shackle and lash - rules for slavery

The Shackle and The Lash

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A RPG d20 supplement on indentured service.


Page 1: Shackle and Lash - Rules for Slavery

The Shackle


The Lash

Page 2: Shackle and Lash - Rules for Slavery

A netbook dedicated to the imprisoned and

enslaved and others of indentured servitude.

The Meaning of this Netbook

This netbook is not about the view and beliefs of the author. It is

understood that roleplaying is an imaginary outlet and hobby that is enjoyed by

millions of people. The topic of slavery may be taboo, but in the roleplaying

world it is a very real ideal. The references herein also do not mean to make

light of slaveries of the past, present, or future as it is a very serious issue.

Slavery Defined

(based on a excerpt taken from, 2010.)

Slavery is best explained as when one person is the property of another

person. Slaves are not allowed many if any freedoms and can almost never

choose to do things for themselves or their wellbeing. All of this is forced upon

the ‘slave’ without any form of compensation.

Evidence of slavery predates written records, and has existed to varying

extents, forms and periods in almost all cultures and continents. In some

societies, slavery exists as a legal institution or socio-economic system, but it is

formally outlawed in just as many nations. Nevertheless, the practice continues

in various forms around the world.

Sages have attempted to model which circumstances slavery (and milder

variants such as serfdom) appear and disappear. One observation is that slavery

becomes more desirable for land owners when land is abundant but labour is

not, so paid workers can demand high wages. If labour is abundant but land is

scarce, then it becomes more costly for the land owners to have guards for the

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slaves than to employ paid workers who can only demand low wages due to the


Another observation is slavery is more common when the labour done is

relatively simple and thus easy to supervise, such as large scale growing of a

single crop. It is much more difficult and costly to check that slaves are doing

their best and with good quality when they are doing complex tasks. Therefore,

slavery was seen as the most efficient method of production for large scale crops

like sugar and cotton, whose output was based on economies of scale. This

enabled a gang system of labor to be prominent on large plots where field hands

were monitored and worked with factory-like precision. Each work gang was

based on an internal division of labor that not only assigned every member of

the gang to a precise task but simultaneously made his or her performance

dependent on the actions of the others.

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How to Become a Slave

Slavery depends on a system of social stratification. Slavery also requires

economic surpluses and a high population density to be viable. Due to these

factors, the practice of slavery would have only proliferated after the invention of


Such institutions were a mixture of debt-slavery, punishment for crime,

imprisonment due to religious views, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child

abandonment, and born into slavery.

Any of the ways above can lead the adventurer into life as a slave.

Although, the list provided is in no way complete.

Submission and Mastery

Submission and Mastery are at the same moments related to slavery and

not related to slavery. To say, some of the greatest Slave Masters were once

among the ranks of slavery themselves, would be an outright lie. However, to

say a truly great master was created from the mold of a submissive is probably

true to the fact that the understanding of the physical and mental limitations of a

soul is more ingrained in a person who had gone through the trials.

However, it is not an easy task becoming a master in a slave environment.

Slaves who are in an established system tend to remain orderly and lawful,

except in times of unjust.

To Revolt or Not?

This is a view usually exhibited in direct relation to the treatment of the

slaves who contemplating revolt.

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Archetypes of the Indentured

Classes already produced with relation to the guidance in this publication

can be found in DnD Wikia. Those are listed, but not limited to; Slave Driver and

Farmer (serf).

This chapter reveals three new core classes to use when play is related to

indenture. All three can be used in any setting.


Slaves come from all walks of life. There are several ways for one to end up a

slave and the event can entirely change the life of a player character from

several weeks to a lifetime. Slaves can serve in several aspects of physical labor

and not all the labor accomplished by slaves is menial.

Abilities: A slave is taken for two purposes; to work and work long hours

through the day with minimum rest. Thus, Strength and Constitution are most


Races: All races can find themselves as slaves though races involved in war can

become prisoners of war and thereby, become slaves.

Alignment: All slaves are open to becoming enslaved.

Starting Gold: None

Starting Age: Slaves can be of age from adolescence to mature, however once

one becomes too old, they are considered un-useable.

