sinaran 2014


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The 2014 edition of SINARAN - the annual publication of COLLEGE GENERAL, Penang, Malaysia - the Catholic regional seminary in Peninsula Malaysia.


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Editor’s Foreword

Every year College General comes out with Sinaran to assist young people to reflect on vocations; particularly, the vocation to the diocesan priesthood. This year the community of College General decided to reflect on the Peninsular Malaysian Church’s theme, ‘Called, Chosen and Sent’.

Sinaran 2014 thus has three sections. In these sections, readers are invited to read and reflect on the stories, sharing’s and reflections of seminarians and priests and religious in relation to the diocesan priesthood.

The first section is entitled Called to be a Diocesan Priest. This section consists of sharing of vocation stories. In this section readers are invited to read the vocation stories by seminarians - how God has called them through diocesan priests. These vocation stories is preceded articles by the President, the Rector and former Dean of College General. We readers, especially young people, will come to realise that Jesus continues to call young people to priesthood.

Section two is entitled Chosen to Live a Radical Way of Life. This section consists of articles on the Evangelical Counsels – obedience, poverty and celibacy. Here we try to capture how every priests is called to live a radical way of life. Three priests have shared their thoughts on the counsels.

The third section is entitled, Sent: The Ministry and Mission of the Diocesan Priest. This section consists of sharing’s and reflections of priests and a religious on the joys and challenges of the priesthood.

The Editorial Team expresses our gratitude for those have contributed their reflections and articles for Sinaran 2014. You all make this magazine publication possible to publish. So, this is how Sinaran goes this year for you readers. Don’t miss out even one page! We urge you to share the thoughts and reflections herein with others. God bless.

Go, live and sharethe Gospel of Joy of Jesus Christ!


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On World Mission Sunday, I spoke to all of Penang, Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah and

Perak as a father speaks to his sons and daughters, which includes all members of the clergy, religious, laity and you, seminarians. Therefore, there is no baptized Catholic in this Diocese of Penang who is excluded.

Though you are seminarians, you need to understand your vocation as baptized and confirmed Catholics and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am aware that we are all equal as baptized disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are all equal as labourers in the vineyard of the Lord who are Called, Chosen and Sent. In the light of discipleship, the vocation to the priesthood is a specific mission entrusted to you by Jesus Christ. The priesthood is participation in the mission of Christ through the Bishop. Canon Law states that priesthood represents Christ who is the Head and Shepherd in a community of disciples. In order to stay focused and be formed like a Shepherd, spiritual direction is necessary for your journey and even after ordination.

Today after eight years of reflecting on the theme of ‘Discipleship’ since the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention 3, which was held in 2006 and on the theme of “Disciples who are Called, Chosen and Sent” which was the theme this year of the Lord 2014, the GRACE FILLED MOMENT has arrived, that is to send each of you, both young and old on mission. The time is NOW! Those who are called and chosen must be Sent on mission.

I, with the authority vested on me by Jesus Christ, the Head and Shepherd, through the Church and as a successor of the Apostles, Send you on MISSION with the power of the Holy Spirit. Never forget that the Holy Spirit is the first person sent on mission by the Father and the Son to continue and complete the mission of Jesus Christ. You are also invited to be part of the Mission of the Holy Spirit.

St. Pope John Paul II reminded us at the beginning of the New Millennium 2000 saying “Cast your nets into the deep”. So I remind you again “Do not be afraid” to go on mission.

Today, Pope Francis and I, urge you as a follower of Christ to become a Missionary Disciple. And as a missionary disciple, I Send you to proclaim the “Joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” in the world, bearing witness by your word, deeds, lifestyle and by your life choices.

I send you as messengers of Hope, Joy, Dialogue and Reconciliation to a world deeply broken and in need of the healing love of Jesus Christ. Remember that you are not Sent alone. The one who Sends you is Jesus Christ through me your bishop who promises to be with you always. But you must take personal responsibility for this Mission which you will undertake seriously. This mission already begins now as a seminarian.

God bless you and you are assured of my prayers as you move out in mission!

Cast your nets

into the deep

Rt. Rev. SebaStian FRanciSBishop of PenangPresident of the seminaryBoard of Directors


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CALLED, CHOSEN, SENT:My Role in the Formation of Diocesan Priests

As I look back at my life as a formator in the seminary since 2000 (with some ‘time out’’ in-between again in the parish and on sabbatical) and also as rector since 2010, the image of myself is that of ‘coach’ — someone who is very much in the game, yet at the sidelines - for the game is ultimately played by the players themselves.

The coach during the game can scream and shout in encouragement (though it may sometimes be taken the other way!), pray to the Almighty for a reversal in his players’ fortunes, and sometimes get all anxious that his team is not doing their best — but ultimately, it is the players that play and bring themselves victory! This is to me a reminder that ‘All formation is ultimately self-formation.’ I am reminded, time and time again, to recognize that as much as I want the best for each seminarian, he must want it for himself and with the grace of God, get there through his own efforts. Yet, together with others, I need to be there to help point towards victory.

However, the coach perhaps has a more important role outside the actual game — in the actual process of training before the game. Here is where the actual long-term preparatory work is done. Yes, there is instruction and teaching, even correction — of sharing in the ongoing life-story that involves joy and pain. There is the accompaniment

as a seminarian goes through a process of transformation from a shy, insecure new entrant into our seminary to become a confident man of God, who is equipped not just with knowledge but also wisdom, armed with a plethora of gifts that he has developed and acquired, with an openness for learning as he goes onto the next stage of his formation. There is the role-modelling involved — of setting myself as someone to emulate (despite my foibles and limitations) in my openness to grow further in the priesthood and of allowing my own personal excitement and joy in the priesthood to be visible and infectious. Sometimes it may also be my role to listen to someone who comes to a realization that he

is in the ‘wrong’ game and to accompany him as he transitions to another way of life. Most importantly, as coach I need to point forward to the ultimate goal — to God and God’s will for each one of us.

So am I happy to be coach? You bet! I consider it a privilege to be allowed to accompany men who allow me into the inner sanctum of themselves where I can truly see God working. In their struggles, I recognize my own ongoing and past struggles as well as the promise of victory. I see the reality of God’s grace working in those who allow themselves to be transformed by it. Yes, in my role, I see God ... when I am truly attentive to the workings of the Spirit in the lives of others and my own self! At each priestly ordination, I am apt to shed a tear – of gratitude, joy and praise — as I have been a part of an ongoing miracle of transformation and of grace!

God bless us all as we continue to play our God-given roles in the game of Life!

In prayer, love & peace,

Rev. FR. GeRaRd Steve theRaviam,Rector

... as coach I need to point forward to the ultimate goal — to God and God’s will

for each one of us


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Our Future Priests


This was the question Fr. Stanley Antoni asked the Bishops at last year’s Bishops-Staff meeting, when he joined College General as a formator. Only when we know what we want, more importantly, what we need, can we form our seminarians more effectively.

