simplifying development-short - mirco dotta (typesafe)

Scala Simplifying Development ScalaDay Italy Milan, May 25, 2013 Mirco Dotta Sunday, May 26, 13

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Page 1: Simplifying development-short - Mirco Dotta (Typesafe)

ScalaSimplifying Development

ScalaDay ItalyMilan, May 25, 2013

Mirco Dotta

Sunday, May 26, 13

Page 2: Simplifying development-short - Mirco Dotta (Typesafe)

Is Scala the Java of the future?


Sunday, May 26, 13

Page 3: Simplifying development-short - Mirco Dotta (Typesafe)

• It has basically everything Java has now

• It has closures (planned for Java 8)

• It has rich interfaces (Java 8 defender methods), and more

• It is completely interoperable and runs about as fast as Java


Sunday, May 26, 13

Page 4: Simplifying development-short - Mirco Dotta (Typesafe)

How is Scala different from Java?


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Concise Syntax4/38

Sunday, May 26, 13

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public class Time { private final int hours; private final int minutes; public Time(int hours, int minutes) { this.hours = hours; this.minutes = minutes; } public int getHours() { return hours; } public int getMinutes() { return minutes; }}

class Time(val hours: Int, val minutes: Int)


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Statically typedbut feels dynamic


Sunday, May 26, 13

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val x = 2type is inferred

no semicolon


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Unifies OOP and FP8/38

Sunday, May 26, 13

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Every value is an object


Sunday, May 26, 13

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List(1,2,3).filter(x => x > 2) //> res: List[Int] = List(3)

Anonymous function Int => Boolean

List(1, 2, 3).filter( new Function[Int, Boolean] { def apply(x: Int): Boolean = x > 2 }) ///> res: List[Int] = List(3)

Functions are “just” objects


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Everything is an expression


Sunday, May 26, 13

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def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if (x > y) x else y

no return statement

val x: Int = { val y = 10 val z = 5 y + z}

blocks evaluate to last expression


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Every operation is a method call


Sunday, May 26, 13

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val x: Int = 10val y = x + 10

same as x.+(10)


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Principles, not Rules


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Users can write their own operators



Sunday, May 26, 13

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class Complex(val re: Int, val im: Int = 0) { def +(that: Complex) = new Complex( +, +

override def toString = s"$re + $im"}

val c1 = new Complex(1, 2) //> c1 : Complex = 1 + 2val c2 = new Complex(2, 2) //> c2 : Complex = 2 + 2val c = c1 + c2 //> c : Complex = 3 + 4

default argument


Sunday, May 26, 13

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• new types can look like built-in ones

• “grow the language”

Sunday, May 26, 13

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Powerful collections18/38

Sunday, May 26, 13

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case class Time(hours: Int, minutes: Int = 0)

val times = List(Time(1), Time(2), Time(12,30), Time(16,15))

times.filter(time => time.hours >= 12) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(12,30), Time(16,15)) => Time(time.hours + 1, time.minutes)) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(2,0), Time(3,0), Time(13,30), Time(17,15))

times.take(2) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(1,0), Time(2,0))

times.groupBy(time => time.minutes) //> res: Map[Int,List[Time]] = Map(30 -> List(Time(12,30)), 15 -> List(Time(16,15)), 0 -> List(Time(1,0), Time(2,0)))

times.head //> res: Time = Time(1,0)times.last //> res: Time = Time(16,15)


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Sunday, May 26, 13

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• More general than for-loops

• Used to iterate, filter, and generate new collections


Sunday, May 26, 13

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for (p <- persons; pr <- p.projects; if pr.overdue) yield

may have any number of generators

guard construct a new collection of the same type, element by element

p is in scope for other generators


Sunday, May 26, 13

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times.filter(time => time.hours >= 12) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(12,30), Time(16,15))

for(time <- times; if time.hours >= 12) yield time //>res: List[Time] = List(Time(12,30), Time(16,15)) => Time(time.hours + 1, time.minutes)) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(2,0), Time(3,0), Time(13,30), Time(17,15))

for(time <- times) yield Time(time.hours + 1, time.minutes) //> res: List[Time] = List(Time(2,0), Time(3,0), Time(13,30), Time(17,15))


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Desugared to calls to filter, map, and flatMap


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Readily available on any class implementing those methods!


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Sunday, May 26, 13

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• Like Java interfaces, but traits

• can have behavior (like Java 8 interfaces with defender methods)

• can have state

• enable multiple inheritance


Sunday, May 26, 13

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public interface Comparable<T> { int compareTo(int o);}

trait Comparable[T] { def compareTo(that: T): Int


def <(that: T): Boolean = (this compare that) < 0

def >(that: T): Boolean = (this compare that) > 0 //... Rich


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Multiple Inheritance

• Traits can mix-in multiple traits

• Classes can mix-in multiple traits

• Both Class and Trait can inherit at most from one Class


Sunday, May 26, 13

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trait Bird { def fly: String = "I'm flying!"}

trait Swimmer { def swim: String = "I'm swimming!"}

class Fish extends Swimmer

class Duck extends Bird with Swimmer


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Embedding DSLsSunday, May 26, 13

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Scala simplifies development because...


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Less is More


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Few language constructs with high abstraction power


Sunday, May 26, 13

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It’s Fun!


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Good for your business?


Sunday, May 26, 13

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Get Started in 5’38/38

Sunday, May 26, 13

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Thankstwitter: @mircodotta

Sunday, May 26, 13