shutterbugs at east hampton port jefferson school...

for all occasions J. EBB WEIR & SON ^====•5 ^. Established 1909 //£gr _ Jts^^k Member of //«SJ3tt ^'f$»\\ FLORISTS TI- I.Cf.HAIMI 1 ^^[ DELIVERY \^^^^ rj) MA,N R0A D JA MESPORT \j5E$cffl8§r\^ Tel. IIIU Jamesport ^Hw^S|£gs]s|| J| Telegraph —HiHMBMIMii ] Flowers Angivhere Mac Albert Bank & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED HEFTER CPA Resident Partner AUDITING TAXES SYSTEMS INVESTIGATIONS Offices Local New York 20 W. Main Street 424 Madison Avenue RIVERHEAD, N. Y. NEW YORK 17 , N. Y. Tel . 3 626 Tel. MUrray Hill 8-4422 PRE-INVENTORY SALE I Grade A Toilet Sets $21.95 cu. 1x8 T&G Kiln Dried Sheathinff 75.00 thsd. 2x8, 2xl0 * Douglas Fir, all lengths 98.00 thsd. J-M Semi-Thick Rock Wool Batts 05 »q. ft. 210 lb. Heavy- Butt Shingles 6.90 square HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS Hampton Bays Supply Co., Inc. Flanders Rd., Hampton Bays, N. Y. Phone 307 Guaranteed REBUILT MOTORS Ford Chevrolet Dodge DeSoto Plymouth Chrysler Suffolk Tire Shop 79 Peconic Ave., Riverhead Tel. 2051 Kerrick Steam Parts Gleaner Wilco Cross Sight Wheel Aligner CUTCHOGUE Tho Cutchogue School presented the following- Christmas program Tuesday afternoon , under the mu- sical direction of Mrs James M Barr: "O Hol y Night" sung by the Oth and 6th grades: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and "Silent Night" by the 5th , 6th , 7th and 8th Grades; "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" by the 7th and 8th grades. A. pantominc "The Night Before Christmas" had the following cast: reader , Joyce Samohel; Santa Claus, Donald Boyle; father, Vin- cent Keller; children , Elaine Cook, and Billy Deroski; toys—Bugs Bun- ny, Richard Magill; Donald Duck , Myra Dixon ; clown , Richard Case; cowgirl , Myra Jean McCallum and cowboy, Alfred Magill. Sugar Plum Dance included Chris Walsh , Mary Anne Kauneckas, Billy Kaelin , Bar- bara Case, Johnny Dickrrson , Bar- bara Deroski , Freddie Kaolin , Bar- bara Kewezewski. Program announcer was Judith Dlckerson and scenery and stage properties were done by Jerry Boyle , Sidney Beebe , Bertis Pace, Tony Chituk. The annual Christmas entertain- ment and party of the Methodist Sunday School was held Friday ev- ening, Dec 23 with a large aud- ience present. Mrs Elsie Allen' s class had charge of the worship service with Joyce Samohel as an- nouncer, Nancy and Marjorie Case, Judith Dickerson read the Christ- mas story from the Bible and Lois Beebe read the prayer. The prim- ary department taught by Miss Kathryn Fleet , Miss Barbara Sil- !eck and Miss Nancy Marchais and Miss Margaret Glover, Presented their recitations and songs to the deli ght of the audience. The evening's program was con- cluded with a play-let by Mrs Al- len' s class with Lois Beebe as the mother , and Dickie Grathwohl , Judith Richmond and Billy Dick- erson as the children. Johnny Dick- erson sang as a solo, "Silent Night ," accompanied by Miss Marchais. The audience was invited to the supper room where refreshments of cocoa and cookies were served. Santa distributed gifts and everyone had a pleasant evening. Twenty members of the Supper Club enjoyed a progressive supper Wednesday night , Dec 21. The first course of tomato juice and can- apes was served at the home of Mr and Mrs Albert Richmond; soup course at the parsonage; salad course with Miss Clara Tuthill's home assisted by Miss Esther Aus- tin , main course at Mr and Mrs W Preston Tuthill's with Mr and Mrs George Tuthill and Wilson Tuthill assisting, and dessert at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Luce with Miss Barbara Silleck helping. Pres- ents were exchanged and carols sung, winding up a delightful even- ing. W Preston Tuthill of the Main Road was operated on for appen- dicitis Saturday morning, Dec 24, at the Eastern Lon g Island Hospi- tal at Greenport. He is resting comfortably after springing a most sudden surprise on his relatives and friends. A pheasant crashed through a double window in the kitchen of thc home of Mr and Mrs Otis Da- vids of thc Main Road on Thurs- day morning, Dec 22. Mrs Davids had just been hom e from the hos- pital a few days with her new daughter Marilyn when the acci- dent occurred. Mrs Davids was very much startled by the bird and the broken glass and went for help. The bird was stunned by the impact of the window and storm glass but when picked up from the kitchen floor and taken out flew off , ap- parently not hurt by the incident. Robert H Sturdy, a Grumman scholarship student at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass, is spending thc holidays with his grandmother, Mrs W G Barry and his mother , Mrs Hancock Sturdy at Nassau Point. Young Sturdy' s upper hal f of his body is encased in a plaster cast as the result of an auto accident when his back was injured. The cast will be removed next month and a brace substituted until the injury has been healed. Holiday gu ests at the Methodist parsonage included Mr and Mrs Theodore A Wahl , who showed colored pictures on China on Sat- urday evening at the church and William Worley Wahl of Wcsleyan University. Mr Wahl has been ap- pointed by the State Department to Oslo, Norway as vice-consul and he and his wife will leave early in January for the new post. Mr Wahl served previousl y for a year