Table: The Slave Hit Die: d4

Level Base

Attack Bonus Saving Throws

Special Fort Ref Will 1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Subtle Learning 2nd +1 +1 +0 +3 Hyper Endure 1 3rd +1 +2 +1 +3 4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Subtle Learning +1

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5th +2 +4 +1 +4 6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Subtle Learning +2 7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Hyper Endure 2 8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Subtle Tutor 1 9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Subtle Learning +3 10th +5 +7 +3 +7 11th +5 +7 +3 +7 Subtle Learning +4 12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Subtle Tutor 2 13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Hyper Endure 3 14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Calm Authority 15th +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Subtle Learning +5 16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Subtle Tutor 3 17th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Hyper Endure 4 18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Subtle Tutor 4 19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Calm Authority +1 20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Window of Opportunity Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Climb (Str), Craft (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information

(Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Local), Listen (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Spot

(wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis).

Weapon and Armor: Slaves are proficient with primitive weapons and simple

weapons. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Subtle Learning: The slave learns the ability to gain the knowledge of several

skills via hidden tactics and the availability of the target skill. Thus all skills

become open to the slaves learning ability. The slave may spend skill points

gained through advancement on Class skills and Non-class skills. This ability is

cumulative and the added values are added to the accumulated skill points.

Hyper Endure: A slave has the ability to overcome the hardships imposed

upon their person. These endurance reserves can be used to replenish hit

points, or Constitution, or can be applied to a single roll requiring a physical

check (i.e. STR, DEX, CON, FORT save, REF save, etc). The Hyper Endure points

are cumulative as the slave advances, however they are applied to a single

factor when Hyper Endure is used.

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Subtle Tutor: This ability allows the slave to tutor others in any skill they have

in their repertoire and bestows upon the slave the ability to Tutor the numbered

amount of slaves.

Calm Authority: This ability bestows the slave the rank among the slaves and

masters as a person who has enough status to speak openly with their masters.

It gives them the ability to sway the local authority figure as if a charm spell

cast by a wizard of the same level.

Window of Opportunity: This is the slaves’ key moment in his existence

when the doors are found open for him or her to flee or be set free. The ability

gives the slave a ‘get away free’ card and places them so far ahead of or so far

out of any danger that freedom is guaranteed. This represents a chance the

slave can escape, however, the slave need not keep it to themselves and thus

the slave can bestow this chance on anyone.


A Slave who escapes or is provided his freedom is allowed to retain the traits he

has gained while ascending levels in the Slave class. Ex-slaves find that their

reputation among the lower classes has increased (+1 to CHA/Reputation), and

while they may be considered less than honorable, they are grudgingly

respected by the middle and some upper class folks. The ex-slave can return to

slavery at the level they departed, however, they gain another increase to their


Slave Herder, also called a Slaver

The Slave Herder, or Slaver, is a specialized merchant who is knowledgeable in

trafficking mortal servitude. His ability to barter is renowned and the Slaver’s

sharp appraisal of labor can provide him and his family with extreme wealth with

the right circumstances. The Slaver is a shrewd salesman, able to gather the

highest price for certain quality services.

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Abilities: A Slave Herder needs mostly his Intelligence and Charisma to be an

effective salesman in his line of business.

Races: Slave Herders tend to be found among evil and neutral races.

Alignment: Slavers can be of evil and neutral alignment. Good aligned

characters are morally challenged to allow slavery to continue, however slavery

may be an accepted norm among a given population and the slaves may be

treated fairly well (i.e. serfs and slaves among the Roman civilizations).

Starting Gold: 1d4x100 Gold

Starting Age: “Simple”

Table: The Slave Herder

Hit Die: d4

Level Base

Attack Bonus Saving Throws

Special Fort Ref Will 1st +0 +0 +0 +3 Harness Animal 2nd +1 +1 +0 +3 Harness Humanoid 3rd +2 +2 +1 +3 Slave Block 4th +3 +3 +1 +4 5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Bang Stick (1d4), Primp +2 6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Harness Abberations 7th +4 +5 +2 +5 Bang Stick (2d4), Assistant 8th +5 +6 +2 +6 9th +5 +6 +3 +6 Bang Stick (3d4), Primp (+4) 10th +6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Slave Wagon 11th +6/+2 +7 +3 +7 Harness Magical Creatures,

