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  • 8/7/2019 siddharth mps



    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 1

    Management lessons from


    1. Thi nk of problems as opportun it ies2. Dream b ig and def ine t h e goal3. Put commun ity before self 4. Be determ ined in face of oppos it ion5. Giv e examples to en h ance understand ing6. Make a beg inn ing7. Small vi ctor ies are important at t h e start8. Build ing t h e team9. Support t h e team members10. Lead from t h e front ne v er g iv e up11. O v erconf idence destroys12. Fa ith in God13. Make t h e best of L im ited Resources14. Take t h e unexpected in your str ide15. It s all about Team sp irit16. Allocat ing Roles17. Tra in and pract ice18. Ev ery ind ivi dual deser v es a second c h ance in l ife. If once t h e trust is broken, learn to

    forg iv e t h e person instead of cr ibb ing about it because it can h elp t h at person toimpro v e and learn from hi s m istakes for a better future.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 2

    Management lessons from 3id


    1. 3 Idiots - Life s Learning All Izz Well

    2. Never try to be successful , Pursue Excellencey Success is t h e by-product of t h e resulty Excellence always creates Success & it is a process of cont inual impro v ementy N ev er run after successy Let it h appen automat ically in l ife

    3. Freedom to Life- Life is Beautifuly Don t die before t h e actual deat h y Liv e e v ery moment to t h e fullest as if today is t h e last dayy Life is g ifted to h umank ind to l iv ey Liv e & Liv e h app ily towards h app iness

    4 . Passion leads to Excellencey W h en your h obby becomes your profess ion , t h e pass ion becomes your profess iony You w ill be able to lead up to excellence in l ifey Sat isfact ion, Joy, Pleasure & lo v e w ill be t h e outcome of t h e pass ion Follow ing your

    pass ion for years , you w ill surely become somebody one day

    5 . Learning is very simple-Never stopy Be h umbley Teac h ers do fa il, Learners ne v er fa ily Learn ing is ne v er compl icate or d iff iculty Learn ing is always poss ible w h ate v er rule you apply

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 3

    6 . Pressure at Heady C urrent educat ion system is de v elop ing pressure on students h eady U n iv ers ity intell igence is useful & mak ing some impact in t h e l ife , but it cannot be at

    th e cost of l ife

    7. Life is Management of Emot ions, N ot O pt im iz at ion of Intell igence. W it h art if icialintell igence, you can sur viv e & w in but you cannot pro v e yourself gen ius. Th erefore, in t hi sprocess gen ius d ies in you. W ith art if icial intell igence, you can sur viv e & w in but you cannotpro v e yourself gen ius. Th erefore, in t hi s process gen ius d ies in you.

    8. N ecess ity is Mot h er of In v en t ion. Aam ir Kh an in t hi s f ilm, 3 id iots, is able to pro v e in t h e f ilmby us ing v acuum pump at t h e last moment. N ecess ity creates pressure and forces you to

    inv ent somet hi ng or to make it h appen or to use your pote nt ial ity.9 . Simplicity in Life

    y Life is need base ne v er want base. Des ires h av e no ends.y Simpl icity is way of l ife and Ind ian culture hi gh ly stresses on s imple l ivi ng and hi gh

    thi nk ing, and t hi s is t h e way of l ifey Legs down to eart h and eyes look ing beyond t h e sky

    10.Industrial Leadership

    y Dean of t h e i nst itute in 3 id iots is sh ow ing v ery typ ical leaders hi p.y H e h as hi s own pr inc iples, v alues and ideology, and h e leads t h e w h ole inst itute

    accord ingly.y Thi s is an example of current inst itut ional leaders hi p. In t h e present scenar io, most

    of t h e inst itutes are f ixed in a block or t hi nk ing

    11.Love is Time & Space Free

    y Trust your partnery Lov e is not t ime bound and space bound.y It is well demonstrated in t hi s mo vi e,y Same lo v e was demonstrated by Kr ish na and Meera. Lo v e is border free, t ime free,

    uncond it ional and space free.

    12.Importance of Words in Communication

    y If commun icat ion d ies, e v eryt hi ng d ies.y Each word h as impact and v alue in commun icat ion.y O ne word if used wrongly or emp h as iz ed wrongly or paused at a wrong place in

    commun icat ion w h at effect it creates and h ow is it affected is demonstrated v erywell in t hi s mo vi e.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 4

    13.Mediocrity is Penalized

    y Middle class fam ily or a v erage talent or a v erage inst itute is go ing to suffer and h as topay max imum pr ice in t h e l ife if t h ey do not upgrade t h e ir l ivi ng standa rds.

    y To be born poor or as an a v erage person is not a cr ime but to d ie as an a v erageperson w ith m iddle class talent is m iserable and if you are unable to opt im iz e yourpotent ial ity and d ie w ith unused potent ial ity t h en t h at is your s h ameful trut h .

    y O ne s h ould not d ie as a med iocre. H e/s h e h as to br ing out gen ius ins ide hi m/ h er andh as to use hi s/ h er potent ial ity to t h e opt imum le v el .

