silva life system - personal development program based on jose silva's research

(/) ( ( ( ( (tel:1-888-597-8384) Help /RESEARCH-AND-PRESS) REVIEWS (/REVIEWS) PRODUCTS (/PRODUCTS) Why settle for personal growth when you can experience personal evolution? If you’re like most people who use meditation, visualization or manifestation, your goal is simple: you want to overcome your personal barriers. You want to give back and realize your highest potential. Now with 12 Special Bonuses: Silva Sounds for Free We’ve crafted these special packs with pure precision. These audios are great to meditate, focus and relax and now you can get them completely for free when you purchase Silva Life System! In Just 5 Minutes A Day, You Could Have The Answer To Soaring Success In Your Career & Personal Life, Unshakable Health & Happiness, And A Life Awakened To Your Purpose… “Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Mind With The Silva Life System — The Scientifically Proven & Time-Tested Self-Empowerment Program” Over 6 Million Graduates in 44 Years—Including Scientists, Doctors, Artists and Entrepreneurs —Have Used The Silva Method® to Experience a Life Beyond Ordinary Get Silva Life System + 12 bonuses Today. But Hurry Up! The Time Is Running Out! TIME LEFT : 2 DAYS 23 HRS 59 MINS 50 SECS Silva Life System - Personal Development Program Based On Jose Sil... 1 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

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Why settle for personal growth when you canexperience personal evolution?

If you’re like most people who use

meditation, visualization or

manifestation, your goal is simple: you

want to overcome your personal

barriers. You want to give back and

realize your highest potential.

Now with 12 Special Bonuses: Silva Sounds for Free

We’ve crafted these special packs with pure precision. These audios are great tomeditate, focus and relax and now you can get them completely for free when you

purchase Silva Life System!

In Just 5 Minutes A Day, You Could Have The Answer To Soaring Success In Your Career &

Personal Life, Unshakable Health & Happiness, And A Life Awakened To Your Purpose…

“Unleash The Hidden Power of Your Mind With

The Silva Life System — The Scientifically Proven

& Time-Tested Self-Empowerment Program”

Over 6 Million Graduates in 44 Years—Including Scientists, Doctors, Artists and

Entrepreneurs —Have Used The Silva Method® to Experience a Life Beyond Ordinary

Get Silva Life System + 12 bonuses Today.

But Hurry Up! The Time Is Running Out!



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1 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

And you know that across the world,

more and more people like you are waking up to a more conscious lifestyle.

But why do some of these ‘lucky’ people experience deep life-changing

transcendence – while you might still be wrestling with financial struggle, health

challenges, unfulfilled potential, and jarring, unpredictable peaks and plateaus in

your career and personal life?

This is what makes the difference between theconsciously evolved and the consciously stuck…

It’s all about how you practice your personal growt h. Most ‘mind

empowerment’ systems and techniques focus on a form of rigid, passive

meditation, where you’re told exactly what to do and how to feel as you practice


But at The Silva Method, we train you with a form of active meditation to spark

tangible, profound, lasting change – which means you’re shown how to use each

of your 5 senses from your hands to your eyes, visualize vivid symbols and

invoke hyper-specific symbology to function at the Alpha and Theta levels of

mind while fully awake.

You’ll do this through a set of time-tested and highly refined mind exercises that

come together to form a more empowered lifestyle: one where you can

overcome unwanted habits and beliefs, shift your career, personal life,

relationships and health, and even influence the lives of your loved ones.

The Silva Method is like having a personal trainer showing you exactly how

your body works, and how to work with different mus cle groups to get the

results you want – except instead of your muscles, you’re working with

your mind.

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Silva International is an A+ accredited businessby Better Business Bureau

1 Banish stress for good

Learn how to put yourself into a deep level of medi tation within a matter of

minutes. Nothing bothers you. Sounds don’t disturb you. Stress melts away.

Productivity soars. Ambitions stay clearly in focus without distraction. Worries no

longer suffocate you.

The Silva Life System takes you through 10 sessions of deep Alpha and Theta

Level meditations, as an instructor guides you mentally and verbally through the


2 Develop positive thought patterns

Upon studying Silva’s training, Dr. James Motif of the Psychology Department in

Hope University, Australia, found that it led to an increase in adherence to

moral and ethical standards , positive attitudes to family members and better

social self-image. It also led to a decrease in self-criticism.

In addition, Dr. George Desau , in a study on Silva graduates at the Incarnate

School for Girls in San Antonio, Texas, found that our curriculum boosted ego

strength, helped prevent shyness, increased trust and cooperation among

students and led to greater self-assurance and warm-heartedness.