Assistant (+1) 12th +7/+3 +8 +4 +8 13th +7/+3 +8 +4 +8 Bang Stick (4d4), Primp (+6) 14th +8/+4 +9 +4 +9 Slave House 15th +8/+4 +9 +5 +9 Primp (+8), Assistant (+2) 16th +9/+5 +10 +5 +10 17th +10/+5 +10 +5 +10 Bang Stick (5d4), Assistant

(+3) 18th +11/+6/+1 +11 +6 +11 Slave Company

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19th +12/+6/+2 +11 +6 +11 Alignment Challenge 20th +13/+7/+3 +12 +6 +12 Harness Demi-God

Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Appraise(Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate

(Cha), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (History), Listen (Wis), Spot (wis), Sense

Motive (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Slave Herder.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Slave Herder is proficient with all simple

weapons, bang stick, and whips; however they are not proficient with any armor

or shields.

Bang Stick: The Slave Herder uses a special control item to ensure his

enfluence over others when the tendency to become unruly is evident. This

ability can be used as many times per day as need be used. The Bang Stick is a

rod whose end is charged with two stones. Slave Herders learn how to craft on

at 5th level. The damage caused by the bang stick is non-lethal and after each

successful strike a -2 FORT save must be made to fight off paralysis.

Harness: The Slaver can impose his will on others and, if need be, gain or

regain limited mental control over a slave. This also allows the Herder to realize

weak points in the given slave after one round of observation be they physical,

biological, or physiological weak spots. This ability will progress to other classes

of slave as long as the Slave Herder progresses. When making a check against

the Slave Herder’s Harness ability a +5 syngery bonus is added to Intimdation

rolls versus the slave’s creature type.

Slave Block/Wagon/House/Company: As the Slave Herder grows in

experience he gains perks in any enviroment where they woud be conducting

business. At first they gain a designated locale where they can sell their

product, the Slave Block will never change unless through an outside source (i.e.

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emancipation of slaves, or the like). The Slave Wagon is gained through another

powerful slave trade patron. The Wagon is equipped with a holding cell that is

strong enough to provide a DC 20 versus escape attempts. The Slave House is a

designated building in a dedicated civilization where the Slave Herder can

conduct business. This building is usually provided by the city, or other

equivalent patron. The last stage of this ability is the Slave Company, where the

Slave Herder has grown to such a level where they have access to one or more

locations to conduct business.

Assistant: Henchmen associate with the Slave Herder who tend to be slaves or

former slaves in order to allow themselves a closer sense of freedom. The

Assistant need not be a slave. This individual is usually the same or similar race

as the Slave Herder, though not always, and can be of any class. The Assistant

and Slave are usually the same alignment.

Primp: A Slave Herder is a salesman, that being said the ability to make his

‘product’ look more-so is highly imprtant to gaining top coin during the purchase

action. This ability is much the same as the Disguise skill, however it works off

of the Slave Herder’s CHA versus the slave’s.

Alignment Challenge: The Slave Herder gains the ability to change others

around him to his line of thought. He can speak in such a manner where the

slave’s he is looking to sell want to be placed to work for the betterment of a

goal. This mental domination works very similar to a limited form of the Charm

spell, as if cast from a spellcaster of the same level, and lasts for 1d4 days after

the slave leaves the services of the Slave Herder and is ‘sold’ to another.

Ex-Slave Herder

A Slave Herder who decides to leave the profession or finds it hard to find

buyers, or decides not to pursue the slave trade any further finds his Assistant/s

also gone along with his selling locale. Trust becomes an issue in this

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profession. The Slave Herder can return to this business a one leve lower than

when he left the business, again it’s a trust issue.

Harem Consort

The Harem Consort is an individual who can pleasure others and read the desires

of others. The Harem Consort can make a very skilled spy or assassin as they

often can gain access into very secure locations.

Abilities: A Consort is mostly in need of Charisma. All other Attributes are

helpfull and their value depends on the individual.

Races: Harem Consorts can be found in any race.

Alignment: Slavers are usually neutral in alignment, however, thay can be of

any alignment.