at Tsingtao, China and for almost two years at Chungking, China. He had expected to take a two months course in economics in Washing- ton before being assi gned , so this sudden appointment came as a surprise to the coup le. Both Mr and Mrs Wahl have been receiving treatment at the Walter Reed hos- pital for some rare malad y picked up in the Orient. Many Christmas dinner parties were held and among the out-of- town guests at some of the family gatherings were Mr and Mrs Sterl- ing Tuthill and children Deborah and Charles of Hempstead at Mrs Charles P Tuthill' s; Mr and Mrs Russell Case of Flushing at Mr and Mrs Ralph Case's; Mr and Mrs Hayden Allen and son Jonathan of Floral Park . Miss Winifred Billard at Mr and Mrs Clayton Biilard' s on Bay Avenue; Mr and Mrs Robert Emery of Port Jefferson at Mr and Mrs Ellis Biilard' s. Rev and Mrs James Barr and daughter Mary Ellon enjoyed Christmas with Rov Barr 's parents, Mr and Mrs W Barr of New York. Harry Aldrich of Scarsdale vis- ited over the holiday week end with relatives here and ¦ in Mattituek. Miss Virginia Morrell underwent an appendectomy operation at thc ELI Hospital last week. She is getting along nicely and is expect- ed to return home this week. Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Harry Repen and family of South- ampton . Sorry to hear that Mrs John Ex- ter is a patient at the ELI Hos- pital . Review Classified Ads are both Powerful and Profitable PORT JEFFERSON Mrs Kathrine Lawrence and Mr and Mrs Chester Lawrence and daughter spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Reill y and fam- ily of Stony Brook. Mrs H Richey of North Country Rd enjoyed Christmas with her son and family. Mr and Mrs John Richey of Huntington. Miss Connie Drai gh is spending the holiday vacation with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs C V Draigh. She is a freshman at Western College. Mr and Mrs Edward Kiessling of North Country Rd are enjoying the holiday vacation in Miami , Fla. Mr and Mrs William Bode and family recently moved into their new home in Belle Terre. Mr and Mrs C H Clark and son spent Christmas with his sister , Mrs Clifford Bailey and family of Ronkonkoma. Mrs Jac k Goldberg of Main St entertained the members of the Friendship Club of Nonowantuc Rc- bekah Lodge at a Christmas party last Wednesday evening. Mrs Elizabeth Diebel of Union St entertained her children and their families on Christmas Day. Mrs Beulah Moger was the guest of the Rev and Mrs Paul Bills and family on Christmas Day. Robert Drost and Robert Dea- trich of Newark , N J , spent the week end with the former ' s par- ents of Hallock Ave. Mr and Mrs Eric Dahlstrom of Sclden enjoyed Christmas with their son and family, the Rev Ev- ert Dahlstrom of West York , N J. Mr and Mrs Edmund Clock of Main St have announced the mar- riage of their daughter, Miss Helen Clock to Max Haller , of Fort Sa- longa , Northport , on Saturday, Dec 17 , at the First Presbyterian Church of Port Jefferson. . Captain and Mrs Jacob S Drcyer of Washington , D C, are spending the holidays in town with his moth- er , Mrs Lucie Drcyer and family of Jones Ave. Mr Dreyer is a Cap- tai n in the U S Air Force. Mr and Mrs Floyd Hellmann of Sheep Pasture are entertaining rel- atives. The Calvary Full Gospel Church held a Watch Night service in its rooms in thc Odd Fellows Hall , East Main St , on Saturday even- ing, Dec 31 , beginning at 9 o' clock. Everyone was invited to attend this service. Mr and Mrs Calvin Erland and daughter Ca rolyn of Southampton spent Christmas with her parents , Mr and Mrs Fred Oettingcr of Texaco Ave. Mrs John Darling, who has been spending some time in Freeport with her daughter , Mrs Cecil John- son , is now visiting another daugh- ter , Mrs Henry Pope of Myrtle Ave. The County Review is your bes ' : advertising medium in Riverhead and Eastern Long Island because it has the largest circulation in this area by more than 3 to L Judge A Marshal Thompson of Pittsburgh. Pa, has been elected president of the board of directors of the Stony Brook School , it was announced Friday, Dec 30. He suc- ceeds Dr Hugh R Monroe of Mont- clair , N J. Other officers are the Rev Dr Raymond L Lindquist of Orange , N J , vice president; Ledlcy Hcrrin of Plainfield. N J , secretary; Rich- ard G Woike , treasurer , and John Luft , mayor of Goshen , N Y, a member of the board of directo rs. Jud ge Is Elected School President STONY BROOK Mr and Mrs Edward Whiting en- tertained Mr A C Whiting and daug hter Miss Ethel Whiting of Mt Vernon . N Y; Mr and Mrs Alden Doxsee of Point Look Out and their son-in-law and daug hter , Mr and Mrs Holt Audrey of New York City, Mr and Mrs William Germain and family, Mr and Mrs Edward Whiting and son of Mal- verne, Dr and Mrs D C Jones of Brooklyn at Christmas dinner. The Salvation Army Drive is still in full swing and will be for the month of December. Mrs Niglutsch is chairman of the Stony Brook Unit. The Gray Ladies are anxiously looking for assistance in their splendid work on behalf of the vet- erans at Northport Hospital. If you can spare a little time in this worthwhile work , contact Mrs O'Brien at the Red Cross office in Huntington or Mrs K Britt at the Northport hosp ital . Mr and Mrs William Conklin had a family Christmas celebration at their home on Christmas day. Mr and