sheikh atabek shukurov - black magic


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Course delievered from Nov 2010 onwards. If you have been effected by black magic then seek reliable local scholar for assistance. But please be careful to find the right person.


Page 1: Sheikh Atabek Shukurov - Black Magic

Sheikh Atabek Shukurov

Black magic from Mishkat Al-Masabih/Lamp of the skylight

Lesson one

Part one

The author is Imam Al-Baghawi –he was strong knowledgeable scholar

Mishkat is hole in the roof and the masabih is a lantern because of this hole the light can be seen from the outside and inside

This collection covers all the areas of life with hadith, buying, selling, character etc

It was one of the most famous books of previous centuries

Al-Hafiz Tabrizi completed the book with references and names of the companions narrating the hadiths

He organised the hadith with Bukhari and Muslim in the first chapter then the second chapter with other collectors – all of these were about the same chapter

It has been studied all in India-Pak

Imam Taybi wrote a commentary on his students work Al-Hafiz Tabrizi

The famous commentary is Ali al-Qari’s commentary Mirkat al-Mafatih

The author died before teacher (Tabrizi)

The author is Shafi so the Hanafi’s need to be aware of this

If you are a scholar who knows the proofs of Hanafi’s then it proves your quality

The first topic is about Kahinah and the next treatment

Kahin is someone who performs us about future events

One is coming from Wali and another is coming from Satan

Kahin gets information from Jinn

Jinn pretends to be greatest people

Jinn cannot take a form of a prophet

So if you see a prophet then you saw it

Jinn can take the form of the great scholars etc

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Kahin will say something like you’ll have children

There are two opinions about a Muslim who does this it means he either a disbeliever or a innovator

There are angels responsible for different things

Angel of the mountains came after the events of Taif to destroy Quresh

Everything has its own angels

Like to rain in a certain place

Angels will discuss this in a certain place

Jinn get stoned when the listen to this conversation but they will not the exact information

I saw a shooting star in Jeddah and the star came and exploded that killed the Jinn

Jinn are not all satan

To get in touch with Jinn is not disbeliever

Suleiman (upon him peace) was in charge of Jinn so this cannot be disbelief

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) and Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) encountered Jinn so to protect Ibn Mas’ud the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) read a dua and poured water in a circle around him then commanded him not to leave it. Soon after different types of creatures came and surrounded him. Ibn Mas’ud wanted to help but he was told not to leave the circle. At sunrise Ibn Mas’ud said that he wanted to help the him then the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said had he left the circle they would not have found him until the day of judgement as those were all jinn’s that came.

Jinn can be a friend of a Muslim

The common type of black magic is from Jinn

For a Muslim to use a jinn to kill a bad jinn is permissible in the Hanafi School

Ibn Tamiyyah said it is permissible

If you get involved with them you may not be aware of what they are doing

Ifrit are smart Jinn, Daiv and Pari are normally used

When the Jinn comes to you stay away from them

Say Laillah illah la sharik lah one hundred times will keep them away

So if you have jinn coming to you do not get involved them

In a hadith one of the kahins was one of the things that was prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia

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The jinn’s could hear it properly in this time

Abu Talib went to them as did others

Yemeni king found information during the time of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) and became Muslim

Read Surah Jinn

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) instructed them not to do this anymore

Bad omens

They would have a falcon and let it go. Then they would say what they wanted and if the bird went right then they did it and if it went to the left then they did not do it

Bad superstition is not permissible but good omens are

Before badr they found two bedouins and asked their names. One of them was called salim from ghanimah –salim means safety and ghanumih is spoils so the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) was happy they would win and gain spoils

If you get a bad sign like a black cat ignore it and carry on

One of the superstitions in my country is when someone get itch palms they are going to get money. Someone who had this went to scholar and asked him what sign it was. The scholar told him it was a sign he needed a shower!

Ignore bad signs

Most bad signs happen in dreams

So if see a bad dream then spit on your left side and seek refuge.

