signs and signifiers


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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Signs and Signifiers

Jade Mason


Page 2: Signs and Signifiers


Page 3: Signs and Signifiers

The genre of Q is pop/rock which mainly concentrated on the rock side. I expect to see artists that major in pop/rock music such as top 40 artists

and rock bands. An iconic sign in this magazine cover is the master head 'Q' because it is a physical

representation of the letter Q and is a logo which is a physical representation of the brand. The graphic 'Q' would have a preferred reading of how the sign is so easily recognizable that everyone should be able to see that 'Q' and immediately think of the brand and

what the brand represents (pop/rock music.) The curved typography of the Q isn't as formal as other masterheads which shows that it is more accessible

to everyone rather than more formal audiences.


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The main image of Adele is iconic because it is a literal photograph of the pop star Adele. She is iconic for her

fans and to an audience due to the fact that if you saw a picture of her you would instantly recognize her .

The colours used in the front cover is a symbolic sign: the use of red represent love and passion which is shown in

Adele's body language being very flirtatious and her look of lust in her eyes. Adele's music is mostly about love and lust and this is transferred to her pose and the colours in

the cover. Women are tend to be seen as sexual beings and Adele's pose is showing that she is very flirtatious

however she represents a large  majority of women who feel like they are not the stereotypical 'beautiful'.

Oppositional readers will see this image of Adele and feel that she isn't representing herself in a good way as she is posing very flirtatiously and in a sense sexually, which is

what she is supposed to be avoiding.

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Her body language is an indexical sign as she very sultry and seductive which suggests her flirtatious side. The side angle could show that she is hiding

something or is trying to be flirtatious and innocent. The preferred reading to this is that she is powerful and independent which would encourage girls who wish to be like her to be the same. The oppositional reading would be that she is contradicting what she stands for and should be promoting her career and

music rather than being flirtatious and concentrating on becoming a sexual object.

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The masterhead has the iconic Q which represents the brand and is in contrasting colours to the Black and White title 'Contents' which makes the brand stand out which could suggest that the brand Q

doesn't want to stick to the stereotype and wants to draw in readers who want to stand out from the

crowd.The main image of Adele is iconic, symbolic and

indexical for many reason.It is iconic because it is an actual photograph of the

artist Adele and it represents her as an artist.


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The size of the photo is indexical as the image is the largest thing on the page which could link to the size

of her as an artist being very large and influential and how she is growing bigger and bigger with more and more fans. The shadows on her face is indexical as it suggests that she may still be hiding a side of

her which is intriguing as you as the reader wants to find out more about her and find out what she is

hiding. Her facial expression is very relaxed which contrasts to the cover page spoken about above. The preferred reading will like the fact that she appears

very relaxed and conserved and very poised and formal looking.


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The typography of her name ADELE is very bold and formal which links to her pose and her costume and makeup being very formal and sophisticated which

could suggest her as an artist at the moment or could foreshadow where she wants to go as an artist in the

future. The oppositional readers may feel that her pose seems very catty, malicious and venomous, the

same as her looking her eyes.


As you can see in the image on the right, the girls look

very mean and catty which is

similar to Adele’s pose.

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The image of Lady Gaga is Iconic as is the Letter L; the image is iconic as it is a physical representation of Lady Gaga as it is a photograph of her and the letter L is iconic as it is the initial of her first name. Her name is also iconic within the Pop genre

and her fans. It is also symbolic because the L is very large and it is in bold typography to show that she is a large and

well known artist as well as very defined and professional. The use of red suggest lust and love which is shown and linked to her pose being very flirtatious and sexual. The use of columns spread out the text and make it easier to read meaning that

the younger readers can read it better. The use of columns are also used in newspapers which is formal and will appeal to

older readers who would avoid magazines with a lot of large writing and lots of font types. It will also appeal to a higher

social class because it appears more sophisticated.


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The photograph of Lady Gaga can also be indexical. Her pose is very sexual and symbolizes what viewers would find attractive.

Her hands on her breasts could show that she is empowered and is loving the skin that she is in (which is what her as an artist represents)  however oppositional readers can say that she is

promoting and encouraging others to view her as a sexual object rather than a classy, influential woman. They could also say that because she is such a large artist and has many fans that she is a

bad influence on them and should be aware that her actions could have an impact on her fans (some being young). The use of

black and white is symbolic because it suggests class and a vintage appeal which suggests that she is branching as an artist

and will become a vintage artist in the future. The image dominates the page showing that she is a large scaled artist, a

household name, and the shot is in black and white to show age which links to knowledge and tradition.


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This cover has many iconic signs: firstly the Masterheads and Logo 'NME' is iconic as it is a

physical representation of the brand and the magazine- when audiences see this logo they will immediately think of the brand and the magazine.

The image of Lana Del Rey is also iconic because it is a physical photograph of her. She is iconic for her

fans also.There are also symbolic signs; the American flag symbolizes Nationalism and will endear American

readers to want to read it. It suggests that this issue will include many American artists which could

encourage international readers to want to read so that they can find out more about American artists also. Her pose is symbolic because it suggests her being strong and powerful (which is normally what

'hands-on-hips' normally suggests. Preferred readers will see this as influential and inspiring.


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Her facial expressions however are indexical; they can be viewed in two ways. Firstly it could suggest that she is taking more of a rock approach to her music

now as more heavy metal and rock artists stick their tongue out as a symbol of rebellion. It could also

suggest that she, as an artist, is trying to break out of the stereotypical cut-out pop artist. She is also

juxtaposing her own style as she is seen to be a very classically beautiful women, her hair is golden and shiny and styled the way it would have been in the

1950's which juxtaposes with the 'modern' rock pose with the tongue. The words 'I'M A PSYCHO!' links with

her pose as she appears to be a bit crazy and out there. The pun 'true face of a modern American' literally means that people are using this facial

expression more and more which metaphorically suggests that audiences are changing the music that

they are listening to. Oppositional readers will say that her facial expression is too harsh and may be ruining

her beauty and poise, and encourage the wrong mindset.


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The iconic signs in this contents page are the Logo 'NME' is iconic as it is a physical representation of the brand and the magazine- when audiences see this logo

they will immediately think of the brand and the magazine. The image of Kasabian is also iconic because

it is a photograph of the artist which is a physical representation.

The use of colour is a symbolic sign; red symbolizes love which is linked to the title of the article 'Kasbian

got ROMANTIC in a church.' This would attract women because women stereo typically are attracted to

anything related to love and romance however men would also be attracted to the article if they listen to the artist. The image is also symbolic as the backdrop

of the church will suggest that the artist is very wholesome and sophisticated as a church symbolizes

religion and purity which could attract readers that may not necessarily have heard the artists music.


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The image of Florence Welch is an iconic sign because it is a physical representation of the artist and she is

an iconic sign to her fans. The use of red is symbolic because it symbolizes love

and lust which is shown in her pose. The words 'got the love' is symbolic as it links to the colour red being

linked to love and indexical as it links to her as one of her songs included that lyric. She appears very sultry and flirtatious and she is showing lots of skin on her legs. Her pose an indexical sign as she is very strong and empowering which could link to the 'USA' in the background suggesting that America is strong and

powerful also. 


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The curved typography of the letter 'D' is symbolic and indexical as it is typical feminine and pretty which also links to the theme of love and her as she is feminine. Preferred readers will feel that she is representing women in a good way as she appears powerful and

strong however Oppositional readers will feel that she is teaching women to show less skin and view her as a

sexual object.