What You Gain from SilvaThe Silva Method has been studied in universities around the world and itsbenefits are scientifically proven . This is what you can expect to gain…

The Silva Life System is our bestselling multimedia home

training program that trains you to awaken your mind’s full

potential. In it you’ll find a time-tested system of active mind tools

and insights that over 6 million people – including CEOs,

athletes, bestselling artists and medical professionals – use to

realize their peak potential every day.

And in 2012, 5 years after launching the original p rogram,

we’ve updated The Silva Life System to a new versio n, with

a brand new framework and optimized tools and techn iques

for better results and a more engaging learning exp erience.

Experience the personal evolution system usedby everyone from award-winning celebrities to scientists

to your next door neighbor

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3 Learn to naturally accelerate your body’s rateof healing

Jose Silva firmly believed that the mind is the driving force behind ALL


In the Silva Life System you will learn a variety of mental visualization methods

designed to accelerate your mind and body’s natural capacity fo r physical

and emotional healing. These results have been studied and endorsed by a

variety of medical practitioners.

For example Dr. O. Carl Simonton , a world-renowned cancer therapy

researcher, described the Silva Method as one of the “most powerful single tools”

that he can offer to his patients.

4 Boost your creativity

Studies show that creativity is enhanced when funct ioning at the Alpha


Listening to the Silva Life System, you will learn how to enter the Alpha level at

will and then to use your creative mind to help you think of solutions to problems,

enhance creativity or let inspiration flow.

Silva graduates have used this process to develop patents, start new

businesses, or to create works of art, literature and music. Here are some


Bestselling author Richard Bach praised The Silva Method publicly: “Mental

discipline and creative visualization are what’s behind the power of the Silva

Method,” he said in an article in Harper’s Bazaar magazine. Bach also credits

inspiration from The Silva Method as having helped him finish his best-selling

book, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.

Band leader Dr. Severinsen has composed music while at his Alpha level. In a

newspaper article, he claimed it helped him connect better with his own spiritual

life, and in doing so he became a much better person.

World renowned sculptor Harry Jackson said it brought him the peace of mind

he had been searching for.

5 Think big and attain powerful goals

The Silva Life System is more than a motivational self-help course.

Motivational self-help courses leave you on a high for a few days but people

often revert to their old ways after several weeks. Not so with Silva.

Studies have shown that the Silva programs lead to you becoming permanently

more self-assured and positive. But most of all, you learn to think bigger, set

higher goals and seek to achieve things that contribute to humanity.

Whether you’re 12 years old or 80 years old, Silva makes you think bigger, and

plants in you the unbreakable desire to accomplish and do more with your


6 Performance enhancement for sports, career

Dr. Charles Garfield , former NASA researcher and current president of The

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Performance-Science Institute in Berkeley, California, talks about a startling

experiment conducted by Soviet sports scientists.

The study examined the effect of mental training, i ncluding visualization,

on four groups of world-class athletes just prior to the 1980 Olympics in Lake

Placid, New York. The four groups of elite athletes were divided as follows:

Group 1: did 100% physical training.

Group 2: did 75% physical training, 25% mental training.

Group 3: did 50% physical training, 50% mental training.

Group 4: did 25% physical training, 75% mental training.

What the researchers found was that group 4—the group with the most

mental training—had shown significantly greater imp rovement than group


Likewise, group 3 showed more improvement than group 2, and group 2 showed

more improvement than group 1.

The results were astonishing. Who would expect that athletes training mentally

would be able to advance further than their counterparts who were training


Garfield said, “During mental rehearsal, athletes create mental images of the

exact movements they want to emulate in their sport. Use of this skill

substantially increases the effectiveness of goal-s etting, which up until then

had been little more than a dull listing procedure.”

With the Silva Life System, you learn to practice such mental rehearsals. The

results can be very significant.

7 Sleep better and learn to practicecreative dreaming

Silva teaches you to “command” your mind to let you fall asleep when you

choose to. It also shows you how to set your internal clock to be able to wake up

anytime—without the use of an alarm clock. Imagine how much productivity and

energy you will gain by always having a good night’s rest.

You will also learn a wonderful technique to help you remember your

dreams—and even to ask for dreams that could contain the solution to problems.

Throughout history, people have credited dreams wit h helping them

develop new ideas . The inventor Elias Howe got the idea for the sewing

machine through a dream. Paul McCartney came up with the song “Yesterday”,

in a dream. The structure of the Carbon-6 molecule was discovered through a


Now you can use your dreams to help boost your creativity and inspiration.

8 Intuition

Silva recognizes that everyone is born with intuitive abilities, and that anyone

who learns how to manifest these abilities can function at a highly intuitive level.

