short introduction to the maritime labour convention

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  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    Maritime Labour


    Seafarers Bill ofRights

    What does it meanfor us?

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    Why was the MLC adopted?

    Seafarers need special protectionSeafarers need special protection

    MLC provides comprehensive rights andMLC provides comprehensive rights and


    Tool to balance the maritime industryTool to balance the maritime industry

    Long term benets for Employers andLong term benets for Employers and


    !ourth pillar" of international maritime!ourth pillar" of international maritime

    regulatory regime# beside the $ey %M& S&L'S#regulatory regime# beside the $ey %M& S&L'S#

    M'()&L * STCWM'()&L * STCW

    Set minimum re+uirements to wor$ on a shipSet minimum re+uirements to wor$ on a ship

    Strengthen enforcement mechanisms at allStrengthen enforcement mechanisms at all


    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    /ey issues for the %T! a0liates

    )rotect fundamental and seafarers" rights)rotect fundamental and seafarers" rights Maintain principles in e1isting %L&Maintain principles in e1isting %L&


    Enforceable minimum labour standardsEnforceable minimum labour standards

    2enition of seafarers3Shipowner2enition of seafarers3Shipowner

    Social security protectionSocial security protection

    (eal enforcement and control(eal enforcement and control

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    !undamental (ightsand )rinciples

    a4 !reedom of association and the e5ectiverecognitionof the right to collective bargaining

    b4 Elimination of all forms of forced orcompulsory labour

    c4 E5ective abolition of child labour

    d4 Elimination of discrimination in respect ofemployment and occupation

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    Seafarers" Employmentand Social (ights

    's a bare minimum every seafarer has the rightto6

    a4 Safe and secure wor$place that complieswith

    safety standardsb4 !air terms of employment

    c4 2ecent wor$ing and living conditions

    d4 .ealth protection# medical care# welfaremeasures and other forms of socialprotection

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    Structure of the MLC

    'rticles7 set out the principles and'rticles7 set out the principles and

    obligations8obligations8 (egulations# Standards 9)art '4 and(egulations# Standards 9)art '4 and

    -uidelines 9)art ,4 in the Code-uidelines 9)art ,4 in the Codeintegrated3organi:ed under ve Titles6integrated3organi:ed under ve Titles6

    ;8;8 Minimum re+uirements for seafarers to wor$Minimum re+uirements for seafarers to wor$on a shipon a ship

    8 .ealth protection# medical care# welfare and.ealth protection# medical care# welfare andsocial security protectionsocial security protection

    88 Compliance and enforcementCompliance and enforcement

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    To whom MLC applies3does not apply

    Seafarer 7 any person who isSeafarer 7 any person who is

    employed3engaged wor$s in any capacity onemployed3engaged wor$s in any capacity on

    a ship covered by the MLCa ship covered by the MLC

    The MLC applies to all ships @and seafarersAThe MLC applies to all ships @and seafarersA

    publicly or privately owned engaged inpublicly or privately owned engaged incommercial activitiescommercial activities

    Smaller ships 9below

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    MLC re+uirements

    Minimum age

    Medical certication Dualications of seafarers (ecruitment and placement Seafarers" employment agreements

    Wages .ours of wor$ and hours of rest

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    What must be in your employment agreement?

    our full name# date of birth3age place ofour full name# date of birth3age place of


    Shipowner"s name and addressShipowner"s name and address

    Where and when the agreement was signedWhere and when the agreement was signed

    )osition on board)osition on board

    our wages and how they are calculatedour wages and how they are calculated

    'mount of paid annual leave'mount of paid annual leave

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    What must be in your employment agreement?

    Conditions for terminating the contractConditions for terminating the contract

    E1piry date3duration of contractE1piry date3duration of contract

    .ealth3 social security benets provided.ealth3 social security benets provided

    Entitlement and details to repatriationEntitlement and details to repatriation

    (eference to the C,'# if applicable(eference to the C,'# if applicable

    'ny other details re+uired by national law'ny other details re+uired by national law

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention



    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    ou have the right to be paid regularly and inou have the right to be paid regularly and infullfull

    ,asic pay or wages 7 pay for normal hours of,asic pay or wages 7 pay for normal hours of


    The %L& minimum wage for ',sThe %L& minimum wage for ',s

    &vertime&vertime /eep your own copy of overtime/eep your own copy of overtime

    Sending money homeSending money home

    our entitlementsour entitlements

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    .ours of wor$ and hours of rest

    Formal wor$ing hours 7 G7hour day3one day ofFormal wor$ing hours 7 G7hour day3one day of


    Ma1imum hours of wor$Ma1imum hours of wor$

    H Fo more than ;> hours in any 7hour periodFo more than ;> hours in any 7hour period

    HH Fo more than I< hours in any seven7dayFo more than I< hours in any seven7day


    Minimum hours of restMinimum hours of rest

    H at least ;B hours of rest in any 7hour periodat least ;B hours of rest in any 7hour period

    HH at least II hours rest in any seven7day periodat least II hours rest in any seven7day period

    Table with shipboard wor$ing arrangementsTable with shipboard wor$ing arrangements

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    MLC re+uirements cont3J

    Entitlement to leave (epatriation

    Seafarer compensation 9ship"s loss orfoundering4

    Manning levels of the ship


    &n7board recreational facilities

    !ood and catering

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  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    MLC re+uirements cont3J

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    .ealth and safety and accident prevention.ealth and safety and accident prevention

    &n7board medical care&n7board medical care

    Shipowners" liabilityShipowners" liability

    .ealth and safety protection3 accident prevention.ealth and safety protection3 accident prevention 'ccess to shore7based welfare facilities'ccess to shore7based welfare facilities


    Social securitySocial security

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    Safeguarding your rights

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    T%TLE 6 Compliance and EnforcementH !lag State responsibilities!lag State responsibilities

    HH )ort State responsibilities)ort State responsibilities

    HH Labour7supplying responsibilitiesLabour7supplying responsibilities Maritime labour Certicate3 2MLCMaritime labour Certicate3 2MLC %nspection and enforcement%nspection and enforcement &n7board complaint procedures&n7board complaint procedures

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    %nspections in port3)ort State Control

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    %nspections in port%nspections in port More detailed inspection can be carried out when6More detailed inspection can be carried out when6

    H the documents are not produced3 invalid3 falsiedthe documents are not produced3 invalid3 falsied

    HH grounds for believing that the wor$ing and livinggrounds for believing that the wor$ing and living

    conditions are substandardconditions are substandard

    HH the ship has attempted to avoid compliancethe ship has attempted to avoid compliance

    HH a complaint by a seafarer# trade union# persona complaint by a seafarer# trade union# person

    interested in safety and health of seafarers3 their shipinterested in safety and health of seafarers3 their ship E1amples of circumstances that may re+uire detentionE1amples of circumstances that may re+uire detention

  • 7/21/2019 Short Introduction to the Maritime Labour Convention


    %T!3'0liates3Seafarers )rospective

    SE'!'(E(S" ,%LL &! (%-.TS

    We all need the MLC ratied and implementedWe all need the MLC ratied and implemented

    MLC will help to improve your living andMLC will help to improve your living and

    wor$ing conditions on boardwor$ing conditions on board

    MLC is giving the minimum standards onlyMLC is giving the minimum standards only

    !or further information www8itfseafarers8org!or further information www8itfseafarers8org

    Duestions please?Duestions please?