " 00 .iiot in vliverse " 01 - 12 .Manth

D TM8712 4 1250 During rhat period of tiR did . . . live there? Fan

U Persms 15 ye.,% or older ho have mved " 0000 .iiot in uriversc " 19acP1990 ."nr

D 7118714 2 12% Duriw *at period of tim did . . . live there? TO

u PWSC,,S 15 years or older 41-a have mved " 00 .sot in vlivarse " 01 - 12 .*mth

D w3716 4 1256 During hat period of tim did . . . live there? TO

" ~ersms 15 years or older who have mwcd " WOO .Yot in vliverse " 1900-1990 ."NT



Page 89: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D 7118718 1 1264 nas . . . .vw livd in .roth.r rtat. or forcien camtrY)

u Persons 15 ytsrs or older *ho have mwd V 0 .Yot in miverse V 1 .Ies V 2 .Yo - ‘tip t. T"EZ30

D WBRO D WBRO 2 2 1261 1261 mat state or forcipn camtrY ..s th.t? mat state or forcipn camtrY ..s th.t? (If more thn m, .sk for lDIt rm?nt.) (If more thn m, .sk for lDIt rm?nt.)

IJ Persons 15 pars or older who have we, IJ Persons 15 pars or older who have we, Lived in nother .t.t. or for.% Lived in nother .t.t. or for.% c-try


V V V V V V V V V V V V V \I V V V V V V

- v V V Y V V V V V V Y V V V V V V V V V V V V Y V V Y V V V ” V V V V V V V V

0 .Yot in mivers. St.te or foreian mmtrv code.:

01 .Al.b& 02 03 .Arizcm 04 .Arkansas 05 .C.liforni. 06 .Colortdo 07 .Comcticut 03 .oelsuare 09 .District Of Coltii. 10 .Florida 11 .OwrSi. 12 .n.wii 13 .Id.ho 14 .Illimis 15 .Irdicm 16 .Ioy. 17 .K.ns.‘ 18 Xmtucky 19 20 .Mein 21 .**ryl*rd 22 .“ 23 .Michig.n 24 .Mimsot. 25 .*ississippi 26 .Mis.ouri 27 .“mt.“‘ 28 .Yebrsska 29 .ww.ds 30 .YW H-hire 31 .Ycy Jersey 32 .Yeu Mexico 33 .Yw York 34 .l.rth C.rolina 35 .Yorth Dakota 36 .Ohio 37 .Okl.hmm 38 .Oresim 39 .Pemsylv*nia 40 .Ih& island 41 .South Csrolim 42 .South D.kot. 43 .TtmeSStt 44 .,*... 45 .ut.h 46 .versvnt 47 .virpini. 48 .Y.shiwtm 49 .Yest Virpini. 50 .Uiscapin 51 .Vymira 52 .United St.t.8 Wnknwn St.t.1 60 .Putrto Rico 61 .Outlying .re. of U. S. 62 .Austri(l 63 .C.n.ds 64 .China 65 .Cti 66





69 :crttc. 70 .aum.Y 71 .Idi. R .Inl.d 75 .IC.lY 7b .Jmic. 15 .Jq." 76 .Kor.s 7? .ntF.ico m.*om

ii z!tP‘ lpor?orl

2 :;i;ds”inpm . . .

a5 .vi*tnr M -0th.r Europe 87 .Oth.r hi. 88 .Cmtr.l Antrice 89 .Swth Writ. 90 .“iddle 91 .Afric. 92 .overseas (cantry mkmm) 99 .OthcrCswify)

D TrnR2 2 1263 During JI.t pried of tinr did . . . lirc there? Frm

u Persons 15 yews or older who have Livd in .mth.r rt.t. or foreign covltw

V 00 .Yot in miwrse V 01 - 12 .M.nth

D Tw3R4 4 1265 During Ih.t pried of tims did . . . liv. there? Fran

u Persms 15 yttrs or older who have liwd in another st.t. or foreign corntry

V 0000 .Yot in miverse v WOO-1999 .Yt*r

D TU)R6 2 1269 DuriraS ti.t pried of tim did . . . Livr there? TO

u Persons 15 years or older Iho hsv. lived in mother St.te or foreign cmmtry

V 00 .mt in mivers. V 01 - 12 .*onth

D TM8R8 4 1271 During Yh.t pried of tim? did . . . l..t live there? TO

u pertons 15 ywrs or older who have 1iv.d in .mther St.t. or foreign CMtrY

V DWO .Yot in miverse v 1900-1990 .'te*r

D Tit8730 2 1275 In *.t 8t.t. or foreign ccmtrv was _.. born?

u persoms 15 years or older who have Lived in amthcr or foreign CamtrY

V 00 .Yot in miverse 9L.c. of birth cc&s:

V 01 .Al‘bam V 02 V 03 .Arizons V 04 .Arkmsas


Page 90: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” Y ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” v ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Y ” ” ” Y ” ” Y ” Y ” Y ”

: ” ” ” ” ” ”


05 .Califomia 06 .Colordo 07 .Comccricut 08 .otlnrrc 09 .District of Coltiie 10 .Flori& 11 .Gmrgi. 12 .Hmaii 13 .IdahO 14 .Illimis

:i ::z- 17 .-• 18 .Ke"t"cky 19 .Lcuisiuw 20 .Mint 21 .bmylmd 22 .llusuhUCtfs 23 Aichigm 24 .Ilimesota 25 Aissiseippi 26 .*issouri 27 ."cmtw 20 .Yebranka 29 .mvada 30 .Wn n-hire 31 .YN Jerry 32 .Ycr Mexico 33 .Yeu York 34 .Yorth CaroLim 35 .Yorth Dakota 36 .ohio 37 .Oklahm 3a .oregm 39 .Pemsylvmia 40 .Rhade IsId 41 .South Carolina 42 .South Dakota 43 .,-see 44 .Texa* 45 .utah 46 .Yermnt 47 .VirginiS 40 .Ueshingtm 49 .Uest Virginia 50 .Uiscmsin 51 .ypning 52 .Ulitcd States CUnknom State) 60 .Puerto Rico 61 .Ralying area of U. 5. 62 Austria 63 .- 64 .China 65 .Ctba 66 .Czechoslwakia 67 .Dominicsn Republic 6a .oerray 69 .Orccce 70 .wvgsnl 71 .India 72 .1re1ad 73 .Italy 74 .Jraica 75 .Japan 76 .Korea 77 .Yexico 78 .wwuey 79 .Philippinee a0 .POlmd 81 .PortugeL 82 .suedm 83 Anited Kin&m a4 .". s. 5. R. a5 .vietnml 86 .Other Eurme


” 87 .Othw Ada ” E8 .Cantr*L Irrisa ” 89 .Mh Irrica " 90 .*im1* East " 91 Africa " 92 .-s (CMWY Lmkrn) " W .Othw(specifV>

D TMTJZ 1 tzn Check It- 141 Doea the cab in TMaAO eqJal . fonlC,comtry of 62 - 91 or w 7

" Pcr.m 15 or older llho have lived in mother State or foreign camtrV

V 0 .Mt in minr*c

: 1 .,a 2 .So - skip to TMS75D

D TM8734 1 127S Is . . . g nturmlired citizen of the uniwd st.t" 7

in foreipn ccatry with code of 62-91 or W " 0 dot in miwrse " 1 .*co " 2 .YO " 3 .l0, born &road of Ilcrican " .prmt or parents - skip to " .TMS750

D TW736 1 1279 Mm did . . . cmc to the United st.ter to st.y,

" Persons 15 yeor= or o,der uho have in for&m camtry with code of 62. who arc naturalized citizens

" 0 .Yot wlicable " 1 .gcfore 1959 Y 2.1960-1964 Y 3 .1%5 - 1969 " 4 .1970 - 1974 " 4 ,075 - ,070

lived .91 or

i _ . . , _ . . 6 .1960 - 1981

" 7.1982-19S4 " a .1905 - 1990

0 TM-Mltl 1 1280 Topical tile iqutatim flag I1 Iqutatim for 'THS700 - TlS5702'

" 0 .Yot inputed " 1 .Immzd

D CT8700 1 1201 Topical lodulc corprtatim flag XlA Cqtotim for 'lMS700'

" 0 .wt colplted " 1 .caplted

D TM-YIG2 1 1282 Topical tilt iqutarim flag X2 Ilpltatim for 'TM704'

" 0 .Yot inprfed " l.llpRed

D TM-MIW 1 1223 Topical lJdulc ilprtatim flag 83 **tation for *7*(1706'

Y 0 .Yot inputed " 1 .Ilprwd

D TM-MIG4 1 lZS4 Topical lodrlc ilpltatim flag #4 Inpltstim for '7*8708'

v 0 dot i-ted Y 1 .It$ufed




Page 91: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation




~__ D m-“IG5 1 1285 Topical lndule iqutatim flag K I~tatim for 'Tu)710 - TS3712'

V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .IlplCad

D CT6710 1 1286 Tcpical m&le ca$wtatim fldg #5A Conplt*tim for '1*0710'

V 0 ."OC c-ted V 1 .corplted

D CT8714 1 1267 Topical tile cOlplt"tim flag x5" Colpltaticm for '7*11714'

V 0 ."OC ccqJted V 1 .CnplCd

0 TM-WIG8 1 1280 Topical nodule isutatim fleg W IllpUtatim for 'M720'

V 0 .Not iaprted V 1 .IqMed

D TW-RIGP 1 12"P Tcpical tile inputatim flag Y7 Iaputetim for 'TMV22 - TyB7218

V 0 .Yot irplted V 1 .Iqlad

D CT6722 1 1290 Topical tile cnputatim flag CIA Cmputatim for 'T"W22'

V 0 ."OC COnprCd V 1 .ccqwted ,-

0 TN-WI010 1 1291 Topical noble ilprtatim flag #G I~tstim for 'TM726 - TWI728'

V 0 .Yot inprted V 1 .InplCed

D CT8726 1 1292 Topical mcdule coaprtaticm flag Uu Conputetim for '1118726'

V 0 ."OC conprte.3 V 1 .conpted

D TN-WIG11 1 1293 Topical m&le ilpltatim flag Xp Ilpltati~on for 'TYOTJO'

V 0 .Yot inputed V 1 .IquCed

D T"-"1012 1 12v4 Topical tile iwtstion flag X10 Inpltatim for 'TM732'

V 0 .Not i-ted V 1 .h$wted

D 1".WIG13 1 1295 Topical tile illpltstim flag Ill 1nprtaticn for 'we.734

V 0 .Not ilrplted V 1 .InpuCed

0 T"-WIG14 1 12% Topical mc&le iqmtatim flag "12 I~tatim for 'TIIBTM'

V 0 .Nctf i-ted Y 1 .Im&ufed

l P‘rt G: Fertility "istoy l


D W8750 1 12g7 Check ita 142 H*t is . ..I* age and sex?

" All prsm V 0 Jot in Averse V 1 .Fml"- skip to T&5754 V 2 .ll.l., 1W ye.n old V 3 .".I", 15 - 17 ye‘r‘ old - V ..klp to TM9266

--- . NW I have a feu preltims abat the l . nblr of chiIdm.if ny,that have l . keen born to . . . l


D TIM752 2 12w Won y children, if my. is . . . the father of 7 (If previously married. include "ll children born in previous m-d current arriages. DO not CMC -ted. foster or stepchildren.,

" *s,er 16 yews Of age and older *o have been rrried

V -1 .Dm't knou - skip to the nd V -3 ."m - skip to the end V 00 .Yot in miverse V 01 . 90 ."&r of children - skip V .to the erd V W .Dm't km for ",en only

D 1118754 2 1x4 "w mny childm, if my, has . . . ever hd 7 (Do not cnnt still- births, adqted. foster, or step- childm.)

" Fmmles 15 years Of age or older V -3 ."m _ skip to the end V 00 .Yot in universe Y 01 - W ."tir of children

D T"6756 1 1302 I. . . . 65 of age or over?

" Fenmles 15 or older rho have had chi ldrm

V 0 .Not in miverse V 1 .Yeh - skip to the end V 2 ."O

D T"W5.S 1 1303 Are all of . ..I" children currently Iivinp in this household?

" Faales 15 to 65 years of age *ho have hd children

V D ."ot in miverse V 1 ."es V 2 ."o - skip to 7118778

D Tw5760 2 1304 Verify the birth date of . ..'s first child and enter the person &r of the childtren). First child

U Fanales 15 to 65 years of age with all childrm currently living in household

V 00 .Yot in miverse V 01 - 12 ."mth


Page 92: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


D T”S762 4 1306 Verify the birth d.fc of . ..I. first child ud cntrr the prsm ruber of fhc childlm>. First child

u Fem(ts 15 te 65 ye.?. of we rich ‘II chiIdrm currmtly living in howehold

V 0000 .Not in rninrse v lWO-1wG .“e‘r


V D .“ot in miwrse Y 1 .(hc child - skip to TIR266 V 2 .k hildrm

DTWI780 2 1323 lhm us . ..I. child born?

u Fales 15 to 65 of .ge with 21 children

V 00 .*ot In miverre Y 01 - 12 .“mth

D TM782 4 1325 Hn u. . ..I. child born?

” FM.,.. 15 to 65 of w. uith 2* chi ldrm

V OWO .Not In universe v 1900-lwo .““r

0 Tlwa4 1 1329 Check itm 746 l&r . ..a. lnt child born on or ‘ft.? Jmu.ry 1, 1965 7

u :~a&&15 to 65 years of age uith 2+


t .:&a: in mivcrxc

V 2 :Wo - skip to 7110792

D TW3786 2 1330 With tim doea the child live nou ?

” Fm.les 15 to 65 yews of ‘ge rich 2* chi Ldrm

D TM764 3 1310 Verify the birth d.te of . ..‘s first child ud mtcr the prrm Wr of the childIrm). First child

U FansI.. 15 to 65 y.w. of .ge with .I1 children currmtly living in haadold

v la0 - 199 .Pcrrm mdcr Y 201 - 224 .Peraon mecr Y z&l - 299 .Peram -r V 301 - 324 .Perom nrbcr v 580 - 3w .Pcrron rrrber V 401 . 424 .Per.m nuher v 4ao - 499 .Perscil nlmcr V Pw .Ediwd person rubber V .skip to TM9266

D T”S7M 2 1313 Verify the birth date of . ..‘s lart child (If m child this item will contain of 1st child. If two childrm this ita (11s. da. for the 2nd child.) child

u F-l.% 15 to 65 yews of .ge uith all chiidmm currmtly Iiving in household

V 00 .Yot in mivcrse V 01 - 12 .“mth

0 T”S76S 4 1315 Verify the birth d&a of . ..‘s child (If m child this itan will contain tit. of 1st child. If fan childrm this itan .lso contains de. for the 2nd child.) Last child

u Few&es 15 to 65 yews of age with all children currntly living in household

Y 0000 .Not in universe v 1900-1990 .“CW

D T118RO .3 1319 Verify the birth date of . ..‘s lrrt child (If m child this item “ill contein dolt. of 1st child. If tw chiidrm this itm ‘1.0 contains de. for the 2nd child.) L..t child

U Few&es 15 to 65 yars of age with all children currmtly living in household

v la0 - 199 l-&u&r Y 2Dl - 224 .P.rsm &r v 2ao - 299 .Perscvl lv.nter V 301 - 324 .Pcmon nurter Y 3ao - 399 .Pccwfl nlaecr ” 401 - 424 .Perrm mdcr v 480 - 4w .Persul mnbcr V 999 .Edited prrm nuder V .skip to Tc)266

D T”F.778 1 1322 Check itm 745 “ou mny children h‘s . . . evtr had?

U Fnnales 15 to 65 years of ege with all children currently living in household





DO .Yot in universe Dl .Raides in this household -

.skip to TMS788 gesides .IwA~tre

2 .In his/her om hwehold ..kip to WS792

With rel.tins 3 .Yith an f.ther - skip to

tm79z 4 Mth own grmdpwatts~ - skip

.to lm.792 5 .Yith adoptive parents - skip

.to TM792 6 .Other rtlstives - skip

.to r”8792 With nmrelatiws

7 .In forcer care/foster fnily .skip to TM792

S .In .n imtituticm Ihospital) .skip to WE792

9 .In school - skip to TM792 10 .In correction.1 fuility -

.skip to 71(8792 11 .Mhcr - rkip to TM792 12 .Oece.sed- skip to W5792 13 .Oon’t k”.w

D TN.5788 3 1332 Check itcla 747 “rite the prson -r of the child.

