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Physical Evil

• There are physical evils that are not caused by anyone/anything, but just part of earthly life.•Natural events - Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, etc.

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Moral Evil

• Moral evil is the result of human choice.–A choice for evil is a sin.–All moral evil can be avoided.–Both the agent and the recipient

are harmed by moral evil.

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Definitions of Sin

• Augustine: Sin is any deed, word or desire against eternal law.

• Aquinas: Sin is the voluntary transgression of the divine moral law.

• Aquinas: Sin is a turning away from God, to creatures in a disordered way.

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Sin is a Personal Act

• Sin is a human act, therefore a person is

always responsible for his/her sins.

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Five Classifications of Sin

1. Original or Actual2. Mortal or Venial

3. Formal or Material4. Commission or Omission

5. Internal or External

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Five Classifications of Sin

1. Original or Actual• Original Sin committed by

Adam and Eve• Actual Sin committed by


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Five Classifications of Sin

• Gravity: Moral or Venial– Venial sins are lesser sins, but by repetition can

lead to mortal sin and/or a life a vice• Mortal Sin requires three things:

• Grave Matter• Full knowledge of the sinfulness of

the act• Complete consent – act is committed

freely and deliberately

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Five Classifications of Sin

Formal or Material (Consider Intent)• Formal sin is a voluntary and freely

chosen action contrary to God’s law: carries culpability

• Material sin is an involuntary action without either full knowledge or full

deliberation – does not have culpability.

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Five Classifications of Sin

Commission or Omission–Commission is choice to do an

evil act–Omission is choice not to do

something that you should (help a person in danger, attend Mass)

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Five Classifications of Sin

Manifestation: Internal or External

External sin is committed with words or actions

Internal sin is committed with thought or desire

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Occasion of Sin

• Along with avoiding sin, one also has the obligation to avoid occasions of sin: any person, place or thing that will likely lead to sin. Avoid temptations that will likely lead to sin.

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Cooperation in Evil

• Formal cooperation: agreeing with or cooperating in the commission of evil– Explicit– ImplicitMaterial cooperation – helping another do an act

that is not in of itself evil but helps another do evil.

ImmediateMediate: proximate and remote

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Effects of Sin

• Weakening/ break in love of God– Those who sin are called to conversion and


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Sacraments of Forgiveness

• BAPTISM is the primary sacrament of forgiveness – all sin: original, venial and mortal is forgiven in Baptism

• For sins committed after Baptism, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the ordinary path to forgiveness and should be received regularly.

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• Justification is possible because of Christ’s Passion and Death.– We receive justification at Baptism• Justification is the remission of sins, sanctification of

the person and the voluntary reception of grace and gifts.

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• Sincere sorrow for having offended God.– Perfect contrition immediately

forgives sin- sorry because we have offended God

– Imperfect contrition with sacramental absolution forgives sin – sorrow because of shame, or because we fear the punishment for our sins.

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• Christ is always willing to forgive us– Parable of Prodigal Son is best

example of the power of conversion.

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List the sins mentioned in these writings of St. Paul

• Romans 1:29-31; 13:13• 1 Cor 5:10-11; 6: 9-10• 2 Cor 12:20-21• Gal 5: 19-21• Eph 4:31; 5:3-5• Col 3: 5-8

• 1Tm 1:9-10; 4:12; 6: 9-11• 2 Tm 3:2-5• Ti 3:3