short film concept board

ISABELLE WILTSHIRE Short film concept board

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Short film concept board


Short film concept board

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Concept One

A boy and his older brother enjoy playing football together and they focus their lives around football and each other. One day a tragic accident happens and the brothers are separated by death. The younger brother visits the grave of his best friend every day to talk about the football however he hasn’t handed in his boots. The younger brother decides to pursuit the professional football solo to commemorate their once shared dream. He goes on to make the England team and represents his country in the World cup where they were victorious. He dedicated his football career to his brother and made history by being the youngest England player to play at the World Cup.

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Alternative ending for concept one

A boy and his older brother enjoy playing football together and they focus their lives around football and each other. One day a tragic accident happens and the brothers are separated by death. The younger brother visits the grave of his best friend every day to talk about the football however he hasn’t handed in his boots. He has flashbacks of his brother talking to him as he walks along the train platform…contemplating suicide. The train passes and a girl is standing on the opposite platform staring at him.

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Theme: Drama Audience: Universal Characters: Young boy (James), Older brother, Mum

(briefly to comfort younger brother), football coach, opponent in football who can be compared to the boy to make him look good

Locations: football pitch (park), grave yard, house (dad coughing at dinner-ill),

Props: football and goals, whistle (coach), trophy/medal, newspaper headline (world cup), football boots for brother to place at grave,

Motto: Always follow your dreams

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Character profiles

Young boy (James) Age: 14Physical description: Petite, blonde, Character traits: He isn’t cocky, he is quiet but

confident on the pitch because he is so good – its unexpected. He is a friendly, polite character.

Background: He never had a dad so has always looked up to his brother as a role model. He gets on well with his mum and respects her a lot for raising the two boys as a single parent. He has loved football from a young age as his brother got him into it.

Costume: He is always in a football kit

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Character profiles

Older brother (Liam) Age: 18 Physical description: brown hair, brown eyes, quite

muscular; making his brother look small. Character traits: He has always been the father figure

for his younger brother and so he is very caring and supportive. He encourages the best in people.

Background: Has had to support his family due to not having a father in the house and so he has worked hard to support the family financially as well as emotionally.

Costume: Quite casual and often seen in gym wear but not necessarily a football kit as he is not as crazy about football as his brother.

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Concept Two

A boy isolates himself from the world after his dad falls ill and suddenly dies. He gets penalised at school because his grades were falling below his peers. He got expelled and spent his days on the streets where he always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. His mum would stay up all night waiting for him and when he came home she would cry and shout. The boy channels his emotions into football after his mum goes into depression and becomes a professional. He makes a tribute to his dad when he lifts the trophy for his team.

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Alternative ending for concept two

A boy isolates himself from the world after his dad falls ill and suddenly dies. He gets penalised at school because his grades were falling below his peers. He got expelled and spent his days on the streets where he always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. His mum would stay up all night waiting for him and when he came home she would cry and shout.

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Theme: drama Audience: universal Characters: young boy (james), Dad, Mum, teacher,

opponent in football who can be compared to the boy to make him look good, football coach

Locations: football pitch (park), grave yard, school (teachers office), house (kitchen table), streets (fight or smoking)

Props: football and goals, exam grade report, street crime related props, trophy/medal, tablets that his mum carries to symbolise mental illness

Motto: Don’t lose track of who you are and always follow your dreams

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Character profiles

Young boy (James) Age: 15Physical description: petite so is seen as

vulnerable, blonde hair and blue eyes Character traits: He is a good kid who has always

been friendly, hard working and polite however after losing his dad he feels lost and sp loses the values that make him who he is. He becomes selfish and lazy and gets caught up with boys who lead him astray.

Costume: Smart to start with but becomes very casual after his fathers death and then becomes sporty after his mums depression

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Character profiles

DadAge: 45 Physical description: Brown hair, tall, masculineCharacter traits: Fun-loving, football enthusiast,

caring, supportive and boisterous Background: He is very family orientated and has a

good work-life balance however last year he was diagnosed with lung cancer which come about due to a smoking habit and now as it has reached a fatal stage, things go down hill very quickly

Costume: smart (work), casual (when playing football with son)

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Character profiles

Teacher (drama teacher) Age: 40 Physical description: tall, dark hair Character traits: He is caring, supportive and

understanding. Background: He has always liked James as he has

always been hard working and after his dad died he was very caring and understanding however as he now hangs around with the wrong people, it is a losing battle and he has no option other than to expel him which he regrets as he know it will not help.

Costume: smart casual

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Characater profiles

Mum Age: 45 Physical appearance: blonde, short Character traits: She worries a lot because she cares,

her only son is the only family member she has left and so she is desperate to keep him safe.

