sfu new campus map 2k16 50x34 directory(1) · pdf fileaq mbc sh scc tc swh rcb sck asb level...

Bldg. MBC CB DAC DH DIS1 MBC MBC MBC MBC AQ MBC AQ MBC HUB AQ ASB AQ WMC CB HUB MBC WMC AQ Food Services on Campus Bubble World Cornerstone Restaurants Diamond Alumni Ctr. Dining Hall by Residences Discovery 1 Food Court Ga Won Guadalupe Higher Grounds Coffee Shop Highland Pub Jugo Juice Koya Japan Mackenzie Café Mr. Sub Nesters Market Renaissance Coffee AQ Renaissance Coffee ASB Simon’s C Store Starbucks WMC Starbucks CB The Hub Food Services The Ladle Tim Horton's Triple O's by White Spot Grid I 22 H33 C24 I 13 R34 I 22 I 22 H22 I 22 F26 I 22 H27 I 22 H36 F26 J 29 H24 H18 I 32 H36 I 21 G17 G24 Level 2000 100 2000 1000 2000 2000 3000 4000 3000 2000 3000 2000 3000 9000 2000 3000 2000 2000 2000 Academic Dept./Administrative University Advancement University Communications University Industry Liaison Office VP - Academic VP - Advancement VP - Financial Services & Admin. VP - Research VP - External Relations Wildlife Ecology Women's Centre Writing Intensive Learning Office Campus Services Bookstore & Spirit Shop Canada Post Campus Security Central Stores/Receiving Childcare Centre Document Solutions Health & Counselling Services Interfaith/Chaplaincy Ctr. Lost & Found Parking Physiotherapy Clinic Quadbooks/CopyRite Residence & Housing Travel Cuts Grid G28 G28 Q34 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 J25 H20 E27 Grid H21 H35 S34 M31 F13 I 21 I 21 G27 H19 I 22 I 18 I 22 I 12 H33 Bldg. SH SH DIS2 SH SH SH SH SH SCB TC EDB Bldg. MBC HUB DIS1 FM CCC MBC MBC AQ TC MBC LDC MBC DH CB Level 2000 2000 200 3000 2000 3000 3000 2000 8000 3000 7000 Level 3000 1000 100 0000 0000 3000 000 100 00 2000 1000 Academic Dept./Administrative Aboriginal Peoples, Office for Academic Advising Alumni Assoc./Relations Ancillary Services Applied Sciences, Faculty of (FAS) Archaeology Archaeology Museum Archives & Records Mgmt. Art Gallery Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Asia-Canada Program Athletics Beedie School of Business Biological Sciences Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology Board of Governors Bur. des affairs francophones et francophiles Cdn. Inst. for Health Research (CIHR) Campus Information Canadian Studies, Ctr. for Career Services Ceremonies & Events Office Chemistry CJSF 90.1 FM Radio Clinical Psychology Ctr. Cognitive Science Program Communication, School of Computing Science, School of Grid G26 I 22 G28 G28 L30 F27 F27 J22 I 25 G27 H27 I 17 G17 K25 K28 G28 H34 H18 H19 G24 I 21 G28 K24 H19 F29 E24 K28 J30 Bldg. AQ MBC SH SH ASB EDB EDB MBC AQ AQ AQ LDC WMC SCB SCK SH CB WMC TC AQ MBC SH SCC TC SWH RCB SCK ASB Level 3000 3000 2000 3000 9000 9000 8000 100 3000 6000 5000 100 3000 8000 9000 3000 2000 100 6000 100 2000 9000 200 9000 8000 9000 9000 Academic Dept./Administrative Contemporary Arts, School for the Continuing Studies Co-operative Education Co-operative Resource Mgmt. Inst. Coastal Studies, Ctr. for Counselling Services Creative Studio (formerly Creative Services) Criminal Justice Policy, Inst. for Studies in Criminology Dining Services Disabilities, Ctr. for Students with Distance Education Centre for Earth Sciences Economics Education, Faculty of Emergency & Continuity Planning Engineering Science, School of English Environment, Faculty of Environmental Health & Research Safety Excellence: Immigration, Ctr. for Experimental & Const. Maths, Ctr. for Facilities Services Faculty Association Fem. Inst. for Studies on Law and Society Financial Aid & Awards Finance First Nation Studies Grid G18 I 21 L31 G18 I 21 D26 E29 E28 G24 I 22 G18 L30 G16 E26 S34 J30 G25 L28 S34 G16 I 28 N33 G24 G17 I 22 G27 F27 Bldg. SCA WMC MBC TASC1 WMC MBC EDB SWH SWH AQ MBC WMC TASC1 WMC EDB DIS1 ASB AQ TASC2 DIS1 WMC SCP FS AQ WMC MBC SH SWH Level 1000 1000 8000 2000 100 7000 10000 10000 2000 1000 1000 7000 3000 8000 1000 9000 6000 8000 1000 4000 8000 100 2000 2000 3000 3000 9000 Grid R34 G16 E24 H27 F24 I 24 G27 I 21 F30 H27 I 26 G29 H24 H27 F24 H24 Q34 G28 K30 G27 G28 G27 H16 J26 H16 G28 K28 Bldg. DIS1 WMC RCB AQ HRBC AQ AQ SH MBC BLU AQ AQ SH AQ AQ RCB AQ DIS2 SH ASB SH SH AQ WMC SCP WMC SH SCK Academic Dept./Administrative Fraser International College French Geography Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Gerontology Global Political Economy