    14. H elp ing ot h ers h elps you to grow mentally and eas ily assoc iates you. A last ing relat ions hi p iscreated by h elp ing ot h ers. H elp ot h ers and foster respect H amarad ilba h utdarpok h ota h a i,issefuslakerak h o Jab b hi ko i problem aaye to usskoka h o AalI zz W ell,C h ac h u,AalIzz W ell.Isse problem sol v e to h na hih ot i par usse face karne k i sh akt i m il jat ih a i. Kaamyab N ahi , KabilBano, Kaamyab i Jh ak Marke Tum h areP ich eAayeg i

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 5

    Management Lessons from the Mahabharata.


    Kauravas: In power for 13 years. Duryod h ana h as been a bene v olent k ing. Th ere was noguaranteet h at t h e subjects really m iss t h e Panda v as. N ot only do t h ey h av e t h e wealt h andpower of H ast inapur, but also t h at of Indraprast h a, t h e k ingdom t h at t h e Panda v as h adtaken suc h labors to bu ild and w hi ch h ad surpassed t h e H ast ina of old in all degrees. Karnah ad gone on a nat ion-w ide conquer ing quest on be h alf of Duryod h ana. Th ey are t h enat ional so v ere igns.

    Pandavas: Exiled for 13 years. H av e no k ingdom. Th e ir ma in strengt h bot h in terms of pol it ical and f inanc ial power depends on t h e ir fr iends and relat iv es: t h e Panc h alas, t h eYada v as, t h e Magad h as and t h e C h ed is.


    Kauravas: Without war, will not concede even a needle-prick s size of the earth. -Duryodhana

    Duryod h ana was completely focused on t h e W ar. It was hi s moment of trut h . H e h adusurped a k ingdom, and h e meant to keep it. H e h ad resorted to any means, foul or fa ir toget t h e k ingdom, w hi ch h e bel ie v ed to be r igh tfully hi s, and h e was in no mood to g iv e it up.


    We fight over a Kingdom, as dogs over a piece of meat. - Yudhisthira

    Th e Panda v as h ad been h um iliated, t h e ir w ife insulted, t h e ir k ingdom taken. But st ill th eywanted to a v o id t h e W ar. Th e t h ree elder Panda v as were aga inst t h e W ar. Th ey e v en wentas far as mak ing an offer t h at t h ey w ill stop t h e W ar in exc h ange of 5 vi llages.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 6

    R esult

    W ar Lasted 18 Days: 10 Days (B hi sma), 3 Days (Drona), 1 Days (Karna), Day (nogenerals), 1 Day (S h alya), 1 N igh t (Ash watt h ama)

    18 th N igh t of t h e W ar: As h watt h ama slaug h tered t h e Panda v a camp w hi le t h ey were

    sleep ing.

    Prior to that:

    Kaura v a deat h s: Bhi sh ma, Drona, Karna and hi s sons, S h alya, B h agadutta, B h ur isra v a,us h arma, Jayadrat h , Duh sasana and all of Duryod h ana s brot h ers, S h akun i and U looka.Panda v a deat h s: Drupad, V irat and hi s sons, Ab hi manyu, G h atotkac h a.

    How did the Pandavas Win?


    Karna went on a country-w ide m ilitary m iss ion, subdued t h e d ifferent k ingdoms andacqu ired wealt h . But it meant a loss in terms of bot h men and money, and creat ion of newenem ies.

    Pandavas: Th oug h in ex ile t h ey turned t h e ir attent ion to impro vi ng o v er t h e ir weakness

    Arjuna set out on a m iss ion to acqu ire t h e Div yastras.Bhi ma met hi s brot h er H anuman and got a bless ing of en h anced strengt h .Yud hi st hi ra acqu ired teac hi ngs from t h e v ar ious w ise R ishi s, and also learnt t h e Game of

    Dice from Gand h ara v a C h trasena, lest h e was c h allenged to yet anot h er d ice game. It s sa idth at h e h ad become undefeatable in Dice.

    Management Lesson: Turn your Weakness into your Strength


    C entral iz ed power system. Th e greatest emp ire of t h e t ime. But not many powerful all ies,except from old relat ions from far off places l ike Gand h ara (S h akun i), Sind h u (Jayadrat h ) andKambod ia ( C amboja- B h agadutt)

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 7


    N o wealt h . N o power of t h e ir own. But powerful alll ies all o v er Ind ia.