Mrs William Van der laan of St Albans entertained for Christmas dinner Mr and Mrs John Van der laan , Mrs Harold Horn and Miss Joan Horn. Mr and Mrs Francis R Niglutsch were hosts to Mr and Mrs J H Schoeller of Manhattan , Mrs C Niglutsch of Richmond Hill , Mr and Mrs J McCuc and son of Rose- dale and^Mr and Mrs Herbert Nig- lutsch of Garden City on Christ- mas Day. Mr and Mrs Frank Fortney spent Christmas week end with Mr and Mrs O B Van Dyck and family, and on Christmas morning all motored to Garden City to have dinner with Mr and Mrs William Fortney. Frank Cursley Jr is at home en- joying the Christmas vacation from Brid geport University. Mr and Mrs Frank Cursley and Frank Jr attended a family dinner party on Christmas Day in Mer- rick. Horace Fulford returned home last week end by plane from Eng- land after visiting his mother and celebrating her nintieth birthday with her. Shirley Lemfert is enjoy ing the Christmas vacation from Cazcn- ovia College, Cazenovia, N Y. Major and Mrs Walter Coss and son have returned to the United States after spending two years in Japan. They are visiting Mrs Coss' mother , Mrs Frederick Orth. Bobbie Stirrett spent a few days last week with Mr and Mrs Irv- ing Rick. Members of the Stony Brook Civic Asociation will meet at 8:30 p m on Friday, January 13 , at the Stony Brook Firehouse. Mr and Mrs Clifford C Peterman entertained a few friends on New Year ' s eve at their home. Cards were enjoyed. Mr and Mrs Robert Alexander spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs Alexander 's parents , Mr and Mrs H L Lingg. Mrs Charles Hague entertained the members of her famil y at din- ner on Christmas day. _ Mrs Lucy Mas.slich spent thc Christmas week end in New York. Miss Frances Willsie , a member of the faculty of the Stony Brook Union Free School , spent the holi- days at her hom»T in Frcwsburg, N Y. Mrs Walter Nevins spent Christ- mas and the Monday following with relatives in Merrick , L I. Mr and Mrs R Morton Sammis entertained their families at dinner on Christmas day. Mr and Mrs Henry Jayne enter- tained the membebrs of their fam- ilies on Christinas day. Mrs Allen Hamilto n spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Robert Smith. Mr and Mrs Howard Peterman entertained at dinner on Monday Mr and Mrs Harvey Peterman of Syracuse, Mr and Mrs Clarence Minnerly, Mrs Agnes Robertson , of Port Jefferson and Mr and Mrs Charles Wenner and son of Port Jefferso n Station. Next meeting of the North Shore Stamp Club will be held January 9. at 8 p m, at the home of Mr and Mrs C C Peterman. Miss Elizabeth Terry of Whea- ton , 111 , is visiting her parents , Mr and Mrs M G Terry over the holi- day season. WELFARE JOB OPEN An open competitive examination will be held Jan 28 for the position of resource assistant in the De- partment of Public Welfare, it has been announced by the Suffolk County Civil Service Commission at Riverhead. One vacancy exists , for which the usual salary range is $1860 to $2560. Candidates must have been legal residents of state and county for ct least one year and applications must be filed on or before Jan 11. Shutterbugs at East Hampton Illustrating an article in the Jan- uary Popular Photography maga- zine entitled "Teen Age Talent at Work" are nine pictures of youth- ful East Hamptoners. This article, which was written last Spring by Dave Edwards, who for the past two and a half years has directed the intensely active group, of young shutterbugs, asks and answers the question , "Can a hunch of carefree youngsters be- come seriously interested in mak- ing good photographs?" Mr Edwards, who also directs the adult Camera Club, believes that kids can be serious about photo- graphy and after showing them the basic " techniques insists that each member of the Club put his knowl- edge to work. At the start the group used a makeshift dark room and very ele- mentary equipment as far as cam- eras, printers and enlargers were concerned but gradually, as thc teen-agers became more skilled , they saved their pennies to buy more specialized cameras and dark- room equipment , many of them even setting up their own dark- rooms at home. In his article Mr Edwards de- scribes the group's study of por- traiture with some members of thc club acting as models and techni- cian s for the other group of pho- tographers , their development in printing, mounting, and titling, and finally, their big exhibit last Spring. Two of thc illustrations show makeup and lighting " experts " pre- paring subjects for the cameraman, while another shows a photograph- er persuading his youthful model to smile. Also shown are two prize- winning pictures, one by 13-year- old Russell Peele, a reflection pic- ture of a boy and a boy at the edge of Town Pond , and another , a sil- houette by Barbara Scribner , 14, which was taken on one of the Club' s field trips. Portraits of Ed- die Conklin and Ruth Vail and Eddie Shore were also taken by teen-agers as part of their study of this branch of photographic technique. SEDGWICK & ST I FT ER ; OPTOMETRISTS & OPTICIANS | 41 E»t Main Street ! j Riverhead, N. Y. i Telephon e Riverhead 2063 j | I tt ©©muhr ft j®S £/t wAupApERs « il Vincent R. Lent 130 East Main Street RIVERHEAD Phone 3050 We Carry a Complete Line of Wallpaper and Paint Quality Plumbing Fixtures Mill I tffttj