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Srirama Machine Tech Co.,Ltd. Model : The UMC-750 Booth No. S16 Booth No. A22 SHOW DAILY Volume 1 Thursday 15 May 2014 VISIT US AT BOOTH NO. J2 VISIT US AT BOOTH NO. V12 The Japanese Seminar A star of the show Strategy for ASEAN Single Market 2015, Thai +1 This special Seminar will provide information for entrepreneurs from Thailand and Japan and help them stay up-to-date with changing trends of industry. It will also help the country become a key the center of the ASEAN Community. The Seminar’s principal objective is to present the business opportunities and trends that many countries are following and reveal ways of linking industries within ASEAN countries. The Seminar is held under the theme, “Strategy for ASEAN Single Market 2015, Thai +1” and is organized by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) - the BOI Unit for Industrial Linkage Development (BUILD), the Thai Subcontracting Promotion Association and UBM Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The Seminar has received the full support of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO Bangkok). Headlining the event will be leading speakers and a panel discussion that includes Senior Executives from leading companies of Japan such as Honda Engineering Asian Co., Ltd. (EGAS), IBC Vietnam Co., Ltd and Automotive Mold Technology Co., Ltd. The Seminar will enhance knowledge, reveal business strategies and developmental trends plus successful business direction for the manufacturing industry of the future. Entrepreneurs and investors who are interested can attend the conference free of charge. The seminar will be held today from 13:00 to 17:10 pm at the Grand Hall 203. đóČęĂĔĀšñĎšðøąÖĂïÖćøìĆĚÜßćüâĊęðčśî Ēúąĕì÷ ĕéšÖšćüìĆîÖćø đðúĊę÷îĒðúÜìćÜéšćîĂčêÿćĀÖøøöĔîĂîćÙê ĂĊÖìĆĚÜÖćøđêøĊ÷öÙüćö óøšĂöĔîÖćø÷ÖøąéĆïðøąđìýĕì÷ÖĆïÖćøđðŨîýĎî÷ŤÖúćÜðøąßćÙö ĂćđàĊ÷î ēĂÖćÿĒúąđìøîÖćøđðúĊę÷îĒðúÜìćÜíčøÖĉÝìĊęìčÖðøąđìýÖĞćúĆÜ ÝĆïÝšĂÜ ĒúąÖćøđßČęĂöē÷ÜĂčêÿćĀÖøøöõć÷ĔîÖúč ŠöðøąđìýĂćđàĊ÷îéšü÷ ÖĆî ÙČĂüĆêëčðøąÿÜÙŤ×ĂÜÖćøÝĆéÜćîÿĆööîćõć÷ĔêšĀĆüךà Ķ4USBUFHZ GPS "TFBO 4JOHMF .BSLFU 5IBJ ķ ēé÷ÿĞćîĆÖÜćîÙèąÖøøöÖćø ÿŠÜđÿøĉöÖćøúÜìčî #0* ĀîŠü÷óĆçîćÖćøđßČęĂöē÷ÜĂčêÿćĀÖøøö #VJME ÿöćÙöÿŠÜđÿøĉöÖćøøĆïߊüÜÖćøñúĉêĕì÷ ĒúąïøĉþĆì ÷ĎïĊđĂĘö đĂđßĊ÷ ðøąđìýĕì÷ ÝĞćÖĆé ĕéšøĆïÙüćöÿîĆïÿîčîìĊęéĊÝćÖ ĂÜÙŤÖøÖćøÿŠÜđÿøĉö ÖćøÙšćêŠćÜðøąđìý×ĂÜâĊęðčśî +&530 #BOHLPL øŠüöÖĆîÝĆéÿĆööîćĔî ÙøĆĚÜîĊĚ õć÷ĔîÜćîÿĆööîćĕéšøĆïđÖĊ÷øêĉÝćÖñĎ šïøĉĀćøøąéĆïÿĎÜÝćÖïøĉþĆìßĆĚî îĞćĔîðøąđìýâĊęðčśî ÝćÖ )POEB &OHJOFFSJOH "TJBO $P -UE &("4 *#$ 7JFUOBN $P-UE Ēúą "VUPNPUJWF .PME 5FDIOPMPHZ $P -UE øŠüöïøø÷ć÷ĔĀšÙüćöøĎšìćÜéšćîÖú÷čìíŤĒúąìĉýìćÜĔîÖćø óĆçîćĂčêÿćĀÖøøöÖćøñúĉêĔîðøąÿïÙüćöÿĞćđøĘÝĂ÷ŠćÜêŠĂđîČęĂÜ öčööĂÜ ÙüćöÙĉéđóČęĂÖćøóĆçîćĂ÷ŠćÜĕöŠĀ÷čé÷ĆĚÜêŠĂĕð ñĎšðøąÖĂïÖćøĒúą îĆÖíčøÖĉÝìĊęöĊÙüćöÿîĔÝÿćöćøëđךćøŠüöÜćîÿĆööîćĕéšēé÷ĕöŠöĊÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ ĔéėìĆĚÜÿĉĚî ÜćîÿĆööîćÝąÝĆé×ċĚîĔîüĆîîĊĚđüúć î è ĀšĂÜĒÖøîéŤăĂúúŤ With growing competition in the automotive industry, many entrepreneurs may need to reduce the price of their products; while the cost of production continues to increase, in order not to lose business opportunities entrepreneurs are looking for new emerging industries. The Thailand Board of Investment – the BOI Unit for Industrial Linkage Development (BUILD), Alliance for Supporting Industries Association and UBM Asia (Thailand) Co. Ltd. have jointly organized this seminar to meet these needs. The presentation will focus on new business opportunities in future-oriented industries such as aerospace and medical devices. The seminar will point the way to preparation and other factors that can make this a successful business opportunity. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Nara Seiko Inc., and Fine Tech Corp. will contribute their expertise. The seminar will be held on May 16, 2014 from 9:00 to 17:00 at the Grand Hall 203. éšü÷ĂĆêøćÖćøĒ׊Ü×ĆîìćÜéšćîĂčêÿćĀÖøøö÷ćî÷îêŤìĊęđóĉęöÿĎÜ×ċĚîĂ÷ŠćÜêŠĂđîČęĂÜĔîߊüÜìĊęñŠćîöć ñĎšðøąÖĂïÖćøĀúć÷øć÷ĂćÝÝĞćđðŨîêšĂÜúéøćÙćßĉĚîÜćîĔĀšêĞęćúÜĔî×èąìĊęêšîìčîÖćøñúĉêîĆïüĆîÝąöĊĒêŠ ÿĎÜ×ċĚîđøČęĂ÷ė ìĆĚÜîĊĚđóČęĂĕöŠĔĀšđÿĊ÷ēĂÖćÿÖćøñúĉêĕð÷ĆÜÙĎŠĒ×ŠÜ éĆÜîĆĚîÖćøöĂÜĀćĂčêÿćĀÖøøöĔĀöŠđðŨîÿĉęÜìĊ ęöĊ ÙüćöîŠćÿîĔÝĂ÷ŠćÜöćÖ éĆÜîĆĚîÿĞćîĆÖÜćîÙèąÖøøöÖćøÿŠÜđÿøĉöÖćøúÜìčî #0* ĀîŠü÷óĆçîćÖćøđßČęĂö ē÷ÜĂčêÿćĀÖøøö #6*-% ÿöćÙöÿŠÜđÿøĉöÖćøøĆïߊüÜÖćøñúĉêĕì÷ ĒúąïøĉþĆì ÷ĎïĊđĂĘö đĂđßĊ÷ ðøąđìýĕì÷ ÝĞćÖĆé ĕéšøŠüöÖĆîÝĆéÿĆööîćÙøĆĚÜÿĞćÙĆâ ēé÷öčŠÜðøąđéĘîĕðëċÜēĂÖćÿìćÜíčøÖĉÝĔĀöŠìĊęîŠćÝĆïêćöĂÜĂ÷ŠćÜöćÖ ĔîðŦÝÝčïĆîîĆęîÙČĂĂčêÿćĀÖøøöĂćÖćý÷ćîĒúąĂčêÿćĀÖøøöđÙøČęĂÜöČĂĒóì÷Ť ÜćîÿĆööîćĔîÙøĆĚÜîĊĚÝąßĊĚĔĀš đĀĘîëċÜĒîüìćÜÖćøđêøĊ÷öÙüćöóøšĂö ēĂÖćÿìćÜíčøÖĉÝ ĒúąðŦÝÝĆ÷êŠćÜė đóČęĂĔĀšíčøÖĉÝðøąÿïÙüćöÿĞćđøĘÝ ēé÷ ,BXBTBLJ )FBWZ *OEVTUSJFT -UE /BSB 4FJLP *OD Ēúą 'JOF 5FDI $PSQ àċęÜÝĆéĔîüĆîìĊę óùþõćÙö đüúć î è ĀšĂÜĒÖøîéŤăĂúúŤ A NEW BEGINNING FOR INTERMACH 2014 A NEW DECADE … The 21 st Century ushers in a new decade of competition and development in technology. Entrepreneurs with superior technology will gain superior advantages and have a better chance to meet customers’ needs and respond to their requirements, especially with the ASEAN Economy Community on the horizon. INTERMACH 2014 will showcase quality machinery from more than 1,200 companies from 40 countries around the world. And exhibitors will showcase over 3,500 pieces of the latest technology and equipment for industrial machinery. An important highlight of the event is the “Top Japanese Makers Zone”, which consists of leading Japanese machinery brands. There will also be many world class technologies launched for the first time. Overall, INTERMACH 2014 will give you an excellent perspective of Thai industry and a special look at Thai industry of the future. Sheet Metal Asia 2014 - the largest event that brings together leading Sheet Metal Fabrication Manufacturers Like the sheet metal industry the upstream industry is growing by leaps and bounds - especially in the ASEAN region. Thailand is recognized as a central production hub with skilled workers, but other countries are moving fast and Thai entrepreneurs need to step up the pace to stay ahead of the competition and become a global production hub. For this reason, the show organizer recognizes the importance of the exhibition and its ability to meet the needs of entrepreneurs. So we have recruited leading manufacturers of sheet metal fabrication machinery from around the world representing more than 300 brands. You’ll find them all at Sheet Metal Asia 2014. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Build a successful business through SUBCON Thailand 2014 For the past eight years SUBCON Thailand has continued to help businesses expand and grow. Today, the event is recognized as ASEAN’s largest Industrial subcontracting event specializing in the procurement of industrial parts. Fostering co-operation between the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) and UBM Asia (Thailand) the show organizer - over 300 exhibiting entrepreneurs from Thailand, ASEAN, Japan and other countries in the region have been able to meet and discuss business with more than 20,000 leading industrial part buyers’s and 1st Tier manufacturers. The 2014 event will greatly assist this progress and further establish the show as ASEAN’s leading industrial subcontracting exhibition. 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Machine Tech Co.,Ltd. Model : The UMC-750

