sga elections candidates - laguardia community college · former sga president, with a brief...

Student Government Association Student Elections Candidates 2019-2020 Cast your vote September 18-25, 2019 There are 11 positions and, 15 students are running to be elected to one of these positions. Who do you want to represent YOU!? Scroll down to learn more about the candidates: At Large Positions: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Treasurer 4. Secretary 5. Event and Program Coordinator 6. Parliamentarian Academy Representatives: 1. Business and Technology 2. Humanities 3. Liberal Arts and English 4. Social Science 5. STEM

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Page 1: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

Student Government Association Student Elections Candidates 2019-2020 Cast your vote September 18-25, 2019

There are 11 positions and, 15 students are running to be elected to one of these positions. Who do you want to represent YOU!?

Scroll down to learn more about the candidates:

At Large Positions: 1. President2. Vice President3. Treasurer4. Secretary5. Event and Program Coordinator6. Parliamentarian

Academy Representatives: 1. Business and Technology2. Humanities3. Liberal Arts and English4. Social Science5. STEM

Page 2: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? First, I wanted to involve myself in something other than my classes within LaGuardia. When the opportunity revealed itself as the SGA I decided to step up to the plate. Second, I won last years' majority vote during SGA elections but I decided to serve my campus in a different capacity as Chairperson of the Student Advisory Council.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? The primary principle that guides me as a leader would be to lead by example. So often, we have people in authority that would never place themselves in the shoes of the people that decide to follow them. I, on the other hand, try to always refrain from telling someone to do something that I wouldn't do myself.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? One issue that I feel is important would be the support of undocumented students. By undocumented I mean illegally residing in the United States. I think if I can manage to build enough awareness and involvement within the student body about the issue we can make enough noise and grab the attention of the law makers.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I should be voted as President because I can resonate with students socially, academically, and personally. During my term as the Chairperson of the Student Advisory Council (SAC), the SAC Executive Board were the catalyst in reforming a college wide policy that made the experience of all student organizations better. Moreover, I wasn't always a "good" student, I struggled during my first semester since I didn't receive a high school education - I had instead opted for a GED. Therefore, my GPA has dipped as well as peaked, I’m currently a Research Scholar, have represented CUNY in its entirety, and have had the privilege of doing talks alongside President Mellow. These are just a few reasons as to why a student should vote for me.

Name: Enmanuel Valdez Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: President

Page 3: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

Name: Masis Viken Akdemir Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: Vice President

How did you become interested in running for office? I was first introduced to SGA by my Academic advisor, he already knew that I was interested in some kind of challenge but my classes. When the odds were in my favor I met with former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? I believe that great leaders are those who seek out for a change, willing to develop and leave something better to the future leaders. While having all this qualities, essentially what makes a good leader great leader is to lead by example. Leaders are not there to tell people what to do, but to show them how and why to perform the specific tasks. That is essential difference between a leader and a boss. The core idea of leadership is the ability to inspire people and push them to become successful as well. These are the principals which will guide me as a leader, inspire others and leave something meaningful.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? I plan on increasing and developing student awareness on the available resources especially for transfer and international students. LaGuardia Community College offers a lot programs and services, which are available out there. However lack of right advertisement , I see that my peers are unaware of all this beneficial and essential sources. Which I believe this sources carry vital importance both academically and financially. Finding ways to promote available resources is going to be my primary duty, I believe this task could be accomplish through; better online advertisement and increasing collaboration with the staff.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I believe LaGuardia students should vote for someone who can be their voice, also they can relate themselves to that individual. LaGuardia Community College has a huge diversity of students made of mostly international and transfer students. I am multilingual transfer student, I suppose I had and still having the same difficulties all the international and transfer students commonly have, as a full-time student I spend most of my time in college, I will even stay more, listen and solve the problems all the students commonly have. That is why I think LaGuardia students should vote for me.