I have been sitting on the “staff” side of the seminary for the past 4 years and now I sit on the “bishops” side. What kind of priests do I need and want in 5 to 10 years time and beyond? My wish list would include that a Priest be…

1 a PaStoR: I need a priest who know his sheep and his sheep know him; a priest who visits the flock and is concerned for the wounded sheep. He cares and goes in search for the lost. A priest must love and care for his sheep.

2 a PRotectoR: I need priests who will protect the faith and the well-being of his flock. He must teach and preach sound doctrine to his people and be willing to even lay down his life for his sheep.

3 a PRay-eR: A priest must not only pray but be seen to be praying. He must take his prayer life seriously, continuing the moments for meditation and contemplation.

4 a PRoPhet: I need priests who can read the signs of the times and are not afraid to speak the truth. Priests who are reflective and will say what is right and not what is popular.

5 a Poet: A priest must be a communicator. Someone who is able to articulate the immanent presence of God in the “language” of the day.

6 a PlanneR: A priest should be able to organize his parish and be a faithful steward/administrator of the goods under his charge.

7 a PlayeR: A priest must be able to work with others, may it be with the presbyterium, his own flock of various races and ethnicity, other Christians, peoples of various faiths. There are now migrants from many foreign countries with varied needs.

Is our formation programme preparing priests for the new and varied challenges of the future? I believe it does, if one is conscious of the reasons behind the things we do. The 5 aspects of formation namely the Human, Intellectual, Spiritual, Pastoral and Community living seem to cover the main expectations of priests.

I pray that our seminarians see the value of the formation they are receiving in College General and to make full use of the opportunities available, the Library, Sports facilities, Manual labour, Recollections, Spiritual Exercises, Meditations, Pastoral assignments, Community activities and not forgetting Personal Reflection.

A tall order for our seminarians who today practically run the whole seminary with a skeleton staff, stepping up to assume responsibility so early in their formation. I only have admiration for each one of them and wishing them well in seeking the will of God.

moSt Rev. julian leow Archbishop Kuala Lumpur

what kind of priests do we wantin our parishes in the future?

My wish list of who a Priest should be — The 7 Ps

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My Conversion

As a cradle Catholic, I come from a family steeped in traditions and the teachings of the Church. Thus attendance at Sunday Masses and Catechism classes were compulsory. My life changed when I started playing for some local football clubs where matches were always held on alternate Sundays. Therefore, I started missing Sunday masses and catechism classes.

When I started working, I began to explore the worldly life. I really enjoyed my nightlife – hanging out at discos and clubs. Eventually, I missed masses because of hangovers and going home in the wee hours. After working for a year, I resigned from my job and went to study an electronics course, and not completing it. Then I worked as a part-time worker at a snooker center before being promoted to a full-time worker.

I had many motorbike accidents. The first accident happened when I was on my way to Midas College. I could not brake in time when a car over took me and suddenly turned left, so I rammed into the car. My second accident left me with an injured toe. Next morning, my brother, David, woke me up to go to college but I could not because my toe started bleeding again. While cleaning my wound he asked me what had happened? He added, “Are you missing or avoiding something?” I kept mum.

After recovering, I returned to my nightlife and this time, it got even worse: I would stay away from home some nights. I think God thought I needed to learn a lesson. Yes, I had another accident which landed me in a specialist hospital for nine days.

After the hospital stay, my life changed: I began to share my thoughts with my family, and they did likewise. David asked me again, “Aren’t you missing something or avoiding something?” Then I realized it was church that he was referring to. I said, “Yes, mass in the church.” It was not easy for me to go back to church. The first few times were hard; I feared what people would say about me, but with my sibling’s unconditional love and help, I managed to return to Sunday masses and slowly was led to a deeper relationship with God.

Everything in life is good but that depends on the choices I make. From my experiences, life without God is like being a piece of driftwood floating aimlessly in the sea. I am glad that God gave me those experiences to see the real meaning of life. I began to ponder and question, “What is vocation all about?” I began to meditate, reflect, and ask for God’s help. After years of reflection, I realized that freedom in God’s way is the best because I can experience joy and God’s blessings. I hope that whatever I shall experience will help me understand God’s call. God will continue knocking on my door and I must keep listening and responding to him.

KonStend G.(Philosophy-Year 1)

St. Anne’s Church, Bukit Mertajam, Penang.

Aren’t you missing something or avoiding something?

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Love is the very reason where I am now. My vocation story started about four years ago. Everything was going according to my own will. I had almost everything I wanted, yet felt something was missing. One particular incident which I want to keep to myself affected me greatly and I felt very strongly that something was really missing in my life. So I started my search. I had been an active member in my parish until Confirmation and then slowly stopped and old memories started to be rekindled and this made me to go back to church.

I started going to church regularly and felt comfortable just being there. I was slowly restoring my relationship with God. One fine day, I was sharing about my church-going experience with my cousin who happens to be a seminarian. He was enthusiastically narrating his experience in the seminary.

A few months later I met this same cousin. He asked me casually if I had thought about the priesthood. I was a bit startled as I had not thought about it recently. When I regained my composure, I told him that I had thought

about priesthood in my earlier days but over the years, that interest had somewhat faded. My cousin was not one to give up. He urged me to reconsider and reflect on God’s calling. At first I paid little attention to whatever he was

saying. However it dawned on me that by opting for the priesthood, I might be fulfilling God’s will. Slowly, I started to discern my vocation.

In fact, three diocesan priests played a major role in helping me to choose the diocesan priesthood. First, Fr. Amalanathan who was in my parish impressed me greatly. In spite of the fact that he suffered a stroke and was

somewhat disabled, he continued to serve God and celebrates mass. He was able to bring Christ to people by his presence; this gave me better understanding about being an Alter Christus – another Christ.

Second, Fr. Albet with his simplicity

and humility touched my heart profoundly. He was easy to talk to and always found time to listen to me. I poured out all my fears and struggles to which he listened attentively. When I asked him if I was worthy to be a priest, he said “None of us are worthy but God makes us worthy”, than he quoted Jesus: “It is not the healthy who needs a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). His simple homilies helped me a great deal for my discernment.

Third, Fr. Michael Chua gave me a deeper understanding of my faith. He was able to enlighten me on church doctrines and current views of the church. His vast knowledge of church teaching and church traditions gave me a clear insight into the workings of the church. Moreover, he never fails to remind me to give my best to God. His fatherly advice has motivated me to persevere seriously my new calling.

I am ever thankful to God for these three diocesan priests who touched my life profoundly. As I continue my discernment here at the seminary, God continuously showers his love and blessings through people. I am happy to be here, doing God’s will.

bonaventuRe(Philosophy Year 1)

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes,Klang, Selangor.

None of us are worthy but God makes us worthy

Discover Through Experience

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After I received my first Holy Communion, I joined the Altar Servers in my parish. It was something that I had longed for; I found joy in serving Masses. As I continued, I began to observe closely the way priests celebrated Masses and I was also drawn to them reaching out to the needy, anointing the sick, actively doing other pastoral work and administering the sacraments.

