signatures of 2-day wave in the e-region electric fields and ......sunset. however, the height...

Ann. Geophys., 27, 631–638, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Annales Geophysicae Signatures of 2-day wave in the E-region electric fields and their relationship to winds and ionospheric currents H. C. Aveiro, C. M. Denardini, and M. A. Abdu Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, P.O. Box 515, S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil Received: 30 September 2008 – Revised: 17 December 2008 – Accepted: 14 January 2009 – Published: 9 February 2009 Abstract. We analyze the effects of the 2-day wave activity in the EEJ using one coherent scatter radar and eight magne- tometer stations located close to the dip equator. The wavelet analysis of the magnetometer data reveals a 2-day signature in the semidiurnal geomagnetic tide. The E-region zonal background ionospheric electric field, derived from coherent radar measurements, shows 2-day oscillations in agreement with such oscillations in the magnetometers data. An an- ticorrelation between the amplitude of the tidal periodicites (diurnal and semidiurnal) and that of the 2-day signature is also shown in the electric fields. The results are compared with simultaneous observations of 2-day planetary wave in meridional winds and ionosonde data. Further, our results are discussed based on the analysis of the magnetic activity. Keywords. Ionosphere (Equatorial ionosphere) 1 Introduction The equatorial electrojet (EEJ) is an electric current that flows in the height region from about 90 to 120 km (at iono- spheric E-region), covering a latitudinal range of ±3 cen- tered at the dip equator (Forbes, 1981). It is driven by the E-region dynamo electric field (Fejer and Kelley, 1980) and represents an important aspect of the phenomenology of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system. Sounding ob- servations of the equatorial ionospheric E-region using VHF radars have shown backscattered echoes from electron den- sity irregularities in the EEJ. These echoes contain Doppler shifted frequency components due to the drifts of two types of irregularities, called Type I and Type II. Irregularities in the EEJ related to the Gradient Drift plasma instability are known as Type II. Their Doppler signatures are characterized Correspondence to: H. C. Aveiro ([email protected]) by a broader spectrum with amplitude smaller than that of the Type I irregularities. On magnetically quiet days Type II echoes are founded predominatly in the lower portion of the EEJ. They may be present since early morning hours until sunset. However, the height range where those echoes dom- inate on magnetically quiet days seems to rise during dis- turbed periods (Abdu et al., 2003). Planetary scale equatorial waves play an important role in the tropical atmosphere dynamics. These waves are forced by large-scale unsteady convective clusters in the tropical tro- posphere and accompanying latent heat release. They prop- agate horizontally and vertically carrying momentum to the middle and upper atmosphere (Pancheva et al., 2008). Forbes and Leveroni (1992) found a quasi 16-day oscillation in the the equatorial ionosphere likely connected with the upward penetration of a free Rossby mode. Parish et al. (1994) iden- tified 2-, 5-, 10- and 16-day periodicities in the EEJ, which they attributed to planetary waves; however, their analysis suggested also that nonlinear interactions between the plan- etary waves and the diurnal and semidiurnal tides could be another driving source of these oscillations. Gurubaran et al. (2001) identified the signatures of the quasi-2-day vari- ability in the equatorial electrojet using magnetometers and showed a reasonable correlation with the 2-day wave mea- sured by the MF radar situated close to the geomagnetic sta- tions. Abdu et al. (2006) found planetary wave modulation in the equatorial F-layer vertical drift. In view of the theoret- ical difficulty of modelling the propagation of such waves to ionospheric heights (Hagan et al., 1993; Forbes, 1995), those results were related to the electrodynamical signature of the interaction between planetary waves and the ionospheric dy- namo region. We have many possible scenarios to the ex- planation of the detection of planetary wave signatures in the ionosphere (Forbes, 1996; Lastovicka, 2006): stratospheric/mesospheric planetary waves could mod- ulate the accessibility of gravity waves to the upper Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Page 1: Signatures of 2-day wave in the E-region electric fields and ......sunset. However, the height range where those echoes dom-inate on magnetically quiet days seems to rise during dis-turbed

