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  • 7/30/2019 Short Inquiry Revised


    Christian Pridgen

    Lynn Raymond

    English 1102

    04 April 2013

    Inspirational/ Influential Person: Mahatma Gandhi

    Mohandas Gandhi was a very influential, inspirational person who is

    commonly associated with attributing to the ideas and methods of Dr. Martin

    Luther King Jr. Aside from aiding other great leaders Gandhi was a great leader

    himself. Inspiration is commonly referred to as an action or influence that directly

    affects ones mind and soul. Inspiration may come through words, action, or

    situations. These words, actions, or situations greatly affect a person, mostly in a

    positive manner. What are the makings of an influential person? Is it their

    personality, the way the conduct their selves, their attitude, or their

    accomplishments? Mohandas Gandhi is one of the most recognized inspirational

    and influential leaders. He is respected worldwide, this respect originated with his

    personal passions and ambitions to stand for what he believed in.

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on

    October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India, present day

    Gujarat ("Mahatma Gandhi"). Gandhi would later be

    nicknamed by his followers. His followers began to

    call him Mahatma, which means the great souled

    one ("Mahatma Gandhi").During his youth,

    Mohandas Gandhi was shy, soft-spoken, and only aGandhi as a child

    ("Mohandas Gandi:


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    mediocre student at school (Rosenberg). These three characteristics of

    Gandhis personality would later be alliterated through his appearance and

    presence. At age 18 he went off to school. In 1888 Gandhi attended London,

    England to study law (Rosenberg). Gandhi soon realized that the high class

    English and French lifestyles did not fit his personality and were not what he

    wanted. It was during this time that Gandhi began to come in tune with the simple

    life style that he would live for the rest of his life. He began to network though

    organizations that interested him. Gandhi joined the London Vegetarian Society,

    where he would read Bhagavad-Gita and other passages that would serve as

    foundation for the beliefs he would later develop.

    On June 10, 1891 Gandhi passed the bar, he

    soon after he returned home to visit his family and the

    continued on to South Africa (Rosenberg). Gandhi

    headed to Africa in hopes of gaining some more money

    so that he would be able to further his education in the

    field of law. He spent nearly twenty years in South

    Africa; during this time he would face a lot of

    discrimination ("Mahatma Gandhi"). His time spent in

    South Africa was the turning point of his life, Gandhi

    transformed from a quiet, shy young man into a powerful

    leader against discrimination. It was during this time that he developed and

    began teaching the concept of satyagrah ,"truth and firmness", passive

    resistance, as a means of non-cooperation with authorities, non-violent

    Middle age, Law school


    ("Mohandas Gandi:1869-1948")

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    ("Mahatma Gandhi").Satyagraha remains one of the most potent philosophies

    in freedom struggles throughout the world today ("Mahatma Gandhi").

    Gandhi continued to fight against discrimination

    and the British rule for the rest of his life. Gandhi was

    very influential in his homeland. In 1914 he returned

    home once more and supported the Home Rule

    movement there ("Mahatma Gandhi"). This movement

    was very similar to the civil rights movement in America. He

    also returned home and became the leader of the Indian

    Nation Congress (Vora). Being involved with the Indian Nation Congress served

    as a platform for worldwide respect. After World War I, he began advocating

    passive resistance against Britain as a means to achieve

    home rule. He became the international symbol of a free India


    Mahatma Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948. He

    was Shot by Nathuram Godse who was enraged about efforts

    of negotiation with Muslims ("Mahatma Gandhi"). Over the

    course of his life he was able to accomplish many things. His accomplishments

    would later go on to motivate others such as the great African American, Civil

    Rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.

    Older Gandhi

    ("Mohandas Gandi:


    Older Gandhi

    ("Mohandas Gandi:


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    Works Cited

    "Mahatma Gandhi". 2013. Web. 28 March 2013.

    "Mohandas Gandi: 1869-1948". Photography. Web.3 April 2013.

    Rosenberg, Jennifer. Gandhi - Bibgraphy of Mahatma Gandhi. Web. 30 March 2013.

    Vora, Shivani. Mohandas K. Gandhi News. 5 March 2009. Web. 28 March 2013.