fjtftf f fil l Make Your Home Complete ... _ I , ¦¦ ii H i I Selecting plumbing fixtures fcr vaur home may be one of thc 1 l I H I^ liflf rllfl most important decisions of your life . You'll want them to be """"" M | | | E IHIvlltlr distinctive ... to lend charm and color ... to add thc note of __ > rtj IIH I BHlSilUJ efficiency your family and guests require and admire. But above MU UMMB ¦ ¦ ¦ | S | |J [J - all you 'll want quolitv. That ' s why your selection of American- _ ' *sa _^ I " " yljj jll Stondard Plumbing Fixtures is bound to be a better investment K^*"" *^ N v\lli I through the years . The extra luxury . . . extra safety . . . extra —— | lfflM5BB BBSB£BH*Siirel ['[_ sanitary features . . . extra sty ling ... in everv one of these qual- Flj Tol iry products is your assurance of lasting satisfoction. See them— 1 II j fi- let us show you how they brighten your bath and powder room Il li ) | |) planning—let us hel p with every plumbing and heating problem '""' | v " If* —today. I ^J FULL STOCK OF PLUMBING FIXTURES & WATER SYSTEMS Enjoy Living in Your Home FOR BETTER LIVING WE HAVE: Hotpoinr Electric Water Heaters A UPPICJW &irnnrmr ri B»u* riitnren ana Dishwashers , Refrigerators, Ranges &^f~r &. JSSS! H ~ M X*£Kir" rt EVERITE Shallow Well and Deep Well R ADIATOR wt ftaiutarp „%£ "?%* > Water Pumps CORPORATIO N Gas Water Heatori Fiat Shower Stalls De Soto Oil Burners Church Seats, White , Colors Faires Chrome Forged Brass Accessories and Cabinets L. I. Plumbing & Steam Supplies Co. INC. 243 Railroad Avenue., Riverhead Phone 2850 WATCH FOR OUR SPECIALS C AMBUIAKCE SHW1CE / &&\ OXYGEN SERVICE } C j It is best to be prepared at all ^ 1 ^jgr times . . even against t . 3 i n- ^ ^^f ~ /Z- evitable. Our advisory service ^^ *2_ is available always so that , when _ k ¦ the moment of sorrow comes, ¦ B patrons may know what to do. I 1 ^S il^ FUNERAL SERVICE CjSHT 1 I I i^^ F^DErUCKU.ALEXAND^^ ("^ I % ^ ^mm^ ^ J F (S T * 406 E.MAIN ST. , RIVERHEAD Phone : 2403 Jf ^mmmm^mmmmmmw , | O/t t/zsp /ay Saturday - \ I l J 71 '1 I | introducing VOVi ERuVa&2 > automatic transmission | || ^' Optional on Di Luxt Models a$ Extra Co* _ % % r f " m/Jg$* ' Infill * l lFvi m ^^ sij ^L 1 JtfRSTJ. . and f H$nest. . .atlowest" Cost/ 1 I ' I | Chevrolet for '50 brings you the best of everything in detail below. And they also bring you quality | I at lowest cost . .. greater beauty ... finer perform- feature after quality feature of styling, riding com- I I ance with economy . . . outstanding driving ease, fort > safety ^ dependability ordinarily associated I | comfort and safety ! with higher-priced cars, but found only in Chevrolet I 1 Here, in Chevrolet for 50, are tlie finest values . , , , ., , , H 1 , L t J u a J * \u * uv at SUCQ w prices and with such low cost of oner- 1 1 the leader has ever offered to the motoring public. * . L U[JC1 || I These thrilling new Chevrolets are available in at,on and / J P kee | U 14 surpassingly beautiful Styleline and Fleetline Come In - See ^^ su P erb new Chevrolets for | i body-types. They bring you a choice of two great 1950-the smartest , liveliest , most powerful cars in I b engines and two great drives—the Automatic Power- all Chevrolet history—and we believe you'll agree §1 1| Team * and the Standard Power-Team—described they' re FIRST AND FINEST AT LOWEST COST f ll I ~ ¦ I ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR TO OFFER A CHOICE OF STANDARD OR AUTOMATIC DRIVING I I THE AUTOMATIC POWER-TEAM* THE STANDARD POWER-TEAM | || (Built by Ch.vrol.t- Proved by (Oultianding f or Standard Driving Eat. iS I Cf..vrofe/-Exc/u»,Ve fo Ch.vrol.l) ... Portormanc.... and Economy) | H NEW POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION-/^ . HIGHLY IMPROVED , MORE POWERFUL VAI VF IN 1 P f inest Automatic Driving (with no c/utch pedal-no clutch push- HEAD ENGINE (with Power-Jet carburetor and larger " exhaust h ^ ing-no gearshifting). It combines with Chevrolet' s new Econo- valves). Thc fine standard Chevrolet engine now made even P | miser High-Reduction Axle to bring you an entirely new kincI of finer . . . giving you more power, more responsive pickup, 1 | driving . . low-jost automatic driving that is almost 100% greater over-all performance . . . plus the outstanding economy P H effo rtless ... its thc simple , smooth and thrifty automatic trans- for which Chevrolet has alwavs been noted THF FAMOUS *T I mission NEW 105-H.P VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE (with SILENT SYNCHRO-MESH WSMS N fwiA £ - , "**' H Power-Jet carburetor and Hydraulic valve-lifters). Hens the Easy Hand-b-Gearshift). Long recognized , by automotive en- * m most powerful , as well as the most thoroughly proved engine , in gincers and the motoring public alike as the pattern of smooth T 1 the low-price field . . giving performance extraordinary . . . quiet gear transmissions . . . assuring ' extremely simple and easy « H together with traditional Chevrolet economy in over-all dri ving. gearshifting ... in fact , owners say easiest car operation , next ^ "Optional on Do Luxa Models at Extra Cost > to automatic driving itself. ' i I ' - '^ em | Sim erica ' s £est Setter Mijjj ^W slmencas Best £uf T' 1 READ CHEVROLET COMPANY , INC. I RIVERLEIGH AVE. ( Westhampton Road) i Y I RIVERHEAD , N. Y. Phon. 2654 Rivtrhtad V^"