Through our proprietary scientific and time-tested process, you’ll learn how to

use your inbuilt psychic abilities in everyday life , and use your “gut feeling”

for a happier, more successful and more enlightened life.

A research project conducted by Dr. George Maycock at Appalachian State

University in North Carolina demonstrated that students who completed Silva

training showed a significant increase in creative and intuitive functioning.

Of the 30 students who participated, 25 showed gains in intuitive abilities.

Four of the other five (who did not show improvement) were already functioning

in a high intuitive mode before the training. Intuition is valuable for students and

adults alike. One researcher found that 70 percent of gifted or high-IQ students

were predominantly intuitive, while only 39% of students in regular classes were


How a radio repairman in Texasdiscovered The Silva Method

Back in 1964, in the sleepy town of Laredo, Texas, an engineer

named Jose Silva ran a radio repair shop. But aside from his

career, he also had a keen interest in hypnosis and the human

mind – and he spent most of his nights studying the works of

visionaries like Freud, Jung and Adler.

Silva’s life changed when he stumbled on a question .Through his work, he was aware of Ohm’s Law – which states

that when you reduce the resistance in a wire, more electricity

can flow through it. This led him to wonder…

“Does the human mind have ‘resistance’? And what would

happen if you could reduce it?”

Decades before Silva’s research, scientists had already

discovered what is known as the Alpha and Theta levels of mind:

a state typically experienced during sleep or meditation, where

the brainwaves slow down and the mind enters a state of deep


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Best-Selling Author ShaktiGawain on the Silva Method

One of the earliest

workshops I took

was the Silva Mind

Control Course…

The most important

technique I learned

in that course was the basic

technique of creative visualization…

Our rational mind is like a

computer… The intuitive mind, on

the other hand, seems to give

access to an infinite supply of

information. It appears to be able to

tap into a deep storehouse of

knowledge and wisdom…

Shakti Gawain ,Author of numerous books, including Creative


You Will See NoticeableResults Quickly.

We have all heard

many times that

anyone can control

the direction and

pattern of their lives

if they just know

how. In Silva, you will learn simple,

practical and safe ways to bring

about this control. The Silva Method

consists of scientifically researched,

tested, proven techniques which

you receive in a step-by-step, learn-

by-doing manner. You will see

noticeable results quickly.

Burt Goldman ,Burt Goldman, Author of The American Monk

We’re so much stronger thanwe think

We waste too much of our time

dragging ourselves under. If we

spent one half of it just researching

in our mind how to deal with life,

we’d find we’re so much stronger

than we think. (She became a Mind

Control graduate on the

recommendation of another

graduate, opera singer Marguerite


Carol Lawrence ,Famed Broadway Actress of West Side Story,

The Sound of Music, Funny Girl and more. She

earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame;

the first recipient ever in the category of Live


Silva believed that these heightenedstates of consciousness held the keysto the evolution of mankind

And so he began creating specific mind tools and exercises that

would allow a person to enter the Alpha and Theta levels while

awake – and tap into hidden reservoirs of intuition, creativity and


At first, Silva used his techniques – which he called ‘The Silva

Method’ – to help his children improve their grades, boost their

intuition, creativity and IQ, and sharpen their memory.

Word spread fast, Silva’s techniques continued to evolve, and

within months he was training people in his community, then

across the country, and eventually across the world. Today, over

5 decades later, The Silva Method is used by over 6 million

people in 110 countries – and now you’re about to experience

what it can do for YOU.

The Silva Life System gives you 17 unique mindempowerment techniques, divided into the following chapters:

Available exclusively on this website, The Silva Life System is

our brand new, updated multimedia home training program

designed to give you the foundations of our mind empowerment

method. It’s like being at one of our world-famous Silva seminars

– but from the comfort of home.

Spread out across 13 chapters covering 4 key areas of mind

empowerment, the program contains everything you need to

become a fully-fledged Silva practitioner, including:

Over 17 of The Silva Method’s most popular and

effective mind empowerment techniques , designed to

give you full control over your mind’s hidden abilities.

Immersive guided meditation sessions that use our

proprietary Centering technology to guide you into an

optimal state of mind for intuition, creativity,

manifestation and healing.

Fascinating lessons and insights into your mind and

how to awaken its full potential , delivered by President

of The Silva Method, Laura Silva.

