share market basics simplified

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    Centre for Distance Learning (Recognized by Distance Education Council)




    Submitted B

    H!"#im!"$ K!u"

    E$"%&&me$t N%' *+*,--



    Centre for Distance Learning (Recognized by Distance Education Council)

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    N!me: Harsimran kaur

    E$"%&&me$t N%.: 4!"!#$$

    Add"e## /%" 0%""e#1%$de$0e: House no. $"% &'eetal artments% &ector * !4%Ro'ini%


    M%bi&e $%.: -!!#-,

    P2%$e N%' : "!!+/!,4!!

    M!3%" A"e! %/ S1e0i!&i4!ti%$ : 0inance

    5ue#ti%$$!i"e Att!02ed* yes

    Re#ume %/ P"%3e0t Guide Att!02ed* 1es

    C%$#e$t Lette" %/ P"%3e0t Guide* 1es

    P2%$e $%' P"%3e0t Guide: -!!!,#

    6!te %/ Submi##i%$ 7

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    2'eob3ectie of t'e 1"%3e0tis to find t'e sales otential of Demat ccount

    in Del'i and 5CR regions. 2'e researc' 6ill 'el 6'at t'e current trends are in

    t'e market and t'e cometitors roduct offering are relates to s'are market and

    recommendations to increase t'e market s'are. &ecifically% t'e researc'

    ob3ectie is to:

    2o study t'e 7utual funds industry in detail82'is 6ill done by managing

    2'e 8arious client relations'i and educating t'em about t'e arious

    benefits t'at 7utual fund offer as comared to bank 0D9s% 5ational

    saing certificate etc. t'is also inoles studying in det' about t'e arious

    sc'emes offered by R;5C;L 5< sset 7anagement Comany.

    2o study about t'e inestment rocedure in 7utual funds

    2o study t'e inestor9s reference in mutual funds by 6ay of =uestionnaire

    nd ersonal isits to clients.

    2o generate sales for t'e comany

    6areness of t'e cometitor9s roduct among inestors.

    Determine t'e tye of serices needed by t'e inestors.

    >at'er and analyze t'e future asirations of t'e inestors 6it' resect to

    t'e demat account.

    Rank and ealuate t'e relatie imortance t'e &'are 7arket arameter

    associated 6it' t'e Demat ccount.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    Comaratie analysis of arious mutual funds sc'emes of R;5C;L

    6it' t'at ?f t'e ot'er on t'e bases of l'a% beta% stander Deiation%

    &'ar ratio and 2enor ratio

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    2'e urose of t'e undergone study is to study t'e Demat ccount serices of

    t'e different bank @ ot'er securities comanies @ ealuates t'e cometitie

    osition of &tandard c'artered so as to suggest 6ay to increase its market s'are.

    2'e main roblem faced by t'e comany 6as t'at it 'ad a ery less customer

    base. 2'e comany9s o6n roduct 'ad ery less market as comare to it9s t'ird

    arty selling. 2'e comany does a t'ird arty selling for all t'e inestment


    T2e #tud t2u# /%0u#e# %$ /%&&%9i$: dime$#i%$#7

    *' 2o identify t'e critical factors t'at influences t'e buying be'aior of


    ' 2o kno6 t'e inestor accetance of t'e serices of &tandard c'artered

    ;' bank in Del'i @ 5CR regions.

    ' ccording to current scenario it is a ery releant 2oic.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    0or t'e urose of t'e researc'it is absolutely imeratie for me to find out 6'at

    t'e inestor 6ant from t'eir comany. ;t is also necessary to find out t'e

    ;nestor9s rofile i.e. 'isA'er age% mont'ly income% occuation and seB and also

    t'e current comany 6it' 6'ic' 'eAs'e is inesting. 2'is 6ill re=uire me to get a

    details =uestionnaire filled by t'e concern erson. ll t'e analysis in t'e reort

    6ill be dra6n out of t'is =uestionnaire. 0or carrying out t'e cometitor analysis

    0urt'er 'el 6ill be taken from comany 6ebsites and 3ournals.

    2'is researc' 6ill roide &tandard c'artered bank 6it' information like current

    7arket s'are of &ecurities Comany and also a detailed analysis of t'e serices

    ?ffered by stock @ securities broker and stock @ &ecurities Comany and 6'atare t'e most imortant criteria for selecting a articular securities comany. 2'e

    comany can also get data on rosectie customer by designing its roduct

    offering and marketing strategy in a 6ay so as to attract more clients in t'e near


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    2'e study is t'e art of academic curriculum of years 7

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    managing t'e 8arious client relations'i and educating t'em about t'e

    arious benefits t'at 7utual fund offer as comared to bank 0D9s% 5ational

    saing certificate etc. t'is also inoles studying in det' about t'e arious

    sc'emes offered by R;5C;L of &ecurities 7anagement Comany.

    !. 2o study about t'e inestment rocedure in 7utual funds.

    . 2o study t'e inestor9s reference in mutual funds by 6ay of

    uestionnaire and ersonal isits to clients.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    Researc' is a systemic and ob3ectie rocess of gat'ering recording and

    analyzing data for aid of making decision regarding a articular roblem.


    2'e researc' design is a master lan secifying t'e met'ods and rocedures

    for collecting and analyzing t'e needed information t'e researc' design of my

    dissertation is


    Descritie researc' includes sureys and facts findings in=uiries of differentkinds.


    PRIMARY DATArimary data is gat'ered t'roug' a surey 6it' t'e 'el of


    &EC?5DR1 D2 secondary data sources includes

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    samling tec'ni=ue conenience and 3udgmental .

    T1e %/ Re#e!"02

    Researc' met'odology is a 6ay to systematic sole t'e researc' roblem. ;t is a

    rocedure% 6'ic' is follo6ed ste by ste to sole a articular researc' roblem.

    2'ere are basically four tyes of researc'es

    EL?R2;8E RE&ERCH

    DE&CR;2;8E RE&ERCH

    D;>5?&2;C RE&ERCH

    H1?2HE&;& 2E&2;5> RE&ERCH

    H1%t2e#i# Te#ti$: Re#e!"02'

    2o test a 'yot'esis of casual relations'i bet6een ariables.

    2'e resent ro3ect is Descritie in nature. ;t is done to oetry accurately t'e

    c'aracteristic of a articular indiidual situation or a grou. 2'e ma3or urose is

    descritie researc' is t'e descrition of t'e state of t'e affairs as it eBits at

    resents. 2'e main c'aracteristics of t'is met'od are t'at t'e researc'er 'as no

    control oer t'e ariablesI 'e can only reort 6'at 'as 'aened or 6'at is


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    *' I$t"%du0ti%$

    ' Lite"!tu"e Su11%"t

    ;' P"%0e##? Met2%d%&%: %/ Stud

    ' A$!i# !$d I$te"1"et!ti%$

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    5ame: JJJJJJJJJJJ ?ccuation:JJJJJJJJJJ..

    ;nestment resently Held:+

    lease list t'e alue t'e assets in your total inestments ortfolio (in Rs):

    &tocks:KKKKKKKKK 7utual 0unds:KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ot. &ecurities:KKKKKKKKKKKKK

    ?tions:KKKKKKKKKKKK e Hig' Lo6 7oderate

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    -'W2!t i# %u" 1"e/e"e$0e i$ Mutu!& Fu$d# E=uity ;ncome

    7oney 7arket 0unds EL&&

    e Less t'an , ,+!" more t'an !"

    **'W2i02 t1e %/ Mutu!& /u$d# d% %u 1"e/e" ?en ended sc'emes Closed ended sc'emes

    *'6% %u :et i$/&ue$0ed b t2e $!me %/ C%m1!$ 1"%m%ti$: Mutu!&Fu$d# 1es 5?

    *;'6% %u :et i$/&ue$0e b t2e $!me %/ "etu"$# :i=e$ b ! /u$d %" b t2e0u""e$t NAV %/ ! /u$d#

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified




  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    *' I$t"%du0ti%$

    ' Lite"!tu"e Su11%"t

    ;' P"%0e##? Met2%d%&%: %/ Stud

    ' 6!t! C%&&e0ti%$

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified





    >ra' 2itle age no.






    O$ 92i02 B!#i# %/ 02%%#e&%!$

    O00u1!ti%$ %/ t2e 1e%1&e



  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified




    2able no. >ra' 2itle age no.





    C%m1!$ #2!"e 1"i0e

    O$ 92i02 B!#i# %/ 02%%#e&%!$

    O00u1!ti%$ %/ t2e 1e%1&e




  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    2'e introduction and alication of t'e concet of customer serices entered in a

    6elcoming 6ay in ;ndia only after indeendence. 2'e s'are market in ;ndia 'as

    come a long 6ay during t'e last t6o centuries. ;ts gro6t' 6as faster and t'e

    coerage 6ider since and ma3or osition of securities sector 6as entrusted to t'e

    ublic sector. 2'is rocess continued and embraced fe6 riate banks in !-$".