Ann. Geophys., 27, 631–638,© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


Signatures of 2-day wave in the E-region electric fields and theirrelationship to winds and ionospheric currents

H. C. Aveiro, C. M. Denardini, and M. A. Abdu

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, P.O. Box 515, S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil

Received: 30 September 2008 – Revised: 17 December 2008 – Accepted: 14 January 2009 – Published: 9 February 2009

Abstract. We analyze the effects of the 2-day wave activityin the EEJ using one coherent scatter radar and eight magne-tometer stations located close to the dip equator. The waveletanalysis of the magnetometer data reveals a 2-day signaturein the semidiurnal geomagnetic tide. The E-region zonalbackground ionospheric electric field, derived from coherentradar measurements, shows 2-day oscillations in agreementwith such oscillations in the magnetometers data. An an-ticorrelation between the amplitude of the tidal periodicites(diurnal and semidiurnal) and that of the 2-day signature isalso shown in the electric fields. The results are comparedwith simultaneous observations of 2-day planetary wave inmeridional winds and ionosonde data. Further, our resultsare discussed based on the analysis of the magnetic activity.

Keywords. Ionosphere (Equatorial ionosphere)

1 Introduction

The equatorial electrojet (EEJ) is an electric current thatflows in the height region from about 90 to 120 km (at iono-spheric E-region), covering a latitudinal range of±3◦ cen-tered at the dip equator (Forbes, 1981). It is driven by theE-region dynamo electric field (Fejer and Kelley, 1980) andrepresents an important aspect of the phenomenology of theequatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system. Sounding ob-servations of the equatorial ionospheric E-region using VHFradars have shown backscattered echoes from electron den-sity irregularities in the EEJ. These echoes contain Dopplershifted frequency components due to the drifts of two typesof irregularities, called Type I and Type II. Irregularities inthe EEJ related to the Gradient Drift plasma instability areknown as Type II. Their Doppler signatures are characterized

Correspondence to:H. C. Aveiro([email protected])

by a broader spectrum with amplitude smaller than that ofthe Type I irregularities. On magnetically quiet days Type IIechoes are founded predominatly in the lower portion of theEEJ. They may be present since early morning hours untilsunset. However, the height range where those echoes dom-inate on magnetically quiet days seems to rise during dis-turbed periods (Abdu et al., 2003).

Planetary scale equatorial waves play an important role inthe tropical atmosphere dynamics. These waves are forcedby large-scale unsteady convective clusters in the tropical tro-posphere and accompanying latent heat release. They prop-agate horizontally and vertically carrying momentum to themiddle and upper atmosphere (Pancheva et al., 2008). Forbesand Leveroni(1992) found a quasi 16-day oscillation in thethe equatorial ionosphere likely connected with the upwardpenetration of a free Rossby mode.Parish et al.(1994) iden-tified 2-, 5-, 10- and 16-day periodicities in the EEJ, whichthey attributed to planetary waves; however, their analysissuggested also that nonlinear interactions between the plan-etary waves and the diurnal and semidiurnal tides could beanother driving source of these oscillations.Gurubaran etal. (2001) identified the signatures of the quasi-2-day vari-ability in the equatorial electrojet using magnetometers andshowed a reasonable correlation with the 2-day wave mea-sured by the MF radar situated close to the geomagnetic sta-tions. Abdu et al.(2006) found planetary wave modulationin the equatorial F-layer vertical drift. In view of the theoret-ical difficulty of modelling the propagation of such waves toionospheric heights (Hagan et al., 1993; Forbes, 1995), thoseresults were related to the electrodynamical signature of theinteraction between planetary waves and the ionospheric dy-namo region. We have many possible scenarios to the ex-planation of the detection of planetary wave signatures in theionosphere (Forbes, 1996; Lastovicka, 2006):

– stratospheric/mesospheric planetary waves could mod-ulate the accessibility of gravity waves to the upper

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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632 H. C. Aveiro et al.: 2-day wave in the equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics

regions of the atmosphere, involving mechanisms thatcould lead to secondary sources of excitation of plane-tary waves in the upper atmosphere;

– planetary wave modulation of vertical plasma drift dueto planetary wave modulation of the E-region dynamo;and

– planetary wave modulated turbopause height and tur-bopause region properties or composition changes at thebase of the thermosphere; and

– modulation by planetary waves of the upward propagat-ing tides that participate in the dynamo action to gener-ate electric fields in the upper regions.

