simplify, consolidate & asses - wealth management 101

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The Real Issue Facing Investors: “What Does this Mean for You and Your Family?”


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• Among the Issues You’re Facing– Do I have enough?

• The market killed me• Are finances in order?

– How do I achieve balance?• Business/Children• Career/Parents• What’s Next?

– Am I properly set up for the future?• Does your plan anticipate change?• Lots of moving pieces

What We Are Hearing




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The Real Issue Facing Investors: “What Does this Mean for You

and Your Family?”



Child Career Support




Sale of Business



Career Change

Increase HealthCare

Am I Set Up Right for the




Starter Support

Home Down


Change of Income


Sibling Out of Work

Additional CharitySupport

New Business



Unexpected Issues Create Trade-offs

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What We Bring to the Table Life Events –

Providing For Your Family

•Asset Protection•Succession Planning •Insurance Analysis•Philanthropy / Charitable Giving•Tax Planning•Trust & Estate Services•Wealth Transfer Strategies•Wealth Succession•Family Education & Governance

Financial Advisory Growing & Preserving Your Wealth

•Customized Portfolio Construction•Asset Allocation•Style Diversification•Multi-managed Portfolios•Risk Management•Alternative & Tax Efficient Investment • Transition Strategies•Stock Option Planning

Advisory Service & Financial Management

•Financial Mgmt Reports - net worth and cash flow•Cash Flow & Liquidity Management•Secure On-line Access to Reports•Secure electronic access to copies of your documents

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How It Benefits You

– Assets are aligned to meet your life and wealth goals

– We develop a sophisticated investment solution monitored on an on-going basis to achieve your goals

– We provide objective and holistic advice

– As a result, you have the freedom to pursue what is important to you

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Getting Started…

Identify your goals and resources

Agree on the assessment of your goals

Evaluate and confirm the proposed investment solution designed to meet your goals Implement the goals-based

investment solution

Monitor investment strategies and progress to goals on an on-going basis

Discovery Agreement

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Discovery Agreement For Dr. Sample

Our information gathering process was carefully designed to help you define and clarify your financial objectives. The value of our recommendations depends upon the accuracy of the information we based them on. Your Planning ObjectivesListed below are the planning objectives you identified as being important during our Meeting in February 29th 2008. To you, financial independence means you would be able to live at the level you have grown accustomed to without needing to work for income. You plan to continue working at you current level for another 15 years. It is also important to continue your annual travel with your family for extended trips. You stated that your main goal was to create a comprehensive plan that gives you a feeling of organization and financial security also never to be a burden on your children. It is also important for you to know where your money is going and have a better understanding around your finances and the ability to minimize and avoid unnecessary capital gains and taxes. You felt it was important to have a well thought out investment plan that is consistent with your level of comfort around risk. You want to make sure that it was clearly articulated, easy to measure and consistently followed. You also said that you felt it was important for your children to receive a good education. You mentioned that both child 1 and child 2 are doing well in school, and child 1 is well on his way in Law school. You believe a higher education will be valuable as they start out in life and a way to get a better understanding of the world. However, you also mentioned that you don’t want your children to feel entitled to this gift, but rather that they understand how fortunate they are to be able to have it.To this end, you feel that they should participate in the funding of their own higher education.You currently share your finances with your children, and feel it is necessary to educate them

about wealth and its responsibilities. It is also important for you to instill the “right values” in your children

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Issues and ObservationsW







Figuring Out What To Do For Myself?

The next Phase Of My Life•How much can I afford to do for others

without derailing my own plans?•What would I do if I had more time? •To spend together and with family

•To pursue individual passions

How Much Is Enough? • When will I know I have reached the “Finish Line” for supporting my future while I am alive and when I am gone?•Am I able to make decisions today with clarity

around the longer term impact?•How can I help my children in a way that

preserves their work ethic?•Can I continue to keep a handle on what I am

spending?•How will I identify changes in my spending over


Put A Legacy Plan Into Action•What is my vision for the help I would like to give to the community?–Can I include my children in my community support as a way to communicate my values?–Is there a way to give to my boys so it communicates my values and supports the relationships between us?–How do I plan to communicate the goals I have for my family legacy?–What new commitments will I make?

Having The Freedom And Flexibility To Enjoy Life and To

Help OthersWhat does retirement mean to me?How do I want to be involved in my community?- Using my time and talent?- Contributing financially?How can I be sure I have enough to take care of myself as I age and as my needs change?


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After-Tax Return Client Name Account#

  YTD 2009Annualized Since

InceptionCumulative Since


Portfolio Pre Tax Return 28.98% 3.29% 19.29%

Benchmark Pre Tax Returns 29.44% 3.05% 17.81%

Difference -0.46% 0.24% 1.47%       

Portfolio Post Tax Return 37.74% 5.41% 33.22%

Benchmark Post Tax Return 34.77% 3.22% 18.87%

Difference 2.97% 2.18% 14.35%       

Parametric's Alpha 3.43% 1.94% 12.88%

Tax Savings $128,632 $73,125 $483,708

Inception DateTax Savings Based

on Account Value of $3,757,236 Value as of 12/31/2009 7/20/2004

Results:Tax Management Benefits of IMAP Platform

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The Key to your SuccessSucré-Vail Wealth Advisors: Partners with the Experts

• Financial Mapping Estate & will Planning Retirement & Pension Services Philanthropy 529 College Planning

• Interactive Wealth Management Aggregation of all accounts Living balance Sheet Secured Vault

• Risk Management Asset Protection Liability Audit Life, Annuity, Long Term Care Disability Insurance • Private Banking Access to full service Banking Remote Deposits Securities-Backed Lending

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Wealth Accumulation

Home, Taxable Assets

Personal Property


Wellness Bank

Lifestyle backup


Education Expenses 529 Assets

A Framework For Your Wealth Will Help To Guide Decision Making

Current lifestyle Family support Income form


1. Grow and secure future lifestyle needs to ensure you can maintain your current standard of living and transition when you want to

2. Use resources from 529 plans for Children’s Education expenses

3. Provide a liquid pool to support deals you create along the way

4. Use residence and other holdings to create growth as a backup in case there is a shortfall, or for legacy


Opportunity Taxable Assets


Future Lifestyle Retirement plan

IRAs & Annuity



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CCA Master Acct

Future Lifestyle Provides assets needed

to fund longer-term

lifestyle goals Provides growth $150K


Lifestyle Expenses Living expenses Taxes Travel Etc.$550,000

Wealth Accumulation

Provides assets needed to replenish the Future Lifestyle Pool

Growth from current real estate and Taxable investments

Practice Income$750,000


Family Support

Provides assets needed for upcoming Education expenses

529 plans




Provides assets for business deals you create along the way

Taxable Investments

We will help you create and fund a Cash Management Strategy

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Wealth Management System

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Independence at all levels

Sucré-Vail Wealth Advisors

Partners- Experts, Best in Class Specialist

High Net Worth Physician

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In Summary:Our Philosophy offers You:

A Journey Beyond Wealth

serving as your Independent


• Wealth Management focusing on your goals that take planning, money, time

on- going coordination and monitoring to accomplish

• Asset allocation aligned with risk management through asset class structure and mitigation of risk

• Portfolio Returns enhanced through specialist, fundamental and quantitative active management

• Access to premier Estate & Income tax planning techniques, Trust Services, Private Banking and liability audits

• An interactive wealth management system customized for you

• Lasting Client Success through innovation

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