” Faalcs 15 to 65 of .ge ties. l.sf child resides in this household

v la0 _ 199 .Persm nlater V 201 _ 224 .Persm rw.mbcr v 280 - 293 .Pernm ru.ab.r Y 301 - 324 .Persm “.dxr v ml - 399 .Persm nu&r V 401 _ 424 .Person r.A..r v 480 - 499 .Persm lxeaer V 999 .Edited prsm r&&w


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D T"S792 2 1335 Yhen v.s . ..'s .eccrd child born?

u Fernales 15 to 65 ye.?. of .ge with 21 children

V 00 .Yot in miverse Y Ol-I2 .Mmth

0 TMS794 4 1337 when ws . ..'s second child born?

" Fcm.lcs 15 to 65 ye.r. of age uith 3+ childrn

V 0000 Jot in miverse v woo-199a ."CW

D mm96 1 1341 Check item 149 U.s . ..'s secmJ child born m or after Jmwry 1, 1960 7

II Faeles 15 to 65 yews of .ge uith 3* children

V 0 .Not in minrse V 1 ."CS V 2 .wo - skip to TM9266

0 T"a798 2 1342 Yith uhm doea the child live now 7

u bmles 15 to 65 yewa of age with 3* children and second child born on or after Janwry 1, 1960

V 00 V 01 V V V 02 V V

-, ” 03 V 04 V ” 05 V V 06 Y

.Not in miwrse

.Residcs in this household -

.skip to TM800

.Resides l ls&ere:

.In his/her om howehold -

.skip to TM9266

.Yith relatives:

.Yith om father - skip to TflPZM

.Yith om gr.ndperentls> - skip

.to TM92M

i 07 V V 08 V V 09 V 10 V V 11 V 12 V 13

:~~w~ive parents - skip

.Other relatives - skip to TM9266

.Yith nonrelatives

.In foster carelfoster family

.skip to TM9266

.In an institution 1hospit.l)

.skip to 7119264

.rn school - skip to TW9266

.In corrutional facility -

.skip to TIN266

.other - skip to TM9266

.Oece.sed - skip to TM9266 iDon't know

D TWO 3 1344 Check item T>” Urite the prsm RII)xr of the second child.

u Fnulles 15 to 65 yews of .ge with 3* childrm snd second child born on or after Jaruery 1, 1960 still residing in this household

v la0 - 199 .Pcr.cfl mmbcr V 201 - 224 .Pcrsm runber v 280 - 293 .Person ruabcr V 301 - 324 .Pcrsm -r v 380 . 3w .Per.on ru&r V 401 - 424 .Persm rs"bcr Y 480 . 4w .Persm nudxr V 999 .Edited prsm nuder



0 TWFERl 1 1347 Topic*1 WI. irprtsticm fl*g 11 *lotion for 'TbS5754'

V 0 ."OC i~t.4 V 1.Iqut.d

D TI,-FERZ 1 134S Topic*1 tile iqut.tim fI*g S2 Ilpltatim for 'TnWS2

V 0 .Not iqmtcd Y 1.Iqut.d

D T"-FEWA 1 1349 Topic.1 m&l. lqut*tion flw RI 1rplt.ti.n for 'TwaO'

V 0 .YOC lqutcd V 1.Iqut.d

D TM-FER3 1 1350 Topic.1 tit. iqut*tim fl*g U3 Inpn*tim for WW36~

Y 0 ."ot iwed V 1.Ilplt.d

0 TWFER4 1 1351 Topical mo&le inprtatim flag #I Inprt*tion for 'Tn5794' liken TMS754=1 .nd narit.1 = 6

V 0 .Yot ilpltcd V 1 .*qutcd

D TM-FER5 1 1352 Topical tile inpltatim fl*g #5 I~t*tim for 'W794 *en TyB7544 and mrital st.tus = 1 - 5

V 0 .Yot inplfed V 1 .*lprtcd

D TW-FER6 1 1353 Topical lodule ilplt*tion fl*g x6 Iqzuf*tim for 'TW794' yhn, T#S754=2 md rarit.1 st.tus = 6

V 0 ."OC isputcd V l.I.put.d

0 TW-FER7 1 1354 Topic.1 tile ilprtation fl*g #7 Inplterim for '710794' *en T*754=2 ud mrit.1 *t*tus = 1 - 5

V 0 .Not inpltcd Y 1 .*‘putcd

0 TW-FERP 1 1355 Topical m&AC ilpltation flag Xp *nplt*tim for '711(1798'

V 0 Jot ilpltcd Y 1.1rput.d

D T"-FILL 1 13% Zero filled


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The data were collected in the 1990 panel of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). The SIPP universe is the noninstitutionalized resident population living in the United States. The population include6 per6on6 living in group quarters, such a6 dormitories, rooming hoUSeS, and religious group dwellings. Crew members of merchant ves6el6, Armed Forces personnel living in military barrackm, and irutitutionalized persons, such a6 correctional facility inmates and nursing home residents, vere not eligible to be in the 6urvey. Also, United States citizens r86iding abroad were not eligible to be in the survey. Foreign visitors who work or attend school in this country and their families were eligibler all other6 were not eligible to be in the survey. With the exception6 noted above, persons who were at least 15 year6 of age at the time of the interview were eligible to be in the survey.

The 1990 panel of the SIPP sample is located in 230 Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) each consisting of a county or a group of contiguous counties. Within these PSUs, expected clusters of 2 living quarters (LQs) were systematically selected from lists of addresses prepared for the 1980 decennial census to form the bulk of the sample. To account for I..QS built within each of the sample area6 after the 1980 census, a sample was drawn of permits issued for construction Of residential I&S up until Shortly before the beginning of the panel. In jUri6diCtiOnS that do not issue building permits, small land area6 were Sampled and the I&s within were listed by field personnel and then clusters of 4 lQ6 were subsampled. In addition, sample I.Qs were Selected from supplemental frame6 that included IQ6 identified as miSSed in the 1980 Census and person6 residing in group quarters at the time of the Census.

The 1990 panel differ6 from the Other panel6 a6 a result of oversampling for low income. The oversample was constructed by taking a small subsample from the 1989 panel, and combing it with the 1990 panel. Variable6 6UCh as race, ethniCfty, and sex were used for the oversampling since low income data for 1909 panel household6 were unavailable. The 1989 panel subsample contain6 all Black Headed liouseholds, all Hispanic Headed Hou6ehold6, all Households with Heads having no spouse present, living vith relatives, and a random sample of all the other Rousehold types. The latter random sample was done in an attempt to avoid bias in the sample.

Approximately 28,300 living quarters were designated for the 1990 panel. For Wave 1 of the 1990 panel, interview6 were obtained~ from the occupant6 of about 21,900 of the 28,300 designated living quarters. Host of the remaining 6,400 living quarters in


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the 1990 pan.1 ware found to bm vacant, demolished, converted to nonreaidantial use, or othervise ineligible for the auxvey. Bovever, approximately 1,700 of the 6,400 living quarter-a in the 1990 panel were not intervioved because the oocupant6 refused to be intervieved, could not be found at home, ware temporarily abaent, or were othemi*e unavailable. Thus, occupants Of about 93 percent of all eligible living quartara participated in Wave 1 of the S-y for the 1990 panel. Sample 1088 at Wave 1 of the 1990 Panel vas about 7.18 and ia expected to increase to roughly 22.08 at the and of Wave 8.

Pot Waves 2-8, only original 8ampla peraona (Those in Wave 1 aample householda and intervlmwed in Wave l)"z rti;~ living vith them vere eligible to be interviaued. restrictions, original eample person6 vere to be follwad if they mwed to a new address. When original aampla persons moved without leaving a forwarding addre66 or moved to extremely ramote parts of the country and no telephone number was available, additional nonintervieve resulted.

Sample households within a given panel are divided into four subsamples of nearly equal size. These aubaamples are called rotation groups 1, 2, 3, or 4 and one rotation qroup is interviewed each month. Each household in the sample vas scheduled to ba interviewed at 4 month intervals wer a period of roughly 2 years beginning in February 1990. The reference period for the questions is the 4-month period preceding the interview month. In general, one cycle of four intervievs covering the entire sample, using the same questionnaire, ia called a wave.

A unique feature of the SIPP design in overlapping panels. The overlapping design allows panels to be combined and essentially doubles the oample sizes. However, the 1990 panel is designed so that the first three wave6 do not overlap Vlth other panels. (The 1988 and 1989 panels were prematurely terminated to prwide

the funding needed to enlarqe the 1990 panel and allow wersamplinq to take place.) After the third wave, the 1990 panel overlaps vith the 1991 panel. Selected intervievs for the 1990 panel can be combined vith lntervieva from the 1991 panel. Information necessary to do this la included later in this statement.

The public use files include core and supplemental (topical module) data. Core questions are repeated at each interviev over the life of the panel. Topical modules include questions which are asked only in certain vavea. The 1990 and 1991 panel topical modules are given in tablea 1 and 2 respectively.

Tables 3 and 4 indicate the reference months and interview month6 for the collection of data from each rotation group for the 1990 and 1991 panels respectively. For example, Wave 1 rotation group 2 of the 1990 panel va6 inteNieVed in February 1990 and data for



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the reference month6 October 1989 throuqh January 1990 were collected.

Bstiaation. The e6tlmation procedure used to derive SIPP per6on veiqhts involved several ataqea of veight adjuatmenta. Each person received a base weight equal to the invaraa of him/her probability of selection. A nonintervisv adjustment factor was applied to the weight of every occupant of intaNiewed houaaholds to account for householda which were eligible for the sample but were not lntervieved. (Individual nonraapon6e'vithin partially intervieved households va6 treated vith imputation. No special adju6tment we6 made for noninterviews in group quarters.) A factor was applied to each intervieved pemon~a veight to account for the SIPP sample areas not having the mama population distribution as the strata from vhich they vere selected.

An additional stage of adjustment to persons veiqhts va6 performed to reduce the mean square error of the survey estimates by ratio adjusting SIPP sample e6firPate6 to mOnthly Current Population Survey (CPS) estimates of the civilian (and some military) noninstitutional population of the United States by age, race, Spanish origin, sex, type of householder (married, single with relativer, oinqle vithout relativen), and relationship to householder (opouse or other). The CPS estimates were themselves brought into agreement with estimate6 from the 1980 decennial census which were adjusted to reflect births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and changes in the Armed Porces since 1980. Also, an SdjU6tment vas made 60 that a husband and wife within the same household were assigned equal Veiqht6.

U6e Of Weiqht6. Osers should be forewarned to apply the appropriate veiqhts given oa thi6 file before attampting to calaulate l 6timates. The weight6 vary between unit6 due to the over6amplinq that took plaae. If aaalysi6 is done for the general population vithout l pplyiaq the appropriate reight6, the re6ult6 vi11 be erroneaus. Each household and each person within each household on each vave tape has five veiqhts. Pour of these weights are reference month specific and therefore aan be used only to form reference month estimates. Reference month estimates can be averaged to form estimate6 of monthly averages wer come period of time. POr SXSEiple, U6ing the proper WSiqht6, one can estimate the monthly average number of household6 in a specified income range over November and December 1990. To estimate monthly averages of a given measure (e-q., total, mean) over a number of consecutive months, sum the monthly estimates and divide by the number of months.

1 These special CPS estimates are slightly different from the published monthly CPS estimates. The differences arise from forcing counts of husband6 to agree with counts Of vives.


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The remaining veiqht i6 intarviev month specific. This weight CM be used to form estimates that specifioally refer to the interview month (e.g., total persons currmntly looking for work), as veil as estimates referring to the time period including the interview month and all previous months (e.g., total parsons who have war served in the military).

To form an estimate for a particular month, uaa the m m veight for the month of interest, summinq wer all persons or household6 with the characteristic of intera6t vho6e reference period includes the month of interest. Multiply the sum by a factor to account for the number of rotations contributing data for the month. This factor equals four divided by the mhber of rotation6 contributing data for the month. Pot example, Deoembar 1999 data i6 only available from rotation6 2, 3, and 4 for Wave 1 of the 1990 panel (See table 3), 60 a factor of 4/3 (See Table 7) must be applied. To form an estimate for an interviev month, u6e the procedure diecuased above using the interview month weight provided on the file.

When estimates for months vithout four rotations worth of data are constructed from a wave file, factors greater than 1 muet be applied. However, vhen core data from consecutive vave6 are Used together, data from all four rotation6 may be available, in which case the factor6 are equal to 1.

These tapes contain no weight for characteristics that involve a person'6 or household'6 6tatus Over tvo or more month6 (e.q., number of households vith a 50 percent increase in income between November and December 1990).

Producing Estimatas for Cen6us Peqion6 aad Statas. The total estimate for a region is the sum of the state estimates in that region. Using this sample, estimates for individual states are subject to very hiqh variance and are not recommended. The state code6 on the file are primarily of u6e for linking respondent characteristic6 With appropriate COnteXtUS variables (e.g., state~specific velfare criteria) and for tabulating data by uper- defined qroupinqs of 6tates.

Producinq Estimates for the Xatropolitaa Population. For Washington, DC and 11 6tate6, metropolitan or non-metropolitan residence is identified (variable H+-NETRO). In 34 additional states, vhere the non-metropolitan population in the sample was small enouqh to present a disclosure risk, a fraction of the metropolitan sample we6 recoded to be indi6tingui6hable from non- metropolitan cases (Ii*-METRO-2). In these states, therefore, the cases coded as metropolitan (?I*-HETRO=l) repre6ent only a subsample of that population.

In producing state estimate6 for a metropolitan characteristic, multiply the individual, family, or household weight6 by the -


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metropolitan inflation factor for that state, presented in table 5. (Thio inflation faotor compen6ate6 for the subaamplinq of the metropolitan population and is 1.0 for the states vfth complete identification of the metropolitan population.)

The same procedure applies vhen creating ratimate6 for particular identified NSA*a or CNSA*a --apply the factor appropriate to the state. Por multi-state NSA*a, u6e the factor appropriate to each state part. For example, to tabulate data for tha Waahlngton, DC-MD-VA NSA, apply the Virginia factor of 1.0521 to veiqhts for residents of the Virginia part of the &ISA; Maryland and DC resident6 require no modification to the weights (i.e., tpair factor6 equal 1.0).

In producing regional or national estimates of the metropolitan population, it is also necessary to compensate for the fact that no metropolitan subsampla is identified vithin tvo states (Mississippi and West Virginia) and one otate-qroup (North Dakota - South Dakota - Iowa). Thus, factor6 in the right-hand column of table 5 should be used for regional and national estimatea. The results of regional and national tabulations of the metropolitan population vi11 be biased slightly. Bovever, lass than one-half of one percent of the metropolitan population 16 not represented.

Producinq N6timate6 for the Nan-Netropolitaa Population. State, regional, and national estimates of the non-matropolitan population cannot be computed directly, except for Washington, DC and the 11 state6 where the factor for state tabulation6 in table 5 is 1.0. In all other states, the cases identified as not in the metropolitan eubsample (METRC-2) are a mixture of non- metropolitan and metropolitan households. Only an indirect method of estimation is available: first compute an estimate for the total population, then subtract the estimate for the metropolitan population. The results of these tabulation6 will be slightly biased.

Combined Paael k6timate6. Both the 1990 and 1991 panels provide data for October 1990-August 1992. Thus, estimate8 for theme time periods may be obtained by combining the corresponding panels. However, since the Wave 1 questionnaire differs from the subsequent waves* questionnaire, ve recommend that estimates not be obtained by combining Wave 1 data of the 1991 panel (collected February - Nay of 1991) with data of the 1990 panel. In this case, use the estimate obtained from either panel. Additionally, even for other vaves, care should be taken when combining data from two panel6 since queetionnairee for the two panels differ somewhat and since the length of time in sample for intervievs from the two panels differ.


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Combined panel eatimatu may be obtained either (1) by combining estimates derived separately for the two panala or (2) by first combining data from the tvo files and then producing an estimate.


COtre6pOnding e6timatea from tw0 consecutive year panels can be combined to create joint l 6thatU by uainq the formula

. a- IRg + (l-11)3, (A)

A J = joint estimate (total, mean, proportion, etc):

A J, = estimate from the earlier panel:

A J, = estimate from the later panel:

W = weighting factor of the earlier panel.

To combine unless one estimate. receive6 a zero.

the 1990 and 1991 panel6 u6e a W value of 0.608 of the panels contributes no information to the In that ca6e, the panel contributing information factor of 1. The other receives a factor of

2. Combining Data from Seuarate Files

Start by first creating a file containing the data from the two panel files. Apply the veiqhtinq factor, W, to the weight of each person from the earlier panel and apply (1-W) to the weight of each person from the later panel. Estimates can then be produced using the oame methodology as

mused to obtain e6timSteS from a single panel.

tration for comoutina combincdal estti

Suppose SIPP estimates for Wave 5 Of the 1990 panel shov that there were 441,000 households vith monthly December income above 96000. Also, suppose SIPP estimates for Wave 2 of the 1991 panel 6hov #at there vere 435,000 household6 vith monthly December income above $6000. Using formula (A), the joint level l 6timate is

= (0.608)(441,000) + (0.392)(435,000)

= 439,649 -.


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SIPP estimate6 obtained from public Use file6 are based on a sample; they may differ aomavhat from the fiqUra6 that would have bean obtained if a complete cenaua had been taken uaing the same questionnaire, instructionri, and enumerators. There are two types of error6 possible in an estimate baaed on a sample l wey: nonlramplinq and sampling. Themaqnitudeof SIPPaamplingerror can be estimated, but this i6 not true of nOM6mpling error. Found below are description6 of l ourcsa of SIPP non6amplinq error, follwed by diacu66iona of aamplinq error, it6 l animation, and it6 use in data analyaia. Hors datailad disau6aion6 of the existence and control of nonoamplinq error6 in the SIPP can be found in the wtv profm for the SuNev of m and Fra . . Pa*lci-tion , Nay 1990, by Jabine, a6sinted by King and Petroni.

Ponsamplinq Variability. NOn6ampling error6 can be attributed to many sources. e.g., inability to obtain information about all casesin the sample, definitional difficulties, differences in the interpretation of questions, inability or unwillinqness on the part of the respondents to provide correct information, inability to recall information, errors made in collection such a6 in recording or coding the data, uror6 lPade in proceaeinq the data, errors made in estimating values for missing data, biases resulting from the differing recall period6 caused by the

- rotation pattern used and failure to represent all units within the universe (undercoverage). Quality control and edit procedures were used to reduce errors made by respondents, coders and intervievers.

Undercoverage in SIPP result6 from missed living quarter6 and missed person6 within sample households. It is known that undercoverage varie6 vith age, race, and sex. Generally, undercoverage is larger for males than for female6 and larger for blacks than for nonblacks. Patio estimation to independent aqe- race-sex population controls partially correct8 for the bias due t0 survey undercoverage. Hovever, biases exist in the estimates to the extent that persons in miseed households or missed person6 in interviewed households have differant characteristics than the inteNieVed person6 in the same age-race-Spanish origin-6u group. Purther, the independent population control6 U6Sd have not be adjusted for undercoverage.

Some respondent6 do not respond to some of the questions. Therefore, the overall nonresponse rata for 6ome items much a6 income and other money related item6 is higher than the nonresponse rates presented on page 2. The Bureau use6 complex techniques to adjust the veiqhts for nonresponse, but the aucces6 of these technique6 in avoiding bias is unknovn.


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Comparability With Other Stetiatios. Caution should be exSrCi6ed vhen comparing data from these files with data from other SIPP prOdUct or Vith data from Other 6uNeys. The COmparability problems are caused by sources much as the seaaonal pattern6 for many characteristics, definitional differences, and different nonsampling errors.

mmplinq variability. Standard errors indicate the magnitude of the sampling variability. They 8180 partially meaaura the effect of some non6amplinq errors in reopon6e end enumeration, but do not mea6ure any 6yatematic bia6e6 in the data. The6tenderd error6 for the most part menPure the variatione that occurred by chance because a sample rather than the entire population'vas SUNeyed.

Confidence Intarval6. The sample estimate and its standard error enable one to construct confidence intervals, ranges that vould include the average result of all possible samples vith a -own probability. For example, if all possible eamples were selected, each of these being surveyed under eoaentially the same conditions and using the same sample design, and if an estimate and its standard error were calculated from each sample, then:

1. Approximately 69 percent of the inteNS from one standard error below the estimate to one standard error above the estimate would include the average re6ult of all po6oible samples.


2. Approximately 90 percent of the inteNSlS from 1.6 otandard error6 below the estimate to 1.6 standard errors above the estimate would include the average result of all possible samples.

3. Approximately 95 percent of the intervals from tvo standard errors below the estimate to two standard errors abwe the estimate would include the average result of all possible samples.

The average estimate derived from all poesible samples is or is not contained in any particular computed interval. However, for a particular sample, one can say vith a specified confidence that the average estimate derived from all possible samplea is included in the confidence interval.

IiypOthe6i6 Tenting. Standard error6 may also be used for hypothesis testing, a procedure for distinguishing between population parameters using sample estimates. The most common types of hypotheses tested are 1) the population parameters are identical versus 2) they are different. Tests may be performed at various level6 of siqnificance, where a level of significance is the probability of concluding that the parameters are different when, in fact, they are identical.