All these experiences somewhat caused a stirring within me to become a priest. When I was about 15 years old, I began to wonder what all these meant but I did not spend sufficient time reflecting or praying about them. Those feelings were just at the surface level and personally I realized that I was not at all ready for such a challenge in my life. I continued to ignore these stirrings and went about sorting my life, my educational pursuits and everything else.

However, after completing my SPM examinations, I began to have the desire of wanting to discuss these stirrings within me. Therefore, I plucked up enough courage and approached my former Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Paulino Miranda, who advised me to further my studies and work for a couple of years or more before proceeding to the next step. He felt that I needed more exposure of the world and also to know myself better.

Sometime later, I shared my struggles with Fr. Danny, who was then our Parish Priest. He, after having some good discussions with me, sent me to experience seminary life at College General, Penang. This was indeed a good decision as I had answers for my many questions regarding the calling to the priesthood. In addition, I was now more convinced that I am being called to serve in the ministry of the priesthood. Fr. Danny however suggested that I should further my studies and work for a couple of years or more.

I took his advice and pursued my studies in Seremban. It was a lonely period for me because the stirrings were stronger but I could not find anyone to share them with. I coped with these struggles by just running away and putting my focus on other issues. It was during the time when Fr. Mari Arokiam was our Parish Priest that I found my voice again to share my experiences and thoughts. He then encouraged me to have another stay-in experience at College General.

This time again, the experience opened up more avenues for me to think and reflect which I made good use of. I was now quite sure of myself and therefore, I told myself these stirrings were truly a sign of my call to the priesthood. I felt that it was time for me to take on a more serious and organized discernment process.

In addition, to all these stirrings I used to get some passing remarks such as, “You should become a priest” from my parents, sibling, friends and colleagues, etc. As I continued to struggle with these ‘disturbances’ in my life, here came the new parish priest, whose first question to me was, “So how are you, are you still interested to become a Priest?” I felt good that he still remembered me and I felt that this would be the right time for me to start a serious and more committed discernment journey. I found myself relating comfortably with him and he in return continued to provoke my thoughts and challenge me on my call to the priesthood. Besides, he also gave me some materials to read.

Eventually, I was sent for a discernment retreat where apart from receiving new information, I was very deeply drawn to the Eucharist during the Holy Hour. The moment Fr. Christopher lifted up the monstrance; I felt so awesome and I could feel tears freely flowing down my cheeks. The next thing in my mind was the question, “When will I become a priest and when will I be able to raise this Jesus up in the monstrance for the people of God?”

Today I have started my proper and organized discernment journey in the seminary to discover and confirm that I am called to serve in the vineyard of Christ as a priest. God help me!

My stay at CG thus far has been very meaningful and challenging. There are times I am in tears when problems arise but with the help of God I am able to move on and take those challenges as a learning process.

michel dasss/o anthony dass

(Initation Year) Church of St. John Vianney,

Tampin, Negeri Sembilan.

how God touched me to say ‘yeS’ to him

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edEnigmatic Feeling

Shalom! I come from Kuching, Sarawak and am the second son of five siblings. I have one elder brother and three younger sisters. I was born into a Catholic family. Since I was young, my parents always brought me and my elder brother to church to attend Sunday Masses.

When I was in standard six, my parents registered me to join the Children’s Liturgy. Every Sunday I attended it. At the same time, my prayer leader also trained me to be an altar server. I served until Form 5. I felt happy, peaceful and joyful as I served. I asked myself, “Why do I feel like this?” However I did not get any answer from myself. It was a mystery for me.

In addition, from Form one until Form six, I always joined in church activities such as youth gatherings or camps organized by my parish or Archdiocese. Sometimes, I was a participant and at other times as a helper. From there, God opened my eyes to see youths thirsting for the love of God. At that time, I wanted to help them to feel God’s love, but I did not know how. After this, I became more courageous in serving them as a volunteer. It seemed like it gave me strength, especially during Kuching Archdiocese Youth Apostolate (K.A.Y.A) programme in 2008. My heart felt good to have helped the youth in their search for God.

On October, 15th, 2008, I had an accident while I was riding my motorcycle on the way to extra classes in the evening. My leg and finger bones were broken in the accident. For almost one year, I had to walk with crutches and sit in a wheelchair. Because of that I always prayed to God to heal me.

I started working after I finished my secondary school. I worked for about 2 years. I felt empty in my life even through the salary I received at that time was enough for me. So, I quit work.

From March 2013, I always joined my parish priests for outstation masses and accompanied them in anointing the sick. They also always shared about the priesthood. Besides, they also taught me how to prepare for communion and set up things for mass. I liked their priestly lifestyle. So, I shared with both of my parish priests about my feelings. Then, they suggested to me to attend the vocation retreat at St. Peter’s College, Kuching, Sarawak for an exposure. In July, 2013, I joined that vocation retreat. It was really helpful for me.

Finally, at the end of the year 2013, I decided to join the diocesan priesthood and now I am here to brush up my English.

dannie luis(Pre Initiation Year) Holy Spirit Church, Lundu, Sarawak.


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A Call from GodDuring my childhood, I didn’t know much

about my faith. I was brought to church but I understood little. I wanted to be an Altar Server like my cousins. I received my First Holy Communion from my assistant priest, Fr. Victor Louis and through him, my childhood dream came through. I joined the Altar Servers the following year. I really enjoyed the moments I spent with Fr. Victor Louis; it was my first encounter with priesthood through his ministry.

Time passed and as a teenager, things were different. I started to see things differently and I asked questions: ‘Who am I?’ and “What is my faith?” and “What is my purpose in living?” While preparing for Confirmation, things became clearer. The Camp really opened my eyes. The sessions conducted by Martin Jalleh made me see the Church in a different way, rather than the boring and traditional way which I used to know. During the Inner Healing Session, I encountered the touch of the Holy Spirit. I became more active in the Altar Servers and the Parish Liturgical Committee with the help of my Parish Priest Fr. Stephen Liew, whom I became close to. He was a very down-to-earth person and he shared his experiences as a priest. It was my second encounter with priesthood. Fr. Stephen Liew invited me to start thinking more seriously about my vocation. I went for the Vocation Discernment Camp and it was from that the time that I started to journey with Fr. Henry on my vocation.

I felt the call of priesthood as I was serving

at the altar as an Altar Server. In 2008, I attended the World Youth Day in Sydney and it was an experience of my sharing my faith with youth from different countries, I experienced the beauty of the Rosary and Mother Mary’s love and her intercession. I went to the Vocation Exhibition and was truly amazed with the diversity of vocations that were displayed. I also got to know two icons of God — namely, St. John Paul II and Blessed Mother. Their ministry of love and humility was my third encounter with priesthood.

