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    Journal of Nuclear Science and TechnologyPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration

    of the BWR Main Steam Lines and DryerRyo MORITA

    a, Shiro TAKAHASHI

    b, Keita OKUYAMA

    b, Fumio INADA

    a, Yukio OGAWA


    Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWAc

    aCentral Research Institute of Electric Power Industry , 2-11-1 Iwado Kita, Komae-shi,

    Tokyo , 201-8511 , JapanbHitachi Ltd., Energy & Environmental Systems Laboratory , 7-2-1 Omika-cho, Hitachi-

    shi, Ibaraki , 319-1221 , JapancHtachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. , 1-1-3 Saiwai-cho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki , 317-0073 ,

    JapanPublished online: 05 Jan 2012.

    To cite this article:Ryo MORITA , Shiro TAKAHASHI , Keita OKUYAMA , Fumio INADA , Yukio OGAWA & Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA(2011) Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer, Journal of Nuclear

    Science and Technology, 48:5, 759-776

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  • 7/24/2019 Simulacion de Vibraciones en Tuberias


    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration

    of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer

    Ryo MORITA1;, Shiro TAKAHASHI2, Keita OKUYAMA2, Fumio INADA1,

    Yukio OGAWA3 and Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA3

    1Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2-11-1 Iwado Kita, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan2Hitachi, Ltd. Energy & Environmental Systems Laboratory, 7-2-1 Omika-cho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki 319-1221, Japan

    3Htachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., 1-1-3 Saiwai-cho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki 317-0073, Japan

    (Received February 14, 2010 and accepted in revised form October 23, 2010)

    The boiling water reactor (BWR-3) steam dryer in the Quad Cities (QC) Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant

    was damaged by high-cycle fatigue due to acoustic-induced vibration. The cause of the dryer failure was

    considered as flow-induced acoustic resonance at the stub pipes of the safety relief valve (SRV) in themain steam lines (MSLs). The acoustic resonance was considered to be generated by the interaction

    between the sound field and an unstable shear layer across the closed side branches of SRVs. We have

    started a research program on BWR steam dryers to develop methods of evaluating the loading. Moreover,

    it is necessary to evaluate the dryer integrity of BWR-5 plants, which are the main type of BWR in Japan.

    In the present study, we conducted 1/10-scale BWR model tests and analysis to investigate the flow-

    induced acoustic resonance and acoustic characteristics in MSLs. The test apparatus consisted of a steam

    dryer, a steam dome, and 4 MSLs with 20 SRV stub pipes. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis

    was conducted to evaluate the acoustic source in MSLs. Finite element method (FEM) was applied to

    calculate the three-dimensional wave equations for acoustic analysis. We demonstrated that large fluctu-

    ating pressure occurred in the high- and low-frequency regions. The high-frequency fluctuating pressure

    was generated by the flow-induced acoustic resonance in the SRV stub pipes. We evaluated the acoustic

    source (that is, the fluctuating pressure) in MSLs by unsteady CFD calculations, and we evaluated the

    pressure propagation by acoustic analysis. These results were verified by comparison with the results of

    scale-model tests, and they showed good agreement with the experimental results. The effects of the

    difference between the properties of air and steam were numerically investigated, and it was found that the

    effects on the acoustic resonance in the SRV stub pipes were not significant.

    KEYWORDS: boiling water reactor, power uprate, main steam lines, dryer, safety relief valve,

    acoustic vibration, flow-induced acoustic resonance, computational fluid dynamics analysis,

    acoustic analysis

    I. Introduction

    As a method of obtaining higher electric power from

    existing nuclear power stations, power uprate has been wide-ly used in many countries. Power uprate involves increasing

    the thermal power output from a nuclear power reactor to

    above the rated power. In the United States, more than 120

    power uprate applications up to 120% power level have been

    approved since the 1970s, and more than 5,700 MWe of

    electricity has been generated by power uprate. In European

    power plants, a significant power uprate has often been

    implemented as part of a plant modernization program to

    improve plant performance. In Japan, power uprate has re-

    cently been considered as an effective method of increasing

    the amount of electric power from existing nuclear power

    plants and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, it

    is expected that power uprate will be introduced and widely

    carried out here in the near future, so that it will be necessary

    to evaluate the dryer integrity of BWR-5 plants, which arethe main type of BWR in Japan.

    In recent years, extended power uprate (EPU) has been

    implemented in many BWRs (Fig. 1) in the US. The boiling

    water reactor (BWR-3) in the Quad Cities (QC) Unit 2

    Nuclear Power Plant experienced a significant increase in

    steam moisture in the main steam lines (MSLs) while oper-

    ating under EPU conditions.1) Inspection revealed that the

    BWR-3 steam dryers in QC-2 had been damaged by high-

    cycle fatigue due to acoustic-induced vibration under 117%

    EPU conditions. In actual plant tests in QC-2 with measure-

    ment sensors installed in the reactor vessel, it was observed

    that the acoustic loading of the steam dryers increased sig-nificantly with the implementation of EPU. It was also ob-

    served that the fluctuating pressure was significantly increas-

    2011 Atomic Energy Society of Japan, All Rights Reserved.

    Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected]

    Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 48, No. 5, p. 759776 (2011)



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    ed along with increased flow velocity in MSLs due to EPU

    implementation. The principal cause of the dryer failure was

    considered as flow-induced acoustic resonance in the safety

    relief valve (SRV) stub pipes. After investigation, it was

    concluded that significant loading on the dryer was caused

    by the fluctuating pressure generated in the SRV stub pipesthat propagated to the dryers through MSLs (Fig. 2).

    From the dryer failure experience in QC-2, it became

    apparent that the quantitative evaluation of dryer loading is

    important for BWRs for which power uprate is planned. As a

    practical method of confirming dryer integrity under EPU

    operation, the fluctuating pressure in the MSLs was meas-

    ured with strain gages on the MS pipes in actual US plants.

    Dryer loading was evaluated using the strain data obtained

    through acoustic analysis, and the integrity of the dryer

    against acoustic load under actual plant operation conditions

    could be evaluated. However, to assess the dryer integrity in

    the planning process of power uprate, it would be more

    desirable to predict the dryer loading using scale tests orby analysis before implementing the uprate conditions in the

    actual plant. For this purpose, we made trial analyses using

    computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element

    method (FEM) approaches to predict dryer loading, and

    we have started a research program to develop evaluation

    methods of BWR dryer loading. Our evaluation research

    program is shown in Fig. 3. The fluctuating pressure gener-

    ated in SRV stub pipes was calculated through CFD analysis.

    The fluctuating pressure propagated from SRV stub pipes to

    the dryer was evaluated through acoustic analysis. By input-

    ting the dryer loading in the structural analysis, the dryer

    stress was evaluated and its integrity was verified. Theseanalysis methods have been verified by comparison with

    scale tests using a 1/10-scale model of BWR-5 plants.