Experience the pinnacle in mind empowermenttraining with The Silva Life System

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Chapter 1


Chapter 2

4 Steps to the Silva Life System

Chapter 3

Sleep Control TechniqueAlarm Clock Technique

Chapter 4

Dream Control TechniqueEnergizing Technique

Chapter 5

Fingers Technique

Chapter 6

Glass of WaterHeadache Relief Technique

Chapter 7

Mirror of the Mind Technique Part 1Mirror of the Mind Technique Part 2

Chapter 8

Three Scenes & Advanced Dream ControlThe Power of Forgiveness and

Healing the Past

Chapter 9

AttunementRapport & the Fantastic Voyage Exercise

Chapter 10

Creation of Mental Laborator

Chapter 11

Getting to know your Counselor

Chapter 12

Creating New Beliefs

Chapter 13

Mirror of the Mind Advanced

Special Feature: Each technique comes with a HD preparation video for better results

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Studies show that having multiple consumption methods can

help you absorb information better. That’s why on top of the

audios and videos, we’ve included this handy PDF workbook you

can use in tandem with the program. Highlights include:

Tips, tricks, color illustrations and additional to ols for

getting even more out of your Silva Life System exercises.

Interactive exercises and evaluation modules to help you

track your progress and identify the areas you need to work

more on.

The 9 core values for getting your mind to work for you

instead of against you , so you can enjoy the best possible

results with the program.

Special Feature: A complementary digital workbookfor a better learning experience.

Chapter 1: Introductory

Get started with an introductory video and audio for

mastering the basic concepts and core values in your

mind empowerment journey.

How is this version of The Silva Life System differentfrom the original program?

Over 32,000 people worldwide own the original Silva Life System home training program. And since we launched it back in 2007,

we’ve made an ongoing effort to optimize it with the help of the Silva students and instructors who use it every day.

The newest Silva Life System is the result of over a year of tireless feedback, tweaking and advanced research into our training

curriculum. Here are the distinct upgrades you’ll find in it:

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1 Upgraded tools and techniques:

You’ll find optimized versions of classic tools like the 3

Fingers Technique, and expanded techniques like the

Mirror of the Mind, which now comes in a three-part

system. You’ll also find new insights, lessons and tips from

Laura Silva herself for getting the most out of these tools.

3 A stronger emphasis on activemeditation:

We’ve tweaked our curriculum to allow you to control your

own mind exercises without the use of restrictive

traditional guided visualizations. Think of it like learning

how to play different notes on a musical instrument so you

can create your own masterpiece, as opposed to just

memorizing one or two songs. The result is deeper

transformation and a more immersive experience.

4 An enhanced introduction:

The introductory section has been re-envisioned so you

can use it to build a rock-solid foundation for your mind

empowerment experience. You’ll find a variety of new

tools for setting goals, shifting your belief system,

relaxation and more.

5 A handy workbook:

The brand new workbook is an indispensable learning

sidekick, giving you descriptions for each chapter,

important checklists and explanations of key principles,

and engaging exercises to help you absorb your learnings

in record time.

2 A new program layout and structure:

To make your learning experience easier and more

enjoyable, we’ve broken down the curriculum into 4 key

areas. This gives you the freedom to jump into the

program, and pick out a specific technique for whatever

challenge you’re facing – whether it’s to prepare for a

crucial meeting at work, or to get rid of a splitting


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The Silva Method is practiced by many experts who a re

leading the way in bringing conscious practices to the



Many top-shelf corporations,

including RCA Records , Green

Mountain Coffee and The Arnold

Agency , have sent their employees for Silva training. Benefits

have been reported in various areas, including amplified

creativity, improved business management, enhanced motivation

and better stress management. Robert Stiller, the CEO of Green

Mountain Coffee, says “Silva demonstrates that there is no limit

to what the mind can do.“

The Arts

Many artists, writers, actors and

performers use the Silva Method

to enhance their creativity and

focus, and come up with highly

creative ideas. Notable students

include the Opera singer

Marguerite Piazza , singer Vicki

Carr , and actresses Carol

Lawrence (the first live theater

actress to get a Star on the

Hollywood Walk of Fame) and

Loretta Swit .

Best-selling author Richard Bach credits the Silva Method for

the inspiration to help him finish his iconic book, Jonathan

Livingston Seagull, which went on to sell over a million copies

and was featured on the cover of TIME magazine.


Russell “Bucky” Dent , a

baseball player with the Chicago

White Sox , began studying the

Silva Method in 1975. In 1978 he

was named Most Valuable Player

at the World Series. Dent has

been quoted as saying, “The Silva

Method helped me with my

concentration, and it helped me to

relax before the pressures of a

game.” To this day, many

world-class athletes use the

principles of The Silva Method to visualize their desired

outcomes, improve focus and keep their minds and bodies in

optimal condition. Silva has an especially huge following in

sports that encourage a mind-body approach to physical


Personal Growth

A wide range of top personal growth leaders, coaches and

authors use, endorse and are influenced by The Silva Method.

