shared ownership trendbook

SharedOwnership Trendbook

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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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TEKO project Trends and Sociology


Shared Ownership Trendbook

2 table of content

what’s in this book

Introduction 4

Ready-to-share 7

Drivers 8

Online/offline 12

A friend of the planet 18

Future 20

Fashion 24

Summary 28

2 table of content

In a group of three international branding students, we started with a two-week trend and sociology project. We used the lectures and different research methods to make this trend book. The scenario cross over model, online research and the trend library helped us to get to the ‘shared ownership’ trend.

Introdution 5

Introdution 5

6 ready-to-share

‘all you need is less’

6 ready-to-share

Sharing is about collaborative consumption and getting maximal use out of a product or asset. It is not about ego and overconsumption anymore. Convinced that together we can change things, we get involved in communal projects or more simply learn to appreciate the moment and make the most of shared opportunities. By preferring all forms of sharing over individual possessions, a new kind of humanism, firmly rotted in everyday life, restores the pleasure of nearness.

The sky is the limit for the sharing economy. Consumer behavior is shifting rapidly to be more selective, conscious, and community-based. Some of the major problems caused by hyper-consumption can be avoided by sharing more, and whatever people are willing to share, a good business can form to support this new behavior.

‘all you need is less’

drivers 9 megatrends

Sharing is a very old-market behavior, but this is being reinvented on a scale and in ways that we’ve never seen before. It seems natural to the older generations – the war-time generations – because they had a very strong sense of community. Actually it is a very old phenomenon what already started in the past with the barter system, where it was simply done with those that were located nearby. But now it can be done globally.

drivers 9 megatrends

Sharing came from the following mega trends:

Technology The communications technology would not be so successful if people did not feel the need to interact. Few recognise that our need to socialise and network is growing with of without social media. Sharing collective emotions is a key desire. Online interactions with people make you more open to the idea of sharing with strangers, suggesting that the social media revolution has broken down trust barriers. Social networking is altering the way we think about products. It’s getting to the point where access to goods and skills is more important than ownership of them. With the GPS-technology you will have access to everyone’s location at that moment. If you want to share this makes it much easier to find people to share with.

UrbanizationWith more than 60 percent of the world population expected to live in urban cities by 2025, urbanization as a trend will have diverging impacts and influences on future personal lives and mobility. To keep cities more plain and open, and to save space people have to share.

‘THis recession

wont be over

till we raise a

generation that

knows how to live

on what they’ve


EnvironmentThere is a connection between sharing and sustainability. One benefit of sharing is that it is better for the environment. There is a demand for environmentally responsible consumer products.

• GlobalrecessionOver the past few years, the tenuous state of the economy has heightened awareness around purchasing decisions, stressing practicality over consumerism. Consumers are reserved when it come to purchase decisions, so the sharing trend will help them to consume more but purchase less.


online/offline 13

What started online as the sharing of information has quickly turned into a full-fledged economy, with individuals sharing their homes, cars, and skills with the help of mobile devices. People are using the online platform to share offline. The emphasis on sharing online changed the way in which we share offline. People who share online are more apt to share offline, because they’ve learned to trust each other online.

online/offline 13

share your ride

shared diner

shared workspace Young creatives share a big empty shack. Everyone has it’s own studio, but it’s also easy to get inspired by others.Nowadays a lot of cities have their

own bike and car sharing system. For example the electric smart cars in Amsterdam and the Velib bikes in Paris.

share your ride

shared diner

sharing books

shared workspace

‘Covering everyone’s clothing with the tablecloth created a sense of equality. Without even being told to do so, the participants naturally began to share their food. We recreated this sharing Christmas diner experience in Tokyo in 2008. - Marije Vogelsang (food designer)

Young creatives share a big empty shack. Everyone has it’s own studio, but it’s also easy to get inspired by others.

A small outside library where people can leave read books for other people.

Authenticity and sincerity, reconnecting with

locality and nature are the watchwords.

18 a friend of the planet

target group

Their ambition is collaborative consumption in the community. They put humanity back at the heart of the system and invest in the values of cooperation, sharing, participation and association. Authenticity and sincerity, reconnecting with locality and nature are the watchwords. Obsessed by a quest for meaning and less-but-better, they return to the fundamentals.

Authenticity and sincerity, reconnecting with

locality and nature are the watchwords.

18 a friend of the planet

3D-printing3D printing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital model. People can share their ideas and designs online and print them out at the copy shop or at home.

future 21 the best is yet to come

BECOME a we-based BrandThe rise of sharing requires us to use a new language where ‘access’ trumps ‘ownership’; social value becomes the new currency; ‘exchanges’ replace ‘purchases’; and people are no longer consumers but instead users, borrowers, lenders and contributors. All of this means businesses must redefine their role from providers of stuff to become purveyors ofservices and experiences.”

Produce ready-to-share

productsMore different users will use the same product. Companies can respond to this by producing products that suit these different users. They have to make adjustments to make the sharing easier. The conscious design of objects for the purpose of shared use can make them considerably smarter and more efficient than conventional models.

future 21 the best is yet to come


Connect with your cityCities will become platforms: a hyper-connected urban environment that harnesses the network effects, openness, and agility of the real-time web. Products and services will be more reachable when brands use these platforms.

Sharing of empty spaces /

Pop-up storesTemporary retail manifestations pop up everywhere. From gallery-like shopping spaces with one-off exhibitions to mobile units bringing innercity-chic to rural areas. These retail environments make use of empty spaces where they give a community feeling.

fashion 25

Sharing materialsMix all different kind of materials – used or new ones – and let them collaborate.

SWAP-partiesClean your closets, grab your friends and trade your stuff at a party where everybody leaves happy and nobody spends a dime.

Do it yourselfForced by the lack of funding, through the labour crisis and absence of creativity in the fashion market, the consumer has decided to take things into his own hands initiating his own spirit in creative and intuitive thinking. In the architecture the furniture will be made by hand, created from leftovers and finished with colour and textile. In fashion there will be used hobby packs, miscellaneous ribbons, pearls, fantasy yarns and highly creative textiles. Stores look like lively ateliers where clients learn how to design and knit.

sharing is the new black

fashion 25

‘Share-your-wardrobe’ literally means wearing your friends and families garments. In fashion this will proceed into blurring of boundaries between men and women. Designers will use characteristics of both men and women garments to let them share the silhouettes, colours and fabrics.

blurring boundaries

Sharing in fashion could mean switch and

share outfits with yo u r friends or family.

Sharing in fashion could mean switch and

share outfits with yo u r friends or family. - switcheroo

28 summary

28 summary Swot - analysis

Strenghts Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

- Environmental friendly- Less production and landfill- Real social contacts- Online platforms to find people to share with- Cheaper to share or rent- Earn money with something you’re not using anyway

- People don’t trust each other- People think it takes to much effort- Sharing is still quite unknown- Companies have less income- People are not willing to share their stuff

- Ready-to-share products and services- Share 3D printing ideas and designs- City share platforms

- Other sustainable solutions- Cheap mass production- People only communicate through online channels

Yunru xu

steffie van schaaijk

valerie overgaag

teko 5th semester november 2012