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.- To perform the moot common hypothS6i6 test, compute the difference X, - +, where X, and X, are sample estimates of the parameters of intaraot. A later section explain6 hov to derive an estimate of the 6tandSL-d error of the difference X, - X,. Let that standard error be a6rrt. and +1.6 time6 8,,,ri,

If x, - X6 is between -1.6 time6 s61rF no conclusion about the parametua is

justified at the 10 percent siqnificance level. If on the other hand, X, - is times 6pI pr %I

smaller than -1.6 times %,rr or larger than +1.6 e

percent ieval. ObSerVed difference is SigniffCSM St the 10 In this event, it is commonly aocapted practice

to 6ay that the parameter6 are different. Of oouraa, sometimes this conclusion vi11 be vronq. When the parameters are, in fact, the same, there is a 10 percent chance of concluding that'they are different.

Mte when u6inq 6mall 66timStaS. Because of the large standard errors involved, there is little chance that summary measures would reveal useful information vhen computed on a smaller base than 200,000. Also, care must be taken in the interpretation of small diffUenCe6. For instance, in case of a borderline difference, even a small amount of nonsamplinq error can lead to a wrong decision about the hypotheses, thus distorting a seemingly valid hypothesis test.

Standard Error Parameter6 ud Table6 and Their Use. Nost SIPP estimates have greater standard errors than tho6e obtained through a simple random sample because clusters of living quarters are sampled. To derive standard error6 that vould be applicable to a wide variety of estimate6 and could be prepared at a moderate cost, a number of apprOXhtiOn8 were required. EBtim6teS with similar standard error behavior vere grouped together and two parameters (denoted wan and nbn) vere developed to approximate the standard error behavior of each group of estimates. These 6aL" and “bm parameters are uoed in estimating standard error6 and vary by type of eotimate and by eubqroup to which the estimate applies. Table 6 provides base man and “bm parameters to be used for estimate6 obtained from core data and for some estimates from topical module data. Theme paruaters are aannidered preliminary. Ilavined puametara ue sooa to tollor.

The factors provided in table 7 vhen multiplied by the ha88 parameters of table 6 for a given subgroup and type of estimate give the wan and 6b6 parameters for that subgroup and estimate type for the specified reference period. For example, the base man and "b" parameters for total number of households are -0.0000664 and 6,043, respectively. For Wave 1 the factor for October 1969 is 4.0000 since only 1 rotation month of data iS available. So, the waL' and "b" parameter6 for total household income in October 1989 based on Wave 1 are -0.0002656 and 24,172, respectively. Also for Wave 1, the factor for the first quarter of 1990 is 1.2222 since 9 rotation months of data are available


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(rotation6 1 and 4 provide 3 rotation6 montha each, while rotations 2 and 3 prwide 1 md 2 rotation months, ra6pectively). So, the 686 and “bm parameters for total number of hou6eholds in the first quarter of 1990 are -0.0000812 and 7,386, reapactively for Wave 1.

The ram and 6b6 parameten may be used to calculate the standard error for estimated number6 and percentages. Buause the aotual standard error behavior vas not identical for 811 l 6timate6 vithin agroup, the standard error6 computed from theme parameters provide an indication of the ordar of magnitude of the standard error for any specific estimate. Xathods for using these parameters for computation of approximate standard brrora are given in the follwinq sections.

For those users vho vieh further simplification, we have also provided preliminary general standard error6 in tables 8 throuqh 11 for making estimates with the use of data from all four rotations. Note that these standard errors must be adjusted by a factor (f) from table 6. The standard error6 re6ultinq from this simplified approach are less accurate. Uetbod6 for using these parameters and tables for computation of standard errors are given in the following sections. Standard errors prwided in tables 9 through 11 will change vhen revised parameter6 are available.

For the 1990, 1991 combined panel parameters, multiply the parameters in table 6 by the forthcoming appropriate factor from table 15. The factors later provided in table 16 adjust parameters for the number of rotation months available for a given estimate. These factors, vhen multiplied by the combined panel parameters derived from table 6 for a given subgroup and type of estimate, give the "an and 6b6 parameter6 for that subgroup and estimate type for the specified combined reference period.

For calculating 1990 topical module variances, table 12 is designated to later provide base raa and 6bw parameters. Table 13 also in the near future vi11 provide bS6e 686 and 6b6 parameters for computing the 1990, 1991combinedpaneltopical module variances. These parameters will also be provided when revised generalized variance parameter6 are available.

Procedure6 for calculatinq standard errors for the type6 of estimate6 most commonly used are described belov. Note specifically that these procedures apply only to reference month estimates or averages of reference month e6timates. Refer to the section "Doe of Weightsa for a more detailed diacuesion of the construction of eetimatas. Stratum code6 and half sample codes are included on the tapes to enable the u6er to compute the variance6 directly by methods 6UCh as balanced repeated replications (BRR). William G. Cochran provide6 a list of



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references discussing the application of this technique. (See Sampling Techniques, 3rd Ed., Nev York: John Wiley and Sons, 1977, p. 321.)

Btmdard fsrrore of l etimated numbers. The approximate standard -or, exr of an eethated number of persons, households, families, unrelated individuals and no forth, can be obtained in tvo vaye. Sotb apply vhen data from all four rotations are used to make the estimate. Rovevet. only the second method should be ueed vhen lees than four rotations of data are'available for the estimate. Note that neither method should be applied to dollar values.

It may be obtained by the use of the formula

where f is the appropriate "fw factor from table 6, and s is the standard error on the estimate obtained by interpolation from table 8 or 9. Alternatively, formula

sX may be approximated by the

from vhich the standard errors in tables 9 and 9 were calculated. Here x is the size of the estimate and naw and eb" are the parameters associated with the particular type of characteristic being estimated. Use of formula 2 vi11 provide more accurate results than the use of formula 1.


Suppose SIPP estimates for Wave 1 of the 1990 panel shov that there were 472,000 households vith monthly household income above $6,000. The appropriate parameters and factor from table 6 and the appropriate general standard error from table 8 are

a = -0.0000664 b = 6,043 f - 1.00 e = 53,300

Using formula 1, the approximate standard error ie

6, = 53,300


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Using formula 2, the approwimate standard error is

y((-0.0000664) (472,000)’ + (6,003) (472,000) - 53,300

Using the standard error based on formula 2, the approximate 90- percent confidence interval as shown by the data is from 387,000 to 557,000. Therefore, a conclusion that the avorage estimate derived from all possible samples 1106 vithin a range computed in this way vould be correct for roughly 90% of all samples.

on for COIBDU~~~~

fetimatee, Will be provided vhen combining factors are available.

Wandud Error of m Xms~ A mean is defined here to be the average quantity of some item (other than persons, families, or households) per person, family or household. Pot example, it could be the average monthly household income of females age 25 to 34. The standard error of a mean can be approximated by formula 3 below. Because of the approximations used in developing formula 3, an estimate of the standard error of the mean obtained from this formula will generally underestimate the true standard error. The formula used to estimate the standard

error of a mean F is


where y is the size of the base, s2 is the estimated population variance of the item and b is the parameter associated with the particular type of item.

The population variance e2 may be estimated by one of two methods. In both methods ve assume Y is the value of the item for unit I. (Unit may be person, family, or household). To use the first method, the range of values for the item is divided into c intervals. The upper and lover boundaries of interval j

Each unit is placed into one of c groups such are Z,., and 5~a~~,e~t~;y~

I I'




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The estimated population variance, s2, is given by the formula:

vhere p is the estimated proportion of unite ib group j, and mJ (2 _ 4 z ) /2 The most representative value of the item in

irou;'j is'ass~ed to be m. If group c is open-ended, i.e., no upper interval boundary ex!ets, IS

then an approximate value for m,

The mean, ?? can be obtained using the folloving formula:

In the second method, the estimated population variance is given by


vhere there are n units with the item of interest and v, is the

final weight for unit I. Themean, F, can be obtained from the



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When forming combined estimates using formula (A), s2, given by formula (4), should be calculated by forming a distribution for each panel. The range of values for the item vi11 be divided into intervals. Combined estimates for each interval can be obtained using formula (A). Formula (4) can be applied to the

combined distribution. To calculate z and 6' given by formula

(5), replace x1 by Wx, for x, for x, from the later panel.

from the earlier panel and (l-W)x,


Suppose that based on Wave 1 data, the distribution of monthly cash income for persons age 25 to 34 during the month of January 1988 is given in table 14.

Using formula 4 and the mean month)y cash income of $2,530 the approximate population variance, 6, is

s2 - ($,3;&) (15012 + (~;,~~~J (450)' +. . . . . +

($,',\yl) (9.000)' - (2,530)' = 3,159,887.

Using formula 3, the appropriate base "b" parameter and factor

from table 6, the estimated standard error of a mean Z is

s, - 4,890 39,851,OOO

(3,159,887) - $20

Standard error of an aggregate. An aggregate is defined to be the total quantity of an item summed over all the units in a group- The standard error of an aggregate can be approximated using formula 6.


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AS vith the estimate of the standard error of a mean, the estimate of the standard error of an aggregate vi11 generally underee imate the true standard error. Let y be the size of the base, 6 E be the estimated population variance of the item obtained using formula (4) or (5) and b be the parameter associated with the particular type of item. The standard error of an aggregate is:

4 - 3(b) (Y)P5 . (6) -

Btandard Brrors of B8timated Peroentages. Tbe reliability of an estimated percentage, computed using sampI data for both numerator and denominator, depends upon both the size of the percentage and the size of the total upon vhich the percentage is based. Estimated percentages are relatively more reliable than the corresponding estimates of the numerators of the percentages, particularly if the percentages are 50 percent or more, e.g., the percent of people employed is more reliable than the estimated number of people employed. When the numerator and denominator of the percentage have different parameters , use the parameter (and appropriate factor) of the numerator. If proportions are presented instead of percentages, note that the standard error of a proportion is equal to the standard error of the corresponding

~~_ percentage divided by 100.

There are two types of percentages commonly estimated. The first is the percentage of persons, families or households sharing a particular characteristic such as the percent of persons owning their own home. The second type is the percentage of money or some similar concept held by a particular group of persons or held in a particular form. Examples are the percent of total wealth held by persons with high income and the percent of total income received by persons on welfare.

For the percentage of persons, families, or households, the approximate standard error, Q~,, of tbe estimated percentage p can be obtained by the formula

vhen data from all four rotations are used to estimate p. In this formula, f is the appropriate "fm factor from table 6 and e is the standard error of the estimate from table 10 or 11.


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Alternatively, it may be approximated by tbe formula

from vhich the standard errors in tables 10 and 11 vere calculated. Here Y is the size of the subclass of social units vhich is the base of the percentage, p is the percentage (O<p<lOO), and b is the parameter associated vith the characteristic in the numerator. Use of this formula vi0 give more accurate results than use of formula 7 above and should be used vhen data from less than four rotations are used to estimate P.


Suppose that, in the month of January 1990, 6.7 percent of the 16,812,OOO persons in nonfarm households vith a mean monthly household cash income of $4,000 to $4,999, vere black. Using formula 8 and the "b" parameter of 4,755 from table 6 and a factor of 1 for the month of January 1990 from table 7, the approximate standard error is

im) (100-6.7) = O.OZpercent

consequently, the 90 percent confidence interval as shovn by these data is from 6.0 to 7.4 percent.

For percentages of money, a more complicated formula is required. A percentage of money vi11 usually be estimated in one of two ways i It may be the ratio of tvo aggregates:

or it may be the ratio of tvo means with an adjustment for different bases:

R* - 100 ca,sr, / r;,


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where x, and x,, are aggregate money figures, zA and EM are

mean money figures, and aA is the estimated number in group A

divided by the estimated number in group N. In either case, ve estimate the standard error as


vhere sP is the standard error of & , 6, is the standard error

of ZA and sp is the standard error of zU . To calculate sp, use

formula 8. The standard errors of zH and ZA may be

calculated using formula 3.

It should be noted that there is frequently some correlation

between & Zj,, and jF, . Depending on the magnitude and sign

of the correlations, the standard error will be over or underestimated.


Suppose that in January 1990, 9.82 of the households own rental property, the mean value of rental property is $72.121, the mean value of assets is $78,734, and the corresponding standard errors are 0.25%, 94679, and $2207. In total there are 06,790,OOO households. Then, the percent of all household assets held in rental property is

- 100 (0.098) 7’;;:;) - 9.OI (


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Using formula (9), the appropriate standard error is -.

= 0.007

- 0.72

Staudud Xrror'of a Differenoe. The standard error of a difference between tvo sample estimates is approximately equal to


vhere sq and sY are the standard errors of the estimates x and y. The estimates can be numbers, percents, ratios, etc. The above formula assumes that the correlation coefficient between the characteristics estimated by x and y is zero. If the correlation is really positive (negative), then this assumption vi11 tend to cause overestimates (underestimates) of the true standard error.


Suppose that SIPP estimates shov the number of persons age 35-44 years with monthly cash income of $4,000 to $4,999 vas 3,186,OOO in the month of January 1990 and the number of persons age 25-34 years vith monthly cash income of 94,000 to $4,999 in the same time period was 2,619,OOO. Then, using parameters from table 6 and formula 2, the standard errors of these numbers are approximately 124,000 and 112,000, respectively. The difference in sample estimates is 567,000 and, using formula 10, the approximate standard error of the difference is

(124,000)' + (112,000)'- 167,000

Suppose that it is desired to test at the 10 percent significance level whether the number of persons vith monthly cash income of $4,000 to 94,999 vas different for persons age 35-44 years than for persons age 25-34 years. To perform the test, compare the difference of 567,000 to the product 1.6 Y 167,000 - 267,200. Since the difference is greater than 1.6 times the standard error of the difference, the data show that the two age groups are significantly different at the 10 percent significance level.



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- Standard Error of a Median. Tbe median quantity of some item ouch as income for a given group of persons, families, or houeeholds is that quantity such that at least half the group have as much or more and at least half the group have as much or lees. The sampling variability of an estimated median depends upon tbe form of the distribution of the item as vell as the size of the group. To calculate standard errors on medians, the procedure described below may be used.

An approximate method for measuring the reliability of an estimated median is to determine a confidence interval about it. (See the section on sampling variability for a general discussion of confidence intervals.) The following proce'dute may be used to estimate the 68-percent confidence limits and hence the standard error of a median based on sample data.

1. Determine, using either for¶rNla 7 or formula 8, the standard error of an estimate of 50 percent of tbe group:

2. Add to and subtract from 50 percent the standard error determined in step 1;

3. Using the distribution of the item vithin the group, calculate the quantity of the item such that the percent of the group owning more is equal to the smaller percentage found in step 2. This quantity will be the upper limit for the 68-percent confidence interval. In a similar fashion, calculate the quantity of the item such that the percent of the group owning more is equal to the larger percentage found in step 2. This quantity vi11 be the lover limit for the 68-percent confidence interval;

4. Divide the difference between the two quantities determined in step 3 by two to obtain the standard error of the median.

To perform step 3, it vi11 be necessary to interpolate. Different methods of interpolation may be used. The most common are simple linear interpolation and Pareto interpolation. The appropriateness of the method depends on the form of the distribution around the median. If density is declining in the area, then we recommend Pareto interpolation. If density is fairly constant in the area, then we recommend linear interpolation. Note, however. that Pareto interpolation can never be used if the interval contains zero or negative measures of the item of interest. Interpolation is used as follovs. The quantity of the item such that "pn percent own more is


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If Pareto Interpolation is indicated and

4d[z (h-14) +4] . (12)

if linear interpolation is indicated, where N is the size of the group,

A, and AZ

N, and N,

are the lover and upper bounds, respectively, of the interval in vhich xpy falls,

are the estimated number of group members ovning more than A+ and Az, respectively,

exp refers to the exponential function and

Ln refers to the natural logarithm function.


To illustrate the calculations for the sampling error on a median, we return to table 14. The median monthly income for this group is S2.150. The size of the group is 39,851,000.




Using formula 8, the standard error of 50 percent on a base of 39,851,OOO is about 0.6 percentage points.

Polloving step 2, the two percentages of interest are 49.4 and 50.6.

5y examining table 14, we see that the percentage 49.4 falls in the income interval from 2000 to 2499. (Since 55.5% receive more than $2,000 per month, the dollar value corresponding to 49.4 must be betveen S2.000 and $2,500). Thus, A, = S2.000, + - $2,500, N, = 22,106,000, and N2 - 16,307,OOO.


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In this case, we decided to use Pareto interpolation. Therefore, the upper bond of L 689 confidence interval for the median is

$2.000 exP [(q (.494)(39,851,000~ 22,106,000

v4 Z;% 34%%)] - SZ1"

Also by examining table 14, we see that 50.6 falls in the same income interval. Thus, A,, +, N, and N, are the same. We also use Pareto interpolation for this case. So the lover bound of a 68% confidence interval for the median is

S2.000 exp t.506) (39,851,000), 22,106,000 ~;;~;;$~$Co)]- $2137

Thus, the 68-percent confidence interval on the estimated median is from $2137 to $2177. An approximate standard error is

$2177 - $2137 1S20 2

Standard Errors of Ratios of Neans and xediaus. The standard error for a ratio of means or medians is approximated by:


vhere x and y are the means or medians, and sX and sY are their associated standard errors. Formula 13 assumes that the means are not correlated. If the correlation betveen the population means estimated by x and y are actually positive (negative), then this procedure will tend to produce overestimates (underestimates) of tbe true standard error for the ratio of




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Table 1. 1990 paa. Popioal Nodules -.



