sion on the turkey p iant ·...

VOL. XHI--KO. 23 % i- "I* } Exercise the Complexion A g o o d complexion i s o n e . ' * that is rapFJy r e n e w e d > one where the worn out ..tissues of the skin are proper-, ly replaced b y n e w tissue. r A complexion brush «aids this process. It keeps the. - circulation vigorous, in the -. skin and helps to remove worn out tissue. The reasons for using these brushes are, therefore, clear, There's no .. r e a s o n f o r n o t using them, not even expense,=as we have theni from £5 cents up. All grades and materials in ~ ^tock. *: meats. .ask F Cor. Margaret and Clinton Sts. 7% r* ( %* • . ' i Kbafc..I* good c#a| iold *heap. r Moderate pj-qfltt *re consistent with **lr Sealing. Ottriprices are, figured a t * reaion- •W6\'-lil* , ieBc^.- ; '<m| cost. 'llg&^goodft. iderft the ccJifldeace 1 •t, |||^iiiQlitia|lni; buyer*. - w& : dui*& -ana'is active jwrepar*- 4ionH ifr-^he emarliig; season and are mm ready'witbrk £ae line of J BXIHaSE^S . j^AEDWA&H ii $$te most *j proved design and ^wrtect aaake. tin! this we can quote *ttefcetive prices. mm ARE RIGHT M. 1^ IWRS 4 Ca, 4 Bnd«e St PlattsWg. N. % found is nothing better than pttr If you | don't think so, Juit srs who patronize tui con- tinuously what they* think about them. We~ w a n t to he favored *ith your <j|rders for the Beat to he of a THAT IS THE GENERAL IMPRES- SION ON THE TURKEY TANGLE. PliATTSBUBGKH, N". ]?., WEDKESBAY, OCTOBEE 7, [1908. PtoOE <$?$ CEOTS. 1 i r > hDurco-Buljiajrian war as a re if R i l l e n f i n ' s rtevlit-ra+ii^-n nf in. s declaration ,of in- sult of Bulgaria'] deper dence. -But the general iinpres- eion is that Turkey will not 1 .regard Bulgaria's action, whlich was taken in th£ face £ eippihatic Russian pro tests, TURKISH MINISTERS CONFER k the Market is the poorest Itomers ever receive. order filled wWh an ex- election. igan s 25 Cliiton St. Botli Phones. Tlu in I'S 0. Earl i * Our Specialty— Is Honest Old Fadfaioiji^d RTHMRE No 10 t<ainfcwi S # e e t « and JBvenlng iPepormanees»i7*o 11 "jL int! m. : ' ! ... ^ w< Pioneers Crossing | the Plains •_~£J{.gugH$u$><$»£i**L y, Giri| Ton Jjove. I jrge TLynch, Honso Musician. St. Louis, fearito^ie Soloist. 5 tits. " -O Cts. Not Western Meal that loo but the kind that is ground ir| of Corn. No part e>f t h e kerjj make breakfast foods*, a n d a s for yourself. Ask to see a Meal. You will rind it ciean Or better still, order a b a g f write us and" we will see tha with our HONEST CORN ME T bright and njee, m the whole kernel lei is taken o u t t o for looks j u s t j adge amole pf our Corn md e verity ground. om your dealer or vera are supplied Opposed [to Any Proceedings Regard- ing Bulgaria Which Violate Existing Ti-eaties—Russia tb Discuss Revision ot 7 Berlin Treaty. (Constantinople, Oct. 6—The coun- cil of ministers held a long confer- ence today to consider the action of Bulgaria in declaring her indepen- dence fW>m ^Turkey at Tirnovo. ye&- terday. It was decided that it was impossible to accept any proceed- ings that violated existing treaties, and that Turkey should address a circular note to the powers ipointing out the| necessity of taking measures' to enfdrce respect for tiue treaty of Berlin.' Repl|yimg to the telegram sent to the Turkish) government by Prince Ferdinjin'i in which he said that in. declaring the independence of B u P taria jie ihad been compelled to re- spect the "voice of the nation and! ex- pressed the hope that the friendly relations between the countries would continue, Turkey says she has invite<[ the powers to confer overTibte situation, and asThfr rights are guar- anteefi by the powers she will look to them for their defense. Tihe Yenai "Gazette," the organ of the grand! vizier, says today: "Wij are ready to defend our rights .with all our strength. As the action of Bulgaria ie not only direct ed against us, but against all the powers, we should) ask the powers to defend their interests and pro- tect t!xe provisions of tbfe treaty of Berlin," According to this aame jour- nal Austria-Hungary has .informed the powers'of her intention of "with- drawing her troops from the Sanjak of Novipazar. St. tion gress Peterburg, Oct. 6.—The inten- of Russia "to convoke a con- of thte powers to discuss revis- ion cjf t h e treaty of Berlin was the subject of lengthy conferences yes- terday between Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Tcharyfroff, and* the diplomatic representatives of the powers initerasted. These included the Turkish, British and Austria- Hnryjary ambassadors. No statement of the attitude of the Russian gov- ernment is obtainable today, and the diplomats are unwilling to commit themselves regarding the possibility EJxpi The Dock & PLATlSBl'Rtill Coal Co. N. Y. And \ ou Smo'keJ 10 Otfier. •»" Hand-Made from the Blest Stook «•»!«• resslon of the mouth restore* by i highly improved artifical teetl andj bridge work. Artistic ailing an. ero*n work. Painless extraction ot teetjh. A|vatnnder need for paiUes» ex- traction. Avatone used for allaying sensl- t! aptness for fllliuf and crowning. DR. LO01S LOWl>. IE Court Street Home Phone 22. " .' ' POft-MERLY n'STRDCTQR COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Hudson River Pl»on* 6-R. GET YOUR .; .... THE .... Sa! as a cause 1 for war. .ijoniki, European Turkey, Oct. •The committee of union and organized and car- nt successful revo- y on behalf of the progress which ried put the n lution fn Turk "Young Turks,!' has issued a pro clamation in whiiohi it is set forth that the committee regardis the v de claration of Bulgarian independence and the intention of Austria-Hun- gary to annex the occupied provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a vio- latioi of the rights of Turkey. It soi- emnljy protests]in the name of (hu- manity against the unfavorable at- titads of Austria-Hungary and Bul- garia toward a people which is pro- gressing in the direction of liberty. Berlin, Oct} 6.