simulation 10

Upload: timothy-williams

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Sim 10



WORKSHEET for Simulation 10: Social Judgment

What was the independent variable in the present (simulated) study?

What was the dependent variable in the present (simulated) study?

Please attach a printout of the summary of your results. In general, subjects show stereotypical results on the following 6 personality dimensions. For each dimension, indicate whether your results were consistent with the stereotypes that people usually show.

Personality DimensionConsistent with sterotype?

Warm vs. cold____________

Competent vs. incompetent____________

Confident vs. timid____________

Conscientious vs. lazy____________

Cheerful vs. moody____________

Stable vs. unstable____________

Subjects usually do not show stereotypical judgments on the following two personality dimensions. Did you show any evidence of stereotypical responding on these two dimensions?

Honest vs. dishonest____________

Generous vs. selfish____________

Like many studies in social psychology, this one required a little deception. Did this deception bother you? Please explain why or why not.