1 None

2 Recipiency Riatory Employment History Work Disability Ristory Education and ~Trai.ning.8iatory Rarital liiatory Uigration History Fertility History Household Relationships

Child Care Arrangements child Support Agreements Support of Non-household Members Utilization of Health Care services Punctional Limitations & Disability work Schedule

Assets & Liabilities Retirement EXpeCtStiOnS L Pensions

Plan Coverage Real Estate, Property, and Vehicles

Taxes Annual Income and Retirement Accounts School Enrollment and Financing

Child Support Agreements support of Non-household Members Utilization of Health Care Services Punctional Limitations & Disability Not in Labor Force Spells

Selected Financial Assets Medical Expenses & Work Disability Real Estate Shelter Costa Dependent Care Vehicles

Annual Income L Retirement Accounts Taxes School Enrollment L Financing


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Z8blO 2. 1991 Paael Topioal Rodulee Zor Raves 1 through 5'

1 None

2 Welt are Bietory Recipiency History Raployment History Work Disability Biatory Education and Training History Rarital Eietoq Nigration Biatory Fertility Eiatory Rousehold Relationahipe

Work Schedule Child Care Arrangements Child Support Agreements Support for Non-housahold Members Functional Limitations & Disability Utilization of Health Care Services

Selected Financial Assets Medical Expencree k Work Disability Real Estate Shelter Costs Dependent Care Vehicles

Taxes Annual Income and Retirement Accounts School Enrollment and Financing

1 Topical Modules for waves 6 through 8 are not yet available.


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Table 3. Referebm Wontim for Zaoh IntMiw Month - 1990 Pure1 .-,

- krfd

g,& 1R












4th RUrter lft Rr tet (lw9) ww;

#7 f* n@c

x x x X

xx xx

x x x x

x x x

x x



x x

x x x

xxx x

x x x x

X x x x

x x x

x x


x x

. . . . . . . . . .

x x x x


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& 1R












- ti F*-@w x x x X

x x x x

X x x x

x x x

x x



x x

X x x

xxx x

xx xx

X x x x

x x x X

x x x x

. . . . . . . . . .

x x x x


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Table 5. notropolitan 8ub*upla ?8otors to be Applied to Compute National and Bubnational Emtim&




- indicates no metropolitan subsample is identified for the state

Connecticut 1.0387 1.0387 Maine 1.2219 1.2219 Massachusetts 1.0000 1.0000 New Hampshire 1.2234 1.2234 New Jersey 1.0000 1.0000 New York 1.0000 1.0000 Pennsylvania 1.0096 1.0096 Rhode Island 1.2506 1.2506 Vermont 1.2219 1.2219

Illinois 1.0000 1.0110 Indiana 1.0336 1.0450 Iowa --- --- Kansas 1.2912 1.3055 Michigan 1.0328 1.0442 Minnesota 1.0366 1.0480 Missouri 1.0756 1.0874 Nebraska 1.6289 1.6468 North Dakota --- --- Ohio 1.0233 1.0346 South Dakota --- --- Wisconsin 1.0188 1.0300

Alabama Arkansas Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia

1.1574 1.1595 1.6150 1.6179 1.5593 1.5621 1.0000 1.0018 1.0140 1.0158 1.0142 1.0160 1.2120 1.2142 1.0734 1.0753 1.0000 1.0018

--- --- 1.0000 1.0018 1.0793 1.0812 1.0185 1.0203 1.0517 1.0536 1.0113 1.0131 1.0521 1.0540

--- --a

Factors for use in State

or CMSA (MSA) Tabulation6

Factors for uee in Regional or National Tabulations



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Table 5 cont'd. Hotropolltur Bubsmplo motor8 to bo Applied to compute amtional cad 8ubaatioa81 Esthateo

West: Alaska Arizona California Colorado Rawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming

Factors for Factors for u8e in State use in Regional

or CMSA (NSA) or National Tabulations Tabulations

1.4339 1.4339 1.0117 1.0117 1.0000 1.0000 1.1306 1.1306 1.0000 1.0000 1.4339 1.4339 1.4339 1.4339 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.1317 1.1317 1.0000 1.0000 1.0456 1.0456 1.4339 1.4339

- indicates no metropolitan subsample is identified for the state


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T8bla 6: SIpp eaaortiised Vuirnae Paruatar8 for 1990 Panel public uaa Pi10 -- Otolirirlary l

Characteristics Parameters


16+ Program Participation anntian~~~, Pwe*y (3)

Male Female

16+ In~;S~~~sLabor Force (5)

Male Female

16+ Pension Plan l * (4) Both Sexes Male Female

All Others l * (6) Both Sexes Male Female


16+ Program Participation and Benefits, Poverty (3)

Both Sexes Hale Female

16+ Income and Labor Force (5) Both Sexes Male Female

16+ Pension Plan ** (4) Both Sexes Male Female

All Others l * (6) Both Sexes Hale Female

a h

-0.0000843 14344 -0.0001772 14344 -0.0001604 14344

-0.00002i7 4890 -0.0000605 4890 -0.0000547 4090

-0.0000525 8956 -0.0001108 8956 -0.0001001 8956

-0.0000771 17704 -0.0001595 17784 -0.0001493 17784






-0.0000934 15898 0.95 -0.0001964 15898 -0.0001778 15898

-0.0000318 5420 0.55 -0.0000670 5420 -0.0000606 5420

-0.0000582 9926 0.75 -0.0001228 9926 -0.0001110 9926

-0.0000955 19710 1.05 -0.0001768 19710 -0.0001655 19710



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Table 6 ooat*d. SIOP Qaaaralisad Vuianos Puuatars for 1990 Pam81 publia Was Pi18 -- prelimiauy l



Program Participation and Benefits, Poverty (1)

Both Sexes Male Female

All Others l ** (2) Both Sues Male Female





Program Participation and Benefits, Poverty (1)

Both Sexes Male Female

Others l ** (2) Both Sexes Male Female



l *

l **

Total -0.0000664 6043 1.00

White -0.0000736 6698 1.05

Black -0.0003009 3018 0.71

Hispanics -0.0003009 3018 0.71


0 k f

-0.0003182 0843 0.71 -0.0006793 8843 -0.0005987 0043

-0.0001723 4755 . 0.52 -0.0003704 4755 -0.0003223 4755

-0.0000609 -0.0001282 -0.0001160

-0.0001723 -0.0003704 -0.0003223

10374 10374 10374

4755 4755 4755



For cross-tabulations, use the parameters of the characteristic with the smaller number within the parentheses.

Use the "16+ Pension Plan" parameters for pension plan tabulations of persons 16+ in the labor force. Use the “All Othersm parameters for retirement tabulations, 0+ program participation, 0+ benefits, O+ income, and 0+ labor force tabulations, in addition to any other types of tabulations not specifically covered by another characteristic in this table.

Use the "All Others" parameter for any type of t8bulStiOn not specifically covered by another characteristic in this table.


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T8bla 7. Paotora to be Applied to Tsble 6 Baas Pa&stars to Obtain Parustara for Vuioaa Rsforsaom Psrioda ,.I

# of available rotation

Honthly estimste

1 2 3


Quarterly estimate

4.0000 2'.0000 1.3333 1.0000 _

6 1.6519 8 1.4074 9 1.2222

10 1.0494 11 1.0370 12 1.0000

1 The number of available rotation months for a given estimate is the sum of the number of rotations available for each month of the estimate.



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Tab18 8. Standard Errors of Satfutod Nmbars of Rousoholds, Pamiliss or Oxualated Psraou (Numbers in Thouasnda)

Size of Estimate











Standa,rd Error










size of Estimate



30,000 .







Standard Error










1 To account for sample attrition, multiply the standard error of the estimate by 1.04 for estimates which include data from Wave 5 and beyond.


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Tab18 9. Staadud Errors of Estimatad Numbers of Parsons (Numbers in Th0uaanda)

Size of Estimate















Standard Error















Size of Estimate



100,000 .










Standard Error













1 To account for sample attrition, multiply the standard error of the estimate by 1.04 for estimates which include data from Wave 5 and beyond.



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Tab18 10. St8ndud Srrors of Estimated Poroamtagaa of of Houamholda ruiliem or Uarolatod Psraoas

Base of Estimated Percantage (Thousands)



















I- S 1 or 2 99 2 or 98 5 or 95 10 or 90

1.73 2.43 3.79 5.20

1.41 1.99 3.09 4.26

1.09 1.54 2.40 3.30

0.89 1.26 1.96 2.69

0.77 1.09 1.69 2.33

0.55 0.77 1.20' 1.65

0.45 0.63 0.98 1.35

0.35 0.49 0.76 1.04

0.28 0.40 0.62 0.85

0.24 0.34 0.54 0.74

0.20 0.28 0.44 0.60

0.15 0.22 0.34 0.47

0.14 0.20 0.31 0.43

0.12 0.17 0.27 0.37

0.11 0.15 0.24 0.33

0.10 0.14 0.22 0.30

0.09 0.12 0.19 0.26

0.08 0.11 0.18 0.25

Estimated Paroentaaes .1

25 or 75 50

7.50 8.70

6.20 7.10

4.76 5.50

3.89 4.49

3.37 3.89

2.38 2.75

1.94 2.24

1.51 1.74

1.23 1.42

1.06 '1.23

0.87 1.00

0.67 0.78

0.61 0.71

0.53 0.61

0.45 0.55

0.43 0.50

0.38 0.43

0.35 0.41 --

1 To account for sample attrition, multiply the standard error of the estimate by 1.04 for estimates which include data from Wave 5 and beyond.



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Tsble 11. Btsmdard Errors of Batimated Peroaata~ea of Parsoas

Base of Estimated Percentage (Thousands)




















T S 1 or 2 99




















EI bated F ccantage~

2 or 98 5 or 95 10 or SO

4.17 6.50 9.00

3.41 5.31 7.30

2.41 3.75 5.20

1.87 2.91 4.00

1.32 2.06 2.83

0.83 1.30 1.79

0.66 1.03 1.41

0.56 0.88 1.21

0.52 0.81 1.11

0.45 0.70 0.97

0.40 0.62 0.85

0.37 0.57 0.78

0.34 0.53 0.73

0.26 0.41 0.57

0.21 0.32 0.45

0.19 0.29 0.40

0.16 0.25 0.35

0.13 0.20 0.27

0.12 0.19 0.26

25 or 75 50

12.90 14.90

10.50 12.20

7.50 8.60

5.80 6.70 -

4.08 4.71

2.58 2.98

2.04 2.36

1.74 2.01

1.60 1.85

1.40 1.62

1.23 1.42

1.13 1.31

1.05 1.22

0.82 0.94 -

0.65 0.75

0.55 0.67

0.51 0.58

0.39 0.45

0.38 0.44


1 To account for sample attrition, multiply the standard error of the estimate by 1.04 for estimates which include data from Wave 5 and beyond.



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Table 12. 1990 Topioti Xodulo Geaaralised Vuiaaoo Puametara’

Fertility # woman Births

a k

Educational Attainmaat Wave 2 Wave 5

Marital Status and Person's Family Characteristics

Some RH members All HH members

Child Support Wave 3 Wave 6

Support for non-household members Wave 3 Wave 6

Health and Disability

O-15 Child Care Wave 3 Wave 6

Welfare History and AFDC Both sexes 18+ Males 18+ Females 18+

1 Not available at this time. Will be provided at a later date.


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Table 13. SIPP 1990, 1991 COBbiaad Paael yopioal Module Oaaoralised Vuisaae Paruatara


Educational Attainment 1987 Wave 5/1988 Wave 2

Support for non-household aambars 1987 Wave 6/1988 Wave 3

Health and Disability 1987 Wave 6/1988 Wave 3

O-15 Child Care 1987 Wave 6/1988 Wave 3

Child Support 1987 Wave 6/1988 Wave 3



1 Not available at this time. Will be provided at a later date.



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Table 14. Distribution of Monthly Cash Income Among Persona 25 to 34 years old

SW0 11,200 s1.500 u,wo s2.500 s3,ooo s3,soo 84,wo n.ow t6,ooil to to to to to to Sl,lW Sl,IW 91,9-w ¶.?,4W 92,999 93.4W ii.999 &99 2,999 zr

2734 3452 62la 5799 4750 3723 2SlP 2619 1223 149J

Page 132: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Tab10 Is. SIPP Pactors to k *plied to the 1990 Barn9 Paruetyrs to Obtain th. 1990, 199% combinme Puiml Puuator8

5 2 6 3 7 4

Waves to be Combined

I Not available at this time. Will be provided at a later date.



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Table 16. Irmotorm to be Applied to Bue Puumtuf to Obtain cmmbinmd Pen.1 Puumtorm for Imtiutam fror Various Bmfuonoo Pmriob.

# of avalalble rotation months 2 for 2 s!Bn'lS wmkille

Monthly Estimate

2 4.0000 3 3.0000 . 4 2.0000 5 1.6667 6 1.3333 7 1.1667 8 1.0000

Quarterly Estimates

12 15 18 19 24

Annual Estimates


1.8519 1.5631 1.2222 1.1470 1.0000


I Estimates are based on monthly averages.

2 The number of available rotation months for a given estimate is the mum of the number of rotations available for each month of the estimate for the two panels. There must be at least one rotation month available for each month from each panel for monthly and quarterly estimates.


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Page 135: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Subject: 1990 SIPP Wave 2 Employment History Topical Module

We have completed our review of evaluation tallies of data from the above module. The tallies indicate that the data in the module are of acceptable quality. We approve the module for release.

We performed the following checks during our review: conformity of the data with questionnaire skip patterns; consistency of the output data with the input data; reasonableness of distributions of the data compared with distributions of counterpart data from the same topical module for the 1988 SIPP panel; analysis of imputation rates and comparison of distributions of imputed cases with non-imputed cases; and conformity of the data with the computer edit instructions (particularly age and range restrictions).

We have attached a table showing unweighted imputation rates for the items in the module. _ Attachment

9A- 1

Page 136: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

JmDutation Rates Wnweiuhted)

Source Codes

8218 27447 5732 20.9 8220 27447 1935 7.0 8224 25129 3460 13.8 0226 21466 2910 13.6 8228 12890 3135 24.3 8230 25129 1890 7.5 0232 25129 2000 8.0 8236 22526 2458 10.9 8240 5208 2062 40.0

8242-8244 l 5208 785 15.1 8246 1716 438 25.5 8248 24592 4715 19.2

8250-8252 l 24592 4201 17.1 8266 24437 4275 17.5 6268 24437 a381 34.3 8270 24437 5211 21.3 6272 24437 4131 16.9 8274 24437 6399 26.2 8276 23387 5080 21.7 8278 5676 700 12.3 8282 3909 494 12.6 8286 12982 1115 8.6 a288 6569 892 13.6 8290 6569 83.5 12.7 8292 6569 780 11.9 a294 6569 475 7.2

Industry + 24437 4501 la.4 Occupation +t 24437 4501 18.4

universe (a) pumber ImDUted (b)


* These items were jointly imputed. + Questions 6b-6d ++ Questions 6e-6f


Page 137: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Subject: Review of the SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 2 Marital History Data

The numbers of marriages by year of marriage reported in wave 2 of the 1990 panel look, in general, reasonable when compared to the vital records from National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (see table 1). Figures for 1960, 1965, 1981, 1984, and 1986 as reported in wave 2 of the 1990 panel do appear to be somewhat low when compared to the vital records, while 1988 appears to be somewhat high. Data from the June 1985 and 1990 Current Population Survey (CPS) are shown in table 1 for comparison purposes.

Divorces by year of divorce from wave 2 of the 1990 panel are generally lower than those reported in the vital records from NCHS (see table 2). This trend toward underreporting of divorces also occurred in the five earlier SIPP data sets as well as in the June 1985 and 1990 CPS.

Year of marriage in wave 2 of the 1990 panel was allocated 13 percent of the time for males and 8 percent of the time for females. These rates are comparable to the allocation rates for wave 2 of the 1988 panel (12 percent for males and 8 percent for females). The year of first marriage allocation rates for wave 2 of the 1990 panel are quite high for the earlier years (see table 3).

The month of marriage estimates for 1985 through 1989 from SIPP bounce around quite a bit in comparison to the NCHS vital records by month (see table 4). Month of marriage and month of divorce data should probably not be used by themselves, but rather only to calculate derived measures such as length of marriage and interval between first divorce and second marriage.

The number of times married estimateS from wave 2 of the 1990 panel of SIPP appear to be reasonable, in general, both when compared to the estimates from the earlier SIPP panels and to the estimates from the June 1985 and 1990 marital history supplements to the CPS (see table 5). (Note that the June 1990 CPS numbers shown in table 5 are for women 15 through 65 years old only.)

The distribution and numbers of persons by current marital status from wave 2 of the 1990 panel also look quite reasonable (see table 6). The estimated number of persons who are currently divorced appears to be a little high when it is compared to the March 1990 CPS estimate (16,023,OOO versus 15,128,OOO). The comparable estimate frOs 1988 wave 2 (16,267,OOO) also looked high in comparison to the March 1988 CPS estimate (13,968,OOO).

This evaluation is preliminary in nature. No statistical testing has been done and therefore this review does not necessarily meet the statistical standards required of Census Bureau publications.



Page 138: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


g: l..&iages by Year of Marriage 0

Year NCHS Wave 8* Wave4 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave2

1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1975 1970 1965 1960

;g : : 2403 2407 289 t 2413 1908 2072 2477 1862 2058 z2 2396 1988 2282 2413

2422 2221 22nl

2390 2345 2153 2232 E: 2159 2304 2098 1800 1737 1528 1523 1500 1463

1187 2369 2388 2510 2528


1236 2200 2579 2356

103; 2204 2348 2563 2492 2274

2298 2621 2366 2195 2424 2353 2366

2477 2296 2230 2415

% 2268 2517 2045 2387 2570 2320

1961 2165 2289 2098 1952 2057 1956 2057 1723 1644 1733 1641 1566 1492 1347 1349

SIPP Females**

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990

CPS Females

June 1985**

CPS Females

June 1990** ++

2243 2266 2365 2244

925 + 2336 2363 2155 2413 2224 2379 2352 2365 2236 2416 2474 2206 2222 2234 1712 E ~-' 1577 1429

* Source: Memorandum from Arthur Norton to Martin O’Connell dated January 14.1988, and entitled ‘Review of 1984 SIPP Panel Wave 8 Marital History Data.’ ** Reflects only 3 marriages for women married more than 3 times. + Reflects a partial year of data. ft Data for women 15 through 65 years old only.



Page 139: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table 2. Divorces by Year of Divorce (ln thousands)

1984 1985

SIPP Females*

1986 1981 1988

CPS Females

1990 YfX

1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981

1975 .--1970

965 1960

NCHS Wave 8

1163 ‘1183 1166 1178 1190 76; 1169 665 1158 725 1170 912 1213 651 1189 770 1036 638

708 479 z 393 245

Wave 4 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2

207 + 966 869

1100 857 799




495 + 1091 867

1146 1089 1037 1029 896 594 323 252

571 t 869

1005 1126 1028 1048

;i! 886 582 481 257

616 +

;2 1062 1082 1011 1034 1015 1116 812 481 314 368


1E 844

1204 956 794

1159 802

1016 819 549 341 225


516 + 1062 939 918

1035 1075 796 561 392 284

CPS - Females

June 1990* u

999 1012

z 986 963 836

E 1057 793 538 286 180

*For women married more than 3 times, divorce data refer only to first, second, and last marriage. + Reflects a partial year of data +t Data for women 15 through 65 years old only.


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Table 4. Month of Marriage hum the Swey 01 Income and Ptqram Participatiqn (SIPP) Wave 4.1985 Paver; Wave 2.1986 Panel’; Wave 2. 1967 Panel’: Wave 2. lQQ8 Panel ; Wave 2.1990 Panel’; and the National Center lor Hwlth Sta1hVxs (NCHS): __.__.__ .--.- ..-. . . . ..~.. .--- (Numbenr in thousands)

1985 Man&gas 986 Mdages 1


“Y&i Wave2 1986 Panel Panel

100.0 2.7 5.3

::; 8.5

‘:I 11.1

i:: 9.6 7.9


“YZ Panel

IWO 5.7 9.1 4.1 7.9 5.4

‘t: 11.3 10.1

i:: 10.5


2; 6.1

Ei 14.3 8.5


2 8.4 7.3

SIPP wave2

1990 PaIPA

100.0 3.9 8.4

2; 11.6

1::‘: 10.2 6.4 8.0 9.2 6.1


2,413 117

1i.i 179

E 219


167 190

I;:: 5.7

;:: 9.5


‘2 8.4 7.7 7.9

SIPP Vave2

IQ67 P&lllQl


2:: 4.9 9.1

11.1 10.4 10.0 9.9

11.5 6.7 6.3 7.9


“%a; Pall91

loo.0 5.5 a.7 6.0

11: 10.6 6.2


iI 7.6 7.1


“%J: PallEA


8 6.2 6.9

12.0 14.2

7.3 0.6


::i 7.3




;:; 10.2 11.4 9.0

11.2 9.1

;:: 7.9

SIPP Vave2

1988 Panel

‘% 149

1:: 269


E 270 122 127

‘“,2 6.6



1::; 9.9

‘ti 5.9

SIPP wave2


lw.o 6.2 7.5 6.1

2: 1::: 0.7


i:: 6.2

I 1988 t.4anieges 1989 Msniages

SIPP Wave2

1990 Panel NCHSl

SIPP Wave2

1930 Penal NCHS NCHS


121 175 181 223


5: 176 200.

lw.o 5.0 5.1

::i 9.3

11.6 9.5


iI 7.4 6.4


1s 207


:z 227 221 199

lw.o 6.7 6.4 6.7 9.0 7.7 9.2 7.5 9.5

10.1 9.9 9.6 6.7

2,404 117


:z 291 217 245 231 210


lw.o 4.9 5.2 6.6

2: 12.1 9.0


il f 7.6 6.7

‘For SIPP, numben are for female reported maniages only.

