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  • 8/8/2019 Shah Sir001


    1. Problem Definition:

    The IMC tools used by the banks in Bangladesh are conventional. Bangladesh has several

    banks. They are popular in their position. But for their competition all banks are not using

    IMC tools properly. Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It ensures

    that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together. At its most

    basic level, Integrated Marketing Communications means integrating all the promotional

    tools, so that they work together in harmony. Promotion is one of the Ps in the marketing

    mix. A promotion has its own mix of communications tools. All of these communications

    tools work better if they work together in harmony rather than in isolation. Their sum is

    greater than their parts - providing they speak consistently with one voice all the time, every

    time. For banking industry IMC tools are really an effective weapon.

    In this project report we have to identify the Integrated Marketing communication (IMC)

    tools used in banking industry of Bangladesh and evaluate them. Defining the problem allow

    us to obtain all the information needed.

    2. Approach to the Problem:

    As an approach to the problem, we select the major seven IMC used in almost all the

    industries. Further more we develop a questionnaire to find the use of IMC tools in the

    banking industries. In the next section of the report we will find how the information from the

    questionnaire help us to identify and investigates the IMC tools used in the public and private

    bank in Bangladesh and therefore evaluate them.

    The IMC tools are-

    i) Advertisement

    ii) Sales Promotion

    iii) Personal Selling

    iv) Public Relation

    v) Events and Sponsorship

    vi) Direct Marketing

    vii) Online and Interactive media

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    These are the IMC tools, how these tools are used at the bank industry in Bangladesh will be

    evaluated by this research report.

    o This report is designed to identify the IMC tools used at banking industry in

    Bangladesh.o This report will also discussed about some advantage or effectiveness of use IMC

    tools in banking industry.

    3. Research Design:

    Research design is a framework for conducting the marketing research project. It specifies the

    details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or

    solves marketing research problem.

    Qualitative research is a method of inquiry appropriated in many different academic

    disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further

    contexts. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior

    and the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and

    how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are

    more often needed, rather than large samples.

    This research paper is mainly based on qualitative research. Because, in the context of

    Bangladesh, quantitative research is almost impossible as very small portion of the whole

    population is familiar with in depth marketing concept. Moreover quantitative data is not that

    much available.

    In this research report, both primary and secondary data are used. Primary data are obtained

    through survey questionnaire including open ended questions and questions based on 9 point

    likert scale. Secondary data has been collected from different journals, articles and internet


    Questionnaires are an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of

    respondents and only feasible way to reach a number of reviewers to allow statistically

    analysis of the results. A well-designed questionnaire that is used effectively can gather

    information on both the overall performance of the test system as well as information on

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    specific components of the system. It must translate the information needed into a set of

    specific questions that can be answered by the respondents.

    In preparing our questionnaire we have tried to follow the standards for preparing

    questionnaire. In our questionnaire we have included some space for demographic questions

    such as occupation, gender and age as well as name of the respondents. Then we have

    included all the questions based on 7 IMC tools. Standing on these tools we have developed

    our research report. Here Likert scale has been used in generating the responses from the


    4. Data Analysis:

    In this research, for data collection sample size of 120 respondents has been selected where

    the respondents are subdivided into 5 groups- students, service holders, homemaker,

    businessmen and others which include some other professions.

    Frequency PercentSTUDENT 63 54.78SERVICE 34 29.57BUSINESS 14 12.17HOMEMAKER 3 2.61OTHERS 1 0.87Total 115 100.00

    4.1: Respondents

    For conducting this research we divided the respondents educational qualification into 5

    groups- Undergraduate/Bachelors, Graduate (MBA/MS), post graduate (M.Phil, PHD), HSC,


    Frequency Percent


    GRADUATE(MBA/MS) 47 40.87

    POSTGRADUATE(M.PHIL,PHD) 11 9.57HSC 8 6.96SSC 1 0.87Total 115 100.00

    4.2: Education of the respondents

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    Respondents are divided into two customer type- general or personal and corporate or


    Frequency PercentGENERAL/PERSONAL 86 74.78CORPORATE/BUSINESS 29 25.22Total 115 100.00

    4.3: Customer Type

    In this research report we used SPSS 16 for analysis the data which we got from the survey.

    By this software we analysis the data and cross tables, descriptive analysis and frequency has

    been measured.