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for all occasions

J. EBB WEIR & SON====•5 . Established 1909

/ /£gr_ Jts^^k Member of


\^^^^ rj) MA,N R0AD JAMESPORT\j5E$cffl8§r\ Tel. IIIU Jamesport

Hw S|£gs]s|| J| W« Telegraph—HiHMBMIMii ] Flowers Angivhere


ALFRED HEFTER CPA Resident Partner


OfficesLocal New York

20 W. Main Street 424 Madison AvenueRIVERHEAD, N. Y. NEW YORK 17, N. Y.

Tel. 3626 Tel. MUrray Hill 8-4422

PRE-INVENTORY SALE IGrade A Toilet Sets $21.95 cu.1x8 T&G Kiln Dried Sheathinff 75.00 thsd.2x8, 2xl0*Douglas Fir, all lengths 98.00 thsd.J-M Semi-Thick Rock Wool Batts 05 »q. ft.210 lb. Heavy- Butt Shingles 6.90 square


Hampton Bays Supply Co., Inc.Flanders Rd., Hampton Bays, N. Y. Phone 307


Ford • Chevrolet • DodgeDeSoto • Plymouth


Suffolk Tire Shop79 Peconic Ave., Riverhead

Tel. 2051Kerrick Steam Parts Gleaner

Wilco Cross Sight WheelAligner

CUTCHOGUETho Cutchogue School presented

the following- Christmas programTuesday afternoon , under the mu-sical direction of Mrs James MBarr: "O Holy Night" sung by theOth and 6th grades: "O Little Townof Bethlehem" and "Silent Night"by the 5th , 6th , 7th and 8th Grades;"Hark the Herald Angels Sing" bythe 7th and 8th grades.

