sharing the message of christ in our lives as st. andrew ......some clinics in more remote areas....

Sharing the Message of Christ in Our Lives as St. Andrew Presbyterian Church | MAY 2018 MESSENGER MESSENGER 6|How Beautiful 6|How Beautiful

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Sharing the Message of Christ in Our Lives as St. Andrew Presbyterian Church | MAY 2018


6|How Beautiful6|How Beautiful

Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer

spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5)

Slowly, but surely, we are settling into our new building at 140 Gathering Place Lane, a space that is

impressive and big, wide and open, shiny and new.

We have almost managed to work through the pain of selling our half-century home on Melrose Avenue, and we’ve started stretching out after the restricted space of the North Campus in Coralville. Many of us are

happily unpacking and finding a spot for everything we have carried with us here.

But as we thank God for our new building, are we at risk of missing something?

Peter reminds us that our new building is far from finished. That it is, so to speak, still growing. That the stones being used by God to build a new St. Andrew are living stones — people. As a result, we find ourselves in a paradox: The purpose of our new building is to

create a space for celebrating the presence of God, but God doesn’t live in temples made by hands.

It’s people — as we gather together — who become sacred places and spaces. Our church is defined not as the building we have

constructed but as the building we are becoming.

When I ask, “Why did we move to Camp Cardinal?”, the answer I remove most often, “To grow,” simply triggers a number of other


What will it take from us to grow? How can we become a place where other people can grow? What are the “spiritual sacrifices” we are being asked to offer?

How do we know if what we are doing is acceptable to God? As living stones, our role is to be a growing space where people can en-gage holiness and sense the presence of God.

We — individually and collectively — have to let ourselves grow to become part of this space where God’s presence can be


"St. Andrew" needs to become not merely an edifice at the edge of town, but a “spiritual house” located exactly where God is building

it: at the heart of its community.

2 Messenger | May 2018

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

A NOTE from Pastor Danie

Rev. Dr. Daniel deBeer

Interim Senior Pastor




Messenger | May 2018 3

St. Andrew Happenings

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Mental Health Initiatives Support and Discussion Group by Marcia Murphy

Mental Health Initiatives will hold a Support and Discussion Group on Wednesday, May 16, at the Iowa City Public Library in Meeting Room C (off lower lobby) from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

All are welcome, and refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Marcia Murphy at [email protected].

Women’s Book Club meets monthly on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in homes. This month, (beginning May 9) they will be discussing Fire on the Track by Roseanne Montillo.

Questions? Contact Annie Potter at [email protected] or call her at 319/337.4653, or contact LeAnn Otterbein at [email protected].

Women’s Book Club

Nursery Caregiver Needed

We're Hiring! Are you, or is someone you know, at least 18 years of age and is wonderful with kids? If

so, do we have the job for you!

Applications are being accepted for a part-time caregiver position in the church nursery. Caregivers work 8:00 am to Noon on Sundays, with an option for extra hours during the week. Pay is $11 per hour. Applicants must be 18 years or older and available this spring and throughout the summer. For an application, email Heather Woodin at

[email protected] or visit:, click on “serve & grow,” then “Children’s and Family Ministry.”

Pot Luck with Al Desterhaft, May 6 by Margaret Heidger

The Rev. Al Desterhaft, pastor of St. Andrew Presbyterian church from 1970 through 1985, will be passing through Iowa City and worshiping with us on Sunday, May 6. He graciously accepted our invitation to "catch up" with his “old” St. Andrew family and friends and new friends at the conclusion of the second service at a pot luck. Following the meal he will share his recent journey back to the region of China where he spent his youth with his missionary parents. For those who like to cook, please bring a dish to share. For those who don’t like to cook or who don’t have a kitchen, there will be plenty to share. For those who have not met Al and wish to come, you will get a glimpse of how God worked through Al and excited so many of us to be a part of our congregation.