—The question wane^her there is to be peace or war has hot been iecidedjin Constanti- nople accord" ing to official dis- patches. The ambassadors of the powers at -Constantinople find the situation a. difficult one, because the control of affairs does riot rest al- together with the cabinet of the "Yoking furks", but partially with the Ipowerful <:ommittee^ of "Young Turlts" outside-the cabinet. The cab- inet, appears to be divided in its views. Official opinion in Berlin leads to the belief that there will be no war, as titee* change in the rela- tions between Bulgaria and Turkey is merely a paper change. ' Pipilippopolis, Eastern Rumelia, Oct. 6.—The official announcement of Ihe Independence of Bulgaria mad|e at Tirnovo yesterday by Prince Ferdinand has been enthusiastically received in this city, the capital of Eastern Rumelia. Today $he church bells are ringing and large crowds heaped by bands are parading the Streets And holding peaceful demon- strations in front of the various con- sult tes. "Emperor" Ferdinand is ex- pec led to arrive here shortly. DAMAGED BY 1 TYPHOON SCftOOXER WRECKED AND AR. TIU4ERT BARRACKSj AGED. DAM- Loss at Post Estimated at $30,000— Troops Nov l ] -Sov Camping In Tents bral Drowned. and Manila, Oct 6 —'Restored com- munication with the northern part of the Island of Luzon discloses the fact that thte typhoon which raged in this, harbor last Sunday, extended .ovejr a wide urea and did consider- able damage. The artillery barracks at Stotsenburj; were destroyed by the the MANlFACTORED by lendesohn & Co. PLATTSBUROC N. Hon - r'nJm: :$ii»' kkrfbocker Deri)! Will find favor with you. It has more virtue, for • $3.00 than any Derby made. A splendid line ol Fashionable and Nobby Soft Felt Hats Remember our Swell Traveling <joods v TAFT troops are now camping in tonts. The cavalry bar- racks r we-re also badly .damaged, and the iotal loss at the .post is estimated at .$36,000. ' 1 ihie schooners Lucia and Soladad we|e wrecked on the coast of Minder during the stcrm, September 27, and allith© passengers and crew of the Solljidad but one were drowned- Cap- taiii J. Cl Heinschein and nine mem- ber;^ of the crew of the Lucia were drowned. AND BRYAN. B0IU1 C a n d i d a t e s to Be Guests At a Dim er In Chicauo. :*Jew York", Oct 6.—Chairman Hiijchcoek oif Lhe Republican national committee w:H meet Judge Taft'in Chicago tomoiTow night, at the Deep W^ter banquet to be given by the Chicago Chamber of •Commerce, at wbjlcibt - p r e s i d e n t i a l candidates Taft ani Bryan will be guests. Mr. Hitch- cotjjkdid not come to headquarters tod|ay. He WJIS in conference,, at his hotel with Secretary of the Interior Garfield, wht 'has been speaking in Indiana and Ohio. Government Appeals. ^hiladelph: 1 1 Mm 1 (o, IB K. inioni 11-h 3 BRIDGE STRfcET. a, Oct. 6.—An appeal hafe been takAn in the Hepburn com- modity clause case by the govern- ment on the ground that the lower coijirt was 'vrong in ^holding the clajuse not to be proper exercises of the congress onal powers as to the regulation o'l' commerce.. It is con- tended that tbe court erred in ruling clause confiscatory. It is under- od that'tie government will ask supreme court to take up the immediately owing to its im- pdjrtance. F EAR STUDENT HAS MET AWFDIr ' P A ^ E I N OliOSED OAR. I ' 4 6LUEGRASS STYLE OF HAZING Up the Mat- Be Sworn Grand Jury Has Taken ter—-Students Said to I to Secrecy—StOry Told By * the Boys, f Lexington, Ky., Oct. j 6.—Bound, gagged ami- locked In a hex car by hazing students, Willis IB. Smith, a fresiblman of Kentucky State College, ha& disappeared and today the grand ^ury is preparing to probe what may be a ghastly mystery ands police and^ railroad merl all over||this section are" working desperately to ascertain h*s fate. OVER-NIAGARA PALLS. Smith disappeared two weeks ago. Not a word has come ot or from him since tfciat, time. If he is still in. t h e box car in which he was placed' by sophomorfes of his college' h e ha^i died a terrible death. \ Despite half-ihiearted denials of the hazing episode 'by the students and faculty of the, Kentucky college the general belief here is that Smith, who wa» a dtelicate young fellow r of twenty, ihias peTiahed as the result of the hazing and when the Fayette 1 county grand jury convenes, every member of the sophpmore and. fresh-i men classes wdll he examined under' oath, as well' as a number of towns- men «,nd boys wh»> are declared to blave heard the students discussing the probably tragic end of their prank. j Young Smith arrive^ at college only two diays before he disappeared. He came to live with another broth- er, L. B. Smith, who bias been a stu- 1 i dent here for' two yeprs. On the night he vanished he gave his brotS- er $l|0p and 1 his gold watch, remark- ing that he*was going to thte college campus to see the^'rough house** be- tween the soph 1 omoresj [and freshmen and though! the 1 students declare that he did not appear among them there is little doubt ^entertained that the story told by a small l>oy witness-of the stjudent's fate is |i|he tru^e one. To the detectives who are working on the case this boy said that Smith had been caught at the university entrance early in the! evening and then taken across the blazing city dump to the Queenjj and Gresent railroad yards, There lie was secure- ly bound and gagged | and a sealed car broken open. H^ was thrown therein by the! crowd lof sophomores and the door closed on him ^After U'ait Was done the hliizeis left Twelve Suicides, There Since the R r s t <of J u l y . . Niagara Falls, |Oct., 6—About ,7 o'clock