A. pantominc "The Night BeforeChristmas" had the following cast:reader, Joyce Samohel; SantaClaus, Donald Boyle; father, Vin-cent Keller; children , Elaine Cook,and Billy Deroski; toys—Bugs Bun-ny, Richard Magill; Donald Duck,Myra Dixon ; clown, Richard Case;cowgirl, Myra Jean McCallum andcowboy, Alfred Magill. Sugar PlumDance included Chris Walsh, MaryAnne Kauneckas, Billy Kaelin , Bar-bara Case, Johnny Dickrrson , Bar-bara Deroski, Freddie Kaolin , Bar-bara Kewezewski.

Program announcer was JudithDlckerson and scenery and stageproperties were done by JerryBoyle, Sidney Beebe, Bertis Pace,Tony Chituk.

The annual Christmas entertain-ment and party of the MethodistSunday School was held Friday ev-ening, Dec 23 with a large aud-ience present. Mrs Elsie Allen'sclass had charge of the worshipservice with Joyce Samohel as an-nouncer, Nancy and Marjorie Case,Judith Dickerson read the Christ-mas story from the Bible and LoisBeebe read the prayer. The prim-ary department taught by MissKathryn Fleet, Miss Barbara Sil-!eck and Miss Nancy Marchais andMiss Margaret Glover, Presentedtheir recitations and songs to thedelight of the audience.

The evening's program was con-cluded with a play-let by Mrs Al-len's class with Lois Beebe as themother, and Dickie Grathwohl,Judith Richmond and Billy Dick-erson as the children. Johnny Dick-erson sang as a solo, "Silent Night,"accompanied by Miss Marchais. Theaudience was invited to the supperroom where refreshments of cocoaand cookies were served. Santadistributed gifts and everyone hada pleasant evening.

Twenty members of the SupperClub enjoyed a progressive supperWednesday night, Dec 21. The firstcourse of tomato juice and can-

apes was served at the home ofMr and Mrs Albert Richmond;soup course at the parsonage; saladcourse with Miss Clara Tuthill'shome assisted by Miss Esther Aus-tin, main course at Mr and Mrs WPreston Tuthill's with Mr and MrsGeorge Tuthill and Wilson Tuthillassisting, and dessert at the homeof Mr and Mrs Walter Luce withMiss Barbara Silleck helping. Pres-ents were exchanged and carolssung, winding up a delightful even-ing.

W Preston Tuthill of the MainRoad was operated on for appen-dicitis Saturday morning, Dec 24,at the Eastern Long Island Hospi-tal at Greenport. He is restingcomfortably after springing a mostsudden surprise on his relativesand friends.

A pheasant crashed through adouble window in the kitchen ofthc home of Mr and Mrs Otis Da-vids of thc Main Road on Thurs-day morning, Dec 22. Mrs Davidshad just been home from the hos-pital a few days with her newdaughter Marilyn when the acci-dent occurred. Mrs Davids was verymuch startled by the bird and thebroken glass and went for help. Thebird was stunned by the impact ofthe window and storm glass butwhen picked up from the kitchenfloor and taken out flew off , ap-parently not hurt by the incident.

Robert H Sturdy, a Grummanscholarship student at the Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Mass, is spending thcholidays with his grandmother, MrsW G Barry and his mother, MrsHancock Sturdy at Nassau Point.Young Sturdy's upper hal f of hisbody is encased in a plaster cast

as the result of an auto accidentwhen his back was injured. Thecast will be removed next monthand a brace substituted until theinjury has been healed.

Holiday guests at the Methodistparsonage included Mr and MrsTheodore A Wahl , who showedcolored pictures on China on Sat-urday evening at the church andWilliam Worley Wahl of WcsleyanUniversity. Mr Wahl has been ap-pointed by the State Departmentto Oslo, Norway as vice-consul andhe and his wife will leave early inJanuary for the new post. MrWahl served previousl y for a yearat Tsingtao, China and for almosttwo years at Chungking, China. Hehad expected to take a two monthscourse in economics in Washing-ton before being assigned , so thissudden appointment came as asurprise to the couple. Both Mr andMrs Wahl have been receivingtreatment at the Walter Reed hos-pital for some rare malad y pickedup in the Orient.

Many Christmas dinner partieswere held and among the out-of-town guests at some of the familygatherings were Mr and Mrs Sterl-ing Tuthill and children Deborahand Charles of Hempstead at MrsCharles P Tuthill's; Mr and MrsRussell Case of Flushing at Mr andMrs Ralph Case's; Mr and MrsHayden Allen and son Jonathan ofFloral Park. Miss Winifred Billardat Mr and Mrs Clayton Biilard's onBay Avenue; Mr and Mrs RobertEmery of Port Jefferson at Mrand Mrs Ellis Biilard's.

Rev and Mrs James Barr anddaughter Mary Ellon enjoyedChristmas with Rov Barr's parents,Mr and Mrs W Barr of New York.

Harry Aldrich of Scarsdale vis-ited over the holiday week end withrelatives here and ¦ in Mattituek.