Messenger | May 2018 5

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

4 Messenger | May 2018

Mission, Outreach, & Service (MOS)

Guatemala Spring 2018 by Karna Wieck

Leading a St. Andrew mission trip to Guatemala is so rewarding and such a joy as you have so many leaders you bring with you and many supporting you before, during, and after you return. I often thought of the song He Leadeth Me while playing a leadership role on this team. As a shepherd leads his flock, we were his faithful followers, opening our hearts to his calling as we watched our week unfold. We truly felt the joy of his going before us as we worked alongside the Impacto staff. Mission work has SO many helping hands. Thank you for all your prayers of support and words of encouragement. Spending an unhurried week serving alongside family and friends and enjoying Christian fellowship with the team and Impacto staff is such a blessing.

Here are a few of the ministries we assisted while we were there:

Medical Clinics: We held two days of medical clinics in San Juan and Panyebar. Helping in the medical clinic was new to some of the team members, but not for Cecelia, Carly, Becky, Cade, Sue, and Kate who helped all of us feel at ease in our new roles. Team members partnered with Dr. Alcides Natareno, a Guatemalan physician, to provide healthcare to a variety of people. Each trip we have held clinics for the kids in the Happy

Tummies and the Abuelitos programs, as well as having some clinics in more remote areas. Team members diagnose health conditions, provide medications and treatments, physical therapy, and prayer for 60-100 patients a day. The past few years we have also been providing fluoride treatments for the Happy Tummies kids in the hopes of improving dental

health. The glory of God can be seen through all team members of all ages using their unique talents to bring about healing. In Panyebar, at the end of the clinic, we handed out hygiene

packets to the Happy Tummies children.

Abueletos: We always receive so much love from the Abuelitos (people of grandparent age). We enjoy their hugs and smiles, they enjoy spending time with us, and they especially like the

washing of their feet. We also shared with Impacto that additional

funds were raised to continue

building on the new Abuelitos site.

Happy Tummies: On our last day at Happy Tummies (the educational and feeding program for children) we shared a meal with them. Once again we had many helping hands and we watched God's plan unfold. We decided to ask the children to invite a friend, and they were so proud to have a guest with them as we shared our meal with them. After the meal, the children broke out into different stations, which included time in the library reading books and learning the Lord's Prayer in English and Spanish, time outside to play, and time for singing and crafts. They sang Esta Lucecita and were delighted to see the video of St. Andrew children singing it, too. They also created handprints they proudly displayed on the wall with their friend's handprint alongside those from St. Andrew. So much love was shared that day, and they

each went home with a special present of one pound of rice and one pound of beans. Of course, as the Lord would provide, thank goodness we had extra Zip-Lock bags that someone gave us for the hygiene packets, because as

we started handing out a few of the rice and beans, we realized the bags they were packed in needed to be handled carefully. As we saw rice and beans start to spill on the floor, we quickly decided to put them in Zip-Lock bags before handing out the rest! We also made home visits in both San Juan and Panyebar which are always so special. Many of the children, Abuelitos, and families remember us, and we often share pictures with them which they treasure. It's such a blessing to see the smiles on their faces when they remember


We will feature more of our Guatemala partnership in the June issue of the Messenger. In the meantime, click on this link (

and look at the video Impacto made of our trip.

First, thank you for the wonderful gift of financial support toward my ministry in Bahrain! As I shared a few months ago, we expect approximately half of my support to come from the church in Bahrain and the remainder from churches and individuals I engage as well as churches the Reformed Church in America (RCA) hopes to transition to my support. I’ve been engaging many churches — somewhere over 120 so far—to find support and making progress. I should be very close; though, we’re waiting for the RCA churches considering transfer to work that request through their church governance. With that, the funds from St. Andrew, and other churches and individuals, I should be very close. I have several churches beyond these considering gifts at the moment. This past weekend, I was at a church in New Jersey that expects to transfer support. I’m currently on a train traveling to Philadelphia to attend a PC(USA) new pastor accountability group of which I’m a member and will have the opportunity to engage a few more pastors more directly. This Sunday, I’ll preach at a church in Iowa considering a small gift to my support. I invite your prayers as

I continue to fundraise.

I do hope to be in Bahrain soon. Again, thank you for your very kind gift toward my support and for your prayers. I look forward to providing more updates. Feel free to check out my blog as well at If you’d like to get emails and updates to the blog, let me know by emailing

[email protected].