Page 142: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table 5. Number of Ames Married b Pm ram ParlidpUon (SIPP) Wave r

Sex fo( Penrons 15 Yearn Old and CWw horn the Survey 01 lnmme and

% , 1965 Panel; Wave 2, IQ66 Panel; Wave 2,1997 Panel; Wave 2.1966 Panel:

and we 2.1990 Panel: and June 1965 and June 199-l Cunent Pwulalion Survey (CPS) (Numbers iihokands)



wave4 Wave2 Wave2 1yPy-l l”sl~sI~ lQ87P.9d


‘ii% ‘it! lW.0 29.8

55.6 55.5 55.2 ‘if Y:6’ 12.3


’ Tabulations for June 1990 CPS males have not been run at mis time. Parts may not sum due to muming.

‘* Data for women 15 timugh 65 years old only

Wave2 wave2 June 1988 Panel 1990 Panel 1985

6/88-9/88 611)0-$190 CPS

92.345 66,364 27.464 25.279

%E 7% 2:626 I:621

loo.0 29.3

:;:: 2.9

‘B”7 lW.O 29.3 55.0 58.6

‘24 ‘2




wave4 Wave2 wave2 Wsve2 wave2 JUllO ‘y&yyd l”;&yr$ 1967Panel

6/87-9m.7 ‘Qw~~ 1990 Pall91

6/90-9190 %

98,554 lW.2U7 96,413 22,366 23,210 21,443

E%i 21572

60.898 13.347 60.281 Il.684 2,762 2.W6

‘I2 too.0 lW.0 lw.o


61.7 $1: 2::

22.7 ‘z! 5%

60.8 ‘2 12.6 2.9

2:: ‘2;

7::: 2.4 2.6 2.1

kz CPS”

83,766 22,006 49.725 1p;g"g


Page 143: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table 6. Current Marital Status of Persons 15 Years and Over from the Sutvev of Income and Prom-am Particiuation (SIPP) Wave 4.1985 Panel: Wave 2. 1986 Panel; and March l-987.1988. and 1990 Current Pooulation Survey (CPS)’


(Numbers in thousands)


Both sexes Single (Never Married) Married, spouse present Married, spouse absent

g Separated A Other

Widowed Divorced

Percent Single (Never Married) Married, spouse present Married, spouse absent

Separated Other

Widowed Divorced


Wave4 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2 Wave 2 1985 Panel 1986 Panel 1987 Panel 1988 Panel 1990 Panel

184,789 49,691

103,341 5.670 4.441 1;229

12,833 13,253

100.0 26.9 55.9

3.1 2.4 0.7 6.9 7.2

185,525 187,644 189,172 48,963 49,108 48,923

103,915 104,637 105,352 5,244 6,171 5,669 4,110 4,842 4,581 1,134 1,329 1,088

13,145 13,196 12,961 14,258 14,533 16,267

100.0 26.4 56.0


2 7.1 7.1

100.0 26.2 55.8

i.2 0:7 7.0 7.7

100.0 25.9 55.7




192,550 50,672

106,059 6,041

t%i 13:755 16.023

100.0 26.3 55.1


7: 8:3

March Match March 1987 1988 1990 CPS CPS CPS

186,688 49,185

104,571 6,053 4,391 1,662

13,243 13,635

188,452 49,496

105,226 6,230 4,458 1,772


191,793 50,223

106,513 6,118 4,669 1,450

13,810 15,128

100.0 26.3 56.0

3.2 2.4 0.9


100.0 26.3 55.8

3.3 2.4 0.9 7.2 7.4

100.0 26.2 55.5

::i 0.8 7.2 7.9

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Page 145: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Subject: 1990 SIPP Wave 2 Migration History Topical Module

The 1990 SIPP Wave 2 data from the Migration History topical module are internally consistent and have reasonable imputation rates, but the estimates of number of movers are lower than those from an independent source. All of the items are internally consistent. The imputation rates are 6 percent or 1eSS for key items like year of most recent move, type of move, State or country of birth and of previous residence, and citizenship and year of immigration. The items specifying year of moving into and out of previous residences have imputation rates between 5 and 10 percent. Month of move was not answered as reliably as year. The items on month of move frequently came in blank or

.with inconsistent responses. Item 8710, which is month of moving into the previous residence, was given a value for 23 percent of the cases. The other items on month were given values for about 10 to 13 percent of the cases. It might be expected that month of moving into the previous residence would be less likely to be remembered correctly than month of moving into the current residence.

The estimates of number of recent movers and rate of moving derived from the 1990 SIPP data are lower than estimates from the Current Population Survey. The number of persons 15 years and older who changed residence between April 1989 and March 1990 was 31,608,OOO according to the SIPP, about 2.2 million lover than the CPS estimate of 33,789,OOO (see table A). The estimated mobility rate (proportion of persons moving) for 1989-90 vas 16.4 percent from the SIPP and 17.6 percent from the CPS. The differences between the SIPP and CPS estimates of number of recent movers and rate of moving are statistically significant at the go-percent confidence level.

The sex and age compositions of recent movers from the two surveys are compared in table B. The sex composition of recent movers from the two surveys are not statistically different. There are differences in age composition, however. The SIPP has significantly lower overall numbers and proportions of young movers aged 15-24 than the CPS. The proportions of movers who are males aged 15-24 and females 15-19 years old are significantly lower in the SIPP than in the CpS.

The shortfall of young movers of both sexes in the SIpp is further evidenced by a comparison of mobility rates by age from the two surveys; see table C. The rates of moving for both males and females are lower in the SIPP than in the CpS. Mobility rates for persons 15-19 and 20-24 years old in the SIPP were 14.8 and 33.1 percent, respectively. Corresponding rates from the CPS were significantly higher--17.8 and 37.9 percent.


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The geography of recent moves from the SIPP cannot be strictly compared with the CPS estimates because 10 percent of the SIPP movers in the CPS reference period of April 1989 to Uarch 1990 also made a later move (after March 1990). Geographical information in the SIPP module is only obtained for the most recent move, in this case the move after March 1990, and therefore is unavailable for 10 percent of the group being compared to the CPS. A rough evaluation of type of move, i.e., long or short distance or from abroad, can be made by comparing the data for the 90 percent of SIPP movers whose last move was made during the CPS reference period with that of the CPS movers. Percentage distributions of type of move for the two groups are shown in table D.

The geography of moves from the two surveys is different. The SIPP moving population had a relative overrepresentation of short-distance movers and underrepresentation of longer-distance movers. About 72 percent of recent moves reported in the SIPP were intracounty compared with 58 percent reported in the CPS. The estimates of longer distance moves (different county of same state, different state, and from abroad) were lower in the SIPP than in the CPS. The proportions of movers by each type of move shown in table D are statistically different at the 90 percent confidence level for the two surveys. A partial explanation for the differences may lie in the procedures used to determine type of move. The SIPP sample is simply asked whether the previous residence was in the same county, same state but different county, etc. CPS respondents are asked to provide the city and state or foreign country of previous residence and the type of move is determined by a coding operation. SIPP attrition may offer additional explanation for the higher proportion of local movers in the SIPP sample, since the SIPP probably does a better job of retaining short-distance movers than long-distance movers.

The -items on the topical module that do not relate to recent migration, such as residence in other states and countries and naturalization, cannot be readily compared with independent sources. They appear reasonable, however, as well as being internally consistent and having low imputation rates.



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Table .A. Recent Xovers from the SIPP and CPS: 1989-90

1990 SIPP, kave 2 March 1990 CPS Lnk-eiqhted keizhted

(000's1 Total ____-____---__---__--------------------------------------------------

Persons, 15 years and over 43,352 192,556 191,793 Same house 36,262 160,918 158,004 Different house 7,090 31,608 33,i89

?lobilit>- rate 16.4 16.4 17.6


Page 148: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table B. Sex and -\<e of Recent .'lovers from the SIPP and CPS: 1989-90 .-

l?;umbers k'eiqhted and in thousands)

Total tiovers Percent of ?iovers SIPP CPS SIPP CPS


Persons, 15 years and over

15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 \-ears 35-44 Sears is-54 years 55-64 years 65 years and ox~er

31,608 * 33,789 100.0 100.0

2,526 * 3.9fiT y; *

5,iO9 2,508 1,566 1,666

3,068 6.810 i,O80 j,llti 5.993 2,495 1.612 1.613

9 20 2i 15 li

4 4

1 2 0 1 i 4 8 8

?iales, 15 years and o\;er lj,580 16,726

8 0 * 18 g 2: 21 5 15 4 18 1

7 9 5 0 5 3

49 3 49.5

13-19 years 20-21 pears 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-44 :-ears 45-5-I years 55-64 >-ears 65 years and over-

1.159 1,443 3.7 * 2.689 x 3,238 F,,.; :i

3.516 3 . il i 7 11.1 2,515 1.644 8.0 2,940 3,120 9.3 1,286 1,247 1.1

i92 T50 2.5 6 8 4 645 2.2

3 6 i 8 2 7 - 2 9

Females, 15 years and over 16,026 17,064 50.7

-1 9

10 i 9 3 2 1

50 5

13-1s years 1,36i 1,623 4.3 * 4.8 20-24 :-ears 3,2Ti 3,533 10.4 10.5 25-29 >-ears 3,290 3,462 10.4 10.2 30-34 years 2,3.16 2,4i2 i.4 i.3 35-44 years 2368 2,8i3 8.8 8.5 is-54 years 1,222 1,250 3.9 3.i 35-64 years 774 862 2.4 2.6 65 years and over 982 969 3.1 2.9

* Estimates from the SIPP and CPS are significantly different at the SO-percent confidence level.


Page 149: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table C. ?lobilit!- Rates from the SIPP and CPS, by Sex and Age: 1989-90

(Based on weighted estimates) __------_____----__-____________________--~~~~~~~~-~~~~

Percent xho moved SIPP CPS


Persons, 15 years and over 16.4 * 17.6

15-19 years 20-2-i years :5-29 >-ears 30-3-i :.ears 35-44 >'ears 45-54 years 55-64 years 65 years and over

14.8 * 17.8 33.1 * 3i.9 32.3 33.4 22.0 23.2 15.1 i6.1

9.8 9.9 i.‘l i.6 5.6 5.5

Yales, 15 years and over 16.9 * 18.2

Is-19 years 13.4 16.6 20-24 y-ears 30.4 * 3i.0 25-2s :-ears 33.6 31.4 JO-34 years 22.8 24.2 35-44 years 15.8 17.0

~-. 43-54 years 10.4 10.1 55-64 years 7.9 7.5 65 years and ox-er 5.5 5.2

Females. 15 :-ea*.s and ox'er 16.0 * 17.1

15-iY years 20-24 :-ears 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65 years and over

16.2 19.0 35.5 38.; 30.9 32.4 21.1 22.3 14.5 15.2

9.3 3.6 6.9 i .i 5.i 5.6


* Estimates from the SIPP and CPS are significantly different at the SO-percent confidence level.


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Table D. Recent Hovers from the SIPP and CPS by Type of Ilove: 1989-90 .-

(Includes all persons from the March 1990 CPS who moved during the preceding 12 months; includes only those persons from the 1990 SIPP whose last move k‘as between April 1989 and klarch 1990. Based on @eighted estimates)

_-__-__--_--_--_-------------------------------------------------------- ------ 1990 Sipp March 1990

Wave 2 CPS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ PERCEKTS

Ai1 mo\~ers. 15 y-ears and over 100.0 1oo.c

Sannr state Same count\ il.5 38.2 Different ;ount?- 1.6.2 19.-l

Differ,ent State 10.1 18.i

From abroad 1.9 3.i ____--__----_--_~--_--~~-~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~----~------~----~~-~~-~~~~~~~-~~-~~--


Page 151: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Subject: Review of SIPP 1990 Panel, Wave 2 Fertility History Module

Fertility history data from the SIPP 1990 Panel, Wave 2 topical module appear to be of very good quality for retrospective analysis but are severely lacking in quality for fertility analysis for the immediate year before the survey. In 1990, only 3.6 millionbirths were recorded in the SIPP panel, compared to 3.9 million in the June 1990 CPS and approximately 4.1 million by Vital Statistics.


Children ever born. Distributions of children ever born from SIPP based on June-September 1990 interviews are very similar to results .based on the June 1990 Current Population Survey (CPS) . Nonresponse rates were significantly lower for ever-married women in SIPP relative to the CPS but were higher in SIPP for never- married women. This appears to be a consistent characteristic of SIPP data relative to CPS data.

First births. Estimates of annual numbers of first births from SIPP are shown in table 2 along with Vital Statistics estimates for the period 1960-1989. First birth data from the SIPP are categorized by place of birth status of the mother to take into account births reported by women in the survey which may have been born overseas, and hence not recorded in the vital registration system. (Place of birth information was obtained from the migration history module in Wave 2.) When the births to foreign born women who entered the U.S. before their child's birth are added to births to native-born women SIPP estimates are very close to Vital Statistics data.

Current Fertility. Current fertility data for women who had their last birth within one year of the interview date are shown in table 3. Comparable data are also shown from the June 1990 Current Population Survey. Any apparent differences noted in the table are minimal and can easily be accounted for by sampling error or simply differences in the time frame of the birth estimates. The only difference of demographic importance is the shortfall in both the CPS and especially in the SIPP of the absolute numbers of births in 1990.

None of the statements in this note have been tested by conventional Census Bureau standards and solely represent the opinions of the author.

9D- 1

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Tablel. Per~ntDhtributfonofChildrenEverBornand Birthrpar1,000WomenAgeand~~lS~tus: SIPP 1996Panel,Wave2ar~IJune199OCPS


Number Numberofchfldreneverbom Bitths Matitafstatus. ageandswvey persot

Percent Total None 1 2 3 4 5s 7+ 1.g fmputedl/


15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39


CPS 15-19 20-24 El-29 Ez ‘lo4l EVERMARRIED


15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39


CPS 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44


15-19 20-24 25-29

404l 4544

CPS 15-19 2.0-24 25-29

Ei 40-44

E% 10642 11129 10155 6960


E 10637 11091 10111 8905

3z: 7289 9134 6969 8302


433 loo.0 44.7 42.4 10.0 2.3 0.6 3521 loo.0 38.9 33.5 19.7 6.0 1.6 7340 loo.0 29.3 28.4 27.9 10.4 3.1 9118 loo.0 16.8 23.3 35.3 17.0 5.2 so35 loo.0 12.2 18.4 38.8 19.9 6.6 8194 loo.0 11.3 17.2 37.2 20.9 8.4

8128 5747 3353 1995 1266 677


6049 5633 3297 1972 1076 711

100.0 190.0 190.0 109.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0

109.0 91.9 6.7 1.1 0.3 100.0 64.6 20.0 10.5 3.4 loo.0 42.1 23.9 22.2 8.2 loo.0 25.7 21.7 30.7 15.0 loo.0 17.7 18.1 35.6 18.5 100.0 16.0 16.9 35.0 19.4

190.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0

loo.0 loo.0 109.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0

loo.0 94.4 100.0 89.7 100.0 70.6 100.0 67.0 loo.0 64.2 100.0 70.0

92.6 6.4 0.9 0.1 65.6 19.7 10.3 3.3 40.1 24.9 22.9 8.2 26.6 21.4 39.6 14.8 20.0 15.9 36.0 18.4 13.7 16.6 37.8 19.5 9.9 11.1 26.4 22.4

39.6 49.6 10.0 0.5 38.5 33.4 20.6 6.4 26.6 29.3 29.4 12.0 17.8 22.5 35.4 17.1 12.6 16.4 40.1 20.4 9.3 16.7 40.5 20.7 6.9 11.2 27.4 23.3

94.8 4.7 0.5 0.1 0.0 81.8 11.4 4.2 1.5 0.6 69.5 15.4 8.8 3.1 1.8 87.0 16.5 8.6 4.3 2.6 71.6 12.3 6.9 4.6 3.3 67.5 14.5 4.6 5.9 2.0 73.9 8.8 5.2 4.0 3.8

4.8 0.6 0.1 11.6 4.8 1.9 13.8 9.6 3.3 14.2 9.1 5.9 15.2 9.5 7.0 13.1 9.3 2.9

0.; OS- 1.7 0.9 4.8 1.6 6.4 2.9 7.2 3.9

14.4 11.3

1.; 2.7 4.6 6.2 8.0

0.1 0.2 0.9 1.9 3.3 3.9

0.7 0.; 1.7 0.8 5.3 1.8 6.8 3.2 7.7 3.9

14.9 11.7

0, 0.; 0.8 0.1 2.0 0.4 3.5 0.6 4.2 0.9

0.B 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.0

0.0 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.3 4.4 2.2

0.1 0.2 1.1 1.3 1.3 0.7

0.; 0.2 0.3 1.3 4.4

0.; 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.9

0.; 0.2 0.4 1.3 4.5

0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.0

0.1 0.2 0.2 1.0

54 551

1116 1564 1871 2104

101 8.6 574 7.2

1069 7.4 1589 8.9 1909 10.6 2045 11.5

713 987

1369 1769 2052


12.2 7.1 5.2 5.6 5.6 7.8 7.5

718 9x3

1329 1788 2049 2167

7.1 6.2 7.7

9 11.1 11.8

11 12.9 11.7 11.3 9.3

10.1 10.6

86 312

z 741 54-l

8.7 7.7 6.8 8.2 6.2 7.6 ~-.

11.1 10.8

2: 6


(6)Besetoo smalftoshowderived measure. l/ lmputationratesbased on unweighted numberofcases.