The last mechanism seems to be promissing and easier toverify since the forcing by diurnal and semidiurnal tides thatpropagate upward is basically responsible for the fenomenol-ogy of the ionosphere in quiet periods, especially in equato-rial latitutes (Abdu et al., 2006).

In the present paper, we analyze the effects of the 2-daywave activity in the EEJ using data from one coherent radarand eight magnetometer stations close to the dip equator (diplat <∼5◦). Our results are compared with previous resultsobtained byPancheva et al.(2006), who analyzed the 2-daywave coupling of the low-latitude atmosphere-ionospheresystem in the neutral winds by radar measurements at fourtropical stations, in the ionospheric electron density fromseven ionosonde stations, and in the ionospheric electric cur-rents from twenty-three magnetometer stations, during theperiod between 1 December 2002 and 28 February 2003.Still, our results are discussed based on the analysis of themagnetic activity through the use of AE, andDst indices.

2 Two-day wave in the E-region electric fields

2.1 Radar experimental description

The 50 MHz RESCO radar is located at the Brazilian equa-torial site, Sao Luiz, at 2.51◦ south, 44.27◦ west,−0.5◦ diplatitude. The CoCo (coaxial-collinear) antenna array usedwith the radar consists of 32 strings of 24 dipoles separatedby a half wavelength, totalizing 768 dipoles. The array isconfigured so that the antenna beam can be steered electron-ically between the vertical and one of the oblique directions(±30◦ zenith angle) or between the two oblique directions.The theoretical beam width is∼7◦ in E-W and∼3◦ in N-Splanes and the transmitter peak power is∼40 kW.

The radar is usually set for EEJ sounding. The inter-pulseperiod (IPP) of transmission is usually set to 1 ms. The timedelay (TD) between transmission and data acquisition is setto 620µs. The observations have been made using a pulsewidth (PW) of 20µs that corresponds to 3 km height resolu-tions using the vertical beam or 2.6 km when the radar beamis oblique. The radar data acquisition system samples the

echoes so that the height coverage is between around 80 and120 km. The backscattered echo received by the antenna ar-ray is amplified before passing through two phase-coherentdetectors that provide in-phase and quadrature signals con-taining the Doppler frequency and power information. Thephase detected signals are sampled in 16 range gates andstored in a sequential binary format. The signals are groupedin sets corresponding to 256 pulses (NP) for each sampledrange gate. The data processing consisted in an offline spec-tral analysis using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for eachrange gate of NP data points which resulted in the spectraldistribution of the Doppler frequencies contained in the re-turned signal for each range gate. For the periods of anal-ysis, the time resolution between each set of NP pulses is12 s and the aliasing frequency for each spectrum is 500 Hzwith ∼4 Hz (NP=256) of frequency resolution. Then, by in-tegrating each spectrogram in frequency, we obtained the to-tal power received from each height, and the time variationof the total power in all the range gates is used for plottingthe daily Range Time Intensity (RTI) maps.

