short-term forecasts of volcanic eruptions. is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will...

Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions

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Page 1: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions

Page 2: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt?

Not yet, but great progress is being made.

This presentation shows how new models of seismic precursors are providing key limits to forecasting eruptions.

Villarrica, Chile, 2004

Page 3: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Before escaping from a volcano, the molten rock that feeds eruptions must break and distort the Earth’s crust as it finds a pathway to the surface.

Volcanoes rarely erupt without warning.

Most eruptions are thus preceded by small earthquakes and deformation of the ground.

Page 4: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

During volcanic crises, earthquakes are the most commonly monitored precursors, because:

Emergency seismometers are easy to install. Seismometers can record volcanic earthquakes even if they are not on the volcano itself.

Emergency seismometer, Montserrat 1996 (Photo: Bill McGuire)

Page 5: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Months - Years Days

Rate of SeismicityRate of Seismicity

Eruptions are preceded by increasing rates of seismicity. Initial increases may be detected months or years beforehand. The final acceleration tends to occur only days before eruption.

Can the final acceleration be used to improve short-term forecasts during a volcanic crisis?

Page 6: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

This study focuses on emergencies at volcanoes reawakening after several decades or centuries.

Such volcanoes are especially dangerous because:

They tend to reawaken with large, explosive eruptions.

Few are being monitored permanently; many are not being monitored at all.

Local populations are unaware of the threat from the volcano and so no suitable emergency plans have been devised.

Page 7: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Intervals between eruption and volcanic hazard

Page 8: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Longer intervals between eruptions increase the chances that the next eruption will be explosive.

New eruptions normally occur at intervals from years to centuries.

Interval between Eruptions





Page 9: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Interval between Eruptions




Page 10: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Volcanoes that erupt frequently commonly produce lava flows. Examples include:

Etna in Sicily (main photo) Piton de La Fournaise on Réunion IslandKilauea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii (inset)

Page 11: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Most lava flows advance at walking pace. As a result, they rarely threaten lives, although their destruction of land and property is total.

Lava flows on Mt Etna in Sicily

Page 12: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Explosive eruptions can also occur.Most are small enough to affect only the area next to the vent.

Southeast Crater, Mt Etna

Kilauea, Hawaii

Page 13: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Occasionally, the explosive events are strong enough to disturb districts beyond the volcano.

Northeast Crater, Mt Etna, 1986

Page 14: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Interval between Eruptions




Page 15: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Effusive eruptions can also occur after centuries of tranquillity.

Tenerife, Canary Islands (Photo: Carmen Solana)


Such eruptions are similar to those seen on Etna, Hawaii and Réunion.

If the magma is fluid, such eruptions may feed lava flows, as observed on Tenerife, La Palma and Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.

Page 16: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

When magma is more viscous, the eruptions produce lava domes. Since 1995, the growth of a lava dome has been monitored at Soufriere Hills volcano on Montserrat, in the Caribbean.

Page 17: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Lava domes may spread hundreds of metres from the vent.They become much more dangerous if they collapse.

When a dome collapses, it disintegrates into a hot landslide of broken lava and volcanic gas, creating a pyroclastic flow.This lethal mixture can travel several kilometres within minutes.

Page 18: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Explosive eruption, October 1997, Montserrat (Photo: Paul Cole)

Gas pressure within a dome may also trigger explosive eruptions.

Page 19: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Interval between Eruptions




Page 20: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Major explosive (plinian) eruptions expel up to cubic kilometres of magma within 24 hours.

They send pulverised magma (ash) 10-35 km or more into the atmosphere.

They also feed lethal currents of ash and gas (pyroclastic flows) that race over the ground at hurricane speeds. Such eruptions may devastate hundreds of square kilometres.

Photo: Don Swanson, USGS

Page 21: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Examples include:Mount St Helens, USA (main photo)

Pinatubo in the Philippines (inset, right)

Kliuchevskoi in Kamchatka (inset, left)

Photo: NASA

Photo: Rick Hoblitt, USGS

Photo: Don Swanson, USGS

Page 22: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Forecasting eruptions after long periods of tranquillity

Page 23: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat, has been erupting since 1995. It is the volcano’s first eruption for nearly 350 years.

Note the houses

Page 24: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Most of the world’s major explosive eruptions have occurred at volcanoes reawakening after a century or more of tranquillity.