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Table 2. Eetimated Numbere of Firat Births: Vifnl Statistics Data and Estimates From SIPP 1990 Panel, Wave 2, by Place of Mother’s Birth

(Numbers in thousands)

Year of first bltth Vital


SIPP Estimates Native Alien

Born I/ U.S. 2/ Allen

Abroad 31

1965.89’ 7922 7203 787 73 199084 T717 7020 680 177 1975-79 6911 6386 506 385 1970-74 6653 6275 404 506 19669 6273 5795 322 399 1960-64 5563 5193 222 320

1 / Includes women born abroad of American parents. 2/ Women born outside the U.S. but entered the U.S. either before or during the year of first birth. 3/ Women born outside the U.S. but entered the U.S. the year after the first birth.

Note: Viii Statistics estimate for 1995-89 includes an estimated 1,649.ooO births for 1989 based on provisional 1989 total births.


Page 154: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Table 3. Characteristics of Women Who Had a Birth in 1990: SIPP 1990 Panel-Wave 2, and the June 1990 Current Population Survey

.- (Percent distribution. Numbers in thousands)

Characteristics SIPP t/ CPS l/

Number of births Percent distribution

Birth order: First birth Second birth Third birth Fourth+ birth Not stated

3692 3913 100.0 loo.0

35.5 39.4 38.2 am.6 18.1 8.1

20-24 25-29

ZEi 4044

7.9 6.6 24.1 26.5 34.0 30.5 25.5 22.0

7.5 9.6 1.1 2.0

Marital status: 3/ Currently married Not married

75.2 76.7 24.6 23.3

Race: White 76.2 89.4 Black 18.9 15.7 All other races 4.9 4.9

Educational attainment: 4/ Less than 12 wars 21 .o 20.9 12years . 37.9 40.6 13tol5vaars 20.4 19.9 16 or mdre years

Labor force status: 5/ In iabor force Not in labor force

Hispanic origin: Hispanic Not Hispanic

20.7 18.7

48.9 52.9 51.1 47.1

12.4 12.5 87.6 87.5

Note: SIPP and CPS data are for women 15 to 44 years dd at interview date.

NA: Not available.

a Refers to second and higher order births.

t/ Refers to births occurring wlthin 1 year of interview date. Interviews conducted June-September 1996 for SIPP and June 1990 for CPS.

2/ SIPP and CPS data refer to the age of the woman at the survey date.

3/ SIPP and CPS data refer to the marital status of the woman at the survey date. Currently married includes married, spouse absent and separated.

4/ SIPP and CPS data refer to educational attainment at the survey date.

5/ Status at survey date.



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Subject: Review of the SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 2 Household Relationship Matrix Data

Attached are the results of our evaluation of the quality of the data from the SIPP 1990 panel, wave 2 detailed household relationship matrix. The results are essentially the same as those for the previous panel waves on which this topical module has appeared. In brief, they indicate that the quality of the data - at least in the macro-sense - is good.

The percent distribution of specified relationships to the person in column one (usually the householder) has remained very consistent over the six panel waves of this topical module that have been processed so far (see table 1). All of these SIPP topical modules in turn are consistent with the relationship to householder data reported in the 1980 and 1990 Censuses. The degree of stability in these results strongly suggests that the SIPP data are of high quality.

The parent-child relationships reported in the topical module are also quite consistent between each of the SIPP waves (see table 2). They, in turn, closely follow the pattern displayed by data derived from the June 1980 Current Population Survey. This becomes even more apparent if the unknowns are distributed proportionately to the knowns (see table 3).

Table 4 shows the proportions male of final edited values for indicated relationships to householder for the 1980 Census and to the person in column one (again - usually the householder) for SIPP. These data do bounce around a bit but the three-wave mean is pretty close to the 1980 Census proportions male by relationship. "Spouse" is the one category which varies noticeably between the Census and the three-wave SIPP mean (3.7 percent versus 7.8 percent). This is not something to be concerned about, however. For one thing, although the person in column one is usually the householder, they are not always the householder. Therefore, one would expect that there might be more women listed in column one than if it was restricted to just householders. It logically follows then that there would be more male spouses of persons in column one than male spouses of householders.

This evaluation is preliminary in nature. No statistical testing has been done and therefore this review does not necessarily meet the statistical standards required of Census Bureau publications.



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1. Prwortionate distribution of final edited values Ior indicated relationships to ho&holder (census) M peraon in column 1 (Sl

1980 Relationship CS”S”S

Total loo.0 SPOUSE 34.7 Child 54.2 Grandchild 1.9 Parent 0.9 Child-in-law 0.4 Sibling 1.4 Other relative 1.9 Nonrelative 4.2 Reported code edited put C98’) 0.0

): 1984

wave 8

loo.0 33.5 53.1

2.4 2.1 0.3 1.3 2.2 3.7 1.3

‘Included in “Other relative.” Dalailad breakdown lor 199 1

1985 waw 4

loo.0 33.6 52.3

2.3 1.9 0.4 1.2 1.7 5.0 1.3

OC ensus no ‘I 2 - - wailable yet

2. Propwtionata distribution of final edited valuss for type 01 parent-child relationship for June 1980 CPS and SIPP: Type of JU”a parent-child 1980 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 relationship CPS wave 8 wave 4 wave 2 wave 2 wave 2 wave 2 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0 100.0 Natural child 91.7 86.6 86.9 88.6 89.4 89.1 06.7 Stepchild 5.6 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 3.8 4.1 Adopted child 2.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 Faster child

- 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3

Unknown 0.2 6.9 6.7 5.1 4.5 5.4 5.4 I

3. Prcwrticmate distribution of final edited values lor type of parent-child relationship for June 1980 CPS and SIPP, where the unknowns are distributed proportionally 10 the knOwIS: Type of JU”0 parent-child 1980 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 relationship CPS wava E wave 4 wave 2 wave 2 wave 2 wave 2 Total loo.0 loo.0 100.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0

93.2 93.1 93.4 93.6 94.1 93.8 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.3 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3

4. Proportipns male of final edited values for indicated relationships to ho&holder (1980 census) or perso

Relationship Child Sibling Grandchild

Child-in-law Source for 1980 cansus data, June

in column 1980

census 54.2 47.4 52.3

3.7 30.4 51.3

80 CPS c

(SlPFq 1984

wave 8 51.5 53.3 53.4 11.0 21.1 52.2


1985 1986 1987 wave 4 wave 2 wave 2

51.5 51.9 52.0 42.3 51.5 49.2 48.4 54.2 49.5

6.3 7.0 7.6 35.0 31.8 27.4 49.3 49.1 45.0

3 8 and ’ 5 wave 4 PP

1988 wave 2

51.9 51.0 53.1

7.2 27.6 53.3

1990 I Mean I

47.2 49.1 50.9 I I 51.2

data is a memorandum lrom Donald J. Hernandez to ARhwJ. Nonon dated May 23, 1988


Page 157: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


Income Source Code Llsl

Code Income Sources

1 - social security 2 - U.S. Government Bafkoad Retirement pay 3 - Federal Supplemental Secudty lnccme (SSI) 5 - State unemployment compensation 6 - Supplemental Unemployment Benefits 7 - Other unemployment compensation (Trade Adjustment Act benefits, strike pay, other) 8 -Veterans compensation or pensions 10 - Worker’s compensation 12 - Employer or union temporary sk%ness policy 13 - Payments from a sickness, accident or dfsabilfty insurance pdicy purchased on your own 20 - Ati to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC. ADC) 21 _ General assistance or General relief 23 - Foster child care payments 24 - Other welfare 25 - WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Nutrkion Program 27 - Food stamps 28 - Child support payments 29 -Alimony payments 30 - Pension from company or union 31 - Federal Civil Service or other Federal chiliin employee pensions 32 - U.S. Military retirement pay 34 - State government penstons 35 - Local government pensions 36 - Income from paid-up Ike Insurance policies or annuities 37 - Estates and trusts 38 - Other payments for retirement, disabilii or survivor 40 - G.I. BQ’VEAP education benefits 41 - Other VA educational assistance 50 - Income assistance from a charitable group 51 - Money from relatives or friends 52 - Lump sum payments 53 - Income from roomers or boarders 54 - National Guard or Reserve pay 55 - Incidental or casual earnings 56 -Other cash income not induded elsewhere 75 - Categories combined and recoded for confdentialky reasons

State Administered Supplemental Security Income (dd code 4) Black lung payments (dd code 9) State temporary sickness or disabllfky benefks (dd code 11) Indian. Cuban, or Refugee Assistance (dd code 22) National Guard or Reserve Force retirement (dd code 33)


Page 158: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

Code Asset List

100 - Regular/passbook savings accounts In a bank, savings and loan or credft union 1 01 - Money market deposit accounts 102 - Cert&ates d Deposit cr other savings cert#kates 103 - NOW, Super NOW or other Interest earning checking accounts 104 - Money market funds 105 - U.S. Government securities 106-Munictpslorwrporatebonds 107 - Other intereet+amlng assets llO-Stocksormutualfundstwes 120-Rentalpmperty 130 - Mortgages MI-Royalties 150 - Other fi~ncial investments

Code Special indicators

170-worked 171 - Disabled 172 - Medicare 173 - Medicati 174 - U.S. Saving Bonds (E, EE) 175 - Cdlege Work Study 176 - PEU Grant 177 - Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) 178 - National Direct Student Loan (NSL) 179 - Guaranteed Student Lean 180 - JTPA Training 181- Employer assistance 182 - Febwship/Schdarship 183-Otherfinancialaid 200 - VA disability rating of 100% 201 -VA disiblity of less than 100%

Al -2

Page 159: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation


Income Sources Included In Monthly Cash fncome

Earnings loom Employment

Wages and salaries Nonfam-rsetf+mpl~ymentlncome Farm selfemployment income

Income from Assets (Propefty Income)

Regular/passbook savings accounts in a bank, savings and loan or credit union Money market deposit accounts Certificates of Deposit or other savings certificates NOW, Super NOW or other interest-earning checking accounts Money market funds U.S. Government securities Municipal or corporate bonds Other interest-earning assets Stocks or mutual fund shares hmi property Mortgages Royaltii Other financial investments

Other Income Sources

smial securlly U.S. Government Raflroad Retirement pay Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) State Administered Supplemental Security Income State unemployment compensation Supplemental Unemployment Senefks Other unemployment compensation (frade Adjustment Act benefits, strike pay, other) Veterans compensation or pensions Slack lung payments Worker’s compensation State temporary sickness or disability benefiis Payments from a sickness, accident or disability insurance policy purchased on your own Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC. ADC) General Assistance or General Relief Indian, Cuban, or Refugee Assistance Foster child care payments Other welfare Child support payments Alimony payments Pension from company or unfon Federal Civil Service or other Federal civilian employee pensions U.S. Military retirement pay National Guard or Reserve Forces retirement State government pensions Local government pensions Income from pati-up life insurance policies or annuities Estates and trusts


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Other payments for retirement, disability or survivor benefitis GA. BifI/VEAP education benafits Income assistance from a charitable group Moneyfrornrelatiwasorfrierds Lump - payments lncOmeflUlll roomers 01 boarders NatbneJ Guard or R-e pay Incidental OT casual eamlngs Otlwr cash income not Included elsewhere



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Sources of Means-Tested Benefno Covered in SIPP

Cash Benefits

Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) State Administered Supplemental Security Income Veterans’ penshms Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC. ADC) General Asslstance or General Relief Indian, Cuban, or Refugee Assistance Other welfare Foster child care payments

Noncash Benefits

Food Stamps Special Supplemental Feed Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIG) Low-lnconw Home Energy Assistance Medldl Free or reduced price school lunches Free or reduced p&e school breakfasts Public or subsidiied rental housing


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1080 Census of Population Occupation Cfaufffath System

(The numbers in parentheses refer to the 1980 Standard Occupaticnal aasslRcatbn code equivalents. Pt means part. N.e.c. means net elsewhere dasshd.)

1980 Code

003 004 005 006 007 008 009 013 014 015 016 017 018 019

- 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 033 034 035 036 037


044 045 046 047 048 049 053 054 055 066 057


Executive, Admfnfstratlve, end Managarfal Occupatfona

Legislamrs(ll1) Chief execu&es and general administrators. publk adminlstratkn (112) Administrators and c&ials, public administration (1132-l 139) Administrators. prote&ive services (1131) Financial managers (I 22) Personnel and labor relations managers (123) Purchasing managers (124) Managers, marketing, advertising, and public relations (125) Administrators, education and related ftelds (128) Managers, medicine and health (131) Managers, properties and real estate (1353) Postmasters and mail superintendents (1344) Funeral directors (pt 1359) Managers and administrate, n.e.c. (121. 126, 127. 132-139. ext. 1344, 1353, pt 1359) Management related occupations

Accountants and auditors (1412) Undewiters (1414) Other financial officers (1415,1419) Management analysts (142) Personnel. training, awl labor relations specialists (143) Purchasing agents and buyers, farm products (1443) Buyers, wholesale and retail trade except farm products (1442) Purchasing agents and buyers, n.e.c. (1449) Business and promotion arents (145) Construction inspectors (1472) Inspectors and compliance officers, ext. construction (1473) Management related occupations, n.e.c. (149)

Professional Specfalty Occupations

Engineers, Archtie&. and Surveyors Architects (161) Engineers

Aerospace (1622) Metallurgical and materials (1623) Mining (1624) Petroleum (1625) Chernkal(1626) Nudear (1627) CMI (1628) Agricultural (1632) Electrical and electronic (1633.1636) Industrial (1634) Mechanical (1635)


Page 164: SIPP 1990 Panel Wave 02 - Topical Module€¦ · Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1990 Par&# Wave 2 Rectangular Topical Module Microdata Fife Technical Documentation

058 059 063

064 065 066 067 068

069 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 083

084 085

987 088 089

095 096 697

098 099 103 104 105 196

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 133 134 135 136

Mark-m and naval architects (1637) Engineers. n.e.c. (1639)

Surveyors and mpplng sUenUsts (164) Mathematical and Computer Scientists

Computer systems analysts and scientii (171) Opedons and systems researchers and analysts (172) Actuarks (1732) -ns (1733) Mathemtkal scientkts. n.e.c. (1739)

Natural- Physlclsrs and astroncmers (1842, 1843) chemkts. except Mochemlsts (1845) Atmo@wk and space sdentists (1846) Geologists and geodeslsts (1847) Physkd scfenttsts. n.e.c. (1649) Agrlcuhml and food scfentfsts (1853) Bllogkal and life sdentfsts (1854) Forestry and conservation scientists (1852) Medkal sdentist.s (1855)

Health Diagnosing Occupations Physicians (261) Denti.sts (=a Veterinarians (27) Optometrists (281) Podiiufsts (283) Health diagnosing practitioners, n.e.c. (269) Health Assessment and Treating Occupations Registered nurses (29) Phamladsts (391) Diiltlans (392) Therapkts

lnhafation therapists (3031) OccupaUonal therapists (3932) Physical therapists (3033) Speech therapists (3034) Therapists, n.e.c. (3639) Physicfans’ assistants (304)

Teachers, Postsecondary Earth, envfronmental, and marine science teachers (2212) -Bidogical science teachers (2213) Chemistry teachers (2214) Physics teachers (2215) Natural science teachers, n.e.c. (2216) Psychdogy teachers (2217) Economics teachers (2218) Hlstoty teachers (2222) Pdkical science teachers (2223) Sccidogy teachers (2224) Sccll science teachers, n.e.c. (2225) Engineering teachers (2226) Mathematical science teachers (2227) Computer science teachers (2228) Medical science teachers (2231) Health specialties teachers (2232) Business, commerce, and marketing teachers (2233) Agriculture and forestry teachers (2234)




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- 138 139 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 153 154

J&, P(157)

158 159 163

164 165

166 167 168 169

-. 173

174 175 176 177

178 179

183 184 185 186 187 188 189 193 194 195 197 198 199

Art, drama, and musk teachers (2235) Physkzal educatton teachers (2236) Education teachers (2237) Engltsh teachers (2238) Foreign language teachers (2242) law teachers (2243) soc&l work teachers (2244) Theokgy teachers (2245) Trade and industrial tmchers (2246) Hcune eanlomics teaohexs (2247) Teachers, postsecondary, n.e.c. (2249) Posmeamdary teachers, subject not s&fled

Teachers, Except PostsecondarY Teachers, prektndergarten and kindergarten (231) Teachers, etementary school (232) Teachem. secondary schod (233) Teachers, special education (235) Teachers, n.e.c. (236, 239)

Counselors, educational and vocational (24) Librarians, Archivists, and Curators

Lbrarlsns (251) Archivists and curators (252)

Social Scientists and Urban Planners Economists (1912) Psychologists (1915) S0ddogist.s (1916) scldal scientists. n.e.c. (1913, 1914, 1919) Urban planners (192)

So&t. Recreation, and Religious Workers Social workers (2032) Recreation workers (2633) CmY (2042) Reliibus workers, n.e.c. (2049)

Lawyers and Judges Lawyers (211) Judges (212)

Writers, Mists, Entertainers. and Athletes Authors (321) Technical writers (398) -Designers (322) Musicians and composers (323) Actors and directors (324) Painters, sculptors, craft-artists. and artist printmakers (325) Photographers (326) Dancers (327) Artists, pertomwrs. and related workers, n.e.c. (328, 329) Editors and reporters (331) Pubtic reMons specialists (332) Announcers (333) Athletes (34)


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203 204 295 206 267 208

213 214 215 216 217 218

223 224 225

226 227 228 229 233 234 235


253 254 255 256 257

258 259

263 264 265 266 267 268 269 274 275

O(276) 277


Techniciana and Related Support Oocupstlons

Heafth Technofogists and Technichns Cfinkd laboratory techndogists and technicians (362) Dentat hygtenists (363) Health record techndogists and technicians (364) Radkfogk technktans (365) Lkensed practkal nurses (366) Heat91 technokgtsts and tachnktans. n.e.c. (369)

Technofogists and Technicfans, Except Heat61 Engineertng and Related Technologists and Technkhns

Etectrkal and electronic technktans (3711) lndustrfal engineering tecfmictans (3712) Mechanical engineerkg technicians (3713) Engberlng technicians, n.e.c. (3719) Drafting occupations (372) Surveying and mapping technicians (373)

Science Technicians Bidogkai technktans (382) Chemical technictans (3831) Science technicians, n.e.c. (3832,3833,384,369)

Technklans; Except Heatth, Engineering. and Science Airplane pilots and navigators (825) Air traffk controtlers (392) Broadcast equipment operators (393) Computer programmers (3971,3972) Tool programmers, numerical contrd (3974) Legal assistants (396) Technicians. n.e.c. (399)

Ssler Occupations

Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations (46) Sales Representatives, Finance and Business Services

Insurance sales occupations (4122) Real estate sales occupations (4123) Securftii and financial services sales occupations (4124) Advertising and rdatad sales occupations (4153) Safes occupations, other business set-&es (4152)

Sales Representatives. Commodities Except Retail Sales engineers (421) Sales representattves, mining, manufacturing, and whdesale (423,424)

Sales Workers, Retail and Personal Services Sales workers, motor vehicles and boats (4342.4344) Sales workers, apparel (4346) Sales workers, shoes (4351) Safes workers, fumlure and home furnishings (4346) Sales workers: radio, TV, hid. and appliances (4343.4352) Sales workers, hardware and building supplies (4353) Sales workers, parts (4367) Sales workers, other commodties (4345,4347,4354,4356,43594362,4369) Sales counter clerks (4363) Cashiers (4364) Street and door-todoor sales workers (4366)




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- 278

304 305 308 397

308 309

R(313) 314 315

316 317 318 319 323 .