    Acoustic resonance is produced by the interaction be-

    tween the sound field and an unstable shear layer across

    the closed stub pipes of SRVs (Fig. 4). Fluctuating pressure

    or sound is generated by the unsteady motion of vortices.

    The resonance of the quarter-wavelength mode is excited by

    the vortex sound in the SRV stub pipes. If the vortex shed-

    ding frequency is close to the resonance frequency, the

    vortex shedding frequency is locked at the resonance fre-

    quency. Through this feedback mechanism, highly intense

    fluctuating pressure occurs in the SRV stub pipes.The phenomenon of flow-induced acoustic resonance in

    the SRV stub pipes has been investigated by many research-

    ers. The acoustic resonance frequency can be evaluated us-

    ing the geometry of SRV stub pipes and the speed of sound,

    and the prediction of acoustic resonance is considered to be

    possible.2) The occurrence of acoustic resonance can be

    judged by the relation between acoustic resonance frequency

    and vortex shedding frequency or Strouhal number (St). It

    seems that peak excitation occurs around St:

    Weaver and MacLeod2) investigated the effects of the radius

    of the stub pipe entrance, and they suggested guidelines for

    designing SRV stub pipes including a suitable entrance

    radius to prevent the flow-induced vibration. Boldwin andSimmons5) measured the pulsation and vibration at SRVs

    in actual power plants and identified the threshold of the

    resonance. However, as these studies were based on air flow

    rather than steam flow, which is used in actual nuclear power

    plants, the effects of fluids (differences between air flow and

    steam flow) are not clear. Moreover, the pressure propaga-

    tion to the MSLs and the stress on the dryer are unknown

    under the resonance condition. Therefore, in this study, we

    made flow calculations under the resonance condition and

    carried out the acoustic and structure analysis of MSLs and

    the dryer using the calculation results.

    The quantitative prediction of fluctuating pressure has alsobeen performed using scale tests. The scaling law is very

    important for the quantitative evaluation of actual plants

    Steam Dryer

    Steam Separator

    PLR Pump

    Reactor Core

    Jet Pump

    Fig. 1 Boiling water reactor (BWR)





    SRV Stub Pipe






    Upper View

    Acoustic Wave

    Fig. 2 BWR steam dome, dryer, and MSLs

    760 R. MORITAet al.


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    from scale test results. Weaver, MacLeod,


    and Ziada


    applied u2=2 (, density; u, velocity) to normalize the

    fluctuating pressure. Howe6) showed that the fluctuating

    pressure was proportional to u3=a(a, speed of sound) when

    there was a dipole acoustic source. Sommerville7) applied

    the scale model to investigate flow-induced acoustic reso-

    nance at SRV stub pipes and showed that the fluctuating

    pressure was proportional to a2 under the resonance con-

    dition.7) In this study, u2=2 was applied to normalize the

    fluctuating pressure.

    Many SRV stub pipes are mounted on the MS pipes in

    BWR main steam systems (MSSs). Acoustic characteristics

    are affected by these multiple SRV stub pipes. The intensity

    of the fluctuating pressure and the acoustic characteristicsare different from those in the case of a single SRV stub

    pipe,8) and the fluctuating pressure for multiple SRV stub

    pipes should be investigated for the BWR MSSs.

    Acoustic vibration is excited by the intense source of

    acoustic resonance of SRVs. Howe6) showed that the sound

    power of the acoustic source is generated by vortices con-

    vecting in a sound field, as well as the fluid velocity and

    other factors. The steam velocity in the MSLs is so high that

    intense turbulent energy related to the vortices is generated

    throughout MSLs. Therefore, we must focus on the location

    where acoustic resonance would be induced. Acoustic reso-

    nance is caused by the configuration of the sound field andthe properties of fluids. A change in flow channel geometry

    causes reflection of the sound. MSLs have flow channels that

    expand, diffuse, or change their flow area. Moreover, the

    arrangement and configuration of MSLs and branches de-

    pend on the nuclear power plant. It is possible that anotheracoustic resonance may be induced by branches of MSLs.

    The probability of occurrence of those other acoustic res-

    onances must be investigated to confirm the integrity of the


    In the present study, we demonstrated the cause of dryer

    failure by using numerical analysis and scale tests. We

    visualized a region of intense vorticity, which became the

    acoustic source (Sec. IV-1), at the SRV stub tube opening.

    We also verified the acoustic resonance in the SRV stub

    pipe (Sec. IV) and the propagation of fluctuating pressure to

    the dryer (Secs. V and VI).

    We also developed methods of evaluating the acousticsource (see Sec. IV). In-house CFD codes were applied,

    and air and steam calculations were conducted to evaluate

    the acoustic source in the MSLs. We clarified the effects of

    the difference between the properties of air and steam, and

    the effects of multiple stub pipes and the intensity of acoustic

    pressure on actual power plant conditions. Analysis methods

    were verified by comparison with scale tests.

    Finally, the integrity of BWR-5 dryer in Japan was eval-

    uated. This type of MSS was modeled for analysis and tests.

    The acoustic characteristics of multiple SRVs and dead legs,

    which are closed side branches, were also investigated

    (Sec. IV-2).

    II. BWR Main Steam Lines

    A typical BWR MSS is illustrated in Fig. 5. It mainly

    consists of a steam dome and 4 MSLs. BWR MSLs have two

    geometrically different lines referred to as MSL 1 and MSL

    2 in the present paper. MSL 1 and MSL 2 are downstream

    from the steam dome and around the SRVs as illustrated in

    Fig. 6. MSL 1 has 3 SRVs and MSL 2 has 7 SRVs. In MSL

    2, 4 SRVs (numbered SRV 47) are at the piping where the

    main steam flow crosses and 3 (SRV 13) are at the piping

    where flow stagnates. The SRV stub pipes where the main

    steam flow crosses (SRV 47) form the acoustic source. TheSRV stub pipes where the flow stagnates (SRV 13) cause

    the acoustic influence.

