^sharing hope from the heart of the highlands week at a …


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11:00 a.m.

August 4, 2019





Ministerial Staff

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell, Pastor

The Rev. Doodle Harris, Associate Pastor for Christian Education & Youth

The Rev. Megan McCarty, Associate Pastor for Mission and Membership

The Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell, Parish Associate

Dr. Amanda Boyd, Coordinator of Music Ministries

Week at a Glance

Sunday, August 4 9:30 Youth Summer Trip Presentation - Fellowship Hall 10:15 Summer Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00 Sunday Worship: Rev. Megan McCarty; Summer Choir 11:30 Children dismiss from worship for Sunday School

Monday, August 5

Tuesday, August 6 9:30 Staff Meeting - Office Conference Room 10:00 STITCH - Pleune Mobley 3rd Floor 4:00 Property Committee - Office Conference Room 7:00 KNIT WITS - Janet Raderer’s Home

Wednesday, August 7 10:00 STITCH - Pleune Mobley 3rd Floor 10:00 Prayer Group - Office Conference Room 4:30 Called Presbytery Meeting - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall

Thursday, August 8 12:00 WOW - Pleune Mobley Session Room, Room #111, #112, #105 7:30 Men’s Pub Night - Gravely Brewing Co. Friday, August 9 Saturday, August 10 9:00 HPC Workday Sunday, August 11 PRESFEST! 10:15 Summer Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00 Sunday Worship: Rev. Doodle Harris; Summer Choir 11:30 Children dismiss from worship for Sunday School 12:00 Presfest Block Party Begins!

Highland Presbyterian Church Prayer List This week, please include the following people in your daily prayers:

Ivonne Rovira, Grace Wenzel, Shirley Wicklander, Dottie Hart, Phil Bostrom, Paul Frelick, Doug Donaldson, Connie Prichard Aylor, Vi Sigler, and Pam Phelps.


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Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a long time member, your presence is a gift to us. All are welcome in worship and we hope your experience is meaningful and relevant among this church community. Welcome. If you are new here - Welcome! We want to connect with you. To help us offer a welcome, please add your name, email, and phone number to the red welcome folder. If you want information about joining the church contact Megan McCarty at [email protected] or 502-451-2910. Children in Worship - Children, like all people, are welcome in this worship service. We in-vite children to stand, sing, pray, listen during the sermon, and participate as much as they can! Some good things to know are: • The Nursery is located on second floor of the church building. Children ages 3 and

younger are invited (not required) to enjoy that caring space. • A Children’s Bulletin is available for ages 3 to grade 5. Ask an usher for a “Children’s”

bulletin designed to guide children to experience worship. • Worship Bags are also available for children. Bags are personalized by name. If you are

visiting, please find a “visitor” bag in the back of the church. If you plan to return regular-ly or join contact Doodle Harris at [email protected] so a worship bag can be made for your child!

• Children ages 3 to kindergarten are invited to Bible Buddies following the Children’s Time. This program provides a snack and a lesson for our youngest disciples. Children leave following the Time with Young Disciples and return during the final hymn.

To Enhance your Worship - Large print bulletins (including hymns) and hearing-enhancement devices are available. If you would like either, please ask an usher. Prayer Support - Yellow prayer request cards are available in the Welcome Centers. You are welcome to write a request and place in the offering plate. Offering - During worship we collect an offering. If this is your first time with us, we consider your presence as your offering this day. If you would like to make an offering, you will find en-velopes in the maroon folders and in the Welcome Center. These support the ministry of High-land Presbyterian Church to serve this congregation and community beyond us as we “share hope from the heart of the Highlands.”

CYNTHIA CAMPBELL will be out of the office August 6th-12th.

KRM SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE - During the month of August we will be collecting school supplies to fill backpacks for Kentucky Refugee Ministries students. Donate new school supplies from the list below in the blue bins in the fellowship hall.

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• Backpack • Pack of Crayons • Pack of Washable Markers Rulers • Scissors (blunt point for young children) • Cap erasers

• Folders with pockets • Notebooks (wide ruled) • Package of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) • Pack of 8-10 #2 pencils • Pack of Colored pencils

VOLUNTEERS FOR PRESFEST NEEDED! PresFest is next Sunday and it cannot happen without your help! If you would like to help set up, clean up, or volunteer your time in some other way, please con-tact Megan McCarty at [email protected] or (502) 451-2910. Youth can receive volun-teer hours!! We also need cakes, cookies, and cupcakes for the Cake Walk (these can be store bought or homemade!) as well as desserts for the dessert potluck! If you are planning on bringing something for the dessert potluck, please contact Nancy Lacer at [email protected]. If you bring cakes for the cake walk please put them in Memorial Lounge before worship next Sunday.