3 types of dreams: one from satan trying to scare you so do not tell anyone and forget it. Two from angels and three from Allah

Writing lines was something that they used to do

For several projects and they would draw lines in the dark and put the light on and decide by choosing the longest line

According to the hadith it was something that one of the prophets practice. So if they can apply it as they did can do and not if not! No one knew who it was maybe Daniel or Idress (upon them peace)

It cannot be applied now

There may be scholars who know this but you do not have right to trust it

Sufyan al-Thawri knew someone who did this

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The best Muslim is the one who runs to mountains with his sheep

There is not access to this knowledge anymore

Lesson one

Part two

A question was asked about face readers

There is someone in Rochdale who used to see him read something then blow on him

Face reading is knowledge separate to Black Magic

Ifrit/Jinn is as young as 1500 (many are older)and there is no female of this jinn which means that once they die out they will all die out which is good

Prophet Daniel (upon him peace) was still in Iraq still holding his scroll and he was found by the companions in the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) who confirmed this was narrated in a hadith

Some of the companions narrated some information this.

Then they buried him but no one knows where

There was description of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) and the companions in these scrolls

Face reading that talks about your past or future is not valid but reading the face is a type of insight – this is valid

In a hadith the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) was asked about the knowledge of Kahin he said they have nothing

Notice the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) did not say he was disbeliever when the companion said something that could be considered disbelief. The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) corrected his belief so people should take note

Jinn steal words so the Kahin hears it then he adds lies; more than one hundred lies

Jinn’s speak in signs because man cannot understand it

They may show signs that can be misinterpreted

Some can reach a level of direct communication but only through extreme hardship

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A companion recited Surah Al-Kahf when a cloud appeared and it came close and scared the companion. In the companion was scared and informed the prophet the next day. Who told him that it was the angels who came to listen to the recitation

A hadith if someone goes to fortune teller then their prayers are not accepted for forty days

Q and A

A problem that occurs out of nothing could be cause of black magic

Or you feel something wrong

This could be because you have had black magic done to you

Or if someone reads Quran and you laugh

These are all possible signs

So try to find someone well known who might look into whether you have had it done to you

Jinn and black magic is very weak some of it can be removed if you shout loudly

You have to be pious and strong enough to believe that it has little effect

One jinn possessed someone and Imam Ahmed said take my shoes then tell him to leave his body –which the jinn did

Lesson two

Part one

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) would change the name of companions who had names that meant bad things

Some jinns cannot change their form but others can

A black cat may be jinn if it has no spots

There was a large snake in of the companions house it turned out to be a jinn

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) told the companions to shout at the jinns give them three days and then kill any snake they find

The attics of Muslims have Muslim jinns who eat after you and pray –this is why you give athan and prayer

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Say bismillah you are hidden from them

Say the dua when entering the toilet to protect from jinns

Not saying bismillah can cause Jinn to ejaculate when man has marital affairs with his wife so the child can be part jinn but saying bismillah protects one

The kids might speak to themselves

Or act strangely from their parents

You may have a kid in Russia behaving Chinese but no one acts Chinese in his area

Jinn doesn’t mean evil as it could be from a good jinn

It does not mean anything to be touched by Jinn

The jinns may encourage people to do something so they obey them which means Kufr

To get in touch with jinn you have to be either angel or satan

Evil jinn hate us because they had the earth before us

They will only be pleased with hurting people until you kill yourself

Being in the company scares bad jinn

Then they will eventually get bored and leave you alone

Mental illness can be from Jinn

When we sleep our spirits are together then the living return –this is the realm of souls

As you may see information there and realise what you saw in this world

Reciting Surah Baqarah protects your house for forty days or eating seven dates

When you bad things then this attracts Jinn – like listening to Music

Or keeping bones

Angels or satan whispers can be differentiated by what they are leading you to

Jinns can be stronger than man because they practice their knowledge

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Lesson two

Part two

The believers praise Allah (the Exalted) and the disbelievers believe that star movement gave them water not God

The issue Zodiac is complicated

It was one of the miracles of Prophet Idress (upon him peace) but was abrogated by Islam

Each prophet is given certain knowledge but this can be abrogated by the following prophet

Women compare signs when they want to marry women

Literal meaning of the hadith means someone who used zodiac is disbeliever

Anyone who believes that rain is caused by the zodiac then they are but they believe it comes by the means then this is the Islamic understanding

It is prohibited to practice this knowledge as it will lead to disbelief

Although some scholars know this knowledge

Imam Biruni was asked by a king which door would he leave. There were three doors. The king dared him to tell which door the king would leave. Biruni wrote something on floor, looked at the stars then wrote letter. The king made another door and when they did this and read it they called him a disbeliever and threw him from the highest minaret. He landed on some hay then he took a page out of his book which was a letter to the king which said they would do this. The Imam disappeared and they could not find him and he went to India.