this morning a woman about Six feet tali, wearing ^a black' hat, long black coat, 1 black shoes, and spectacles and a sallow cbmplexion, appeared i n t h e reservation here act- ing strangely and'tried to cross over the bridge to Goat Island, but was stopped by a policeman who inform- ed here that the island was not open to visitors until 8 o'clock. She con- tinued' to wander about, still acting strangely. Sine was questioned 1 by the superintendent of the park po- lice as to what she wanted, but he elicited nothing from her except that she was from Saginaw, MJch. About 8 o'clock she walked to- ward Prospect Point. Officers started after her, but before they reached her she passed under the railing and leaped from the bank) into ;the Amer- ican falls, .and nothing -'more 1 was seen of her. This iakthV twelfth sui- cide here since July 1. , j (OLD Wi|l Nip Tour P iant s let them into Jarkj of usi For Billiard Championship, i j St. ,Louis, Oct. 6.—The opening block of the lSO-'pOint match! for the three cushion billiard championship of the world!, was played here j last nigMt. Thomas A. Hueston, the chal- lenger, ' won the block from John Daly, the title holder, 5 0 t o 2<H NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Yesterday's Quotations. Open Close^ Am. Cot. Oill . . » 35i Am. Cop .» 75$ Am. 0. and F k .»... . * 40 Im. ICe .^r.-n.-yj ..U.».3ffJ Am. Sugar 1311 Anaconda .* . . 44 35} 76 40 25g 87 47 }P 43? MYERS Buy. them & BELDEN, 1 0 3 M A K G A E E T ST., ^ ' Headquarters for Good Things I I T^> Eat." , . 1 I ! ASBW LOT OF r. Fountain Syringes C. andl |N W t.. 15&3 C. M. and St. P 1375 136J 1"60 , 35S 146S 34| 40| 146 turning about midnight only to that the car had been re- fill d hauled ,away Not a ti-ace of Smith has> been in t h e c a r 011 is certlain thai found If he is still s > no nbscure sidilig it he di»d in agony. When the hazing sludents f|ound Smith) was gon,e ,they d - e said to (have been seized with panip and latpr to have bound tHaemselvep by the [most solemn promises to reveal nut a word of their action^ That they! wijl be able to preserve the 1 s wret Js doubt- ed and when they ari; examined by the grand jury it is believed that uhe whole story will come out. WRECK IX C, F. an# I Col. Sou .... ->..:. Con Gas .... D. and H Dist , 30 Erie 303 do 1st pf ^ 431 do 2d pf 35| Gen Elec ,. 1. .1401 140 -.1672 ,1673 291 291 44 * 36 Gt. Nor Pfd I n t &£at. Pfd Kan. C. Sou . Lou and N . N. Y Cent . . N* Y O W. Norf and W . No Pac Penn Peo Gas Pac. Mail . . . Reading .... Rock Is Pfd Sou. P a c . . . Sou Ry . . . ... .133 ,31| .271 .54 .1041 41 .73 1323 311 271 Fii 1044 40? 73 .1423 141* 123§ 123£ 94g -251 .132J .451 .1041 .211 95 251 13U 49£ 10-H .21* EOG. Freight Train Crasl les . senger Cos ch. I Into Pas- Lancaster, Pa., Oct.; 6.—One; man Was crushed to death, two moreiwere fatally injured, five o:hers serijously hurt and a dozen mo e brujsed, cut 'and battered by a wreck today o^-tWe Pennsylvania railroad s freight line at Washington Borough, near here. The jaccidept was due- to a dense fog. A w|oFk train with s! coach ajt^'the. reari had stopped, on |a bridge' ovei a small, stream-'which empties into the Spusquehanna riveir at that point. There were 5iQ Italians in' the^coach, and pefore the flagmaii had sufficient timej to go back to flag any train following, a heavy fre gh!t loomfed up out <j)f the fog and ci ashed into >the' passe|nger coarh. Bishop Tiernef Dead. , Hartford, Conn., fOct. 6.—The Righlt Rev. IiUohael Tierney, bishop .of the Roman Catholic dioces^ of Hartford, which includes*the ! state of Connecticut died at his residence in Farmingha|m avenub yesterday af temcjwm fronj the (iffects ojf t h e stroke of apoplexy which he suffered durihg Saturday nigl t last. Bishop Tierney st in St. Josephfa semi He iwas ordained h KQ' in Alban|y on Mt idled theology ry, Troy IN. Y. Bishop Con- 26, lSf|6. Union P : 1641 165-| U. S. Steel Pf-i .... 109 ! 109 Wabash Pfd . . , . 26 261 W t | U. Tel, .'. 59§ S9 AND rt . A. T. and S. F. . L 88| J 884 B. and O . .) 97| 97% B. R. T ,.-49| 485 Can. Pacific ., 1 7 6 i 1-751 , cen Lea 24i 24i Guaranteed for From to 2 Years C. and O 41 I 4 1 £ | -f Hdt Water Bags i J J u s t rejeeived, f r o n 7 5 c n p i Sripelj-ior i^rlality of'Eub'ber:, a-?d of exceptional woiiunktisnir; at the ni Mil Pi ALFjRED JUVET, Druggist. Cor. Margaret and Cornelia Sts. PRQMPT DIjJLiyERY. Both Phones. Kenuit Tries Football Cambridge, Mass , Oct 8 —Kermit Roos'eveltJ tie second son of.Presi- Roosovelt, was given-" first yesterday as tackle 'on' the shman football-team in of scrimmage the Can- . had. Roosevelt went Iin vie on. the first- eleveiri, h the secon"^, him, ihejyoung ? tjhe necessary ' ( grit %xA- made a ^o.od! showing. dent ohoioe Harvard fire the first day didates haive at and tint man lfight tiac althou ally sent had stamina, aini FromEvery Ounc^ bffiiet . When- the mercery dropjs yoa just can't] . Hnd it wonde: $kift4V4V« cen' ut ol sigH and Kfuse warm^ you 11 enient to use a 88 8 PERFEtfTION Oil Heater (Equipped \vlth Smokeless Device) It's very light—carry it absut—heat any cola room. Turn the wick high or low—no danger—no smoke—no smell; Easily cared for and give? nine hou|:s o( cozy comlort t at one fillijig ol brass lent, j Finished in, nickel and ', japan, .^ve.y heater warranted. Trie £9KT/S>T »^^.^> wil ^i its "°°^ °' I'^y- JX€Xy%J LrtUHp brill ant lighl is i^»i lor • u*^' the |ong winter, eienmgs —r«ad or sew by it—won'l tire your eyes. Ij,ate3t improved jvMi'tral' drill b Made ol brass, nickel plated. ^very lamp warranted li your dealer cannot supply thcRayo Ij-amp or Perlecion Oil Heater, write our nearest agency lor a descriptive circular STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) r-i-S | )•