Starting Gold: 1d4x10 Gold

Starting Age: “Simple”

Table: The Harem Consort

Hit Die: d4

Level Base

Attack Bonus Saving Throws

Special Fort Ref Will 1st +0 +0 +0 +3 Subtle Learning 2nd +1 +0 +1 +3 Alluring Dance 3rd +2 +0 +3 +3 Presence, Suggestion 4th +3 +0 +4 +4 5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Subtle Learning +1 6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Calm Authority 7th +4 +2 +5 +5 Presence +1, Powerful

Patron (1) 8th +5 +2 +6 +6 9th +5 +3 +6 +6 Subtle Learning +2 10th +6/+1 +3 +7 +7 Alluring Dance +1 11th +6/+2 +3 +7 +7 Presence +2, Suggestion

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+1 12th +7/+3 +4 +8 +8 Calm Authority +1 13th +7/+3 +4 +8 +8 Subtle Tutor 14th +8/+4 +4 +9 +9 Powerful Patron (2) 15th +8/+4 +5 +9 +9 16th +9/+5 +5 +10 +10 Presence +3, Suggestion

+2 17th +10/+5 +5 +10 +10 Subtle Tutor +1 18th +11/+6/+1 +6 +11 +11 First Consort 19th +12/+6/+2 +6 +11 +11 Calm Authority +2 20th +13/+7/+3 +6 +12 +12 Alluring Dance+2

Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate

(Cha), Jump (Str), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight

of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Harem Consort.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Consort is proficient with all simple

weapons; however they are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Subtle Learning: The consort learns the ability to gain the knowledge of

several skills via hidden tactics and the availability of the target skill. Thus all

skills become open to the consort’s learning ability. The consort may spend skill

points gained through advancement on Class skills and Non-class skills. This

ability is cumulative and the added values are added to the accumulated skill


Subtle Tutor: This ability allows the consort to tutor others in any skill they

have in their repertoire and bestows upon the consort the ability to Tutor the

numbered amount of consorts.

Alluring Dance: The Harem Consort can weave a dance where her features are

more pronounced than in an average performance. The ability provides a bonus

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to the Performance skill. During the Alluring Dance, others within sight and

hearing of the dancer it takes a WIS roll to resist watching the performance. As

the Consort becomes more experienced the Alluring Dance gains bonuses.

Presence: The Harem Consort whom reaches this level draw attention to her or

him with their obvious physical and meta-physical charms. Those in a twenty

foot radius of the Harem Consort must make a WILL save to resist staring.

However, this affect does not hold anyone via magic, psionics, or other similar

powers. The failed WILL save only lasts for the round, but it is a distraction that

can buy some crucial time.

Suggestion: The talented Harem Consort gains the ability to murmur certain

phrases. These are simple phrases in accordance with what a prospective taret

may already be thinking, i.e. commands like kiss me, or look at that, or your

shoe is untied. A failed WILL save in this respect not only can cause a

distraction, it can cause others to do things that don’t warrant a charm spell, and

can be performed simply and without thought.

Calm Authority: This ability bestows the Consort the rank among their fellows

and masters as a person who has enough status to speak openly. It gives them

the ability to sway the local authority figure as if casting a charm spell cast by a

wizard of the same level.

Powerful Patron: The Consort gains a patron whom has some degree of

political, magical, or physical clout. The contact is cumulative per each level that

the aility is gained. Thus the Consort will gain an additional Powerful Patron.

This patron will is succceptable to all the Consort’s abilities at all times, and will

even go so far as to designate assets to the Consort’s welfare.

First Consort: At this level of experience the Harem Consort gains the position

of First Consort and often becomes a very dear addition to the court of the

Consort’s master. At this point the Harem Consort is possibly regarded as the

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master’s spouse or affair. Thus speaking, she or he gains the masters ear, and

may even become a trusted advisor.

Ex-Slave Herder

A Slave Herder who decides to leave the profession or finds it hard to find

buyers, or decides not to pursue the slave trade any further finds his Assistant/s

also gone along with his selling locale. Trust becomes an issue in this

profession. The Slave Herder can return to this business a one leve lower than

when he left the business, again it’s a trust issue.

Subtle Learning

This section details the acquired ability to learn without appearing to learn

anything. Granted some skills can be learned through study and on-the-job

training, however here in lay optional rules allowing the slave to learn skills and

feats that may be outside their usual freedoms.