    Fig. 4 Flow-induced acoustic resonance of SRVs in MSL

    MSL StrainMeasurement







    Fluctuating Pressure





    Dryer VibrationMeasurement

    Dryer PressureMeasurement

    Evaluationof Integrity



    Actual Plant Analysis Scale Tests

    Fig. 3 Evaluation flow chart

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 761

    VOL. 48, NO. 5, MAY 2011

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    III. Test and Calculation Methods

    1. Single SRV Side Branch Tests

    The experimental apparatus, consisting of a compressor,

    accumulator, pressure-reducing valve, flow regulator, silenc-

    ers, and test section, is shown in Fig. 7. Air at room temper-

    ature and almost atmospheric pressure provided by a large

    compressor was used as a fluid instead of steam. The test

    section was composed of a main pipe and a stub pipe, which

    was made of transparent acrylic to allow visualization of the

    velocity fields inside the mouth of the stub pipe (Fig. 8). TheT-joint bifurcation had a sharp edge. All the cross sections of

    the main and stub pipes were circular with inner diameters D

    and d of 40 and 16 mm, respectively. The length of the

    entrance before the bifurcation was 62:5D. Silencers

    (50:0D long) were installed upstream and downstream from

    the test sections to reduce the noise from the compressor and

    pressure-regulating valve. The velocity of the main pipe flow

    was corrected by measuring the pressure, temperature, and

    flow rate of the main pipe flow with a pressure transducer

    (accuracy: 1%), T-type thermocouple (accuracy: 0:5 K),

    and flow cell flowmeter (accuracy: 2%), respectively. A

    series of experiments was performed by varying the velocityof the main pipe flow (580 m/s). The Mach number was the

    same as that of actual BWR plants and was approximately

    0.010.24. The two-dimensional velocity fields inside the

    mouth of the stub pipe were also measured using a particle

    image velocimetry (PIV) system, which is a nonintrusive

    measurement technique. In the PIV system, a high-speed

    camera captured the positions of flow-tracing particles at

    two known times by illuminating the particles using a laser

    sheet. In this visualization experiment, we used a double-

    pulse YAG laser (output: 120 mJ at 532 nm) and a high-

    speed CCD camera. The camera resolution was

    1;024 1;024pixels and the interrogation window was 32

    32pixels. To reduce the refraction due to the acrylic pipe atthe mouth of the side branch, we adopted the Scheimpflug

    condition for the stereoscopic-imaging configuration meth-

    od. In this method, the object plane, lens plane, and image

    plane intersected at one point (Fig. 8). Sequences of 200

    images were recorded with a temporal distance between two

    consecutive images, for which the time interval (t) was

    0.125 s. The velocity vector was evaluated in the interrog-

    ation window as the ratio between the average displacement

    of the particles and t. Particle displacement within the

    interrogation window was evaluated by applying a cross-

    correlation scheme. The tracer particles were a polypropy-

    lene glycol mist, and had an average particle diameter ofapproximately 1mmand a density of 1.34 kg/m3, almost the

    same as air. Therefore, the effects of the fluid viscosity/

    Steam DomeTurbine



    Upper View



    Fig. 5 Typical BWR main steam system

    SRV Stub Pipe

    Steam Dome


    Dead LegFlow



    SRV5 SRV6






    MSL MeasurementLocation

    Fig. 6 MSL 1 and MSL 2 downstream from the steam dome and

    around SRVs




    reducing valveSilencer


    (2,000 mm)

    Test section



    T PFlow regulator



    (2,500 mm)


    (2,500 mm)


    (2,000 mm)

    Fig. 7 Test apparatus of single SRV

    762 R. MORITAet al.


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    density change caused by the tracer were negligible. The

    tracer particle concentration was optimized as necessary

    depending on the flow state.

    2. BWR MSL Test

    We investigated the flow-induced acoustic resonance in

    the MSS using the 1/10-scale test apparatus illustrated in

    Fig. 9. The 1/10-scale BWR test apparatus was made withreference to a typical Japanese BWR-5. The test apparatus

    consisted of a dryer, a steam dome, and 4 MSLs with 20

    SRV stub pipes indicated by red points. The MSLs were

    modeled from the steam dome to the turbine stop valves.

    Silencers were installed upstream and downstream from the

    test sections to reduce the noise from the compressor, and

    the flow- and pressure-regulating valves. Air at room tem-

    perature and almost atmospheric pressure provided by a

    large compressor was used as a fluid instead of steam. The

    compressor capacity was 3,000 m3/h, and a velocity of more

    than 60 m/s and St of less than 0.32 could be maintained

    constantly. The flow velocity in the MSLs was varied toinvestigate the effects ofSton the fluctuating pressure. The

    Mach number of the 1/10-scale tests was the same as that of

    actual BWR plants and was approximately 0.1. Fluctuating

    pressures were measured with pressure sensors flush-mount-

    ed on the wall surface and having a minimum resolution of

    0.34 Pa. Fluctuating pressures were measured on the top of

    the SRV stub pipes, at the MSLs, on the inner surface of the

    steam dome, and on the outer dryer hoods. The pressures,

    temperatures, and flow rates in the steam dome and MSLs

    were measured with sensors for the accurate determination

    of flow conditions. Tests results of a single SRV and multi-

    ple SRVs were compared with each other for the fluctuating

    pressure at the top of the SRV stub pipe.

    3. CFD Calculations

    CFD calculations were done using in-house 3D compres-

    sible flow codes, MATIS-C9) for air flow and MATIS-SC10)

    for steam flow. These codes adopt large eddy simulation

    (LES) methodology to perform precise turbulent calcula-

    tions. In this study, a modified Smagorinsky model11) was

    applied. This model is optimized for a compressible high-

    speed flow. Also, because high-accuracy unsteady calcula-

    tions are required in this research, the 2nd-order temporal

    precision scheme with Newton iterative procedure and LU-

    SGS algorithm12) were applied.

    The MATIS-C code uses the equation of state (EOS) forthe calculations of state quantities assuming an ideal gas.

    On the other hand, the steam flow code MATIS-SC can be

    used for the steam flow with phase change and is applicable

    to the wet steam region under the assumption of a homoge-

    neous flow. For the calculation of state quantities, an ap-

    proximate EOS is usually applied. However, as the relation-

    ship between the state quantities is very complex and the

    assumption of an ideal gas cannot be applied, an approxi-

    mate EOS does not have a high enough accuracy for the state

    quantities calculation (O(101)). Thus, we used a look-up

    table based on IAPWS-IF9713) for the calculation of state

    quantities. In this model, density () and internal energy ("),which are calculated from N-S equations, are assigned as

    independent variables in the look-up table, and state quanti-

    Tracer generator

    Air Flow(5-80 m/s)

    Laser Sheet

    Visualization Area

    Main pipe

    Pressure sensor



    Side branch pipe

    Double-pulse YAG Laser



    (a) Horizontal sectional view

    (b) Vertical sectional view






    Intersection point

    Main pipe

    Side branch pipe

    Camera lens

    CCD senser


    YAG Laser

    Fig. 8 Detail of test section


    SRV StubPipe



    Compressor(3,000 m3/h)


    FTP 4







    Dead Leg





    Fig. 9 Test apparatus of BWR dryer and MSLs

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 763

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    ties are derived from the these values. This model has a high

    accuracy (O(107)). Figure 10 shows the applicable range

    of the look-up table for the MATIS-SC code. The look-up

    table covers a wide range of steam conditions including

    those in the steam turbine of nuclear and thermal powerplants.

    In this study, despite the steam in the BWR MSLs being

    within a low wetness region, i.e., slightly dry steam condi-

    tions, we applied the condition under which the enthalpy was

    slightly (about 10 kJ/kg) larger than that of saturated steam.

