shadow mapping chun-fa chang national taiwan normal university

Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

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Page 1: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Shadow MappingChun-Fa Chang

National Taiwan Normal University

Page 2: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Advanced Texture Mapping Using multiple textures Multi-Pass textures

1st Pass: render the scenes as usual Create textures from the output images 2nd Pass: render the scenes again using the created


Page 3: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Using Textures in GLSL Shader sampler2D data type in GLSL Binding to the C/C++ program through glGetUniformLocation()

See the myTexture variable in Lab 7 in both the fragment shader and, the C code setShaders().

Page 4: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Shadow Map Using two textures: color and depth Relatively straightforward design using pixel

(fragment) shaders on GPUs.

Page 5: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Image Source: Cass Everitt et al., “Hardware Shadow Mapping” NVIDIA SDK White Paper

Eye’s View Light’s View Depth/Shadow Map

Page 6: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Basic Steps of Shadow Maps1. Render the scene from the light’s point of


2. Use the light’s depth buffer as a texture (shadow map),

3. Projectively texture the shadow map onto the scene, Use “TexGen” or shader

4. Use “texture color” (comparison result) in fragment shading.

Page 7: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

What’re in the Example Code? A C++ class for storing matrix state:

class OpenGL_Matrix_State {void Save_Matrix_State();void Restore_Matrix_State();void Set_Texture_Matrix();


A proxy rectangle for debug

Page 8: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

(1) Rendering from Light’s View Set the camera to the light position. Viewport set to the same size as the texture. To avoid the floating point precision problem

(casting its own shadow to a surface) , depth must be shifted: glPolygonOffset(..., ...); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);

Shading could be turned off We only care about the depth!

Page 9: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

(2) Creation of Shadow Map (Texture) Draw the objects (from light’s view) To create a depth texture, use:

glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);

Then use glCopyTexSubImage2D() to copy the frame buffer to the depth texture.

Page 10: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

(3) Generation of Texture Coordinates When we render the scene again from the

normal camera view: We store the light’s view to the texture matrix. The texture matrix is then passed to the GLSL

shaders. gl_TextureMatrix[0] * vertex gives us the

homogeneous coordinates in light space Divide by w to obtain the texture coordinates. Watch out! Must shift from [-1, 1] to [0,1]

Page 11: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Normalized Coordinates Independent of the screen resolution or window size. Clip coordinates: after Model-View and Projection

transformation. Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC): after division by w.

Page 12: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

(4) Depth Comparison in Fragment Shader

Compare two depths: Depth read from the shadow map Depth by transformation to the light space

In the shadow if ____?_(your exercise)____ Set a darker color for shadowed surfaces

Page 13: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

More GPU Programming and GPGPU

Chun-Fa Chang

National Taiwan Normal University

Page 14: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Calculator vs. Computer What is the difference between

a calculator and a computer? Doesn’t a compute-r just

“compute”? The Casio fx3600p calculated

can be programmed (38 steps allowed).

Page 15: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Turing Machine Can be adapted to simulates the logic of any

computer that could possibly be constructed. von Neumann architecture implements a

universal Turing machine. Look them up at Wikipedia!

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Page 17: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Simplified View

The Data Flow:3D Polygons (+Colors, Lights, Normals, Texture

Coordinates…etc.) 2D Polygons 2D Pixels (I.e., Output Images)

Transform(& Lighting)


Page 18: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Global Effects

translucent surface


multiple reflection

Page 19: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Local vs. Global

Page 20: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

How Does GPU Draw This?

Page 21: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University


Q1: A straightforward GPU pipeline give us local illumination only. Why?

Q2: What typical effects are missing?

Hint: How is an object drawn? Do they consider the relationship with other objects?

Shadow, reflection, and refraction…

Page 22: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Wait but I’ve seen shadow and reflection in games before…

With Shadows Without Shadows

Page 23: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Faked Global Illumination Shadow, Reflection, BRDF…etc. In theory, real global illumination is not

possible in current graphics pipeline: Conceptually a loop of individual polygons. No interaction between polygons.

Can this be changed by multi-pass rendering?

Page 24: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Case Study: Shadow Map Using two textures: color and depth Relatively straightforward design using pixel

(fragment) shaders on GPUs.

Page 25: Shadow Mapping Chun-Fa Chang National Taiwan Normal University

Adding “Memory” to the GPU Computation Modern GPUs allow:

The usage of multiple textures. Rendering algorithms that use multiple passes.

Transform(& Lighting)