In 2009, I graduated from college and I started working. It was the toughest time in my life as I was getting far from God and Church Ministry due to work commitments,

even having to skip Sunday Masses. My good pay didn’t bring the happiness which I used to have. I had to travel outstation and was far from my family and seemingly losing their love. I felt like walking away from the job. One off-day, I went to chapel in my Parish to pray and to have some moments of silence. In tears, I asked God what was happing to my life. I felt far from God, Church and my family and I asked Him to rescue me. I then heard a voice saying “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”. I decided to go and talk to Fr. Henry, my parish priest and spiritual director. He told me to spend more silent time with God and things started to change, I started to became more calm and thing came back to normal, I managed to talk with my superior at work, so that I could attend masses on Sundays.

In November 2012, I join a pilgrimage to Europe. It was a beautiful journey At Santeram, God invited me to follow him. I was praying and asking “Dear God, what is my Vocation as I have journeyed for the past eight years trying to find out? Is it priesthood? If that’s what you want, show me your miracles and I accept your will”. Suddenly, the tabernacle holding the miraculous Host opened by itself. I said to him “I accept your invitation, my dear Father”. On 7th July 2013, I said YES to God’s Calling to join the Priesthood.

After that everything fell to place. In mid-January 2014, Bishop Sebastian Francis approved my entry into College General. During the interview, he told me only one thing, “Be open, Desmond, and let God guide you on the journey. Let God transform you in His way. Don’t be afraid. In the end, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t become a priest but you will have become his disciple.” It was yet another encounter I had with God, and the journey continues in CG with my new home and family.

desmond jansen(Pre Initiation Year)

St. Anne Church, Bukit Mertajam, Penang.

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edMy Wayfare Transformation

My vocation story started about 4 years back. At that time I was not involved in church and most of the time I tried to skip Mass. I would give excuses all the time about this and that just to escape from going to Mass. On Sundays I preferred getting up late and not thinking of Mass at all. From the time I opened my eyes, I would only think of the shopping malls, dating and having my lunch.

One day I was given a job offer as a Product Support Specialists in Ipoh Perak. I took the offer and that was when I had to relocate from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh. When I was in Ipoh, I would travel back to my hometown, Taiping, and I always accompanied my family to church. Slowly I joined the St. Louis Choir because my mom was the pianist for the choir. I enjoyed myself singing for God. Later my dad and my brother joined us too.

One evening during choir practice something struck my mind. Why did Jesus suffer on the cross and die for us? There is nothing special about me - I am just a normal human being and I am a sinful person. I started finding out by talking to people, through reading books and the internet. I got many answers and the conclusion of those answers is “LOVE”. That was when I became very active in my parish and I was involved with Aulong St. Anthony Chapel and the choir too. At that time I had feelings of God’s Calling.

I spoke to my mother about the feelings I had and she advised me to visit Father Jude. While having a conversation with Fr. Jude he asked me to try out the priesthood but I had doubts over it. One day Fr. Anthony told me about his College General Stay-In experience, at that time he was only a final year seminarian. I was very excited and I joined the Vocation Stay-In at College General.

When I reached the college, Father Gerard was the one who welcomed me and he took me around the college. I was very impressed with the College. The second day of my stay, I experienced God’s love during the visit to the Blessed Sacrament; I could not stop crying at that time. During that night I called my dad and I told him of my experience. We had a long conversation and one of his pieces of advice was “If God wants you to be there, He will know what to do — don’t worry”. I reflected about this. During my reflection, I saw Jesus in my mind standing in front of me and all of a sudden, my dad appeared. This happened a few times — I realized that God used my dad to send me the message: “Not to worry”.

After my stay, I visited Father Jude to confirm my decision to join the priesthood. After that I journeyed further with Father Aloysius before entering College General.

bryan yeong Kok wai(Pre Initiation Year)Taiping Catholic Church,Taiping, Perak


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Vision ExperienceI first went to a vocation seminar when I was 17 years old, just after I finished

my secondary school at La Salle’s Mission school. When I went to this seminar, I didn’t have any thoughts of becoming a priest or missionary. I just went because I wanted to enjoy the cool breeze and fresh greenery of that place, and to get away from home because sometimes home can be boring. Furthermore, some of my altar boy friends were also going. So, I became interested to attend the vocation seminar.

At the end of the seminar, the participants were called to meet the priests individually. At that time Rev. Fr. John Wong Soo Kau interviewed me. I still remember he asked me, ‘Valentine, do you really want to become a priest and join the seminary?’ Then, out of nowhere I replied ‘Yes’. I don’t know why I said ‘Yes’, maybe due to my nervousness. Fr. John Wong looked at me and said ‘You are too young to join the seminary. Why don’t you gain experience working and come back to me after two years?’ And I said, ‘okay Father’.

I didn’t follow what Rev. Fr. John Wong told me about coming back after two years; I only come back after five years in early 2012. I had totally forgotten about that calling to become a priest when I was working during the five years. Then I attended the vocation seminar again but this time there were two Mill Hill Missionary Priests at the vocation seminar. They were Rev. Fr. Terry Burke, from England, and Rev. Fr. Matthew Olili, from Kenya.

Fr. Terry Burke shared inspiring stories of the mission, about how the Mill Hill missionaries came to Borneo to start the mission there. I said to myself, ‘That’s it, that’s it! This is what I liked, and what I wanted to become as well to be part of this Mill Hill Missionaries society. Though Rev. Fr. Terry looked scary, yet I found courage in me to ask him how to be part of this mission.

A few months after the seminar in March 2012, Fr. Terry called me and said the Mill Hill Missionaries at Philippines agreed to enrol me as a student. I was filled with joy and very excited at that moment. From that experience, I learnt to adapt and accept that as a missionaries we are ‘here today, there tomorrow.’

valentine arthur(Pre Initiation Year)Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


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Rev. FR. SuRain doRai RajParish Priest

Church of Jesus CaritasKepong, Kuala Lumpur.

OBEDIENCEObedience, Cardinal Timothy Dolan says, ‘is simply conforming our lives to

the will of God, submitting our wills to his dominion as expressed in the scriptures, tradition and magisterium of the church, in natural law and those expressed by our superiors, in the dictates of a well-formed conscience and in the promptings of the Holy Spirit interpreted prudently in discernment’. In short, for Catholics, obedience is about listening, understanding and living the teachings of the Church, which is the mouth piece of God.

Bonhoeffer summarizes the call to obedience as follows, “Only those who obey can believe and only those who believe can obey”. The call to obedience first involves the ability to say “I believe that the promise of greater things by God will be fulfilled even though I am not able to see now.” Secondly, the ability to say “Thy will be done; I trust, surrender and lay down my will to God.”

Yet in reality we, as individuals and society, seem to think that true happiness comes only when we have the license to do what we want. We aspire for total freedom and advocate autonomy. We defy God, especially when our needs and desires are called to question. We prefer to say the contrary, “I know” and “I will do it my way”.

Why are priests called to obedience?