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Messenger | May 2018 5

MOS continued

A Visit from the Martinez Family

St. Andrew was blessed to have Pastor Luis and Dinora Martinez of Impacto Ministries here on Sunday, April 22 for a time of worship, fellowship, and sharing of the amazing work being done by Impacto with the assistance of St. Andrew and other congregations in the corridor.

Andy Smothers


Joy Comes in the Morning

Over the past seven years, St. Andrew has been privileged to welcome PC(USA) International Peacemakers to our congregation and the Iowa City community to share their vision and dedication to world peace through Christian ministry to others. Last September, as many of you will recall who met her, St. Andrew and First Presbyterian jointly welcomed Ms. Mphatso Nguluwe, a nurse and public health supervisor who serves in her native Malawi to provide medical services to those in need, particularly in isolated, rural areas. The following account recently received from her underscores

how our congregation’s prayer and financial support furthers her work of caring:

Joy Comes in the Morning

Although most of my time in the Health Department has been full of tears and disappointments, I thank God that at a certain point He shows me His greatness. This made me remember Psalm 30:5, One may experience sorrow during the night, but joy comes

in the morning.

The photo to the right is of women who are in the remote clinics of our health services. For some months we have not been able to reach them with the services due to lack of funds. Putting our heads together we decided to try integrated services with some of our partners and with the donations we got. It worked. Dr. Kondwani Zgambo set off to one of the remote clinics and found more than a hundred women waiting for him. The clinic started at 8:00 in the morning and ended at 7:00 at night. It was hard work, and by the end of the day the doctor was tired, but the rewards were more than his exhaustion. The reward continued to give him a smile on his face, and his smile was contagious. Even the women who had waited long in the lines still smiled. It was a relief for him when he was able to discover and isolate the high risk women and send them for specialized care at the hospital while they were still in a healthy state. These women are now happy mothers despite the complications which they had, and we thank God that we can celebrate with them for being new mums. We are thankful for all

your support in all kinds.

6 Messenger | May 2018

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Cover Story

You may have noticed a lot of activity and publicity in recent months regarding the Guatemala ministry of St. Andrew. Most recently, St. Andrew was blessed to have a visit from Pastor Luis Martinez and his wife, Dinora, directors of Impacto Ministries, our

Guatemala partner (see stories on pages 4 and 5).

What Impacto does catches the attention of many people not only at St. Andrew but also in eastern Iowa. Churches of various denominations from Cedar Rapids to Iowa City participate in

mission with Impacto.

It got me thinking about what makes this so attractive to so many people. And I’ve come the conclusion that it has to do with what Impacto values. Impacto Ministries understands that when our core value is our relationship with Jesus and the sharing of the Gospel with the individuals around us, nothing is more compelling. The sharing of the Gospel is the mission of Impacto because it is the mission of the church. On their website, the first way Impacto defines its ministries is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. Their inspiration comes from Matthew 9:36: When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a


A wise parent (actually probably a bunch of wise parents) once said, values are caught more than they are taught. That is not to devalue education at all. It simply means that as we act as Christ acted for the same reasons he acted (out of compassion for

each person), as we invite others to do the same, all while we learn about Christ through small groups, scripture, Sunday

school, etc., we become more and more like Jesus.

St. Andrew is well known for being a congregation that does much in and for the Iowa City/Coralville community. In fact, when Tim and I moved to the area in 2005 and were telling folks that we were attending St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, people always said, “Oh, yeah, the do-gooder church!” St. Andrew members are known for being active through ministries at the church building and in other areas of their lives, reaching out to

people in need. Not a bad thing to be known for at all!

And, like Impacto, here’s why St. Andrew does what it does: For in him we live and move and have our being… (Acts 17:28a); everything we do is as the body of Christ in response to what God has done for us. St. Andrew knows that the love God has

for each one off us he has for everyone.

So, as St. Andrew continues to live into its new space and continues to imagine what new opportunities God is placing before us, let’s hold onto what the Apostle Paul says to the church in Rome: But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him

unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!” (Romans 10:14-


Such beauty cannot be mistaken for anything but

what it is!

