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Shockley-Zalabak, 9e Update Pamela S. Shockley-Zalabak © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 11 Strategic Organizational Communication: Professional Applications of Organizational Communication FPO for Cover Image

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Shockley-Zalabak, 9e Update Pamela S. Shockley-Zalabak

© 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 11Strategic Organizational Communication: Professional Applications of Organizational Communication

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)

11.1 Express the need to analyze situations, select and implement communication strategies for the desired impact11.2 Describe strategic organizational communication11.3 Express how a proper analysis of changing organizational opportunities and threats is important for effective communication

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)

11.4 Express the complexity of strategic organizational communication11.5 Relate strategic communication to ethical and value issues faced by organizations

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Introduction: Strategic Organizational Communication: Professional Applications of Organizational Communication

Objective 11.1 Express the need to analyze situations, select and implement communication strategies for the desired impact

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11.1 Introduction: Strategic Organizational Communication: Professional Applications of Organizational Communication

- Definition- Factors of strategic organizational


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Describing Strategic Organizational Communication

Objective 11.2 Describe strategic organizational communication

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11.2 Describing Strategic Organizational Communication

• Perspectives on Strategic and Organizational Communication- Key points of strategic organizational communication

- Organizational stakeholders - Communication channels

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The Organization and Its Environment

Objective 11.3 Express how a proper analysis of changing organizational opportunities and threats is important for effective communication

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11.3 The Organization and Its Environment (1 of 4)

• Multiple Publics- Publics

- Points to consider when planning organizational strategy

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11.3 The Organization and Its Environment (2 of 4)

• Environmental Scanning- How environmental scanning works

- How information is gathered

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11.3 The Organization and Its Environment (3 of 4)

• The Global Environment- Overview

- Globalization

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11.3 The Organization and Its Environment (4 of 4)

• SWOT Processes- SWOT

- Corporate strategy - Types of strategy - Phases of SWOT analysis

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Strategic Organizational Communication

Objective 11.4 Express the complexity of strategic organizational communication

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (1 of 10)

• Public Relations- Description

- Public relation activities• Communicating an Organization’s Image

or Reputation- Image or reputation

- Image communication

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (2 of 10)

• Internal Communications- Role of internal communications

- Activities of internal communication specialist• Public Affairs and Issues Management

- Work involved under public affairs and issues management

- Steps in issue management

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (3 of 10)

• Marketing- Definition

- Responsibilities of marketing• Integrated Marketing Communications

- Definition - What companies can do through marketing

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (4 of 10)

• The Marketing Mix- Tools of marketing

- Types of strategy in marketing - Tools of sales promotion• Advertising

- Definition - Requirement of advertising campaigns

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (5 of 10)

• Branding - What is branding?

- Features of branding

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (6 of 10)

• Relationship Marketing and the Use of Marketing Databases - Communication & relationship marketing

- Computerized database - Ways of gathering information

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (7 of 10)

• Media Relations - How media relations works

- Role of media relations specialist• The Media Interview

- Responsibility of media relations professional - Understanding media interviews

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (8 of 10)

• Risk and Crisis Communication - Stages of crisis

- Strategic crisis communication - Communication priorities

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (9 of 10)

• Technology and Strategic Organizational Communication - Social media

- Types of social media

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11.4 Strategic Organizational Communication (10 of 10)

• Evaluating Strategic Organizational Communication - Web pages

- Factors evaluating communication effectiveness

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Ethical Issues in Strategic Organizational Communication

Objective 11.5 Relate strategic communication to ethical and value issues faced by organizations

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11.5 Ethical Issues in Strategic Organizational Communication

- Issues resulting from planned communication - Ethical organization

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