2.2 Electric fields inference

The Doppler spectrum of the echoes is a composite of bothType I and Type II irregularities present inside the volumesampled by the radar. Assuming that the experimental spec-tra can be decomposed in various Gaussian spectra, the spec-tral decomposition technique involves fitting the sum of twoGaussian curves to the spectrum. Each Gaussian (related toone specific irregularity type) is characterized by three pa-rameters: center of frequency distribution (corresponding toDoppler shift), spectral power density, and spectral width.After inverting the curves, the six statistical moments (threeto each irregularity type) are evaluated. Fitted curves withspectral power smaller than 5% of the maximum spectralpower for the whole day are discarded to avoid eventual badfitting related-problems. Finally, the phase velocity estimatesfor Type II irregularities (Vp) which was obtained by fitting,is used to calculate the vertical electric field (Ez) by:

Ez = Vp(1 + ψ) ·B2

H, (1)

whereH is the horizontal component of the magnetic fluxdensityB, B is defined as|B|, and the anisotropic factorψ isgiven by:

ψ =νi ·νe

�i ·�e, (2)

where�e,i is the gyrofrequency andνe,i is the collision fre-quency. The subscripte andi indicate the electron and ionterms, respectively.

In the computation ofψ , we neglected the ion-electroncollisions, and the ion-neutral collision frequency were cal-culated usingKelley (1989):

νin = (2.6 × 10−9) · (Nn +Ni) · (An + Ai)−1/2, (3)

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whereNn,i is the density andAn,i is the average molecu-lar weight, respectivelly. The subscriptn indicates the neu-tral terms. We neglect the ion terms, soNn+Ni≈Nn andAn+Ai≈An. Since the electron-ion collisions are negligiblein the lower E-region (Forbes, 1981), the electron collisionfrequency is approximated by the electron-neutral collisions,as given by (Kelley, 1989):

νen = (5.4 × 10−10) ·Nn · T1/2e , (4)

whereTe is the electron temperature. In this work, we as-sumed isothermal electron withTe=Tn, but is not necessar-ily a good assumption (Oyama et al., 1980). Te, basically,should be equal toTn, however, the few reports of electrontemperature observations show that very oftenTe is higherthanTn (Oyama, 2000, and references therein). For example,in the equatorial electrojet region, electron temperature mea-surement were only once reported bySampath et al.(1974)and showed thatTe would be approximately twice theTn ob-tained by models. Based on that, the isothermal electron as-sumption may lead to an underestimation of the vertical elec-tric field by∼8%.

The gyrofrequencies were calculated, as given by:

�e,i =qe,i · B

me,i, (5)

whereme is the electron mass andmi is the ion mass aver-age, andqe,i is the electrical charge. The parameters usedto perform the calculations ofψ were obtained fromBanksand Kockarts(1973), IRI Model (Bilitza, 2001), and IGRFModel (MacMillan and Maus, 2005).

In order to include the effect of vertical current in the mag-netic equator, we used integration of the EEJ electric currentequation along the magnetic field lines.Richmond(1973)stated that since the vertical electric field (Ez) that drivesthe EEJ current is mapped along the magnetic field lines,its value should also depend on the conductivity integratedalong the magnetic field line. For this reason we have cho-sen the ionospheric conductivity model developed byDenar-dini (2007), which calculate the Hall (σH ) and Pedersen (σP )conductivities at each point of the geomagnetic field linesalong the magnetic meridian at the radar site with height res-olution of 1 km, and then integrate them along the geomag-netic field line. Hence, the relation between the equatorialelectric fields is given by:

Eo =


−θσP · r · dθ∫

−θσH · r · dθ

· Ez ⇒ Eo =6P

6H· Ez. (6)

whereEo is the E-region background electric field,r is theposition of the magnetic field line element considering adipole geometry,θ is the magnetic latitude,dθ is the dif-ferential magnetic latitude element vector and the quantities6H and6P are the Hall and Pedersen field-line integratedconductivities, respectively.

Fig. 1. Lomb-Scargle periodogram calculated for the zonal electricfield for (a) 20–24 January,(b) 27–31 January,(c) 17–21 February,and (d) 24–28 February, in 2003. The horizontal (dash dot) lineindicates the level of 99% of confidence (=9.90 mV2/m2).

