simulated reality

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  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated RealityPhilosophy Through the Centuries


    Unlimited (UPT)

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Philosophers propose the possibility that we exist inside a


    Everything we see around us is part of an elaborate simulation,

    running inside a super computer

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    The Simulated Universe argument suggests that everythingispart of the simulation.

    Planets, stars, comets, galaxies, blackholesall part of the


    Simulated Universe

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    How could it be possible?

    1. It is possible for a computer to simulate anything that

    behaves like a computer

    2. Much like a computer, the universe is a system that follows

    a finite, pre-defined set of rules

    3. Because the universe operates according to a finite set of

    rules, it follows that it can be simulated by a computer

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Philosophers such as Nick Bostrom argue that if it is possiblefor us to simulate a universe, then it is likelythat we actually

    exist in a simulated universe.

    Why?1. If it is possible (in theory) for us to build a simulated universe, then we will

    probably do so in the future

    2. Species that evolve inside the simulation will one day build their own


    3. Species that evolve inside that simulation will one day build their own


    4. This nesting of simulations can continue almost infinitely

    5. Because of the infinite number of child universes, it is more likely that we

    exist in one of the simulations than the one parent universe.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    How does it all work?

    When you look at a computer running a simulated universe, youcannot view its universe on a monitor

    It is notvirtual reality

    It is not like playing Second LifeorThe Sims. There are nographics involved

    Its all done with numbersimmensely complicated manipulation

    of data structures

    These numbers representthe laws of physics, energy and matterin the simulated universe

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    As the program runs, the numbers are manipulated by the

    program rulesjust as matter in the universe is manipulated by

    the laws of physics

    The data structures grow in complexity, yielding a growing


    Life evolves inside the simulated universe and eventually beings

    emerge that can create their own simulated universes

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    From the designers point of view the computer contains nothing

    but data structures

    But from the point of view of the inhabitants of the simulation, it

    is all real

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    It is important to note that the computer is not simulating every

    single sub-atomic particle in the universe

    Nick Bostrom points out that this would be infeasible and

    unnecessary. It only needs to simulate local phenomena.

    Distant galaxies only require compressed representationbecause they are too distant to distinguish individual atoms

    We can take this idea further

    Perhaps the entire simulation is compressed

    The inhabitants interpretthe universe as being made from

    atoms. After all, we cannot actually see atoms. We infer

    their existence.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Origin of the Simulated Universe argument

    Frank Tipler proposed the idea in his 1994 bookThe Physics of Immortality

    Tipler suggests that future beings will have the technology to

    create simulated universes

    Future beings will have an advanced morality, which will

    compel them to recreate all beings who have existed

    ProblemTipler is assuming the morality of future beings. It is possible

    that future creatures will have serious moral problems with

    recreating past beings.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    How would we know?

    Search for cluesor perhaps easter eggs

    We might detect imperfections in the simulation

    In 2001, discovery of an ancient shift in the speed of light

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Discovery came from observations of distant quasars, scientists

    detected a change in the fine structure constant--a ratio

    involving the speed of light

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Another explanation

    Theorists suggest that the space/time continuum may be

    stretching in some way

    This could result in a gradual change in the speed of light

    Significant discovery because constants are unchanging and

    defined by the laws of physics

    Could this glitch be evidence that we live in a simulation?

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Video on Simulated Universe

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Problems with Simulated Universe arguments

    1. Problem of Morality

    Nick Bostrom (like Tipler) thinks future species will feel a moral

    obligation to create simulated universes.

    He thinks human existence is ofhigh ethical value, so creating

    simulations with creatures like us will make the world a better


    This assumption is essential for the argument to work.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe


    as mentioned earlier, we cannot assume future morality

    Consider life on Earth

    Animals destroy each other to survive

    Members of the most intelligent species on Earth:1. Tell lies

    2. Torture children

    3. Kill animals

    4. Pollute the environment

    5. Kill each other out of greed

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    Future species may have serious moral problems with

    recreating this world.

    This means that it may be extremely unlikely that we exist ina simulated universe

    Therefore, the likelihood that future species will create a

    simulation may be lower than Bostrom estimates

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    2. This sort of argument clutters our ontology

    Can we explain phenomena in this universe without positing theexistence of parent universes?

    If so, the parent universes offer nothing and are unnecessary for

    our model of the world.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Simulated Universe

    For reasons of economy we must reject the Simulated Universeargument. It clutters our world view and is unnecessary.

  • 8/8/2019 Simulated Reality


    Powerpoint by BRENT

    Produced at Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti

    Christchurch, New Zealand reading:

    Bostrom, Nick (2002), Are You Living in a Computer Simulation,

    Silby, Brent. (2007), The Simulated Universe,