    2'e transfer of o6ners'i of banks from t'e ublic to riate 6as aimed

    at entrusting t'e banks 6it' greater resonsibilities for t'e economic

    deeloment of ;ndia by taking securities serices to t'e masses and taking

    secial care of t'e 6eaker section of t'e society and t'e riority sector of t'e

    economy. 2'oug' t'e number of securities comany magnitude and t'e ariety

    of t'eir oerations 'as gro6n considerably during t'e eriod of near about t'ree

    decades% but it aears t'at t'e securities sector 'as entered into serious among


    For overcoming this problem, securities industry should seek introspection and adopt

    refined management techniques. It has been endeavor of this study to analyze the present

    state of various company keeping in view the primary data has been collected regarding

    the present state of invest schemes in various company by using a questionnaire.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    eole must 'ae guidance in doing t'eir 6ork kno6 6'ere to turn

    0or 'el guidance

    ;t is said t'at 5o learning is ossible 6it'out any roer guidance and no

    researc' is ossible 6it'out any roer guidance % some contribution is

    erformed by arious indiidual

    2'is ro3ect 6ork% 6'ic' is my ste in t'e field of rofessinalisation% 'as been

    successfully accomlis'ed only because of time suort of my 6ell+6is'er. ;

    6ould like to ay my sincere and t'ank to t'ose% 6'o directed me at eery ste in

    my ro3ect 6ork.

    ; eBress my gratitude to my esteemed guide% for t'eir aluable assistance and

    encouragement% 6'ic' enable me to carry on t'e ro3ect successfully. 2'ey gae

    me 6onderful oortunity to 6ork on t'e ro3ect. 2'ere time+to+time guidance

    and incessant suort 'eled me to broaden my outlook on t'e ro3ect. ; am

    'ig'ly obliged for t'eir suort t'roug'out t'e interns'i.

    ; also 'ad t'e riilege of meeting many comany officials including marketing

    c'ief manager and discussing articular asect of arious inestment otions.

    2'e ro3ect also inoled constant interaction 6it' my friends in t'e college.

    ote of t'ank also goes to t'em. t last t'is ackno6ledgement can only be

    comleted after being to my arent and A&mi:2t G%d'

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    ; H!"#im"!$ K!u"Enrollment 5o: 4!"!#$$ of class 7

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    *' I$t"%du0ti%$

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    B!#i0# %/ I$di!$ S2!"e M!">et


    &'are is not'ing but t'e ?6ners'i of t'e comany diided into small arts and

    eac' art is called as &'are or &tock.

    erson carrying a s'are of a comany 'olds t'at art of o6ners'i in t'at


    erson 'olding maBimum s'ares 'as maBimum o6ners'i like directors%

    c'airman etc.

    S2!"e M!">et

    &'are market is t'e lace 6'ere buying and selling of s'ares takes lace.

    5o6 days due to internet and adanced tec'nology t'ere is no need to be

    'ysical resent in eBc'anges like 5&E and

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    'o6 it 6orks.

    N'en a erson 6ant to buyAsell s'ares in t'e s'are market t'en 'e 'as to first

    lace t'e order 6it' a broker or can do t'emseles using online trading systems

    (t'is 6ill be discussed later).

    N'en you lace t'e buy order% t'e message is transferred to t'e eBc'ange

    Oeit'er 5&E P5ational &tock EBc'angeQ or

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    serices like banks% brokers% financial institutions etc. D9s are like agents of


    T Deository is an organization resonsible to maintain inestorMs securities

    (securities can be s'ares or any ot'er form of inestments) in t'e electronic form.

    ;n ;ndia t'ere are t6o suc' organizations called 5&DL (5ational &ecurities

    Deository Ltd.)

    and CD&L (Central Deository &erices ;ndia Ltd.)

    T ;nestor9s 6is'ing to oen Demat account 'as to go D and oen t'e account.

    T ?ening t'e Demat account is as simle as oening t'e bank account 6it' any

    bank. s you need bank account to sae your money% make c'e=ue ayments

    etc% like6ise you need to oen a demat account if you 6ant to buy and sell stocks

    in s'are market.

    T ll s'ares 6'at you ossess 6ill s'o6 in your demat account% so you donMt

    'ae to ossess any 'ysical certificates. 2'ey are all 'eld electronically in your

    demat account. s you buy and sell t'e s'ares accordingly your s'ares 6ill get

    ad3usted in your demat account.

    I# ! dem!t !00%u$t ! mu#t

    1E&. 2'e market regulator% t'e &ecurities and EBc'ange

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    H%9 t% %1e$ ! 6em!t !00%u$t

    1ou 'ae to aroac' a D to oen a Demat account.

    7ost banks are D articiants so you may aroac' t'em or else you can

    contact us.

    2o 'ae latest list of registered D lease isit 6ebsites

    broker and a D are t6o different eole. broker is a member of t'e stock

    eBc'ange% 6'o buys and sells s'ares on 'is be'alf and also on be'alf of 'is


    F%&&%9i$: !"e t2e d%0ume$t# "eui"ed t% %1e$ 6em!t !00%u$t

    N'en you aroac' any D% you 6ill be guided t'roug' t'e formalities for

    oening a demat account.

    2'e D 6ill ask to roide some documents as roof of your identity and


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    H%9 mu02 it 0%#t t% %1e$ ! 6em!t !00%u$t

    2'e c'arges for demat account oening% annual account maintenance fees and

    transaction c'arges aries bet6een arious D9s.

    2o 'ae latest c'arges lease isit 6ebsites of or else you need to contact t'e secific broker.


    fter successfully oening t'e demat account you are ready to do buy and sell

    s'ares in s'are market eBc'anges like

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    Emergency like buying and selling of s'ares on immediate basis or in case of

    any tec'nical or ot'er roblems at your side 6'ile

    doing trading yourself.

    I$=e#ti$: W2!tJ# t2!t

    Fudging by t'e fact t'at youMe taken t'e trouble to naigate to t'is age my

    guess is t'at you donMt need muc' conincing about t'e 9i#d%m %/ i$=e#ti$:.

    Ho6eer% ; 'oe t'at your =uest for kno6ledgeAinformation about t'e artAscience

    of inesting ends 'ere. Read on. Uno6ledge is o6er. ;t is common kno6ledge

    t'at m%$e 2!# t% be i$=e#ted 9i#e&. ;f you are a noice at inesting% termssuc' as stocks% bonds% futures% otions% ?en interest% yield% AE ratio may sound

    >reek and Latin. RelaB. ;t takes years to understand t'e !"t %/ i$=e#ti$:. 1ouMre

    not alone in t'e =uest to crack t'e 3argon. 2o start 6it'% take your i$=e#tme$t

    de0i#i%$#6it' as many facts as you can assimilate.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    W2 #2%u&d %u i$=e#t

    &imly ut% you s'ould inest so t'at your money gro6s and s'ields you against

    rising inflation. 2'e rate of "etu"$ %$ i$=e#tme$t# s'ould be greater t'an t'e

    rate of inflation% leaing you 6it' a nice surlus oer a eriod of time. N'et'er

    your money is inested in stocks% bonds% mutual funds or certificates of deosit

    (CD)% t'e end result is to create 6ealt' for retirement% marriage% college fees%

    acations% better standard of liing or to 3ust ass on t'e money to t'e neBt

    generation or maybe 'ae some fun in your life and do t'ings you 'ad al6ays

    dreamed of doing 6it' a little eBtra cas' in your ocket. lso% itMs eBciting to

    reie6 your inestment returns and to see 'o6 t'ey are accumulating at a fasterrate t'an your salary.

    W2e$ t% I$=e#t

    2'e sooner t'e better.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    gro6t' ia reinestment of returns earned on your saings. Comounding 'as a

    sno6balling effect because you earn income not only on t'e original inestment

    but also on t'e reinestment of diidendAinterest accumulated oer t'e years.

    2'e o6er of comounding is one of t'e most comelling reasons for inesting

    as soon as ossible. 2'e earlier you start inesting and continue to do so

    consistently t'e more money you 6ill make. 2'e longer you leae your money

    inested and t'e 'ig'er t'e interest rates% t'e faster your money 6ill gro6. 2'atMs

    6'y stocks are t'e be#t &%$:8te"m i$=e#tme$t t%%&. 2'e general u6ard

    momentum of t'e economy mitigates t'e stock market olatility and t'e risk of

    losses. 2'at9s t'e reasoning be'ind inesting for long term rat'er t'an s'ortterm.