Background: After losing her husband who she loved dearly, she has had to adapt quickly to be able to support her only son, James. Their family has been broken and she doesn’t know how to help James deal with losing his dad. Now he has become emotionless, she feels she has lost her son too and goes into a state of depression.

Costume: casual and traditional

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Potential locations (Recces)

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Potential locations

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Potential locations

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Potential locations

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Concept Three “He’s out of my league”

An “uncool” girl named Phoebe has the biggest crush on the popular rugby player named Sammy. Phoebe confesses about her crush through the use of a diary that is commentated over the short film using her voice. Sammy sits next to Phoebe in science class and one day asks her for his help. They begin tutoring lesson, however Sammy’s popular girlfriend Jessica becomes jealous and tries to publicly humiliate Phoebe when she goes through her locker and finds the diary. After showing the whole school what Phoebe had been saying about Sammy, he breaks up with her popular girlfriend and decides to spend more time with Phoebe, he then eventually falls for her and they get into a relationship.

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Concept Four

The family is falling apart, her mum and dad are fighting every night now and her mum has resorted to drinking whilst the dad works late to avoid coming home. She sits in her bedroom with her dog - her best friend. The film is seen through the dogs eyes, on a late night walk one day she sees a homeless lady begging. She reaches into her pocket but then looks down at her dog and has a better idea. She knows how lonely she would feel without her dog and so she goes to the rescue centre and gives her a dog. She gives the lady a blanket. The lady is so grateful. Every night when she goes on a walk she stops to see how they’re getting on. Random act of kindness.

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Theme: drama Audience: universal Characters: mum, dad, girl, dog, homeless lady,

dog 2, man who works at rescue centre (could just be a hand to hand over the lead for the new dog 2

Locations: Rescue centre, house (bedroom, living room), streets

Props: Alcohol bottles, dog, go pro, blankets,Motto: Don’t judge a book by its cover, random

act of kindness goes a long way

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Character profile

Young girl (Lily) Age: 14 Physical appearance: blonde, small, petite Character traits: Caring, quiet, reserved, friendly Background: As an only child she has always looked

after herself and enjoyed her own company however at times she does get lonely despite having her best friend (the dog) living with her. Her parents saw the dog as company for her as her mum could no longer have any more children. This caused family problems as the dad had always wanted a son and now he is having an affair, her mum has resorted to drinking and is on the verge of becoming an alcoholic.

Costume: casual and pretty

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Character profiles

Mum Age: 45Physical appearance: blonde, smallCharacter traits: She is a house wife and so is dependent

on her husband and is vulnerableBackground: Her husband was her first love and so she

is head over heels for him however due to a cyst in her ovaries she could no longer have children which created cracks in their marriage as he had always wanted a son which was something she could not give him. He had an affair which broke her heart and left her to resort to drinking in order to forget. She was close to her daughter however a lot has changed within their family.

Costume: modern mum

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Character profiles

Dad Age: 45Physical appearance: brown hair, tallCharacter traits: Hard-workingBackground: His current wife was one he fell in love with

after his young, promiscuous years. Young love meant he married quick and within a year they had a child together; Lily. He loved Lily however always wanted a boy as he loved football and wanted to be a role model for his child. As he gets older and as he wife can no longer have kids, he becomes desperate and goes against his wedding vowels. This causes problems within the marriage but as his wife is so dependent he tries to live a double life which distorts the family Lily once knew and loved.

Costume: suit (he is very work-orientated)

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Character profiles

Homeless lady Age: 30-40 Physical appearance: brown hair, not too old,Character traits: friendly, unlucky, Background: Her life has been a series of bad luck as

she dropped out of school early to work as her mum was disabled and was unable to work herself. This meant she didn’t finish her exams and is now seen as unemployable. Her mum died not long after she dropped out of school which lead to her drinking and as an ex-alcoholic who lost all her money and possessions in a drunk night out at a casino, she now sits and begs on the streets feeling very lonely and unfortunate.

Costume: old, dirty and cheap clothes wrapped in a blanket

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Concept 5

Short Film about bullying. It will be filmed in school and will be about a girl who is getting bullied. Her name is Lily, and the film will begin with many POV shots of her walking round school and the popular girl of the school, bullying and teasing her. The shots will also consist of Joe her best friend filming her, he does this as a hobby and enjoys filming her naturally. The POV shots continue throughout the beginning, this will introduce the characters, until the point when the bullying gets too much and we watch her overdose and kill herself. The story will then unfold, by the POV being discovered as a secret camera that her best friend Joe, told her to wear to prove the bullies wrong until it was too late. As the film continues Joe releases the film footage to the media and news reports. This leads to the bully getting named and shamed as we take a look into the life of the bully, Amelia. We then find out Amelia’s personal problems with Lily that caused her to want to bully her. We see Amelia become hated by everyone, however she watches the footage and asks for mental help and makes a med with the family of Lily and tries to move on with her life.