Wayne Dyer says, “anything with the name Jose Silva as an

author has my vote before I open to page one,” and ShaktiGawain says it allows you to “tap into a deep storehouse of

knowledge and wisdom.” The Silva Method even inspired her

best-selling book, Creative Visualization.


Many healthcare professionals and scientists

have integrated the principles of The Silva

Method into their healing regimens as a crucial

component of effective mind-body healing.

Dr. O Carl Simonton , founder of the Simonton

Research Institute, which practices and researches imagery

therapy for patients, calls The Silva Method one of “the most

powerful single tools that I have to offer patients.” Professor

Clancy D. McKenzie , founder of the American Mental Health

Association, is also known to have used Silva techniques to aid

his patients.

From business to wellness to the arts…6 Your very own personal guide:

We’ve engaged fellow Silva Practitioner Kaileen Sherk to

guide you throughout your journey. At the beginning of

each chapter you’ll find a high-quality introduction video

and audio to help you understand the key concepts you’re

about to learn. You’ll master the exercises faster, and

enjoy deeper clarity in every chapter.

We’ve spent nearly 50 years researching, experiment ing and

collaborating with leading scientists, researchers and

personal growth leaders.

The first scientist to investigate the research of The Silva Method

was Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in

California, who went on to endorse our work. Since then, various

research institutions, universities and scientists have studied and

verified our research, including:

Over the years we have continued to fine-tune the process of

tapping into the human mind’s inner potential, and profoundly

changing our students’ lives in the process.

Every lesson, every technique and every meditation you’ll

find in The Silva Life System is a direct result of this tireless

scientific research —and we’re confident you won’t find any

other mind empowerment program that’s as scientifically backed,

empirically proven and easy-to-use as ours.

Five decades of scientific research and collaboration.

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Now accessible to everyone

The Silva Life System is the result of over five de cades of research, optimization and

collaboration with some of the world’s best minds. In this time we’ve spent over $2 million

to fund our efforts.

If you were to look for any other solution to improving your life, like medication, therapy or

other personal growth events or materials, you’d easily spend hundreds if not thousands

of dollars a month in accumulated fees (and we’re confident that none of these solutions

would be as lasting and effective as ours).

And if you wanted to learn the teachings of The Silva Method at one of our sold-out

seminars, you’d pay around $1,000 for a ticket—and that’s not including the cost of travel

and accommodation.

But because The Silva Life System is a home training program, we’re able to cut down our

Duke University , North Carolina

Trinity University , Texas

University of Texas , Texas

Wayland Baptist University , Texas

C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University , New York

Canisius College , New York

Has my vote

Anything with the name of Jose Silva as theauthor has my vote before I open to page one.Read it with a pen for underlining.

Dr. Wayne Dyer ,Self-improvement guru and bestselling author of Real


The New York Times April 16, 1972

The following extract is

from, “Can Man Control

His Mind”, published on

April 16, 1972:

A recent study by Trinity

University, San Antonio,

Mind Control do attain a

high degree of Alpha

production. C. W. Post

College, Greenvale, L. I.,

is planning to offer the course at its business school this fall and

Canisius College will offer it in its Department of Religious


A visit to a Mind Control class in New York discloses more

stockbrokers than bearded way out and the dress style is closer

to Brooks Brothers than to the East Village. A major New York

company has sent all its top executives through the course

and its president , a hard-headed businessman, is seriously

thinking of instituting an in-house training program for all

employees. He refused to speak for the record, saying, “We

think there is something there, but I don’t want to alarm our

stockbrokers at the moment.

Other businessmen are not so reluctant. Lee Epstein, a vice-

president and art group supervisor at Doyle Dane Bernbach

volunteered: “It opened the gates for me. It has re-energized

me, made me more creative and yet more relaxed. I p ractice

it every day and get better and better at my job an d my life.”

The New York Times covers The Silva Method

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Each Module comes with LectureTracks and Meditation Training Tracks

Listen to the Lecture tracks when jogging, while in your car

during a commute, on the subway or bus or plane . Pop the

tracks onto your iPod or CD player and take them wherever you


With the Silva Life System you’ll actually look for ward to

your long commute. Imagine that!

Listen to the Meditation tracks at home or work, wh en

you’re seated in a comfortable way and able to rela x. They

will not just train you, but also put you in such an amazing

relaxed state of mind, that you won’t be able to get enough. You

will want to do this daily, it’s as pleasurable as taking a nice

hot bath or receiving a wonderful massage.

costs. And although the full seminar experience cannot be replaced, it’s an excellent way

to gain the benefits of The Silva Method from the comfort of your home— for afraction of the cost .