    H%9 mu02 t% i$=e#t

    2'ere is no statutory amount t'at an inestor needs to inest in order to generate

    ade=uate returns from 'is saings. 2'e amount t'at you inest 6ill eentually

    deend on factors suc' as:

    ! 1our risk rofile . 1our 2ime 'orizon . &aings made

    Remember t'at no amount is too small to make a beginning. N'ateer amount

    of money you can sare to begin 6it' is good enoug'. 1ou can kee increasing

    t'e amount you inest oer a eriod of time as you kee gro6ing in confidence

    and understanding of t'e inestment otions aailable and &o instead of 3ust

    dreaming about t'ose 6ads of money do somet'ing concrete about it and start

    inesting soon as you can 6it' 6'ateer amount of money you can sare.

    I$=e#tme$tis a term 6it' seeral closely+related meanings in finance and


    ;t refers to t'e accumulation of some kind of asset in 'oes of getting a future

    return from it.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    ssets suc' as e=uity s'ares or bonds 'eld for t'eir financial return

    (interest% diidends or caital areciation)% rat'er t'an for t'eir use in t'e

    organization9s oerations.

    Retu"$ %$ I$=e#tme$t#

    2'e money you earn or lose on your inestment% eBressed as a ercentage

    of your original inestment.

    ;n &imle 6ords% ;t is t'e amount receied as a result of inesting in articular


    C%&&e0ti=e I$=e#tme$t# S02eme#

    0unds 6'ic' manage money for a number of inestors and ool it toget'er. 2'is

    enables inestors to benefit from a larger number of indiidual inestments and

    cost efficiencies.

    S2%"t8Te"m I$=e#tme$t#

    &'ort+2erm ;nestments are generally inestments 6it' maturities of less t'an

    one year.

    C!1it!& I$=e#tme$t#

    ;nestments into t'e fiBed caital (caital assets)% including costs for t'e ne6

    construction% eBansion% reconstruction and tec'nical ree=uiment of t'e

    oerating enterrises% urc'ase of mac'inery% e=uiment% tools% accessories%

    ro3ect and inestigation 6orks and ot'er costs and eBenditures.

    2'ere are t6o 6ays for inestors to get s'ares from t'e 1"im!" !$d #e0%$d!"

    m!">et#. ;n 1"im!" m!">et#% securities are boug't by 6ay of ublic issue

    directly from t'e comany. ;n Se0%$d!" m!">ets'are are traded bet6een t6o


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    ;n finance a #2!"eis a unit of account for =!"i%u# /i$!$0i!& i$#t"ume$t#

    including stocks% mutual funds% limited artners'is% and RE;2Ms. ;n 1"i0ereflects 6'at inestors t'ink about t'e stock% not

    necessarily 6'at t'e comany is V6ort'.V 0or eBamle% comanies t'at are

    gro6ing =uickly often trade at a 'ig'er rice t'an t'e comany mig't currently be

    V6ort'.V &tock rices are also affected by all forms of comany and market ne6s.ublicly traded comanies are re=uired to reort =uarterly on t'eir financial

    status and earnings. 7arket forces and general inestor oinions can also affect

    s'are rice.

    5ui0> F!0t# %$ St%0># !$d S2!"e#

    ?6ning a stock or a s'are means you are a artial o6ner of t'e comany%

    and you get oting rig'ts in certain comany issues

    ?er t'e long run% stocks 'ae 'istorically aeraged about !" annual

    returns Ho6eer% stocks offer no guarantee of any returns and can lose%

    alue een in t'e long run

    ;nestments in stocks can generate returns t'roug' diidends% een if t'e

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    H%9 d%e# %$e t"!de i$ #2!"e#

    Eery transaction in t'e #t%0> e02!$:eis carried out t'roug' licensed

    members called brokers.

    2o trade in s'ares% you 'ae to aroac' a broker Ho6eer% since most #t%0>

    e02!$:e b"%>e"#deal in ery 'ig' olumes% t'ey generally do not entertain

    small inestors. 2'ese b"%>e"# 2!=e ! $et9%"> %/ #ub8b"%>e"# 6'o roide

    t'em 6it' orders.

    T2e general inestors s'ould identify a sub+broker for regular trading in s'aresand alce

    'is order for urc'ase and sale t'roug' t'e sub+broker. 2'e subAbroker 6illtransmit t'e

    order to 'is broker 6'o 6ill t'en eBecute it .

    What are active Shares ?

    S2!"e# in 6'ic' t'ere are fre=uent and day+to+day dealings% as distinguis'ed

    from artly actie s'ares in 6'ic' dealings are not so fre=uent. 7ost #2!"e# %/

    &e!di$: 0%m1!$ie#6ould be actie% articularly t'ose 6'ic' are sensitie to

    economic and olitical eents and are% t'erefore% sub3ect to sudden rice

    moements. &ome market analysts 6ould define active shares as those which

    are bought and sold at least three times a week.

    6em!t refers to a dem!te"i!&i#ed !00%u$t.

    2'oug' t'e comany is under obligation to offer t'e securities in bot' 'ysical

    and dem!t m%de% you 'ae t'e c'oice to receie t'e securities in eit'er mode.

    ;f you 6is' to 'ae securities in dem!t m%de% you need to indicate t'e name of

    t'e deository and also of t'e de1%#it%" 1!"ti0i1!$t6it' 6'om you 'ae

    deository account in your alication.

    ;t is% 'o6eer de#i"!b&e t'at you 'old securities in dem!t /%"m as 'ysical

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    securities carry t'e risk of being fake% forged or stolen.

    Fust as you 'ae to oen an account 6it' a bank if you 6ant to sae your money%

    make c'e=ue ayments etc% 5o6adays% you need to oen a dem!t !00%u$t i/

    %u 9!$t t% bu %" #e&& #t%0>#.

    &o it is 3ust like a bank account 6'ere actual money is relaced by #2!"e#. 1ou

    'ae to aroac' t'e 6P#(remember% t'ey are like bank branc'es)% to oen

    your dem!t !00%u$t. LetMs say your ortfolio of s'ares looks like t'is: !," of

    ;nfosys% ," of Niro% "" of HLL and !"" of CC. ll t'ese 6ill s'o6 in your

    dem!t !00%u$t. &o you donMt 'ae to ossess any 'ysical certificates s'o6ing

    t'at you o6n t'ese s'ares. T2e !"e !&& 2e&d e&e0t"%$i0!&& i$ %u" !00%u$t.

    s you bu !$d #e&& t2e #2!"e#% t'ey are ad3usted in your account. Fust like a

    b!$> 1!##b%%> %" #t!teme$t% t'e D 6ill roide you 6it' eriodic statements

    of 'oldings and transactions.

    I# ! dem!t !00%u$t ! mu#t 5o6adays% ractically all trades 'ae to be settled

    in dematerialised form. lt'oug' t'e market regulator% t'e &ecurities and

    EBc'ange e02!$:e%

    6'o buys and sells s'ares on 'is be'alf and on be'alf of 'is clients.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    ' Lite"!tu"e Su11%"t

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    #t%0> %1ti%$is a secific tye of otion 6it' a stock as t'e underlying

    instrument (t'e security t'at t'e alue of t'e otion is based on). 2'us it is a

    contract to buy (kno6n as a VcallV contract) or sell (kno6n as a VutV contract)

    s'ares of stock% at a redetermined or calculable (from a formula in t'e contract)


    ;t is Haing t'e Rights to purchase a corporation's stock at a secified rice.;nfact 2'ere are t6o definitions of stock otions.

    !. 2'e rig't to urc'ase or sell a #t%0>at a secified rice 6it'in a stated eriod.

    O1ti%$#are a oular inestment medium% offering an oortunity to 'edge

    ositions in ot'er securities% to seculate on stocks 6it' relatiely little

    inestment% and to caitalize on c'anges in t'e market alue of otions contracts

    t'emseles t'roug' a ariety of otions strategies.

    . 6idely used form of emloyee incentie and comensation.;n some

    Comanies% St%0> %1ti%$#constitute art of remuneration.

    Em1&%ee #t%0> %1ti%$#are stock otions for t'e comanyMs o6n stock t'at are

    often offered to uer+leel emloyees as art of t'e eBecutie comensation

    ackage. n emloyee stock otion is identical to a call otion on t'e comanyMs

    stock% 6it' some eBtra restrictions.

    Pe"/%"m!$0e St%0> O1ti%$#are ?tions t'at est if re+determined

    erformance measures are ac'ieed. 2'e erformance goal (reenue gro6t'%stock+rice increasesJ) must be reac'ed for t'e otions to be eBercisable or for

    t'e esting to be accelerated

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    1ou can buy any stock and sell any stock and it doesn9t take muc' to get started.

    ll you need is a b"%>e"!:e !00%u$t. broker t'at ; use is &cottrade

    'tt:AA666.scottrade.comA and you can start an account 6it' t'em for W,"" and

    t'eir commissions are only W/% so t'ey are not eBensie at all.