Pinatubo, Philippines in 1991;El Chichón, Mexico, in 1982;Mount St Helens, USA, in 1980;Krakatau, Indonesia, in 1883;Vesuvius, Italy, in 79; Santorini, Greece, in 1650 BC.

These include:

Page 25: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

How long ahead of time can we reliably forecast eruptions from volcanoes that have been quiet for decades or centuries?

Vesuvius, in Southern Italy, has been quiet since 1944. It now supports a population of nearly 600,000 people.

Page 26: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Volcanoes can heal themselves during long periods of tranquillity.

Before another eruption, therefore, magma must break open a new path to the surface.

As the path is broken open, earthquakes are triggered below the volcano.

MagmaLocation of Earthquake

Increasing seismicity thus normally occurs before eruptions.

Page 27: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

At first, the number of growing fractures increases with time.

Under these conditions, the detected rate of seismicity increases exponentially with time.

Most of the fractures remain isolated and so are unlikely to produce a new path for the magma.

An exponential increase thus indicates the possible approach to eruption, but does not identify when that eruption might occur.

The acceleration in seismicity can be explained by the slow growth of fractures within and below a volcano.

Page 28: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

The opening of the main pathway itself is recorded by the peaks in seismic event rate.

Under these conditions, the peak rate increases hyperbolically with time.

When the number of active fractures exceeds a critical value, these join together to form a new path for the magma.

Inverse Event RateEvent Rate


Conveniently, this means that the minimum inverse rate decreases linearly with time. An eruption is expected when the inverse rate becomes zero.

Page 29: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Soufriere Hills, Montserrat, 1995

Time (Days)


e E


t R







The minimum inverse rate of seismicity decreases as:

[Minimum Inverse Event Rate] = (1/f*) – *t

The gradient, *, measures the critical strain at failure and, for volcanic conditions, is (4.53.2) x 10-3; its value for Soufriere Hills is 2.5 x 10-3.

f* is the frequency of strain fluctuations; t is time.

Page 30: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Time (Days)


e E


t R






Soufriere Hills, Montserrat, 1995

The model indicates that the final (hyperbolic) acceleration evolves over ~14 days. However, several days may be needed to recognise the trend.

Thus, even under ideal conditions, only a few days might be available to forecast the time of an eruption.

Look again at Soufriere Hills. When would you issue an alert?

Alarm now?

Or now?

Page 31: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

False alarms and the future

Page 32: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Increasing seismicity before eruption has been linked to the opening of a fracture between magma and the surface.

How reliable is this acceleration as a precursor? Can it end in a false alarm, without an eruption?

Page 33: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Fractures may also form that do not reach either the magma or the surface. Growth of these fractures may yield the same accelerations in seismicity as pre-eruptive signals. Use of seismicity alone may thus lead to false alarms (blue stars).

False Alarms


Rate of SeismicityRate of Seismicity

Page 34: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

The first signs of unrest may be detected months or years before eruption.

The final approach to eruption may trigger an acceleration in seismicity up to 14 days beforehand.

Emergency warning times are unlikely to be reliable more than a few days in advance.

Episodes of increasing seismicity may also occur without eruption.

The public must be made aware of the possibility of false alarms: this is important to maintain public trust during an emergency.


At volcanoes reawakening after at least several decades:

Page 35: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Can we distinguish between pre-eruptive and non-eruptive accelerations in seismicity?

Can we use precursory signals before the final 14 days to increase warning times?

How can we incorporate other types of precursor to improve forecasts?

The Future

Questions now being addressed include:

Page 36: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

The answers will help to avoid a repetition of this:

Page 37: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Herculaneum: victims of the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius

Page 38: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

Project Volcalert

Sebastien ChastinClaire Collins

Marielle CollombetTorsten Dahm

Giuseppe De NataleJean-Robert GrassoChristopher Kilburn

Ian MainAdriana Nave

Eleonora RivaltaGiuseppe RolandiCarmen SolanaClaudia TroiseOliver Willetts

Photo Credits: Christopher Kilburn unless otherwise stated.

Page 39: Short-term Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions. Is it possible to forecast exactly when a volcano will erupt? Not yet, but great progress is being made. This

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or write to Christopher Kilburn at:

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