shopwise- your shopping assistant

Shopwise Your shopping assistant mobile app ! Now get rid of the helplessness you feel while shopping in unfamiliar places. By Namita Maheshwari CUA, M.Des, B. Arch

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Post on 09-Apr-2017




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ShopwiseYour shopping assistant mobile app !

Now get rid of the helplessness you feel while shopping in unfamiliar places.

ByNamita MaheshwariCUA, M.Des, B. Arch

Executive intent and Suggested model

Executive Intent :

This will be a recommendation app, which will be based on the feedback given by other users, and the other trust factors generated by authorizations, certifications, images etc..

It will help the user to be directed to right shops in the chosen area, as per his need.

The app will also have features which came as insights from the research-eg. Language barrier, safety, while shopping in unfamiliar places

Suggested Model :

Since this is a purely recommendation app, location based advertisements will be the capital generator.

It could eventually become a hybrid app for other travel and shopping based apps.

To get more registrations give shopping based incentives

Why I chose mobile ?

Shopping as an activity is ‘unplanned’ and ‘on the go’

It has all the required features needed while shopping- GPS, Camera, sharing options etc.

Phones are much more handy- imagine carrying a bigger device along with all the shopping bags.

Are you kidding me!!!

I have all those features and much


Project Plan

Activity Time required Experts Involved

Research 5 days UX Designers, Ethnography researchers

Research Analysis 2 days UX Designers, Ethnography researchers

Presenting to Stakeholder 1 day Developers, designers, business

Changes Implementation 1 day UX Designers

Information Architecture 3 days UX Designers

Review and changes 2 days UX designers, business, developers

Design Concepts 5 days UX Designers

Review and implementation 2 days UX Designers, business, developers

Session with User 1 day UX Designers, users

Visual Design + UX design 5 days UX Designers, Visual Designers

Internal review 1 day UX Designers, Visual Designers

Review with client 1 day Client, Visual team, UX team, Developers

Development team 1 month Developers, UX Designers

Note: Constant reviews and workshops helps bring all stakeholder on same page, so there are lesser changes later.Consider enough buffer time. Also the VD team and UX team will be working parallel once the key flows are identified












The Shopping Eco system

EnvironmentConnected ServicesUsers




Access to money



Unfamiliar languages

Things-Gifts, clothes etc.

Stand and boards


Research on eco system of shopping helps one understand the behavioral pattern of the App user

Persona 1Supriya Nauriyal- Travelholic Shopoholic

30, Designer, ConsultantMumbai, Shanghai

Smart Phone expert user

Travelling is Supriya’s first love followed by shopping. She makes sure she travels at least once in a year and preferably a foreign location, or destinations which are very unfamiliar to her. Supriya keeps at least a day aside for shopping for herself and her folks back home. Though locals are helpful there is a major language barrier. She keeps looking at her phone for help but gets very fragmented information. She is also concerned about her data usage.Supriya has a travel blog where she writes about her experiences and hopes it will help other people travelling to the same place.

“ Like in India, I know I can bargain and get good deals anywhere, but in an unfamiliar place communication and trust becomes a huge issue”

Drives while shopping- Good deals, trust

Blocks while shopping- Language and safety, helplessness, too much choice or no choice, trust, data usage

Fundamental Needs- Freedom, safety, esteem, creative

Culture imbibes- Economic traveler, Independent and organized

Persona 2

Neeraj Maheshwari-Hate to but Have to Shop

35, Senior Executive Pune, Mumbai

Smart Phone expert user

Neeraj is a senior executive in his company and his job takes him places. Though Neeraj hates to shop he likes to see his family happy when he gets gifts for them.Due to time constraint and basic impatience during shopping, he ends up going to the mall and spending too much money on things he knows he can get at half the price. He feels further bad about not buying anything special for his family.

“ I shop like how men shop, just go pick and buy, but when I am outside I would really appreciate some help in terms of right places and right things to buy”

Drives to shop- Proximity, quality and trust, Blocks to shop- Very high prices, don’t know the right places and also right things to buy

Fundamental needs- Esteem, egoistic, love and care for family

Cultural imbibes- Budget shopping, comparing

A loose plan:

Plans a day for

shopping in her


Shallow Research:Does some basic research on local markets Decision making

Feels lost once in the shopping space, doesn’t know where to begin

Way Finding:Uses her GPS to reach the market

Shopping language barrier: Finally decided to buy but not able to bargain due to language

Takes help:Ask the locals but does not trust them

Scenario, Task flow and opportunity points

Recommendations Trust factors CommunicationEasy way findingTips and tricks

Why didn’t I buy anything special from this place

Did I buy anything worth

I am a terrible shopper, why don’t I have someone to

help me?

Why didn’t I do some


Shopping just became an unhappy experience

Did he charge me right?

How do I bargain?

What about the quality?

Are there other places I could have gone to?

An inconsistent and fragmented shopping experience

Did they really enjoy the Shopping experience ?

Concept Evolution-

Sketching out Ideas,Rapid paper prototypes,Brainstorming and feedback are some of the methods before the concept is conceived

Content Inventory and Information ArchitectureShopwise mobile

App-Select Location

Select type of Item, by giving keywords Left Menu

See the list view of the recommended shops

Expand to see more

View the map

Add recommendation


Add photoWrite a review Star rating

Add a new recommendation

What did you shop

Shopping lingo

Tips and tricks

Safety alerts


Help Centre

Your account

View menu

Map View

List view

Mark coordinates, landmarks

Call the shop

View the cost



Photo Gallery view

Wireframes- To find a shop and review it

The home page

Location based advertising to generate revenue

Selecting the type of item, the tabs show the most popular items in the area

Click on maps to get the direction

Click on add comment to give your review

The get direction function will work like GPS apps. Incase of download, it will jus show the map

Gallery x

Wireframes- Home page content

The right menu for selecting the available feature

Read more to see the general shopping information about the place

Download the information about the place to be able to use it in offline mode

View Menu:Showing different type views

Home Page


To add a new review.

There will be an ‘genuine comment’ statement further to submit


Type what you are looking for?

clothes Jewelry

Leather bags

paper aroma

dosa Jewelry

Best deals at Casablanca.. Click f


Auroville, Pondicherry

Read More


Paper craft

Change location


Auroville, Pondicherry

I recommend“Royal fashions”

1km away

Cost Rs.300 to 2000

“One of the best places I have been to for shopping in Pondicherry. Best scarves and shoes”

“I am coming back over here. Best prices and best quality”


More reviews Your review

“One of the best places I have been to for shopping in Pondicherry. Best scarves and shoes”

1km away

Visual Design and UI Exploration

The background picture-changes as per the location.Will slide up in case of all the other screens other than home page

The tabs will shift as per the length of the word, but maximum two tabs in a row

Dynamic advertisement band

Home Page Expanded view of Shop

My Shopping assistant..

Thank you Shopwise!

Is there more to come??

Work in Progress