    ?nce you 'ae setu a brokerage account you t'en need to c'oose an

    inestment met'od and t'en researc' different comanies and t'en buy stockin .t'e ones t'at you feel 6ill go u because t'ey are good sound comanies.

    &o as you can see t'ere are seeral benefits to %$&i$e #t%0> t"!di$:but let9sreca.

    Nit' o$&i$e #t%0> t"!di$:all you need is W,"" to oen a brokerage account% t'e

    brokerage commissions are lo6 at &cottrade t'ey9re only W/ and you can buy

    and sell your stocks from your 'ome comuter anytime t'at t'e stock market isoen.

    Nell no6 t'at you kno6 t'at you can do %$&i$e #t%0> t"!di$:6it' a minimal

    inestment you s'ould get started today and t'en start learning about t'e #t%0>

    m!">et and c'oose t'e #t%0>#you 6ant to inest in.


    2'e 2erm Net A##et V!&ue (NAV)is used by inestment comanies to measure

    $et !##et#. ;t is calculated by subtracting liabilities from t'e alue of a fundMs

    securities and ot'er items of alue and diiding t'is by t'e number of outstanding

    s'ares. Net !##et =!&ueis oularly used in ne6saer mutual fund tables todesignate t'e rice er s'are for t'e fund.

    2'e alue of a collectie inestment fund based on t'e market rice of securities

    'eld in its ortfolio. Gnits in oen ended funds are alued using t'is measure.

    Closed ended inestment trusts 'ae a net asset alue but 'ae a searate

    market alue. NAVer s'are is calculated by diiding t'is figure by t'e number

    of ordinary s'ares. ;nestments trusts can trade at $et !##et =!&ueor t'eir rice

    can be at a remium or discount to NAV.

    8alue or urc'ase rice of a s'are of stock in a mutual fund. NAV is calculatedeac' day by taking t'e closing market alue of all securities o6ned lus all ot'er

    .assets suc' as cas'% subtracting all liabilities% t'en diiding t'e result (total net

    assets) by t'e total number of s'ares outstanding.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    C!&0u&!ti$: NAV#+ Calculating mutual fund $et !##et =!&ue#is easy. &imly

    take t'e current market alue of t'e fundMs net assets (securities 'eld by t'e fund

    .minus any liabilities) and diide by t'e number of s'ares outstanding. &o if a .

    fund 'ad net assets of Rs.," lak' and t'ere are one lak' s'ares of t'e fund% t'en

    t'e rice er s'are (or NAV) is Rs.,"."".

    2'ese days% you canMt retire 6it'out using t'e "etu"$# /"%m i$=e#tme$t#. 1ou

    canMt count on your social security c'ecks to coer your eBenses 6'en you

    retire. ;tMs barely enoug' for eole 6'o are receiing it no6 to 'ae food% s'elter

    and utilities. 2'at doesnMt account for any care you may need or in t'e een t'at

    you need to take adantage of suc' funds muc' earlier in life. ;t is imortant to

    'ae your o6n financial lan. 2'ere are many >i$d# %/ i$=e#tme$t#you can

    make t'at 6ill make your life muc' easier do6n t'e road.

    2'e follo6ing are brief descritions for be:i$$i$: i$=e#t%"#to familiarizet'emseles 6it' different kinds of i$=e#tme$t %1ti%$#:

    +*K P&!$#2'e easiest and most oular kind of i$=e#tme$tis a 4"!U lan. 2'is is due to

    t'e fact t'at most 3obs offer t'is saings rogram 6'ere t'e money can be

    automatically deducted from your ayroll c'eck and you neer realize it ismissing.

    Li/e I$#u"!$0eLife ;nsurance olicies are anot'er kind of inestment t'at is fairly oular. ;t is a

    6ay to ensure income for your family 6'en you die. ;t allo6s you a sense of

    security and roides a aluable taB deduction.

    St%0>#&tocks are a uni=ue kind of inestment because t'ey allo6 you to take artial

    o6ners'i in a comany.

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    Mutu!& Fu$d#7utual funds are a kind of inestment t'at are based on t'e gains and losses of

    a s'are'older.

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    same terms% esecially regarding t'e 1"emium.

    4.2'e roectus s'ould roide 3ustification for t'e roose remium. ?n t'e

    ot'er 'and% eBisiting comanies can make a 1"emium i##ue 6it'out t'e aboe


    comany9s aim is to "!i#e m%$eand simultaneously sere t'e e=uity caital.

    s far as accounting is concerned% 1"emium i# 0"edited to reseres and surlus

    and it does not increase t'e e=uity. 2'erefore% a comany 6'ic' raises Rs.!""

    crores by 6ay of s'ares at say Rs.-" 1"emium 1e" #2!"eincreases its e=uity by

    only Rs.!" crores% 6'ic' is easier to serice 6it' an inestment of Rs.!"" crores.

    2'us t'e comanies seek to make1"emium i##ue#. s 6ell s'all see later% a

    1"emium i##uecan increase t'e book alue 6it'out decreasing t'e E&. ;n a

    buoyant stock market 6'en good s'ares trade at ery 'ig' rices% comanies

    realize t'at it9s easy to command a 2i:2 1"emium.

    7any eole confuse trading 6it' inesting. 2'ey are not t'e same.

    2'e biggest difference bet6een t'em is t'e lengt' of time you 'old onto t'e

    assets. n i$=e#t%r is more interested in t'e &%$:8te"m !11"e0i!ti%$of 'is

    assets% counting on t'at 'istorical rise in m!">et euit.

    He9s not generally concerned about #2%"t8te"m /&u0tu!ti%$#in rices% because

    'e9ll ride t'em out oer t'e long 'aul.

    n i$=e#t%"relies mostly on Fu$d!me$t!& A$!i#% 6'ic' is t'e analytical

    met'od of redicting long+term rosects of a articular asset. 7ost inestors

    adot a bu !$d 2%&d aroac' to assets% 6'ic' simly means t'ey buy

    s'ares of some comany and 'old onto t'em for a long time. 2'is aroac' can

    be d!$:e"%u# e=e$ de=!#t!ti$:% in an eBtremely olatile market suc' astoday9s

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    of around Rs.#," er s'are at t'e beginning of t'e year """. 26o years later%

    t'ose s'ares are 6ort' Rs.!"" eac'. ;f t'at inestor 'ad sent Rs. #,%"""A+% 'is

    net loss 6ould be Rs.,,"""A+ Z ; don9t kno6 about you% but losing 0ifty 0ie

    2'ousand Ruees 6ould be a relatiely big loss for me.

    7any inestors suffer suc' losses regularly% 'oing t'at in fie or ten or fifteen

    years t'e market 6ill rebound% and t'ey9ll recou t'eir losses and ac'iee an

    oerall gain.

    N'at most i$=e#t%"#need to remember is t'is: inesting is not about 6eat'ering

    storms 6it' your beloed comany * it9s about making money.

    T"!de"#% on t'e ot'er 'and% are attemting to rofit on 3ust t'ose #2%"t8te"m1"i0e /&u0tu!ti%$#. 2'e amount of time an !0ti=e t"!de"'olds onto an asset is

    ery s'ort: in many cases minutes% or sometimes seconds. ;f you can catc' 3ust

    t6o indeB oints on an aerage day% you can make a comfortable liing as an


    2o 'el make t'eir decisions% 2raders rely on Te02$i0!& A$!i#% a form of

    marketing analysis t'at attemts to redict s'ort+term rice fluctuations.

    2'e #t%0> m!">et#are at all time 'ig's and 3ust like t'e last time around 6'en

    t'e market 6as at its reious 'ig' eery one t'inks t'at not'ing can go 6rong

    and t'ere is 3ust one 6ay 6'ere t'e market can go 6'ic' is G. 5ot'ing could be

    fart'er from t'e trut' and t'is 6ill be clear from t'e 6ay t'e market be'aes in

    t'e neBt fe6 mont's. Here are a /e9 ti1# t'at 6ould 'oefully sae you from

    losing a lot of cas' in t'e current frenzy.

    2ime and again i$=e#t%"# 'ae burnt t'eir fingers in t'e markets and 'ere are#%me ti1#to you so t'at you do not end u burning your fingers in t'is market.

    2'e $umbe" %$e ti1at t'is oint 6ould be to sell if you 'ae stocks and not to

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    buy t'em if you 'ae cas'. 2'e golden rincile in t'e markets is and 2%t ti1#t'at your barber gae you.

