sha-based health accounts in taiwan, 20 11 (update)

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SHA-Based Health Accounts in Taiwan, 20 11 (update). Chung-Fu Lan , DrPH , FICD, FPFA, FRAI Chair of Taiwan Health Metrics and Evaluation Association And Yih -Shin Hwang Statistics Office, Department of Health, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Joint OECD/Korea RCHSP-APNHAN Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


National Health Accounts An update

Chung-Fu Lan, DrPH, FICD, FPFA, FRAIChair of Taiwan Health Metrics and Evaluation Association AndYih-Shin Hwang Statistics Office, Department of Health, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Joint OECD/Korea RCHSP-APNHAN MeetingSeoul, South Korea June, 26, 2013

SHA-Based Health Accountsin Taiwan, 2011 (update)1Financial Flows in Taiwans Health Care System

2HP2The Structure of National Health Accounts(Million US$, 2011)3(TEH)(TCEH)An Overview of Health Financing in Taiwan (2007 vs. 2011)4

4The Trend of Total Expenditure on Health Care(TEH) and TEH/GDP5

5Total Expenditure on Personal Health Care (2007 - 2011)6

6TEH per capita vs. GDP per capita for OECD Member States and Taiwan (2010)7

7Total Expenditure on Healthby Financing Agents(2007 vs. 2011)8

8Total Expenditure on Healthby Function of care(2007 vs. 2011)9

9Current Expenditure on Healthby mode of production(2007 vs. 2011)10

10Current Expenditure on Healthby provider(2007 vs. 2011)11

11Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure by provider by function of care12

Out-of-pocket Expenditure by Provider (2011)13Out-of-Pocket = US$11,214 million13

Out-of-pocket Expenditure by Function of Care (2011)14Out-of-Pocket = US$11,214 million14Preliminary Analysis on Disease & Pharmaceutical Accounts15Total Expenditure on Personal Health Care by Disease Category (2011)16TEPH = US$ 26,987 million

17SHA (2011)17On-going WorkTo refine data & information on OOP expenditure --- Survey of Family Health Expenditure To complete Taiwans SHA-based Health Accounts (1999 to 2012)To modify statistics of NHA by SHA 2011To understand the policy implications of NHAs policy measures1818Thank you for your kind attention.19