Page 4: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? It started out in President's Society. As I was honing my skills through the great mentors I was blessed with, I wanted to give back to the school so I chose to be a S.A.C. Representative. I soon found a vacant spot for the Executive Treasurer for SAC. & I decided to take on the year-long challenge to try to give back to LAGCC. During my time at S.A.C., with a lot of work, with our great mentor and my amazing Executive Board, we have managed to changed school policies, get student club's their first ever club space and empower and inspire them to get more involved in the school through constantly reminding them of what an important role we all play in our community. Running for S.G.A to try to give back more seems like the only right choice

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? For starters, and I think I truly believe in the quote "We have two ears and one mouth for a reason". I am a very patient person and 9 times out of 10 I always believe in the long game. Another principle I live by is that I am as good as the rest of my team. To put it simply, I know through my own personal experience and through that of my friends and mentors that we can go much further as a team and accomplish more together than if we went at something alone. And finally, being self-aware. I know what areas I am confident in and what areas I need help in. I do not have any pride or shame if I am lacking in an area to ask my team or mentor for help because that is the part where true growth happens. Through humility and listening.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? One of the most important issues, in my opinion, is for us to better our First-Year Seminar classes. I believe that is where we either "make or break" a lot of students. New students from high school, returning students or adults with families who are coming in for the first time; if they don't have an amazing first year seminar, chances are they will not take their academic journey as seriously. I would propose we would start out by taking a few polls from the students, faculty and staff and brainstorm as a whole community on how we can better improve the classes and see what needs changes and what is working. For what is working, we should be trying to implement those tactics into more classes with hopes of similar great results.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? Students should vote for me because I truly believe in LaGuardia and everything it stands for. I am for the students being empowered and them realizing that they truly can achieve anything they want and LaGuardia has all the resources to help them make their dreams a reality. Through my commitment and past experience as Treasurer for S.A.C. which I and my Executive Board helped changed policies for event timelines and get clubs their first ever space. With my slate, I hope to make much greater changes in hopes of making the lives of all students at LaGuardia that much better.

Name: Arbri Shameti Slate: Students United Position: Treasurer

Page 5: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I became interested in running for office after my experience working as a Campus Life Peer Leader during the Spring semester My First Day orientations. This was my first time in a position where I interacted directly with many different students, helping and providing them with information. Previously, I didn’t feel as engaged in the community, mainly heading to class and back home as many of us do in our commuter school. However, during the course of some very intense days, I learned so much about the valuable resources and opportunities offered by LaGuardia. I also got to meet a variety of incoming and current students, getting to know their concerns, questions, and desires about their future here. It was through this work that I realized the impact I can have serving our LaGuardia community and my fellow students.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? Being an effective leader means working your hardest for the team. For me, my team is not just my colleagues in the student government, but the entire student body of LaGuardia. I believe that being a leader means not only listening to other student leaders, but to the students themselves. Guiding LaGuardia towards a brighter future begins with listening to students, working our hardest to bring students what they need, and making sure we can bring meaningful and effective change to this great college.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? As many LaGuardia students have seen, budget constraints have often led to cuts in the services that students need most. Our valuable Writing Center has suffered and advisors are often unable to fully understand our students’ needs due to large numbers of advisees, both issues that can be addressed with greater financial support. Additionally, Degree Works can be confusing to use, and students are often not fully informed as to how to choose their classes and use this tool. As your treasurer, I will work to ensure that these services that every student needs are properly funded and working to help every student achieve the very best they can. We are all here to receive a quality education, and budget problems should never get in the way of that.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? From the moment I take office as your treasurer, my leadership will follow a simple idea: do what is best for the students of LaGuardia. Being your treasurer, I will do that and only that. Every penny that we spend will be for your benefit, and I will work tirelessly to achieve that goal. Too often we elect leaders whose only goal is to boost their reputations and fund the projects that help them. If you choose to give me your vote, you can rest assured knowing that I will selflessly dedicate myself to fund the projects that the students of LaGuardia need, and will always be guided by your voices.