If someone drinks then the jinn joins them

Don’t keep old bones in the house

Television attracts jinns

They are attracted to male and females

There are several cases of men marrying jinn and this is prohibited

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Lesson three – part one

Some black magic is done with words

Some of it Syriac

Believing black magic has its own power is belief

3 categories of people

a) The one who visits a Kahin

b) Had intercourse with bleeding wife

c) Anal intercourse

Are free from Islam

If he thinks it is permissible not if he does it but thinks it sin

Muslim Jinn might be good

When a decree is made in the heavens angels hear the command

Some are scared of it

There are two types of jinn some that can fly and some that cannot fly

When Jinn steal this knowledge they add one hundred lies to it

Average Muslim is better than the average angel

Prophets are better than all angels

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was close the death and made a will for another son which was not born yet.

Awliya are special people who have miracles

People either exaggerate about them or even lie about them

There is a false story about Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani when a woman died and the family complained to him. He said stand by the permission of Allah and she did not move. Then he said stand for Abdul Qadir and she got up – this is a fake story

In our time whatever I say is right then whatever someone says is wahabi

The caprices are over the religion

We only accept religion if it fits caprice because I only I am right – this is what we see now

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Praise of Allah (the Exalted) comes from the bearers of the throne then it comes down to other angels

Shooting star comes to hit jinn who are trying to listen to the angels

When the eclipse occurred around the death of Ibrahim the child of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) and he advised the companions that this had nothing to do with it

Lesson three

Part two

To prove that the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) it better than anything was during the miraj the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) moved toward Allah (the Exalted) that even the angels could not go –so this is proof

Hadith three reasons for stars

1) Decoration of the skies

2) To be shot at Jinn

3) Signs to guide

Taliqa is when Imam Bukhari narrates an hadith without stating the chain

When someone reads the stars they calim to have somethingthat prophets weren’t given except Idrees

The information about Ibrahim was not reading the stars this is an unreliable

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) knew the knowledge of the previous communities and the coming communities

The Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) forbade us to involve ourselves in zodiac and black magic

Astronomy is permissible not astrology

Kahin is magician and anyone who practices magic is sinful – it is a major sin although some say is disbelieve

Imam Ahmed said that practicing black magic is disbelief

Abu Hanifa said to kill him because this stops his harm to other people – as explained by Abu Yusuf

Only a caliphate has right to punish for disbelief

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There is no problem to use something ugly to stop evil eye

Jinn are not distracted by metal its wolves that can block jinn

There might be some other wisdom that I do not know

Make sure you do not give your name to anyone nor hair

Tawidh is permissible by Sa’id ibn Al-Mussayb

Four schools say its permissible

It has to be Arabic, form Quran

If it’s something else then its tamima then it is unlawful

Lesson four

Black magic means any accident reason is hidden or not easy to understand

Some poets say women have magical eyes

The power that is gained by following disbelief which is hidden from the people

Evil eye and envy effects people negatively

Evil eyes can kill

Pious people can have evil eye

This is not deliberate

Jasaas says black magic is an illusion

Black magic is limited because they use jinn and their strength is limited

When the prophet Suleiman (upon him peace) died he was leaning on a staff and the jinn did not notice. A woodworm ate through his staff until Suleiman fell over –it was only then when they noticed!

The one who learns black magic and practicing is disbelief – this is one opinion but the majority position is that is only disbelief if he thinks it has its own power otherwise it is a major sin

Hadith the prohibition of superstition

Getting out of bed from the wrong side

Or a black cat crossed your way

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Anyone who follows this is not one of us

Is white magic permissible?

It is only permissible if it not kufri or shirk recitation then it is allowed

This was confirmed by hadith in mishkat

Another hadith if someone goes to a fortune teller has disbelieved in what came to him

Two causes

1. Effect of magic on memory –forgetful

2. Use of jinn

The greater the act of disbelief the more they will obey you

Some jinn are happy to attack men because they were in charge of the earth until they were expelled and man came

So mankind are the imposters to them

Some people can move things to move things

Spoon benders

Knowledge of simiyah they make creams that have effects with certain recitations

Types of black magic:

Black magic of separation of two people

Two successful people have black magic so they separate

Black magic that does not let him perform intercourse on both sides

Black magic focuses on limbs then it moves – if treated

Especially if it stays for years

Person may be fearful

Sometimes he can be separated from everyone – they mispronounce the magic

What are his signs of black magic?