Miss Virginia Morrell underwentan appendectomy operation at thcE L I Hospital last week. She isgetting along nicely and is expect-ed to return home this week.

Mr and Mrs Robert Johnsonspent the holiday with Mr and MrsHarry Repen and family of South-ampton .

Sorry to hear that Mrs John Ex-ter is a patient at the E L I Hos-pital .

Review Classified Ads are bothPowerful and Profitable

PORT JEFFERSONMrs Kathrine Lawrence and Mr

and Mrs Chester Lawrence anddaughter spent Christmas with Mrand Mrs Lawrence Reilly and fam-ily of Stony Brook.

Mrs H Richey of North CountryRd enjoyed Christmas with her sonand family. Mr and Mrs JohnRichey of Huntington.

Miss Connie Draigh is spendingthe holiday vacation with her par-ents, Mr and Mrs C V Draigh. Sheis a freshman at Western College.

Mr and Mrs Edward Kiessling ofNorth Country Rd are enjoying theholiday vacation in Miami , Fla.

Mr and Mrs William Bode andfamily recently moved into theirnew home in Belle Terre.

Mr and Mrs C H Clark and sonspent Christmas with his sister ,Mrs Clifford Bailey and family ofRonkonkoma.

Mrs Jack Goldberg of Main Stentertained the members of theFriendship Club of Nonowantuc Rc-bekah Lodge at a Christmas partylast Wednesday evening.

Mrs Elizabeth Diebel of UnionSt entertained her children andtheir families on Christmas Day.

Mrs Beulah Moger was the guestof the Rev and Mrs Paul Bills andfamily on Christmas Day.

Robert Drost and Robert Dea-trich of Newark , N J, spent theweek end with the former's par-ents of Hallock Ave.

Mr and Mrs Eric Dahlstrom ofSclden enjoyed Christmas withtheir son and family, the Rev Ev-

ert Dahlstrom of West York , N J.Mr and Mrs Edmund Clock of

Main St have announced the mar-riage of their daughter, Miss HelenClock to Max Haller, of Fort Sa-longa, Northport , on Saturday, Dec17, at the First Presbyterian Churchof Port Jefferson. .

Captain and Mrs Jacob S Drcyerof Washington, D C, are spendingthe holidays in town with his moth-er, Mrs Lucie Drcyer and familyof Jones Ave. Mr Dreyer is a Cap-tain in the U S Air Force.

Mr and Mrs Floyd Hellmann ofSheep Pasture are entertaining rel-atives.

The Calvary Full Gospel Churchheld a Watch Night service in itsrooms in thc Odd Fellows Hall ,East Main St, on Saturday even-ing, Dec 31, beginning at 9 o'clock.Everyone was invited to attend thisservice.

Mr and Mrs Calvin Erland anddaughter Carolyn of Southamptonspent Christmas with her parents,Mr and Mrs Fred Oettingcr ofTexaco Ave.

Mrs John Darling, who has beenspending some time in Freeportwith her daughter, Mrs Cecil John-son , is now visiting another daugh-ter , Mrs Henry Pope of MyrtleAve.

The County Review is your bes':advertising medium in Riverheadand Eastern Long Island becauseit has the largest circulation inthis area by more than 3 to L

Judge A Marshal Thompson ofPittsburgh. Pa, has been electedpresident of the board of directorsof the Stony Brook School , it wasannounced Friday, Dec 30. He suc-ceeds Dr Hugh R Monroe of Mont-clair , N J.

Other officers are the Rev DrRaymond L Lindquist of Orange,N J, vice president; Ledlcy Hcrrinof Plainfield. N J, secretary; Rich-ard G Woike , treasurer, and JohnLuft , mayor of Goshen, N Y, amember of the board of directo rs.

Judge Is ElectedSchool President

STONY BROOKMr and Mrs Edward Whiting en-

tertained Mr A C Whiting anddaug hter Miss Ethel Whiting ofMt Vernon . N Y; Mr and MrsAlden Doxsee of Point Look Outand their son-in-law and daughter,Mr and Mrs Holt Audrey of NewYork City, Mr and Mrs WilliamGermain and family, Mr and MrsEdward Whiting and son of Mal-verne, Dr and Mrs D C Jones ofBrooklyn at Christmas dinner.

The Salvation Army Drive is stillin full swing and will be for themonth of December. Mrs Niglutschis chairman of the Stony BrookUnit.

The Gray Ladies are anxiouslylooking for assistance in theirsplendid work on behalf of the vet-erans at Northport Hospital. Ifyou can spare a little time in thisworthwhile work, contact MrsO'Brien at the Red Cross office inHuntington or Mrs K Britt at theNorthport hospital.

Mr and Mrs William Conklin hada family Christmas celebration attheir home on Christmas day.

Mr and Mrs William Van derlaan of St Albans entertained forChristmas dinner Mr and Mrs JohnVan der laan , Mrs Harold Hornand Miss Joan Horn.