And so the price for a copy of The Silva Life System 2.0 is not $1,000, $500, $300 or even


It starts at only $149 for instant access—and that’s the lowest price you’ll ever find

for a scientifically verified, empirically proven a nd time-tested solution to

awakening your mind’s full potential.

Guarantee #1

Artisan-level quality

You will be blown away by the sheer

quality and attention to detail of every

lesson, every technique and every

exercise in Silva Life System.

Guarantee #2

Deep & lasting results

Upon using The Silva Life System, you’ll

notice virtually instant results that will only

get better in the coming days, weeks and


Guarantee #3

Impact on Your life

The Silva Life System will empower every

aspect of your life, and turn you into a

highly capable Silva practitioner.

We stick by our claims. If for any unlikely

The Silva Life System Triple Guarantee3 irresistible promises for your peace of mind:

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Get 12 FREE Bonuses When You Purchase The Silva Life System In The Next 3Days

We’ve crafted these special packs with pure precision. These audios are great tomeditate, focus and relax and now you can get them completely for free when you

purchase Silva Life System!

Even the packaging and the online

membership area have been designed

with the greatest of care .

Remember you can also write to us at any

time for personal guidance and tips .

reason The Silva Life System doesn’t live

up to any of these three promises, just

drop us an email and you will be refunded

within 90 days of your date of purchase.If for any reason Silva Life System doesn’t live up to any of these three points, just drop us an email

at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) within 90 days of your date

of purchase, and we’ll give you a full, no-questions-asked refund.

Take advantage of our 90 Day Guaranteeand experience the power of Silva, today!You only live once—and life is way too short to be spent struggling.

So why settle for mediocrity in your career and finances? Why allow cracks to

form in your health and relationships? Why let negativity, self-doubt and bad

habits sabotage your dreams?

The Silva Life System trains you to tap into your m ind, and triumph over

your every limitation.

With a little help from The Silva Method, you can live a breakthrough life—and

you can serve as an inspiration to everyone around you.

But don’t just take our word for it. Join the millions of people who’ve already

changed their lives with The Silva Life System. Order your copy and start

your journey today.

Here’s what you get when you order the Silva Life System:

In the box:

13 CD modules packed with cutting-edge Silva


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A workbook to help you practice and elevate your


An unconditional 90-day money back


Plus 2 bonuses, among which:

Exclusive recordings of The Laura Silva’s Story

(Value: $47)

Exclusive recordings of The Target Image

Exercise (Value: $47)

Order Now and Start Listening in 5 Minutes!

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This is what our Silva communityhas to say…

Disclaimer: In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the

customer letters we have received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few

people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product. The

generally expected performance of Silva Life System in regards to any specific disease has not been

scientifically validated and we cannot and will not make any promises in regards to any miracle cures

The internationally bestselling author ‘WayneDyer’ talks about Silva MethodJose Silva, the founder of The Silva Method, is a man I’ve

admired for a long time. I have used The Silva Method of

visualization for many years. It has helped me overcome

illnesses and accidents and avoid surgery. I urge you to attend

Silva’s training sessions.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

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Silva International is an A+ accredited business by Better Business Bureau

The Bottom Line: Used by over 6 million people worldwide, The Silva Life System is a scientifically proven and time-tested solution to

awakening the full power of your mind. The result? Massive improvements in every aspect of your life, from your career to your health

to your relationships. It’s as good as attending a world-famous Silva seminar, but at a mere fraction of the cost.

We are giving you access to 12 extra bonuses because we

know that customers who get to experience extras of the

Silva Method tend to become life-long fans and steadily

study the materials for years. That’s how powerful the

programs are. We want to get as many people as possible

to experience these teachings – so at no extra cost, we are

giving you 12 bonuses because we know you’ll love them

enough to come back for more.

Why Are WeGiving You

Access to 12Extra Bonuses atNo Extra Cost?

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14 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

-Dr. Wayne DyerSelf-improvement guru and bestselling author of Real Magic

“The Silva Method Absolutely Works”The Silva Method has by far been one of the most influential

personal development programs I have done. It’s amazing how

much you can do with your mind if you know what to do. I

strongly recommend everyone apply this method. It absolutely

works. We all owe it to ourselves to make our lives better and


-Rola DiabChicago, IL

“This information can be utilized every day”I am not new to personal development and/or meditation, but

am new to the Silva System. What I have experienced is

remarkable. I love practical information, and what is taught in

the system that can be utilized in every day situations to bring

peace, calm and grounding to stressful situations, is

phenomenal. Everyone should invest in t SS!

