short history of bioelectrography (kirliangraphy) 1777 g. c. lichtenberg (germany) he obtained, with...

Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy) 1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany) He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything that we can consider as being primitive “Bioelectrographic Images” and those primitive images in electrifieddust were named by him as “Electro-graphics” 1880 Nicola Tesla (USA) He showed in a public presentation a luminous halo around human body and other objects while exposed to a strong electromagnetic field with high A.C. voltage and high frequency. But he considered this subject only as a scientific curiosity that received the general name of “Corona Effect”. 1892 J. J. Narkievitch-Jodko (Russia) On an electrified plate he obtained a type of photo that he simply named Electric Photography in black and white and started to investigate through this technique the

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Page 1: Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy) 1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany) He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything

Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy)

1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany)He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything that we can consider as being primitive “Bioelectrographic Images”and those primitive images in electrifieddust were named by him as “Electro-graphics”

1880 Nicola Tesla (USA)He showed in a public presentation a luminous halo around human body and other objects while exposed to a strong electromagnetic field with high A.C. voltage and high frequency. But he considered this subject only as a scientific curiosity that received the general name of “Corona Effect”.

1892 J. J. Narkievitch-Jodko (Russia) On an electrified plate he obtained a type of photo that he simply named Electric Photography in black and white and started to investigate through this technique the human potentialities, but he did not continue this work.

Page 2: Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy) 1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany) He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything

1904 Landel de Morua (a Brazilian Jesuit Catholic Priest)He was a Physician and invented an engine that he named “Bioelectrographic Machine”. He toke some hundreds of photos and named the halo around the human body as “Perianto”. He researched on this subject during 8 years until 1912 when he was obliged by the Catholic Church to stop those researches and they confiscated almost all of his notes.

1930 Dr. Pratt and Dr. Schlemmer (Prague) presented theire technique to show the energy field of plants by using photographic emulsion.

1899 Later on, already during the middle of the 20th Century, his work was taken back by M. Pogorelski in Russia and by B.J. Navratil in Czechoslovakia, but with no other significant consequence.

Page 3: Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy) 1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany) He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything

1939 Semyon and Valentina Kirlian (Russia)He was an electrician and she was a school teacher. Since 1939 they worked hard in making experiments with auras of living subjects. The main property of the Kirlians was their laboratory, a small bedroom filled with different equipments. They observed the “Kirlian-Effect” during theire researches. Because of their experiments the mysterious glow got world-famous. The glow was captured on photographic paper or photographic plates .

He got the title: “Honored Inventor of the USSR”

1970-1980 It was published the book “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain” which popularized worldwide the Kirlian’s researches. Hundreds of persons all over the world started to build Kirlian Cameras and began to research with this new device.

Page 4: Short History of Bioelectrography (Kirliangraphy) 1777 G. C. Lichtenberg (Germany) He obtained, with dust particles, under Statics Electricity, anything

1980-1995 Publications and papers were written. We got a lot of interesting knowledge and much correlations in statistics. Physical principals of Kirlian effects got described. All information was fixed on hundreds of papers.

1983-1986 I. Dumitrescu (Romania), Peter Mandel (Germany) Newton Melhomens (Brazil), A. Lerner (France), H. Oldfield (England) and other scientists made different researches to receive diagnostic results from pictures of electrophotography.

1995 Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (St. Petersburg) discovered that the Kirlian Effect is the result of the ionization of gases and vapors exhaled by our skin through the pores. He named his model of Kirlian-devise Gas Discharge Visualization or simply GDV Technique.