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Shaktipat: Kundalini Awakening Experience, Kriya: Videos

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This page has links to videos about Kundalini awakening experiences and Pranic movements or called kriyas.

As a Siddha yoga practitioner I can concur with what is happening here to some of these people. There people have experienced a release of Kundalini Shakti and they are spontaneously practicing Yoga kriyas. It is very important to understand that this is a "purification and correction" process that should eventually disappear (possibly after several years of practice). I think of it as Cosmic energy which kicks in as soon as the seeker sits down for meditation.

Often during Kundalini awakening and for several years thereafter the seeker experiences spontaneous movements that can be subtle, mysterious and very uncommon. These motions will resemble spasms and jerks of varying frequency and introduce fear into the mind of seeker who is experiencing this (and especially their loves ones who aren't prepared and knowledgeable enough to understand the reasons behind these movements.) It is expected for people lacking the blessing of Kundalini to take a negative view towards it.

This phenomena is universal and occurs in all times and all the places when Kundalini is awakened. These are called Kriyas or Pranic movements. Kriya is Sanskrit world meaning "action, movements or effort" and Prana is the Sanskrit word for vital energy. Kriyas are spontaneous movements resulting from the awakening of Kundalini as this intense energy moves through the nadis and clears our physiological blocks; This process continues for several years after the Kundalini more at Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening

The frequency and intensity of the Pranic movements or kriyas will vary from person to person. The kriyas will come and go and are not to be feared. Kundalini is never harmful. Any discomfort it may bring will be temporary, and for your own good.

It is very important to understand that the Kundalini is the reflection universal cosmic energy that has ability of creation itself. Kundalini is an incredibly powerful store of psychic energy and it can be called as energetic intelligence or cosmic consciousness. Kundalini knows what is required to be done to you better than you know it. (this is the reason why Kundalini Yoga is much advanced and simpler than the Hata yoga) more at Kundalini FAQ

Kriyas are the effort by kundalini to clenze seekers system (physical as well as spiritual). Therefore, while most of the seekers will have kriyas to some extent, it is not necessary that everyone will have the kriyas. All depends on the spiritual level of an individual, their past karma and the consistency of efforts. Some seekers may NOT have any Kriyas but their progress will still continue, same as those who have kriyas.

Here are some of the Videos that show the Kriyas in action. DO NOT feel surprised after watching these clips. These are very natural processes and you shall notice they are so different in case of each individual.

I have practiced Siddha Yoga (or Kundalini Yoga) for over 25 years and I have experienced some of these during my meditation and I still continue to do so.

Youtube video links

Please Note: I do not know any of the Shaktipat Gurus (masters) in the videos below nor do I recommend any one of them. All the links provided below are purely for informational purpose.

Disciple is given Shaktipat through breath by a Siddha Guru

Dans initiation: Movements after awakening of Kundalini

Shaktipat Deeksha by a Siddha Guru

Deep Meditation after the Shaktipat Deeksha and awakening of Kundalini

Spontaneous Kriyas of Kundalini movements and flow

Mass Shaktipat Deeksha