should kids be able to use cell phones during school? by: megan sly

Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

Should kids be able to use cell phones during school?

By: Megan Sly

Page 2: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

My opinion

I think kids should have cell phones in school. Kids could look up things that they need for essays and homework assignments. New York schools are some of the few schools not allowing cell phones during school. I think that the U.S.A. schools should allow cell phones during school. According to, 48% of people are on my side (as in saying yes).

Page 3: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

What cellphones are:

Cellphones are like mini hand held, portable computers that are used to text, but can also

Page 4: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly









Yes GirlsYes Boys Yes AdultsNo GirlsNo BoysNo Adults

Page 5: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly


A lot of girls agree with me, 27 say yes, 20 say no. A lot of boys agree with me too. 23 say yes, 19 says no. I am glad because it shows that would be easier to do homework. It also shows that the people agree with me.

Page 6: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

My Core Democratic Value is the Pursuit Of Happiness because everyone has the right to pursue their happiness. You don’t have to have a cellphone, even if your school allows them.

Core Democratic Values

Page 7: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

Did you know?

students can also use their phones to help them in class, such as the calculator or calendar, to keep track of their assignments. 

At a school district outside Chicago, students participated in a French class by using cellphones to call classmates and speak with them in French.And when school starts this fall at Mason High School near Cincinnati, students like Mrudu Datla will pack iPads and iPhones in their backpacks.

I think phones should be allowed in school cause they help students learn, and look up projects faster cause they already know how to type on their devices.

It can be kept in backpacks and may save your lives.Its no harm to us ! It may get you help in need. To prevent distraction in the class you may not be allowed to use them till the class gets over.While an emergency you can use them to contact to your parents.

Page 8: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

Should kids have cell phones in school.

I think that kids should have cell phones in school in school so they can look up stuff for essays and Social Studies projects. We will eventually need things other than computers. It would be helpful. Some kids would work with the phones in school all the

time, some may even need to use them to do their work all the time

Page 9: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

Separate sides of the debate

Yes No

Kids should be able to have a cell phone because if there is a intruder they can tell the police. And if there is a shooting they would want a phone to appear because what if you are found and shot because you don't have a phone?That is why I think they should be allowed.

If a parent wants to give an elementary student a cell phone, then I guess that is their prerogative but the phones shouldn't be out at all during the school day. If you are in elementary school then you need to be able to call parents from the office and no place else.If a parent wants to give an elementary student a cell phone, then I guess that is their prerogative but the phones shouldn't be out at all during the school day. If you are in elementary school then you need to be able to call parents from the office and no place else.

 It can be kept in backpacks and may save your lives.Its no harm to us ! It may get you help in need. To prevent distraction in the class you may not be allowed to use them till the class gets over.While an emergency you can use them to contact to your parents.

Page 10: Should kids be able to use cell phones during school? By: Megan Sly

I think that we should have cell phones in school. It would be a lot easier to use cell phones than using computers. They are pretty much portable computers.