    2rue t'at t'e stock 'as triled in t'e last fifteen days but t'at 6as before eole

    like your barber started buying t'e stock. C'ances are t'at t'e romoter of t'e

    comany 'ae started buying into t'e stock and 'ae sread rumors likeac=uisition or a big eBort order to fool inestors and sell out to t'em at a later


    A$%t2e" ti1t'at 6ould sere useful is to alue a stock based on its future gro6t'

    and not its ast erformance. 0or instance many i$=e#t%"#say t'at ; 6ill not buy

    stocks of comany because it 'as doubled in t'e last year. Nell it may 'ae

    doubled in t'e last year but t'at s'ould not be t'e t'ing you s'ould be telling

    yourself. Rat'er you s'ould ask yourself 6'y 'as t'is doubled in t'e last year

    and can it do so again[ 2'ere s'ould be a solid ans6er to your =uestion like t'elaunc' of a ne6 roduct or reduction in t'e rices of ra6 material. nd indeed if

    t'e ans6er is in t'e ositie t'en by all means go a'ead and buy t'at stock

    regardless of 6'at 'as 'aened in t'e last year.

    A$%t2e" ti16ould be to remember 6'at you are buying. uite simly inestors

    often forget t'at 6'en buying a stock t'ey are simly buying o6ners'i in t'e

    comanies. 7ost of you 6ould kno6 t'at not'ing sectacular 6ould 'aen in

    t'e comany t'at you 6ork for% in a mont'% t'ey are not going to double t'eirreenues and certainly not double your salary eery mont'. 2'en 6'y eBect

    anyt'ing different from t'e comanies t'at you are inesting in. N'y eBect t'e

    rices to double in a mont' or t6o. >ie time to your inestmentsI don9t reduce it

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    to a gamble. ?nly 6'en you inest in fundamentally sound comanies and t'en

    gie t'e inestments sufficient time to gro6 6ill you see some 'ealt'y returns on

    your inestments. ;deally a minimum 'orizon of one year is a good time.

    Hoe t2e#e ti1#6ill roe 'elful and you 6ill make a lot more in t'e #t%0>

    m!">et#t'an you 'ae already been making. Hay I$=e#ti$:Z

    !. 1ou can tell if a St%0> i# 02e!1or eBensie by t'e P"i0e t% E!"$i$:# R!ti%.

    0alse: PE "!ti%#are easy to calculate% t'at is 6'y t'ey are listed in ne6saers

    etc. M!">et% you must assume Hig' Risks.

    0alse: 2is to Lo6er your Risk:

    \: Do not ut more t'an !" of your money into any one stock

    \:Do not o6n more t'an + stocks in any industry

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    ,.Y%u$: Pe%1&e 0!$ !//%"d t% t!>e Hi:2 Ri#>.

    0alse: 2'e only t'ing true about t'is is t'at young eole 'ae time on t'eir side

    if t'ey lose all t'eir money.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    going bankrut (Enron% 7C;% t'e airlines% etc. etc.). Risk of interest rates rising%

    and bond rices falling. Risks of your broker s6indled you% or coerced you

    t'oug' 'is sales itc' to buy seculatie inestments. Risks of t'e economy.

    Risks of a articular industry. Risk of losing your rincial. Risk of losing it all%

    and t'en some (suc' as 6it' margin calls).

    2rying to 6in in t'e stock market 6it'out a trading lan is like trying to build a

    'ouse 6it'out bluerints + costly mistakes are ineitable.

    W2 d% %u $eed ! T"!di$: P&!$[

    ! + During trading 'ours% emotions 6ill turn smart eole into idiots. 2'erefore%

    you 'ae to aoid 'aing to make decisions during t'ose 'ours. 0or eery action

    you take during trading 'ours% t'e reason s'ould not be greed or fear. 2'ereason s'ould be because it is in t'e lan. Nit' a good lan% your task becomes

    one of atience and disciline.

    + Consistent results re=uire consistent actions + consistent actions can only be

    ac'ieed t'roug' a detailed lan.

    W2!t #2%u&d be i$ %u" t"!di$: 1&!$

    ! + 1our strategy to enter and eBit trades

    1ou 'ae to describe t'e conditions t'at 'ae to be met before you enter a trade.1ou also 'ae to describe t'e conditions under 6'ic' you 6ill close a osition.

    2'ese conditions may include tec'nical analysis% fundamental analysis% or a

    combination of bot'. 2'ey may also include market conditions% ublic sentiment%


    + 1our 7oney management rules to kee losses small + t'e goal of money

    management is to ensure your surial by aoiding risks t'at could take you out

    of business. 1our money management rules s'ould include t'e follo6ing:

    + 7aBimum amount at risk for eac' trade.+ 7aBimum amount at risk for all your oened ositions.+ 7aBimum daily and 6eekly amount lost before you sto trading

    + 1our daily routine + after t'e market closes% before it oens% etc...

    4 + ctiities you carry out during t'e 6eekend.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    , + ; also like to include reminders t'at ; read eery day

    ; 6ill follo6 a trading lan to guide my trading + t'erefore my 3ob 6ill be one of

    atience and disciline.

    + ; 6ill al6ays kee my trading lan simle.

    + ; 6ill take actions according to my trading lan% not because of greed% fear% or'oe.+ ; 6ill not deceie myself 6'en ; deiate from my trading lan. ;nstead ; 6ill

    admit t'e error and correct it.

    ; 6ill 'ae a 6inning attitude.

    + 2ake resonsibility for all your actions * don9t blame t'e market or 6orld eents.+ 2rade to trade 6ell and for t'e loe of trading% not to trade often and not for t'e

    money.+ Don9t be influenced by t'e oinions of ot'ers.+ 5eer t'ink t'at taking money from t'e market is easy.

    + Don9t try to guess t'e future * trading is a game of robabilities.+ Gse your 'ead and stay calm * don9t get eBcited or deressed.+ Handle trading as a serious intellectual ursuit.+ Don9t count 'o6 muc' money you 'ae made or lost 6'ile you are in a trade *

    focus on trading 6ell.

    trading lan 6ill not guarantee you success in t'e stock market but not 'aing

    one 6ill retty muc' guarantee failure.


    7arket for ne6 issues of securities% as distinguis'ed from t'e Se0%$d!"

    M!">et% 6'ere reiously issued securities are boug't and sold.

    A market is primary if the proceeds of sales go to the issuer of thesecurities sold.

    2'is is art of t'e financial market 6'ere enterrises issue t'eir ne6 s'ares and

    bonds. ;t is c'aracterised by being t'e only moment 6'en t'e enterrise receies

    money in eBc'ange for selling its financial assets.


    2'e market 6'ere securities are traded after t'ey are initially offered in t'e

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    rimary market. 7ost trading is done in t'e secondary market.

    2o eBlain furt'er% it is 2rading in reiously issued financial instruments. n

    organized market for used securities. EBamles are t'e 5e6 1ork &tock

    EBc'ange (51&E)% e"+ full+serice broker can roide a bunc' of serices

    suc' as inestment researc' adice% taB lanning and retirement lanning.

    . 6i#0%u$t B"%>e"* discount broker let9s you buy and sell stocks at a lo6rate but doesn9t roide any inestment adice.

    . 6i"e0t8A00e## B"%>e"+ direct access broker lets you trade directly 6it' t'e

    electronic communication net6orks (EC59s) so you can trade faster. ctie

    traders suc' as day traders tend to use Direct ccess

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    ;n order to understand 6'at stocks are and 2%9 #t%0> m!">et# 9%">% 6e need

    to die into 'istory++secifically% t'e 'istory of 6'at 'as come to be kno6n as t'e

    cororation% or sometimes t'e limited liability comany (LLC). Cororations in

    one form or anot'er 'ae been around eer since one guy coninced a fe6

    ot'ers to ool t'eir resources for mutual benefit.

    2'e first cororate c'arters 6ere created in

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    &o a cororation creates some #2!"e#% and sells t'em to an inestor for an

    agreed uon rice% t'e cororation no6 'as money. ;n return% t'e inestor 'as a

    degree of o6ners'i in t'e cororation% and can eBercise some control oer it.

    2'e cororation can continue to issue ne6 s'ares% as long as it can ersuade

    eole to buy t'em. ;f t'e comany makes a rofit% it may decide to lo6 t'e

    money back into t'e business or use some of it to ay diidends on t'e s'ares.

    Pub&i0 M!">et#

    Ho6 eac' stock market 6orks is deendent on its internal organization and

    goernment regulation. 2'e NYSE (Ne9 Y%"> St%0> E02!$:e)is a non+rofit

    cororation% 6'ile t'eNAS6A5 (N!ti%$!& A##%0i!ti%$ %/ Se0u"itie# 6e!&e"#

    Aut%m!ted 5u%t!ti%$) and t'e 2&E (T%"%$t% St%0> E02!$:e)are for+rofitbusinesses% earning money by roiding trading serices.

    7ost comanies t'at go 1ub&i0'ae been around for at least a little 6'ile. >oing

    ublic gies t'e comany an oortunity for a otentially 'uge 0!1it!& i$/u#i%$%

    since millions of inestors can no6 easily urc'ase s'ares. ;t also eBoses t'e

    cororation to stricter regulatory control by goernment regulators.

