shumen bulgaria

Shumen presented by meyra from sou panayot volov shumen - bulgaria

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Page 1: Shumen bulgaria

Shumenpresented by meyra from sou panayot volov shumen - bulgaria

Page 2: Shumen bulgaria

Content Location History of the town

Historical places

Famous persons

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Location Shumen is situated in the Shumen Plateau,

who is opened to southeast and gradually decreasing his high; the west parts of the town are liying from about 280-300 m altitude, and the eastern end — from 180200 m. The town is situated in the foot of Shumen Plateau , which has unique and different nature.

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Town Shumen

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History of the town Shumen is old

fortified town. His arrising and development is connected with his castels in the east end of the Shumen Plateau.

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Village Madara

Madara is a village,located in the northeast Bulgaria ,its also located in Municipality Shumen, Area Shumen.

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Madara horseman Madara horseman is

archeological monument, representing logged in the rocks barrelef on 23 m high from the cliff . Its located in northeast Bulgaria, near by Madara village and on 20 km from town Shumen. Its declared for monument of the worldwide heritage from Unesco in 1979 г. On 29.06 2008 The Madara horseman is also declared for global symbol of Bulgaria ,after conducted national survey.

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Regional historical museum-Shumen The Museum saved over 150 000 museum units in eight halls. The exposition presented the rich history of the region from ancient till the end of XIX century. It has rich collection of icons, coins, stamps and metals exposed in hall “The treasury”. Tracian tomb since 4 century. Is the only presented in museum environment on the Balkan peninsula.

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House-Museum “Panayot Volov”

The house of one of the most famous activist of the bulgarian national revolution – Panayot Volov, today is become in museum.

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House-Museum “Dobri Voynikov” The house of

prominent revival Dobri Voynikov today is become to museum . The house is architecture monument from the age of Revival,is built by himself.

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House-Museum Layosh Koshut Monument of the revival

architecture with his original construction,with yard on three levels fenced with three high walls,the house is connected with bulgarian and hungarian history . This house is to the shumen trader and mayor to bulgarian municipality Hadji Dimitraki Hadjipanev, in which lives the leader of Hungarian revolution Layosh Koshut to his time of exile in Shumen.

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Museum complex “Pancho Vladigerov” Pancho Vladigerov is

amomg the most prominent artist of the art, which town Shumen has given to Bulgaria and the world.The house,in which he made his first steps in music now is museum.

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Community center “Dobri Voynikov”

National community center “Dobri Voynikov” in Shumen is founded in spring 1856 from Sava Dobroplodni and it has 150 year history. With the community centers in Svishtov and Lom ,it starts the community centers in Bulgaria.

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Shumen castel

Shumen castel is located in Shumen Plateau ,in town Shumen.This place has been settled before more than 3000 years.

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Monument ,,Founders of the bulgarian state”

„Founders of the bulgarian state“ is architecture complex dedicated of 1300 years since creation of the bulgarian state. The monument is located on the highest part of the Donau plane .

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