2.3 Results

In order to obtain information on the periodicity of the back-ground E-region zonal electric fields, we performed a spec-tral analysis. We analyze 10 days in January (20–24 and 27–31) and 10 days in February (17–21 and 24–28). The Lomb-Scargle algorithm, which is used for extracting frequencycomponents of unevenly sampled signals (Lomb, 1976; Scar-gle, 1982) and for series with gaps, has been used. In thiscase, the reason for using this method instead of a simplerFourier Transform is that the RESCO radar has operated onlybetween 08:00–18:00 LT, subsequently leaving gaps in thetime series. Figure 1 shows the Lomb-Scargle periodogramcalculated for the vertical electric fields for (a) 20–24 Jan-uary, (b) 27–31 January, (c) 17–21 February, and (d) 24–28February, in 2003. The horizontal (dash dot) line indicatesthe level of 99% of confidence (=9.90 mV2/m2). In general,the periodograms show two remarkable period peaks below1-day:∼0.5- and 1.0-day. It indicates an electric field arisingfrom the semidiurnal and diurnal tidal winds, respectively.Signatures of (exactly) 2-day waves are seen in the period of27–31 January, with an anticorrelation between this wave andthe tidal modes. Also, in February, the electric fields show re-markable periodicites of 1.9 days (Fig. 1d). Although, theydo not show the same anticorrelation observed between the2-day wave and the tidal modes. Ann. Geophys., 27, 631–638, 2009

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Table 1. Geographic coordinates and magnetic latitude of the mag-netometer stations.

Station Code Mag. Lat. Latitude Longitude

ASC −2.36 −7.95 −14.38SLZ −2.25 −2.58 −44.23HUA −1.80 −12.04 −75.32TIR −0.17 8.70 77.80PND 2.85 11.92 79.92BNG 4.20 4.33 18.57GUA 5.30 13.59 144.87AAE 5.32 9.03 38.77

3 Two-day signature in the EEJ currents

3.1 Magnetometer data

Hourly geomagnetic data were obtained for 8 stations closeto the magnetic equator (magnetic lat.<∼5◦). The dataset were provided in HDZ or XYZ format. Data in XYZwere converted to HDZ format. We have calculated the H-component variation with respect to the midnight base level,denominated asdH . dH observed at a point on the groundis not only due to the overhead currents, but also due to thecurrents flowing over a latitudinal extent of a few degrees oneither side of the overhead point (Vikramkumar et al., 1987).Also, the observeddH variations at ground levels consistsof two components: one due to currents in the EEJ itself(dHext), and other due to currents induced by the electrojet inthe earth (dHint). Since latitudinal distribution of the height-integrated current intensity in the EEJ (J ) shows a maximumin magnetic equator and a sharp decay off-equator, and as-suming a ribbon-like current flow, the ground level perturba-tionsdHext is related to the EEJ current by (Vikramkumar etal., 1987):

dHext =h0µ0



J (λ)dλ

h20 + x2(λ)

, (7)

whereh0 is the mean electrojet height,x is the distance ofthe latitudinal elementdλ from the geomagnetic equator andµ0 is the permittivity of free-space.J is integrated between±10◦ geomagnetic latitude because the current contributionto J is almost negligible beyond this range (Vikramkumaret al., 1987). Table 1 lists the geographic coordinates andmagnetic latitude of the magnetometer stations.

External current systems, the equatorial electrojet in thiscase, induce secondary currents in the Earth; and their mag-netic field is present at the Earth’s surface as internal contri-butions (Olsen, 1997). Since the latter is the effect and theformer the cause, the corresponding geoelectric currents arewell correlated with the magnetic variations of ionosphericorigin. Many studies related toHint/Hext have estimatedthat the ratio vary between 0.39–0.70 for different longitude