    5. Results and Findings [Analysis]

    In banking industry, the tools used to promote the banking activities are already mentioned inearlier sections. Whether or not all these tools are effective will be discussed in this section.

    What more actions can be incorporated will be recommended further.

    5.1 Top of Mind Recall

    When the respondents were asked about which bank they can recall whenever they think about banks, the name of DBBL was recalled in the majority. Table 5.1 shows that out of 115

    respondents 25 could recall DBBL at their top of mind recall. Standard Chartered Bank and

    HSBC were ranked as 2 nd and 3 rd respectively.

    Name of Bank f % Order DBBL 25 21.74 1STANDARD CHARTERED 19 16.52 2HSBC 12 10.43 3SONALI 9 7.83 4

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    Table 5.2 shows that TV advertisement and reference from friends tops the list with more

    than 20% response each. Apart from these two, billboard advertisement and reference from

    professional links remains at the 2 nd position, possessing more than 15% response each,

    simultaneously. Again, Newspaper advertisement and reference from family members take

    the 3 rd position, with almost 10% response each, together.

    5.3 Reach and usage of IMC tools

    Not all banks use the same marketing promotional tools. Even there are some banks that do

    not use any sort of promotional program, for example, Sonali Bank. Whether or not the tools

    the banks use are effective is the main focus of this report. Following are the discussions on

    the effectiveness of each of the tools and the position of the banks in each respect.

    5.3.1 Television Advertisement

    Television ad has the highest frequency through which people came to know about banks.

    Table 5.3 shows that almost 90% respondents have seen advertisements of various banks intelevision.

    Frequency Percent

    YES 102 88.70NO 13 11.30Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.3: Reach of TV ad

    Almost all the private banks use television to telecast their ads. Table 5.4 shows that DBBL

    ranks the list with 33 views out of 102 total views, almost one-third of the total respondents.

    Prime bank and UCB are in 2 nd and 3 rd position respectively.

    Name of Banks Frequency Percent Order DBBL 33 32.35 1PRIME 10 9.80 2UCB 9 8.82 3CITY 8 7.84 4HSBC 6 5.88 5AB 5 4.90 6

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    BRAC 5 4.90 6NCC 4 3.92 7ISLAMIC BANK 4 3.92 7

    OTHERS 4 3.92 7EBL 3 2.94 8STANDARD CHARTERED 2 1.96 9MERCANTILE 2 1.96 9JAMUNA 2 1.96 9MUTUAL TRUST 2 1.96 9ONE 1 0.98 10TRUST 1 0.98 10DHAKA 1 0.98 10Total 102 100.00

    Table 5.4: Banks with TV ad views

    5.3.2 Online Advertisement

    The majority of the people of Bangladesh are still far from the touch of internet. This is why

    banks rarely put their advertisements in the websites. Even if banks do, people hardly

    recognize the ads as they do not have access to the internet. The following table represents

    the scenario of whether the respondents have seen any ad of banks online. Table 5.5 shows a

    50-50 consequence between those who have seen the ad online and those who do not.

    Frequency PercentYES 57 49.57NO 58 50.43Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.5: Reach Through Online Advertisement

    Out of those who have seen the ads of banks online, almost 30% of them stated the name of

    Standard Chartered Bank that tops the list, followed by DBBL and HSBC.

    Frequency Percent Order STANDARD CHARTERED 16 28.07 1DBBL 11 19.30 2HSBC 6 10.53 3BRAC 4 7.02 4ISLAMIC BANK 4 7.02 4ONE 3 5.26 5PRIME 2 3.51 6BANK ASIA 2 3.51 6DHAKA 2 3.51 6

    OTHERS 2 3.51 6UCB 1 1.75 7

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    NCC 1 1.75 7AB 1 1.75 7MERCANTILE 1 1.75 7PRIMIER 1 1.75 7Total 57 100.00

    Table 5.6: Banks with Online Ad views

    The websites from which the respondents view the ads include the recruitment sites, search

    engines, and personal e-mails from banks mainly. Table 5.7 shows that almost 50% people

    viewed the advertisement in, the largest recruitment site. Search engine and personal e-mails took the 3 rd position with almost 15% views.

    Frequency Percent Order BDJOBS.COM 27 48.21 1OTHERS 9 16.07 2YAHOO 8 14.29 3THROUGH OWN MAIL 8 14.29 3FACEBOOK 4 7.14 4Total 56 100.00

    Table 5.7: Views with Websites

    5.3.3 Direct Selling

    The concept of direct selling in banking industry is not emerged yet fully. It includes merely

    the telemarketing, selling credit cards through telephone call. As this promotional program is

    completely personalized, not all customers are brought into this. Following table shows the

    same scenario.