    As mentioned above, MATIS-SC can be used for the wet

    steam region and the phase change under the assumption of

    homogeneous flow, and the sound speed is very different for

    saturated steam and wet steam. This change occurs discon-

    tinuously according to theoretical and MATIS-SC calcula-

    tions. However, in the experiments by England et al.,14) the

    sound speed changed moderately with increasing wetness of

    the steam. Because the sound speed in the low wetness

    region is almost the same as that in saturated or dry steam,

    and the sound speed has a strong effect on the resonance

    frequency, we applied slightly dry steam conditions so that

    the resonance frequency was the same as that observed in

    actual BWRs.

    These codes have already been validated through some

    benchmark tests.9,10) In particular, for the MATIS-SC code,

    some steam experiments were made to validate the code

    (Fig. 11). However, we could not observe the fluctuating

    pressure at the stub pipe under the resonance conditions

    because of the inadequate spatial precision. MATIS codes

    usually apply the 2nd-order TVD scheme. This is unsatisfac-

    tory for resolving the fluctuating pressure using a practicable

    mesh number. Thus, we attempted to increase the spatialprecision. As a result of this approach, we found that the

    calculations with the following higher order scheme showed

    good agreement with experiments conducted in this paper

    and provided sufficient accuracy to observe the fluctuating


    Convective term: 5th-order upwind scheme (for air flow)

    and 4th-order MUSCL-TVD scheme15) (for steam flow)

    5th-order upwind:



    fi3 9fi2 45fi1 45fi1 9fi2 fi3



    fi3 6fi2 15fi1 20fi 15fi1 6fi2 fi3


    4th-order MUSCL:

    fxji fui1=2 fui1=2

    fui1=2 1

    2ffuRi1=2 fu



    2jajuRi1=2 u


    uLi1=2 ui1

    6D ~~uu~uui1=2


    3D ~uui1=2

    Fig. 10 Applicable range of MATIS-SC (green- and pink-colored

    regions) and steam condition in steam turbine

    (b) Comparison of Pressure

    Distributions(a) Flow Distributions

    Fig. 11 Validation of MATIS code10) (Comparison of steam flow experiments)

    764 R. MORITAet al.


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    uRi1=2 ui11

    6D ~uui3=2


    3D ~~uu~uui1=2

    D ~uu;D ~~uu~uu: limiter function ofDu

    Dui1=2 ui1=21

    62 ~uui1

    2 ~~uu~uui

    Viscous term: 6th-order central difference

    6th-order central:

    fxji fi3 9fi2 45fi1 45fi1 9fi2 fi3


    Table 1 summarizes the features of MATIS-C and


    4. Acoustic Analysis Methods

    Acoustic analysis was used to calculate the acoustic res-

    onance mode in the MSLs and the steam dome. FEM was

    applied to calculate the three-dimensional wave equations

    used in the acoustic analysis. In the present study, the steam

    dome, dryer, and MSLs in the 1/10-scale BWR test appa-ratus (Fig. 8) were included in the FEM model as illustrated

    in Fig. 12. All the boundaries were set to complete reflec-

    tion. The properties of air at room temperature were used as

    the fluid conditions.

    IV. Acoustic Source Evaluation

    1. Test and Calculation Results in Single SRV Stub Pipe

    (1) Test Results

    More than one SRV stub pipe is installed in BWR MSLs.

    This makes the acoustic characteristics complex because

    acoustic waves generated at SRV stub pipes interact witheach other.24) In this section, we investigate the flow-in-

    duced acoustic resonance in a single SRV stub pipe from

    acoustic and fluidonics perspectives.

    (a) Acoustic perspective: A significantly large fluctuating

    pressure generated by flow-induced acoustic resonance was

    obtained over the range of Strouhal numbers (St) of 0.3

    0.6.24) Stis defined in terms of the inner diameter of the stub

    pipe (d), the flow velocity of the main pipe (U), and the

    resonance frequency (fn) as shown in Eq. (1):

    St fnd

    U: 1

    The acoustic pressure reaches a maximum at the top of the

    stub pipe because standing waves are excited inside the stub

    pipe. Therefore, we measured the fluctuating pressures at the

    Table 1 Features of MATIS-C and MATIS-SC

    3D-FDM-based LES

    Fluid Compressible flow

    Governing /Mass conservation

    equations /Momentum conservation

    /Energy conservation

    State quantity /Equation of state (Air)

    calculation /Look-up table constructed

    by IAPWS-IF 97 (Steam)

    /Convective term:

    Discretization 5th-order upwind

    /Viscous term:

    4th-order central

    Time marching

    2nd-order backward diff.

    with Newton iteration

    /Implicit method: LU-SGS12


    model Modified Smagorinsky11

    Steam Dome


    SRV Stub Tube

    Dead Leg

    0.6mSteam Dome




    Fig. 12 Computational grids for acoustic analysis (1/10-scale BWR test size)

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 765

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    top of the stub pipe under various St conditions (Fig. 13).

    Pressure was normalized by the dynamic pressure of the

    main pipe flow. In the cases of high (St 0:35) and low


    ) flow velocity, the fluctuating pressures weresmall and random, and were caused by turbulence. On

    the other hand, when the flow velocity was approximately

    50 m/s (St 0:44), the fluctuating pressure was almost com-

    pletely caused by acoustic resonance, and was as large as the

    dynamic pressure of the main flow. From the above, we

    conducted a significantly large fluctuating pressure at the

    top of the stub pipe, which was generated under certain St


    To analyze the fluctuating pressure in detail, we calculated

    their power spectrum density (PSD) as shown in Fig. 14.

    PSD was normalized by the square of the dynamic pressure

    of the main pipe flow. The abscissa shows the sound fre-

    quency normalized by the resonance frequency of the 1st

    mode resonance (n 1) given by Eq. (2):

    fn a2n 1

    4LLen 1; 2; 3; ; 2

    where a is the sound speed and L is the length of the side

    branch. Le is the end correction, 0:425d corresponding to

    Rayleighs upper limit. A significantly high peak was ob-

    served at the resonance frequency, and this peak could be

    used to clarify the flow-induced acoustic resonance.

    The effects ofSton the pressure amplitude are shown in

    Fig. 15. The root-mean-square (R.M.S.) of the fluctuating

    pressure was normalized by the dynamic pressure of themain pipe flow. In theStrange from 0.3 to 0.6, a significantly

    large fluctuating pressure was generated. This result indicat-

    ed that the significantly large fluctuating pressure originated

    from flow-induced acoustic resonance at the bifurcation.

    (b) Acoustic fluidonics: Vortex sound, which is a part of

    aerodynamic sound, is caused by unsteady fluid motion.

    Figure 16 shows the instantaneous velocity map obtained

    from PIV analysis at the mouth of the stub pipe when Stwas

    0.44 (Fig. 13). The left side of the figure corresponds to the

    upstream region of the main pipe flow. The X and Y axes

    show the main pipe flow direction and axial direction per-

    pendicular to the main pipe flow, respectively. An anticlock-

    wise vortex separated from the leading edge of the pipe

    bifurcation. Therefore, this vortex was expected to exciteacoustic standing waves at the pipe bifurcation.