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Page 1: SION ON THE TURKEY P iant · 2009-09-17 · 5 tits. " -O Cts. Not Western Meal that loo but the kind that is ground ir|

VOL. XHI--KO. 23





Exercise the Complexion

A g o o d c o m p l e x i o n i s o n e .

' * t h a t i s r a p F J y r e n e w e d >

one w h e r e t h e w o r n o u t

• . . t i ssues of t h e s k i n a r e p r o p e r - ,

l y r e p l a c e d b y n e w t i s s u e .

r A c o m p l e x i o n b r u s h «aids

t h i s p r o c e s s . I t k e e p s t h e .

- c i r c u l a t i o n v i g o r o u s , i n t h e

- . s k i n a n d h e l p s t o r e m o v e

w o r n o u t t i s s u e . T h e r e a s o n s

f o r u s i n g t h e s e b r u s h e s a r e ,

t h e r e f o r e , c l e a r , T h e r e ' s n o

.. r e a s o n f o r n o t u s i n g t h e m ,

n o t e v e n e x p e n s e , = a s w e h a v e

t h e n i f r o m £ 5 c e n t s u p . All

g r a d e s a n d m a t e r i a l s i n

~ ^ t o c k . *:




C o r . M a r g a r e t a n d C l i n t o n S t s .


r* (

• %* • . ' i • Kbafc..I* good c#a| D© iold *heap . r Modera te pj-qfltt * r e consistent w i t h **lr Sealing.

