sight and sound style synopsis


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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Sight and sound style synopsis

Story Synopsis

Young distressed 18-year-old Josh lives in a lonely house with just his 19-year-old brother Connie, after his helpless mother died of internal cancer. Josh has kept his un-believable secret talent hidden from the world, training late at night and early morn-ings for his hope to be involved in one of the world’s biggest competitions. However, there is something very vial stopping Josh entering his dream of being suc-cessful.

When his older brother Connie finds out what his brother has been hiding, he is very ashamed and left feeling guilty. He decides to confront his younger brother by having a serious discussion with him. After the talk Connie takes josh to get professional help about his problem by Connie doing this Josh realises there is better things in life to then just be predestined at home alone thinking of his departed mother.

Josh attends training in the evening doing his normal training routine at his local sports ground. Without knowing he then gets noticed by a high classed coach. At the end of his session the professional coach asked Josh to be a member of his group, knowing that he could bring achievements and success to the group. Josh immediately accepts this offer as he believes that this is a great opportunity to achieve his goals. Weeks later, Josh has pulled his muscle in his calve during training with his new group. This makes him not able to go through to the competition, but does this stop Josh from crushing his dreams?