Ctr. for Governance Studies, Inst. for Government Relations Graduate Studies & Postdoc. Fellows Health Sciences, Faculty of Hellenic Studies History Human Resources Human Rights Office Humanities, Department of Images Theatre Indigenous Student Centre Innovation Office Inst. Research & Planning (IRP) IRMACS Ctr. IT Services IT: Administrative Office IT: Computer Labs - West Mall Centre IT: Service Desk & Audio Visual - West Mall Centre IT: Network Services Kinesiology Level 1000 2000 7000 5000 2000 6000 6000 2000 1000 10000 6000 6000 2000 3000 5000 8000 2000 200 2000 10000 1000 1000 3000 2000 9000 2000 1000 9000 Bldg. AQ RCB RCB AQ AQ DFA MBC LIB HRBC/SRY RCB SCK HC SSB DH CB MBC WMC TASC2 MBC MBC WMC SCP AQ SH SH RCB MBC DIS2 Academic Dept./Administrative Labour Studies, Ctr. for Language Training Inst. Language Learning Ctr. Latin American Studies Program Lecture Theatres Leslie & Gordon Diamond Family Auditorium Let's Talk Science Partnership Prog. Library Lifelong Learning Linguistics Mathematics Meetings, Events & Conference Services Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Off Campus Housing Off. Francophones & Francophile Affairs Ombuds Office Online & Distance Education, Ctr. for Pacific Inst. for the Maths Sciences (PIMS) Peak Newspaper Peer Education Philosophy Physics Political Science President’s Office Procurement Psychology Registrar’s Office (Student Services) Research Services, Office of Grid I 25 E24 E25 H27 I 25 H22 H22 G22 F24 I 28 F23 L24 I 13 H34 I 21 G18 L28 H22 I 21 G16 K27 G24 G29 G28 D24 I 22 Q34 Level 5000 8000 7000 6000 3000 300 100 3000 9000 10000 1000 8000 1000 2000 1000 8000 2000 100 4000 8000 6000 3000 3000 5000 3000 200 Academic Dept./Administrative Resource & Environmental Mgmt. (REM) Safety & Risk Services (SRS) Campus Security Emergency & Continuity Planning Environmental Health & Research Safety Administration & Strategic Growth Risk Management Science Alive! Science, Dean & Faculty of SFU PIRG SFU Community Trust SFU International SFU International Student Lounge Simon Fraser University News Social Psychology Research Lab Sociology & Anthropology Statistical Consulting Service Statistics & Actuarial Science Student Central Student Development Student Learning Commons Student Services Student Society Sustainable Comm. Dev., Ctr. for Sustainability Office Teaching & Learning Centre (TLC) Tourism Policy & Research, Ctr. for Tour, Campus Bldg. TASC1 DIS1 DIS1 DIS1 DIS1 DIS1 DIS1 SCK TASC2 TC CB MBC AQ SH AQ AQ SCK SCK MBC MBC LIB MBC MBC WMC SHA EDB TASC1 MBC Level 8000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 9000 9000 300 1000 2000 2000 3000 5000 10000 10000 3000 2000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 7000 8000 3000 Grid L31 S34 S34 S34 S34 S34 S34 I 28 L28 H20 H33 I 21 H24 G28 F24 G26 I 28 I 29 H21 I 21 G22 I 21 I 21 G16 I 30 E26 L30 I 22 Name Academic Quadrangle Applied Science Building Barbara Rea House Blusson Hall Cornerstone Building Childcare Centre Campus Security Diamond Alumni Centre Leslie & Gordon Diamond Family Auditorium Dining Hall Discovery 1 Discovery 2 Education Building Facilities Services Hamilton Hall Halpern Centre Harbour Centre (Van) The Hub Lorne Davies Complex W.A.C. Bennett Library Maggie Benston Centre McTaggart-Cowan Hall Madge Hogarth House Pauline Jewett House Robert C. Brown Hall Shadbolt House Campus Building Legend Bldg. AQ ASB BRH BLU CB CCC CS DAC DFA DH DIS1 DIS2 EDB FM HAM HC HRBC HUB LDC LIB MBC MCH MHH PJH RCB SHB Name Goldcrop Centre for the Arts (Van) Shrum Science Centre Biology Shrum Science Centre Chemistry Shrum Science Centre Kinesiology Shrum Science Centre Physics South East Classroom Block Strand Hall Strand Hall Annex Shell House Residence Surrey Campus South Science Building Saywell Hall Technology & Science Complex 1 Technology & Science Complex 2 Transportation Centre Trottier Observatory Building West Mall Centre West Parkade Water Tower Building Bldg. SCA SCB SCC SCK SCP SECB SH SHA SHR SRY SSB SWH TASC1 TASC2 TC TOB WMC WP WTB 778-782-3111 778-782-3100 778-782-4500 604-444-4929 778-782-3253 Important Telephone Numbers SFU Directory Information (all campuses) Security -24 Hours Medical/Emergency Line -24 Hours Road Report Map Information A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 April 2016 Copyright @ Simon Fraser University