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Eighth Sunday after Pentecost • August 4, 2019 • Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements Megan McCarty

Minute for Mission Deacons

Meditation: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” arr. Karen Ball Susan Hadden, Piano

† Call To Worship Phil Bills Come worship the God who creates us, who breathes new life into dust and water into the earth. Come worship the God who challenges us, who calls the poor blessed and makes the hungry full. Come worship the God who calls us, who binds us in community and beckons us to follow.

† Hymn: No. 14 - “For the Beauty of the Earth” DIX

Call to Confession Nanc Angerman The Spirit of God helps us in our weakness, interceding with sighs too deep for words. Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession: Holy God, you call us to bear one another in love. Forgive us when we cannot love our neighbors. Forgive us when we cannot love ourselves. You call us to bear fruits of humility, gentleness, and patience. Forgive us when we choose self-doubt over humility, quietness over gentleness, or resignation over patience. Hear our prayers, God of Grace, and draw us into the unity of your Spirit. Amen.

A time of silence is kept for personal prayer.

Assurance of Pardon: God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved. Friends, believe the good news: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God. † Response to the Assurance of Pardon: “Amazing Grace” [Stanza 1] AMAZING GRACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

† Passing the Peace: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you.

(Exchange signs of peace with those near you until the music begins.) Page 5

SUMMER CHOIR concludes on Sunday, August 11th, rehearsing from 10:15-11:00 a.m. lead in worship. First rehearsal of Chancel Choir is August 15th, at 7:30 p.m.

MEALTRAIN HELPERS - If you’d be interested in providing meals to members who need food during times of illness, recovery, loss, new birth, etc. please contact Susan Sawning: [email protected]. We’d love to add you to our list of volunteers who help us share hope from the heart of the Highlands through our meal train ministry!

PIANO ACCOMPANIST - The Music Ministry is seeking a Piano Accompanist for Youth and Children's Choirs. The position requires accompanying at rehearsals on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 pm and Sun-days from 5:00-7:30 pm, as well as selected Sunday morning worship services. If you or someone you know is interested, please send résumés to Amanda Boyd, Director of Children's Music Ministry and Interim Coordinator of Music Ministry, at [email protected].

NEW MEMBERS - We will receive new members on Sunday, August 25th. If you are interested in join-ing the church, contact Megan ([email protected]).

MEN’S PUB NIGHT - A group of men will be gathering on Thursday, August 8th at 7:30pm for a bever-age and some good conversation at Gravely Brewing Co. Come join us. No agenda, just conversation in good company.

COLLEGE STUDENT DINNER - College students! Please join Doodle Thursday, August 8th at 5:00 at El Nopal in the Highlands! Doodle will buy dinner for all! No need to RSVP, just show up!

OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Still) - Our very own Amanda Boyd is teaching a class on music explora-tion! Wednesday, August 14th, we will learn how to play handbells, drums, and other exciting instru-ments! Gather for fellowship and lunch at 11:30 am downstairs in the dining room, and then learn and play instruments from 12:00-1:00 pm. All music skill levels are appreciated and welcome! You’re never too old to learn new skills! Lunch is $5. Please RSVP to Kathleen in the church office at [email protected] or (502) 451-2910. Please contact Megan at [email protected] if you have any questions.

RACE TO CURE SARCOMA - Please join our church on August 17, at the Louisville Zoo for the Inaugural Race to Cure Sarcoma Louisville to help raise funds for much-needed Sarcoma cancer research and awareness. Register with our church team to enjoy either the 5K race or 1-mile family friendly walk through the Zoo, and your registration provides Day access to the Zoo immediately after the Race. Go to www.curesarcoma.org/louisville and click “Join or Start a Team” and find “Highland Pres-byterian Church”, or go directly to our team website at https://p2p.onecause.com/rtcslouisville/team/highland-presbyterian-church. Come have fun at the Zoo for a great cause!

APPALACHIA MISSION TRIP - We are returning to Auxier, Kentucky for a mission trip! We are once again partnering with Hand in Hand Ministries for them to host our mission trip in Eastern Ken-tucky. This will be an intergenerational trip that will include youth and adults. October 3rd-6th we will participate in home repair, partnership building, and food pantry organization. No one younger than middle school may participate (rising 6th graders are ok!) Please contact Megan McCarty ([email protected]) or Doodle Harris ([email protected]) to reserve your spot now. All reservations must be in by September 1st.