    The R.M.S. of the fluctuating vorticity near the trailing

    edge of the cavity was calculated as shown in Fig. 17. The

    results were averaged for 200 vorticity fields. The vorticity

    ofSt 0:4 and 0.9 conditions was normalized by the max-

    imum vorticity. High-vorticity amplitude appeared near the

    trailing edge of the bifurcation under the resonance condition

    (St 0:4). It was noteworthy that the intensity of the vor-

    ticity for each value ofStcorresponded to that of the pres-

    sure amplitude.

    The shear layer departing the leading edge of the bifurca-

    tion was unstable and generated a vortex that excited acous-tic standing waves. These acoustic waves are reflected at the

    top of the stub pipe, and the oscillations on the shear layer







    0 0.01

    Time [ s ]




    Fig. 13 Fluctuating pressures at the top of stub pipe under various


    0 0.5 1 1.5Frequency [ - ]











    Fig. 14 Power spectrum density (PSD)


    0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0St




    1.5BWR OperatingCondition


    Fig. 15 Influence of St on pressure amplitude, frequency, and

    maximum vorticity amplitude near the trailing edge of bifurca-


    X/ d


    Stub pipe

    Main pipe Flow direction




    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





    Fig. 16 Instantaneous velocity maps at the mouth of the stub pipe

    (St 0:44)

    766 R. MORITAet al.


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    were enhanced. In the Strange from 0.3 to 0.6, this process

    was regenerative.24) Therefore, large coherent (same fre-

    quency and phase) vortices on the shear layer developed anda large fluctuating pressure was generated. Thus, a signifi-

    cantly large fluctuating pressure was generated by flow-in-

    duced acoustic resonance over the range ofSt from 0.30.6.

    (2) CFD Results

    (a) Computational Conditions

    Figure 18 shows the computational domain and mesh

    used to model MS piping with the single SRV stub pipe.

    The MS pipe length is about 5.45 times longer than the MS

    pipe diameter (D), and the stub pipe diameter (d) and length

    (h) were about 0:3Dand 1:03D, respectively. The curvature

    radius of the connection between the MS pipe and the stub

    pipe was set at 0 to simplify the phenomena.

    As the calculations with air were done under ordinarytemperature and pressure conditions, and those with steam

    were done under typical BWR main steam conditions, the

    Reynolds numbers (Re) in the steam calculations were dif-

    ferent from those in the air calculations. Therefore, 2 types

    of mesh were prepared with mesh numbers of about 2 mil-

    lion (normal mesh) and 4 million (fine mesh). The fine mesh

    was applied for steam flows with high Re. The boundary

    conditions were as follows.


    - Ordinary temperature and pressure conditions (about

    300 K, 0.1 MPa) were applied.

    - Inlet total pressure and temperature were provided, andvelocity and density were extrapolated.

    - Exit static pressure was provided and velocity and density

    were extrapolated.

    - A nonslip adiabatic wall was assumed.


    - Typical BWR main steam conditions (about 558 K,7.0 MPa) were applied.

    - Inlet static pressure and enthalpy were provided, and ve-

    locity and density were extrapolated.

    - Exit static pressure was provided, and velocity and density

    were extrapolated.

    - A nonslip adiabatic wall was assumed.

    In both cases, the inlet velocity was varied as a parameter

    using the ratio of the inlet pressure to the exit pressure. The

    pressure amplitude and flow conditions were normalized by

    Stand normalized pressure amplitude (p0 2p=Uin2),


    (b) Results

    Figure 19 shows the R.M.S. amplitude of fluctuatingpressure around the stub pipe for air of St 0:42. Large

    fluctuations were observed around the stub pipe, particularly

    at the top of the stub pipe.

    Figure 20 shows the time histories of the static pressure

    and the results of FFT analysis at the top of the stub pipe

    under several conditions. The frequency is shown as the

    frequency ratio, f=fn. Periodic fluctuating pressure was ob-

    served at the stub pipe under specific conditions. Large-

    amplitude and periodic fluctuating pressure was observed

    for both St 0:42 in air (Fig. 19(a)) and St 0:439 in

    steam (Fig. 19(c)). As the peak frequency ratio of this fluc-

    tuation was almost 1.0, we considered it to be the 1st

    moderesonance at the stub pipe. However, this phenomenon was

    hardly observed under St 0:57condition. It is well known

    X/ d


    Stub pipe

    Main pipe Flow direction




    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




    (a) St = 0.4

    X/ d


    Stub pipe

    Main pipe Flow direction





    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




    (b) St = 0.9

    Fig. 17 Time-averaged vorticity maps at the mouth of the stub


    MS Pipe(:D)Stub Pipe




    Fig. 18 Computational domain of MS pipe with single stub pipe

    Fig. 19 R.M.S. amplitude of fluctuating pressure (Air,St 0:42)

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 767

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    that the resonance strongly depends on the inlet velocity and

    occurs for a specific range of inlet velocities (or St). There-

    fore, we thought that the St0:57

    condition was outside theresonance range.

    Figure 21 compares the pressure amplitude for severalSt

    conditions. Figure 21(a) shows the comparison between air

    experiments and calculations, and Fig. 21(b) shows the com-

    parison of calculated results for air flow and steam flow. The

    resonance peak obtained from the air calculations was ob-

    served at about St 0:42, and the corresponding peak ob-

    tained from experiments was at about St 0:44. Both results

    had good qualitative agreement. Weaver and MacLeod2)

    found that the peak of the resonance amplitude occurred at

    St 0:44, and Ziada3) found that it occurred at about

    St 0:4. Our computational and experimental results were

    in agreement with both these studies.However, some difference was observed in the low-reso-

    nance region (St> 0:5). In this region, the calculation results

    underestimated the peak amplitude. We thought that the

    pressure fluctuation by turbulence (pressure fluctuation with

    no peak frequency) was dominant in this region. However,

    the inlet turbulent intensity was not considered in the calcu-

    lation because it could not be measured in the experiments,

    and we attributed this to the underestimation of the turbu-

    lence in the calculations.

    The resonance peak obtained from the steam calculations

    was observed at around St 0:4 with both a normal mesh

    and a fine mesh. The amplitude obtained from the fine meshcalculations was larger than that obtained from the normal

    mesh calculations, but the shapes of the peak curve and the

    peakStwere almost the same. Also, although the amplitudeof the steam calculations (fine mesh) was slightly larger than

    that obtained from the air calculations and experiments, we

    saw good agreement regarding the peak Strouhal number

    and the resonance region between the results of air and

    steam flow calculations. Therefore, we considered that the

    differences between the results of the air and steam calcu-

    lations for the resonance at the stub pipe were not significant

    if an appropriate normalization is adopted. In other words,

    the results of the air calculations and experiments are useful

    for predicting the pressure under resonance conditions in

    actual power plants.