-Videtta Mack VanderweideCEO & Founder at

Richard Bach on Silva MethodIt was the weirdest experience of my life. I was walking along

one night, worrying about the rent money when I heard this

voice say ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’. But no one was there.

I had absolutely no idea what it meant. When I went home, I

suddenly had a visualization of a seagull flying along, and I

began to write. I just put down what I saw.

Creative visualization is really what’s behind the Silva Method; that is,

whatever you can visualize, you can actualize” That is putting it squarely on

the line. It is putting teeth into the old saw, “What man can conceive, he can

achieve.” If you conceive of “a good day,”… Need I finish the sentence?

Everything works better when you work; but objective work, as productive as it

is, is not the only work you must do. You must also do subjective work using

ten cycles per second to resonate with other minds and to get everything to

work still better.

-Richard BachBest-selling author of publishing phenomenon “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”

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15 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

“This system is Awesome!”AWESOME! nothing like.Please allow me to say this in

spanish. estoy invitando a mis amigos de face book a que se

unan a la familia del metodo silva.

-Luis A.RamirezWorks at US Postal Service (retired)

“I learned from Jose Silva himself and stillenjoying the System”

I did Silva Mind Control almost 40 years ago with Jose who

was very warm, inspirational, modest and effective. My old tape

of his finally wore out and I miss it tremendously. No other

voice recorded is as fine. Glad to see the program is still being


-Adrienna RobinsonNewton, Massachusetts

“After practicing Silva Life System I need nomore pills”

I had to taken sleeping and anti depression pill for a long.

However, after practicing the mental exercise or the meditation,

I am quite free from any tension. No pill is needed for me. This

is the achievements of Silva method. Long live the Silva


-Sarwar JahanUniversity of Dhaka

“I recommend it for all who study”I learned about Silva Method as a 14 year old young lady. I

held on to the concepts but became lazy with the program. It

has had its influence in thought throughout my life. I am 56

years old now and in dire need to get myself on track once

more. This course teaches much about self, thought and how

the brain operates with our thought processes. It would have great positive

effect for all who study. I can’t wait.

-Linda KingRegent University School of Psychology & Counseling

“This method keeps me balanced”I’m so pleased with this awesome method added with the Om

method it is a must Do as much as I’m able in this hurried world

to have taken these enlightenment methods to keep me

balanced Thank you Mind Valley My daily ritual is to Get my

Om On & engage The Silver Method & put it into PRACTICE


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16 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

-Kathleen Rongo Mahanga-PopataHenderson High School.Henderson West Auckland NZ

“Just what my mind has hungered for”I have found the Silva Life System with the positive affimations,

just what my mind has hungered for, this has been a great help

for me and my brain, not sure how it all works, all I know, it is

having a good effect.

I am more peaceful within. I am less angry, more forgiving. I am

happy in my daily life.

The meditation has been a first experience for me, I love doing this with the

help of the CD’s, I have not been able to achieve the same level, basic 1

without help, this has helped my brain to overcome stressful daily life. It is


I desire so much better for my life now and for my family, also for the people I

meet as I journey ahead.

I have recommended the Silva Life System to everyone I talk to, family and

friends, also work mates and people in general that are looking for a way to

solve the different problems in their lives.

I recommend Silva Life System for the way it has improved my life and I

believe it is a very good quality teaching tool that would be a great help to

many people, if not all people.

-Linda PlowmanTenterfield, Australia

“I have only tried the Silva Life System andfound great results”

I attend a university, and I am in a tough Engineering major.

Each semester has been getting more and more difficult to

handle. I have encountered students who were smarter than

me and made better grades despite that I seemed to try so

much harder than they did. Of course, all the smart ones try

hard as well, and yet they seem to possess special talent that allows them to

process and learn information easily. As for me, to see others put in fewer

hours and yield greater results … well, my self esteem had been plummeting.

After an incredibly difficult semester, I searched for a solution during the

holidays and found the Silva Life System. I have been practicing and now at

the beginning of the semester; I am much more positive, less reluctant to do

my homework, and I feel healthier. I can focus better, wake up without an

alarm, and meditate peacefully. My jealousy of my genius peers has

dissipated. I have not had the program for very long either so I am confident

that I will reach my goals to be a top student very quickly. Thanks Silva!

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone. Most people suffer from

some degree of depression because most people feel that they are inadequate

in some way. At the very least, the Silva Method increases a person’s positivity.

Beyond that, the Silva Method arms the listener to achieve anything.

I have only tried the Silva Life System and found great results. I look forward to

getting better every day for the rest of my life. Sometime, I would like to try the

other Silva Products as well.

-PhillipTexas, US

Disclaimer: In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the

customer letters we have received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few

Silva Life System - Personal Development Program Based On Jose Sil...