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Prayer for Illumination Karin Soltau First Reading: Psalm 46 (p. 517-518) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Children 6th grade and younger may leave for Church School during the singing of “Be Still and Know”.

Be still and know that I am God. (x 3)

Second Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-18 (p. 332-333) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon “God of Transitions” Megan McCarty † Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed (Glory to God, p. 35) † Hymn: No. 401 - “Here in This Place” GATHER US IN

Call to Offering Susan Sawning From the fullness of God, we have received grace upon grace. Out of this grace, let us give back abundantly as we offer our time and selves to God. Offertory Anthem: “We Are Called” David Haas

Summer Choir; Edward Caruthers, Conductor

† Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Megan McCarty and Cynthia Campbell The Invitation The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Page 4

It is truly right… who forever sings to the glory of your name: Hymn No. 556 - “Holy, Holy, Holy” Roberts

You are holy … Great is the mystery of faith: Hymn No. 557 - “Christ Has Died; Christ Is Risen”

Pour out your Holy Spirit … now and forever. Hymn No. 558 - “Amen”

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Breaking of the Bread

Communion of the People

Communion Music: “There’s a Balm in Gilead” Marilyn Thompson

Prayer After Communion Holy Spirit, you have filled us with your life. Christ our Savior, you have embraced us with your love. God our Mother, you have fed us with your grace. Now send us out into your beloved world to share your life, your love, and your grace with all. Blessing and honor and glory to you, holy Lord. Amen.

† Hymn: No. 399 - “God Welcomes All” THEMBA AMEN

† Charge and Benediction

The congregation is invited to be seated for the Postlude.

Postlude: “I’ll Fly Away” Traditional Spiritual / arr. Mark Hayes Susan Hadden, Piano

Text and music for hymns and responses are reprinted from Glory to God, ©2013 by Westminster John Knox Press,

with permission from OneLicense.net A-710725 and CCLI #1564697.

Announcements SPECIAL THANKS to Edward Caruthers and Susan Hadden for blessing us with their musical leadership this morning and to our Deacons for leading during the service.

THE FLOWERS TODAY are given to the glory of God from the Deacons, dedicated to our church family.

THANK YOU for your service Larry, Phil, Diana, Andrew, Jim, Dan, Ann, Craig, and Gerry as HPC ushers! We hope others will consider joining this group of dedicated individuals. You commit to just one Sun-day a month. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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Prayer for Illumination Karin Soltau First Reading: Psalm 46 (p. 517-518) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Children 6th grade and younger may leave for Church School during the singing of “Be Still and Know”.

Be still and know that I am God. (x 3)

Second Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-18 (p. 332-333) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon “God of Transitions” Megan McCarty † Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed (Glory to God, p. 35) † Hymn: No. 401 - “Here in This Place” GATHER US IN

Call to Offering Susan Sawning From the fullness of God, we have received grace upon grace. Out of this grace, let us give back abundantly as we offer our time and selves to God. Offertory Anthem: “We Are Called” David Haas

Summer Choir; Edward Caruthers, Conductor

† Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Megan McCarty and Cynthia Campbell The Invitation The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Page 4

It is truly right… who forever sings to the glory of your name: Hymn No. 556 - “Holy, Holy, Holy” Roberts

You are holy … Great is the mystery of faith: Hymn No. 557 - “Christ Has Died; Christ Is Risen”

Pour out your Holy Spirit … now and forever. Hymn No. 558 - “Amen”

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Breaking of the Bread

Communion of the People

Communion Music: “There’s a Balm in Gilead” Marilyn Thompson

Prayer After Communion Holy Spirit, you have filled us with your life. Christ our Savior, you have embraced us with your love. God our Mother, you have fed us with your grace. Now send us out into your beloved world to share your life, your love, and your grace with all. Blessing and honor and glory to you, holy Lord. Amen.

† Hymn: No. 399 - “God Welcomes All” THEMBA AMEN

† Charge and Benediction

The congregation is invited to be seated for the Postlude.

Postlude: “I’ll Fly Away” Traditional Spiritual / arr. Mark Hayes Susan Hadden, Piano

Text and music for hymns and responses are reprinted from Glory to God, ©2013 by Westminster John Knox Press,

with permission from OneLicense.net A-710725 and CCLI #1564697.

Announcements SPECIAL THANKS to Edward Caruthers and Susan Hadden for blessing us with their musical leadership this morning and to our Deacons for leading during the service.

THE FLOWERS TODAY are given to the glory of God from the Deacons, dedicated to our church family.