zones (Vikramkumar et al., 1987, and references therein).Sampath and Sastry(1979), based on their rocket-borne ob-servations of the electrojet current near Thumba, showed thatthe induced current is only 39% of the jet current. This is al-most equal to the globally averaged value of 40% obtained byDuhau and Osella(1982). Also, Vikramkumar et al.(1987)apply an approximation of1Hext=0.72×1H to compare ob-served1H values with those estimated from measured elec-tric fields. Based on that, thedH≈dHext assumption (ne-glecting the internal effects) may lead to an overestimationof the magnetic induction by EEJ currents. Still, we haverestricted our analysis to magnetometer stations close to themagnetic equator (magnetic lat.<∼5◦), sodH is supposedto contain mainly the EEJ influence. Another sources thatmay have some influence indH data (e.g., from magneto-spheric sources) are discussed in Sect. 5.

3.2 Wavelet analysis

The wave-type oscillations were analyzed through spectralanalysis of the magnetometer data using the wavelet trans-form. The wavelet-mother that best fitted to our objectiveswas Morlet, which is a plane wave modulated by a Gaus-sian envelope of unit width (Farge, 1992). The continuouswavelet transform (CWT) of a discrete sequencexn is de-fined as the convolution ofxn with a scaled and translatedversion of the wavelet-mother or, by the convolution theo-rem, it is the inverse Fourier transform of the product in thefrequency domain, as given by (Torrence and Compo, 1998):

Wn(s) =





0 (sωk)exp(iωknδt), (8)

wheres is the wavelet scale,k is the frequency index,δt isthe time resolution,N is the total number of points,x is theFourier transform of the time series,ψ∗

0 (sωk) is the complexconjugate of the wavelet-mother, and the angular frequencyis defined as

ωk =



Nδt: k ≤ N/2


Nδt: k > N/2

. (9)

The Morlet wavelet-mother is defined as (Torrence andCompo, 1998):

ψ0(sωk) = π−1/4H(ω)exp

[−(sω − ω0)



], (10)

whereH(ω) is the Heaviside step function (H(ω)=1 if ω>0,H(ω)=0 otherwise) andω0 is the frequency. The total en-ergy is conserved under the wavelet transform, and the space-scale energy density for 1-D time series is defined as (Farge,1992):

En(s) =|Wn(s)|


s. (11)

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Fig. 2. Space-scale energy density in log-scale of dH in January–February 2003 for the eight magnetic stations (from top to bottom):ASC, SLZ, HUA, TIR, PND, BNG, GUA, and AAE.

3.3 Results

Figure 2 shows the wavelet analysis ofdH , performed us-ing 1 h of time resolution, and 0.125 of scale resolution, tothe 8 selected magnetic stations for periodicities in the range0.25–4.0-days in January–February 2003. The overall resultsshow that the diurnal and semidiurnal tides are higher thanthe 2-day wave modulation indH almost all the time. Sta-tions close to dip equator show strong tidal modulation indH . The only exception is the AAE station which is locatedin 5.32◦ of magnetic latitude. Two-day wave modulationof dH is observed in all stations: ASC for 26–31 January,SLZ for 1–8 February, HUA for 1–10 February, TIR for 30

Fig. 3. Space-scale energy density in log-scale of the amplitudeof the diurnal tide (0.90–1.15 days) in January-February 2003 forthe eight magnetic stations (from top to bottom): ASC, SLZ, HUA,TIR, PND, BNG, GUA, and AAE.

January–7 February, PND for 30 January–10 February, BNGfor 27 January–1 February, GUA for 31 January–8 Febru-ary, and AAE for 27 January–13 February. Despite being themost remarkable periods with 2-day modulation, there alsoare others like during 18–23 February in HUA.