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Food Services on Campus Bubble World Cornerstone Restaurants Diamond Alumni Ctr. Dining Hall by Residences Discovery 1 Food Court Ga Won Guadalupe Higher Grounds Coffee Shop Highland Pub Jugo Juice Koya Japan Mackenzie Café Mr. Sub Nesters Market Renaissance Coffee AQ Renaissance Coffee ASB Simon’s C Store Starbucks WMC Starbucks CB The Hub Food Services The Ladle Tim Horton's Triple O's by White Spot

GridI 22H33C24I 13R34I 22I 22H22I 22F26I 22H27I 22H36F26J 29H24H18I 32H36I 21G17G24





Academic Dept./AdministrativeUniversity AdvancementUniversity CommunicationsUniversity Industry Liaison OfficeVP - AcademicVP - AdvancementVP - Financial Services & Admin.VP - ResearchVP - External RelationsWildlife EcologyWomen's CentreWriting Intensive Learning Office

Campus ServicesBookstore & Spirit Shop Canada PostCampus SecurityCentral Stores/ReceivingChildcare CentreDocument SolutionsHealth & Counselling ServicesInterfaith/Chaplaincy Ctr.Lost & FoundParkingPhysiotherapy ClinicQuadbooks/CopyRiteResidence & Housing Travel Cuts


GridH21H35S34M31F13I 21I 21G27H19I 22I 18I 22I 12H33







Academic Dept./AdministrativeAboriginal Peoples, Office forAcademic AdvisingAlumni Assoc./RelationsAncillary ServicesApplied Sciences, Faculty of (FAS)ArchaeologyArchaeology MuseumArchives & Records Mgmt.Art GalleryArts & Social Sciences, Faculty ofAsia-Canada ProgramAthletics Beedie School of BusinessBiological SciencesBiomedical Physiology & KinesiologyBoard of GovernorsBur. des affairs francophones et francophilesCdn. Inst. for Health Research (CIHR)Campus InformationCanadian Studies, Ctr. forCareer ServicesCeremonies & Events OfficeChemistryCJSF 90.1 FM RadioClinical Psychology Ctr.Cognitive Science ProgramCommunication, School of Computing Science, School of

GridG26I 22G28G28L30F27F27J22I 25G27H27I 17G17K25K28G28H34H18H19G24I 21G28K24H19F29E24K28J30




Academic Dept./AdministrativeContemporary Arts, School for the Continuing StudiesCo-operative EducationCo-operative Resource Mgmt. Inst.Coastal Studies, Ctr. forCounselling ServicesCreative Studio (formerly Creative Services)Criminal Justice Policy, Inst. for Studies inCriminologyDining ServicesDisabilities, Ctr. for Students withDistance Education Centre forEarth SciencesEconomicsEducation, Faculty ofEmergency & Continuity PlanningEngineering Science, School ofEnglishEnvironment, Faculty ofEnvironmental Health & Research SafetyExcellence: Immigration, Ctr. forExperimental & Const. Maths, Ctr. forFacilities ServicesFaculty AssociationFem. Inst. for Studies on Law and SocietyFinancial Aid & AwardsFinanceFirst Nation Studies