    N'en a cororation decides to go ublic% after filing t'e necessary aer6ork

    6it' t'e goernment and 6it' t'e e02!$:e it 'as c'osen% it makes an initial

    ublic offering (;?). 2'e comany 6ill decide 'o6 many s'ares to issue on t'eublic market and t'e rice it 6ants to sell t'em for. N'en all t'e s'ares in t'e

    IPOare sold% t'e comany can use t'e roceeds to invest in the business.

    2'ere are t6o classic market tyes used to c'aracterize t'e general direction of

    t'e market. #)

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    are% on aerage% trending 'ig'er. 2'e bu&& m!">et tends to be associated 6it'

    ri#i$: i$=e#t%" 0%$/ide$0eand eBectations of /u"t2e" 0!1it!& :!i$#.

    market in 6'ic' rices are rising. market articiant 6'o beliees rices 6ill

    moe 'ig'er is called abu&&. ne6s item is considered bu&&i#2if it is eBected

    to result in 'ig'er rices.n adancing trend in stock rices t'at usually occurs

    for a time eriod of mont's or years. Bu&& m!">et#are generally c'aracterized

    by 2i:2 t"!di$: =%&ume.

    &imly ut% bu&& m!">et#are moements in t'e stock market in 6'ic' rices are

    rising and t'e consensus is t'at rices 6ill continue moing u6ard. During t'is

    time% economic roduction is 'ig'% 3obs are lentiful and inflation is lo6. Be!"

    m!">et#are t'e oosite++stock rices are falling% and t'e ie6 is t'at t'ey 6ill

    continue falling. 2'e economy 6ill slo6 do6n% couled 6it' a rise in

    unemloyment and inflation. key to #u00e##/u& i$=e#ti$:during a bu&& m!">etis to take adantage of t'e

    rising rices. 0or most% t'is means bui$: #e0u"itie#early% 6atc'ing t'em rise

    in alue and t'en selling t'em 6'en t'ey reac' a 'ig'. Ho6eer% as simle as it

    sounds% t'is ractice inoles timing t'e market. &ince no one kno6s eBactly

    6'en t'e market 6ill begin its climb or reac' its eak% irtually no one can time

    t'e market erfectly. ;nestors often attemt to buy securities as t'ey

    demonstrate a strong and steady rise and sell t'em as t'e market begins a

    strong moe do6n6ard.

    ortfolios 6it' larger ercentages of stocks can 6ork 6ell 6'en t'e market is

    moing u6ard. ;nestors 6'o beliee in 6atc'ing t'e market 6ill buy and sell

    accordingly to c'ange t'eir ortfolios.&eculators and risk+takers can fare

    relatiely 6ell in bull markets. 2'ey beliee t'ey can make rofits from rising

    rices% so t'ey buy stocks% otions% futures and currencies t'ey beliee 6ill gain

    alue. >ro6t' is 6'at most bull inestors seek.

    W2!t i# ! Be!" M!">et

    2'e oosite of a bu&& m!">et i# ! be!" m!">et6'en rices are falling in a

    financial market for a rolonged eriod of time. bear market tends to be

    accomanied by 6idesread essimism. bear market is slang for 6'en stock

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    rices 'ae decreased for an eBtended eriod of time. ;f an inestor is Vbearis'V

    t'ey are referred to as a bear because t'ey beliee a articular comany%

    industry% sector% or market in general is going to go do6n.

    Different i$=e#tme$t aenues are aailable to inestors. Mutu!& /u$d#also offer

    good inestment oortunities to t'e inestors. Like all i$=e#tme$t#% Mutu!&

    Fu$d#also carry certain risks. 2'e i$=e#t%"#s'ould comare t'e risks and

    eBected yields after ad3ustment of taB on arious instruments 6'ile taking

    Mutu!& Fu$d i$=e#tme$tdecisions. 2'e inestors may seek adice from

    eBerts and consultants including agents and distributors of mutu!& /u$d#

    #02eme#6'ile making inestment decisions.

    7utual 0unds are ortfolio of stock market s'ares and ot'er financial instruments

    built 6it' funds collected from (usually) small inestors 6'ose rimary concern issecurity of inestment. 2'ese funds are run by goernment trusts% banks% and

    no6 riate financial institutions as 6ell. 2'ese funds can be P!" # $%"D!D

    or &(!D # !"D!D.

    2'ere are different kinds of mutual funds to cater to aried inestment ob3ecties:

    >ro6t' 0unds% ;ncome 0unds%

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    t'eyMre issued% t'en t'e information belo6 mig't 3ust be 6'at youMe been looking


    6e/i$i$: t2e 6i=ide$d

    6i=ide$d# !"e 1!me$t# m!de b 0%m1!$ie# t% t2ei" #t%0>2%&de"# i$ %"de"

    t% #2!"e ! 1%"ti%$ %/ t2e 1"%/it#from a articular =uarter or year. 2'e amount

    t'at any articular stock'older receies is deendent uon 'o6 many s'ares of

    stock t'ey o6n and 'o6 muc' t'e total amount being diided u among t'e

    stock'olders amounts to. 2'is means t'at after a articularly rofitable =uarter a

    comany mig't set aside a lum sum to be diided u amongst all of t'eirstock'olders% t'oug' eac' indiidual s'are mig't be 6ort' only a ery small

    amount otentially fractions of a cent% deending uon t'e total number of s'ares

    issued and t'e total amount being diided. ;ndiiduals 6'o o6n large amounts of

    stock receie muc' more from t'e diidends t'an t'ose 6'o o6n only a little% but

    t'e total er+s'are amount is usually t'e same.

    W2e$ 6i=ide$d# A"e P!id

    Ho6 oftendi=ide$d#are aid can ary from one comany to t'e neBt% but in

    general t'ey are aid 6'eneer t'e comany reorts a rofit. &ince most

    comanies are re=uired to reort t'eir rofits or losses =uarterly% t'is means t'at

    most of t'em 'ae t'e otential to ay diidends u to four times eac' year.

    &ome comanies ay diidends more often t'an t'is% 'o6eer% and ot'ers may

    ay only once er year. 2'e more time t'ere is bet6een diidend ayments can

    indicate financial and rofit roblems 6it'in a comany% but if t'e comany

    simly c'ooses to ay all of t'eir diidends at once it may also lead to 'ig'er er+s'are ayments on t'ose di=ide$d#.

    W2 6i=ide$d# A"e P!id

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    6i=ide$d# are aid by comanies as a met'od of s'aring t'eir rofitable times

    6it' t'e stock'olders t'at 'ae fait' in t'e comany% as 6ell as a 6ay of luring

    ot'er inestors into urc'asing stock in t'e comany t'at is aying t'e diidends.

    2'e more a articular comany ays in diidend ayments% t'e more likely it is to

    sell additional common stockJ after all% if t'e comany is 6ell+kno6n for 'ig'

    diidend ayments t'en more eole 6ill 6ant to get in on t'e action. 2'is can

    actually lead to increases in stock rice and additional rofit for t'e comany

    6'ic' can result in een more diidend ayments.

    ;n order to get t'e most out of t'e diidends t'at you receie on your

    inestments% it is generally recommended t'at you reinest t'e diidends into t'ecomanies t'at ay t'em. N'ile t'is may seem as t'oug' youMre simly giing

    t'em t'eir money back% youMre receiing additional s'ares of t'e comanyMs stock

    in eBc'ange for t'e diidend. 2'is 6ill increase future diidend ayments (since

    t'eyMre based uon 'o6 muc' stock t'at you o6n)% and can set you u to make a

    lot more money t'an t'e!0tu!& di=ide$d 1!me$t 6as for since increases in

    stock rices 6ill affect t'e ne6ly+urc'ased stock as 6ell.

    INTRO!"TION A#O!T $!T!A% &!NS:

    7utual fund is a trust t'at ools money from a grou of inestors (s'aringcommon financial goals) and inest t'e money t'us collected into asset t'atmatc' t'e stated inestment ob3ecties of t'e sc'eme. &ince t'e statedinestment ob3ecties of a mutual fund sc'eme generally forms t'e basis for aninestor9s decision to contribute money to t'e ool% a mutual fund can not deiatefrom its stated ob3ecties at any oint of time.

    Eery 7utual 0und is managed by a fund manager% 6'o using 'isinestment management skills and necessary researc' 6orks ensures muc'

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    better return t'an 6'at an inestor can manage on 'is o6n. 2'e caitalareciation and ot'er incomes earned from t'ese inestments are assed ont'e inestors (also kno6n as unit 'olders) in roortion of t'e number of unitst'ey o6n.

