shimadzu medical - company profile

Shimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. February 2012

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For the complete report, get in touch with us at : [email protected] Shimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. is headquartered in Chennai and manufactures Medical Equipments in the domains of Angiography, Fluoroscopy, Mobile X – Ray, etc. The report begins with the basic facts about the company such as contact details, revenues, competitors, brief history, line of business and geographic reach among others. Key Products and Services of the company describes the rationale of how it creates, delivers, and captures value through its products and services offered Information about the company’s management side is also provided that details their names, designation, professional experiences, memberships of boards etc. Through SWOT analysis, the report highlights key internal factors that give the company advantage or disadvantage over its peers along with key external factors prevailing in the industry that may have favorable or unfavorable impact on the company’s operations. The report also covers the financial analysis of the company including the balance sheet, profit and loss a/c and the key ratios depicting the key financial figures for fiscal year 2007-10. Industry Analysis provides top level understanding of the Medical Equipment sector in India with special reference to medical imaging segment. Market size, growth, key segments, growth drivers, import \ export and trends are some of the foremost points covered in the analysis. The competitive landscape identifies key players of the industry drawing comparisons on parameters such financial performance and service offerings. The company is benchmarked against its main competitors’ key financial ratios in the competitive benchmarking chapter.


  • 1. Shimadzu Medical (India)Pvt. Ltd.February 2012

2. Contents Executive Summary Factsheet Offices & Centres Key Products and Services Key PeopleShimadzu Medical (India) SWOT AnalysisPvt. Ltd.Financial Profile Industry Analysis Competitive Landscape Competitive Benchmarking Appendix 2 3. Executive Summary Shimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Shimadzu) is a wholly owned subsidiary of ACompany The company has developed B and CDescriptionKey Products and It manufactures medical equipments under various segments such as G, H, I, J and KServices Strength 1 is one of the major strengths of the company; however weakness 1 is one of the key areas ofconcernSWOT Analysis The company can reap significant benefits owing to opportunity 1 while threat 1 may have an adverseaffect on the strategic initiatives and growth prospects of the organization Shimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. generated total revenues of INR A mn in the fiscal year (FY) 20--registering a y-o-y decrease of x per cent. It incurred a loss before tax of INR B mn in FY 20-- as compared toa profit before tax of INR C mn in FY 20--Financial Profile The financial profile of the company includes the balance sheet, profit and loss a/c and the key ratiosdepicting the key financial figures for FY 20--, 20--, 20-- and 20--, giving an insight into the companysfinancial performance Medical Equipments market is estimated at INR A bn in FY 20-- and expected to grow at a CAGR of y percent to reach INR B bn in FY 20-- The Medical Equipments market is classified into segments such as P, Q, R and SIndustry Analysis Imaging and Diagnostic Device market in India is estimated at INR G bn in FY 20-- and is expected to grow ata CAGR of z per cent to reach INR T bn in FY 20-- The major imaging devices are M, N, O, P, Q Key competitors for the company can be enlisted as: Competitor 1 and Competitor 2CompetitiveLandscape3 4. FactsheetBasic InformationBrief Description Shimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Shimadzu) is a wholly A of BIndustry----Corporate Address ---- Shimadzu has adopted G key approaches for its operations in India:--Tel No. ----Website -- The company is the only manufacturer in India that manufactures M using NYear Founded-- Shimadzu has also developed advanced R using SYear of Incorporation -- It manufactures products under the domains of A, B, C, D and EOwnership -- It manufactures products such as P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,LE etc.Revenue --Fiscal Year EndAuditor----MPKey Competitors --SABrief History 20--:Source: 4 5. Offices & Centres India PLESAMHeadquartersShimadzu OfficeNote:Source: 5 6. Key Products and ServicesThe company generates revenue through its products which include :Segment Divisions Products -- -- --Segment 1 - -- -- -- LESegment 2 -Segment 3 -- MP -- -- --Segment 4 Division 1 -- SA --- -- --Division 2 -- -- -- --Segment 5 Division 3- -- -- -- --Division 4Source:6 7. Key PeopleKey Members Shareholders of the Company Date ofName Designation Age (years)NameNo. of