shaping exhibition development around community perspectives

Shapin g Exhibi tion Develo pment Zachary Paul Levine, Curator at Yeshiva University Museum Artists, Curators, and Educators Engaging Communities Around Commun ity Perspe ctives Reaching Deeper –

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Presentation from “Shaping Exhibition Development Around Community Perspectives” paper presented on panel “Reaching Deeper - Artists, Curators, and Educators Engaging Communities” at the 2013 Council of American Jewish Museum’s Conference, New York, New York, February 2013.


Page 1: Shaping Exhibition Development Around Community Perspectives

Shaping Exhibition Development

Zachary Paul Levine, Curator at Yeshiva University Museum

Artists, Curators, and Educators Engaging Communities

Around Community Perspectives Reaching

Deeper –

Page 2: Shaping Exhibition Development Around Community Perspectives

Why the Eruv? (or What the heck is an Eruv and who cares?)

• An eruv is a ritual enclosure for the Sabbath

• Integrate religious and technical creativity

• Eruv history closely tied to Jewish history

• Gaining academic interest

• Artists working around the concept of eruv

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Get Your A-TeamAssembled an Advisory Board of Scholars

• Confounds the most knowledgeable

• Controversial, especially in New York

• Hundreds of thousands of Jews rely on community eruvs

The Panel’s Conclusions:

• Growing interest popularly

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At the Center

These issues are especially important to Orthodox Jews in particular

• Nobody else uses an eruv (no kidding!)

• NOT A LOOPHOLE! Illiteracy around Eruv in Jewish legal tradition

• Recent data on composition of Orthodox Jewish community

• Gender dynamics

• Field of Analysis: NYC

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On a (Kashered) Silver Platter

•Defined the focus: Eruv and Jewish Community in New York

In other Words … here’s your audience:

• Defined the Audience: Several Hundred Thousand Orthodox Jews

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Primary Targeted Communities:

• Eruv Enthusiasts (and builders)

• Jewish Schools• Synagogue Communities

Target: Big Apple Orthodox Jews

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Primary Targeted Communities:

• Eruv Enthusiasts (and builders)

• Jewish Schools• Synagogue Communities

• Cultivate awareness about the exhibition • Enhance the museum’s profile• Acquire a working database of community contacts

Early Outreach Goals

Target: Big Apple Orthodox Jews

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Museum Educators• Know who to call in the schools

• Align exhibition with school needs

•Generate buzz about the exhibition among educators

Putting Out the Call

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Education’s Role

Contact Influential Educators and Rabbis• Consultations

• Program Design and Planning

• Networking

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Contact Influential Educators and Rabbis• Consultations

• Program Design and Planning

• Networking

Interpret Communal Needs

• Identify objects

• Highlight objects

• Identify Essential Lessons

Education’s Role

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Putting Out the Call

• Knows people who make eruvs

• Understand the historical and practical dimensions

•Make Connections

Eruv Scholars (Rabbis, Enthusiasts, Others)

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• What do people know and not know?

• Life before eruvs

• Impact on women, children, and the infirm

Gathering Information

Getting Communal Voices - Survey

• Stories

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• Interviews with eruv creators • Stories about controversies

•Maintaining eruvs

Leaders – Films

• Finding objects

•What do people know and not know?

• Life before eruvs• Impact on women, children, and the infirm

Gathering Information

Getting Communal Voices - Survey

• Stories

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•Discovered stories about eruv history in NYC• Uncovered objects (eruv gates on telephone poles)•Made connections with leaders and their communities

Gathering Information


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•On the eruv in general (using lasers!) • Eruv history in NYC (Thousands of strings)• Eruv present in NYC

The Artists

Art Pieces on the Eruv

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Meeting Expectations?

•Greater relevance for schools

• Better alignment with programs (youth and adult)

• Education brought into interpretative planning

Education Department’s Role – Success

• Initially, attracted students

• Art pieces enhanced didactic quality

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Meeting Expectations?

• Added community voices into the exhibition• Tightened the narrative’s argument from the beginning• Placed the narrative in the NYC area (artifacts and interactive content)

Community Awareness – Success

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Meeting Expectations?

• Community buzz – Did not appear to last• Community ambassadors (synagogues, experts) – Did not advocate• Limited press attention

Unfulfilled Expectations – Limited Press and Few Visitors

• External factors

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Meeting Expectations?

• Hurricane Sandy

• Bus Strike

•Maybe too Jewish?

Caveat – External Factors

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And Beyond…

• Benefits of cooperation between curatorial and education departments

• Value of applying community input to interpretative planning

Lessons Learned

• Challenging to expect participants to act as ambassadors