    Frequency PercentYES 43 37.39

    NO 72 62.61Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.8: Reach Through Direct Selling

    Table 5.8 shows that only 43 out of 115 received such telephone calls. The calls include

    credit card selling, new loan scheme, special offers for short-term financing, etc. This sort of

    practice is being conducted only in private banks.

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    Frequency Percent Order DBBL 13 30.23 1STANDARD CHARTERED 9 20.93 2BRAC 5 11.63 3HSBC 3 6.98 4OTHERS 3 6.98 4CITY 2 4.65 5ONE 2 4.65 5ISLAMIC BANK 2 4.65 5PRIME 1 2.33 6FIRST SECURITY BANK 1 2.33 6SHAHJALAL 1 2.33 6DHAKA 1 2.33 6Total 43 100.00

    Table 5.9: Banks with Heavy Direct Selling

    Table 5.9 puts DBBL at the top most position with more than 30% of total direct selling

    frequency. Standard Chartered bank though started the journey of direct selling, stays at the

    2nd position. Brac bank, ranked as 3 rd, has almost half of direct selling effort than that of

    Standard Chartered bank does.

    5.3.4 Personal Selling

    Personal selling effort is mainly undertaken for corporate dealings. Business to business

    transaction requires huge amount of personal selling. The study has taken into account both

    the general/personal and the corporate bank account holders. The following table 5.10 shows

    only 35 percent respondents who have faced salespersons of various banks.

    Frequency PercentYES 40 34.78NO 75 65.22Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.10: Reach Through Personal Selling

    Out of those who are visited with salesperson, Brac Bank tops the list for the first time with

    22% responses. Standard Chartered, though being the initiator, is at 2 nd position again. City

    bank and DBBL share the 3 rd position with 15% responses.

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    Frequency Percent Order BRAC 9 22.50 1STANDARD CHARTERED 7 17.50 2CITY 6 15.00 3DBBL 6 15.00 3OTHERS 3 7.50 4ISLAMIC BANK 2 5.00 5HSBC 1 2.50 6NCC 1 2.50 6EBL 1 2.50 6AB 1 2.50 6SHAHJALAL 1 2.50 6MUTUAL TRUST 1 2.50 6EXIM 1 2.50 6Total 40 100.00

    Table 5.11: Banks with extreme Personal Selling

    5.3.5 Outdoor Advertisement

    From table 5.2, it can be inferred that outdoor advertisement is ranked at 2 nd order as highest

    reach to the target customers. This sort of advertisement mainly includes billboards, banners,

    posters, etc.

    Frequency PercentYES 104 90.43

    NO 11 9.57Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.12: Reach Through Outdoor Advertisement

    Almost every bank uses this media to promote itself. Table 5.13 shows that DBBL ranked the

    list in placing outdoor advertisements. Almost one-fifth respondents who were exposed to

    outdoor ads could respond the name of DBBL. Other than this, AB bank and City bank took

    the consecutive position, 2 nd and 3 rd respectively, with only one difference.

    Frequency Percent Order DBBL 19 18.27 1AB 12 11.54 2CITY 11 10.58 3STANDARD CHARTERED 10 9.62 4

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    BRAC 10 9.62 4HSBC 7 6.73 5EBL 6 5.77 6PRIME 6 5.77 6DHAKA 4 3.85 7UCB 3 2.88 8NCC 3 2.88 8ONE 3 2.88 8TRUST 3 2.88 8OTHERS 3 2.88 8MUTUAL TRUST 2 1.92 9PRIMIER 1 0.96 10PUBALI 1 0.96 10Total 104 100.00

    Table 5.13: Banks with Heavy Outdoor Ads

    Standard Chartered bank and Brac bank, jointly ranked at 4, have only one frequency

    difference with the City bank. Apart from this, other banks are placing ads outdoor but the

    intensity of placing outdoor ads is infrequent among those.

    5.3.6 Radio Ad

    It is a rare case for banks to place ads on radio. Banks that place ad on radio usually sponsor

    the news or any other program broadcasted through radio. The reason behind not using such

    media is fewer reach. Table 5.14 shows that, only 30% respondents came to know about

    banks through radio.