    Panc h ala t h roug h Marr iage w ith Darupad i.

    Dwarkat h roug h marr iage w ith Arjuna and Sub h adra.

    Magad h th roug h marr iage of S h ade v a and V ijaya.C h ed i th roug h marr iage of N akula and Karenmay i.

    Kasith rog h marr iage of B hi ma and Baland h ara.

    Kekayat h rog h marr iage of Yud hi st hi ra and De vi ka.

    Matsyat h rog h marr iage of Ab hi manyu and U ttara.

    Th e Raks h asas t h roug h marr iage of B hi ma and H id imba.

    Th e N agas t h roug h marr iage of Arjuna and U loop i.

    Management Lesson: Make Powerful Allies



    C entral iz ed leaders hi p. O ne H ead of Army at a t ime, w h o h as supreme aut h or ity of 11Aksh ou hi n i s of th e army. B hi sh ma, Drona, Karna, S h alya and As h watt h ama, in order of success ion.


    Distr ibuted leaders hi p.Se v en commanders for t h e se v en d ivi sons (1 man commands an

    Aksh ou hi n i eac h ).

    Virat (K ing of Matsya)

    Drupad (K ing of Pancala)

    Sah ade v a(King of Magad h a)

    Dh rs h taketu (K ing of C h ed i)

    Satyak i (O nly warr ior from Dwarka)

    Shi kh and i (Pr ince of Panc h ala)

    Dh rs h tadyumna C ommander in C hi ef

    Arjuna Supreme C ommander And, Lord Sr i Krish na Arjuna s C h ar ioteer and C ounselor.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 8

    Management Lesson: Share your responsibilities

    Team Spirit

    Kauravas: N o team sp irit. Th ey all foug h t t h e ir ind ivi dual wars.

    Bhi sh ma: For hi s Vow to protect t h e t h rone H ast inapur.

    Drona and Kr ipa: Th ey owed alleg iance to t h e t h rone.

    Sh alya: S imply c h eated by Duryod h ana to be t h ere. W as or iginally a Panda v a ally.

    Karna: To pro v e hi s mantle aga inst Arjuna. Fr iends hi p for Duryod h ana.

    Th ey d idn t get on well w it h eac h ot h er.

    Bhi sh ma and Karna.

    Bhi sma and S h akun i.

    Karna and S h akun i.

    Karna and S h alya.

    Sh alya and B hi sh ma.

    It was l ike bees, h ornets and mosqu itoes put toget h er in a jar.




    One Goal. As men, t

    hey all


    huge respect for Kr


    hna and




    W hileas warr iors t h ey were in complete awe of B hi ma and Arjuna. Most of t h em were close

    relat iv es cous ins, brot h er- in-laws, and fat h er- in-laws. More t h an t h at, t h ey all were part of th e dec ision-mak ing process. It was t h e ir common war.

    Management Lesson: Teamwork succeeds where Individual effort fails.

    Individual Motives

    Kauravas: Except for Duryod h ana nobody wanted t h e W ar. All t h e four ma in generals h adstrong t ies w ith th e Panda v as.

    Bhi sh ma (grandc hi ldren) W ould k ill a t h ousand sold iers eac h day but won t k ill th ePanda v as.

    Drona (students) W on t kill th e Panda v as. W ould only capture t h em.

    Sh alya ( N akula-S h ade v a s maternal uncle): Lo v ed t h e Panda v as and co v ertly h elped t h emby h um iliat ing Karna

    Karna (brot h er to t h e Panda v as): Prom ised not to k ill any of t h e ot h er Panda v as except forArjuna.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 9

    A Team of Traitors.


    C ommon goal. But t h e ind ivi duals h ad t h e ir ind ivi dual targets. Th ey h ad t h e ir own agenda,whi ch h appened to become one w ith th e teams agenda.

    Dh ratsadyumna: Drona.

    Shi kh and i: Bhi sma.

    Satayak i Bh ur isra v as.

    Arjuna Karna.

    Bhi ma Duryod h ana and hi s brot h ers.

    Sah ade v a Sh akun i and hi s sons.

    Nakula Karna s sons.

    Management Lesson: The right team is made by selecting the right individuals. Get theright person for the right job.

    Empowerment of Women

    Kaura v as: Patr iarc h al structure. B hi sh ma, Drona, Kr ipa, D h rataras h tra, V idur, S h akun i,Duryod h ana, Karna, Du h sasana. N o women in t h e dec ision-mak ing process. Gand h ar i

    retreated to t h e Inner C h ambers. N obody l istened to h er.Panda v as : Matr iarc h al Structure.

    Kunti was t h e aut h or ity supreme for t h e Panda v as.

    Whatever my mother says is Dharma to me - Yudhisthira .