St. Peter Chrysologus, Doctor of the Church says this: “Let us put on the complete image of our creator so as to be wholly like him, not in the glory that he alone possesses but in … those qualities in which he chose to become and to be one with us”. If there is then one good reason for obedience, it is this for me: there is something beyond ourselves that takes precedence: Christ in the world. If we are to be credible witnesses, then we need to put on the complete image of Christ, which is and will be a struggle, but it is the only way to witness.

Why is obedience vital for a priest?

The mandate we received from Christ is “to be in the world but not of the world”. We have not always observed this carefully. Some of our actions and decisions have caused the church pain and embarrassment over history. But this only affirms the humanness which the church is composed of. That is why we must conform to Christ and submit in obedience to the church that is still looking at Him, trusting in the voices that call our obedience. We can heal and bring renewal to the Church and humanity. I myself am one of these voices as a pastor of a parish community who must echo “i believe” and “thy will be done”. I am reminded of this every morning at the invitatory psalm ‘O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts’ (Ps 94) - so that little by little, I hope my obedience to Christ leads me to be like Him.

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To listen… to be obedient, first I need to cultivate the virtue of listening.bonaventuRe

Listen and think about it carefully and respond with respect, patience, tolerance and humility…this is obedience.dannie luiS

The ultimate keyword of obedience is to listen, respect and act in response if it is right in God’s eyes.cyRil ian GeoRGe

Obedience to be chosen, called and sent. Everything is in our hands, God-willing, to be followed through with my obedience.Roy

I have learnt more about the

importance of being obedient to

our superiors regarding the tasks

given to me, especially if the

matter is my responsibility.


Obedience is the foundation that helps me to grow wiser as a person.bRyan yeonG

Obedience is not only obeying someone, but also listening to someone not only with the ears but also from my heart.KonStend

Obedience is a virtue that can be easily described, but it’s difficult to follow. Obedience is the “bottom line” in my life.michel daSS

Initially, I said ‘No’ to my parish priest when he asked me to join the seminary. Later, I showed my obedience when I said ‘Yes’ at last.henRRy umaR

obedienTBe His Heart . Be His Hands . Be His Voice.

Obedience is ...

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When I was invited to write an article on celibacy, two incidents ran through my mind immediately. Firstly, I was taken back to the moment when I first told my parents that I wanted to join the seminary. My mother, like most mothers, had a great concern about who would look after me in my old age since I will not have a family of my own as I would have to take the promise of celibacy. The second experience that came to my mind was while in the seminary, I had hurt my back playing football and needed physiotherapy to help with the recovery process. In one of the sessions, the therapist, a Muslim, discovered that I was studying to be a priest and was interested to know more. In the course of the conversation, he was shocked to discover that Catholic priests do not get married. He innocently asked me, “How is it possible for you to live alone for the rest of your life without a wife and children?” He could not perceive such a life and gave me a blank look.

I guess for many people, the word ‘celibacy’ is associated with loneliness. Although it is no fault of theirs, because the media portrays that being alone is unnatural and therefore concludes that aloneness is loneliness. Celibacy is aloneness but never loneliness. It is not my intention here to give a theological discourse on celibacy but rather to share one aspect of celibacy as experienced by me in living out this promise that I made at my ordination.

Traditionally, those in formation for priesthood are reminded that the promise of celibacy is for the purpose of loving those entrusted to the care of the priest. If the priest had his own family, it would not be possible for him as a priest to give himself unconditionally. Celibacy cannot only be a practical way of living for the sake of ministering effectively. The centrality of celibacy is love - to love and to be loved. Love cannot just be unilateral but to be complete, has to be bilateral. To love those entrusted to priests can at times turn out to be purely functional but to allow one to be loved can be transformational. In my experience, it is this that makes me more human, less functional but more relational; and good relationships transform. Celibacy must embrace the totality of this love whose source is in Jesus Christ.

For many newly ordained priests, the enthusiasm of the ministry takes precedence over everything else because this is what we were prepared for. However, the realization of this other dimension of celibacy only comes much later. In my early years I was afraid to be loved by others probably because in my mind it had been registered as a sign of weakness and sometimes the fear of being accused of showing favouritism. However, at some point in one’s journey, this fear must be confronted or else priests can remain functional and not relational. It does not help in any way when we put up a wall around us and not allow ourselves to be loved by others, as this can only be detrimental to the living out the wholesomeness of the ministerial priesthood. It is only when I allow people to love me that I can love more. It is not that I go out seeking to be loved for this is selfish; but the willingness to journey with others. As much as the community needs a priest, the priest also needs the community. Seen this way, in choosing the life of celibacy, I may be alone but I am not lonely.

celibacy is not something to be feared but to be embraced. For us who choose the celibate life, the capacity to love and to be loved is founded on the love of God. it is a love that is pure and life giving. celibate love not only empowers those whom we encounter and minister but it is also life-giving to the one who is called to love - the priest.

Rev. FR. claRence devadaSS

Priest in ResidenceChurch of the Sacred Heart,

Kuala Lumpur.Director of Archdiocesan

Pastoral Institute (API).

I may be alone but I am not



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We Seminarianssay chastity is ...

Purity of our heart, body and soul, a balanced and good attitude and clean mindedness - all this lead towards chastity.dannie luiS

The experience of love, light and the cross from Christ will guide me to a chaste life.bonaventuRe

Chastity is not just about giving up sexual intercourse; it’s about giving up your life to God happily and open heartedly.Roy

Chastity is a vow that shows the beauty of a promise by which a person offers his sexual life to God.bRyan yeonG

Chastity is to live a pure life. I am opting out from a sinful life for the greater glory of God.KonStend

To be chaste is to embrace the kingdom of God by choosing to live in a pure atmosphere, standing firm in maintaining moral purity and virtues. henRRy

The root word is “Chaste”. For me it means being pure, honest and true. No mask wearing. “I am who am I.michel daSS

Chastity is a gift of God, we humans can pray for the gift, but God is the one who grants it.cyRil ian GeoRGe


enChastity is the virtue by which a person who is capable of passion deliberately loves with an undivided heart. deSmond

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Evangelical Counsel

of Poverty

A wealthy older gentleman had just recently married a lovely young lady, and was beginning to wonder whether she might have married him for his money. So he asked her, “Tell me the truth: if I lost all my money, would you still love me?” She said reassuringly, “Oh honey, don’t be silly. Of course I would still love you. And I’d also miss you terribly.” No Money! No Honey!

Evangelical poverty is a clear and concrete way of manifesting, that God is the only true wealth for the human person. Lived according to the example of Christ who being rich became poor, it is the expression of the total giving of self that happens reciprocally among the three divine Persons. The consecrated person, imitating Christ’s poverty, acknowledges Him as the Son who receives everything from the Father and divests Himself of everything out of love.

We are poor in order to be, like Christ, Totally Free, Available and United. Evangelical poverty has an apostolic meaning because, in a society marked by a materialistic greed for possessions that blinds people to the needs and sufferings of those who are the weakest and that lacks any consideration for a balanced use of natural resources, it appears as a charism of simplicity, austerity and solidarity.

No Money or Hidden Treasure?

