significant practices in the life of the adherents-hajj

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Post on 25-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    Signifcant Practices inthe lie o the Adherents

    ONE signifcant practicewithin Islam


  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    The annual week long pilgrimage toMecca modern da! Saudi Ara"ia#

    The $thPillar o Islam The complete ha%% occurs & months and '(

    da!s ater )amadan ends and culminateswith * Id al+Adha, the esti-al o sacrifce#

    .mra set o religious and de-otionalrites# oten known as lesser /a%% can "eperormed at an! time during the !earand does not include rites at Mina0Mu1dalia and Araat2

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    /istor! o the /a%%

    3irtual /a%%

    The /a%% is s!m"olic o pilgrimageMuhammed made in the ootstepso A"raham2 So reall! the /a%% isin remem"erence o Pre+IslamicAra"ian times and recognisition o

    the e-ents can "een seen in theMonotheistic aiths o 4udaism05hristianit! and Islam2
  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    The Hajj is spread

    across a number oftowns in the Hijazprovince including:Mecca, Mina,Muzdalifah, Arafat and


  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    6escri"e the practice

    The 7ur,an states 8Make the pilgrimageand -isit the sacred house or /is sake9make the pilgrimage in the sacred month:

    It is an O"ligation $thPillar# that all

    women and men should ollow0ano"ligation upon 8those who can maketheir wa! there:9 8o"ser-e !our dut! toAllah0 and know that Allah is se-ere inpunishment:

    Encouragement rom the /adith states;the prophet said; 8 Islam does not allowor ailure to perorm the /a%%:2

    It is an essential part o a Muslim,s aithand practice2

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    Pra!er "eore starting


    O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj; make iteasy for me and accept it from me. I make

    the niyyah for Hajj and enter into thestate of Ihram for the sake of Allah alone,the most High.

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    Not an o"ligation on children0

    the sick or those who can,ta

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    Anal!se the signifcance o

    this practice or theMuslim communit! /a%% is a test o what a person is willing to do

    or Allah

    Spiritual 5leansing personal# Muhammed himsel went on the /a%% in the

    ootsteps o A"raham Annual con-ention or "elie-ers 6emonstrates Islamic uni-ersalit!

    5onfrmation o commitment to >od Spiritual and historical education 5ommemorate A"raham and Ismail 6a! o %udgment grand assem"l! reminder

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    Personal Signifcance o

    /a%% /a%% Toda! Devoted elievers of different

    religions isolate themselves from

    people in order to prify their hearts.In the "est for intimacy #ith thedivine, they retreat to montaincaves, monasteries, or hermitages

    and prefer solitde to the companyof others.
  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    $od has favoredIslam % as the last&estament % #ithHajj 'pilgrimage to

    (akkah) to e theIslamic form ofmonasticism #hen aset period of time isdevoted y thepilgrims* ritals andperformance to thetask of freeingminds and heartsfrom all

    #orldly concerns.&he pilgrim seeksto prse a ni"eform of collective

    #orship of Allahand seekscloseness to Him inthe one and only

    location chosen yHim.

  • 7/25/2019 Significant Practices in the Life of the Adherents-HAJJ


    If the pilgrim nderstands #here Hajj really standsin Islam, he #ill notice in himself a process ofspirital transformation throgh the ritals. +verystep of Hajj serves as a reminder, a sign ofsmission to Allah, an instrctive tool for selfdiscipline and piety, and an ehortation to thefaithfl aspirant.

    As Hajj provides every pilgrim #ith tran"ility ofheart, inner prity, and fllness of nderstanding ofhis eistence in the cosmos, every single stepshold recall the ideas of the creation, glory ofdivine transcendence, and the nity of the elieversthat crosses ondaries and ethnic and genderdiversities. In the heart of every aspect of Hajj is

    some reflection signifying the Hereafter.