shot list/script part 1 - θάνατος


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Shot List/Script PART 1 - θάνατος


INT. - LIVING ROOM – MID-DAY CLOSE UP – The first character (played by Sasha Webb) Claire will be breathing heavily with splatters of blood beginning to drip down her face, she’ll have dark circles under her eyes highlighting the whites of them, she’ll be looking just past the lens of the camera but could slightly give the illusion she’s looking at the camera. BLACK SCREEN/ SOUND – Fade to black screen with heavily breathing still audible (diegetic) and the some whispers and animalistic sounds. LONG SHOT – (CUT TO) Whispers suddenly cut off by a loud a shocked gasp for air as Claire suddenly jolts up, awoken from the sleep she’s in. (Possibly a few other shots/angles for the same scene) MEDIUM SHOT - Of the doorframe that the second character shall walk through and begin to speak. (Possibly add some different angles for this too.) DIALOGUE –


Hey, Claire! I need

you to look after my

bad for me while I

got work.

MEDIUM SHOT / REACTION SHOT – Claire with a puzzled expression still sitting on the sofa where she woke up looking towards the doorway.


What! What? What’s

in it?

CLOSE UP – Character 2 answers Claire’s question while gripping the bag slightly and nervously smiling. MEDIUM SHOT – Of her gripping the bag and being interrupted by Claire.



An Ouija board But-

CLOSE UP – Claire’s shocked expression and narrows eyebrows, as she says ‘no.’ MEDIUM SHOT – Claire continuing her dialogue using her arms to help gesture her point, only foreground/her in focus.


NO! No way! Those

things creep me out!

MEDIUM SHOT (PROFILE) – Character two, half way through the doorframe as she speaks.

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They creep my MUM

out too, that’s why

I need to leave it

here, just for

today, please?

CLOSE UP – Claire having a moment to thought as she looks at something off frame until she raises her head again to give in and answer.


UGH! Fine. But you

owe me.

MEDIUM SHOT – Character 2 step closer to the camera to walks out of frame slightly to where Claire would be positioned but returning to her previous position, the background in the doorway behind her darker then the rest of the lighting. CLOSE UP (PROFILE) – Character 2 thanking Claire as they behind to turn to leave.


Yes, yes ok. Thank

you! Right, I’ll see

you after work bye.

MEDIUM SHOT - Of the doorframe as Character two walks back through it and exits the frame to show they have left.

MEDIUM SHOT – Claire looking towards the doorway as she then directs her attention to another object off frame (the bag).




HIGH ANGLED SHOT – Character 2’s bag in the foreground/left of the frame and out of focus with Claire on the right, in focus and looking towards the bag before looking away and exiting the frame. MEDIUM SHOT – Claire getting up and exiting the frame to the right.

INT. – KITCHEN – MID-DAY LONG SHOT – Camera positioned within the kitchen with the doorway to it in the centre of the shot as Claire walks through it. MEDIUM SHOT – Claire walks into the frame and away from the camera towards the high up cupboards to retrieve something. MEDIUM SHOT (PROFILE) – Claire opens the cupboard door towards the camera. OVER SHOULDER SHOT – Claire reaches and retrieves a glass cup from the top shelf of the cupboard before closing it and walking to the right, exiting the frame. (Maybe add some different angles of this scene while filming.)

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CLOSE UP – Of the water tap in the centre of the frame as Claire brings the glass to in, filling it with water. MEDIUM SHOT (PROFILE) – Claire brings the glass of water to her lips to drink it before stopping at a sudden noise. LONG SHOT – (Of the same thing.)

INT. LIVING ROOM – MID-DAY LONG SHOT – Of Claire entering the living room looking at her surroundings before focusing on something out of frame and on the floor. HIGH ANGLED SHOT – In the bottom of the frame is a small part of the bag with paper coming out of it, which is out of focus, Claire comes through the doorway and begins to walk towards it. MEDUM SHOT – Claire stopping as she reaches the source of noise and looks down at it before kneeling beside it to pick up one of the pieces of paper. TRACKING SHOT – The same follows the piece of paper retrieves as she returns to standing up and bringing it close to her face to examine it, to reveal the black symbols on it. REACTION SHOT – Of Claire frowning slightly as she looks at the conventionally satanic symbol on the paper. HIGH ANGLED SHOT – Claire kneels back down in front of the bag and paper with only her legs in the frame and the bag and paper at the bottom of it. CLOSE UP (PROFILE) – Claire begins to look through and empty the bag (character 2’s bag). MEDIUM SHOT – Claire bring out pieces of paper from the bag, followed by a board, she sets it off frame beside her and draws her attention away from the bag and towards it. LONG SHOT – Showing Claire with her back to the camera as she begins to turn over the board to see it’s an Ouija Board. (Some other angles of this shot.) MEDIUM SHOT – Claire draws her attention back to the bag but is quickly stopped when she hears a scrapping sound next to her, she’s retrieves the board again to place it on her lap as something begins to move across it. HIGH ANGLED SHOT – You can’t see the top of the Ouija board but you are able to see a glimpse as something moves across it along with Claire’s hands. CLOSE UP - Of Claire’s eyes as she follows the movements. (Go back and fourth between these shots.) MEDIUM SHOT – The movements and sounds have stopped and now Claire sits confused but slightly scared as she says the word that was spelt out. DIALOGUE -



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BLACK SCREEN – A sudden cut to a black screen, which after a short duration fades into the next shot.

INT. LIVING ROOM - EVENING LONG SHOT – The shot shows the doorway to the living room as Character enters through it like she had before but then suddenly stops to look at the shocking and confusing scene before her. (Try some different angles of this to show the symbols on the floor and walls.) DIALOGUE -


Claire! Hey, I’m

Back, How was-

REACTION SHOT – Character 2 looking confused.


What the… Claire!

MEDIUM SHOT – Character 2 turns to go back through the doorway but is met by Claire face-to-face making them jump. (Possibly Over-Shoulder shot of same thing.) MEDIUM SHOT (PROFILE) – Claire and Character 2 are face-to-face as they speak.





OVER-SHOULDER SHOT - From behind Claire’s shoulder Character 2 turns to reveal that the symbols and paper scene previously were no longer there.


Oh, hey. Claire

what’s with all the

symbols and –

MEDIUM SHOT – Of Claire’s expressionless face as she speaks.


What Symbols?

MEDIUM SHOT (PROFILE) - As the two go back to being face-to-face in conversation.


T-they was all over

the floor.


You must have

imagined it. Come on

I’ll get you some


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MEDIUM SHOT – As both Claire and character 2 walk towards the kitchen, Character 2 looking back at the living room unsure of what they’d seen previously.

INT. KITCHEN – EVENING LONG SHOT – Claire walking in first and Character 2 following closely behind as they go to sit at the empty chair to the right and Claire goes to the left off frame. (Possible different angles of this.) MEDIUM SHOT – Claire placing a cup of water down in front of Character 2, they pick it up and begin to drink it as Claire sits down.