Ottr iprices a re , figured a t * rea ion-•W6\'-lil*,ieBc^.-;'<m| cost.

'llg&^goodft. iderft t he ccJifldeace1

• t , | | |^i i iQlit ia | lni; buyer*.

- w&:dui*& -ana'is act ive jwrepar*-4ionH i f r - ^ h e emarliig; season and a r e

• mm r eady 'wi tb rk £ a e l ine of


i i $$te most * j proved design and ^wrtect aaake. t in! th i s we can quote *ttefcetive prices.

mm ARE RIGHT M. 1^ IWRS 4 Ca, 4 Bnd«e St

PlattsWg. N. %


is nothing be t te r t h a n pttr

If you | don ' t t h i n k so, Ju i t

s r s who patronize tui con­

tinuously w h a t they* th ink about

them. We~ want t o h e favored * i t h

your <j|rders for t he Beat t o he

of a



PliATTSBUBGKH, N". ]?., WEDKESBAY, OCTOBEE 7, [1908. PtoOE <$?$ CEOTS. 1 i r >

hDurco-Buljiajrian war a s a r e i f R i l l en f i n ' s rtevlit-ra+ii^-n nf in. s declaration ,of in­sult of Bulgaria']

deper dence. -But the general iinpres-eion is t h a t Turkey will not1 .regard Bulgaria 's action, whlich was taken in th£ face £ eippihatic Russian pro tests,


k t h e Market i s t he poorest

Itomers ever receive.

o rde r filled wWh a n ex-


igan s

2 5 C l i i t o n S t . B o t l i P h o n e s .

Tlu in I'S 0.


i *

Our Specialty— Is Honest Old Fadfaioiji d

RTHMRE No 1 0 t<ainfcwi S # e e t

« a n d JBvenlng iPepormanees

t o 5 . a i » i 7 * o 1 1 "jL int! m .

: '! ... ^ w< Pioneers Crossing | t h e Pla ins

•_~£J{.gugH$u$><$»£i**L y,

Giri| Ton Jjove.


jrge TLynch, Honso Musician.

St. Louis, fearito^ie Soloist.

5 tits. " -O Cts.

N o t W e s t e r n M e a l t h a t l o o

b u t t h e k i n d t h a t i s g r o u n d i r |

of C o r n . N o p a r t e>f t h e kerjj

m a k e b r e a k f a s t foods*, a n d a s

for yourse l f . Ask t o see a

M e a l . Y o u w i l l r ind i t c i e a n

O r b e t t e r s t i l l , o r d e r a b a g f

w r i t e u s and" w e wil l see t h a

w i t h o u r H O N E S T CORN M E

T b r i g h t a n d njee ,

m t h e w h o l e k e r n e l

lei is t a k e n o u t t o

fo r l o o k s j u s t j a d g e

a m o l e pf o u r C o r n

m d e veri ty g r o u n d .

o m y o u r d e a l e r o r

vera a r e s u p p l i e d

Opposed [to Any Proceedings Regard­

ing Bulgar ia Which Violate

Existing Ti-eaties—Russia

tb Discuss Revision o t 7

Berlin Treaty.

(Constantinople, Oct. 6—The coun­cil of ministers held a long confer­ence today to consider the action of Bulgar ia in declaring h e r indepen­dence fW>m ^Turkey a t Tirnovo. ye&-terday. I t was decided tha t i t was impossible t o accept any proceed­ings t ha t violated existing treat ies , and tha t Turkey should address a circular note to t h e powers ipointing out the | necessity of t ak ing measures ' t o enfdrce respect for tiue t reaty of Berlin. '

Repl|yimg to t he telegram sent to the Turkish) government by Prince Ferdinjin'i in which h e said t h a t in. declaring the independence of B u P t a r i a jie ihad been compelled to re­spect t h e "voice of the nat ion and! ex­pressed t h e hope tha t t h e friendly relations between the countries would continue, Turkey says she has invite<[ the powers t o confer overTibte situation, a n d asThfr r ights a r e guar-anteefi by t he powers she will look t o t h e m for the i r defense.

Tihe Yenai "Gazette ," the organ of the grand! vizier, says today:

"Wij a re r eady to defend our r ights .with a l l our s t rength. As t h e action of Bulgaria ie not only direct ed against us , b u t aga ins t a l l the powers, w e should) ask t he powers to defend the i r interests and pro­tect t!xe provisions of tbfe t rea ty of Berl in," According to th i s aame jour­na l Austr ia-Hungary h a s .informed the powers 'of her intention of "with­drawing her t roops from the Sanjak of Novipazar.

