shareholder rights in ch 11 - global forum on law, … rights in the us • in general, shareholder...

Shareholder Rights in Chapter 11 Hon. Leif M. Clark US Bankruptcy Judge (re@red) 1 [email protected]

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders




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Page 2: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


•  Ingeneral,shareholderrightsaregovernedbystatelaw(e.g.,Delawarelaw,NYlaw,etc)

•  ShareholdershavetherighttoselectmembersoftheBoardofDirectors

•  Directorsareexpectedtoactinthebestinterestsoftheirshareholders(dutyofloyaltyandinsomestatesdutyofcare)

•  Directorsselectofficers,whoalsohavesimilardu@esofloyaltyandcare

[email protected]

Page 3: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders

ShareholderRightsinBankruptcy•  OncetheshareholdershaveauthorizedthefilingofaCh.11,thedebtoren@ty’sdu@esshiStoincludethecreditors(ingeneral)

•  Directorsandofficerscon@nuetooperatethedebtor,asdebtor-in-possession,aquasi-fiduciary

•  Butcreditorshavepriorityofpaymentovershareholders,crea@ngpoten@alconflictsforofficersanddirectors

•  Canshareholdersaffectthedecisionsofofficersanddirectorsinbankruptcy?

•  [email protected]

Page 4: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 5: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 6: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 7: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 8: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 9: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 10: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


[email protected]

Page 11: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


•  Shareholders,as“claimants”byvirtueoftheirinterests,canreceiveadistribu@ononaccountofthatinterest,butonlyifnounsecuredcreditorclasshasvotedtorejecttheplan

•  Ifshareholdersretaintheirinterestundertheplan,however,theirrightscannotbedilutedbynonvo@ngstock

•  Claimsarisingfromthepurchaseorsaleofasecurityofthedebtoraretreatedasequity

[email protected]

Page 12: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 13: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders






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Page 14: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 15: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders

Johns-Manville(cont’d)However:“InInrePoBerInstrumentCo.,593F.2d470(2dCir.1979),thiscourtupheldthebankruptcycourt'srefusal,uponafindingofclearabuse,toorderashareholders'mee@[email protected]"suchanelec@onmightresultinunsa@sfactorymanagementandwouldprobablyjeopardizeboth[thedebtor's]rehabilita@onandtherightsofcreditorsandstockholders—soundingthe`deathknell'tothedebtoraswellastoappellanthimself."Id.at475.”Id.,at67(emphasisadded).

[email protected]

Page 16: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders

Johns-Manville(cont’d)Butthedissentpointsout:“Toseekashareholders'mee@ngatthislatedate,itseemstome,is…aclearabuse.TheEquityCommiree,ifithasitsway,[email protected]@sfiedwiththeBoardofDirectorsforthreeyearsfollowingthefilingofthebankruptcype@@on,thecommireewaitedun@lthedirectorsfinallyproposedaplantoobject,notonlytotheplan,buttothedirectorsthemselves.Inaddi@ontoseekingtoupsettheplan,itisnowtryingtoreplacethedirectors,aresultthatwouldrequirenego@a@onstorecommencefromthebeginning.”

[email protected]

Page 17: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


Iftheplangivesstocktocreditors,orallowsexis@ngshareholderstoretainstock,[email protected],theCodecontemplatesreturningcorporate

[email protected]@mesneedstobe


[email protected]

Page 18: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


[email protected]

Page 19: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 20: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



[email protected]

Page 21: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



[email protected]

Page 22: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders





[email protected]

Page 23: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


Solventcompanyfiledforchapter11.Creditorssoughttodismissthecaseasfiledinbadfaith.Thecourtgrantedthemo@ontodismiss,butonlybecausetherewasintenttogainali@[email protected],andthatpreservingvalueforshareholdersisalegi@matebasisforfiling,[email protected](3rdCir.1999)

[email protected]

Page 24: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


Solvententerprisemayfile,includingtopreserveshareholdervalue,butmaynotfiletoobtainali@[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 25: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


Some@mes,lendersdesiretomakeaborrower“bankruptcyremote”[email protected]@onof



[email protected]

Page 26: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders

KingstonSqAssoc.Subsidiarycorpora@onswerecreatedtohold@[email protected],provisionswereplacedintheby-lawstomakethesubsidiaries“bankruptcyremote”–thatis,unanimousconsentofallboardmemberswasrequiredtoauthorizethefilingofape@@on,oneboardmemberwas“independent”butinfact“…serve[d]asanindependentdirectorforthreeotheren@@esattherequestofDLJ[thenoteholder],receiving$10,[email protected],Richardsonreceive[d]theaggregateamountof$55,000annuallyforservingonthevariousboardsofdirectorscreatedpursuanttoDLJ-structureddeals.”214B.R.713(Bankr.SDNY1997)

[email protected]

Page 27: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


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Page 28: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 29: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders





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Page 30: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



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Page 31: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders






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Page 32: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders


Whilejuniorinterestsshouldnormallyreceivenothingifseniorinterestsarenotpaidinfull,thecourtsrecognizeanexcep@onfor“newvalue,”provided–•  thecontribu@onis“new”•  thecontribu@onis“necessary”•  thecontribu@onis“substan@al”•  theresul@nginterestgrantedisreasonablyequivalenttotheamountcontributed


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Page 33: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



[email protected]

Page 34: Shareholder rights in ch 11 - Global Forum on Law, … Rights in the US • In general, shareholder rights are governed by state law (e.g., Delaware law, NY law, etc) • Shareholders



[email protected]

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•  Despitebeinglastinorderofdistribu@on,shareholderss@llhavepowertoaffectreorganiza@on

•  Theirrightscanbewipedoutordilutedinaplan

•  Buttheymaybeabletopreservetheirrights•  Courtscan,insomecircumstances,enjoinshareholdersfromcontrollingtheboard

[email protected]

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