    2. Characteristics of Fluctuating Pressure Generated inBWR MSLs

    (1) Test Results

    The R.M.S. amplitudes of the fluctuating pressure meas-

    ured at the top of the SRV stub pipes are plotted in Fig. 22

    (The locations where the fluctuating pressure were measured

    (SRV 1 to SRV 7) are indicated in Fig. 6). The fluctuating

    pressure of a single SRV is also plotted as a reference. The

    fluctuating pressure was normalized by the peak fluctuating

    pressure of a single SRV. The fluctuating pressure is plotted

    for different values of St using Eq. (1). Frequency fn was

    calculated using the following equation,

    fn a4LLe

    ; 3

    (a) St = 0.42, Air

    (b) St = 0.57, Air

    (c) St = 0.439, Steam

    (d) St = 0.568, Steam

    Fig. 20 Time histories of static pressure at the top of the stub pipe(b) Comparison of calculation results

    between air flow and steam flow

    (a) Comparison between experiments and calculations

    (air flow)

    Fig. 21 Comparison of R.M.S. amplitude

    768 R. MORITAet al.


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    whereLe is the end correction in air and it is approximately

    equal to 0:425d.

    As shown in Fig. 22, whenStwas less than approximately

    0.6, the fluctuating pressure at the SRV stub pipes increased

    significantly and reached a maximum whenStwas from 0.3

    to 0.4. The fluctuating pressure of multiple SRVs was much

    higher than that of a single SRV when acoustic resonance

    occurred. The range of St in which acoustic resonance oc-

    curred was wider in the case of multiple SRVs than that for a

    single SRV. This was caused by the interaction between

    SRV stub pipes and the multiple acoustic resonance modes.

    Reflections in the MSLs also affected the intensity of the

    fluctuating pressure in the case of the multiple SRVs. Acous-tic resonance was not clearly observed when Stwas above

    0.7. Under the operating conditions of BWR-5 plants in

    Japan, Stis more than 0.7; thus, intense acoustic resonance

    is unlikely to occur.

    The PSD of fluctuating pressure is shown in Fig. 23 under

    the condition ofSt 0:35. Frequency was normalized by the

    calculated resonance frequency of a single SRV stub pipe

    using Eq. (3). The fluctuating pressure was normalized by

    the peak of the fluctuating pressure generated in the SRV

    stub pipes. The fluctuating pressure was measured at the MS

    pipes near the steam dome as shown in Fig. 6.

    For MSL 1, a strongly dominant peak was obtained at theresonance frequency of the SRV stub pipe (f 1:0). In

    contrast, large peaks were also observed at low frequencies

    of 0.13 and 0.21 for MSL 2. These peaks were not observed

    in the results for MSL 1. This difference was caused by the

    dead leg, because the only difference between the configu-

    rations of MSL 1 and MSL 2 was the existence of the dead

    leg in MSL 2. A strong peak was also confirmed at the

    resonance frequency of the SRV stub pipe in MSL 2. We

    investigated the acoustic resonance at low frequencies later

    using acoustic analysis.(2) CFD Results for the Model with 3 Stub Pipes

    (a) Computational Conditions

    Figure 24 shows the computational domain and mesh

    used to investigate the effects of MS piping with the 3

    SRV stub pipes. The MS pipe length was about 18 times

    longer than its diameter (D), and the MS pipe diameter and

    the stub pipe diameter and length were the same as those for

    a single stub pipe.

    The calculations with air were done for the mesh number

    of about 5.5 million. The boundary conditions were the same

    as those in Sec. IV-1.

    (b) ResultsFigure 25 shows the R.M.S. amplitude of the fluctuating

    pressure around the stub pipe obtained under the condition of








    0 0.5 1 1.5St [ - ]







    Single SRV

    BWR OperatingCondition








    0 0.5 1 1.5St [ - ]










    Single SRV

    BWR OperatingCondition

    Fig. 22 Characteristics of fluctuating pressure in multiple SRVs

    (a) MSL1

    (b) MSL2

    0 0.5 1.0Frequency f []















    Frequency f []





    [] 1.0

    0.5 1.0 1.5

    Fig. 23 PSD of fluctuating pressure

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 769

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    St 0:35, and Fig. 26 shows the time histories of static

    pressure and the results of FFT analysis at the top of the

    stub pipes under several conditions. When St 0:35, large-

    amplitude fluctuations were observed at all stub pipes with

    phase differences between each stub pipe. As the peak fre-

    quency ratio was almost 1.0, we thought that the sameresonance as that for the single stub pipe occurred under

    this condition. However, the amplitude was much larger than

    that for a single stub pipe (SRV 1> SRV 2 > SRV 3). The

    resonance at each pipe was enlarged through the fluctuating

    pressure in the MS pipe. Hardly any resonance was observed

    when St 0:59.

    Figure 27 compares the pressure amplitude obtained by

    experiments and single SRV calculations, andFig. 28 shows

    the distribution and profile of the R.M.S. pressure amplitude

    around the MSLs under theSt 0:35condition. The profile

    was obtained along the center of the main pipe.

    The calculated results had qualitative agreement withthose of experiments in terms of the descending order of

    amplitude at 3 SRVs (fluctuating mode) when St 0:35

    (SRV 1> SRV 2> SRV 3). However, the calculated fluc-

    tuating mode forSt 0:42was different from that of experi-

    ments. This was because of the difference in the boundary

    conditions at the inlet and the exit. The reflecting boundary

    condition was applied in CFD calculations. However, in

    experiments, acoustic absorption materials were added at

    the inlet and exit, and the boundary was partially reflecting.

    The pressure amplitude in the case of 3 SRVs was several

    times larger than that in the case of the single SRV. Experi-ments by Ziada and Shine8) showed the same phenomenon

    and it was also observed in actual BWR model experiments

    (see Fig. 22). The fluctuating pressure on each SRV was

    considered to enhance that on other SRVs, through the

    fluctuating pressure mode in the MSLs. The nodes of the

    fluctuating pressure (antinodes of the velocity) in the MSLs

    were observed at the positions of the SRVs in Fig. 28, and

    this pressure mode in the MSLs enhanced the acoustic res-

    onance at the SRVs.

    (3) CFD Results for the Actual BWR MSL with 3 Stub


    (a) Computational ConditionsTo investigate the pressure amplitude of SRVs under

    actual BWR conditions, we did a steam calculation under

    (a) Experimental Setup

    ( 2.5D )( 2D )


    SRV Stub PipeMSL

    Pressure Sensor

    MS Pipe Stub Pipes






    (b) Computational Domain

    Fig. 24 Schematics of MS piping with 3 stub pipes

    Fig. 25 R.M.S. amplitude of fluctuating pressure (Air,St 0:35)

    (a) St = 0.35, Air

    (b) St = 0.59, Air

    Fig. 26 Time histories of static pressure at the top of the stub


    Fig. 27 Comparison of R.M.S. amplitude

    770 R. MORITAet al.


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    the rated power (100% power) condition using a model of

    the actual BWR MSLs. Figure 29 shows the computational

    domain. The full-scale MSL with 3 stub pipes and a shape

    similar to that of the MSL without a dead leg in Fig. 12

    (MSL 1) is modeled. The mesh number was about 5.6

    million. The boundary conditions were as follows.