No money — this is the definition of poverty the world will give you. It seems no more than renunciation and sacrifice. But for those of us who have faith in Jesus, can we put a positive spin on poverty? If faith is alive, then, yes! Where the world sees it as material wealth, we see a hidden treasure. Yes, we give things up, but for the sake of clinging to God. Poverty, in the first place, doesn’t mean I spend no money. It means I spend all my “money” on him. I spend all my resources on him. All my faculties and possessions, even my time, become his property and my free gift. And because every free choice necessarily implies a renunciation of what I don’t choose, poverty entails sacrifice. But wouldn’t we be foolish to miss the treasure and see nothing but the price tag?

“Poverty proclaims that God is man’s only real treasure” (John Paul II, On Consecrated Life, n. 21). Ultimately, it is faith in Jesus’ word and example that unveils this hidden treasure. “So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What

are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you besides” (Mt 6:31-33).

Don’t let the world get you down. Be strong and know that if you long to give yourself fully to God through poverty, you aspire to a noble way. Such was the path chosen by Our Lord. Such is the way he chooses for many privileged souls who come after him.

If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (Mt 19:21).

Clement of Alexandria, describing the person who has come to know God, wrote, “He impoverishes himself out of love, so that he is certain he may never overlook a brother in need, especially if he knows he can bear poverty better than his brother. He likewise considers the pain of another as his own pain. And if he suffers any hardship because of having given out of his own poverty, he does not complain.”

Diocesan priests are consecrated to God by their ordination. This consecration is of the nature of a charism, in that it is ordered towards the sanctification and salvation of others, not directly to the sanctification of the Priest himself. This consecration brings with it a particular obligation to live the evangelical counsels, in order that he might grow in his spousal love for Christ’s Church. Regardless, the spirit of the counsels, the spirit of mortification, must be lived by every priest, so that the priest who offers sacrifice at the altar is also offering the sacrifice of his own life.

Rev. FR. maRtin aRlando

Parish Priest Church of Divine Mercy,

Sungai Ara, Penang.

Director of Penang Diocesan Youth Network (PDYN).

God is the only

true wealth for the

human person

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What is Povertyto us

valentineFor me, poverty

is not only in terms of money and belongings, but also poverty

in spirit – leading us to

experience the love of God.

bonaventuRe Emptying

myself fully and becoming fully

available to God will help

me to embrace poverty.

aaRonPoverty is about what you have and don’t have, such as money, material things

and non-material things.

eldenI am learning

more about life and poverty;

Challenges will come, but so

also will ways to face them.

KonStend Poverty is not

just about things of the

world, but it is about something

within – that I am able to share my life

with everyone.

cyRil ian GeoRGe

Poverty can be seen not only

in terms of money, but also in terms of faith – if we find lack

faith in Jesus.

michel daSS Poverty is to

live with what we need and

not what don’t need; living in


RoyPoverty is not

just about being poor but also

humble and not asking for what does not belong

to us.

deSmondA person who is poor in material things but rich

in faith has salvation in the

kingdom of God.

bRyan yeonGIn my under-

standing, poverty is living a simple life and allowing God to decide what is needed in our


dannie luiS Poverty is all about what is necessary

according to my state of life and

being aware of my total

dependence on God.

henRRy Poverty is

to renounce everything that

may lead me away from our Creator, to care for the world rather than

living a selfish, worldly life.

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Borneo Care Semi

nar 2014IC Parish Family Day

Korean Martyrs’ Feast

Marriage Encounter 2014

Merdeka Eve CHS Youth Party

Bishop Emeritus Selva’s Anniversary

Fr Julian’s Farewell

College General Street Soccer Friendly

Mooncake Festival

Visit to Hindu Temple Sathiya’s Farewell

Archbishop Julian’s Ordination Dinner

Archbishop Julian’s Episcopal Ordination

Manual Labour

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Deepavali Celebration in


August 30 Merdeka Eve CHS Youth Party 31 Immaculate Conception Parish Family DaySeptember 1 Bishop Emeritus Selva’s Anniversary 9 Mooncake Festival 13 Visit to Hindu Temple 14 Migrant Sunday @ CDM 16 Malaysia Day @ PCC 19 Korean Martyrs’ Feast 26 Borneo Care Seminar 2014 30 Sathiya’s Farewell

Borneo Care Semi

nar 2014

Visit to Shree Kunji Bihari


Visit to Gurdwara

Inter Faith Memorial Service

Penang Bridge Marathon21




in a Glimpse

Manual Labour

All Souls


Inter Faith Memorial Service October

6 Archbishop Julian’s Episcopal Ordination 6 Archbishop Julian’s Ordination Dinner 8 Fr Julian’s Farewell 18 Visit to Gurdwara 25 College General Street Soccer Friendly November 1 All Saints Day 2 All Souls Day 7 Visit to Shree Kunji Bihari Temple 8 Inter Faith Memorial Service 27 Penang Bridge Marathon

All Souls Day

Deepavali in Sathiya’s House

Visit to Gurdwara

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do, and

light will


Dear Friends I was 19 when I joined the major seminary of my Diocese. Now in every seminary there were some students who had heard again and again a powerful call from Jesus to include in their lives, as part of their secular vocation to priesthood, the preaching of the Gospel in some non-Christian country. Some organizations had been set up to take care of such young men; MEP (Missions Etrangeres de Paris) was one of them. I joined the MEPs.

They trained us, purified our Apostolic Zeal and sent us to one of the countries of Asia. Paris would remain in touch with them, told them to remember who they were, sent them occasional bits of money and they left them under the care of their local Bishops. From now on, they lived and served like the other priests around. In their ministry, they were 90% or 95% “Secular Priests” while the rest (still precious) MEPs. I was sent to the College General of Penang. In future I was to preach to the “Pagans”, but only, or mostly through the local priests; I was helping to form new Christians but would do it through the preaching of local priests.

After 20 years at the College, in 1970, having now become a Malaysian Citizen, I joined the parish ministry of K.L.

My joys: more or less like the other priests around, I was meeting people, working with the FMM sisters, with SVP, with Marriage Encounter (Joyful Time) with the Charismatics, with the BECs and I enjoyed all this. I enjoyed the Sunday liturgy. I never preached any retreats — all the convents would know from the start it was not my gift! I enjoyed writing “Parables” for the parish bulletin. My joy was to be a friend and to be a co-worker with the other priests: Among the MEPs, Fr. Gilbert Griffon – so gifted, so zealous — was my model. Who could forget the never ending hospitality of Msgr. Aloysius? Who could forget Fr. Sullivan S.J. and his living out of Evangelical Poverty? My joy was to be with the children as well as married couples.

My sorrows were those of other priests sometimes burdened by periods of discouragement, the coldness of some of those I met at times It was also the fact that I was unable to speak other languages except English. My sorrow was when one of my best friends left the ministry for a girl of his parish without saying a word. He is not the only one who went away without leaving an address. You are afraid to be lonely; half of the people are in fact lonely for long periods. A priest once told me “but how come we have so many friends?”