Strong hate turns into hate suddenly

Then they fight which is totally out of character

They will twist the meaning of words

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Then jinn’s whispering to twist the meaning

Husband comes ten minutes late then wife says you have second wife

Or husband accuses wife of plotting with her mother against him

They find their partners ugly

Husband and wife will not enjoy their intercourse

They may find it painful or disgusting

Legs may be tied up

A woman may be possess her and be jealous of other having intercourse by her husband

If there is sensible reason then it’s not black magic like old age or stress

It is very weak that can be sorted about in a week not a month

People should not be ashamed about it

Ongoing bleeding for no reason

A man might do black magic on the woman who he wanted to marry but so her new husband does not touch her

This is the second type of black magic

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) became ill after saying to one of her slave women that she is free when she dies. Then a man came and told her about her she slave who did black magic – Imam Malik

This is the disease of the limbs – which is the third type of magic

There is no certain explanation for cancer it could be from black magic

Fear can make someone scared

If you are scared of something then try to remove it from yourself

There is a type that makes you lose hope of anything

Something happens suddenly is a type of magic which causes hopelessness that causes suicide

Many of our parents had daily awrad and khatam of Quran

There was a person who protected himself by three months from black magic that could cause death

Following awrad can destroy the black magic

He found dead cats buried in his garden several times

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Lesson five

Black magic envy want someone they will do a black magic a called rabt to stop couple copulating

Black magic causes extreme fear

Sahir al-junun is to cause insanity

Some companions (may Allah be pleased be with them all) came to some people who had hang cuffed tribal leader. They asked the companions for assistance

One of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) recited ruqya upon him and he got better

They gave him hundred sheep and came to the prophet who asked him what he recited

He said it was sura fatiha

Not all Quran is used for cure

Sura Yaseen assist the dying and the dead

Helping them recite shahada

Normally you recite it once

The level of the companions was high so we have to do this for seven times, minimum

Recitation should be valid with presence of heart

Payment can be taken for ruqya

Jinn goes into the brain and disturbs the place in an emotion

Weak black magic can be done a week and it can be resolved in a week

Waqf az-zawaj – preventing marriage

A person might visit a woman for marriage but because of the jinn he gets confused

Or a woman thinks impossible about a future partner

When you find something that has been done black magic you have recite over it and destroy it

The strongest black magic that is not used now

Tawal is like a love potion that a woman does to her husband because he does not love her anyone

This might be seen as good magic but a hadith it forbids any type of magic

It is called shirk

He gets a portion of insanity but that might cause him to love every lady so this harms more than benefits

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Some molbis say it is permissible but it is shirk

The women who have this problem should beautify themselves and prepare themselves so this is a type of magic

We have to encourage maturity in youngsters so they can marry earlier

Sometime a jinn can get into a body that is not black magic someone urinate in a place that jinn’s were sat and one entered his body then became cancer

They recited for few days then the cancer left him and it was at the last stage

You can understand when scholar say those who do black magic are kafirs because look at what they have to do

Women who do not make dhikr are more at risk

One of the signs is an aggressive change of character which is out of character

In a certain time or place

Black magic is quick anger from zero to one hundred

Anger comes stage by stage not suddenly

He cannot control his emotions

Pain in lowest part of back or womb

Heavy shoulders –permanently

Sometimes it part of the personality

Pain is moving inside your body

Reciting Quran or dua – he cannot bear it

This is one hundred percent black magic

Protection eat the dates of Medinah ajwah are the best

Eat seven dates a day

Protects for the rest of the day – it is from hadith

Quran and dhikr

Keep reciting surah fatiha always

Recite Baqarah normally once 40 days or once a day

Recite ayah al-Kursi recite seven times before sleep

The last two ayahs of sura Baqarah

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Last two ayahs of Quran then blow into hands then wipe over your body

Honey is also a treatment for spiritual disease

Boil water before having breakfast and leave till warm and add honey – any type of natural honey

It will clean up your physical body but it will take a month

Black seed oil

Use olive oil on the limb – wipe it with bismillah

It may take one month to 45 days

Zam zam can also be used against it

It takes three times or a month

Elixir can be done

Arabian herbalist use this procedure

It prohibited for Muslim jinn’s to enter the body

Fatiha for scorpion bites