St. tion gress

Peterburg, Oct. 6.—The inten-of Russia "to convoke a con-of thte powers to discuss revis­

ion cjf the t rea ty of Berlin was the subject of lengthy conferences yes­terday between Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Tcharyfroff, and* t h e diplomatic representatives of the powers initerasted. These included the Turkish, Bri t ish and Austria-Hnryjary ambassadors. No statement of the a t t i tude of the Russian gov­ernment is obtainable today, and the diplomats are unwilling to commit themselves regarding the possibility


The Dock & P L A T l S B l ' R t i l l

Coal Co. N. Y.

And \ ou Smo'keJ 10 Otfier.

•»" Hand-Made from the Blest Stook «•»!«•

resslon of t h e mouth restore* by i highly improved artifical teetl andj bridge work. Artistic ai l ing an. e ro*n work. Painless extraction ot teetjh.

A|vatnnder need for paiUes» ex­tract ion.

Avatone used for allaying sensl-t! aptness for fllliuf and crowning.

DR. LO01S LOWl>. IE Court S t r ee t

Home Phone 22. " .' ' POft-MERLY n 'STRDCTQR

COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Hudson River Pl»on* 6-R.


. ; . . . . T H E ....


as a cause1 for war.

.ijoniki, European Turkey, Oct. •The committee of union and

organized and car-n t successful revo-

y on behalf of the

progress which ried p u t t he n lution fn T u r k "Young Turks,! ' has issued a pro clamation in whiiohi i t is se t for th t h a t the committee regardis thev de claration of Bulgar ian independence and the intention of Austr ia-Hun­gary t o annex the occupied provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a vio-l a t i o i of t he r ights of Turkey. I t soi-emnljy pro tes ts ] in t h e name of (hu­manity against the unfavorable a t -t i t ads of Austr ia-Hungary and Bul­garia toward a people which is pro­gressing in the direction of liberty.

Berlin, Oct} 6.—The question wane^her there is t o be peace or w a r has hot been iecidedj in Constanti­n o p l e accord" ing to official dis­patches. The ambassadors of t he powers a t -Constantinople find the si tuat ion a. difficult one, because the control of affairs does riot r e s t al­together with the cabinet of the "Yoking f u r k s " , bu t part ial ly with t he Ipowerful <:ommittee^ of "Young Turl ts" outs ide- the cabinet. The cab­inet, appears t o b e divided in i ts views. Official opinion in Berlin leads to the belief t h a t there will be n o war , a s titee* change i n t h e rela­tions between Bulgaria and Turkey is merely a paper change. '

Pipilippopolis, Eas te rn Rumelia, Oct. 6.—The official announcement of Ihe Independence of Bulgaria mad|e a t Tirnovo yesterday by Prince Ferdinand has been enthusiastically received in th is city, t h e capital of Eastern Rumelia. Today $he church bells a re r inging and large crowds heaped by bands are parading the Streets And holding peaceful demon­strat ions in front of t h e various con­sult tes. "Empero r " Ferdinand is ex-pec led to arrive here shortly.






Loss a t Pos t Est imated a t $30,000—

Troops Nov

l] - S o v

Camping I n Tents

bral Drowned.


Manila, Oct 6 —'Restored com­munication with the nor thern pa r t of the Island of Luzon discloses the fact tha t thte typhoon which raged in this, harbor las t Sunday, extended .ovejr a wide urea and did consider­able damage. The art i l lery barracks a t Stotsenburj; were destroyed by the



lendesohn & Co. PLATTSBUROC N.

Hon - r'nJm: :$ii»'

kkrfbocker Deri)! Will f ind f a v o r w i t h y o u .

I t h a s m o r e v i r t u e , f o r •

$ 3 . 0 0 t h a n a n y D e r b y

m a d e . A s p l e n d i d l i ne o l

F a s h i o n a b l e a n d N o b b y

Soft Felt Hats R e m e m b e r o u r S w e l l

T r a v e l i n g < j o o d s v


troops a re now camping in tonts. The cavalry bar-racks rwe-re also badly .damaged, and the iotal loss at the .post is estimated at .$36,000. ' 1

ihie schooners Lucia and Soladad we |e wrecked on the coast of Minder during the s tcrm, September 27, and allith© passengers and crew of the Solljidad but one were drowned- Cap-taiii J . Cl Heinschein and nine mem­ber;^ of the crew of the Lucia were drowned.


B0IU1 Candidates to Be Guests At a

Dim er In Chicauo.

:*Jew York", Oct 6.—Chairman Hiijchcoek oif Lhe Republican national committee w:H meet Judge Ta f t ' i n Chicago tomoiTow night, a t the Deep W^ter banquet to be given by the Chicago Chamber of •Commerce, at wbjlcibt -presidential candidates Taft a n i Bryan will be guests. Mr. Hitch-cotjjkdid not come to headquar ters tod|ay. He WJIS in conference,, at his hotel with Secretary of the Interior Garfield, wht 'has been speaking in Indiana and Ohio.

