silicone tgw ias2015 · •...

Transgender women con.nue to contend with high rates of HIV infec.on in many se8ngs. To enhance their feminine appearance, many transgender women undergo medically unsupervised body modifica.on procedures, such as self or peeradministered injec.on of industrial silicone (“airplane oil”). The use of nonsterile equipment and assisted has been associated with increased risk for HIV acquisi.on and skin and soH .ssue infec.ons among people who inject drugs. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of industrial silicone injec.on among transwomen in Prevalence and correlates of injec1on of industrial silicone among transgender women in Argen1na M. Eugenia Socias 1, 2, 3 , Thomas Kerr 3,4 , Brandon D.L. Marshall 5 , Inés Arístegui 1 , Claudia Frola 1, 2 , Héctor Pérez 2 , Pedro Cahn 1, 2, , Omar Sued 1, 2 1 Fundación Huésped, BA, 2 Hospital Fernández, BA,, 3 BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada, 4 University of Columbia, Department of Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 5 Brown University School of Public Health BACKGROUND METHODS Data was drawn from a crosssec.onal, na.onwide study involving transgender women in conducted in 2013. Bi and mul.variable logis.c regression were used to inves.gate correlates of industrial silicone injec.on Contact: M. Eugenia Socias, eugenia.socias CONCLUSIONS Our findings revealed that injec.on of industrial silicone is a common prac.ce among transgender women in, especially among those engaged in high risk (e.g., sex work) and those experiencing barriers to healthcare. Although no associa.on was found with HIV or HCV infec.on, this analysis was limited by selfreport. Given the high prevalence of medically unsupervised and peerassisted in this sample, longitudinal studies are needed to inves.gate whether injec.on of industrial silicone is an important risk factor for HIV or HCV transmission among this popula.on. Regardless, given the wellknown morbidity associated with this prac.ce, interven.ons to ensure appropriate access to transgender care are urgently needed. AKNOWLEDGEMENTS heps:// 2013/02/hombreinyectandose1.jpg RESULTS We would like to thank all the par.cipants, A.T.T.TA. interviewers for their assistance in data collec.on, and the rest of the research team involved in this study. Supported by a grant from the Open Society Founda.ons (#OR201201282). In total, 450 transgender women were included: Median age: 30 years old (IQR 2537) History of sex work involvement: 376 (83.6%) Selfreported HIV infec.on: 104 (23.1%) Selfreported HCV infec.on: 18 (4%) 277 (61.6%) reported having ever injected industrial silicone for body modifica.on purposes. 91.7% of them were injected by a transgender peer Unadjusted and adjusted correlates of silicone injec.on are shown in Table 1. !"#$#%&'$()&(% +,,) -#&(. /+-0 12#,34)&', +- /567 !80 9,34)&', +- /567 !80 82,(:(,4#;<;':'; =#%&.$) "#$ %&$' ($)' *+,$'- . /012 %/013 4 /015- >?@6 />?@A B >?@C0 6$+78 '$&*'9$, :;< =9)9>= %&*=?9?@$ @=0 A$#)9?@$B >ACA*DA- . /0EF %/015 4 G0EH- /0/H %10E1 4 G01F- I,>J)9?*A)+ +$@$+ %KL?#L =JL**+ @=0 ML?#L =JL**+- . 10E/ %10F5 4 /01E- 10EN %10FH 4 /0/H- 6$+78 '$&*'9$, :O< =9)9>= %&*=?9?@$ @=0 A$#)9?@$B >ACA*DA- /0NN %1025 4 F0E3- 4 IP9$A,$, L$)+9L ?A=>')AJ$ /01/ %10N/ 4 /0NN- 4 D.%(#;<)&$4%&4$#; =#%&.$) Q*'$?#A8R*'A =9)9>= %($= @=0 A*- . 30/5 %/0FF 4 E011- E?AA />?EC B F?6A0 69)R+$ L*>=?A# %($= @=0 A*- 10H5 %10NG 4 /02N- 4 :?=9*'( *7 =$P D*'C ?A@*+@$S$A9 %($= @=0 A*- . 20/N %G0HF 4 H01E- E?A@ />?GF B G?>A0 T?=J'?S?A)9?*A R( L$)+9LJ)'$ D*'C$'= %($= @=0 A*- . /02E %/012 4 G03F- /01G %10N3 4 /0NF- I@$' )@*?,$, L$)+9L =$'@?J$= ,>$ 9* 9')A=#$A,$' ?,$A9?9( %($= @=0 A*- . /0EE %/0/H 4 G0N3- >?G> />?@> B A?6G0 I@$' )''$=9$, %($= @=0 A*- . 3055 %G0F/ 4 N0GN- A?@@ />?@G B E?C@0 I@$' $P&$'?$AJ$, &*+?J$ @?*+$AJ$ %($= @=0 A*- . G02F %/0EG 4 30EN- 10H2 %102N 4 /0N/- . 6?#A?7?J)A9 )9 & M 10/1 )A, $A9$'$, ?A9* 9L$ S>+9?@)'?)R+$ S*,$+ Table 1. Factors associated with industrial silicone injec1on among transgender women in Argen1na (n=450)