First off, in order to do thus rely on the amount of time the slave culture has had

to practice the art of subtle learning. Each of the skills listed below has a time

period associated to it. This reflects the span of time required to learn the skill

or feat well enough to be awarded the skills given ability. The Time

Requirements are represented by the designator ‘short, limited, and long’.

List of Subtle Skills

• Balance (short)

• Climb (short)

• Craft (limited)

• Escape Artist (long)

• Handle Animal (long)

• Heal (long)

• Hide (limited)

• Jump (short)

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• Knowledge (long)

• Move Silently (short)

• Open Lock (limited)

• Perform (limited)

• Ride (long)

• Spellcraft (long)

• Swim (limited)

• Tumble (limited)

• Use Rope (long)

• Use Magic Device (long)

Time Designator Explanations

- Short –

This designator represents a period of time where only a few years of

enslavement have followed the culture’s or individual’s capture.

- Limited

This period marks the time spanning a few year and no longer than a

single generation of the given culture or individual.

- Long –

Finally, this designator is used for moments when a given culture’s

enslavement has spanned more than a single generation.


A special rule exists for feats. All feats possess the Long time

requirements to learn. This is because the acquirement of a feat takes a

bonafide training and learning process. Feats are not impossible to learn, they

can be taught by sympathetic masters, or former freemen, or any number of

routes. However, in general it takes a very long time for a slave or prisoner to

learn any feat.

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Optional Rules


This rule allows the slave to roll any undesirable check or result a second

time once a day. It operates a lot like the Luck ability, however this is based

solely on the slaves determination and force of willpower to accomplish the set

task at hand. This focus is so intense that the slave will work to accomplish the

task even if it results in the slaves’ death. Mental commands and psionics

designed to change the slaves mind in reference to this focused task

automatically fail.


The slaves’ amazing willpower at accomplishing desired tasks is

remarkable; however it’s their undying resilience that has afforded them as

valuable assets. This ability allows the slave to take a beating and keep on

going, performing the task to the best of his ability regardless of the damage

that he sustains.

In game mechanics, when the slave is brought to the bottom of his hit-

points, and said slave would be pronounced dead, the DM using this rule may

allow the slave to survive as if they had a small reserve of ten (10) HP. This will

allow the slave to suck-up damage from a physical or mental attack.

Also, the prisoners with this ability do not have to make a FORT save if

they suffer massive damage. The strength of their resolve will see them through

the pain.

Magic Use Restrictions

With all the restrictions and punishments placed on the slave and prison

populations it is not hard to believe that they don’t have much experience with

magical items, however, this may only be true if the imprisoned had been

incarcerated for longer than a year. If the slave had been incarcerated longer

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than this they would need an INT check to work magic or magical items, a -1

penalty will be added per every year afterward to a maximum penalty of -10.

Races of Slavery

Any race can be related to slavery and imprisonment. The short list below

is some of the best known practitioners of slavery. While this list is not even a

closely complete list it provides different methods where slavery is imposed.

Those known for imprisonment however are to numerous to mention here.

• Underdark Races

- Nearly all of the underdark races take part in the practice of

slavery. This is probably due to the fact that they have very large

civilizations and established power bases.

- The drow use slaves as common servants and retainers.

- The illithid use slaves as mental food and fodder for psionic testing.

- The svirfneblin use slaves on occasion for labor, however their

inherent greed forces the slave labor to remain working on

common knowledge areas of their civilizations.

• Neogi

- This spider-kin race is mainly known for slave running. They traffic

slaves for resale to other races or cultures.

• Human

- Humans have practice slavery since their time began. As all of

slavery the human’s had probably adopted slavery as a penalty for

capture in times of war.

Human use of slaves have run the gambit from gladiatorial

arenas to harems to common slave labor; even as a


• Lower Planar Races

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- Slaves among the Lower Planar denizens are mostly used for trade

or food or both; almost as readily accepted as common currency in

most Prime Material Planes.

• Vampire

- This is not a race per-se. Vampire is an acquired template however

they hold slaves for much the same reason that humans do

however, vampires like using slave ‘ghouls’ to do their bidding

among the more common races.