Name: Grace Cho Slate: B.E.S.T Position: Treasurer

Page 6: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I become interested in running for office in the objective of developing my leadership skills, helping and engaging with students, and definitely getting that college experience.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? Some principals that guide me as a leader is having a clear vision and goal of what I want to accomplish as a student leader, to serve the students. I believe this is important because its what guides you in developing the strategy you need to get the job done.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? One issue is the lack of tutoring in Math specially for STEM majors. The Math lab doesn’t offer tutoring starting from Mat203 (Calculus 3) and moving forward. This is very unfortunate knowing that the STEM students represent a high population at Laguardia. To solve this, SGA could recruit students volunteers to help their fellow students in the Tutoring Lab. These volunteers could receive a compensation at the end.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I would be a good candidate for secretary because I would make sure meetings are productive but still fun and exciting. I’ll listen to everyone’s concerns and try my best to have my team help resolve it. I was the Secretary during my freshman year, and this year I am running again with enough experience to support my team.

Name: Ndeye Arame Sow Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: Secretary

Page 7: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I became interested in running for office because I’ve always believed that it’s important to speak up and act on behalf of those that might not have the same opportunity to do so. It’s been a goal of mine since returning to LaGuardia to be a more active member in my school. I want to make my time here one that is not only memorable, but something I can be proud of.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? I believe that a good leader is one that is capable of listening as well as they are at communicating. It’s more important to listen to those that you are serving because that is the only way you get to understand what your role truly is. Good leaders are confident in trusting those that they serve as much as they are being trusted to lead.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? One important issue that affects students directly is the lack of information for students seeking help with their financial aid applications, the lack of clear communication between the Financial Aid Office and students adds a layer of unnecessary stress. If elected, I would work on ways to better amend the communication deficit between LaGuardia and its students in hopes that I could make an already stressful process a little bit easier, so that students have one less thing to worry about.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? Students should vote for me because I am making it my mission to represent the concerns of students. Majors such as the Fine Arts are severely underfunded, so one of my main platforms is to advocate for more funding for underrepresented majors at LaGuardia.

Name: Margi Morales-Garcia Slate: B.E.S.T. Position: Secretary

Page 8: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? In the beginning I wasn't aware that LaGuardia was having a student government association campaign happening. Until one of my friends told me to attend a meeting, after the meeting I was truly invested. During the meeting I learned about all the different opportunities I can be apart of to better my school overall.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? One of the biggest principal that guide me is "Each One Teach One". I honestly feel the more I learned in this world, the more information I'm able to pass off to my brothers and sisters. Every bit of information should be pass along. Lets help each other grow into something greater.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? The biggest issue that needs to be fix is our school safely. If elected I'm going to try my hardest to change the school policy on student safely within our school. At LaGuardia sorry to say but our security officer are doing a poorly job I heard and witness some students get into school just by showing there metro-cards, but school like BMCC has ID checks and turnstiles for there student safety. LaGuardia needs to make a change and I'm that person to make it.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? you should vote for me, because I'm very much aware of issues that's at LaGuardia. Not saying LaGuardia is a bad school but as students we need more from our school. We need better and more opportunities for the students thats not getting the necessary help in our school. I can tell you a lot of reason why you should vote for me, how about I show you why you voted for me.

Name: Antoine “Ant” Windham Slate: B.E.S.T Position: Parliamentarian

Page 9: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? Ever since coming to LaGuardia I have always wanted to help students get more accommodated to the campus and college life since I personally had a difficult time adjusting and I didn’t want anyone else to go through that sort of trouble themselves. A current Student Government Representative suggested me to apply since I would be able to help students in a more impactful way.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? The top three qualities that define me as a leader would be leading by setting an example, being for and on the frontline of diversity and strong team collaboration, and finally embracing vulnerability and adversity. I am always willing to accept challenges.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? There are a lot of students that face financial challenges. The ones that suffer the most out of all are international students, with issues like wanting to take more classes to graduate faster but not being able to pay for them since their tuition is higher. One way of solving this issue is to create one or more school-funded scholarships that would be available to traditional students as well as international students.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I am honest, hardworking and responsible. Helping people is my passion and I always try to create a comfortable environment for everyone.