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Page 1: Silicone TGW IAS2015 · • Transgender)women)connue )to)contend)with)high)ratesof) HIV)infecon in many)sengs . • To)enhance)their)feminine)appearance,many)transgender)

•  Transgender  women  con.nue  to  contend  with  high  rates  of  HIV  infec.on  in  many  se8ngs.  

•  To   enhance   their   feminine   appearance,   many   transgender  women  undergo  medically   unsupervised  body  modifica.on  procedures,   such   as   self   or   peer-­‐administered   injec.on   of  industrial  silicone  (“airplane  oil”).  

•  The  use  of  non-­‐sterile  equipment  and  assisted  has  been  associated  with   increased   risk   for  HIV  acquisi.on  and  skin   and   soH   .ssue   infec.ons   among   people   who   inject  drugs.  

•  The   aim   of   this   study   was   to   assess   the   prevalence   and  correlates  of  industrial  silicone  injec.on  among  transwomen  in  

 Prevalence  and  correlates  of  injec1on  of  industrial  silicone  among  transgender  women  in  Argen1na    M.  Eugenia  Socias1,  2,  3,  Thomas  Kerr3,4,  Brandon  D.L.  Marshall5,  Inés  Arístegui1,  Claudia  Frola1,  2,  Héctor  Pérez2,  Pedro  Cahn1,  2,,  Omar  Sued1,  2  1Fundación  Huésped,  BA,  2Hospital  Fernández,  BA,,  3BC  Centre  for  Excellence  in  HIV/AIDS,  Vancouver,  Canada,  4University  of  Columbia,  Department  of  Medicine,  Vancouver,  Canada,    5Brown  University  School  of  Public  Health  


METHODS  •  Data   was   drawn   from   a   cross-­‐sec.onal,   na.on-­‐wide   study  

involving  transgender  women  in  conducted  in  2013.  •  Bi-­‐   and   mul.-­‐variable   logis.c   regression   were   used   to  

inves.gate  correlates  of  industrial  silicone  injec.on  

Contact:  M.  Eugenia  Socias,  [email protected]    


•  Our  findings  revealed  that  injec.on  of  industrial  silicone  is  a  common  prac.ce  among  transgender  women   in,  especially  among  those  engaged   in  high  risk   (e.g.,  sex  work)  and  those  experiencing  barriers  to  healthcare.  

•  Although   no   associa.on   was   found   with   HIV   or   HCV  infec.on,  this  analysis  was  limited  by  self-­‐report.    

•  Given   the   high   prevalence   of   medically   unsupervised   and  peer-­‐assisted   in   this   sample,   longitudinal   studies  are   needed   to   inves.gate   whether   injec.on   of   industrial  silicone   is   an   important   risk   factor   for   HIV   or   HCV  transmission  among  this  popula.on.    

•  Regardless,  given  the  well-­‐known  morbidity  associated  with  this  prac.ce,   interven.ons  to  ensure  appropriate  access   to  transgender  care  are  urgently  needed.    




We   would   like   to   thank   all   the   par.cipants,   A.T.T.TA.   interviewers   for   their  assistance   in  data  collec.on,  and   the   rest  of   the   research   team   involved   in   this  study.   Supported   by   a   grant   from   the   Open   Society   Founda.ons  (#OR2012-­‐01282).  

•  In  total,  450  transgender  women  were  included:  •  Median  age:  30  years  old  (IQR  25-­‐37)  •  History  of  sex  work  involvement:  376  (83.6%)  •  Self-­‐reported  HIV  infec.on:  104  (23.1%)  •  Self-­‐reported  HCV  infec.on:  18  (4%)  

•  277   (61.6%)   reported  having  ever   injected   industrial   silicone  for  body  modifica.on  purposes.  •  91.7%  of  them  were  injected  by  a  transgender  peer    

•  Unadjusted   and   adjusted   correlates   of   silicone   injec.on   are  shown  in  Table  1.  




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Table   1.   Factors   associated   with   industrial   silicone   injec1on   among  transgender  women  in  Argen1na  (n=450)