How Beautiful by Sarah Dyck

2016 St. Andrew Habitat for Humanity Build

Spring 2018 Guatemala Trip

Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven

belongs. —Matthew 19:14 St. Andrew youth of all ages led the congregation in worship on Sunday, April 29. Not only did they provide the message through their musical, 100% Chance of Rain, also acted as worship leaders by reading the scriptures, they led in prayer, they ushered, and their voices encouraged worshipers in song.

Since this newsletter was printed before April 29, we will share the story of that day, as well as the musical itself, along with photos, in our June issue of the Messenger.

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Messenger | May 2018 7

Music & Worship Ministries

There is so much happening right now in the life of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church.

*A new building to dedicate, *An old organ to consecrate,

*And a 60th anniversary to celebrate!

Plans are underway for a four-day series of worship, music, and reunion events to be held at 140 Gathering Place Lane from October 18 through October 21.

A preliminary schedule has been posted to our website ( And, as more details

become available, they will be posted to the website.

In the meantime, we’re asking long-time friends and members of St. Andrew to mark October 18-21

on their calendars and to start making plans to be in Iowa City for the festivities. Questions? Contact Jeff Charis-Carlson

at [email protected].

Dedication and Consecration, October 18 - 21, 2018

Children and Youth Leading Worship

8 Messenger | May 2018

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Children + Family Ministry

Vacation Bible School is June 11-15, from 8:30 to noon, with an option for early morning care. Join us for a week of super-size learning fun as we explore Bible stories with kings, queens, castles, and more. Our daily themes will come to life as we meet David and King Saul, Abigail, King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and Jesus, Prince of Peace and King of Kings. VBS registration forms for children and volunteers are available at the kiosk in the atrium and online at Cost is $10 by May 28; $25 after

May 28.

Our time together includes story-telling and sing-a-longs, plus science experiments, art projects, games,

and a morning snack.

In addition, our service project is a food drive called Castle Canstruction. Our goal is to collect enough nonperishable food items to build a castle. We are envisioning a turret of tuna and a moat of mac & cheese! All congregation members and friends may contribute, even if you are not participating in VBS.

Food items may be dropped off in the lower level starting May 27. We will welcome all donations but multiples of the same item will

allow for more creativity in castle-building. After VBS, the food castle will be donated to the Crisis Center Food Bank.

Other items you can donate for VBS are old T-shirts (all sizes, all colors; stains are OK), used or new Legos, and new washcloths (all

colors). Drop off these items anytime at the children’s welcome desk in the lower level.

A new feature at VBS this year is Breakfast Club, which offers early morning care (7:30 to 8:30am) for kids before VBS starts. This could be helpful for parents who need to be at work by 8:00 am. Breakfast Club fee is $5 per day per child, in addition to the regular

VBS fee.

VBS is for kids who will start kindergarten in Fall 2019 through those who will be in 6th grade in Fall 2018. Older students and adults are needed as volunteers. Nursery care will be provided for infants and toddlers of VBS volunteers. Kids and volunteers do not have

to be members of St. Andrew to participate.

If you plan to volunteer during VBS, please sign up soon. We would like to extend invitations to children in our new neighborhood and

the community, but number of participants will depend on number of volunteers who are here to supervise.

We’re All Kids of the Kingdom! by Heather Woodin

Community Outreach Opportunity by Sarah Brakke

The Children’s Ministry Team is excited to work on a new community outreach opportunity and is seeking volunteers to help brainstorm, plan, and launch this program. We would like to offer some “day camp” type experiences during school breaks, particularly over winter and spring breaks when kids are home from school for an extended time.

We will be reaching out to families of limited resources to provide a loving, fun, and safe experience for their kids. We will have a meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 6:00 pm in Room 145 (office conference room). At this meeting we will go over initial ideas, prioritize tasks, and set a timeline. We need people to help make contacts in the neighboring schools, seek out community resources, help plan logistics like transportation, plan programming, and (most fun!) work with the kids during our “camps”! This will be a great chance to open the doors of St. Andrew and welcome our neighbors. Anyone who is interested in learning more about this local outreach opportunity, or may be willing to volunteer, is invited to attend this preliminary meeting. Please contact Sarah Brakke with any questions at [email protected] or 319/400.2271.