Figure 3 presents the wavelet analysis of the amplitude ofthe diurnal tide indH for the same magnetic stations andperiod as in Fig. 2. Two-day modulation of diurnal tide isnot clearly observed. Actually the dominant periodicities arein the range from 4–8 days. We still observed some occur-rences of quasi-2-day periodicities after 28 January for sta-tions closer to dip equator. Figure 4 presents the wavelet Ann. Geophys., 27, 631–638, 2009

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636 H. C. Aveiro et al.: 2-day wave in the equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics

Fig. 4. Space-scale energy density in log-scale of the amplitude ofthe semidiurnal tide (0.40–0.60 days) in January-February 2003 forthe eight magnetic stations (from top to bottom): ASC, SLZ, HUA,TIR, PND, BNG, GUA, and AAE.

analysis of the amplitude of the semidiurnal tide indH . Two-day modulation of semidiurnal tide is clearly observed for al-most all magnetometer stations, although there are other re-markable periodicities. The 2-day modulation of the semidi-urnal tide seems to appear between 10 January–10 February.The events are not continous in all the period, they appear asburst-like occurrences with 5–10 days persistence. Anotherinteresting feature is the fact that sometimes the 2-day wavesignature is seen in the semidiurnal mode ofdH , but it is notobserved in the amplitude ofdH .

4 Previous reports of 2-day waves observations inJanuary–February 2003

Pancheva et al.(2006) analyzed the 2-day wave coupling ofthe low-latitude atmosphere-ionosphere system in the neu-tral winds by radar measurements located at four tropical sta-tions, in the ionospheric electron density by seven ionosondestations, and in the ionospheric electric currents by twenty-three magnetometer stations, during the period between 1December 2002 and 28 February 2003. The results ofPancheva et al.(2006) are summarized as follow:

– a burst-like 2-day wave activity prevailed in the tropicalmesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) region havingthe following features: (a) the 2-day wave appeared inlate December (around 25 December), peaked at mostof the stations between 10 and 25 January, and persisteduntil early February; (b) westward propagation of the2-day wave, but with no single wave number found; (c)vertical wavelengths were quite similar for all stations,∼ 50 to 65 km; and (d) the 2-day wave appeared to pen-etrate into the dynamo region for part of the time (pre-dominantly after 20 January); and

– simultaneous magnetometer data from a large num-ber of stations in the tropical zone revealed the 2-dayvariability in the geomagnetic components appearedas modulations of the quiet-day Sq diurnal cycle, andionosonde data from seven tropical stations indicatedthe same periodicy infoF2.

The 2-day modulation of the 24-h tidal amplitude at the ini-tial and final stages of the 2-day wave activity is probablydue to the observed anti-correlation between the 2-day waveactivity and the diurnal tide (Pancheva et al., 2006, and ref-erences therein). They concluded that the main forcing agentin this atmosphere-ionosphere coupling seems to be the mod-ulated tides, particularly the semidiurnal tide. The parameterthat appears to be affected, and thus drives the observed 2-day wave response of the ionosphere, is the dynamo electricfield (Pancheva et al., 2006). They still suggest that 2-daywave response in the geomagnetic components does not ap-pear to require the direct involvement of the 2-day wave inthe vertical coupling (or at least not during the entire period).

5 Discussions

We have analyzed the indirect evidence of the presence of2-day planetary wave oscillations in the EEJ using one VHFcoherent radar and eight magnetometer stations located closeto the dip equator. Our results are summarized as follow:

1. E-region background zonal electric field: (a)Eo show aremarkable 2-day signature in the period 27-31 January;and (b) a anticorrelation between 2-day activity and thetidal modes (0.5-, and 1.0-days) is observed in the sameperiod.

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Fig. 5.Dst and AE indices for January–February 2003.

2. equatorial electrojet current: (a) the EEJ currents areclearly affected by the 2-day planetary wave; (b) 24-htidal amplitude in ionospheric currents are not modu-lated by the 2-day wave. Actually, the tide that is mod-ulated is the 12-h tide, i.e., the semidiurnal mode; and(c) the detection of the 2-day wave is better observedin the wavelet analysis of the semidiurnal tidal ampli-tude, rather than in the diurnal tidal amplitude and theH-component variations.