    - Actual BWR steam conditions under the rated power

    (100% power) were applied.- Inlet static pressure and enthalpy are provided, and veloc-

    ity and density were extrapolated.

    - Exit static pressure was provided, and velocity and density

    were extrapolated.

    - A nonslip adiabatic wall was assumed.

    (b) Results

    Figure 30 shows the average velocity and pressure dis-

    tributions along the flow direction. The velocity and pressure

    were normalized by the inlet velocity and pressure. Flow and

    pressure drift were observed at the elbows, and this drift

    reached the straight section of the piping. Figure 31 shows

    the distribution of R.M.S. pressure amplitude around SRVs;Figs. 32 and 33 show the pressure time histories and the

    results of FFT analysis at points A and B (see Fig. 29) and

    the top of the SRVs (SRV 13); Fig. 34 compares the

    R.M.S. amplitude of fluctuating pressure at SRVs.At points A and B, pressure oscillations with a peak

    frequency of approximately 10 were observed. These were

    thought to be caused by the flow disturbance at the elbows.

    At the top of the SRVs, periodic pressure fluctuation with a

    small amplitude and a peak frequency of about 1.0 was

    observed. This was considered to be the second peak reso-

    nance (the resonance caused by a row of two vortices cross-

    ing the SRV stub pipe) observed in the experiments by

    Takahashi et al.16) However, as the amplitude of this peak

    and the overall R.M.S. amplitude observed in Fig. 34 were

    small, it seemed that flow-induced acoustic resonance did

    not occur in SRVs under the rated power condition.

    V. Propagation of Fluctuating Pressure to Dryer

    1. Propagation of Fluctuating Pressure

    The fluctuating pressure in the BWR MSLs was also

    investigated by 1/10-scale BWR tests. The time variation

    of the fluctuating pressure in MSL 1 is shown in Fig. 35

    under the condition ofSt 0:34. The flow velocity increas-

    ed excessively compared with that under actual BWR con-

    ditions. The fluctuating pressure was normalized by the

    dynamic pressure in the MSLs. This fluctuating pressure

    was measured on the top of the SRV stub pipes, in the MSLs

    near the nozzle, and at the center of the outer dryer hood(Fig. 35). Flow-induced acoustic resonance occurred when

    St 0:34. The fluctuating pressure with the resonance fre-

    (a) Pressure Distribution

    (b) Pressure Profile along the Center

    of the Main Piping








    -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6



    distance from SRV1

    SRV1 SRV2 SRV3

    Fig. 28 Distribution and profile of R.M.S. pressure amplitude

    (Air, St 0:389)






    Fig. 29 Computational domain of actual BWR MS piping with 3

    stub pipes

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 771

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    quency was obtained throughout the steam dome and MSLs.

    As shown in Fig. 35(a), the fluctuating pressure became an

    intense pure tone at the top of the SRV stub pipes. As

    pressure fluctuating with the SRV resonance frequency

    could be seen on the MSL and dryer hood, acoustic reso-

    nance occurred in the SRV stub pipes at a higher velocity

    flow than that in the normal operation, and the fluctuating

    pressure propagated from the SRVs to the dryer through the

    MSLs. The amplitude of the fluctuating pressure observed atthe top of the stub pipes was reduced significantly in the

    MSLs and in the steam dome.

    The PSD of the fluctuating pressure is shown in Fig. 36

    for St 0:34. The frequency was normalized by the reso-

    nance frequency, and the PSD was normalized by the square

    of the dynamic pressure of the MSL flow. The PSD of the

    fluctuating pressure was evaluated at the top of one SRV, at

    the MSLs near the dome nozzle, and at the center of the

    outer dryer hood. An especially high peak was observed at

    the resonance frequency for every PSD, confirming the oc-currence of flow-induced acoustic resonance. As shown in

    Fig. 36(c), periodic fluctuating pressure with low frequen-

    cies of less than 0.25 was also observed on the dryer hood.

    The low-frequency fluctuating pressure that occurred from

    turbulent flow in the dome and MSLs also acted on the dryer


    The variation of the amplitude of the fluctuating pressure

    is shown in Fig. 37. The fluctuating pressure in the MSLs

    propagated from the SRVs was less than 5% of that observed

    in SRV stub pipes, and its amplitude on the dryer hood was

    less than 2% of that in SRV. (The fluctuating pressure in the

    MSLs was about 7.5% of that at SRV1 in the calculation (seeFig. 28)). This was a reasonably conservative value com-

    pared with that obtained in the experiments.

    Fig. 31 R.M.S. pressure amplitude distributions

    (a) Average Velocity Distribution

    (b) Pressure Distribution

    Fig. 30 Average velocity (a) and pressure (b) distributions along

    flow direction

    (a) SRVs Upstream and Downstream

    (Point A and B in Fig.31)

    (b) Top of SRVs

    Fig. 32 Pressure time history

    772 R. MORITAet al.


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    2. Acoustic Mode in MSLsThe acoustic characteristics in multiple SRVs varied with

    changes in St. The acoustic analysis of multiple SRV stub

    pipes was conducted to investigate the variation of acoustic

    modes in MSLs. MSL 1 was selected for analysis. Reso-

    nance modes and frequency were calculated through mode

    analysis. Two typical resonance modes are shown in Fig. 38.

    The resonance mode in which the resonance in SRV 3

    became stronger was dominant in Fig. 38(a). On the other

    hand, the resonance in SRV 3 was weak and that in SRV 1

    became stronger in Fig. 38(b). These were multiple reso-

    Fig. 34 Comparison of R.M.S. amplitude

    (a) SRVs Upstream and Downstream

    (Point A and B in Fig.31)

    (b) Top of SRVs

    Fig. 33 FFT analysis of pressure fluctuations at SRVs







    0.005 0.01


    Time [s]







    0.005 0.01


    Time [s]

    (a) Top of evaluated SRV stub pipe

    (b) Main steam line

    (c) Center of evaluated outer dryer hood






    0 0.005 0.01

    Time [s]


    SRV1 SRV2 SRV3

    Center of OuterDryer Hood

    Main SteamLines

    Top of SRV Stub

    Flow Flow

    Fig. 35 Fluctuating pressure (St 0:34)

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 773

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    nance modes in multiple SRV stub pipes because the reso-

    nance mode was affected by the standing wave in the MSpipe, which changed the locations of the node and antinode

    when the frequency changed.