    Frequency PercentYES 36 31.30NO 79 68.70Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.14: Reach Through Radio Ad

    Though infrequently, many banks place ad on radio. In this case, Mercantile Bank ranks the

    list [shown in table 5.15] with 25% of total reach. DBBL and Brac Bank are 2 nd and 3 rd

    respectively with almost half frequency of that of Mercantile has.

    Frequency Percent Order

    MERCANTILE 9 25.71 1DBBL 5 14.29 2

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    BRAC 4 11.43 3UCB 2 5.71 4CITY 2 5.71 4PRIME 2 5.71 4JAMUNA 2 5.71 4MUTUAL TRUST 2 5.71 4OTHERS 2 5.71 4AB 1 2.86 5EBL 1 2.86 5ONE 1 2.86 5ISLAMIC BANK 1 2.86 5SONALI 1 2.86 5Total 35 100.00

    Table 5.15: Banks with Radio Ads

    5.3.7 Newspaper Ad

    One of the most important media to place ad is the newspaper ad. It has gained the 3 rd

    position as the most effective media list [Table 5.2]. The notion behind placing too much ad

    on newspaper is that it has higher reach than that of many other media. More than 90%

    respondents answered positively about the exposure of ads through newspaper as shown in

    the Table 5.16.

    Frequency PercentYES 105 91.30NO 10 8.70Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.16: Reach Through Newspaper Ad

    Almost all of the banks place ad on newspapers. Table 5.17 shows the frequency of banksthat uses newspaper media to place ads on. DBBL is at the top of the list again with almost

    25% of total responses. Far behind it, HSBC, City bank, and Brac bank are at the 2 nd position

    simultaneously with almost 10% of total responses. Standard Chartered bank falls short of

    only 1 response and stays at position 3. Prime bank is competing at the 4 th position with only

    one frequency less than Standard Chartered Bank.

    Frequency Percent Order DBBL 26 24.76 1

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    HSBC 10 9.52 2CITY 10 9.52 2BRAC 10 9.52 2STANDARD CHARTERED 9 8.57 3PRIME 8 7.62 4EBL 5 4.76 5ISLAMIC BANK 4 3.81 6SONALI 3 2.86 7BANK ASIA 3 2.86 7NCC 2 1.90 8FIRST SECURITY BANK 2 1.90 8MUTUAL TRUST 2 1.90 8DHAKA 2 1.90 8OTHERS 2 1.90 8UCB 1 0.95 9AB 1 0.95 9MERCANTILE 1 0.95 9

    ONE 1 0.95 9JAMUNA 1 0.95 9IFIC 1 0.95 9PUBALI 1 0.95 9Total 105 100.00

    Table 5.17: Banks with Newspaper Ads

    5 .3.8 Public Relation and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Recently, in last few years, a huge concentration goes to public relations and corporate social

    responsibility. The central bank, Bangladesh Bank, has imposed a regulation to spend a

    certain percentage of total transaction yearly on CSR activities. Almost 80% of the

    respondents have seen the banks participating in CSR activities [Table 5.18].

    Frequency PercentYES 91 79.13NO 24 20.87Total 115 100.00

    Table 5.18: Reach Through Public Relation and CSR

    The CSR activities include scholarship program, beautification initiatives, anti-crime

    publicity, tree-plantation, etc. Considering these activities, DBBL again topped the list in the

    table 5.19. Out of total respondents, almost 50% could recall the name of DBBL participating

    in such activities.

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    Frequency Percent Order DBBL 43 47.25 1BRAC 10 10.99 2CITY 9 9.89 3ISLAMIC BANK 6 6.59 4PRIME 4 4.40 5BANK ASIA 4 4.40 5DHAKA 4 4.40 5STANDARD CHARTERED 3 3.30 6HSBC 3 3.30 6AB 2 2.20 7NCC 1 1.10 8ONE 1 1.10 8UTTARA 1 1.10 8Total 91 100.00

    Table 5.19: Banks with CSR Activities

    Brac Bank, with 10% of total response, remains 2 nd in the list. One thing is to ascertain that

    the response for DBBL is four times as many as that of Brac Bank. City bank is at third

    position with a little difference with Brac bank.

    5.4 Effectiveness of IMC Tools

    The IMC tools used by the banks in Bangladesh are conventional. Whether or these are

    effective in terms of reaching customers, fulfilling targets, and maximizing profits requires

    the agreement of the respondents on several issues of each of the tools [see Appendix].