Shares Appointment- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -Shareholding PatternOwnership StructureSTotal Paid-up CapitalINR V Total Number of shareholders -a%Source: SAMPLE7 8. SWOT Analysis (1/2) Strengths Weakness Strength 1 Weakness 1 Strength 2 InternalFactors PLESAMSource:8 9. SWOT Analysis (2/2)Opportunities Threats Opportunity 1 Threat 1 Threat 2 Opportunity 2External Factors PLESAMSource:9 10. Financial ProfileFinancial Snapshot Profit & Loss StatementLE GHParticulars 2007 2008 2009 2010INR mn150MP OOperatingIncome----100 50SM A NQ R SOther IncomeTotal Income-- - --- - - 0Expenditure----T (below)-50 POperating 20--20-- 20-- 20-- ----expensesFinancial Summary Total----Expenditure Analysis Point 1Profit/(Loss)----before Tax Analysis Point 2Profit/(Loss)----after Tax Analysis Point 3Source:Note: 10 11. Ratio AnalysisKey RatiosKey Ratio Analysis Analysis Point 1y-o-y change Particulars 2010 2009 20082007(2010-09) Analysis Point 2 Profitability Ratios-- ---LEOperating Margin -- --- Analysis Point 3 PProfit Before Tax Margin -- ---Return on Capital Employed -- ---Cost RatiosOperating costsLiquidity Ratios - - ------- - - ---- Analysis Point 4SA Analysis Point 5MCurrent Ratio-- ---Cash Ratio -- ---Leverage Ratios-- ---Efficiency Ratios-- ---Fixed Asset Turnover -- ---Asset Turnover -- ---Current Asset Turnover -- ---Working Capital Turnover -- ---Capital Employed Turnover-- --- Source:Improved DeclineNote: 11 12. Annual Financial Ratios Profitability Ratios 200 2007 -20200820092010 -40 -60 LE -80 MP-1006050 SA40302010 0 2007 -102008 2009 2010Source: 12 13. Industry AnalysisMedical Equipment Industry OverviewMarket Size & Growth (20-- -20--e) The Medical Equipment market is estimated at INR A bn in FY20-- and expected to grow at a CAGR of x per cent to reach INR B INR bnbn by FY 20--100G This market can be classified into segments such as C, D, E and F x% F Indian medical equipment market imports y per cent of its80Emedical equipments from countries such as M, N, O, P D 60C Major trends observed in the medical equipment market are:BATrend 140LETrend 2Trend 320Trend 4Trend 5MP Some of the key drivers of the medical equipment market are:0 20--20-- 20--e 20--e 20--e 20--e 20--eSADriver 1Driver 2Driver 3 Market Segmentation (FY 20--)Driver 4Driver 5a% Some of the Government initiatives towards the Medical d%equipment market were: MPoint 1NPoint 2O b%Pc%Source: 13 14. Industry AnalysisImaging and Diagnostic Device Market Overview Market Size & Growth (20-- -20--e) The Imaging and Diagnostic device market in India is estimatedat INR P bn in FY 20-- and is expected to grow at a CAGR of y perINR bncent to reach INR Q bn by FY 20-- 60p% Y Major segments of Imaging devices include:XSegment 1W 40 VSegment 2 TU SLESegment 320Segment 4MPSegment 5 Some of the trends observed in the Imaging Devices market are:020-- 20-- 20--e 20--e 20--e 20--e 20--eSATrend 1Trend 2 Import-Export - Major Imaging Devices (20--)Trend 3Trend 4INR mnYH Z4,0003,5003,000 D2,50012%49%2,0001,5001,000G I M 500F J L EK 0Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5Source:14 15. Competitive Landscape (1/2) Company Name DescriptionCompany 1 -- -- -- --Company 2 -- LE -- -- -- MP SASource:15 16. Competitive Landscape (2/2)Competitive ScenarioCompany Company A Company B Company CNameFinancial Information (INR mn FY 2010)Total -- ----RevenueNet -- ----Profit/(loss) Major Market Segmentation (Medical Equipments)ImagingDevices:UltrasoundImagingOT SurgeryEquipmentMedical X Ray MachinesECGMachinesVentilatorsDopplerPatientMonitoringSource:SAMPLE H: High; L: Low; M: MediumOfferedNot Offered16 17. Competitive Benchmarking (1/2)Key Financial Ratios FY 2010 (1/2)% M50 C0 Analysis Point 1 B -50 Analysis Point 2-100AXY ZLEN%6040D FMP A Analysis Point 3S20 E0XY Z% O 300G 200 H I Analysis Point 4 1000XY ZSource:17 18. Thank you for the attentionShimadzu Medical (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a part of Netscribes Healthcare Company ProfileSeries.For more detailed information or customized research requirements please contact: Jitendra Punjabi Phone: +91 33 4064 6215 E-Mail:[email protected] NetscribesNetscribes is a knowledge-consulting and solutions firm with clientele across the globe. The companys expertise spans areas of investment& business research, business & corporate intelligence, content-management services, and knowledge-software services. At its core lies atrue value proposition that draws upon a vast knowledge base. Netscribes is a one-stop shop designed to fulfil clients profitability andgrowth objectives.This report is published for general information only. Although high standards have been used in preparing this report, Netscribes (India) Pvt.Ltd. or Netscribes is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from use of this document. This document is the sole property of Netscribes(India) Pvt. Ltd. and no part may be reproduced without prior written permission. 18