About sex... You have done pretty well so far after a long, very long time of training. Sex activities without friendship do not fill your heart. Friendship and Prayer can feel it.Too demanding? — ask some priest.

Demanding moments? Yes, mostly it is ordinary things you can

do with ease or can learn.

Losing my faith, my vision, “Do, and light will come” says the Bible. Pray. Meet people who pray.

Keep doing what you do well and rejoice when you have healed the heart and soul of someone — in the confessional, for example.

God is closer to you than you think!

Goodbye Friends, let me pray for you with joy — I have spoken mostly about myself but always having you in my mind.

Rev. FR. andRew volle mePRetired in Church of the Assumption,Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Joys & Challenges of the Diocesan Priesthood

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Joys & Challenges of the Diocesan Priesthood

I am Fr. John K.L. Chong from Kuching Archdiocese, Sarawak. I entered St. Peter’s Seminary, Kuching in 1980 and was ordained a priest on 26 August 1987. I am currently serving at St. Stephen’s Parish, Bau, Sarawak.

The day of ordination was a day of great joy for me. It strengthened my desire to promote God’s kingdom of peace and justice. It was also a day of joy for the parish and the diocese to have another priest and it showed clearly in the faces of all who attended my ordination.

The ministries in the various parishes gave me great joy too. It was a joy to visit a community for the celebration of the Eucharist or Baptism. It was a joy to bring communion to the sick, the house-bound and the aged too. It was a joy to be part of the life of the community in which I served.

It was also a joy to be sent by my bishop for further studies and to experience the Christian faith in other parts of the world. It proved that the love and grace of God transcend all cultures, languages and races. The faith in Christ Jesus proved that we can live as one family, with a common goal.

It was also a great joy to be able to train young men for the priesthood, to journey with them and to help them seek their vocation. And it was a great joy to see some of them being ordained to the priesthood.

Some of the challenges that I faced was firstly, when I got my transfers. After getting to know the faithful in a parish, it was painful to move to another parish. The truth of detachment becomes a reality, not a theory anymore. Another challenge that I faced was with the change of parish, the change of priests that I worked with also changed. After coming to work well with the priests in a particular parish, a change would mean having to start again. The same goes with the places, environment and situation. But the challenges are overcome with the desire to serve Christ and His church whenever I am or will be.

Another of the challenges that I faced as priest in the parish is the routine - day in, day out, the same type of ministry, people, and place. A ministry in the parish can become boring or dull if one does not see Christ or His mission. It calls for a deeper of faith and trust in the Lord Jesus through daily prayers, meditation and the reading of God’s Word.


Rev. FR. john chonGParish Priest

St. Stephen’s Church,Bau, Sarawak.

A ministry in the parish can become

boring or dull if one does

not see Christ or His mission

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I was sent to the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes at Silibin, Ipoh under the guidance of late Fr. Alexander Edwin in the year 1991. My experience with him was very inspiring. He was offering more than he could after years of service at the parish. I know he had much experience and this made him indeed valuable. Determined to gain as much as I could from my first pastoral experience, I observed to make sure that I learned everything I could from him.

After becoming a priest, I served as a temporary administrator at the Parish of Christ the King for a few months. I was under the guidance of Fr. Maiccal Sinappan who was then the parish priest. I also served in other parishes mainly in giving formation and celebrating the Eucharist.

I’ve pondered on events in parishes so often and so deeply. I know if I don’t I’ll never move forward. Some of my experiences have tried me. More importantly, I wasn’t going to gain anything by not looking back. While no two days are exactly alike, each day is a new chapter in the life of a priest. There’s no ‘typical’ day for a priest. My experience with diocesan priests taught me that it is not much about what a priest does, but what a priest is.

I am able to integrate my previous experiences with diocesan priests in forming the Church of St. Francis of Assisi as a mission-oriented parish which seeks and invites others to friendship with Jesus. We listen to each other’s view on matters concerning pastoral works. Good communication with priests is essential to the life of the church since it paves ways to the growth of an active community which focuses on evangelization. There were times I was huffing and puffing in fulfilling my pastoral duties; nevertheless, the presence of the diocesan priests made everything possible. Although we are assigned to serve in a certain geographical area, there is a close bonding among us with an evangelical spirit of Christ.

I couldn’t thank enough all those priests for lending help by celebrating mass in my parish; demonstrating the Gospel by words; attitudes and deeds. I would like to end my sharing by quoting what Pope Francis has written on his latest Apostolic Exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’: “if we can help one person live a better life, that justifies the offering of my life. our heart becomes filled with faces and names”.

Rev. FR. andRew manicKam oFm, caPParish PriestChurch of St. Francis of Assisi,Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.Member of Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team.


Joys & Challenges of the Diocesan Priesthood

... it is not much about what a priest does, but what a priest is


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The Experience of Working with

Diocesan Priests

It is with gratitude that I take this opportunity to share my experiences while working for God’s greater glory.

Over the past 20 years I have been blessed to have worked in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, the Diocese of Melaka-Johor and now in the Penang Diocese. Currently, I am helping out at College General working with the seminarians and in the formation programmes of Diocesan Pastoral Care Ministry.

Throughout this period I have encountered many bishops and priests and I have been encouraged, enlightened and enriched by the passion and commitment of some of them. The presence of God in their lives has challenged and inspired me in tangible and intangible ways. Allow me to share some of my experiences.

I was privileged to have worked with a few… I remember especially an elderly priest, who was physically ill for many years. He exemplified beautifully what perseverance and sacrifice meant. Although he could hardly bend and was in continuous pain, he still celebrated daily Eucharist with great devotion. I witnessed him one Maundy Thursday Mass during Holy Week. As difficult as it was, he would go down on his knees to meaningfully wash the feet of the 12 people. This brought tears to many who were present. That experience had and still has a great impact in my life — “to give and not to count the cost”.

I also learnt the warmth and tenderness from a number of priests in their dealings with people, especially towards the “poor” and their initiatives to help them experience God’s presence in their lives. These experiences encourage me to do likewise.

On the other hand, I have also experienced sadness and pain in many situations — fear, unexplained rejection, strange behaviour — which were discomforting and hurting. However in all the negativity, I learnt to be realistic, expect less, accept human weakness, to forgive and to let go. As these negative experiences continue, they remind me that I am vulnerable and that I need the Lord’s strength, courage and guidance — to take small steps to keep going daily. Yes, I am vulnerable — and I still have

lots of work to do on my own growth.

Working with the seminarians has been a great joy and a challenge as well. This is so when I see them coming to greater awareness of self and choosing to challenge themselves and responding to what God is asking of them. Seeing their positive changes — to have the courage to be really human, to discover the awesomeness of their “true self”— without putting on a mask — is a tremendous milestone towards building the Kingdom of God for them and

for me.

I praise God for all these years and experiences working in the Dioceses. I pray that our Church will explore more opportunities to work together as one people of God. There is so much synergy when the religious, the priests and the laity work together and support one another to build God’s kingdom.