Government Appeals. ^hiladelph:

1 1 Mm 1 (o, I B K. i n i o n i 1 1 - h 3 BRIDGE STRfcET.

a, Oct. 6.—An appeal hafe been takAn in the Hepburn com­modity clause case by the govern­ment on the ground that the lower coijirt was 'vrong in ^holding the clajuse not to be proper exercises of the congress onal powers as to t he regulation o'l' commerce.. It is con­tended tha t tbe court erred in rul ing

clause confiscatory. I t is under-od t h a t ' t i e government will ask

supreme court to take up the immediately owing to its im-



' P A ^ E IN OliOSED OAR. I ' 4


Up the Mat-

Be Sworn

Grand J u r y Has Taken

ter—-Students Said to I

to Secrecy—StOry Told B y

* the Boys, f

Lexington, Ky., Oct. j 6.—Bound, gagged ami- locked In a hex car by hazing students, Willis IB . Smith, a fresiblman of Kentucky State College, ha& disappeared and today the grand ^ury is preparing to probe w h a t may be a ghastly mystery ands police and^ rai lroad merl a l l over | | th i s section are" working desperately t o ascertain h*s fate.


Smith disappeared t w o weeks ago. Not a word has come ot or f rom h im since tfciat, t ime. I f he is sti l l in. t h e box car in which h e was placed' by sophomorfes of h is college' h e ha^i died a terrible death. \

Despite half-ihiearted denials of t he hazing episode 'by t h e s tudents a n d faculty of t h e , Kentucky college the general belief here is tha t Smith, who wa» a dtelicate young fellowr of twenty, ihias peTiahed as the result of the hazing and when t he Fayet te 1 county grand j u r y convenes, every member of t h e sophpmore and. fresh-i men classes wdll he examined under' oath, a s well' a s a number of towns­men «,nd boys wh»> a r e declared to blave heard t he s tudents discussing the probably t ragic end of the i r prank . j

Young Smith a r r ive^ a t college only two diays before he disappeared. He came to live with another broth­er, L. B. Smith, w h o bias been a s tu-

1 i

dent here for ' two yeprs. On the n igh t he vanished he gave h i s brotS-er $l|0p and1 his gold watch, remark­ing t ha t he*was going to thte college campus to see the^ ' rough house** be­tween t he soph1 omoresj [and freshmen and though! the1 s tuden ts declare t ha t he did not appear among them there is l i t t le doubt ^entertained tha t the story told by a smal l l>oy witness-of the stjudent's fate is |i|he tru^e one . To the detectives who a re working on the case this boy said tha t Smith had been caugh t a t the university entrance early in the! evening and then taken across the blazing city dump to the Queenjj and Gresent railroad yards, There lie was secure­ly bound and gagged | and a sealed car broken open. H^ was thrown therein by the! crowd lof sophomores and the door closed on him ^After U'ait Was done the hliizeis left

Twelve Suicides, The re Since t he

R r s t <of J u l y . .

Niagara Falls, |Oct., 6—About ,7 o'clock th is morning a woman about Six feet tali , wearing ^a black' ha t , long black coat, 1 black shoes, and spectacles and a sallow cbmplexion, appeared in t h e reservation h e r e act­ing s trangely and ' t r i ed t o cross over the br idge to Goat Island, b u t was stopped by a policeman who inform­ed he re t ha t the island was not open to vis i tors un t i l 8 o'clock. She con­tinued' t o wander about, st i l l act ing strangely. Sine w a s questioned1 by the superintendent of the pa rk po­lice as to w h a t she wanted, b u t he elicited no th ing from h e r except tha t she was from Saginaw, MJch.

About 8 o'clock she walked to­ward Prospect Point. Officers s tar ted after her, b u t before they reached her she passed under the railing and leaped from the bank) into ;the Amer­ican falls, . a n d nothing -'more1 was seen of her. This iakthV twelfth sui­cide he re since Ju ly 1. , j

(OLD Wi|l Nip Tour

P iant s let them into

Jarkj of usi

F o r Bill iard Championship, i j St. ,Louis, Oct. 6.—The opening

block of the lSO-'pOint match! for the th ree cushion billiard championship of the world!, was played h e r e j last nigMt. Thomas A. Hueston, the chal­lenger, ' won the block from John Daly, t he t i t le holder, 50 to 2<H


Yesterday's Quotations. Open Close^

Am. Cot. Oill . . » 35i Am. Cop .» 75$ Am. 0. and F k . » . . . . * 40 I m . I C e . ^ r . - n . - y j . . U . » . 3 f f J

Am. Sugar 1311 Anaconda .* . . 44

35} 76 40 25g 87 47

}P 43?


Buy. them


1 0 3 M A K G A E E T S T . , ^

' H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r G o o d T h i n g s

I I T^> E a t . "

, . 1 I !



Fountain Syringes

C. andl | N W t . . 15&3 C. M. and St . P 1375 136J

1"60 , 35S


3 4 | 4 0 | 146

turning about midnight only to that the car had been

re­fill d

hauled ,away Not a ti-ace of Smith has> been

in the car 011 is certlain thai

found If he is still s > no nbscure sidilig it he di»d in agony.