Booth No. S16 Booth No. A22


1Thursday 15 May 2014




The Japanese SeminarA star of the show Strategy for ASEAN Single Market 2015, Thai +1 This special Seminar will provide information for entrepreneursfrom Thailand and Japan and help them stay up-to-date with changing trends of industry. It will also help the country become a key the center of the ASEAN Community. The Seminar’s principalobjective is to present the business opportunities and trends that many countries are following and reveal ways of linking industries within ASEAN countries. The Seminar is held under the theme, “Strategy for ASEAN Single Market 2015, Thai +1” and is organized by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) - the BOI Unit for Industrial Linkage Development (BUILD), the ThaiSubcontracting Promotion Association and UBM Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The Seminar has received the full support of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO Bangkok). Headlining the event will be leading speakers and a panel discussion that includes Senior Executives from leading companies of Japan such as Honda Engineering Asian Co., Ltd. (EGAS), IBC Vietnam Co., Ltd and Automotive Mold Technology Co., Ltd. The Seminar will enhance knowledge, reveal business strategies and developmental trends plus successful business direction for the manufacturing industry of the future. Entrepreneursand investors who are interested can attend the conference free of charge. The seminar will be held today from 13:00 to 17:10 pm at the Grand Hall 203.

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With growing competition in the automotive industry, many entrepreneurs mayneed to reduce the price of their products; while the cost of productioncontinues to increase, in order not to lose business opportunities entrepreneursare looking for new emerging industries. The Thailand Board of Investment – theBOI Unit for Industrial Linkage Development (BUILD), Alliance forSupporting Industries Association and UBM Asia (Thailand) Co. Ltd. have jointlyorganized this seminar to meet these needs. The presentation will focuson new business opportunities in future-oriented industries such as aerospaceand medical devices. The seminar will point the way to preparation and other factors that can make this a successful business opportunity. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Nara Seiko Inc., and Fine Tech Corp. will contribute their expertise. The seminar will be held on May 16, 2014 from 9:00 to 17:00 at the Grand Hall 203.

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The 21st Century ushers in a new decade of competition and development in technology. Entrepreneurs with superior technologywill gain superior advantages and have a better chance to meet customers’ needs and respond to their requirements, especially with the ASEAN Economy Community on the horizon. INTERMACH2014 will showcase quality machinery from more than 1,200 companies from 40 countries around the world. And exhibitors will showcase over 3,500 pieces of the latest technology and equipment for industrial machinery. An important highlight of the event is the “Top Japanese Makers Zone”, which consists of leading Japanese machinery brands. There will also be many world class technologies launched for the first time. Overall, INTERMACH 2014 will give you an excellent perspective of Thai industry and a special look at Thai industry of the future.

Sheet Metal Asia 2014 - the largest event that brings together leading Sheet Metal Fabrication Manufacturers Like the sheet metal industry the upstream industry is growing by leaps and bounds - especially in the ASEAN region. Thailand is recognized as a central production hub with skilled workers, but other countries are moving fast and Thai entrepreneurs need to step up the pace to stay ahead of the competition and become a global production hub. For this reason, the show organizer recognizes the importance of the exhibition and its ability to meet the needs of entrepreneurs. So we have recruited leading manufacturers of sheet metal fabrication machinery from around the world representing more than 300 brands. You’ll find them all at Sheet Metal Asia 2014.

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Build a successful business through SUBCON Thailand 2014 For the past eight years SUBCON Thailand has continued to help businesses expand and grow. Today, the event is recognizedas ASEAN’s largest Industrial subcontracting event specializing in the procurement of industrial parts. Fostering co-operation between the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) and UBM Asia (Thailand) the show organizer - over 300 exhibiting entrepreneurs from Thailand, ASEAN, Japan and other countries in the region have been able to meet and discuss business with more than 20,000 leading industrial part buyers’s and 1st Tier manufacturers.The 2014 event will greatly assist this progress and furtherestablish the show as ASEAN’s leading industrial subcontracting exhibition.

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INTERMACH 2014Official show daily produced by:

Highlight Seminar New Opportunity for Supporting Industry: Aerospace and Medical Device

The Power of SKF Knowledge Engineer