sf homeless encampment relocation and accommodation policy

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 SF Homeless Encampment Relocation and Accommodation Policy


    SF Homeless Encampment Relocation and Accommodation Policy

    Policies for managing existing homeless encampments:

    •  Sidewalks must be free from obstruction to ensure compliance with ADA.

    •  Routine cleaning of areas where homeless people are sleeping must occur

    outside of the hours between 10:00 pm to 7:00 am.•  A camp size of more than 30 people in a 150-foot radius triggers a responsibility

    by the city to provide adequate bathroom and garbage services.

    •  When property is taken from homeless people, notice must be given to homeless

    individuals as to process for getting property, and the city must maintain,

    catalogue and store property for 120 days

    In the case of relocation of an encampment:

    •  Outreach and engagement by city and/or non-profit organizations must happen

    to assess the needs of campers, and solicit input on planned relocation.


    Develop and carry out communication plan with neighbors, both residential and

    business, camp residents and all stakeholders to inform them of time line and


    •  City must partner with camp residents to create relocation plan.

    •  Campers/homeless people must be given 15-day notice to evict.


    The city must identify permanent housing that does not displace current

    residents, if none is readily available, must provide temporary housing that does

    not displace currently homeless people and a transition plan for permanent units

    later within a reasonable time period.


    If no housing or temporary housing is available, the city must give campers anextension, work with homeless and housed residents to make sure needs are

    met, and provide sanitation services including bathrooms and garbage service

    until housing is available.