Mr and Mrs Francis R Niglutschwere hosts to Mr and Mrs J HSchoeller of Manhattan, Mrs CNiglutsch of Richmond Hill , Mrand Mrs J McCuc and son of Rose-dale and^Mr and Mrs Herbert Nig-lutsch of Garden City on Christ-mas Day.

Mr and Mrs Frank Fortney spentChristmas week end with Mr andMrs O B Van Dyck and family, andon Christmas morning all motoredto Garden City to have dinner withMr and Mrs William Fortney.

Frank Cursley Jr is at home en-

joying the Christmas vacation fromBridgeport University.

Mr and Mrs Frank Cursley andFrank Jr attended a family dinnerparty on Christmas Day in Mer-rick.

Horace Fulford returned homelast week end by plane from Eng-land after visiting his mother andcelebrating her nintieth birthdaywith her.

Shirley Lemfert is enjoying theChristmas vacation from Cazcn-ovia College, Cazenovia, N Y.

Major and Mrs Walter Coss andson have returned to the UnitedStates after spending two years inJapan. They are visiting Mrs Coss'mother, Mrs Frederick Orth.

Bobbie Stirrett spent a few dayslast week with Mr and Mrs Irv-ing Rick.

Members of the Stony BrookCivic Asociation will meet at 8:30p m on Friday, January 13, at theStony Brook Firehouse.

Mr and Mrs Clifford C Petermanentertained a few friends on NewYear's eve at their home. Cardswere enjoyed.

Mr and Mrs Robert Alexanderspent the Christmas holidays withMrs Alexander's parents, Mr andMrs H L Lingg.

Mrs Charles Hague entertainedthe members of her family at din-ner on Christmas day. _

Mrs Lucy Mas.slich spent thcChristmas week end in New York.

Miss Frances Willsie, a memberof the faculty of the Stony BrookUnion Free School , spent the holi-days at her hom»T in Frcwsburg,N Y.

Mrs Walter Nevins spent Christ-mas and the Monday following withrelatives in Merrick , L I.

Mr and Mrs R Morton Sammis

entertained their families at dinneron Christmas day.

Mr and Mrs Henry Jayne enter-tained the membebrs of their fam-ilies on Christinas day.

Mrs Allen Hamilton spent theweek end with Mr and Mrs RobertSmith.

Mr and Mrs Howard Petermanentertained at dinner on MondayMr and Mrs Harvey Peterman ofSyracuse, Mr and Mrs ClarenceMinnerly, Mrs Agnes Robertson, ofPort Jefferson and Mr and MrsCharles Wenner and son of PortJefferson Station.

Next meeting of the North ShoreStamp Club will be held January9. at 8 p m, at the home of Mrand Mrs C C Peterman.

Miss Elizabeth Terry of Whea-ton, 111, is visiting her parents, Mrand Mrs M G Terry over the holi-day season.

WELFARE JOB OPENAn open competitive examination

will be held Jan 28 for the positionof resource assistant in the De-partment of Public Welfare, it hasbeen announced by the SuffolkCounty Civil Service Commission atRiverhead. One vacancy exists , forwhich the usual salary range is$1860 to $2560. Candidates musthave been legal residents of stateand county for ct least one yearand applications must be filed onor before Jan 11.

Shutterbugs at East HamptonIllustrating an article in the Jan-

uary Popular Photography maga-zine entitled "Teen Age Talent atWork" are nine pictures of youth-ful East Hamptoners.

This article, which was writtenlast Spring by Dave Edwards, whofor the past two and a half yearshas directed the intensely activegroup, of young shutterbugs, asksand answers the question, "Can ahunch of carefree youngsters be-come seriously interested in mak-ing good photographs?"

Mr Edwards, who also directs theadult Camera Club, believes thatkids can be serious about photo-graphy and after showing them thebasic "techniques insists that eachmember of the Club put his knowl-edge to work.

At the start the group used amakeshift dark room and very ele-mentary equipment as far as cam-eras, printers and enlargers wereconcerned but gradually, as thcteen-agers became more skilled,they saved their pennies to buymore specialized cameras and dark-

room equipment , many of themeven setting up their own dark-rooms at home.

In his article Mr Edwards de-scribes the group's study of por-traiture with some members of thcclub acting as models and techni-cians for the other group of pho-tographers, their development inprinting, mounting, and titling, andfinally, their big exhibit last Spring.

Two of thc illustrations showmakeup and lighting "experts" pre-paring subjects for the cameraman,while another shows a photograph-er persuading his youthful modelto smile. Also shown are two prize-winning pictures, one by 13-year-old Russell Peele, a reflection pic-ture of a boy and a boy at the edgeof Town Pond , and another, a sil-houette by Barbara Scribner, 14,which was taken on one of theClub's field trips. Portraits of Ed-die Conklin and Ruth Vail andEddie Shore were also taken byteen-agers as part of their studyof this branch of photographictechnique.


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