17 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product. The

generally expected performance of Silva Life System in regards to any specific disease has not been

scientifically validated and we cannot and will not make any promises in regards to any miracle cures

Here’s what you get when you order the Silva Life System:

In the box:

13 CD modules packed with cutting-edge Silva


A workbook to help you practice and elevate

your learnings.

An unconditional 90-day money back


Plus 2 bonuses, among which:

Exclusive recordings of The Laura Silva’s Story

(Value: $47)

Exclusive recordings of The Target Image

Exercise (Value: $47)

Order Now and Start Listening in 5 Minutes!

SilverSilva Life System

Digital Download Only

Download the entire digital program and

get instant access.


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GoldSilva Life System

Physical Collection

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anywhere in the world.


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18 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

What are the most Frequently Asked Questions aboutSilva Life System?

Q: Who would benefit from using Silva Life System?

A: Everyone! Let me explain – The Silva Life System is a personal empowerment program

designed to unleash the power of your mind, which will in turn benefit all areas of your

life. You’ll do better in your career, increase your wealth-making abilities, beat stress,

improve your health and relationships,and even find your life purpose.

The best part is, ANYONE can do this. You don’t need to be a Silva student, and you

don’t need any meditation experience – all you need to do to join the millions of people

who have already benefited from this program is determination, patience and belief in


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Need a payment plan? Click on an option below and pay in 2 easy installments

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Silva International is an A+ accredited business by Better Business Bureau

The Bottom Line: Used by over 6 million people worldwide, The Silva Life System is a scientifically proven and time-tested solution to

awakening the full power of your mind. The result? Massive improvements in every aspect of your life, from your career to your health

to your relationships. It’s as good as attending a world-famous Silva seminar, but at a mere fraction of the cost.


We are giving you access to 12 extra bonuses because we

know that customers who get to experience extras of the

Silva Method tend to become life-long fans and steadily

study the materials for years. That’s how powerful the

programs are. We want to get as many people as possible

to experience these teachings – so at no extra cost, we are

giving you 12 bonuses because we know you’ll love them

enough to come back for more.

Why Are WeGiving You

Access to 12Extra Bonuses atNo Extra Cost?

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19 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

Q: How is the Silva Life System better than any other self empowermentcourse?

A: The Silva Life System is the culmination of over 5 decades and millions of dollars of


It is designed to help you function consciously at the Alpha level of mind. The benefits

of being in this state include enhanced creativity, intuition, relaxation and healing.

No other self empowerment program has the level of scientific and empirical backing

that we do – and you won’t find our thoroughly researched and perfected techniques

and exercises anywhere else.

Q: I have tried other similar programs with similar promises, but I havenot experienced the results I expected. Why would the Silva LifeSystem be any different?

A: Few programs have the scientific backing and social proof of the Silva Life System.

There is no way I would risk our credibility by offering you a program that doesn’t work

as I say it does. On top of that, you’ve got an unconditional guarantee to give you

unbeatable peace of mind.

Q: I have a busy life. How will I find time to study the Silva Life System?

A: The beauty of the Silva Life System is you can go through it at your own pace. All you

really need is half an hour in the morning or before going to bed to go through the

exercises and lecture tracks.

And if you’re too busy to do it on certain days, don’t worry! You can just pick up where

you left off when you get the time. No matter what pace you do it at, within time you’ll

still experience all the life-changing benefits we’ve told you about.

Heroic Customer Support

Need help with ordering, getting this program your iPod or

advice on where to start? Our heroic customer support team is

here to help.

Optimized for your iPod

Looks simply gorgeous on your iPad or any other audio player.

One Click Download allows you to load all the files to your

music player with ease.

A program you’ll use for life

The Silva Method has been fine-tuned and enhanced over 5

decades. Welcome to our 2010 version. With 1 seminar million

graduates and over 6 million books sold, you know you’re using

a system that has been distilled and refined to perfection.

A world-class authority

The Silva Method organization is certified by the Better

Business Bureau. MindValley, the publisher is voted World’s

Most Democratic Workplace 2 years running. You’re dealing

with reputable companies and names you can trust

Proudly published by Mindvalley

Mindvalley is the online publishing company behind some of

the biggest personal growth programs on the internet. We

publish only the hottest, most transformational content in the

industry – and we’ve been voted World’s Most Democratic

Workplace for 6 years running.

Designed for busy people

It doesn’t take much time to learn. Listen during your commute,

or while you jog, do yoga or workout. Feel the difference

without having to add too many new tasks to your already busy


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20 sur 21 10/12/2013 17:16

Start The Silva Life System Now »

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