When the hazing sludents f|ound Smith) was gon,e ,they d -e said to (have been seized with panip and latpr to have bound tHaemselvep by the [most solemn promises to reveal nut a word of their action^ That they! wijl be able to preserve the1 s wret Js doubt­ed and when they ari; examined by the grand jury it is believed tha t uhe whole s tory will come out.


C, F . an# I Col. Sou . . . . - > . . : . Con Gas . . . . D. and H Dist , 30 Er ie 303 do 1st pf ^ 431 do 2d pf 3 5 | Gen Elec ,. 1. .1401 140

- .1672 ,1673 291 291 44 * 36

Gt. Nor Pfd I n t &£at. Pfd Kan. C. Sou . Lou and N . N. Y Cent . . N* Y O W. Norf and W . No Pac Penn Peo Gas Pac. Mail . . . Reading . . . . Rock Is Pfd Sou. P a c . . . Sou Ry . . . ...

.133 ,31| .271 .54 .1041 41 .73

1323 311 271 Fii 1044 40? 73

.1423 141* 123§ 123£ 94g

-251 .132J .451 .1041 .211

95 251

1 3 U 49£

10-H .21*


Freight Train Crasl les

. senger Cos ch. I

Into Pas-

Lancaster, Pa., Oct.; 6.—One; man Was crushed to death, two moreiwere fatally injured, five o:hers serijously hur t and a dozen mo e brujsed, cut 'and battered by a wreck today o^-tWe Pennsylvania railroad s freight line at Washington Borough, near here. The jaccidept was due- to a dense fog. A w|oFk train with s! coach ajt^'the. reari had stopped, on |a bridge' ovei a small, stream-'which empties into the Spusquehanna riveir a t that point. There were 5iQ Italians in' the^coach, and pefore the flagmaii had sufficient timej to go back to flag any train following, a heavy fre gh!t loomfed up out <j)f the fog and ci ashed into >the' passe|nger coarh.

Bishop Tiernef Dead. ,

Hartford, Conn., fOct. 6.—The Righlt Rev. IiUohael Tierney, bishop .of the Roman Catholic dioces^ of Hartford, which includes*the ! state of Connecticut died a t his residence in Farmingha|m avenub yesterday af temcjwm fronj the (iffects ojf the stroke of apoplexy which he suffered durihg Saturday nigl t last.

Bishop Tierney st in St. Josephfa semi He iwas ordained h KQ' in Alban|y on Mt

idled theology ry, Troy IN. Y.

Bishop Con-26, lSf |6.

Union P : 1641 165-| U. S. Steel Pf-i . . . . 109 ! 109 Wabash Pfd . . , . 26 261 W t | U. Te l , .'. 59§ S9

A N D rt.

A. T. and S. F . . L 88 | J 884 B. and O . .) 9 7 | 97% B. R. T , . - 4 9 | 485 Can. Pacific . , 1 7 6 i 1-751 ,

cen Lea 24i 24i Guaranteed for From to 2 Years C. a n d O 41 I 4 1 £ | -f

Hdt Water Bags i J

J u s t rejeeived, f ro n 7 5 c n p

i Sripelj-ior i ^ r l a l i t y o f 'Eub 'ber : , a-?d

o f e x c e p t i o n a l w o i i u n k t i s n i r ;

a t t h e

ni Mil Pi ALFjRED JUVET, Druggist.

Cor. Margaret and Cornelia Sts.

P R Q M P T D I j J L i y E R Y . Both Phones.

K e n u i t Tries Football

Cambridge, Mass , Oct 8 —Kermi t Roos'eveltJ t i e second son of .Pres i -

Roosovelt, was given-" first yesterday as tackle ' on ' the

shman football-team in of scrimmage the Can- . had. Roosevelt went Iin

vie on. the first- eleveiri, h the secon"^, him, ihejyoung

? tjhe necessary ' ( gr i t %xA-made a ^o.od! showing.

dent ohoioe Harvard fire the first day didates haive at and t int man

lfight tiac althou

ally sent had

stamina, aini

From Every Ounc^ bffiiet

• .

When- the mercery dropjs

yoa just can't]

. Hnd it wonde:



ut ol s i g H and

Kfuse warm^ you 11

enient to use a

88 8

PERFEtfTION Oil Heater

( E q u i p p e d \ v l t h S m o k e l e s s Dev ice ) It's very light—carry it absut—heat any cola

room. Turn the wick high or low—no danger—no smoke—no smell; Easily cared for and give? nine hou|:s o( cozy comlorttat one fillijig ol brass lent, j F in i shed in, nickel and ', japan, .^ve.y heater warranted.

T r i e £ 9 K T / S > T »^^.^> wil^i its "°°^ °' I'^y-JX€Xy%J L r t U H p brill ant lighl is i^»i lor

• u * ^ ' • the |ong winter, eienmgs —r«ad or sew by it—won'l tire your eyes. Ij,ate3t improved jvMi'tral' drill b Made ol brass, nickel plated. ^very lamp warranted

li your dealer cannot supply thcRayo Ij-amp or Perlecion Oil Heater, write our nearest agency lor a descriptive circular

S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y (Incorporated)

r-i-S | )•