shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc

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  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    1) Establishing Shot Car driving down street towards camera.

    Dialogue/Music/Sound No dialogue for establishing shot. Creepy/haunted music? Sound of car driving down road, skidding tyres?

    Actions Perspective shot of car coming towards camera Parallel of both sides of houses. Shot from inside car, tracking shot of houses.

    FX/SFX- None

    2) Montage Mediums counting money/Houses

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Conversation between mediums.- How much we got?- Sneaky music.- Shuffling money, skidding tyres, laughing

    Actions- Mediums counting money and visiting houses.- Driving away from houses laughing.- People handing mediums money.

    FX/SFX- Straight editing cuts for montage.

    3) Caption/Car pulling up at first house.

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Voiceover; - Deep resonance music in the background?- Car pulling up outside house.

    Actions- Text? Surveillance camera style typography. Radioactive music.- Close up of tyres as the car pulls up.- Shot of the house.

    FX/SFX- Cross fade.

  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    4) At the front door of house #1

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Mediums; you ready?

    - Possible music in the background.- Knocking on the door, hollow sound.

    Actions- Close up of hand knocking on door.

    FX/SFX- Cut from car to front door.

    5a) Inside the house, sitting round the table.

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Speech between the mediums and house owners.- Is there anyone in particular you would like us to contact?- Creepy music?- Silence? Effective?- Scrapping of chairs to sit down?

    Actions- Linking hands round the table.- Rings on fingers? Stereotypical of mediums?

    - Eyes closing.

    FX/SFX- Dark lighting for sance.- Straight cuts between hands.- Small montage?

    5b) Mediums pretending to speak to ghosts.


    - Mediums speaking to deceased family members.- Is there a [persons name] in your family?- I can hear them- They are telling me- Sudden movement like medium has seen ghost.

    Actions- Mediums eyes closed, looking like theyre talking to someone.- Sudden gasping, eyes wide open.- Rips hands away from house owner.

    FX/SFX- Quiet music in background cuts when medium gasps to silence.

  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    6) Outside back in the car laughing.

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Laughing.- Footsteps running back to car.

    - Car revving to get away.- Upbeat music.

    Actions- Running back to car.- Jumping in, key in the ignition.- Driving off.- Continuous sound of laughing.- Counting money.

    FX/SFX- Possible montage as mediums leave the house?- Cuts of different shots (close ups, extreme close ups)

    7) Montage of various houses.

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Repetition of same question Is there a [persons name] in your

    family?- Repetition of knocking on different doors.- Driving up to houses.

    - Speeding away from houses.- Continuous laughing and action/upbeat music.- Crescendo build up to massive impact then silence

    Actions- Handheld camera shots of mediums running away?- Counting money, throwing it about?

    FX/SFX- Montage.- Straight cuts.- Flashes of different houses, same storyline.

  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    8a) House where everything changes

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- No dialogue

    - No music silence.- Wind whistling?- Trees creaking?- Eerie noises

    Actions- Low angle shot of house, makes it look powerful- Trees moving


    - Edit in whistling noises- Edit in creaking tree noises- Thunder and lightening effects

    8b) Mediums at front door of creepy door

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Mediums acting scared you can knock- Daring music or silence?- Knocking on the door but its already open creaking noise

    Actions- Mediums footsteps walking up path?- Handheld camera?- Medium knocks on door but its slightly open so the knock makes it

    open- Shot through door just black, looks empty

    FX/SFX- Straight cut from montage to low angle shot of creepy house

  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    9) Inside the creepy house

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Hello, is anyone in?- Still silence no music- Creaking floorboards- Flickering light from one room- Heavy breathing?

    Actions- Mainly dark, maybe use a lighter for light?- Walking through the front door- POV camera looking through mediums eyes?- Shot of slightly open door with flickering light or candle

    - Reflection of street light through window

    FX/SFX- None

    10a) Walking into the room with flickering lights

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Is anyone in here?- Build up in music starts to get more tense- Creaking the door open

    Actions- Pan of room once door is opened- POV camera medium turns head and person is standing right there- Shock gasps and small scream?- Drop of lighter

    FX/SFX- Flickering candle?- Dark lighting contrast from outside

  • 7/27/2019 shot list ashleigh leah jack.doc


    10b) Cut to all sitting around doing sance

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Anyone you would like us to contact?- I can feel their presence

    - Constant music pace- Constant creaking floorboards- Whispers- Creaking doors

    Actions- Hand holding for sance- Mediums keep looking around, looking scared- Shock as one medium gets possessed audience dont know?- Lights start flickering like ghost is talking to them

    FX/SFX- Cuts to everyones faces

    11) Montage of possessed medium and happenings

    Dialogue/Music/Sound- Lots of screaming and shouting- Heavy, deep resonance music, tense and scary- Possible dialogue between different people- [mediums name], can you hear me?

    - Where are you?- Banging, scrapping of nails on walls, doors slamming

    Actions- Running round house- Slamming doors to get away from ghost (like paranormal activity)

    FX/SFX- Quick, scratchy cuts between different happenings- Surveillance type shots static snow?

    Ends with massive scream then silence??