325 32% 327 328 329 335 336

S(337) 338 339 343 344

345 346 347

348 349 353

354 355 356 - 357


News vendors (4365) Sales Related Occupations

Demonstrators, promoters and models, sales (445) AucUoneers (447) Sates support occupations, n.e.c. (444,446,449)

Admlnlatmtiva Support Occupattons, Including Clerkal

Supewtsom. Admlnistratlw Support Occupaticns suFewbols, general ofltm (4511,4513,4514,4516.4519,4529) Supanisom. computer equipment operators (4512) Supwvfsors. Rnancbl records processing (4521) Chtet communications operators (4523) Supervisors; distribution. scheduling, and adjusting clerks (4522.45244528)

Computer Equipment Operators Computer operators (4612) Pertphefal equipment operators (4613)

Secretaries, Stenographers.arkl Typists Secretaries (4622) Stenographers (4623) TYPO (4624)

hformatii Clerks interviewers (4642) Hotel derks (4643) Transportation ticket and reservation agents (4644) Receptionists (4645) Information clerks, n.e.c. (4649)

Records Processing Occupations, Except Financial CIassi&dad clerks (4662) Correspondence derks (4663) Order derks (4664) Personnel derks. except payrdl and timekeeping (4692) Library derks (4694) FYe derks (4696) Records clerks (4699)

Financtal Records Processing Occupations Bookkeepers, accounting, and auditing clerks (4712) Payroll and timekeeping clerks (4713) Billing clerks (4715) Cost and rate clerks (4716) Billing, posting, and calculating machine operators (4718)

Duplicating, Mail and Other Office Machine Operators Duplicating machine operators (4722) Mail preparing and paper handling machine operators (4723) office machine operators, n.e.c. (4729)

Communications Equipment Operators Telephone operators (4732) Telegraphers (4733) Communications equipment operators, n.e.c. (4739)

Mail and Message Distributing Occupations Postal clerks. ext. mail carriers (4742) Mail carriers, postal service (4743) Mall derks, ext. postal service (4744) Messengers (4745)

Material Recording, Scheduling, and Distributing Clerks Dispatchers (4751)


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363 364 365 366 368 369 373 374

Productbn coordinators (4752) Trafffc, shipping, and receMng derks (4753) Stock and inventory derks (4754) Meter readers (4755) Welghers. measurers, and checkers (4756) samplers (4757) Ew=fh (4758)

375 376 377 378

379 383 384 385 366 387 389

Materfal reccnllng, scheduling, and dl.strlbutlng derks. n.e.c. (4758) Adjusters and lnvestlgators

lnsurenca adjusters, examiners. and Investigators (4782) investtgstors and adjusters, except insurance (4783) q lgiWky derks. soctal wetfare (4764) BUI and account cdlectors (4786)

Miscdtaneous Mmlnfstrative Support Occupatkms Gened ofke derks (463) Sank tellers (4791) Pmofreaders (4792) Data-entry keyers (4793) Statistkal derks (4794) Teachers’ aides (4795) Administrative support occupations, n.e.c. (4787,47QQ)


Private lioueehold Occupations

463 464 465


Launderers and ironers (503) Cooks. prhrate household (564) Housekeepers and butters (565) Child care workers, private household (566)

Private household deaners and servants (502,507,509)

Protective Service Occupations

413 414 415

416 417

Supervisors, Protective Service Occupations Supervtsors, firefighting and fire prevention occupations (5111) Supewisors, police and detectives (5112) Supervisors. guards (5113)

Firafighting and Fire Prevention Occupations Fire inspection and fire prevention occupations (5122) Fireffghting occupations (5123)

Pdice and Detectives 418 423 424

425 426 427

P&ice and detectives, public service (5132) Sheriffs bailiffs. and other law enforcement officers (5134) Correctffnal Institution officers (5133)

Guards Crossing guards (5142) Guards and pdice. ext. public service (5144) Protective service occupations. n.e.c. (5149)

Service Occupations, Except Protective and Household

Focd Preparation and Service Occupations Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations (5211) Sartenders (5212) Wakers and waitresses (5213)



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436 - 437

438 439 443 444

445 446 447


“g3, 454 455

456 457 458 459 463 464 465 465 467 468 469

W(473) Fanners. except horticultural (5512-5514) 474 Horticufturai specialty farmers (5515) 475 Managers, farms. except horticultural (5522-5524) 478 Managers, horticultural spedaity farms (5525)

Code. except short order (5214) Short-otder oooks (5215) Food counter, fountain and related occupations (5216) Kitchen workers, food preparation (5217) Wabrs’/waltresses’ assistants (5218) Misceffaneous food preparation occupattons (5219)

Heaith Service Occupations Dental assistants (5232) Heaitft aktes, except nursing (5233) Nursing aides, orderlies. and attemfants (5236)

Cieaning and Buiiding Service Occupat&ns, except HousehoM Supenbm. deanlng and building sewtce workers (5241) Ws and hcusemen (5242,5249)

Janttcws and deaners (5244) Ebator operators (5245) Pest cmtrd occupattons (5246)

Personal SeWlce Occupatbns Supavisors. personal service cccupatlons (5251) Barbers (5252) Hairdressers and cosmetdogists (5253) Attendants, amusement and recreation faciikies (5254) Guides (5255) ushefs (5256) Public transportation attendants (5257) Baggage porters and bellhops (5262) Welfare service aides (5263) Chlid care workersexcept private houseftdd (5264) Personal service occupations, n.e.c. (5258, 5269)


Farm Operators and Msnagera

477 479 483 4&l

485 486 487 488 489

Fan Occupations, Except Managerial Supewisors, farm workers (5611) Farm workers (56125617) Marine life cuitiition workers (5618) Nursery workers (5619)

Related Agricultural Occupations Supervisors, related agricultural occupations (5621) Groundskeepers and gardeners, except farm (5622) Animal caretakers, except fan (5624) Graders and sorters, agricultural products (5625) inspectors, agricultural products (5627)


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494 496 496

497 498 499


X(505) 508 567 508 509 514 515 516 517 518 519

523 525 526 527 529 533 534

535 536 538 539 543 544 547 549

553 554 555 556 557

F--Y SI-KI Loooiw -upluonr

Supen4som. forestry, and logging workers (571) Forestry workers. except logging (572) Timber adtlng and logging occupations (573,579)

Fhhws, Hunters, and Trappam

C.$a$s&~ other offkers. fishing KS&S @I 8241)

Hunters and trappers (584)


Yecfunks and Rep&em

Supewtsom, mechanics and repairers (66) Mechanics and Repairers, Except Supervisors

Vehide and Mobife Equipment Mechanics and Repairers Automobile mechanics (pt 6111)

Automobile mechanic apprentices (pt 6111) Bus, truck, and stationary engine mechanics (6112) Aircraft engine mechanics (6113) Small engine repairers (6114) Automobile body and related repairers (8115) Aircralt mechanics, ext. engine (6116) Heavy equipment mechanics (6117) Farm equipment mechanics (6118)

industrfal machinery repairers (613) Machinery maintenance occupations (614) f%ctrtcai and Electronic Equipment Repairers

Electronic repairers. COmmUniCStiOnS and trdustrtat equipment (6151, 6153, 6155) Data processing equipment repairers (6154) Household appliance and power tool repairers (6156) Telephone line installers and repairers (6157) Telephone installers and repairers (6158) Misceiianeous dectrical and electronic equipment repairers (6152,615Q) Heating, air concfitioning. and refrigeration mechanics (6161) Miscellaneous Mechanics and Repairers Camera, watch, and musical instrument repairers (8171, 6172) Locksmkhs and safe repairers (6173) Cffice machine repairers (6174) Mechanical controls and vaive repairers (6175) Elevator installers and repairers (6176) Millwrights (6178) Specified mechanics and repairers, n.e.c. (61 TI. 6179) Not specified mechanics and repairers

Construction Trades

Supervkors. construction occupations Supervisors: brickmasons, stonemasons, and tile setters (6312) Supervisors, carpenters and related workers (6313) Supervisors, electrictans and power transmission installers (6314) Supervisors: painters, paperhangers. and plasterers (6315) Supervisors; plumbers, pipsftsters. and steam6tters (6316)



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563 564 565

YE7) 569 573 575 576 577 579 583 584 585 567 588 589 593 594 595 596 597 598 599

-~ 613 614 615 616 617


634 635 636 637 639 643 644 645 646 647 649 653 654 655

656 657 658 659

Supervlson, n.e.c. (6311,6318) CMstrudbn Trades, Except Supervisors

Brldrmasons and stonemasons (pt 6412, pt 6413) B&&mason and stonemason apprentkzes (pt 6412. pt 6413)

Tfle setters, hard and soft (6414, pt 6462) carpet klswfers m s4m) Carpenters @t 6422)

Carpenter apprentkes (pt 6422) Drywall Installers (6424) Eledrkbns (pt 6432)

Etec&tan apprentices (pt 6432) Eleddcal pwer Instaflers and repairers (6433) Palmers, const~ctkn and maintenance (6442) Papemanee~ @‘w Flasterers (@w plumbers. pipefitters, and steamfitters (pt 645)

Plumber. ptpefkter. and staamfltter apprentices (pt 645) Concrete and term220 finishers (6463) Glaziers (6464) insLllation workers (6465) Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators (6466) Rcofers (6468) Sheetmetal duct installers (6472) Structural metal workers (6473) Drillers. earth (6474) Construction trades, n.e.c. (6467,6475,6476,6479)

Extraatve occupations Supervisors, extmctlve occupations (632) Drfllers. oil well (652) Expbsives workers (653) Mining machine operators (654) Mining occupations, n.e.c. (656)

Precision Production Occupations Supervisors. production occupations (67, 71)

Precision Metal Working Occupations Tool and die makers (pt 6811)

Tool and die maker apprentices (pt 6611) Precision assemblers, metal (6812) Machinists (pt 6913)

Machinist apprentices (pt 6813) Boilermakers (6814) Precision grinders, filers, and tod sharpeners (6918) Patternmakers and model makers, metal (6817) Lay-out workers (6821) Preclws stones and metals workers (Jewelers) (6822,6866) Engravers, metal (6823) Sheet metal workers (pt 6824)

Sheet metal worker apprentices (pt 6824) Miscellaneous precision metal workers (6829)

Precision Woodworking Occupations Patternmakers and model makers, wood (6831) Cabinet makers and bench carpenters (6832) Furniture at-d wood finishers (6835) Miscellaneous precision woodworkers (6839)

Precision Textile, Apparel. and Furnishings Machine Workers Dressmakers (pt 6652, pt 7752)


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667 668 659 673 674

675 676 677 678 679 683 684

686 687 688

683 693

634 695 696 699

703 704 705 796 707 708 769 713 714 715 717

719 723 724 725

726 727 728 729 733

TaYors (pt 6852) uphdst- P.w Shos repairers (6854) Apparel and tabric patternmakers (6856) Mkrcdtaneous prectslon apparel and fabdc workers (6659. pt 7752)

Pm&on Workers, Assotted Matertats Hand mdders and shapers, except jewelem (6861) Patternmakers, tayout wcrkers, and cutters (6862) optkal goods workers (6864. pt 7477. m 7677) Ed3twdtd medical epp(hm tecfukbns (6W

Eleotrkal and eiectronk equipment assemblers (6667) Mhwffaneous precision worken. n.e.c. (6869)

Pm&on Food Production Occupations bkhers and meat cutters (6671) Bakers (6672) Food batchmakers (6873.6879)

Pm&ton inspectors, Testers, and Related Workers inspectors, testers, and graders (6881,828) Adjusters and calibrators (6882)

Plant and System Operators Water and sewage treatment plant operators (691) Power plant operators (pt 693) Stadonaty engineers (pt 693.7668) Miscellaneous plant and system operators (692.694,6%. 696)


Machine Operators, Assemblers, and inspectora

Machine Operators and Tenders, except Precision Metal working and Plastic Working Machine Operators

Lathe and turning machine set-up operators (7312) Laths and turning machine operators (7512) MHling and planing machine operators (7313,7513) Punching and stamping press machine operators (7314,7317,7514,7517) Rdiing machine operators (7316,7516) Drtiiing and boring machine operators (7318.7518) Grinding, abrading, butting. and polishing machine operators (7322,7324,7522) Forging machine operators (7319,7519) Numerical control machine operators (7326) Miscellaneous metal, plastic. stone, and gtass working machine operators (7329,7529)

Fabricating machine operators, n.e.c. @X39,7539) Metal and Plastic Processing Machine Operators

Mdding and casting machine operators (7315.7342,7515.7542) Metal plating machine operators (7343,7543) Heat treating equipment operators (7344,7544) Mtscdianaous metai and plastic processing machine operators (7349,7549)

Woodworking Machine Operators Wood lathe, routing, and planing machine operators (7431,7432,7631,7632) Sawing machine operators (7433,7633) Shaping and joining machine operators (7435, 7635) Nailing and tacking machine operators (7636) Miscetlaneous woodworking machine operators (7434,7439,7634,7639)



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734 735 736 737

730 739 743 744 745 747 748 749

753 754 755 756 757 758 759 763 764 765 766 768 769 773 774 777 779

783 784 785 786 787 789 793 794 795

796 797 798

Prfnting Machfne operators Prtnttng machine operators (7443,7643) Photoengravers and lithographers (6842.7444,7644) Type&km and compcsltors (6841,7642) Miscallaneous printing machine operators (6849.7449,7649)

Texdfe. Apparel, and Fumishfngs Machine Operators Wlndlng and twisting machfns operators (7451,765l) Knktfng. looping, tap@. and weaving rnachfne operators (7452.7652) Textfte cutting machlns operators (7654) TextBeeewfng machine operators (7655) shoe machine operators (7656) Pressfng machine operators (7657) Laundering and dry deanlng machine operators (6955.7658) M&calianeous textile machine operators (7459,7659)

Machine Operators, Assorted Materials Cementtng and gluing machine operators (7661) Packaging and Rling machine operaton (7462,7662) Extruding and forming machine operators (7463,7663) Mbcing and blending machine operators (7664) Separating, ffitering, and darffying machine operators (7476,7666,7676) Compressing and compacting machine operators (7467,7667) Painting and paint spraying machine operators (7669) Roasting and baking machine operators, food (7472,7672) Washing, deaning. and pickling machine operators (7673) Fokling machine operators (7474,7674) Furnace, kffn. and oven operators, ext. food (7675) Crushing and grinding machine operators (pt 7477, pt 7677) Slicing and cutting machine operators (7478,7678) Motion picture pro)ectionists (pt 7479) Photographic process machine operators (68636668.7671) Misceflanecus machine operators, n.e.c. (pt 7479,7666,7679) Machine operators, not specified

Fabricators, Assemblers. and Hand Working Occupations Welders and cutters (7X2.7532,7714) Sdderers and brazers (7333.7633,7717) Assemblers (772,774) Hand cutting and trimming occupations (7763) Hand mdding, casting, and forming occupations (7754,7755) Hand painting, coating, and decorating occupations (77s) Hand engraving and printing occupations (7757) Hand grinding and polishing occupations m58) Miscellaneous hand working occupations (7759)

Production Inspectors. Testers, Samplers. and Weighers Production inspectors, checkers, and exsminers (782. 787) Production testers (783) Production samplers and weighers (784) Graders and sorters, ext. agricultural (785)

Transportation and Materfaf Movfng Occupations

Motor Vehide Operators Supervisors. motor vehicle operators (8111) Truck drivers, heavy (8212.8213) Truck drivers. light (8214) Driver-sales workers (8218) Bus drivers (8215)


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809 613 614

623 624 825 626

863 864

865 866 667 869 a73

675 676 877 078 063 885 667 888 889 905

Taxkzab drivers and chauffeurs (6216) Parfdng lot attendants (674) Motor transportation occupatiins, n.e.c. (6219)

bmspomh Occupatkms. Except Motor Vehides Rail Ttanspoftatbn Occupatbns

Bafircsd ccnductors and yardmasters (6113) Locomotlve operating occupatfons (6232) RaUroad brake. signal, and SWIM operators (8233) Ral vehide operators, n.e.c. (8239)

Water Transfxn?ation Occupations Ship captains and mates, except fishing boas (pt 6241,8242) Bnlors and deckhands (6243) Marine engineem (8244) Brfdge, lock, and lighthouse tenders (6245)

Materfai Moving Equipment Operators Supedsors. materfai rrwfng equipment operators (612) Opwatlng engineers (6312) Longshore equipment operators (6313) Hoist and winch operators (6314) Crane and tower operators (6315) f&avating and loading machine operators (6316) Grader, dozer, and scraper operators (6317) lndustrfal truck and tractor equipment operators (6316) Miscefianeous materfai moving equipment operators (6319)

Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and f.abcrers

Supervisors, handlers. equipment deaners. and laborers, n.e.c. (65) Helpers, mechanics and repairers (663) Helpers, Construction and Extractive Occupions

Helpers. construction trades (66416645,6646) Helpers. surveyor (6646) Helpers. extradive occupations (665)

Ccnstruction laborers (671) Production helpers (661,662) Freight, Stock, and Materfai Handlers

Garbage coilectors (6722) Stevedores (6723) Stock handlers and naggers (6724) Machine feeders and offbearers (6725) FreigM. stock, and material handlers, n.e.c. (6726)

Garage and sewfce Station refated occupations (673) Vehkte washers and equipment deaners (675) Hand packers and packagers (6761) Laborers. except construction (6769) Member d the Am& Forces




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Fill the following items with a red pencil.


Itern Page

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2-4. 5b.5C.6 .................................... .

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Check Item R7 .................................... .4

Asset Roster. 28b. columns (21 and (31 .................. .12

Check item R3, .................................. .12

Check Iwm Tl ................................... 54

Recipiency History Roster. 1, columns b and c ............. .54

Check item T14 .................................. .57

CheckltemT15lonlyifT14isyasl ..................... .57

Check Item 142 .................................. .66

Household members’ names and person numbers in roster and columns ton reference person’s questionnairel ....... -70. 71

Control number information at fop of Income Source Summary 1155) .................................. .76b

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worldng papers

This appendix provtdes a list of a SIPP Working Papers. Any of these papers are free of charge. See the order form cm page C-7.