March 2018 General Fund Income & Expenses

Messenger | May 2018 9


To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Hello, Members! Per capita funding is how Presbyterians share the costs of coordinating and encouraging one another across geographical boundaries. St. Andrew is part of the Presbytery of East Iowa including 72 churches and 16 counties. The Presbytery of East Iowa is a part of a larger Synod which is part of the General Assembly. Presbyterians believe clergy and lay people partner to bring God's kingdom to the world. St. Andrew pays annual dues of $37 per member to the Presbytery. We consider our dues part of our mission budget. In other words, when we send money to the Presbytery, we are investing in other churches in Iowa and beyond. Per capita gifts also release more funds in our operation budget for local benevolence projects. To be a part of this mission, please send $37 for every confirmed member in your family. Thank you!

Presbytery of

East Iowa 65%

General Assembly


Synod 15%

Per Capita

Current Period Year to Date Annual Budget

Annual Budget Percentage

YTD Prior Year


PLEDGES & IDENTIFIED GIFT $66,379.46 $207,563.22 $870,000.00 23.86% $211,962.78

FACILITIES/OFFICE INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 30.00

Subtotal Budget Income 66,379.46 207,563.22 870,000.00 23.86% 211,992.78

INVESTMENT INCOME 361.36 1,082.67 0.00 0.00% 850.19

MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00% 0.00

TOTAL INCOME 66,740.82 208,647.39 870,000.00 23.98% 212,842.97


LAND $0.00 $2,350.00 $14,334.00 16.39% $0.00

BUILDING 6,222.73 16,810.77 66,282.00 25.36% 15,189.57

UTILITIES 5,458.12 10,916.67 56,192.00 19.43% 1,788.87

EQUIPMENT, F & F 394.19 445.04 400.00 111.26% 107.00

VEHICLES 0.00 549.50 3,802.00 14.45% 363.15

CHILDREN'S & FAMILY MIN 415.20 1,997.03 11,875.00 16.82% 1,341.05

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 169.99 509.97 2,100.00 24.28% 680.87

MINISTRIES & MEMBERSHIP 1,401.56 1,982.32 6,500.00 30.50% 1,320.93

MISSION 8,870.30 27,724.98 121,800.00 22.76% 32,352.41

MUSIC 1,525.02 3,976.81 10,550.00 37.69% 1,494.75

OFFICE EXPENSE 3,689.94 6,084.21 21,500.00 28.30% 4,311.06

OPERATING EXPENSES 261.33 1,506.08 7,061.00 21.33% 1,591.03

WORSHIP 492.85 2,741.71 2,425.00 113.06% 1,995.32

YOUTH MINISTRIES 1,834.26 2,502.66 14,900.00 16.80% 1,264.91

PERSONNEL 52,182.24 142,042.72 577,133.00 24.61% 137,906.13

TOTAL EXPENSES 82,917.73 222,140.47 916,854.00 24.23% 201,707.05

EXCESS INCOME\EXPENSES -$16,176.91 -$13,493.08 -$46,854.00 28.80% $11,135.92

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

10 Messenger | May 2018

Fellowship Opportunities

St. Andrew Friendship Dinners for May and June

St. Andrew Friendship Dinners are back! As some may not recall, and for those who may not know about the tradition of Friendship Dinners, these were established to bring people together, share a meal, and to simply get to

know each other better.

Jim and Ruth Dane and Kent and Joy Short graciously hosted two dinners in April, and the Nicholsons will be hosting May 18. Then on June 16, the Hauslers will host a pizza-making evening at their home in their 838 Tap House. Sign-up sheets to attend either of these dinners have been placed on the side counter in the Atrium. We hope you will consider attending one of these dinners, and keep an eye out for more dinners to come! For more information,

contact Connie at [email protected].

Matthew 18:20

Women’s Catered Supper

It’s time for our annual St. Andrew Women’s Catered Supper.

We will gather on Tuesday, May 15 at 6:30 pm in the

Multi-Purpose Room. Please sign up in the Atrium so

there is enough food for everyone!

Messenger | May 2018 11

To be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love, serving as Christ served.