Name: Rei Braja Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: Parliamentarian

Page 10: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I am currently a business Administration major, and I want to get real life experience on how to attend meetings, how to have a better time management and how to have professional communication with the officials. Furthermore, I have always enjoyed helping people with best of my knowledge, and if I am at the office I will have better opportunities coming to me to help the strudels of our community.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? A leader has to lead as an example for its followers to follow him. Throughout High school I have been managing teams, classes and also volunteered in cultural activities which has helped me learn more from my leaders. One of my soft skill is to listen to people, and I believe that’s one of the most important skill for a leader of have in order to lead a team successfully.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? There are more than one, and there will always be more issues and we as a community should tackle them together. However, the one issue that I have faced being as an international/freshman student in LgGuardia is that, students are not guided properly, they are unaware of lots of things and mis the opportunity which is right in front of them. They lack on proper advisement, they do not feel comfortable. I want make students feel comfortable, because this is a part of their life, an important part of life where I want them to get the most out of it. To resolve this issue, we can as a team should hold events, make flyers or booklets for students with opportunities. Also, be there for them when they are unable to express themselves in English, I want for them to feel comfortable, and be able to take this amazing opportunity to become an amazing student.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? Even though I mentioned one issue that I plan to resolve, I also have other issues that I would like to solve. If I get in SGA, I will give my all to listen to students, to understand their needs where they are unable to express. My main goal is to make student happy to learn and be active during their time in our community. Getting elected will help me reach out to more students and get connected with them and help wonder range of students.

Name: Maruf Rakib Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: Business and Technology

Page 11: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

Name: Maceo Karriem Slate: Independent Position: Humanities

Page 12: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I came to know about SGA my second semester at Laguardia. I was approached by a student in the e atrium that said he was running for president and asked me to vote for him. I figured that anything that makes someone willing to come up to total strangers and ask for a vote is worth looking into. Having looked into what SGA is and what it does, I realized why that student was fearless in approaching others. SGA is a unique outlet for students to help their fellow students. I wanted to be a part of that change. I couldn't run the previous year due to my commitment to Phi Theta Kappa, but I knew that I wanted to be a SGA governor.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader?

The principle that guides me as a leader is service. Leadership is service at its core. Leaders are there to play to the strengths of their team. They are not there for power or self-gain, they are there because they saw a need and they are filling it. Leaders also must lead by example to motivate people to strive for a shared goal. A leader who sits and does nothing but make others work is no leader at all.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? One issue that is important to students is feeling like their voice is heard. Many students feel like the have no effect on an outcome on campus and they feel discouraged by it. I plan to encourage a campus version of active citizenship. I want to foster a closer connection between the administration and students. I want to ensure that students feel like they have a say in how the campus is run, and the administration to feel like they know what their students want and need.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I believe a student should vote for me to represent them because I will bring everything I have to the table. I hope that students have seen the work I've done with the Alpha Theta Phi chapter on campus as well as the Student Success Mentor program, as a solid foundation for the work that I could do in SGA to help improve the campus culture, as well as the quality of student life. So many of us feel like we live on campus, myself included, despite it being a commuter school. therefore I want to do what I can to make sure that campus is the best it could be for students.

Name: Camilla “Charles” Yeleussizova Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: Liberal Arts & English

Page 13: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? I am interested in running for office because I want to be the voice of all students. I want to be that person who will represent each and every single student no matter your race, gender or religion. I care about our security in campus and I believe our safety should always be first. I want to help improve our cafeterias. In addition I notice that many students are not well informed about the benefits and the opportunities that school have for students. Some students has been forgotten especially night time and part-time student. I want to be part of those who are will bring a positive change at LaGuardia Community College.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? The principals that guide me as a leader is honesty, integrity, commitment, passion, a good listener and the love of helping others. I have had an opportunity to server a leadership role at my High School as a school President and also have five years of management experience. All this helped me to improve my leadership and make me better person today.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? If I am elected to student Government my goal is to represent all student and bring a positive change for all. My colleague and I will reach out to every type of student, full time, part-time, day time and night time. We will not only inform them about the programs and activities, we will encourage to be more involved.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? A student should vote me because I am a fighter, hardworking. I promise to use my leadership experience to advocate for them. I know students are concerned about their security in school. Me been a bilingual student will help me to bring all students together. Make the school a fun place to be and learn without any fear of discrimination or feel that you been forgotten. I will be their voice in all aspect of the campus.