G18I 21L31G18I 21D26E29E28G24I 22G18L30G16E26S34J30G25L28S34G16I 28N33G24G17I 22G27F27





F24I 24G27I 21F30H27I 26G29H24H27F24H24Q34G28K30G27G28G27H16J26H16G28K28


Academic Dept./AdministrativeFraser International CollegeFrenchGeographyGender, Sexuality, and Women’s StudiesGerontologyGlobal Political Economy Ctr. forGovernance Studies, Inst. forGovernment RelationsGraduate Studies & Postdoc. FellowsHealth Sciences, Faculty ofHellenic StudiesHistoryHuman ResourcesHuman Rights OfficeHumanities, Department ofImages TheatreIndigenous Student CentreInnovation OfficeInst. Research & Planning (IRP)IRMACS Ctr.IT Services IT: Administrative Office IT: Computer Labs - West Mall Centre IT: Service Desk & Audio Visual - West Mall Centre IT: Network ServicesKinesiology



Academic Dept./AdministrativeLabour Studies, Ctr. forLanguage Training Inst.Language Learning Ctr.Latin American Studies ProgramLecture TheatresLeslie & Gordon Diamond Family AuditoriumLet's Talk Science Partnership Prog.LibraryLifelong LearningLinguisticsMathematicsMeetings, Events & Conference ServicesMolecular Biology & BiochemistryOff Campus HousingOff. Francophones & Francophile AffairsOmbuds OfficeOnline & Distance Education, Ctr. forPacific Inst. for the Maths Sciences (PIMS)Peak NewspaperPeer EducationPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePresident’s OfficeProcurementPsychologyRegistrar’s Office (Student Services)Research Services, Office of

GridI 25E24E25H27I 25H22H22G22

F24I 28F23L24I 13H34I 21G18L28H22I 21G16K27G24G29G28D24I 22Q34




Academic Dept./AdministrativeResource & Environmental Mgmt. (REM)Safety & Risk Services (SRS) Campus Security Emergency & Continuity Planning Environmental Health & Research Safety Administration & Strategic Growth Risk Management Science Alive!Science, Dean & Faculty ofSFU PIRGSFU Community TrustSFU InternationalSFU International Student LoungeSimon Fraser University NewsSocial Psychology Research LabSociology & AnthropologyStatistical Consulting ServiceStatistics & Actuarial ScienceStudent CentralStudent DevelopmentStudent Learning CommonsStudent ServicesStudent SocietySustainable Comm. Dev., Ctr. forSustainability OfficeTeaching & Learning Centre (TLC)Tourism Policy & Research, Ctr. forTour, Campus




GridL31S34S34S34S34S34S34I 28L28H20H33I 21H24G28F24G26I 28I 29H21I 21G22I 21I 21G16I 30E26L30I 22

NameAcademic QuadrangleApplied Science BuildingBarbara Rea HouseBlusson Hall Cornerstone BuildingChildcare CentreCampus SecurityDiamond Alumni CentreLeslie & Gordon Diamond Family AuditoriumDining HallDiscovery 1Discovery 2Education BuildingFacilities ServicesHamilton Hall Halpern CentreHarbour Centre (Van)The HubLorne Davies ComplexW.A.C. Bennett LibraryMaggie Benston CentreMcTaggart-Cowan HallMadge Hogarth HousePauline Jewett HouseRobert C. Brown HallShadbolt House



NameGoldcrop Centre for the Arts (Van)Shrum Science Centre BiologyShrum Science Centre ChemistryShrum Science Centre KinesiologyShrum Science Centre PhysicsSouth East Classroom BlockStrand HallStrand Hall AnnexShell House ResidenceSurrey CampusSouth Science BuildingSaywell HallTechnology & Science Complex 1Technology & Science Complex 2Transportation CentreTrottier Observatory BuildingWest Mall CentreWest ParkadeWater Tower Building



Important Telephone NumbersSFU Directory Information (all campuses)Security -24 HoursMedical/Emergency Line -24 HoursRoad ReportMap Information























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Copyright @ Simon Fraser University