Youth Ministries

ETC and The Pittsburgh Project

Camp Stronghold


Youth Ministries This Summer by Randy Hausler As I write this on this last week of April, the weather is supposed to be near 70 degrees, and it has

everyone thinking about summer! Youth Ministries is getting into the spring fever mode, too.

Camp Stronghold is the first event of the season: June 3 – 8. This will be our 32nd year of hosting our own summer camp, and it once again promises to be “the greatest week of a junior high student’s life”! Our guest speakers this year are Matt and Marissa Moore. Matt grew up in the youth ministries of St. Andrew and participated in BASIC/ETC leadership during college. After graduation Matt held different Youth Director jobs and is now looking to relocate from Denver, CO back to Iowa City. Marissa is a teacher and recently accepted a job in the Clear Creek/Amana High School. I know that the message of hope and salvation will be clearly and relevantly shared with our “students. We still have space available if you know of a junior high student who wants/needs to attend. Also, this year a small group of students from Lebanon Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, OH will be joining us. Andrew Johnson, another disciple of St. Andrew, BASIC, and ETC is currently the Youth Director and Lebanon Presbyterian and is bringing some of his students to Stronghold with us to experience summer


June 18 – 22 is the week for F.A.I.T.H.S., our annual week of service during the summer. Any junior high and high school student is invited to come spend the mornings doing various service projects around Iowa City and St. Andrew. Last year we helped the Coralville Parks Department clear debris for a new park, helped weed and clean garden plots at the Iowa City Community Gardens, and cleaned the ditches along Highway 6 near Theisen’s and Lowes. We always end the week with a lunch for the grandparents in the

church and community.

July 21 -29 is ETC’s annual trip to Pittsburgh, PA and The Pittsburgh Project! For the 32nd year ETC will be serving the vulnerable homeowners in the city by doing minor home repair. Students from across the U.S. will be joining in the work with us. The Pittsburgh Project was initially founded by our own former St. Andrew member Saleem Ghubril, and over the span of years, thousands of homeowners have been able to remain in their homes due to the work of high school students. Unfortunately, the trip this summer is filled, but you can be guaranteed we will be

returning next summer.

MONDAY/FUNDAY Each summer BASIC hosts fun activities on Mondays. Sometimes it is Monday evenings watching a drive-in movie in Blue Grass, Iowa. Other times it is traveling to AirFX in Cedar Rapids for an afternoon of trampoline fun. We also try and work in a trip to Adventureland and the State Fair. Be on the lookout for brightly colored

calendars announcing the summer line-up of events.


Non Profit Organization

US Postage Paid Permit Number 66

Iowa City, IA

Address Service Requested



Rev. Dr. Daniel “Danie” deBeer, Interim Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Kyle Otterbein, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Office John Benson, Finance Administrator [email protected]

Sarah Dyck, Office & Communications Admin. [email protected]

Children, Youth, & Families Randy Hausler, Director of Youth Ministries [email protected]

Heather Woodin, Director of Children’s

& Family Ministries [email protected]

Music Matthew Penning, Director of Music Ministries [email protected]

Kristen DeGrazia, Assistant Director of

Children’s & Youth Music [email protected]

Lee Rabe, Assistant Director of Instrumental Min. [email protected]


St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 140 Gathering Place Lane, Iowa City, IA 52246

[email protected]


Worship Times: 8:30 am + 11:00 am

Sunday School: 9:45 am

Our purpose is to be the body of Christ, living in Christ’s love

and serving as Christ served.

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Sunday Gospel Gathering

Have you ever wanted to have a better understanding of the Bible? Do you struggle to understand what is in the gospels? Do you find it challenging to relate what you read in the gospels to your life as a Christian? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then Pastor Kyle invites you to join the "Sunday Gospel Gathering". On most Sunday nights we will gather at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary, and Pastor Kyle will lead us chapter by chapter through the Gospel of Mark. Teaching, conversation, and questions will last for one hour. Kyle encourages you to bring a Bible to read (NRSV, ESV, or NIV would be best) along with a journal or notebook to capture your notes, thoughts, questions, and insights! We hope you can come each time we gather, but come when you can! For more information, click on the scrolling image on the front of our website or email Kyle at [email protected].