    As shown in Fig. 23(b), significant peaks in the fluctuating

    pressure were observed at frequencies of 0.13 and 0.21 in

    MSL 2. On the other hand, no distinguishing peak was

    observed below a frequency of 1.0 in MSL 1. From the

    difference in the MS pipe configurations between MSL 1

    and MSL 2 shown in Fig. 6, these low frequencies were

    considered to be caused by the dead leg; only MSL 2 had a

    dead leg (the long closed side branch). To clarify the cause

    of the low frequency, we did an acoustic analysis that fo-

    cused on the dead leg in MSL 2. The results are shown inFig. 39. Three resonance modes were observed in the low-

    frequency region. The resonance mode in Fig. 39(a) was

    caused by the reflection from the root of the dead leg to

    the inlet of the steam dome. The resonance mode in

    Fig. 39(b) was induced by the reflection from the top of

    the dead leg to the inlet of the steam dome and that in

    Fig. 39(c) was induced by the reflection from the top to

    the root of the dead leg or from the top of the dead leg to

    the lower end of the steam dome. We confirmed that low-

    frequency resonance modes were generated by the reflection

    at the top and root of the dead leg. The inlet and lower end of

    the steam dome caused the other reflections.

    VI. Dryer LoadingAcoustic analysis was also carried out to evaluate the

    propagation of fluctuating pressure and dryer loading. Cal-

    culation conditions were the same as those in the 1/10-scale

    BWR tests. The results of the acoustic analysis are illustrated

    in Fig. 40. A fluctuating pressure was input into the MSLs

    fromt 0 ms. The fluctuating pressure was propagated from

    the MSLs to the steam dome while slightly decreasing in

    amplitude. Larger fluctuating pressures were observed at

    the dome surface near the dryer skirt and nozzles and acted

    on the dryer hoods; thus, these locations were particularly

    focused on in the present study.

    The results of the analysis on the dryer hood were com-pared with those of 1/10-scale BWR tests. The pressure

    obtained from the analysis is shown in Fig. 41(a) for three





    0 0.5 1 1.5



    Frequency [ ]






    0 0.5 1 1.5


    Frequency [ ]

    (a) Top of evaluated SRV stub pipe

    (c) Center of evaluated outer dryer hood





    0 0.5 1 1.5


    Frequency [ ]

    (b) MSLs near steam dome nozzle

    Fig. 36 PSD of fluctuating pressure (St 0:34)







    SRV StubFluctu


    St =0.34

    Dryer HoodMSL

    Fig. 37 Variation of intensity of fluctuating pressure

    (a) Resonance in SRV3 (b) Resonance in SRV1


    High (+)

    High ()0

    High (+)

    High ()

    FluctuatingPressure []


    FluctuatingPressure []

    Fig. 38 Resonance mode in multiple SRV stub pipes

    774 R. MORITAet al.


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    different times. The fluctuating pressure at the dryer hood

    obtained from scale-model tests is also shown in Fig. 41(b).

    The fluctuating pressure was normalized by the average

    fluctuating pressure in the four MSLs (100%). The fluctuat-

    ing pressure decreased by approximately one-third from the

    MSLs to the dryer hood. In the analysis results, the fluctuat-

    ing pressure was calculated at the same locations as those

    measured in the tests and was also normalized. The fluctu-

    ating pressure was the largest at the lower left of the dryer

    hood in test and analysis results. Although the fluctuating

    pressures at the upper left and center of the dryer hood inanalysis were smaller than those in the test results, the dis-

    tribution of the fluctuating pressure was almost the same for

    both. A quantitative comparison between the test and analy-

    sis results is also given in Table 2. The average difference

    between the fluctuating pressure in the analysis and test

    results was only 7.5%.

    VII. Conclusions

    We carried out 1/10-scale BWR-5 model tests, CFD cal-

    culations, and acoustic analysis to evaluate the flow-induced

    acoustic resonance in SRV stub pipes and the propagation ofthe fluctuating pressure from the SRV stub pipes to the dryer

    through the MSLs. The following conclusions were obtained.

    1. The intense vorticity, which became a source of acoustic

    resonance, was generated and resonated with quarter-

    wavelength acoustic modes in the SRV stub pipes, andthe generated fluctuating pressure propagated from the

    SRVs to the dryer.

    Table 2 Comparison between test and analysis results

    Item Test Analysis

    Fluctuating pressure

    on dryer hood 39.9% 32.4%

    Fluctuating pressure in MSLs was 100% on average.

    (c)f = 0.21


    High (+)

    High ()

    FluctuatingPressure [-]

    (a)f = 0.12 (b)f = 0.13

    Fig. 39 Resonance mode in MSLs

    t = 5 ms t = 10 ms

    t = 15 ms t = 20 ms

    Fig. 40 Pressure distribution on steam dome



    Pressure []



    59.6% 34.5%










    Evaluated Location


    (a) Analysis (b) Tests

    Fig. 41 Pressure distributions on dryer hood

    Evaluation of Acoustic- and Flow-Induced Vibration of the BWR Main Steam Lines and Dryer 775

    VOL. 48, NO. 5, MAY 2011

  • 7/24/2019 Simulacion de Vibraciones en Tuberias


    2. CFD calculations were used to evaluate the acoustic

    source (= fluctuating pressure) in the MSLs. Concern-

    ing the resonance amplitude and the effects of multiple

    SRVs, CFD calculations were verified by experiments.

    3. The effect of the difference between the properties of air

    and steam on the resonance on the stub pipe was not

    significant. In other words, the results of air calculations

    and experiments are useful for predicting the resonance

    in actual power plants.

    4. According to the results of calculations and scale-model

    tests, the resonance amplitude of multiple SRVs was

    several times larger than that of a single SRV. The

    fluctuating pressure on each SRV was thought to en-

    hance that on other SRVs, through the fluctuating pres-

    sure mode in the MSLs.

    5. Significant fluctuating pressures occurred in the high-

    and low-frequency regions. The low-frequency fluctuat-

    ing pressure appeared in the MSL with the dead leg.

    This low frequency almost coincided with the natural

    frequency of the MSL caused by the reflection at thedead leg.

    6. Under actual power plant conditions, periodic pressure

    fluctuations with a peak frequency of about 1.0 were

    observed. However, as the amplitude of these fluctua-

    tions was quite small, it was thought that flow-induced

    acoustic resonance did not occur under the rated power

    condition of a typical Japanese BWR-5.

    7. Results of the 1/10-scale tests were compared with

    those of acoustic analysis. The acoustic analysis could

    well predict the dryer loading. The difference in fluctu-

    ating pressure between analysis and test results was only

    7.5% on average.As the above summarized results demonstrated, we have

    developed CFD calculations and acoustic analysis ap-

    proaches that were useful for evaluating the flow-induced

    acoustic resonance in SRV stub pipes and the propagation of

    the fluctuating pressure from the SRV stub pipes to the dryer

    through the MSLs.


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