The zonal electric fields inference has a dependence with thecollision frequencies. According toPancheva et al.(2006),the planetary waves may affect the collision frequenciesthrough composition changes in the turbopause, but this ef-fect is not so important as the dynamo electric field. Still, thezonal current density in the equatorial electrojet (Jo, whichmainly cause thedH variation) is related to theEo through

Jo =

(σP +

σ 2H


)·Eo. (12)

So, our results show good agreement between the observa-tions of currents and electric fields. Also, despite of the factthat we have related the tidal wind systems as the main sourceof electric fields, two other physical processes can influenceit:

– disturbance dynamo (Blanc and Richmond, 1980) – acurrent system driven by winds generated by externalsources usually attributed to particle heating and Jouleheating in the auroral zone; and

– penetration of high-latitude electric fields to low lati-tudes (Spiro et al., 1988) – the high-latitude ionosphericconvection electric is not completely shielded from lowand middle latitudes due to abnormal drift times of par-ticles in the ring current.

Some short-term disturbances in the equatorial ionospheremay be caused by solar ionizing flux variations, and geo-magnetic storms.Parish et al.(1994), for instance, pointout a 13.5- and a 27-day oscillation in the EUV fluxes,which affect the1H variations through their influence on

Fig. 6. Space-scale energy density of theDst and AE indices forJanuary–February 2003.

the E-region conductivity. We have analysed the geomag-netic activity based on theDst and AE indices in orderto distinguish peridiocities caused by magnetic storms andsubstorms, and those caused by “meteorological” sources.TheDst provide a good indication of the magnetic distur-bance over low latitude, while the auroral indices in gen-eral would represent the degree of variability in the magne-tospheric source of the disturbance electric field that pene-trate to the equatorial latitudes. Figure 5 shows the mag-netic indices and Fig. 6 presents the space-scale energydensity of the indices. It can be seen that there are sev-eral small storms (−50 nT≤Dst≤−30 nT) and two moder-ate storms (−100 nT≤Dst≤−50 nT) in the periods 1–6 and26–28 February. The space-scale energy density points out aremarkable period with 2-day modulation of the indices from1–6 February. It means that the 2-day signatures in the zonalelectric fields and ionospheric currents observed in late Jan-uary were possibly caused by ionospheric dynamo-planetarywaves interaction, and not by magnetospheric disturbances.The results ofPancheva et al.(2006) support our analysis inthe same way, since a 2-day wave activity is observed in thetropical MLT region with a remarkable 2-day modulation ofthe diurnal and semidiurnal tidal amplitudes at 27–31 Jan-uary (simultaneously with our results).

6 Conclusions

This work intends to be the first attempting to demonstratethe signature of 2-day planetary wave in the dynamo elec-tric field, based on E-region zonal electric fields inferred bya VHF coherent radar. A good agreement between our ob-servations in the electric fields and ionospheric currents, andthe meridional winds was found. An anticorrelation betweenthe tidal periodicites (diurnal and semidiurnal) and the 2-daysignature is shown in the electric fields. The 24-h tidal am-plitude in ionospheric currents seem to be not modulated bythe 2-day wave. The detection of the 2-day wave is betterobserved in the wavelet analysis of the semidiurnal tidal am-plitude, rather than in the diurnal tidal amplitude and the H-component variations. Finally, we point out that additional Ann. Geophys., 27, 631–638, 2009

Page 8: Signatures of 2-day wave in the E-region electric fields and ......sunset. However, the height range where those echoes dom-inate on magnetically quiet days seems to rise during dis-turbed

638 H. C. Aveiro et al.: 2-day wave in the equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics

coordinated campaigns should be organized aiming furtherinformations of the neutral atmosphere-ionosphere interac-tions.

Acknowledgements.The authors thank the World Data Center forGeomagnetism – Kyoto for data access and availability, and PDSCAlmeida and LCA Resende for their help in radar data processing.One of the authors, HCA, thanks to CNPq/MCT for financial sup-port to his MSc program through the Project nr. 131326/2007-4.

Topical Editor K. Kauristie thanks two anonymous referees fortheir help in evaluating this paper.


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