9001- “Recent Developments in the Survey of income and Program Pa&@&m”, Census Bureau

9002 - “An Analysis d Leaving Home Using Data From the 1984 Panel of the SIPP”. by Alden Speare. Roger Avery. Frances Gofdscheiier, Brown University

9003 - ‘The Effect of the Marriage Market on First Marriages: Evidence From SIPP”, John Fitzgerald. Bowdoin ccme

9004 - ‘Counting Spells of Unemployment”. Paul Ryscavage and Kathleen Short, Census Bureau

9305 - ‘The Elderly and Their Sources of Income: lmp4ications for Rural Development”, Robert Hoppe. Economic Research Servlce. U.S. Department of Agriculture

9006 - “Altemathre Estimates of Economic Well-Being by Age Using Data on Wealth and Income. Daniel Radner. Social Security Administration

SO07 - “Longitudinal Analysis of Federal Survey Data”, Patricia Ruggles. Jdnt Economic Committee

sJOB - “Measurement Errors in SIPP Program Reports”, Kern H. Marquis and Jeffrey C. Moore, Census Bureau

8901 - “Quality of SIPP Estimates,” R. P. Singh. L Weklman. and G. Shapiro, Census Bureau

8902 - “Two Notes on Sampling Variance Estimates from the 1984 SIPP Public-Use Ffles,” by B. Bye and S. J. Gallicchio. Sochl Security Administration

8903 - “Longftudinaf vs. Retrospective Measures of Work Experience,” P. Ryscavage and J. Coder, Census Bureau

8904 - “Analyzing the Characteristics of Blacks: A Comparison of Data from SIPP and CPS,” R. Farfey and L J. NeMert. University of Michigan

8905 - “Enhanced Demographic-Economic Data Sets,” R. Herrtot. C. Bowfe, D. Kasprzyk. and S. Haber, Census Bureau

8906 - “Refiections on the Income Estimates from the lnkii Panel of The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).” D. Vaughan, Social Security Administration

8907 - “Measuring Spells of Unemployment and Their Outcomes,” P. Ryscavage. Census Bureau

8908 - “Welfare Dependency and its Causes: Determinants of the Duration of Welfare Spells,” P. Ruggles. The Urban lnstkute


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6999 - “Measuring the Duration of Poverty Spells,’ P. Ruggles, The Urban lnstftute and R. Wiiifams, Congressional Budget Cfffce

8910 - “Methods of Processing Unit Data Longitudinally on the SIPP,” K Smith. Congressional Budget Dfffce


B911- “Compostte Estimation for SIPP Annual Estimates,” R. P. Chakrabarty, Census Bureau

6912 - “Research and Evaluation Conducted on the Survey of Income and Program Particlpetion.” R. Petroni, T. Carmody, and V. Hugglns, Census Bureau

6913 - “A Pofsson Model of Response and Procedural Error Anafysis of SIPP Reimetvfew Data,” D. Hill, University of Michigan

8914 - ‘The Economk Resources of the Edieny,” S. Crystal and D. Shea, Rutgem University

6915 - “Muitfvarfate Anafysis by Users of SIPP Micro-Data Fles.” R. P. Chakmbarty. Census Bureau

6916 - “A Resource-Based Model of LNing Arrangements Among the Unmarrted Elderly.” J. E. Mutchler and J. A Burr, Unfversity of Buffalo

6917 - “Measuring Househdd Change at The indfvklual Level Using Data From SIPP,” A. Speare, Jr. and R. Avery, Brown University

6916 - “The Effect of Chfld Care Costs on Marrfed Women’s Labor Force participation,” R. Connelly, Bowdoin Coiiege

6919 - “Income and Assets of So&l Security Beneffciaries by Type of Benefit,” S. Grad, Sochl Security Adminlstratlon

6920 - ‘Development and Evaluation of a Survey-Based Type of Benefft CiassHfcatfon for the Social Security Program,” D. Vaughan, Social Security Administration


6921 - “Wave Seam Effects in the SIPP,” N. Young, The Urban Institute

6922 - “Components of Longitudinal Household Change for 1964-1965: An Evaluation of National Estimates from the SIPP,” by Donald J. Hemandez, Bureau of the Census

6923 - “Database Design for Large-Scale Complex Data,” by Martin H. David and Alice Robbin, University of Wisconsin-Madison

6924 - “Measuring the Frequency and Consequences of Job Separations: Data from the Survey of income and Program Participation.” by John M. McNeil and Enrkfue J. Lamas. Bureau of the Census

6925 - “The Regular Receipt of Child Support: A Multi-step Process,” by James L Peterson and Christine Wlnquist Nerd. Chfld Trends, Inc.


6601 - “The impact of the Unit of Analysis on Measures of Serial Multiple Program Participation,” by P. Doyle and S. E. Long, Mathematics Pdicy Research, Inc.

6602 - “Short-Term fluctuations in income and Their Impacts on the Characteristics of the Low-income Population: New Data From the Survey of income and Program Participation.” by P. Ruggles. Urban institute


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8803 - “Resklemiaf MobUHy of One-Person Househdds.” by J. Wftte and H. Lahmann, German Institute for - Economic Research

8804 - “Year-Apart Estimates of Househdd Net Worth From the Survey d income and Program Partkfpation,” by John M. McNefl and Enrique J. tamas. Bureau of the Census

ES05 - “Measurfng Poverty and C&es: A Comparison of Annual and Subannual Accoumlng Program ParUclpaUon.” by MarUn David and John Fitzgerald, instkute for Research on Poverty

6806 - “Using Admlnistmthre Record Data to Evaluate the Quaifty of Survey Estimates.” by Jeffrey C. Moore and Kern H. Marquis, Bureau of the Census

8807 - “The Wealth d the Aged and Nonaged. 1994,” by Daniel B. Radner, HHS

8808 - Examining the Dynamics of Health insurance Loss: A Tale of Two Cohorts,” by Alan C. Monhek and Claudia L Schur, NCHSR

8809 - “The Dynamics of Medicaid Enrollment,” by Pam Fancy Short, Joel C. Cantor, and Alan C. Monheff. NCHSR

8810 - “The Discouraged Worker Effect: A Reappraisal Uslng Spell Duration Data,” by Albert0 Martlnl. University of Wisconsin-Madison

8811 _ “Income as a Pmxy for the Economic Status of the Elderly,” by Deborah J. Chdiet and Robert B. Friedland, Employee Benefff Research institute

8812 _ “The SIPP: Data from the Social Security Administration’s 1987 Annual Statistical Supplement”

.- 8813 - “Participation in industrfal Training Programs.” by Sheldon Habsr, George Washington Universfty

8814 - “A Methodological Study Using Administrative Records: The Specfal Frames Study of the income Survey Development Program,” by W. J. Logan, Social Secudty Adminfstratfon. D. Kasprzyk and R. Cavanaugh. Census Bureau

8815 - “The Effect of Income Taxation on Labor Supply When Deductions are Endogenous,” by R. K. Thrfest. Johns Hopkins University

8816 - “A Comparison of Gross Change in Labor Force Status From SIPP and CPS.” by P. Ryscavage and A. Feldman-Harkins, Census Bureau

8817 - ‘W&are the Elderly Housed? New Data from the 1984 Survey of income and Program Participation,” by A Gddsteln. Census Bureau

8818 - “Welfare Recipiency as Observed in the SIPP,” by J. Coder, Census Bureau and P. Ruggies, The Urban Institute

8819. “Reservation Wages and Subsequent Acceptance Wages of Unemployed Persons,” by P. Ryscavage, Census Bureau

8820 - “Selected References From the income Survey Development Program (ISDP) and Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)”

8821 - “Training. Wage Growth, Firm Size.” by S. Haber, The George Washington University and E. Lamas, Census Bureau

8822 - “Defining and Measuring Normetro Poverty: Results From The Survey of Income and Program Participation,” by R. Hoppe, USDA-ERS-ARED


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8823 - “Nonmsponse Adjustment Methods For Demographic Surveys at the U.S. Bureau of the Census,” by Ft. Singh and R. Petronl. Census Bureau


8824 - ‘Testing TeMphone lntervlewlng In the Survey of hxome and Program Partlclpation and Some Early Results,” by S. Dumnt and P. Gbur, Census Bureau

8825 - “Exduding Sampfe That Misses Some Interviews From SIPP LongBtdtnal Estimates,” by L Ernst and D. Gttlman. Census Bureau

8828 - “The Employment of Mothers and the Prevention d Poverty,” by M. HB. Unfversky of Michtgan and H. Hartmann, Rutgers Unlverslty

8827 - “Using Admlntstratlve Record Data To Describe SIPP Response Errors,” by J. Moore and K Marquis. Census Bureau

8828 - “A Look at Wetfare Dependency Using The 1984 SIPP Panel FYe.” by J. Coder, D. Burkhasd. and A. FetdmanHarkins, Census Bureau

8829 - “Census Bureau Microdata: Providing Useful Research Data While Protecting The Anonymity of Respondents ,” by G. Gates, Census Bureau

8880 _ “The Survey d Income and Program Participation: An Overview and Discussion of Research Is.sues.” by D Kasprzyk. Census Bureau

8701 - “Tracking Persons Over Time,” by A. C. Jean and E. K McArthur, Census Bureau

8702 - “Prelimkwy Data From the SIPP 188884 Longkudinai Research File,” by J. F. Coder, D. 6urkhead A. Feldman-Harkins, and J. McNeil, Census Bureau

8708 - “Work Experience Data From SIPP,” by P. Ryscavage and A. Feldman-Harkins, Census Bureau

8704 - “The Treatment of Person -Wave Nonresponse in Longitudinal Surveys.” by G. K&on. J. Lepkowski, S. Heeringa. Ting-Kwong Lin. and M. E. Miller, Survey Research Center, Unhrersity of Michigan

8705 - “SIPP: Filling Data Gaps on the Poverty and Social Welfare Fronts,” by P. Ryscavage, Census Bureau

8708 - “Response Errors In Labor Surveys: Comparisons Self and Proxy,” by D. Hill Unfverslty of Michigan

8707 - “Differences Between SIPP and Food and Nutrition Service Program Data on Child Nutrition and WlC Program Partkipation. by L Ku and R. Dakympie, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

8708 - “Qualii Proflte for the Survey of Income and Program Participation,” by K King, R. Petroni. and R. Singh, Census Bureau

8709 - “Survey of Income and Program Participation SIPP Sample Loss and the Efforts to Reduce It,” by D. Nelson, C. Bowie, and A. Walker, Census Bureau

8710 - “The Impact of Imputation Procedures on Diitrlbutional Characterlstks of the Low Income Population.” by P. Doyle, Mathematics Policy Research, Inc.. and R. Dahymple. Food and Nutrition Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture


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8711- “‘Job Tenure, l&tfme Work lnterruptfcns and Wage Dffferentlafs,” by J. McNeil. E. lamas, Census Bureau and S. Haber. George Washington Unfverslty

8712 _ “Measuring the B&s fn Gross Flows in the Presence 04 Auto-Ccirelated Response Errors,” by D. HubMe. Census Bureau, and D. Judklns. Westat. Inc.

8713 - “lnvestfgatfon of Possible Causes of Tmnsitff Pattems from SIPP.” by L Weklman. Census Bureau

8714 - “Housefmlds and Income Sources: Monthly Averages for 1984,” by J. Moonnan. Census Bureau

8715 - “Creating SIPP iwrgftudinal Fflas Using OSfRlS IV.” by M. Servafs, Unfvemlty of Michigan

8716 - “Tmnsftfon In and Out of Poverty: New Data From the Survey of fncome and Program Participatfon,” by P. Ruggfes, Urban lnstltute and R. Wflliams, Congressfonal Budget Office

8717 - “On thefr men: The Seffempfoyed and Others In Pdvate BusMess,” by S. fiaber. George Wasf’rlngton Unfversfty. E. Lamas Bureau of the Census, and J. Uchtensteln. U.S. Small Business Admlnistmtlon.

8718 _ “Factors Associated With Househdd Net Worth,” by E. Lamas and J. McNeil, Bureau of the Census

8719 - “Exploring Changes in Health Care Coverage Using the SIPP Longitudinal Research File,” by D. Burkhead and A. Feldman, Bureau of the Census

8720 - ‘*The Analysis of Geographical Mobility and Ufe Events wfth the SIPP,” by D. Dahmann and E. McArtfwr. Bureau of the Census

.- 8721 - “A Revfew of the Use of Administrative Records in the Survey of Income and Program Participation, by C. Bowie and D. Kasprzyk, Census Bureau

8722 _ “Survey d Income and Program Participation Update,” by D. Kasprzyk. Bureau of the Census

8723 - “Measurfng Poverty with the SIPP and the CPS.” by R. Williams. Congressional Budget Offfce

8724 - “The Statistical lnvfsible Minority Aged,” by C. Taeuber. Bureau of the Census,and E. Attah. Atlanta Unfversfty

8725 - ‘An Analysk of the SIPP Asset and LiabiBy Feedback Expetiment.” by E. Lamas and J. McNefl. Bureau of me Census


8561 - “Some Aspects of SIPP,” compiled and edited by R. A. Herrfd and D. Kasprzyk, Census Bureau

8662 - “Nonsampling Error Issues in the SIPP.” by G. f&fton. Unfversky of Michigan, and D. 8. McMBen and D. Kasprzyk. Census Bureau

8693 - “An Investigatfon of Model-Based Imputation Procedures Using Data From the Income Survey Development Program.” by V. J. Huggins and L Weidman. Census Bureau

8664 - “Food Stamp Participation: A Comparison of SIPP With Admlnlstmtfve Records,” by S. Canson and R. Dalrymple. Food and Nutrition Service

8695 - “SIPP Longitudinal Household Estimation for the Proposed Longkudktal Definition,” by L R. Ernst. Census Bureau


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9505 - “A Comparfson of Seven Imputation Procedures for tfk? 1979 Panel of the Income Survey Devefopment Program.” by V. J. Huggins. Census Bureau

6607 - “An lnvestlgatlon of tfte Imputation of Monthly Earnings for the Survey CA income and Program Participation Using Regresskm Modefs,” by V. J. Huggins and L Weklmen. Census Burasu

9909 - “Evaluatfoo of Tmlning Materlals and Methods for ths Survey of Income and Program Partkfpatfon.” by M. Hdt. Survey Research Consuftant

9909 - “Patterns d Houseftofd Composftiin and Famffy Status change,” by C. F. Cltro. ASA/Census Research Fellow, and H. W. Watts, Department d Ecoccmks. Cofumbfa Unhmfsky

9910 - “Composfte E&nation for SIPP: A Prefiminary Report” by R. P. Chakrabarty. Census Bureau

9911 - “Longftudlnai Housefrofd Concepts In SIPP: Preflmlnary Rest&,” by C. F. C&o, ASA/Census Research Fellow, D. J. f-lernandez, and R. A Henfot, Census Bureau

2612 - “Fdlowfng Cftlldren In the Survey of Income and Program Participation,” by E. K. McAdhur, K. S. Short, and S. Bianchl, Census Bureau

9513 - “SIPP Labor Transitions: Problems and Promises,” by P. Ryscavage and K S. Short, Census Bureau

9914 - “Augmenting Data Reported in the Suwey of Income and Program Partkipation With Administrative Record Data -A Brief Dkcussion,” by D.K Sater, Census Bureau


9501 - “The Survey of Income and Program Participation: Uses and Appfication.” by KS. Short, Census Bureau

9502 - “Application da Matched File Unking the Bureau d the Census Survey of Income and Program and Particfpatfon and Economic Data,” by S. Haber, George Washington Unfvenky

3503 - “Using the Suwey of Income and Program Participation for Research on the Older Population,” by D. 8. McMBen, C. M. Taeuber, and J. Marks, Census Bureau

9504 - “Summary of tfte Content of the 1994 Panel of the Survey of Income and Program Participation,” by D. T. Fmnkef. Census Bureau

9505 - “Enhancing Data From the Survey of Income and Program Participation With Data From Economic Censuses and Surveys.” by D. K Sater, Census Bureau

9505 - “Methoddogfes for Imputing Longkudinal Survey Items.” by V. J. Huggins. L Wefdman, and M. E. Samuhef, Census Bureau

9507 - “New Houseftofd Survey and the CPS: A Look at Labor Force Differences,” by P. M. Ryscavage, Census Bureau, and J. E. Bregger. Bureau of Labor Statistics

9401 - (Update NO. 1, Revised 12/95) “An Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation,” by D. Ndson. D.B. McMillen, and D. Kasprzyk. Census Bureau


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These papers are free d charge. To receive any d these papers, put a check by ths appropriate number and mail this form to:

Daniel Kaspqk CM& SIPP Research and

Cootdinatlon Staff Office d the Director Sliver Hill Executhre Plaza Suite 2A Bureau d the Census Washington, DC 20233

If you request papers by phone, please contact Hazel Beaton or Debra Grant on (301) 763-8328.


-8401 8501

- 8502

-8503 8504

-6505 -8506 - 8507 -


8601 6606 8701 8707 8715 8722 -6602-8609 - - 6702 6709 -8716- 8723 -6603- 6610 -8703- 8710 -8717- 8724 -8604- 8611 8725 -8605- 8812

-8704- 8711 -8718= 8705 -8712- 8719

-8606- 8613 - -8706- 8713 6720 -8507- 8614 - - - - - -8714- - 8707 8721

8801 8808 6815 8822 8829 6901 8908 8915 - 8922 -8802-88091 8816 -8823-8630 -8902-8909- 6916 8923 -8803- 8810 -8824- -8604- 8811 -8817- 8818 6825

-8803- 8910 -6917- 6924 -8w4- 8911 -6918- 8925

-8805- 8612 -8819-8826 -8w5- 8912 -8919- 8806- 6813 -8820-8627

-6607- -6814=8821=8828 -8906- 6913~6920 -8907- 8914 8921 --- -


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Machine-Reedable Data Dictionry Leyoui

Date dictionery lines are 46 characters. The character on the first pcekbn determines the type of lines. Each varlaMe may have the fdlowing lines:

1. COMMENTS ( “ l ” ) lines 2. DATA DICTTONARY ( “ D ” ) ; llne and DATA DESCRIPRON 3. UNIVERSE ( ” U ” ) lines 4. VALUE DESCRIPTION lines

5. One blank line al the end



a. ” l ‘* In the first poskion indicates that this ls a comment line. This line can appear any place In the dictionary. It will be used for short comments or to nullify any value codes

b. ” l * ” In the first two poskions ls also comments but k has addltkmai meaning. It indicates this Is a block of comments which will be applied to several variables. The first line of thls block will ave the COMMENT NO. so that subsequent variable can refer back to this comment block.


This line contains the following information: ,-

ID “D” COL 1- 1 NAME VariaMe name COL 3-10 SIZE Size of data field COL. 14-15 BEGIN Begin position of data fteld COL 1 g-22 TYPE Chamcter variable indicator “CHAR”

or blanks if numeric variable COL. 2629 DEC Implied decimal places co1 3334 IND TABLE variable indicator “TABLE” with “(aa)” for

its dimension; otherwise blanks COL 3845

Text describing the variable will fdlow this “D” line. Use COL 5-45 and repeat as many lines as necessary


This line contains the universe definition. Use COL 346 and repeat as many lines as necessary

ID *I u ” COL l-l DESCRIPRON Universe description COL. 3-45

(For continuation use COL 3-45 and repeat as many lines as necessary.)


ID I’ v ” VALUE Value code-right justified

II II - DESCRIPTION Value description

COL. l-l COL 3-12 COL 14 COL 1545


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User Notes

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