SiS. cyRilla baPtiSt FmdmCurrently serves in

Mount Miriam Cancer HospitalFormation Programmes of

Diocesan Pastoral Care Ministry

There is so much synergy

when the religious, the

priests and the laity work


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The Charismof the Secular,DiocesanPriesthood It is said that if you want to discover the character of something, you need to return to its roots, so having been asked to write something on the secular priesthood, I have chosen to look at how Mill Hill came into East Malaysia, for it is a Society of secular priests.

140 years ago, Fr. Herbert Vaughan, the Founder of Mill Hill, was waiting outside the Office of Propaganda Fidei in Rome, having been lobbying for a mission for his infant Society. There, he fell into conversation with Mgr. Cuarteron, the Prefect

Apostolic of North Borneo, who was there to tender his resignation — he was old, sick and the work had got too much for him. He told Fr. Vaughan how Borneo was a difficult mission — thick forests, sickness and head-hunters — and no priest wanted to work there. On hearing this, Fr. Vaughan went back into the Office of Propaganda and said, “Then, give me Borneo” and shortly afterwards, it was granted.

The Mission proved to be as difficult at Mgr. Cuarteron had said. The missionaries endured great hardships, had very little money, but wherever they went, they reached out to in mercy to those in need. They started small schools and clinics and helped the people in whatever way they could and slowly small communities grew up — communities that

were always open to those in need, no matter what race or religion they belonged to. Their lives witness to what the Gospel is — it is mercy in action, especially towards those whom no one else wants.

Those early missionaries would be astonished to see the thriving communities that have grown up from their early work, but it is not enough for us just to have thriving parishes. The greatest gift those old pioneers gave us was their inspiration to love and serve all those in need — no matter what race or religion. This, I believe, is the heart and charism of the diocesan priesthood and without it although our parishes may thrive, they will have lost their soul. Here, moreover, is the distinction between the diocesan priest and the Religious. The Religious feels called to serve God in a certain way of life, but the secular priest must allow for no boundaries — all who live in the area assigned to him are given by God into his care. This charism marked out the missionaries and it still stands as the way the diocesan secular priest is faithful to God’s call.

Rev. FR. teRRy buRKe mhmLecturer in St. Peter’s College (SPC), Kuching, Sarawak.Writer of “Padi Seed” in Today’s Catholic(Kuching Archdiocese monthly Publication)

Their lives witness to what the Gospel is


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Our College Community

Sitted L to R: Aaron, Fr. Stanley, Fr. Julian, Fr. Gerard, Fr. Ignatius, Henrry.Standing from L to R: Roy, Desmond, Elden, Dannie, Konstend, Bonaventure, Cyril, Michel, Valentine, Bryan.

Mr RajuEnglish teacher

Behind: Jacob, Bonaventure, KonstendFront: Geraldine, Anne, Megan

Behind: Faye, Angeline, Middle: Bonaventure, Fr Stanley,

LazarusFront: Konstend

Mission HistoryDr. Steven (Lecturer), Konstend, Bonaventure




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Lim Seong HoonEnglish Teacher

College General Staff and Lecturers

L to R: Vincent (Administrator), Maryanne (Admin Assist.), Michele (Librarian)

Bal BahadurEnglish Gardener

Dr Francis LohIntroduction to Malaysian

Social RealitiesLecturer

Sundra RajaGeneral Worker & Security

SR Margarete Sta MariaSalvation History


Suk Bahadur TomangGardener

Tan Paik ChooCook

Fr Edmund WoonCounselor

SR Cyrilla FMDMCounselor

Francis LohVolleyball Coach

Fr Ignatius HuanDevelopmental Psychology

and Siritual GrowthLecturer

Lucia OoiEnglish teacher

Edwin JohnsonSpeech Teacher

Madam MarieyspusponTamil Teacher

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Korea, 6th Sept. 1839

Dear fellow members, bishops and priests – Divine Providence who has directed us through so many obstacles in this mission, has allowed the peace we were enjoying be disturbed by a violent persecution. The description of it given by his Lordship (Mgr IMBERT) before being taken to jail, and to be sent if possible together with this letter, will let you know the course and consequences of it: twenty-five Confessors have been beheaded, five died in the midst of tortures or as a result, more than a hundred and fifty are in chains, the number of apostates is not small. On several occasions, his Lordship thought of surrendering himself so as to save his flock. Since we were not concerned ourselves in such torments and cries, “Renounce the faith and save your life!” We were afraid of making things worse by giving ourselves up. Towards the end of July we were happy to meet together. His Lordship intended to send us back to China and to receive the palm of martyrdom himself alone! Such proposal afflicted us greatly; the obvious danger of death to which the boat owners and their families would be exposed made us abandon the idea.

Today, 6th September, for the second time, we receive the order from his Lordship to present ourselves for martyrdom. We have the sweet pleasure of going off after having celebrated the last sacrifice. It is so comforting to be able to say with St. Gregory: “UNUM AD PALMAM ITER PRO CHRISTO MORTEM APPETERE” (There is only one way to the palm, that is the desire to die for CHRIST). Since we are happy to obtain such beautiful palm which is said to be sweet to the taste, shady for resting and honourable for triumph, please offer many thanksgivings to the good Lord and do not fail to send help to our dear converts who are about to find themselves like orphans once again.

If this could give courage to those of you who are to take our place, I have the honour of making the announce-ment that the Minister Y, the actual great persecutor, had three big swords made to cut off more heads. If there is something which could make us less happy than we are at this moment of departure, it would be to leave these fervent converts whom we have been happy to serve during three years and who love us as the Galatians loved St. Paul. However, we are on the way to such a great festival that we cannot let sadness enter our heart. We have the honour to recommend these converts to your warm charity.

Receive our humble good-bye, unite in prayers, good works, sufferings and holy sacrifices; I remain with great respect, your very humble and obedient servant and colleague.

J.H. CHASTAN6-9-1839


Farewell letter of St. J. CHASTAN to members of MEP Society

Remembering Our Martyrs Called, Chosen and Sent — Even Unto DeathRemembering Our Martyrs Called, Chosen and Sent — Even Unto Death

Page 33: Sinaran 2014


Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim

The announcement of the new Archbishop

CongratulationsArchbishopJulian Leow Beng Kim

Page 34: Sinaran 2014



God, our Father,

Your Son, Jesus calls us

to take up our crosses daily

and follow Him as His disciples.

Help us to appreciate

your choice of each one of us

in the gift of our vocation.

Aid us to discern and choose

Your will in our lives.

As we strive to integrate

our worship, study and life,

help us to listen and be led by the Spirit.

Send us to share with others

— through word and deed

— what we hear and see in the Scriptures,

in all that we have learnt

and what You have done in our lives.

Thank you Father,

for giving us each other

as companions on this journey.

May we remain always one with You

and each other and all of creation.

May Mary, whom you called, chose and sent

intercede for us

that we too might faithfully respond to Your call.


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