    Draupad i was a compan ion in w h ate v er t h e Panda v as d id. Sh e h ad a b ig role in all t h edec ision-mak ing. W ith out h er t h e Panda v as would h a v e most probably ret ired to t h eforests. E v en t h e younger Panda v as, G h atotkac h , Abhi manyu and Ira v an were broug h t upby t h e ir mot h ers. So t h e female influence was h uge.

    Management Lesson: Women = Better Half. Any team which doesn t have women isunbalanced. The Masculine traits of Aggression and Dominance should be balanced by theFeminine traits of Harmony and Sustenance.



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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 10

    As already sa id, t h e Big 4 h ad a b ig emot ional attac h ment w ith th e 5 Panda v as. Look ingfurt h er on t h e ir comm itment:

    Bhi sma hi mself ga v e away t h e secret of h ow to k ill hi m to t h e Panda v as. H e prolonged t h eW ar by k illing only inconsequensual sold iers. H e d id not f igh t a warr ior l ike Shi kh and i

    because of hi s personal b ias. Drona too ind irectly ga v e away hi s secret, by say ing h e was inv ulnerable as long as h e h eld

    a weapon. Moreo v er h e abandoned weapons as soon as h e knew hi s son h ad d ied.

    Karna d id not k ill Yud hi st hi ra and B hi ma w h en h e got t h e c h ance. H e ga v e away hi s Kav ac h and Kundala pr ior to hi s W ar. Karna fled innumerous t imes from t h e W ar w h en h e was h urt.H e d idn t sav e Du h sasana w h en B hi ma was k illing hi m.

    Sh alya kept on insult ing Karna w hi le in Battle.


    Let s look at t h e ir comm itment:

    Abhi manyu, just 16 years old. Ventured beyond enemy l ines alone. Thi s was clea rly asu icide m iss ion but h e st ill went in and took a great part of t h e Kaura v a army down w ith hi

    m. It took th

    e combined effort of 7 Ma


    his to take

    him down.

    Gh atotkac h , e v en in deat h took w ith hi m almost h alf t h e Kaura v a army.

    Yud hi st hi ra, h e knew h e couldn t face Karna in W ar, but st ill went in to set an example.Yud hi st hi ra d idn t h es itate to tell a l ie or a tw isted trut h wh en faced w ith th e dec ision of wh et h er to st ick to hi s personal integr ity or welfare of t h e team. Kr ish na took up armstw ice and almost entered t h e W ar, in sp ite of hi s prom ise, only to be stopped byArjuna.

    Management Lessons: The interests of the Individual should never exceed the Teaminterest. The best person for a Job is not the one with the best capabilities but onewith the greatest commitment.

    The R oots


    Pr inces broug h t up in t h e comfort of t h e Royal Palace, matured on romant iciz ed ideals of Power, Fame, C ourage and Valour. N o exper ience of ground real ity.

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    SIDDHARTH S PATKAR B - 44 Page 11


    Spent t h e greater part of t h e ir liv es in Po v erty. C hi ldh ood in t h e H imalayan foot hi lls amongRishi s.Spent one year of t h e ir ex ile among t h e poor people of Kuru-Panc h ala. 12 years of Van v as and 1 year of Agyat v as.

    Exper ienced w ith th e ground real ity. C ontact w ith people from v ar ious strata of t h esoc iety. Sannyas is (cel ibate monks), Ac h aryas ( H ouse h olders, teac h ers), poor Bra h m ins,lower-class Potters.

    Different races of people. Raks h asas, Gand h ara v as, Apsaras, N agas. People from d ifferentreg ions U ttarkuru, Bengal etc. Sense of S h ar ing.A Sense of Brot h er h ood.

    Management Lessons: Know ground realities. Know different ideologies. Share.

    R ight Managers

    Krishna :Th

    e GreatestC


    is Manager t

    he world

    has seen.

    Yudhisthira: Low-key strateg ist.

    O n t h e f irst day of t h e W ar, h e played a Master game. H e went o v er to t h e Enemy s ide toseek bless ings from Elders. In real ity h e made a co v ert deal w ith th em, w h ere in all of t h emagreed to h elp hi m and unfolded t h e secrets of defeat ing t h em.

    W hi le com ing back, h e took a calculated r isk. H e made an offer to all t h e assembledpeople to c h ange s ides if t h ey wanted to. H e knew well of t h e lack of co h es iv eness amongth e Kaura v as. Yuyutsu, son of D h rtaras h tra crossed o v er to t h e Panda v as. Thi s exposed t h eKaura v as weakness for all to see.

    Management Lessons: Know your enemies weaknesses and exploit them.Take Calculated risks. Inspire, invigorate, counsel your own team in moments of need.

    Submitted by: SIDDHARTH S PATKAR

    Roll No:46

    Div: B