shakespearean character study- juliet capulet

Liam Murtha 10RO Juliet Capulet Research Presentation WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S ROMEO AND JULIET

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This is our year 10 research assignment for english at Napier Boys' High School


Page 1: Shakespearean Character Study- Juliet Capulet

Liam Murtha 10RO

Juliet Capulet

Research Presentation


Page 2: Shakespearean Character Study- Juliet Capulet

Phase 1

Page 3: Shakespearean Character Study- Juliet Capulet

Juliet Capulet is the daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet from the Capulet family.

Juliet is one of the main protagonists from the Capulet family, and along with Romeo Montague the main protagonist.

In the play Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare's most dramatic tragedies with the two main characters Romeo and Juliet both killing themselves, and Romeos best friend Mercutio being killed by Tybalt Juliet's cousin, who was eventually killed by Romeo.

The play is set in a 15th century renaissance period in Verona Italy.

Basic Information

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The Capulet's and Montague's fight, and the prince Tybalt separates them. Paris asks to marry Juliet, and Romeo complains about Rosaline. There is a party, and that’s where Romeo and Juliet meet. They talk on the balcony, proclaiming their love for each other. Their plans to marry, and follow through with it the next afternoon. Mercutio and Tybalt both die in battle. Romeo is exiled, and Juliet is to marry Paris. She gets a potion, pretends to be dead, Romeo found her and kills himself. Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead and she kills herself with Romeos dagger.

Plot Synopsis

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o Juliet has an external conflict of her fate with Romeo which is ended when Juliet is on what was her tomb bed with Romeo dead next to her and she kills herself.

o She has an Internal conflict at the end with the decision she has to make when she kills herself, it is resolved by her making the choice to be with her love Romeo and kills herself.

o She has another External conflict Person Vs. Person, when she fights with her parents about when she was to marry Paris.

Conflicts in Romeo and Juliet

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The main source of conflict is the one of the Montague and Capulet families and their hatred for each other. It involves Juliet for she is a Capulet and her love Romeo for he is a Montague.

Main Conflict

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Romeo and Juliet Beginning

EXPOSITION- Paris pleads with the Capulet family to marry Juliet, with Juliet’s mother come to tell Juliet about Paris and how lovely he is.THE EXCITING FORCE- Romeo first spotting Juliet at the masked party and he immediately falls in love with her and Romeo touches her hand and they are both in love.

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Romeo and Juliet Middle

CONFLICT- Juliet finds out who Romeo is from the nurse and finds out that her love is a “loathed enemy,” in the Montague family.TURNING POINT-Romeo hides beneath Juliet's balcony and Juliet quotes “Oh Romeo! Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo. Romeo interrupts her by saying he loves her.CATOSTROPHE- Juliet takes a potion and pretends to be dead, Romeo arrives at her tomb and finds her dead.

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Romeo and Juliet End

RESOLUTION- Romeo takes a cup of poison, drinks it and dies kissing Juliet.UNTANGLING-Juliet awakes and finds Romeo dead with the cup of poison would kill herself aswel. Friar Laurence pleads with her to come out, but instead she kills herself with Romeos dagger.

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Dramati c ReliefThe Capulet's and Montague's find out the story. The two families make up and the Prince ends the play with the quote,” For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her love Romeo.

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Phase 2

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Juliet at the StartThe relationship between Juliet and her Nurse is extremely strong and this is show throughout the play. They have been close ever since Juliet was born as the nurse has almost overtaken Lady Capulet's job as the mother of Juliet. It is obviously shown that their relationship is strong because the nurse is the only one who Juliet tells about Romeo and their secret marriage. Juliet is comfortable with and around the nurse and at ease when talking to her, this would mean if Juliet had any queries she would go to the nurse for advice and help. Juliet’s respect for the nurse had disappeared in Act 3 Scene 5, when Lord and Lady Capulet was forcing Juliet to marry Paris and she went to the nurse and she simply told her “I think it best you married with the county. O, he’s a lovely gentleman. Romeo’s a dish clout to him.” Juliet did not want to hear that and from that point on in the play, Juliet and the nurse’s strong bond was gone.

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Juliet at the Start Juliet respects her mother and wants to live up to her

expectations, but finds she must rebel in order to keep the sanctity of her secret marriage with Romeo. Juliet behaves in a way that proves she is deeply in love with Romeo not only when she's around Romeo but also when she's with the nurse.

Juliet is motivated by love at first sight with Romeo, and even when she found out that he is a Montague. With a quote, ”My only love is that of my only enemy.” She is mainly motivated by the nurse who is also her best friend and mainly her mother seeming she nursed Juliet when she was a baby.

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Juliet is influence by her parents in them forcing her to marry Paris. She influences Romeo in love at first sight, and she is influenced by him in the same way.She is deeply affected by the death of her cousin

Tybalt who was killed by Romeo, she is also the main driving force behind the conflict between Romeo and Tybalt, then she is also the victim of losing her cousin.

Juliet throughout the play

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By the end Juliet has matured in many ways and both learnt and gained knowledge that the Capulet and

Montague families can be together and get along. But she had lost both her lovers life in Romeo and her

own life.

Juliet by the End

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Beginning- “My love is that of my only enemy,” Juliet. When she was motivated by Romeos love.

Middle- “Oh Romeo! Romeo where fore art thou Romeo, deny thy father and refuse thy name and fore I will no longer be a Capulet,” Juliet. When Juliet was

influenced by Romeos love.

Quotes involving Juliet

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Websites of the play.– Juliet conflicts.– Juliet quotes on resolving conflicts. Romeo and Juliet structure Beginning,

Middle, End.– Dramatic Relief.

Books Shakespeare the animated tales Romeo and Juliet by Leon Garfield –

Juliet quotes. Romeo and Juliet by Andy Greenhill– Juliet at the start. Shakespeare for everyone Romeo and Juliet – Main conflict in the play. Shakespeare graphic novels Romeo and Juliet – Romeo and Juliet

structure Beginning, Middle, End.