THANK YOU for your service Larry, Phil, Diana, Andrew, Jim, Dan, Ann, Craig, and Gerry as HPC ushers! We hope others will consider joining this group of dedicated individuals. You commit to just one Sun-day a month. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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Eighth Sunday after Pentecost • August 4, 2019 • Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements Megan McCarty

Minute for Mission Deacons

Meditation: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” arr. Karen Ball Susan Hadden, Piano

† Call To Worship Phil Bills Come worship the God who creates us, who breathes new life into dust and water into the earth. Come worship the God who challenges us, who calls the poor blessed and makes the hungry full. Come worship the God who calls us, who binds us in community and beckons us to follow.

† Hymn: No. 14 - “For the Beauty of the Earth” DIX

Call to Confession Nanc Angerman The Spirit of God helps us in our weakness, interceding with sighs too deep for words. Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession: Holy God, you call us to bear one another in love. Forgive us when we cannot love our neighbors. Forgive us when we cannot love ourselves. You call us to bear fruits of humility, gentleness, and patience. Forgive us when we choose self-doubt over humility, quietness over gentleness, or resignation over patience. Hear our prayers, God of Grace, and draw us into the unity of your Spirit. Amen.

A time of silence is kept for personal prayer.

Assurance of Pardon: God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved. Friends, believe the good news: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God. † Response to the Assurance of Pardon: “Amazing Grace” [Stanza 1] AMAZING GRACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

† Passing the Peace: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you.

(Exchange signs of peace with those near you until the music begins.) Page 5

SUMMER CHOIR concludes on Sunday, August 11th, rehearsing from 10:15-11:00 a.m. lead in worship. First rehearsal of Chancel Choir is August 15th, at 7:30 p.m.

MEALTRAIN HELPERS - If you’d be interested in providing meals to members who need food during times of illness, recovery, loss, new birth, etc. please contact Susan Sawning: [email protected]. We’d love to add you to our list of volunteers who help us share hope from the heart of the Highlands through our meal train ministry!

PIANO ACCOMPANIST - The Music Ministry is seeking a Piano Accompanist for Youth and Children's Choirs. The position requires accompanying at rehearsals on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 pm and Sun-days from 5:00-7:30 pm, as well as selected Sunday morning worship services. If you or someone you know is interested, please send résumés to Amanda Boyd, Director of Children's Music Ministry and Interim Coordinator of Music Ministry, at [email protected].

NEW MEMBERS - We will receive new members on Sunday, August 25th. If you are interested in join-ing the church, contact Megan ([email protected]).

MEN’S PUB NIGHT - A group of men will be gathering on Thursday, August 8th at 7:30pm for a bever-age and some good conversation at Gravely Brewing Co. Come join us. No agenda, just conversation in good company.

COLLEGE STUDENT DINNER - College students! Please join Doodle Thursday, August 8th at 5:00 at El Nopal in the Highlands! Doodle will buy dinner for all! No need to RSVP, just show up!

OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Still) - Our very own Amanda Boyd is teaching a class on music explora-tion! Wednesday, August 14th, we will learn how to play handbells, drums, and other exciting instru-ments! Gather for fellowship and lunch at 11:30 am downstairs in the dining room, and then learn and play instruments from 12:00-1:00 pm. All music skill levels are appreciated and welcome! You’re never too old to learn new skills! Lunch is $5. Please RSVP to Kathleen in the church office at [email protected] or (502) 451-2910. Please contact Megan at [email protected] if you have any questions.

RACE TO CURE SARCOMA - Please join our church on August 17, at the Louisville Zoo for the Inaugural Race to Cure Sarcoma Louisville to help raise funds for much-needed Sarcoma cancer research and awareness. Register with our church team to enjoy either the 5K race or 1-mile family friendly walk through the Zoo, and your registration provides Day access to the Zoo immediately after the Race. Go to www.curesarcoma.org/louisville and click “Join or Start a Team” and find “Highland Pres-byterian Church”, or go directly to our team website at https://p2p.onecause.com/rtcslouisville/team/highland-presbyterian-church. Come have fun at the Zoo for a great cause!

APPALACHIA MISSION TRIP - We are returning to Auxier, Kentucky for a mission trip! We are once again partnering with Hand in Hand Ministries for them to host our mission trip in Eastern Ken-tucky. This will be an intergenerational trip that will include youth and adults. October 3rd-6th we will participate in home repair, partnership building, and food pantry organization. No one younger than middle school may participate (rising 6th graders are ok!) Please contact Megan McCarty ([email protected]) or Doodle Harris ([email protected]) to reserve your spot now. All reservations must be in by September 1st.