    C%$0e1t %/ Mutu!& Fu$d

    M!$ i$=e#t%" 9it2 0%mm%$ /i$!$0i!& %b3e0ti=e# 1%%& t2ei" m%$e

    ]I$=e#t%"# %$ ! 1"%1%"ti%$!te b!#i# :et mutu!& /u$d u$it# /%" t2e #um

    0%$t"ibuted t% t2e 1%%& ]T2e m%$e 0%&&e0ted /"%m i$=e#t%"# i# i$=e#ted i$t% #2!"e# debe$tu"e#

    !$d %t2e" #e0u"itie# b t2e /u$d m!$:e" ]

    T2e /u$d m!$!:e" "e!&i4e# :!i$# %" &%##e# !$d 0%&&e0t# di=ide$d %"i$te"e#t i$0%me

    ]A$ 0!1it!& :!i$# %" &%##e# /"%m #u02 i$=e#tme$t# !"e 1!##ed %$ t% t2ei$=e#t%"# 1"%1%"ti%$ %/ t2e $umbe" %/ u$it# 2e&d b t2em

    N'en an inestor subscribes for t'e units of a mutual fund% 'e becomesart of t'e assets of t'e mutual fund in t'e same roortion as 'iscontribution amount ut u 6it' t'e corus (t'e total amount of t'e mutualfund). 7utual 0und inestor is also kno6n as a fund s'are'older or a unit'older.

    ny c'ange in t'e alue of t'e inestments made into caitalmarket instruments (suc' as s'ares% debentures etc) is reflected in t'e

    5et sset 8alue (58) of t'e sc'eme. 58 is defined as t'e market alueof t'e 7utual 0und sc'eme9s assets net of its liabilities. 58 of a sc'emeis calculated by diiding t'e market alue of sc'eme9s assets by t'e totalnumber of units issued to t'e inestors.

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    0or eBamle:

    . ;f t'e market alue of t'e assets of a fund is Rs.!%""% """A+ro6t' 0unds% fund managersasire for maBimum caital areciation and inest in less researc'ed s'ares ofseculatie nature. ro6t' 0unds:+>ro6t' 0unds also inest for caital areciation (6it' time'orizon of e to , years) but t'ey are different from ggressie >ro6t' 0unds int'e sense t'at t'ey inest in comanies t'at are outerform t'e market in t'efuture. Nit'out entirely adoting seculatie strategies% >ro6t' 0unds inest int'ose comanies t'at are eBected to ost aboe aerage earnings in future.

    SPECIALITY FUN678&eciality 0unds 'ae stated criteria for inestments and

    t'eir ortfolio comrises of only t'ose comanies t'at meet t'eir criteria. Criteriafor some secialty funds could be to inestAnot to inest in articularregionAcomanies. &eciality funds are concentrated and t'us% are comaratielyriskier t'an diersified funds. 2'ere are follo6ing tyes of &eciality 0unds:

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    Se0t%" Fu$d#7 + E=uity 0unds t'at inest in a articularsectorAindustry of t'e market are kno6n as &ector 0unds.2'e eBosure of t'ese funds is limited to a articular sector(say ;nformation 2ec'nology% uto%

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    reduce sector+secific risk. Ho6eer% like all ot'er funds diersified e=uity fundstoo are eBosed to e=uity market risk. ?ne rominent tye of diersified e=uityfund in ;ndia is E=uity Linked &aings &c'eme (EL&&). s er t'e mandate% aminimum of -" of inestments by EL&& s'ould be in e=uities at all times. EL&&inestors are eligible to claim deduction from taBable income (u to Rs.! lak') at

    t'e time of filling t'e income taB return. EL&& usually 'as a lock+in eriod and incase of any redemtion by t'e inestor before t'e eBiry of t'e lock+in eriodmakes 'im liable to ay income on suc' income(s) for 6'ic' 'e may 'aereceied any taB eBemtion(s) in t'e ast.

    E=uity ;ndeB 0unds:+E=uity ;ndeB 0unds 'ae t'e ob3ectie to matc' t'eerformance of a secific stock market indeB. 2'e ortfolio of t'ese fundscomrises of t'e comanies t'at form t'e indeB and is constituted in t'e sameroortion as t'e indeB. E=uity indeB funds t'at follo6s broad indices (like & @ C5 5ifty% &enseB) are less risky t'an e=uity indeB funds t'at follo6 narro6

    sectoral indices (like

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    &ale rice:+ &ale rice is t'e rice you ay 6'en you inest in a sc'eme. lsocalled ?ffer rice. ;t may include a sales load.

    Reurc'ase rice:+ Reurc'ase rice is t'e rice at 6'ic' a close+ended

    sc'eme reurc'ases its units and it may include a back+end load. 2'is is alsocalled

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    2'e 7utual 0und is constituted as a trust in accordance 6it' t'e roisions of t'e;ndian 2rust ct% !$$ by t'e &onsor. 2'e trust deed is registered under t'e;ndian Registration ct% !-"$.

    2RG&2EE *

    &&E2 75>E7E52 C?751 (7C):+

    2'e 7C is aointed by t'e 2rustee as t'e ;nestment 7anager of t'e7utual 0und. 2'e 7C is re=uired to be aroed by t'e &ecurities andEBc'ange

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    ?nly &E

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    EL?R2;8E RE&ERCH

    DE&CR;2;8E RE&ERCH

    D;>5?&2;C RE&ERCH

    H1?2HE&;& 2E&2;5> RE&ERCH

    E1&%"!ti=e Re#e!"02

    2o gain familiarity 6it' t'e 'enomenon or to ac'iee an insig't into it.

    6e#0"i1ti=e Re#e!"02

    2o oetry accurately t'e c'aracteristic of t'e articular indiidual situation

    or a grou.

    6i!:$%#ti0 Re#e!"02

    2o determine t'e fre=uency 6it' 6'ic' somet'ing occurs or 6it' 6'ic' it is

    associate 6it' somet'ing else.

    H1%t2e#i# Te#ti$: Re#e!"02'

    2o test a 'yot'esis of casual relations'i bet6een ariables.

    2'e resent ro3ect is Descritie in nature. ;t is done to oetry accurately t'e

    c'aracteristic of a articular indiidual situation or a grou. 2'e ma3or urose is

    descritie researc' is t'e descrition of t'e state of t'e affairs as it eBits at

    resents. 2'e main c'aracteristics of t'is met'od are t'at t'e researc'er 'as no

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    control oer t'e ariablesI 'e can only reort 6'at 'as 'aened or 6'at is


    St!teme$t %/ "e#e!"02 1"%b&em

    researc' roblem% refers to some difficulty 6'ic' a researc'er eBeriences in

    t'e conteBt of eit'er a t'eoretical or ractical situation and 6ants to obtain a

    solution for t'e same.

    Here t'e researc' roblem is mutual funds (secial reference 6it' 5

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    Researc' is a systemic and ob3ectie rocess of gat'ering recording and

    anayzing data for aid of making decision regarding a articular roblem.


    2'e researc' design is a master lan secifying t'e met'ods and roceduresfor collecting and analyzing t'e needed information t'e researc' design of my

    dissertation is


    Descritie researc' includes sureys and facts findings in=uiries of differentkinds.




    target oulation eole of industries

    samle size !"" eole

    samling tec'ni=ue conenience and 3udgmental

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    PRIMARY DATArimary data is gat'ered t'roug' a surey 6it' t'e 'el of=uestionnaire.

    &EC?5DR1 D2 secondary data sources includes

    77?5;5D !4$."" @'*;

    F&&?C;2 !!$.-" @'+

    C%m1!$ P"i0e C2

    L2 !!,."8

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    Rate of interest 4

    E7; ,

    2otal mt. !

    any ?t'er

    2able no. 4.






    ra's no. 4.!

    O00u1!ti%$ %/ t2e 1e%1&e

    businessman 4,


    contracer !$

    any ot'er !,

    2able no.4.

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    A$!i#is a met'od of ealuating future security rices and market directions

    based on statistical analysis of ariables suc' as trading olume% rice c'anges%etc.% to identify atterns

    stock market term + 2'e attemt to look for numerical trends in a random

    function. 2'e #t%0> m!">etused to be filled 6it' te02$i0!& !$!t# deciding

    6'at to buy and sell% until it 6as decided t'at t'eir success rate is no better t'an

    c'ance. 5o6 tec'nical stock analysis is irtually non+eBistent. 2'e Readers

    &ubmitted EBamles age 'as more on t'is toic.

    Research and e)aminationof t'e m!">et !$d #e0u"itie# as it relates to t'eir

    suly and demand in t'e marketlace. 2'e tec'nician uses c'arts and

    comuter rograms to identify and ro3ect rice trends. 2'e !$!i#includes

    studying rice moements and trading olumes to determine atterns suc' as

    Head and &'oulder 0ormations and N 0ormations. ?t'er indicators include

    suort and resistance leels% and moing aerages. ;n contrast to /u$d!me$t!&

    !$!i#% tec'nical analysis does not consider a cororationMs financial data.