- ‘Ghouls’ are used by a vampire for the purpose of disguising their

master’s true identity.

The Cost of Slavery

Cost of slaves on the auction block often differs with the rise and fall of an

economy. Masters can look forward to paying an initial sum for the slave and

nothing more than keeping the slave happy.

Below is a table for modifications to price for certain slaves and in certain


Slave Quality Price Adjustment

Common Labor Slave 50gp +/-

Labor Slave (CON >12) 10gp per CON point above 12

Consort 100gp +/-

Consort (CHA/APP >13) 20gp per CHA/APP pnt above 13

Skilled Slave +20gp per skill (min +1 in skill)

Slave Child +200gp

Monster Slave (non-humanoid) +100gp per CR number

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Race Revisited

Mul (from TSR’s Dark Sun world)

A mul (pronounced: mül) is an incredibly tough crossbreed of a human and

dwarf. They retain the height and cunning of their human parent, plus the

durability and raw strength of their dwarven heritage.

Muls are usually the products of the slave pits-owners recognize the muls.

Assets as gladiators and laborers, and the like order the births of as many muls

as can be managed within the ranks of their slaves. Muls are born sterile. They

cannot perpetuate their kind.

A full-grown mul stands 6 to 6½ feet tall and weighs 240-300 pounds. They are

fair skinned, sometimes tending toward a copper coloration. Their dwarven

ancestry gives them a well-muscled frame and an incredible constitution. Mul

laborers can perform heavy work for days at a time without stopping.

Muls have stern facial features. They are unmistakably human in appearance,

though their ears are swept back and slightly pointed. Most muls, whether male

or female, have no hair or beard.

Born as they are to lives of slave labor, with the taskmaster’s whip taking the

place of parents and family, muls are given to a gruff personality and violent

reactions. Understandably, many never seek friends or companionship but live

out their lives in servitude, driven by hatred and spite. Most, however, learn who

to trust in the slave pits and who not to, gaining favor and reputation among the

other slaves.

Many slave muls have either escaped or otherwise won their freedom and now

live independent lives all over the Known World. Of these, a large percentage

has bartered their combat prowess, making their way as soldiers or guards. A

few others, given to more cerebral pursuits, have turned to training their latent

psionic gifts.

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A player character mul may become any class.

A mul is considered a medium humanoid.

A mul character adds two to his initial Strength score and one to his initial

Constitution score. While often cunning and bright, a mul.s training rarely

encourages the mental disciplines, so mul characters subtract one from their

initial Intelligence scores. The rigor of their upbringing in bondage makes them

sullen and difficult to befriend. Mul characters subtract two from their initial

Charisma scores.

Muls are able to work longer and harder without rest than are most other races.

Regardless of the preceding type of exertion, eight hours of sleep will let a mul

become fully rested, ready to begin work again.

Roleplaying: Muls are slaves, true, but when they are doing well in the arena,

they are the most pampered slaves. It is expensive to generate and maintain a

stable of muls, and their owners protect their large investments with special

treatment and considerations.

It’s rare that a mul who does his work well receives particularly harsh treatment

as a slave. Thus, they often don’t see their slavery as all that bad a deal. Of

course, when their arena or work performance is lacking, discipline is cruelly

reinstated. Like their dwarven parent, a mul who sets his mind on freedom or

disruption among the other slaves is rarely kept on hand. They most often are

sold or traded from owner to, dissatisfied, owner until they are eventually

relegated to harsh labor in a remote area or sent to the gladiator pits.

Mul Exertion Table

Labor Style Time Before 8 Hour Rest

Heavy Labor (stone construction, quarry work, running)

24 + Con hours

Medium Labor (light construction, mining, jogging)

36 + Con hours

Light Labor (combat training, walking encumbered)

48 + Con hours

Normal Activity (walking, conversation) Con days

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• +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

• Medium: As Medium creatures, muls have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

• Muls base land speed is 30 feet.

• Low-light Vision: Visibility as per daylight in low light environments.

• Indomitable Stamina: Maintain labors as per Exertion Table.

• 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

• Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill.

• Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count.

• Naturally Psionic: Muls gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit

does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that

ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.

• Level Adjustment: +0