shopping for husbands

Ria Slides In this shopping Center women can pick their husbands with the qualities they like in a man...

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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  • In this shopping Center women can pick their husbands with the qualities they like in a man...

  • It was five floors high, and the higher you go, the better the quality of the man.

  • But there was one rule, if you decide to go up a floor, you cant go back down to the previous floor. You either had to pick a man on that floor, or go on to the next floor... If not you had to leave.

  • Two good friends decided to go to this Shopping Center to look for a man.

  • They got to the first floor and saw a sign on the wall that read:The men on this floor work, and like kids.

  • Well, it could be worse if they didnt have a job and dislike kids, but.... I wonder what the men are like on the next floor? - The two friends commented.... And decided to go to the next floor.

  • On the second floor the sign read:The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, and have great manners.

  • Did you see that?" one of the girls said. I wonder what the men on the next floor will be like?" -Rapidly they went up to the third floor.

  • The sign from the third floor read:The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, have great manners, and help with chores around the house.

  • WOW!!!" one of the girls said - thats very tempting, but I wonder what the men on the fourth floor will be like..." So, once again, they decided to go up to the fourth floor.

  • Anxiously they read the sign from the fourth floor which said:The men on this floor work, like kids, have great salaries, have great manners, and are very good lovers.

  • My God! What must be waiting for us on the fith floor!!!Without a doubt, they went up to the last floor.

  • This floor was empty, and the sign read:

  • This floor is only here to demonstrate that it is impossible to satisfy women. Please, find the exit, and have a great day!