    2ec'nical analysts study trading 'istories to identify rice trends in articular

    #t%0># mutu!& /u$d# 0%mm%ditie# %" %1ti%$#in #1e0i/i0 m!">et #e0t%"#or

    in t'e oerall /i$!$0i!& m!">et#. 2'ey use t'eir findings to redict robable%

    often s'ort+term% trading atterns in t'e inestments t'at t'ey study. 2'e seed

    (and adocates 6ould say t'e accuracy) 6it' 6'ic' t'e analysts do t'eir 6ork

    deends on t'e deeloment of increasingly so'isticated comuter rograms.

    Te02$i0!& A$!i#suoses markets 'ae memory.;f so% ast rices% or t'e

    current rice momentum% can gie an idea of t'e future rice eolution.

    Te02$i0!& A$!i#is a tool to detect if a trend (and t'us t'e inestorMs

    be'aior) 6ill ersist or break. ;t gies some results but can be decetie as it

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    relies mostly on gra'ic signals t'at are often intert6ined% unclear or belated. ;t

    mig't become a source of reresentieness 'euristic (sotting atterns 6'ere

    t'ere are none)

    Te02$i0!& !$!i#'as become increasingly oular oer t'e ast seeral

    years% as more and more eole beliee t'at t'e 2i#t%"i0!& 1e"/%"m!$0e %/ !

    #t%0>is a strong indication of future erformance. 2'e use of ast erformance

    s'ould come as no surrise. eole using fundamental analysis 'ae al6ays

    looked at t'e ast erformance of comanies by comaring fiscal data from

    reious =uarters and years to determine future gro6t'. 2'e difference lies in t'e

    te02$i0!& !$!tJ# belief t'at securities moe according to ery redictable

    trends and atterns. 2'ese trends continue until somet'ing 'aens to c'ange

    t'e trend% and until t'is c'ange occurs% rice leels are redictable.

    2'ere are many instances of inestors successfully t"!di$: ! #e0u"itusing

    only t'eir kno6ledge of t'e securityMs c'art% 6it'out een understanding 6'at t'e

    comany does. Ho6eer% alt'oug' te02$i0!& !$!i# i# ! te""i/i0 t%%&% most

    agree it is muc' more effectie 6'en used in 0%mbi$!ti%$ 9it2 /u$d!me$t!&


    Fu$d!me$t!& A$!i#

    Fu$d!me$t!& !$!i#looks at a s'are9s market rice in lig't of t'e comany9s

    underlying business roosition and financial situation. ;t inoles making bot'

    =uantitatie and =ualitatie 3udgements about a comany. 0undamental analysis

    can be contrasted 6it' Mtec'nical analysis9% 6'ic' seeks to make 3udgements

    about t'e erformance of a s'are based solely on its 'istoric rice be'aior and

    6it'out reference to t'e underlying business% t'e sector itMs in% or t'e economy as

    a 6'ole. 2'is is done by tracking and c'arting t'e companies stock price'

    volume of shares traded day to day' both on the company itself and also on

    its competitors. ;n t'is 6ay inestors 'oe to build u a icture of future rice


  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    L!0> %/ K$%9&ed:e !$d N% P&!$

    ;t amazes us t'at some eole eBect to trade t'e stock market successfully6it'out any effort. 1et if t'ey 6ant to take u golf% for eBamle% t'ey 6ill 'aily

    take some lessons or at least read a book before 'eading out onto t'e course.

    2'e stock market is not t'e lace for t'e ill informed. rail of tradingZ

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    Listening to ?t'ers

    N'en traders first start out t'ey often feel like t'ey kno6 not'ing and t'at

    eeryone else 'as t'e ans6ers. &o t'ey listen to all t'e ne6s reorts and so

    called VeBertsV and get totally confused.

    nd t'ey take VtisV from t'eir buddy% 6'o got it from some cab drierJ

    Ne 6ill s'o6 you 'o6 you can get to kno6 eeryt'ing you need to kno6 and so

    neer 'ae to listen to anyone else% eer againZ


    >etting in t'e Nay

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified



    ?nly 2rading 7arket in ?ne Direction

    7ost ne6 traders only learn 'o6 to trade a rising market. nd ery fe6 traders

    kno6 really good strategies for trading in a falling market.

    ;f you donMt learn to trade Vbot'V sides of t'e market% you are drastically limiting

    t'e number of trades you can take. nd t'is limits t'e amount of money you can


    Ne can s'o6 you a simle strategy t'at allo6s you to rofit 6'en stocks fall.



    7ost traders ne6 to trading feel t'ey 'ae to be in t'e market all t'e time to

    make any real money. nd t'ey see trading oortunities 6'en t'eyMre not een

    t'ere (6e9e been t'ere too).

    Ne can s'o6 you simle tec'ni=ues t'at ensure you only Vull t'e triggerV 6'en

    you s'ould. nd 'o6 trading less can actually make you moreZ

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    ,' C%$0&u#i%$

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    fter going t'roug' my 6'ole study ; came to t'e conclusion t'at different

    Comany of ;ndia eit'er riate or ublic bot' roides inestment sc'eme Nit'

    t'e ob3ectie to generate income. 2'ey 'ae many financial sc'emes regarding

    Commercial inestment 2'ere are many eole 6'o are satisfies 6it' t'e

    &c'eme. 2'e rocedure of ;nesting from t'is comany is simle and easy

    and also costumer friendly. ; also come to kno6 t'at many industrialist% traders%

    and ne6 entrereneur 6ere a6are of t'ese sc'emes.

    dantages of 7G2GL 0G5D&:+

    ortfolio Diersification:+7utual 0unds inest in a 6ell+diersified ortfolio of

    securities 6'ic' enables inestor to 'old a diersified inestment ortfolio

    (6'et'er t'e amount of inestment is big or small).

    rofessional 7anagement:+0und manager undergoes t'roug' arious

    researc' 6orks and 'as better inestment management skills 6'ic' ensure

    'ig'er returns to t'e inestor t'at 6'at 'e can manage 'is o6n.

    Le## Ri#>78;nestors ac=uire a diersified ortfolio of securities een 6it' a

    small inestment in a 7utual 0und. 2'e risk in a diersified ortfolio is lesser t'an

    inesting in merely or securities.

    Lo6 2ransaction Costs:+Due to t'e economies of scale (benefits of larger

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    olumes)% mutual funds ay lesser transaction costs. 2'ese benefits are assed

    on to t'e inestors.

    Li=uidity:+ n inestor may not be able to sell some of t'e s'ares 'eld by 'im

    ery easily and =uickly% 6'ereas units of a mutual fund are far more li=uid.

    C'oice of &c'eme:+ 7utual 0unds roide inestors 6it' arious sc'emes

    6it' different inestment ob3ecties. ;nestors 'ae t'e otion of inesting in a

    sc'eme 'aing a correlation bet6een its inestment ob3ecties and t'eir o6n

    financial goals. 2'ese sc'emes furt'er 'ae different lansAotions.

    2ransarency:+ 0unds roide inestors 6it' udated information ertaining

    to t'e markets and t'e sc'emes. ll material facts are disclosed to inestors as

    re=uired by t'e regulator.

    0leBibility:+ ;nestors also benefit from t'e conenience and fleBibility offered

    by 7utual 0unds. ;nestors can s6itc' t'eir 'oldings from a debt sc'eme to an

    e=uity sc'eme and ice+ersa. ?tion of systematic (at regular interals)

    inestment and 6it'dra6al is also offered to t'e inestors in most oen+end


    &afety:+7utual 0und industry is a art of a 6ell+regulated inestment 6'ere t'e

    interests of t'e inestors are rotected by t'e regulator. ll funds are registered

    6it' &E

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    @' Re0%mme$d!ti%$

  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


    &ecurities Comany needs to roide suc' tye of facilities as muc' as

    ossible because t'ese students can be t'e future customers of t'e comany

    for ot'er serices also. s for as branc'es are concern t'ey are not roiding

    muc' attention on romoting t'ese facilities as comare to to management

    of t'e comany so roer stes must be taken for t'at. 8isiting sc'ools and

    colleges for romotion urose is only racticing in Del'i region it s'ould be


    national basis.

    ;n case of any kind o delay in serice roer feed back system s'ould be

    t'ere. 7ore efficient staff s'ould be aointed so t'at t'ey can easilyroides

    all t'e cooeration re=uired by t'e customer.

    Gnnecessary formalities s'ould be remoed and s'ould try to reduced t'e

    large documentation rocess 6'ile sanctioned inesting.

    ;nterior sace s'ould be eBtended so t'at eole 6ill freely moe during rus'

    'our. 5e6s aer and magazines s'ould ket for customers% so t'at t'ey feel

    relaBed until t'eir transactions are oer.

    roer 6ater and toilet s'ould be roided and t'at s'ould be 6ell noticed to

    eerybody. s study reeals t'at securities comany sc'emes are t'e bestas

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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified


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  • 8/12/2019 Share Market basics simplified