    Following are discussions on their effectiveness given below:

    1. The advertisements placed on televisions have a higher reach and frequency. The

    respondents showed somewhat agreement on whether the ads were attractive. Many

    respondents, with low score or disagreements, suggested preparing the ads more

    informative along with ensuring attractiveness. Most of the viewers seek more

    information from other sources after watching the ad on TV.

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    2. In case of online advertisements, the respondents also showed somewhat favorable

    agreement that the ads were both attractive and inducing to collect more information.

    The message is again to make the ads as informative as possible.

    3. Though some respondents showed their reluctance and boredom in receiving calls

    from banks, direct selling helps them to be informed about new services. The fact that

    respondents need not have to spend any time and money looking for that information

    also received somewhat agreement.

    4. It is mentioned earlier that salespersons are used mainly in business to business

    dealings or in corporate transactions. This personal selling effort is helpful in getting

    financial information has been agreed by most of the respondents. Though some of

    them feel irritated with excess intervention of salespersons, they also somewhat agree

    that the salespersons help to take best decisions.

    5. The outdoor advertisements have got much agreement regarding effectiveness. The

    ads were attractive enough to grab attention. Even many respondents were provoked

    to collect more information about the banks. The respondents suggested that it would

    be better to provide, even it is possible as well, sufficient information on outdoor ads.

    Thus the current situation needs to be revised.

    6. Those, who were exposed to radio ad, few in number, told that the ad was clear and

    was attractive to grab the attention. Due to the massive listeners of FM radio, the

    respondents came to know about these ads.

    7. The fact, Newspapers ads were clear, was agreed by the majority of the respondents.

    Even they can get detailed information on the newspapers. The ads were catchy as

    well. Thus, the newspaper can be termed as mostly effective media and printed

    advertisement tool for banks to gain more attention.

    8. Whether or not the social activities undertaken by the banks are necessary is a major

    issue to evaluate the effectiveness. Though the banks launch such programs to abide

    by the regulation, they try to utilize these programs to build favorable image. It has

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    been somewhat agreed that the banks with social activities receive better image than

    that of those that do not take such actions.

    6. Limitations:

    Though every step is conducted very carefully, the report is not free from flaws. The

    limitations of the study will encourage others for further study in order to overcome those.

    Following are the limitations of this study:

    1. As the numbers of customer are not aware of IMC tools and this is very small in

    Bangladesh, the objective of finding influencing factors may not be achieved


    2. The report is prepared focusing 120 respondents. The number of sample is not so

    enough to represent the prospective total target population.

    3. Most of the target customers are not affiliate with these activities of bank.

    4. Banks of Bangladesh are not using all the IMC tools properly. They mainly focused

    on advertisement.

    5. Some banks are doing social activities but those are not sufficient. Though they are

    doing their business with profitability.

    7. Recommendation & Conclusion:


    Banking Industry is the one of the major industry for the development of a countries

    economy. In the country like Bangladesh, the use of IMC tools is not very huge. The

    banks operating in the country are doing their job without using very or no use of the

    IMC tools. It seems that the IMC tools have a very little impact on the familiarity of the banks.

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    Table: Effectiveness of IMC tools

    N Min Max MeanThe TV ad was attractive 103 1 9 5.58

    The ad induced me to collect more info 103 1 9 5.33

    The ONLINE ad was attractive 58 1 9 5.34

    The ad induced me to collect more info 58 1 9 5.67

    The phone calls from banks help me to be informed about their services 49 1 9 5.80

    Their intense interaction irritates me 49 1 9 4.94

    It feels good to get information through phone calls without spending muchtime & money

    49 1 9 5.61

    The salesmen provided you useful financial information 40 1 9 6.20

    You get irritated by their frequent interaction 40 1 9 4.63

    The salesmen helped you to take the best banking decision[s] 40 1 9 5.63

    The billboard ad was attractive enough to catch my attention 104 1 9 6.38

    The ad provoked me to collect more information about the bank[s] 104 1 9 5.74

    The radio ad was attractive enough to grab my attention 37 1 9 5.57

    The message of the ad was clear 37 1 9 5.78

    The newspaper ad was catchy 104 2 9 5.78

    The message of the ad was clear 104 1 9 6.29

    better image in my mind than other banks 94 1 9 5.87

    impact on society indeed 94 1 9 6.46

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