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Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a long time member, your presence is a gift to us. All are welcome in worship and we hope your experience is meaningful and relevant among this church community. Welcome. If you are new here - Welcome! We want to connect with you. To help us offer a welcome, please add your name, email, and phone number to the red welcome folder. If you want information about joining the church contact Megan McCarty at [email protected] or 502-451-2910. Children in Worship - Children, like all people, are welcome in this worship service. We in-vite children to stand, sing, pray, listen during the sermon, and participate as much as they can! Some good things to know are: • The Nursery is located on second floor of the church building. Children ages 3 and

younger are invited (not required) to enjoy that caring space. • A Children’s Bulletin is available for ages 3 to grade 5. Ask an usher for a “Children’s”

bulletin designed to guide children to experience worship. • Worship Bags are also available for children. Bags are personalized by name. If you are

visiting, please find a “visitor” bag in the back of the church. If you plan to return regular-ly or join contact Doodle Harris at [email protected] so a worship bag can be made for your child!

• Children ages 3 to kindergarten are invited to Bible Buddies following the Children’s Time. This program provides a snack and a lesson for our youngest disciples. Children leave following the Time with Young Disciples and return during the final hymn.

To Enhance your Worship - Large print bulletins (including hymns) and hearing-enhancement devices are available. If you would like either, please ask an usher. Prayer Support - Yellow prayer request cards are available in the Welcome Centers. You are welcome to write a request and place in the offering plate. Offering - During worship we collect an offering. If this is your first time with us, we consider your presence as your offering this day. If you would like to make an offering, you will find en-velopes in the maroon folders and in the Welcome Center. These support the ministry of High-land Presbyterian Church to serve this congregation and community beyond us as we “share hope from the heart of the Highlands.”

CYNTHIA CAMPBELL will be out of the office August 6th-12th.

KRM SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE - During the month of August we will be collecting school supplies to fill backpacks for Kentucky Refugee Ministries students. Donate new school supplies from the list below in the blue bins in the fellowship hall.

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• Backpack • Pack of Crayons • Pack of Washable Markers Rulers • Scissors (blunt point for young children) • Cap erasers

• Folders with pockets • Notebooks (wide ruled) • Package of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) • Pack of 8-10 #2 pencils • Pack of Colored pencils

VOLUNTEERS FOR PRESFEST NEEDED! PresFest is next Sunday and it cannot happen without your help! If you would like to help set up, clean up, or volunteer your time in some other way, please con-tact Megan McCarty at [email protected] or (502) 451-2910. Youth can receive volun-teer hours!! We also need cakes, cookies, and cupcakes for the Cake Walk (these can be store bought or homemade!) as well as desserts for the dessert potluck! If you are planning on bringing something for the dessert potluck, please contact Nancy Lacer at [email protected]. If you bring cakes for the cake walk please put them in Memorial Lounge before worship next Sunday.

11:00 a.m.

August 4, 2019





Ministerial Staff

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell, Pastor

The Rev. Doodle Harris, Associate Pastor for Christian Education & Youth

The Rev. Megan McCarty, Associate Pastor for Mission and Membership

The Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell, Parish Associate

Dr. Amanda Boyd, Coordinator of Music Ministries

Week at a Glance

Sunday, August 4 9:30 Youth Summer Trip Presentation - Fellowship Hall 10:15 Summer Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00 Sunday Worship: Rev. Megan McCarty; Summer Choir 11:30 Children dismiss from worship for Sunday School

Monday, August 5

Tuesday, August 6 9:30 Staff Meeting - Office Conference Room 10:00 STITCH - Pleune Mobley 3rd Floor 4:00 Property Committee - Office Conference Room 7:00 KNIT WITS - Janet Raderer’s Home

Wednesday, August 7 10:00 STITCH - Pleune Mobley 3rd Floor 10:00 Prayer Group - Office Conference Room 4:30 Called Presbytery Meeting - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall

Thursday, August 8 12:00 WOW - Pleune Mobley Session Room, Room #111, #112, #105 7:30 Men’s Pub Night - Gravely Brewing Co. Friday, August 9 Saturday, August 10 9:00 HPC Workday Sunday, August 11 PRESFEST! 10:15 Summer Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00 Sunday Worship: Rev. Doodle Harris; Summer Choir 11:30 Children dismiss from worship for Sunday School 12:00 Presfest Block Party Begins!

Highland Presbyterian Church Prayer List This week, please include the following people in your daily prayers:

Ivonne Rovira, Grace Wenzel, Shirley Wicklander, Dottie Hart, Phil Bostrom, Paul Frelick, Doug Donaldson, Connie Prichard Aylor, Vi Sigler, and Pam Phelps.