Name: Mohamed Jalloh Slate: B.E.S.T Position: Liberal Arts & English

Page 14: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

Name: Katherine Ramirez Slate: Independent Position: Liberal Arts & English

Page 15: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? From a very young age I have developed a strong leadership personality. Through this personality I've gained the ability to implement change throughout my community, empowering the youth and establishing leaders while facilitating the lives of others. Therefore, the minute I became acquainted with the opportunity to Take part in Student Government I Immediately realized The potential power of Unity in which we all can implement into LaGuardia Community College. Resulting in a more progressive and innovative campus.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? When we think of the word ”Leadership” we often imagine someone in a powerful position, someone who may be considered as “Great.” However, I don't want to be “Great” I want to be relatable. I make mistakes and I am far from perfect. I don't know how it feels to ace a test first try. Most of all, I can’t relate to anyone who is self proclaimed perfection, due to the mere fact that it is statistically proven that we as human beings are full of mistakes and imperfections. Furthermore, these skill sets (Mistakes & Imperfection) are what shape us in our modern day society. Leaders learn from these skills and later implement the lesson learned from them, resulting in this individual becoming the greatest version of himself rather than the great.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? There is a major dilemma pertaining to LaGuardia Community College in regards towards student safety. This is due to the fact that our Campus doesn't have ID scanner in which will prevent unwanted or unauthorized students from entering the campus. Contrary to popular belief, we do have security guards at each entrance who briefly look in the general direction of entering students holding up their ID cards, gladly provide entry to any and everyone who displays a piece of plastic in the form of 90 by 50 millimeters. My primary solution is to advocate for the additional funds needed on Campus in order to properly protect our fellow students and faculty Members by inhibiting the entry of unwanted and/or unauthorized individuals.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I am a very outgoing and competitive individual with a strong and loud voice, ready to fight for what's right regardless of the obstacles that may come along the way. Growing up in the inner city of New York I always had to fight twice as hard to get halfway there, so best believe I wouldn't be where I'm at today if I didn't quadruple my ability and willingness to compete. My primary goal is to facilitate life on campus for both students and faculty, while providing an equal opportunity for all students to become the best version of themselves here at LaGuardia Community College.

Name: Wilfredo Garcia Slate: B.E.S.T Position: Social Science

Page 16: SGA Elections Candidates - LaGuardia Community College · former SGA president, with a brief overview of SGA mission, I decided to put myself up to this new challenge. What are some

How did you become interested in running for office? "Caliber of a student cannot be measured by Grades." We are here to learn/educate our-self but there is a whole world outside these textbooks and one can learn better by getting involved in it. La Guardia consists of students from all around the globe, it has fostered this unique environment and community for all of us to thrive but it can get rather challenging and daunting at times. As an International student, I know of all the hardship and problems we face so, I want to represent and take the lead to help my fellow students to create a healthy learning environment for all of us to thrive.

What are some of the principals that guide you as a leader? A good leader should have good vision and an open mind with which one can critically analyze a situation from all possible perspectives. There is a saying "To Lead one must Learn to Follow". Being a good leader means being a good student, one who is not willing to learn and grow, cannot lead others. I am a fast learner who takes pride in his accomplishment and also humbly accepts and learns from his failures.

If elected to student government, what is one issue that is important to students and how would you plan to resolve it? Being a student, we need access to the internet and resources without any unreasonable limitations. Students can use their 'EMPLID' to access wi-fi from only one device at a time which can get rather frustrating as 'LTE' doesn't work properly inside the building. Our 'EMPLID" must enable us to access at least 2 devices which will facilitate our research. Besides this, many students are unaware and cannot fully utilize college resources. Night-students cannot get access to half of the college resources like the writing center, tutoring center, and other various places. College should be more accommodating and make these resources available to them as well. I'll work to ensure that everyone can fully utilize college resources.

Why should a student vote for you to represent them? I am a friendly person with strong work ethics. Everyone who ever interacted with me or who were in a group project with me know that I listen to my teammates and know how to lead. I know the struggle of students who work, come to college and have a lot of responsibilities to take care of. I love having a good conversation so, you can come and let me know about your problems and I'll help you or take you the person who can help you. I understand so I can represent, I can be voice to your problems that need attention and I'll work hard to ensure your satisfaction.

Name: Sacheth “Soul” Lama Slate: Students United (SUN) Position: STEM